Prediction for the year of psychics for the world

Predicted difficult times. According to the seer, the coming period is destined to become decisive for all humanity. It is difficult to say exactly what the prophecy left to descendants implies. Meanwhile, experts in the field of secret knowledge came to the conclusion: we are talking about some kind of global catastrophe or epidemic.

Astrologer Pavel Globa in its forecasts pays more attention to the economic and political atmosphere on the planet. According to his authoritative opinion, the global crisis will subside and many countries will begin to gradually strengthen their domestic economies from 2017. However, ordinary people will have to deal with the consequences of recession and desolation for a long time, which will be reflected in a far from decent standard of living.

Renowned climate scientist James Hansen, specializing in natural anomalies, draws information about the future from more mundane sources. The professor predicts the rapid melting of glaciers, which will entail dire consequences. According to an American researcher, part of Australia, as well as the coasts of Denmark and Italy, are at risk of going under water. Many countries with territories adjacent to seas and large rivers will face large-scale flooding of populated areas due to strong overflow of water from their banks. At the same time, Siberia, in conditions of abnormal heat, will be overwhelmed by fires, destroying everything in its path.

In works left as a legacy Blavatsky and Tsiolkovsky, 2017 is referred to as the beginning of a new era, which will be marked by a breakthrough in the development of high technology. An interesting prophecy of the mediums of his time was a hint of a special rapprochement between planet Earth and the cosmic world. The indisputable facts of the existence of other civilizations will be revealed, and life outside the solar system will make itself known. But there are also caveats: depending on how rationally the relationship of earthlings with nature and space develops, humanity will either benefit or end its mortal existence.

Psychic Alexey Pokhabov in his forecasts he focused on the prospects for the global economy. According to him, the coming period will bring a significant increase in prices for natural resources, the reserves of which are rapidly being depleted. In such conditions, prosperity awaits only countries that still own sufficient deposits and engage in mining. The clairvoyant Bakhyt Zhumatova touched upon a very relevant and painful topic: she predicts a weakening of global terrorism. Of course, all the evil on the planet will not disappear in the blink of an eye, and the coming times will be shaken by more than one bloody act. But the existence of large-scale groups is doomed, and by the end of 2017, the majority of the planet will find the calm of peaceful life.

What awaits us in 2017: predictions of astrologers

Many eminent astrologers have proven in practice that their predictions really coincide with events occurring in the future. This means that you should still listen to the words of the servants of the stars in order to draw the right conclusions and try to avoid making some mistakes. In anticipation of the coming year, let's turn to the predictions of experts who draw information from the celestial bodies.

Greatest Genius Leonardo da Vinci He left as a legacy to his descendants several vivid prophecies, among which the upcoming 2017 is mentioned. A man who had unique, versatile abilities and was passionate about astronomy, already in his distant times foresaw a serious threat to the planet against the backdrop of significant climate change. Many countries will experience the consequences of neglecting the Earth and the riches given by nature.

Representative of a galaxy of famous astrologers - Alexander Astrogor, does not have positive forecasts. He is confident that the onset of a new period will bring with it the widespread spread and raging of various epidemics. It is possible that you will encounter new viruses and diseases, from which you will not be able to find salvation right away. In his predictions, Astrogor refers to the opposition of two planets (Saturn and Neptune), leading to inevitable losses.

Tamara Globa 2017 promises to be a turning point in the development of many countries, including Russia. In general, her forecasts are more optimistic. Stable economic growth is expected, leading to improvements in the well-being of many people. As for negative phenomena - bloodshed, catastrophes, natural disasters, natural disasters - they will not decrease. However, the understanding that humanity is gaining about the fragility of its life and the planet will make it possible to better prevent dire and tragic consequences.

An astrologer supports the positive mood of a colleague Vlad Ross. In his opinion, a significant weakening of conflict situations is expected, both between countries and in personal relationships between people. However, the desired calm has a chance to give way to a storm by the end of the year. The reason for the negative changes will be the completion of the cyclical movement of the planets, which can lead to revolutionary unrest, coups d'état, and a change of power in particularly unstable regions.

Alexander Zaraev categorical in pessimistic forecasts. For 2017, he predicts only a worsening of existing conflicts and an aggravation of revolutionary situations. Against the backdrop of instability, new crisis phenomena will begin to intensify. Meanwhile, the astrologer notes that the difficult period is destined to be an impetus, with the help of which it will be possible to turn the tide of events and prepare the ground for a happier and brighter future. But in order to move to the next level, many countries and nationalities will have to go through considerable trials.

What awaits Ukraine in 2017

The events taking place in Ukraine leave few people indifferent. Residents of the country, and concerned citizens beyond its borders, cherish hopes for quick favorable changes. For this reason, the forecasts of people with the gift of foresight regarding the development of the situation in various spheres of life on Ukrainian lands in the coming 2017 are of keen interest.

Turning to the predictions of the great soothsayer Vangelia Pandeeva, known as Vanga, the picture that emerges is not the most rosy, but not without positive preconditions. According to Vanga, the coming period for Ukraine will still be a difficult time. No fundamental shifts towards positive changes are expected. Only decent, conscientious leaders can somehow influence the situation. But try to find them, and even individual representatives will find it difficult to settle in the conditions of a government mired in corruption.

Ukrainians will be helped to survive the difficult year of 2017 by their indestructible inner spirit and belief that the current situation will someday come to an end. Tangible changes for the better will begin only when a person stops thinking exclusively about himself and saving himself alone, and begins to act for the benefit of his neighbor. The historian and astrologer of our days, Pavel Globa, made forecasts for Ukraine until 2020 a few years ago. As for the coming period, according to his predictions, hostilities will not subside, the economy will continue to slide into the abyss, and prices will rise at an incredible pace. There is only one reassurance: despite the difficult living conditions, people will not have to starve. It will be possible to stabilize the situation only in a few years and subject to the creation of a coalition of Orthodox countries that will take Ukraine under their wing.

Some of Globa’s forecasts echo Vanga’s prophecies. The astrologer also believes that only a strong leader can resolve the conflict situation, including the one that has overwhelmed the south-eastern part of the country. A person who has the abilities of a persuasive speaker and negotiator will, through his good deeds, achieve authority and trust, which will allow Ukraine to set a course for a better future.

The words do not sound like a very encouraging prognosis psychic and numerologist Lyudmila Zhukova, which believes that in 2017 the Ukrainian people will face new revolutionary unrest. Troubled moods will overwhelm most of the country, which will negatively affect the development of all aspects of the internal and external life of Ukraine.

One of the strongest participants in the Ukrainian “Battle of Psychics” - Yakov Shneerson, did not make loud statements, limiting himself to some recommendations for compatriots for 2017. He advises holding on to your jobs more tightly, “tightening your belts” for a while, starting to save and thinking about savings. According to the young talent, the coming period will still bring some stabilization. However, we can hope for serious positive changes no earlier than 2019.

The most interesting and popular predictions for 2017 for Russia from famous psychics and clairvoyants.

Prophecies of Nostradamus for 2017

The first prediction speaks of the inevitability of the Third World War, which will affect all major states, including Russia. The confrontation between the countries should end in 2017. During the war, new chemical weapons will be tested, the consequences of which will result in severe skin diseases.
Europe will suffer the most from the war. The population here will decrease significantly and the European continent will become empty. And then Russia will take first place, where the remaining European population will begin to gather and settle in Siberia. Russia will accept everyone and become the new “cradle of civilization.” Later it will be joined by China, which in 2018 will become a completely independent power claiming global leadership.
In addition, in his forecasts he associates 2017 with the rise of the global economy. The energy revolution associated with the improvement of solar energy storage methods will provide people with cheap electricity, the transportation of which will not require anything. The energy will spread through the air.

Vanga's predictions

It is necessary to clarify that Vanga never spoke about exact dates, only approximately about a specific period of time. However, some analysts are trying to structure the seer’s predictions by year.
The famous fortuneteller Vanga prophesies Russia in the 21st century with extraordinary spiritual strength and great economic power, which will give hope to our entire world and bring spiritual revival throughout the planet.
Vangelia always emphasized in her predictions that Russia would seem to awaken from sleep, reject everything that was discreditable and negative, and would become famous as a superpower. Russia will subjugate the whole world, but not by force and blood, but by authority.
“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia... She will sweep away everything from her path and will not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world.”

Predictions of psychic Alexander Sheps for 2017

Psychic Alexander Sheps, who is the winner of the “Battle of Psychics,” made his statement regarding the coming 2017. According to the promising forecaster, Russia's influence in the geopolitical arena will begin to rapidly increase, and powerful countries will begin to seek support from Russia.
According to Sheps, next summer the European Union and the United States will completely lift sanctions from our country and will stop returning to the issue of Ukraine and Crimea. These positive changes will have a beneficial effect on the country's economy. The Russian ruble will gradually strengthen against the dollar, although it will never reach its previous positions.
Speaking about Ukraine, Alexander Sheps predicts another coup for this country, although this time without street clashes and bloodshed. The country's parliament will announce its dissolution, and after this the head of state will also resign. The new political force that will lead Ukraine will begin to establish relationships with both Russia and the European Union.

Prophecies of Pavel Globa for 2017

For Russia, 2017 will be a very difficult year, but not hopeless. In this difficult year, all countries of the world are facing a serious crisis: unemployment and currency devaluation. The Russian economy will be based on the sale of energy resources, this will allow it to “stay afloat” and strengthen its influence in the world. As for the United States, the country faces ruin and loss of authority.
The astrologer also talks about the reunification of the Russian Federation; the republics of Belarus and Kazakhstan will want to join it. Following them, the annexation of Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well as part of Ukraine, is likely. The unfolding global collapse, the beginning of which we are already seeing today, will cause irreparable damage to Europe and the United States. The European Union will be on the verge of collapse, and economic instability in Europe will significantly reduce its authority in the world political arena.
Also, this large-scale crisis will not bypass the world currency - the American dollar. A sharp depreciation awaits him.
Regarding the internal political situation in our country, the astrologer predicts an alarming situation. The revolutionary rebellion and mass protests will grow more and more, the goal of which will be to overthrow the current government. All these riots will lead to civilian casualties. The risk of terrorist attacks will also increase, reports the portal
Next year, the whole world will face natural disasters: tsunamis, earthquakes, floods. A large number of accidents, both transport and plane crashes, are also predicted. In Siberia, an astrologer predicts fires.
According to Pavel Globa, it is Russia that will become the driving force that can lead the whole world out of the process of stagnation and push for change.

Let's look at the predictions for 2018 for Russia from the strongest psychics. The year is coming to an end, so we can well assess the reliability of the forecasts of clairvoyants, magicians and mediums.

Most of the predictions about what awaits us in 2018 concern the economic situation in the country. Psychic Litvin prophesied the following:

  • Sanctions from America and the European Union will seriously affect the standard of living of Russian citizens. Many people will find themselves in financial impasse. To solve the situation, people need to unite and act together.
  • It is very important that people pay great attention to spiritual values. Only then will the country be able to emerge from the crisis and overcome all adversity. Lytvyn believes that propaganda needs to start in the media.
  • Litvin also prophesies a reshuffle in the government. Many politicians will lose their positions, and they will be replaced by wise and strong people who will help the country restore a stable economic situation.

The psychic also predicts a decrease in the level of corruption. This will also affect the economic situation in a favorable way.

Alexander Sheps

The most prominent participant in the “Battle of Psychics” gained authority among people. His predictions almost always came true, so it’s worth listening to them.

The gloomy image of Sheps also affects his prophecies. He did not give the most favorable forecast for Russia:

  1. Sheps believes that the country's future will not be easy. The crisis will continue for several more years. Prices will rise, the population will suffer from increased taxes. The average income will decrease, there is no need to talk about economic stability.
  2. Because of the plight, people will sooner or later rebel. A wave of rallies will take place across the country. In this way, citizens will desperately try to get the attention of the government. Even military conflicts are likely.
  3. The Russian ruble will continue to fall rapidly, because of this, people will prefer to store their savings in foreign currency.
  4. It will be extremely difficult to recover from the economic crisis, so a favorable period for the country will not begin soon.
  5. But not everything is so sad: over time, the unemployment rate will decrease, Russian specialists will become in demand in international companies.
  6. Production will begin to develop. Due to economic sanctions, Russia will begin to create its own high-quality analogue products, which will provide the population with new jobs.
  7. A favorable period will come for small businesses.

We should hope that the crisis will end quickly; you just need to be patient a little, and the economic situation will stabilize.

Fatima Khadueva

This clairvoyant sees the future of the country in rosy colours. She predicts well-being and prosperity that will come after 2018. Russia will withstand the attacks of the West and will take the path of economic recovery.

Agriculture will develop, which will also have a good effect on the country's economy. Medicine will also improve, patient care in clinics will be of better quality.

Tamara Globa

According to the astrologer, a favorable period awaits Russia, which will replace the economic crisis. Globa believes that the current situation will stabilize and the country will take the first step towards prosperity.

Here are some more predictions:

  1. The year following 2018 is the beginning of a new era. People will begin to pay more attention to the development of morality and spirituality. At this time, a new religion will begin to emerge, which will become the main one in a few decades.
  2. There may be aggressive actions on the part of other states. Russian territories are very attractive and abundant, so they will try to conquer them in every possible way. But Russia will stand and will not share.
  3. Globa’s opinion is this: the citizens of the country must unite, because with common efforts we can turn Russia into a superpower, an abundant and prosperous state that will be respected by the whole world.

Watch the prediction video:

Pavel Globa

Tamara’s husband shares her opinions about the future of Russia in the near future. But there are some discrepancies in the forecasts:

  1. claims that Russia will help provoke the outbreak of World War III. But the conflict can be avoided: it all depends on how wisely the government acts.
  2. The state has every chance to become truly powerful and reach a stage of incredible prosperity. The economic recovery will be especially noticeable against the backdrop of the problems of European countries.


Wolf Messing does not promise anything good. He believes that in the near future Russia will be hit by a wave of natural disasters, as a result of which many people will suffer.

He did not exclude the possibility of a war between major states, in which Russia would take an active part.

Messing also believed that Siberia would suffer from a major flood in 2018. The population will have to escape by moving to cities in another part of the country.

Matrona of Moscow

The saint predicts serious trials for Russia in 2018. The researchers were unable to explain what exactly would happen. There are opinions that Matrona spoke about the end of the world, the apocalypse.

Other sources indicate that it was about the loss of morality and contempt for moral standards. People will become more angry, become embittered, “brother will go against brother.” All this can lead to the coming of the Antichrist to earth.

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The future is hidden behind a veil of secrecy, which humanity has always strived to reveal. Even though the times of unconditional faith in the authority of magicians and sorcerers are long gone and science rules the world, many people believe that turning to psychics will help them discern such a foggy future. What does the forecast of famous psychics prepare for 2017 for Russia and the whole world, how will we remember these 12 months and what events that occurred during this period will be able to be written into the annals of history?

The beginning of a new era

When studying all the information on this issue and trying to summarize it, remember that each forecast has the right to several interpretations, often diametrically opposed to each other. Consider predictions not as immutable facts, allowing deviations from the expected development of events.

Despite the fact that the forecasts are notable for their ambiguity, in general psychics agree on one thing - the coming year will be the beginning of something new and grandiose. There is a transition to the next stage of human development, when people will make a radical turn in all areas of life, which promises significant changes in every sector of human activity. Politics, economics, ecology and medicine, spiritual life and science - all these areas will be marked by significant discoveries and amazing results.

Even if these large-scale shifts are not immediately noticeable, this year should still be regarded as a turning point, a milestone promising rapid changes.

Psychics' forecasts for 2017 for Russia range across the widest range - from predicting a revival of power and fulfilling the role of a world hegemon, to forecasts promising wars, pestilence and fatal diseases. But let’s not immediately fall into panic and depression, but let’s study all the information in order.

Pavel Globa about what awaits Russia in 2017

The famous psychic, famous for his numerous predictions that have come true, believes that the coming year, although it will be difficult, will become a real turning point in the history of our state.

Thus, the economic crisis in Russia will reach its climax and begin to decline. In other countries of the world, the situation will worsen - unemployment, hunger, public discontent, and a decline in production capacity will reign everywhere. In Russia, Globa sees a kind of peacemaker in many interstate conflicts, as well as a country that, due to its unshakable authority and power, will be able to lead the world into a new era. It is in 2017 that the strengthening of Russia’s position in world politics and economics begins. Very soon our country will become the only powerful world power.

Vanga on the fate of Russia in the coming year

The blind seer, who loved Russia very much, also made several predictions relating to this period. According to her, the world as a whole expects many collisions, and not always favorable ones. These include bloody wars and general famine, which will force people to fight each other for survival and confrontation between religions. She mentioned a country in the Middle East that would start a war with nuclear weapons...

Russia will be able to create the strongest coalition with another superpower - China, which will prevent the flare-up of another global conflict. Our country will achieve incredible power and authority, for which much of the credit will belong to the head of state, whom the seer called only “The Great.”

Saint Matrona and her predictions for 2017

The meaning of Saint Matrona’s predictions makes one think seriously, and especially impressionable people become seriously frightened. According to the words, so beloved among our people, the holy people are facing a total pestilence. It is also said that this will happen without war, and in the morning all the dead will be swallowed up by the earth. This is a frightening prediction, but you shouldn’t get upset in advance. Considering that Matrona was very religious, her predictions can also be interpreted as an omen of global changes in spirituality and the advent of new, much brighter times.

The beginning of the space era and environmental problems

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky predicted a great role for the coming year. According to him, during this period the development of technology will make space travel possible, but on the other hand it can cause a major man-made disaster. It depends only on people how wisely they will use the achievements of progress and in which direction - destructive or creative - they will direct the power of their knowledge.

Among other visionaries who say that the coming time period may mark the beginning of the end in environmental terms is the famous climate scientist James Hansen. He made the following predictions: global warming and massive melting of glaciers will lead to the fact that most of the land will be under water, and on the surviving areas of land the processes of extinction of animals and plants will be in full swing. Mineral resources will be depleted, which will cause a global economic crisis. The shortage of fresh water will be a particularly serious problem.

The world in the coming year - what to expect

As we see, the predictions of psychics for 2017 for Russia are sometimes mutually exclusive, but we can only be sure which of them will correspond to reality only after living through this time. But one thing is important: the opinions of almost all seers coincide on the following issue. The reshuffle of forces in the world will end with Russia being recognized as the irrefutable and only significant leader, on whom all important decisions on a global scale will depend. This undoubtedly pleases and inspires confidence in the great future of our country.

The forecast for 2017 from famous psychics in terms of the situation in the world as a whole can be reduced to the following predictions:

  • Most clairvoyants will read in the coming year such an important event as the discovery of cures for many previously incurable diseases. However, there is the possibility of a mass pestilence that will come from the African continent.
  • US influence will weaken, gradually reaching zero. The countries of the European Union will also lose their unity, the European Union will crack and the process of its collapse will begin.
  • The struggle of religious ideologies will continue, but the terrorist threat will gradually fade away.
  • The number of children born with superpowers will increase. People will begin to discover new spiritual possibilities, and the desire for religious knowledge and self-improvement will increase.

Entering the coming year, humanity bears a heavy burden of past mistakes and mistakes. But we, people, are still able to change everything, and we should not forget about this when reading the frightening forecasts of clairvoyants. Let's start with ourselves, with relationships in our family, with peace in our soul, and then universal harmony will not seem to us something distant and ephemeral.

The future always attracts humanity with its secrets and the unknown, but people are constantly looking for new methods of solving the mysteries of the future, turning to fortune tellers and psychics for help. Today, many are interested in the prediction for 2017 from Alexander Sheps, who became popular after the release of the “Battle of Psychics” program on TV screens, and became famous for his real predictions about the future.

Alexander Sheps was born in 86 in Samara and the very fact of his birth was accompanied by unusual events, because the baby was born completely white, although usually the skin of newborns has a reddish tint.

The child's mother is known in her city as a strong clairvoyant and tarot reader, so it is relatively easy to explain the presence of superpowers in her child.

As a child, Alexander communicated with someone invisible, but did not understand where he got such abilities from and whether this was happening in reality, and only in his youth did he finally realize that he had the gift of foresight and abilities that allow him to see things inaccessible to others things. The clairvoyant communicates with the world of the dead and, frankly speaking, this can explain his abilities, but this fact does not bother his parents, and it must be said that Sheps’ 2017 prediction for Russia was made not without the help of otherworldly forces.

It is necessary to separately discuss the fact that at one time the clairvoyant entered the theater institute to become an actor, but he did not finish his studies, although for some time in his life he tried to work as an actor, and also periodically worked as a model. Frankly speaking, it is precisely this fact that confuses many, because they believe that he is actually making up his own predictions and attracting attention to himself, hoping that in the end he will be able to become an actor, but participation in the “Battle of Psychics” proved that that all this information is untrue. During the program, he was able to prove to everyone that his abilities were real, although during tests he often used additional attributes that allowed him to hear the “language of the dead.” It must be said that Alexander Sheps speaks only personally about what awaits us in 2017, that is, his “official” pages, which can be found on the Internet, are considered illegally created and the information posted on them should not be trusted.

Through communication with otherworldly forces and receiving information from the world of the dead, he received information that the world was awaiting the development of a large-scale crisis, which would end differently for each country (for some, problems would only become an incentive for development, while for others they will create additional difficulties). The foreign exchange market will continue to experience difficulties, and certain communication problems will arise between countries that were previously considered partners, and authorities are advised to remain aware of information on this issue.

The psychic is confident that Western countries will face a number of specific difficulties that will greatly damage their economy and change their financial situation, but they will be able to cope with it all. Moreover, Sheps' forecast for 2017 assumes the development of all kinds of natural disasters throughout the world, due to which many people could die. It is assumed that Europe will suffer the most from natural disasters, so most of its inhabitants will move to live in Russia, and according to the most daring forecasts, today inaccessible and harsh Siberia will be settled.

Forecasts for the future for Russians

Russians face a relatively difficult future ahead, because Sheps’s predictions about what awaits Russia in 2017 can only be called negative. The clairvoyant says that the crisis, which many expect to end in 2017, will continue for several long years, so it will simply not be possible to do without difficulties during this period. Citizens of the Russian Federation are already going through a difficult time, because the cost of food is constantly rising, taxes are increasing, but wages of the population, on the contrary, are decreasing. Even without the abilities of a clairvoyant, one can understand that all such developments of events can become the cause of social rallies, and the psychic only confirms this, recommending that the authorities take care of creating a calm environment among their citizens.

In addition, the psychic warns that paramilitary conflicts may arise in some Russian regions of the country, which must be treated very carefully, because lack of attention to such a problem could cause a large-scale war to break out in the state (it is possible that it will become a prerequisite for the development of the Third World War). Also, Alexander Sheps’ forecast for 2017 contains information that the Russian currency market will be relatively stable, but Russians will not have confidence in national money, so everyone will give preference to the euro.

Speaking of good news, it is worth mentioning that it will stop constantly growing, and in some regions people are generally expecting its decline, and production specialists will become more in demand than before. Today, the Russian authorities have begun a program for the development of their own in order to replace products previously obtained only through imports, so many new vacancies will appear, and such work will most likely be paid quite well.

What predictions does the psychic make for Ukraine?

The topic of the future of Ukrainians worries not only the residents of Ukraine, but also the whole world, because recently this small country has suffered a huge amount of troubles, and everyone wants to know if something good awaits it. It must be said that Sheps’ 2017 prediction for Ukraine contains information that serious changes will occur in the government apparatus (other participants in the “Battle of Psychics” program previously provided similar information), but they will finally bring benefits to citizens. Power will be wielded by people who will prioritize concerns about their own people rather than their own material gain, and perhaps this will lead the country to a new, bright future. The new government will improve relations with the Russian Federation and will bring exceptional benefits to the country, but it will not rule for long and will leave on its own, having finished all its affairs.

Psychics advise all people to tune in to positive emotions, because anxieties and fears about doing something will most likely be realized, because the more you think about troubles, the more often they happen. The best cure for anxiety is a clearly defined action plan that must be strictly followed. Humanity needs to very clearly imagine the goal and constantly move towards it, and the bar for achieving the goal should be very high and it is recommended to think of it as a fait accompli. If possible, it is recommended to remove fear and anxiety from your “diet”, because only positive thinking brings benefits. Consequently, psychics’ forecasts (even negative ones) should be passed through the prism of positive emotions, because then they will be neutralized and you won’t have to worry about any difficulties. Nobody knows whether Alexander Sheps’s predictions will come true or not, but if you believe in a bright future and go towards it, then it will come very quickly.