English in two weeks... Spoken English in two weeks Use what you already know

If you speak to a person in a language that he understands, you are speaking to his mind. If you speak his native language, you speak to his heart.

Nelson Mandela

We have written more than once about the benefits of studying the second, third, or. This is an excellent exercise for the brain, improves cognitive abilities, allows you to better concentrate on tasks and protect yourself from external stimuli, and is a prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

But we are all busy people and the standard time frame for learning a foreign language (4–5 years) does not suit us. The pace of life has accelerated, and so has everything else. And a huge number of methods have appeared that allow you to cope with this task in 3 months.

In a guest post on Zen Habits, Maneesh Sethi, author of the blog Hack The System, shares his technique. He studied foreign languages ​​for four years and now speaks English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and German. It took Manish 3 months to learn Italian, 2 months to learn Spanish and about 3 weeks to learn Portuguese.

Manish Sethi believes that in order to successfully and quickly learn a foreign language, you first need to change your approach - to become an active student who does not just allow himself to be taught, but takes part in the process and constantly asks questions.

The only “but” in this system: in order to learn a new language in 90 days, you must spend at least 3-4 hours learning every day and study with a teacher for at least the first month. If you do not have such an opportunity, then the deadlines are extended, but at the same time they still remain much less than the standard language learning time frames.

Study Strategies

  1. Find the right resources. Grammar textbooks, films, books and programs for memorizing words.
  2. Hire a tutor. At least for one month. Exercising 4 hours a day is recommended, but not required.
  3. Try to speak and think in the language you are learning. Practice with the dictionary every day.
  4. Find friends who speak this language. Ideally, if they are native speakers of the target language.

90 Day Study Plan

First month

This is a period of intensive language learning and working with a tutor. According to Manish, group activities relax you and allow you to be lazy. One-on-one lessons with a teacher speed up your language learning and constantly keep you on your toes. Every day you should learn 30 new words.

Why exactly 30? Because after 90 days you will know about 80% of the language and your vocabulary (just under 3,000 words) will be quite enough for free communication.

Second month

After the first intensive month of study, you are already quite capable of communicating with native speakers. After all, it is communication, and not completing tasks from a textbook, that allows us to remember new words and phrases well.

The ideal would be to visit the country whose language you are studying. But I think that if this is not possible, visiting speaking clubs will be enough.

Third month

By the third month, your expected level of language proficiency should be enough to watch movies and read books. In this case, you must learn 30 new words every day throughout the entire period.

Manish also believes that if you don’t have a partner, it would be very cool to find a partner who is a native speaker. Once he met a man (American) who spoke Russian fluently. Manish asked how long it took him to learn this complex language. To which he replied: “Two wives.”

Useful Resources

Now comes the most important part: the resources and applications that will allow you to cope with the task at hand.


You can use special applications to memorize words. If you prefer Apple devices, then you may find the Genius app useful. The app carefully selects questions or words using a spaced repetition method. The more often you make mistakes, the more often the program will ask you questions. Manish recommends having the program suggest a word in your native language that needs to be translated into a foreign language. Then it will be better remembered, because translating from your native language into a foreign language is always more difficult. And we are not looking for easy ways.


In addition to the familiar Google Translate, you may find WordReference.com (for working with most Romance languages) and dict.cc (for learning German) useful.

Conversation Practice Resources

For speaking practice, you can take a look at The Mixxer - a resource that allows you to find interlocutors for speaking practice via Skype.

If you are not yet familiar with Couchsurfing.org, read on. Meetup.com goes into the same piggy bank.

I would like to add a few words of my own. I understand perfectly well that such an accelerated method of learning a foreign language is inaccessible to many. Still, 4 hours of classes every day for a month is for many a much more expensive pleasure than the monthly cost of classes with a tutor.

Unfortunately, we cannot download a software package with languages ​​directly into our brains. But if you study with a teacher at least two or three times a week, expand your vocabulary by 30 new words every day, read books, watch movies and try to think in the language you are learning, then you should definitely succeed. And of course, talk, talk and talk wherever possible.

Is it really necessary to go to another country to learn a language? Or can this be done at home, and in a short time? Perhaps in just one week? If you devote seven days to achieving one goal, will it work? If you want to learn a language quickly, then our seven tips will be really useful to you.

1. Define your goal

Lesson: Be clear about your goal at the very beginning, and then find ways to achieve it.

If you set yourself the task of learning a foreign language in one week, first you need to choose which one. Making a choice is quite easy. Just look around and determine which one will be most useful to you. English is a classic language, knowing which you can feel confident in most countries of the world.

2. Take notes

Lesson: From the very beginning, label all the objects around you using the words of the language you will learn. This way you can build and strengthen associations passively, without interrupting your daily concerns.

The first step for an operational learning process is to “decorate” your entire apartment with notes. On small stickers you must write down all the words from the dictionary that represent the objects around you. From now on, when you do any daily task, be it brewing coffee or turning on the electricity, you will first need to repeat at least three different words that are associated with this action.

3. Find a partner

Lesson: There is no motivation like having a peer who has the same goal. Whether you are motivated by competition or a sense of mutual responsibility, the mere presence of another person will put just the right amount of pressure on you to keep moving in the right direction.

The importance of having a partner will become clear already at the stage when you hang stickers around the house. This simple task can be complicated by small tests that you give each other. Plus, you can explore different topics and become a source of knowledge for each other. By the end of your school week, you will be able to carry on everyday conversations in the language you are learning. For example, ask a friend if he wants tea or coffee, ask him to cook dinner, or agree on where you will relax this evening. Practice is an important part of learning, so don't ignore it.

4. Prepare mini-motivations

Lesson: You need guidelines on the way to your goal. They will consist of small problems (for example, communicating in the target language at an everyday level), which will force you to additionally study some groups of vocabulary in order to overcome them. The satisfaction you will receive after solving this problem will motivate you to achieve greater heights.

These mini-tasks can be very different. For example, if you have friends who already know the language you are learning or are native speakers, try exchanging a few phrases with them. No doubt they will praise you for how quickly you learned the basic words. Then you can learn the names of food items as well as numbers and go shopping. The same principle will work here as with stickers; you will need to repeat the name of the next fruit in a foreign language while you are doing your shopping. Knowing that you are making progress will give you the strength and desire to return home and continue your studies.

5. Surround yourself with new knowledge

Lesson: Find a way to connect everything you do to your studies. Surround yourself with food, music, and movies that are relevant to the language you're learning, so that even during a break, your brain will continue to absorb new information. This will also help keep you motivated.

For example, if you are learning Turkish, surround yourself with different types of Turkish foods. So during lunch you can read information about the nutritional value of this dish, as well as gain additional knowledge and expand your vocabulary. This way you can fully concentrate on the learning process without interrupting it. Of course, during moments of rest, the intensity of study will drop, but it will not completely dissipate.

6. Use what you already know

Lesson: The more often you recall what you have already learned, the more likely it is that you will be able to remember this information even after some time. You can draw parallels and compare the language you already know with the one you are currently learning.

Use your knowledge to better learn a new language. If you use associations, new words will never be forgotten. Even if you only know your native language, you will most likely encounter words that sound or spell similar to Russian.

7. Add some flair

Lesson: So you already know how to achieve what you want and have decided on your favorite methods for learning a new language. But it must have the same number of sources as the native one.

You may spend a lot of time learning the language through books, your computer, or apps, but try to find other sources as well. This could be movies, radio, music, even football matches if the commentator speaks the language you are learning. There is no single source that will help you learn a language and speak it fluently. You must write, read, speak and listen. These are the basic skills and you should not limit yourself to any of them. Try something new every day. Add some flair to your learning a new language.

Reviews about Easy Phrases (learning foreign languages ​​using the Allen Collins method) on the Internet are surprisingly positive. If you believe them, then literally everyone immediately begins to speak a foreign language. Modern man will think twice: is it worth believing this? Is it true that these are real reviews of Easy Phrases by Allen Collins? Or is this just another tempting offer being advertised for the lazy and busy who want to get everything at once, with a minimum of effort?

What is it about?

If you believe the reviews posted on the Virtual Web, the Easy Phrases system, developed by a polyglot, world-famous Swede, makes it possible to master a language in a short time. Collins himself is fluent in 23 languages, and based on his vast experience, he was able to create a unique system. If you believe the reviews of Easy Phrases by Allen Collins, just two weeks - and the foreign language is already completely in your head.

A reasonable person will think twice, is this even possible in principle? Of course, the capabilities of our brain have not been fully studied to this day, but still, what was promised seems like magic. Reviews about Easy Phrases cards inspire confidence, but only at first glance. Most modern people understand that in reality miracles do not happen, which means that a completely foreign language cannot be grasped in just a couple of weeks without much effort. And yet the new technique seems to challenge established opinions. Reviews of Easy Phrases interactive cards try to convince users that for a small fee they will get access to a unique product.

Believe it or not?

What is significant is that positive reviews of Allen Collins’ Easy Phrases cards are predominantly published on those sites that sell access to this course. But it is very difficult to find more or less intelligible information on independent resources. It seems as if people don’t buy this product at all, and if they do buy it, they don’t talk about their experience anywhere. But as for sites working in the field of providing access to the product, the information on them can only be trusted with a very big stretch. Of course, this is where there are the most positive reviews about the interactive cards Easy Phrases by Allen Collins, but you need to understand that this is an interested party and no one can vouch for the accuracy and reliability of the published data.

At the same time, it is known that all the techniques of the 25th frame, magic cards, interactive approaches have long been “brought to light”, and the public has debunked the myths about their magical effect. Can we assume that the reviews about the Easy Phrases interactive flashcard system are really true, and that this product is so different from all the others in the same category? Of course, you can take risks, but counting on something magical hardly makes sense.

What does the advertisement say?

As the sites distributing access to the new product assure, the cards are completely different from the classic system for learning a foreign language. Allegedly real reviews about Easy Phrases indicate that you can master English at any age - from primary school to old age. Just two weeks - and now everyone you know will be amazed at how good a person has become, who previously had no idea how to speak English.

It's never too late

By the way, allegedly real reviews about Easy Phrases advise using this method to study not only English, but also other languages, for example, Spanish, German. According to some, you can even master several subjects at once, and each will take no more than two weeks. Magic, and that's all! But is there a place for magic in the real world? Distributors assure that no one will believe that it is possible to master a foreign language to such a level in just a couple of weeks. And this is true: even professionals in the field of linguistics say that in a couple of weeks you can only memorize a few phrases, remember them, but not learn a language. This is simply unrealistic, no matter how much you would like it.

As the distributors of the Allen Collins course assure, it is never too late to start learning a new language. Philologists and linguists fully support this position. Indeed, learning a new language trains the brain well, reduces the risk of dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and also trains memory. At the same time, experts assure: you can really master a language only over a fairly long period of time, with intense practice and constant study. The optimal result will be brought by at least six months, and more often - two or three years of training at least twice a week (and preferably more often). The duration of one lesson is at least three hours. It is better to study with a teacher, then the efficiency will be higher, and when working with self-instructions, the process of mastering is delayed for a longer time, but certainly not two weeks. As can be seen from the recommendations of experts, it is unlikely that the reviews about Easy Phrases are real.

What does this give?

As supposedly real reviews about Easy Phrases promise, a person will not feel any changes, however, just two weeks from the start of the course, he will be able to calmly read articles on foreign websites, magazines and newspapers. Moreover, magic cards will help you easily start speaking a foreign language. This will certainly arouse the admiration of loved ones and the respect of superiors. There is no doubt that such successes will provoke considerable advancement up the career ladder. Moreover, you can try to find a new job in an international corporation or even go abroad, because there will no longer be a language barrier.

On the other hand, people, especially those who have already tried to learn a foreign language on their own or with a teacher, can imagine how unlikely such an effect is. Distributors of access to the course promise that mastering will be almost automatic, that this is the only possible system to speed up memorization by optimizing the presentation of information. But in reality, no multimedia cards, unfortunately, can reprogram the human brain. Of course, foreign languages ​​(or one specific one) are quite easy for them, but this is an individual feature that has nothing to do with the method of presenting information.

Does it matter?

Of course, no one denies that there are more effective methods of learning a foreign language and those that make the process difficult and slow. Thus, when learning a language through a tutorial, a person faces many difficulties. There is no one to explain incomprehensible moments, it is difficult to navigate mistakes, it is often difficult to organize yourself for long-term productive work - this requires perseverance and willpower.

It would seem that Easy Phrases cards could solve all these problems, they are fun to study, and in just two weeks you can master English perfectly. But there are no such magical methods (and reviews from linguistic experts confirm this) that would allow you to master the language so quickly and really well.

Easy Phrases: what is it?

Under this name, a system of multimedia cards is presented on the market of specific educational products, which, as distributors say, has no analogues, but in just a couple of weeks it will teach the user to speak and understand a foreign language. As the sites offering access to the course assure, the peculiarity of the program is that it is fully used as quickly as possible, and understanding is at its best.

As the distributors of Easy Phrases assure, the traditional approach uses only a small percentage of a person’s real capabilities, which concerns not only memory, but also associative abilities. The cognitive process does not receive the necessary support, brain structures are not active. But multimedia cards are designed completely differently, and due to the peculiarities of the approach, the brain is one hundred percent active. This means that the abilities that are given to man by nature are realized to the fullest extent. For most people, these resources spend their entire lives dormant. Distributors of Easy Phrases encourage you to awaken your full potential.

By the way...

Both the themes and capabilities of various cards, programs, special courses and sleep training have long assured ordinary people that a person only partially uses his brain. Some say that half, others insist on ten percent, and some even assure that only one, or even some small fraction of one percent. But scientists have a completely different opinion. Studies of brain activity, carried out using the most accurate and modern equipment, have shown that all areas of brain tissue are constantly active, even during sleep.

In fact, we not only use all the capabilities of the brain, although we do not understand how it works, we use them to a greater extent than we can imagine. Unfortunately, as advanced research has shown, there are no hidden resources through which the real capabilities of the brain would be increased tenfold.

Two-week course: what are the promises

As the distributors of the Easy Phrases course explain, this program simultaneously activates both hemispheres of the brain. The information that a person hears is processed by the brain in the left half, while the picture takes up the resources of the right side. At the same time, the interaction provokes the brain to work more productively - the speed increases, according to the distributors of the course, by as much as five times. This means that cognitive abilities are growing, a person remembers new words more easily, easily finds an analogy for them in his native language, and forms strong associative series. In fact, memorization occurs automatically.

Fast and efficient

According to the creators of the Easy Phrases course, just a few days will add two hundred foreign words to your vocabulary. A week will pass, and a person will be surprised at how much wider the choice of previously alien words available to him has become. Well, two weeks will help you overcome the notorious one, which means that conversation will cease to be a frightening problem. A person who has completed such a course will be able to easily express a thought of any complexity, resorting to a new, just mastered language.

Thanks to Easy Phrases, if you believe the recommendations, reviews and assurances of distributors, you will not need to select words to describe phenomena; they will appear on their own in the desired language without any mental effort. But if success was not achieved, then the distributors even promise to return the money, for which they operate a guarantee program.

Without difficulty: can you catch a fish from a pond?

In the old days, the saying about the fisherman was extremely relevant. Many understood that it was possible to get a result, especially a high-quality one, only when efforts were made to it. But now there are more and more people who are convinced that a magical technique will help achieve everything they want without much effort.

Should you trust the reviews? The few reviews that can be found not on the distributors' websites mainly express a negative impression of the course. Users say that the cards are useless, have no real effect, and, of course, no one returns the money. Distributors simply ignore angry letters from people who are dissatisfied with the product, or they reply that the clients themselves are to blame for everything because they did not use the course according to the instructions.

Cheap and cheerful

For a course of Easy Phrases cards they are currently asking about three thousand rubles. If you carefully read the terms and conditions on the site, you will notice that the distributor makes a reservation: the duration of mastering a foreign language varies from person to person, so some people can really do it in two weeks, while others will need a lot more time and effort.

As experts in the field of learning foreign languages ​​say, if you want to try “express methods”, then it’s better to start with free ones - fortunately there are a lot of such courses. Well, if a student is willing to spend money on learning a foreign language, then a much more reasonable investment would be to buy a tutorial written by a trustworthy author (it costs five times less than the multimedia cards described), and the best effect will come from regular lessons with a teacher. It is not necessary to hire a tutor - you can study in a group, it will be much cheaper.

Of course, you won’t be able to suddenly stun your acquaintances, relatives and friends with your knowledge of a foreign language literally out of nowhere, but the program will actually produce results. But as for multimedia cards, which supposedly use some (non-existent, according to scientists) secret brain reserves, their effectiveness is still a big question.

The teachers of the Master Class school know how to learn English in 2 weeks (8 classes are taught by Russian specialists and native speakers). What is the essence of the technique? It is aimed at the so-called “brainstorming”, during which students remember about 800 words for each lesson. Consolidation of the learned material is carried out through communication with a native speaker.

Will English language courses help you recognize foreign speech from scratch in 2 weeks?

This largely depends on the student's abilities. In principle, this is possible, but it requires a lot of effort. Master Class teachers will teach you how to use the acquired skills effectively and quickly, which guarantees successful self-learning in the future.

How to learn English in a week?

We also offer this method of teaching on an individual basis (with a teacher visiting your home). The minimum cost of the course is 5 thousand rubles (1 month, 8 lessons). For 14 thousand you can hire a native speaker. In this case, within a month, listening will be an easy task for you.

Cost of English courses

The cost of training is indicated per month (16 academic hours). Meetings take place 2 times a week. The cost includes the teacher visiting the office or home.

How to learn any foreign language in 2-3 weeks

  • You study some foreign language for months and cannot really speak
  • You just can’t learn to understand speech and speak, even though you know how to write and read
  • You can't seem to master grammar
  • You quickly forget words after you have memorized them.
  • You are afraid to communicate with native speakers
  • You do a bunch of different exercises, but to no avail
  • You spend a lot of money on courses and tutors, but are making slow progress
  • You can't find any motivation to learn a language
  • You learn the language using boring textbooks and courses
In this course you will learn how to solve these problems.
Course program:



How many skills and aspects are there in a language?
In what order should you master them?
when learning a language
2 mistakes in language learning that most people make

How to find motivation in learning a language
How to set a language learning goal
3 main points influencing self-motivation in language

How to stop treating language as a school subject
How and with what to associate language
How to become natural with the language

How to believe that you can master a language
Why most people can't master a language
4 Powerful Principles That Will Advance Your Language Learning

As a result of the first module, you will learn about how we will generally master a foreign language, and prepare for mastering the language. This stage is very important, although many people neglect it. Here you will learn how to motivate yourself to learn a language, how to get a feel for the language before you start learning a language, and how to believe in yourself that you can speak the language.


What should you focus on when learning a language?
What grammatical structures need to be mastered
A step-by-step algorithm that makes it easy to master grammar
What materials to use

3 stages of memorizing words
How many words do you need to know
4 Best Ways to Choose Words
What words to remember
4 Powerful Principles That Will Increase Your Efficiency in Memorizing Words
Step-by-step algorithm for memorizing words (without cramming)
How to remember words for a long time
Algorithm for translating words into long-term memory

In what order should words and grammatical structures be mastered?
What to master in a language to get results
Ready checklist
What resources to use

3 reasons why you can't learn to understand speech
3 stages of developing speech understanding skills
What materials to use
2 step-by-step algorithms that allow you to quickly learn to understand speech

A simple algorithm for developing this skill
What resources to use for language practice
2 powerful tools to develop this skill
What fears and barriers arise when practicing the language?
How to overcome these fears and barriers

As a result of this module, you will essentially learn those 20% of tasks in the language that need to be mastered, and most importantly, how to master them. You will receive specific step-by-step algorithms for developing speaking and understanding skills, mastering grammatical structures and memorizing words. And you will learn what and how to master in order to get quick results.


2 problems that arise when reading texts and books in a foreign language
What materials to use to develop this skill
Step-by-step algorithm for working with text

2 problems that arise when writing in a foreign language
4 Powerful Tools to Develop This Skill
2 strong principles that allow you to make great progress in developing this skill

How should you actually pronounce it?
2 step-by-step pronunciation algorithms
What materials to use
2 very important principles of pronunciation

Let's summarize the entire course
Let's put everything into the system
Get a little guidance to take action.

As a result of this module, you will learn how to develop your language skills in the future. How to move on to films, books, pronunciation. And get step-by-step algorithms for working with texts and text translations. You will also learn the most powerful tools for developing writing and pronunciation skills.

As a result, 5 hours of intensive work on how to learn foreign languages ​​correctly, quickly and easily.

Take it here: