The truth of Sonya Marmeladova. The life story, fate and mercy of the heroine of the novel “Crime and Punishment” Sonya Marmeladova. “Crime and Punishment” by F. M. Dostoevsky - a novel about Russian capitalism Question for discussion

Raskolnikov Rodion Romanovich is a poor and humiliated student, the main character of the novel Crime and Punishment. The author of the work is Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich. To provide a psychological counterbalance to the theory of Rodion Romanovich, the writer created the image of Sonya Marmeladova. Both characters are at a young age. Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova, faced with a difficult life situation, do not know what to do next.

The image of Raskolnikov

At the beginning of the story, the reader notices Raskolnikov’s inappropriate behavior. The hero is nervous all the time, he is constantly anxious, and his behavior seems suspicious. In the course of events, one can understand that Rodion is a man who is obsessed with his idea. All his thoughts are about the fact that people are divided into two types. The first type is the “higher” society, and this is where he also includes his personality. And the second type is “trembling creatures”. He first published this theory in a newspaper article called “On Crime.” From the article it becomes clear that the “higher ones” have the right to ignore moral laws and destroy “trembling creatures” to achieve their personal goals. According to Raskolnikov's description, these poor people need biblical commandments and morals. The new legislators who will govern can be considered “supreme”; Bonaparte is an example for such legislators. But Raskolnikov himself, on the way to the “highest”, commits actions on a completely different level, without even noticing it.

The life story of Sonya Marmeladova

The reader learns about the heroine from the story of her father, which was addressed to Rodion Romanovich. Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov is an alcoholic, lives with his wife (Katerina Ivanovna), and has three small children. The wife and children are starving, Sonya is Marmeladov’s daughter from his first wife, rents an apartment “after Semyon Zakharovich tells Raskolnikov that her daughter went to such a life because of her stepmother, who reproached her for “drinking, eating and using heat ", that is, a parasite. This is how the Marmeladov family lives. The truth of Sonya Marmeladova is that she herself is an unrequited girl, does not hold a grudge, “bends every effort” to help her sick stepmother and hungry stepbrothers and sisters, not to mention already about his own father, who is sick with alcoholism. Semyon Zakharovich shares his memories of how he found and lost his job, how he drank away the uniform that his daughter bought with her earned money, and how he has the conscience to ask his daughter for money “for a hangover” Sonya gave him the last, never reproaching him for it.

The tragedy of the heroine

Fate is in many ways similar to Rodion’s situation. They play the same role in society. Rodion Romanovich lives in the attic in a squalid little room. How the author sees this room: the cell is small, about 6 steps, and has a poor appearance. A tall person feels uncomfortable in such a room. Raskolnikov is so poor that it is no longer possible, but to the surprise of the reader he feels well, his spirit has not fallen. The same poverty forced Sonya to go out into the streets in order to earn money. The girl is unhappy. Her fate is cruel to her. But the heroine’s moral spirit is not broken. On the contrary, in seemingly inhuman conditions, Sonya Marmeladova finds the only way out worthy of a person. She chooses the path of religion and self-sacrifice. The author shows us the heroine as a person who is capable of empathizing with the pain and suffering of others, while being unhappy. A girl can not only understand another, but also guide him on the right path, forgive, and accept someone else’s suffering. So, we see how the heroine shows pity for Katerina Ivanovna, calls her “fair, child,” and unhappy. Sonya saves her children, then takes pity on her dying father. This, like other scenes, inspires both sympathy and respect for the girl. And it is not at all surprising that Rodion would then share his mental anguish with Sophia.

Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova

Rodion decided to tell his secret to Sophia, but not to Porfiry Petrovich. She, in his opinion, was, like no one else, capable of judging him according to her conscience. Moreover, her opinion will differ significantly from Porfiry’s court. Raskolnikov, despite his crime, longed for human understanding, love, and sensitivity. He wanted to see that “higher light” that could lead him out of darkness and support him. Raskolnikov's hopes for understanding from Sophia were justified. Rodion Romanovich cannot make contact with people. It begins to seem to him that everyone is mocking him and knows that it was he who did it. The truth of Sonya Marmeladova is directly opposite to his vision. The girl stands for humanity, philanthropy, and forgiveness. Having learned about his crime, she does not reject him, but on the contrary, hugs, kisses and says in unconsciousness that “there is no one in the world more merciless now.”

Real life

Despite all this, periodically Rodion Romanovich returns to earth and notices everything that is happening in the real world. On one of these days, he witnesses a drunken official Semyon Marmeladov being run over by a horse. During his last words, the author describes Sofya Semyonovna for the first time. Sonya was short, she was about eighteen. The girl was thin, but pretty, blonde, with attractive blue eyes. Sonya comes to the scene of the accident. on her knees. She sends her younger sister to find out where Raskolnikov lives in order to return him the money he gave for his father’s funeral. After a while, Sophia goes to Rodion Romanovich to invite him to the wake. This is how she shows her gratitude to him.

Father's wake

At the event, a scandal arises due to the fact that Sonya is accused of theft. Everything was resolved peacefully, but Katerina Ivanovna and her children were evicted from the apartment. Now everyone is doomed to death. Raskolnikov tries to find out from Sophia, if it were her will, she could kill Luzhin, the man who unfairly slandered her, saying that she was a thief. Sophia gave a philosophical answer to this question. Rodion Romanovich finds something familiar in Sonya, probably the fact that they were both rejected.

He tries to see understanding in her, because his theory is wrong. Now Rodion is ready for self-destruction, and Sonya is “a daughter who was evil and consumptive to her stepmother, who betrayed herself to strangers and minors.” Sofya Semyonovna relies on her moral guideline, which is important and clear for her - this is wisdom, which is described in the Bible as cleansing suffering. Raskolnikov, of course, shared with Marmeladova a story about his action, listening to him, she did not turn away from him. Here the truth of Sonya Marmeladova is in the manifestation of feelings of pity and sympathy for Rodion. The heroine urged him to go and repent of what he had done, based on the parable that she studied in the Bible about the resurrection of Lazarus. Sonya agrees to share the hard everyday life of hard labor with Rodion Romanovich. This is not only how Sonya Marmeladova’s mercy is manifested. She does this in order to cleanse herself, because she believes that she is violating the biblical commandments.

What unites Sophia and Rodion

How can you characterize Marmeladova and Raskolnikov at the same time? For example, the convicts who serve time in the same cell with Rodion Romanovich adore Sonya, who regularly visits him, but treat him with contempt. They want to kill Raskolnikov and constantly make fun of him that it is not the king’s business to “carry an ax in his bosom.” Sofya Semyonovna has had her own ideas about people since childhood and adheres to them throughout her life. She never looks down on people and has respect and regret for them.


I would like to draw a conclusion based on the mutual relationships of the main characters in the novel. What was the significance of Sonya Marmeladova’s truth? If Sofya Semyonovna had not appeared on the path of Rodion Romanovich with her life values ​​and ideals, then he would have ended very soon in the painful agony of self-destruction. This is the truth of Sonya Marmeladova. Due to such a plot in the middle of the novel, the author has the opportunity to logically complete the images of the main characters. Two different views and two analyzes of the same situation give the novel credibility. The truth of Sonya Marmeladova is contrasted with the theory of Rodion and his worldview. The famous Russian writer was able to breathe life into the main characters and safely resolve all the worst things that happened in their lives. Such completeness of the novel puts “Crime and Punishment” next to the greatest works that are on the list of world literature. Every schoolchild, every student should read this novel.

The novel Crime and Punishment was published in 1866. This time was in many ways a turning point. The advanced intelligentsia, who expected the revival of Russia after the reform of 1861, was deeply shocked and disappointed. Social contradictions have intensified even more, and the injustice of the social structure has become more obvious. Dostoevsky managed to enlarge the hero’s tragedy and in it, like in a drop of water, reflect the whole world of a new social system - capitalism. The main character of the novel was worried about questions that were close to everyone and at the same time difficult to resolve: why should some, smart, kind, noble, eke out a miserable existence, while others, insignificant, vile, stupid, live in luxury and contentment? Why do innocent children suffer? How can I change this order? Who is this person? A trembling creature or a ruler of the world, “having the right” to transgress moral principles? Being unable to do anything or being able to do everything, having despised human laws and creating his own - this is how Raskolnikov is trying to divide the entire human race.

Dostoevsky depicts the Russian capital at a time of rapid development of capitalism, when St. Petersburg was rapidly expanding due to apartment buildings, banking offices, factories and workers' enterprises. The city in the novel is not just a background, it is a kind of “character” - it suffocates, crushes, evokes nightmarish visions, inspires crazy ideas.

Dostoevsky takes us to where his heroes live. Usually these are apartment buildings, typical of capitalist St. Petersburg. We enter dirty and smelly courtyards, wells, the stairs here are narrow, steep, covered in slop. The rooms are depicted in semi-darkness. Speaking about Raskolnikov's social status, the author shows his “closet”. Dostoevsky writes that Raskolnikov is “crushed by poverty.” Is it possible to say this with more precision and imagery? Or: “disfigured by poverty,” “depressed by poverty.” Unfortunately, many people today know what stands behind these words.

Dostoevsky's heroes find themselves in such dead ends in life, from which there is only one way out - death. “Do you understand, dear sir, what it means when there is nowhere else to go?” - Marmeladov exclaims in anguish. Drunk, depressed, half-mad, he nevertheless clearly understands the horror and hopelessness of his situation. Marmeladov punishes himself because his wife is burning with consumption, because his younger children are hungry and naked, and his eldest daughter Sonya is forced to sell herself. Marmeladov pronounces his confession in solemn words: “I need to be crucified, crucified on the cross, and not pitied!” People like the Marmeladov family have nowhere to go, nowhere to wait for help. Similar shocks await Raskolnikov at every step. And, like Marmeladov, he realizes that he is irredeemably guilty before his mother and sister. After all, his mother sends him her last kopecks, and his sister makes a sacrifice for him: she decides to become the wife of the disgusting Luzhin...

How sad that such hopeless periods and dead ends in life are repeated in our lives! In my opinion, we should and should speak about the situation of poor people at the beginning of the 21st century with the same pain as F. M. Dostoevsky did. Is it either F. M. Dostoevsky who is the same for everyone, or is it more convenient not to see, not to notice how people’s hope for a normal human life is disappearing?..

The feeling of hopelessness drives Raskolnikov to despair, to rage, almost to madness. Here he is trying to save a teenage girl disgraced by someone, giving away the last two kopecks so that she doesn’t go to another scoundrel who is hunting for her. And suddenly he realizes that all this is useless. He is pierced by the thought of many similar stories that have become the inevitability of St. Petersburg life, about children deprived of childhood, distorted young souls, about future humanity that is being maimed and corrupted today. Raskolnikov understands: the sufferers and sufferers are powerless, and the scoundrels and predators get their way, the whole inhuman order of life favors them.

This is the world where Raskolnikov’s exhausted consciousness rushes about in search of a way out. This world is so inhumanly structured that it sometimes seems like the delirium of a madman. It is no coincidence that the last shock he experienced before the crime was sleep. The hero sees himself as a child of about seven years old and through his eyes watches how a drunk, red-faced guy, to the laughter of the crowd, beats to death a small, skinny peasant nag. We encountered a similar scene in N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “About the Weather” (1859). Dostoevsky follows Nekrasov in depicting triumphant violence and resigned suffering.

Raskolnikov is a person who perceives other people’s pain more acutely than his own. Risking his life, he saves children from the fire, shares the latter with Marmeladov, but nothing can be changed by such measures. It was at this time that Nekrasov wrote: Material from the site

My heart breaks with torment, I have a hard time believing in the power of good, Hearing the reigning sounds in the world of Drums, chains, an ax...

The development of capitalist relations leads to an increase in the welfare of the upper classes and to the impoverishment of the masses of the population. All this forces honest people to look for ways to transform society. Raskolnikov is trying to find irrefutable evidence of the justice of the murder “in good conscience.” An inherently monstrous theory, but Raskolnikov will not understand this soon and at the cost of great suffering. What disgusting types appear in a permissive society - Luzhin and Svidrigailov! What emerges is a monstrous contradiction: Raskolnikov wants to protect the “humiliated and insulted” from the Luzhins and Svidrigailovs, but the false theory that he professes brings him closer to these criminals.

The great writer warns us: if we believe that humanity is forever divided into rulers and those submissive to power, then there is truly no way out for the oppressed and suffering. Unfortunately, “Napoleons” of all stripes and scales will always assert their power on their obedience, on their health, blood, bones.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • Where do Dostoevsky's heroes live?
  • crime and punishment Marmeladov's confession
  • where do the characters live in the novel crime and punishment

Previous part:

The scene is St. Petersburg, summer 1866.

Our main character: Raskolnikov Rodion Romanovich is a law student who dropped out of school a few months ago due to lack of money. He lives in a very small closet, with a landlady whom he had not paid for a long time and owed money.

Rodion is remarkably handsome, tall, slender, but dressed in almost rags and has not eaten for the second day. He went out into the hot, dusty stone sack of St. Petersburg, into a quarter that was disgusting to him, full of drinking bars and drunkards.

For the last month, he has not been able to get the thought of crime out of his head.

He conceived a terrible thing - the murder and robbery of an old woman-pawnbroker, whose occupation is to lend a certain amount of money on the security of various things of jewelry nature for several months. And every month take 10% for storage. And when the term expired, or the interest was not paid, the old woman sold the pledged item.

Rodion calls his thoughts about murder fantasies and does not believe that he will decide on this, although he thinks through every detail, and now he was going to her, to the old woman, for the last check.

A month ago he brought the old woman a silver ring, and today he brought her a silver watch, for which she only gives one and a half rubles, which infuriates Rodion. Moreover, taking into account the interest paid, it only comes out to a ruble and fifteen kopecks. He carefully watched how and where the old woman took out the keys, listened to what she opened in the next room and remembered.

After monetary calculations and a short reflection, Rodion tells the old woman that he will soon bring her a silver cigarette case as collateral, and with that he leaves.

Raskolnikov left the old woman exclaiming to himself that his idea was dirty, disgusting, and he regretted that he had been thinking about it for a whole month. He decided to give it up.

Raskolnikov is poor. He's been hatching murder plans for a month now. Is it really just because of poverty? When meeting with the old woman, when his “fantasy” suddenly met reality, Raskolnikov characterizes this as a dirty, disgusting act, and decides to abandon his plan.

Marmeladov's story

On his way home, Raskolnikov goes into a tavern to buy himself a glass of cold beer and a cracker. Strictly speaking, this is the first time he’s entered a tavern. Although he usually avoided the company of people, he suddenly became interested in one guest of the tavern, and he, in turn, became interested in him.

It was Marmeladov. His essence boiled down to the fact that he was a drunkard. Marmeladov is a retired official, about fifty, of heavy build, with a large bald spot. A certain enthusiasm flashed in his eyes, perhaps there was meaningfulness and intelligence, but also a bit of madness. He looked at those around him in the tavern with boredom and a bit of disdain, but he looked at Raskolnikov with great interest, to whom he addressed such an ornate speech:

Do I dare, my dear sir, to address you with a decent conversation? For although you are not in a significant position, my experience distinguishes you as an educated person and unaccustomed to drink. I myself have always respected education combined with heartfelt feelings, and, in addition, I am a titular councilor. Marmeladov is such a surname; titular advisor. Dare I ask, would you like to serve?

Marmeladov told his story. That he drinks not for fun, but only for sorrow, for the desire for suffering.

A month ago, his wife was beaten by Lebezyatnikov, and he was lying drunk. It was already the fifth night that he spent the night (homeless) on the Neva, on hay barges. That his daughter lives on a Yellow Ticket (a prostitute’s passport with the marks of doctors and the chief of police)

Marmeladov considers himself a pig, a scoundrel. He told about his wife - Katerina Ivanovna, the daughter of a staff officer, educated and well-mannered. Since childhood, her breasts were weak and prone to consumption (tuberculosis), and that he drank away her stockings, not even her shoes - her stockings. I drank away the goat's fluff scarf (and this winter she caught a cold and started coughing up blood)

That three small children from Katerina Ivanovna’s first marriage also live with them, as well as an already adult daughter from Marmeladov’s first marriage.

The wife was brought up in a noble aristocratic institution. The lady is hot, proud and unyielding. She washes the floor herself and sits on black bread, but she won’t allow herself to be disrespected. That’s why Mr. Lebezyatnikov didn’t want to let go of his rudeness, and when Lebezyatnikov beat her up for it, it was not so much from the beatings as from feeling that she went to bed.

That Katerina Ivanovna’s first husband was an infantry officer, whom she loved excessively. But he started playing cards, was put on trial and died. And although in the end he beat her, and she didn’t let him off the hook, she still remembers him with tears. After his death, she found herself in such hopeless poverty that, educated and well-mannered, with a well-known surname, she married him, Marmeladov, because she had nowhere else to go.

That at first he didn’t drink, but when he lost his job, not through his own fault, but due to a change in staff, he started drinking. And after long disasters and wanderings, a year and a half ago, they found themselves in St. Petersburg, where he got a place, and lost it through his own fault, for he reached the point.

He talked about his daughter Sonechka, a meek, unrequited creature with a pale, thin face. Marmeladov claims that an honest girl, without special talents, tirelessly doing laundry, washing and sewing, will earn no more than 15 kopecks a day.

And then somehow Katerina Ivanovna, a lady, although full of generous feelings, but a hot-tempered and irritated lady, one day walked around the room and wringing her hands, and with red spots on her cheeks from illness, exclaimed: “You live, you parasite, with us, eat and drink and use the heat" [Marmeladov comments: what do you eat and drink there when even the kids don’t see the crust for three days.] And here I lie, drunk, and Sonya says in her meek voice: “Well, Katerina Ivanovna, should I really do such a thing?”

And Daria Frantsevna, a malicious woman and known to the police many times, had already come three times through the owner to invite her to the brothel.

And Katerina Ivanovna answers her with a laugh: “Well, what should we protect? Eco treasure!”

Here Marmeladov especially notes that “But don’t blame, don’t blame, dear sir! For this was not said in common sense, but with excited feelings, in illness and with the crying of children who had not eaten, and it was said more for the sake of insult than in the exact I mean.."

And then at about six o'clock, Sonechka got up, put on a scarf, put on a burnusik and left the apartment, and at nine o'clock she came back. She came straight to Katerina Ivanovna, and silently laid out thirty rubles on the table in front of her. She didn’t utter a word at the same time, if only she looked, but she only took our large draped green scarf, completely covered her head and face with it, and lay down on the bed, facing the wall, only her shoulders and body were shaking... And then Katerina Ivanovna, also neither Without saying a word, she went up to Sonya’s bed and stood at her knees all evening, kissed her feet, didn’t want to get up, and then they both fell asleep together, hugging... And Marmeladov, as before, in the same form and lay there... drunk, sir.

Since then, due to one unfavorable incident and a report from ill-intentioned persons, Sofya Semyonovna was forced to receive a yellow ticket and move to live separately. And Sonechka comes to them now more at dusk, and relieves Katerina Ivanovna, and delivers the means within her power..

Five weeks ago, Marmeladov got up in the morning, raised his hands to the sky and went to his former boss. He listened to everything, even shed a tear, and said: “Well, Marmeladov, since you have deceived my expectations... I once again take you on my personal responsibility, remember, go!” I returned home, and as Marmeladov announced that he had been enlisted in the service again and was receiving a salary, God, what happened then!..

Marmeladov: “As soon as they both found out, Katerina Ivanovna and Sonechka, it was as if I had moved to the kingdom of God. It used to be that I lay there like cattle, only cursing! And now: they walk on tiptoe, calming the children down: “Semyon Zakharych is tired at work, resting, shh.” !" They give me coffee before the service, they boil the cream! They started getting real cream, do you hear! And a full set of uniforms: boots, calico shirtfronts, a uniform - all this is eleven and a half - and they just got it somewhere?

“When, six days ago,” Marmeladov says further, I brought my first salary – twenty-three rubles and forty kopecks – in full, she called me a little one: “Little thing, she says, you’re such a thing!” And alone, sir, do you understand? Well, what kind of beauty does it seem to me, and what kind of husband am I? No, she pinched her cheek: “You’re such a little thing!” -- speaks."

And throughout that entire heavenly day of my life and that entire evening, I myself carried on in my fleeting dreams: that is, how I will arrange all this, and dress the children, and give her peace of mind, and return my only-begotten daughter from dishonor to the bosom of the family. .. And much, much... It is permissible, sir. Well, my lord (Marmeladov suddenly seemed to shudder, raised his head and looked intently at his listener), well, and the next day, after all these dreams, in the evening, I was cunningly deceived, like a thief in night, stole the key from Katerina Ivanovna’s chest, took out what was left of the salary he brought, 12 rubles, and that’s it, look at me! The fifth day from home, and there they are looking for me, and the service is over, and the uniform lies in the tavern near the Egyptian Bridge, in exchange for which he received this robe... and it’s all over!

Marmeladov hit his forehead with his fist, clenched his teeth, closed his eyes and sat there for a minute, then his face suddenly changed and he said with feigned slyness:

And today I was at Sonya’s, I went to ask for a hangover! Hehehehe! - Did she really give it? - someone shouted from the side of those who entered, shouted and laughed at the top of his lungs. “This very half-shtof, sir, was bought with her money,” Marmeladov pointed to the bottle of vodka that he drank during the story, “I took out thirty kopecks, the last, all that was... She didn’t say anything, just silently She looked at me... It’s not like this on earth, but there... they grieve for people, cry, but don’t reproach, don’t reproach! And it’s more painful, sir, more painful, sir, when they don’t reproach you!.. Thirty kopecks, yes, sir. But now she needs them too, huh? What do you think, my dear sir? After all, she must now observe cleanliness. This cleanliness costs money, it’s special, you know? Do you understand? Well, you can buy sweets there too, because you can’t, sir; starched skirts, a fancy shoe of sorts, so that you can show off your legs when you have to cross a puddle.

Do you understand, do you understand, sir, what this purity means?

[Here we recall the description of a brothel during the day from Kuprin’s story “The Pit”, where unwashed, unkempt women wander aimlessly from corner to corner, only in the late afternoon they iron, wash, starch, blush, restore a kind of “cleanliness” in order to plunge her back into the dirt debauchery.]

Well, here I am, the blood father, and stole these thirty kopecks for my hangover! And I drink, sir! And he’s already drunk, sir!.. Well, who would feel sorry for someone like me? huh? Do you feel sorry for me now, sir, or not? You say, sir, is it a pity or not? Hehehehehe! He wanted to pour it, but there was nothing left. The half-staff was empty.

Why should I feel sorry for you? - shouted the owner, who found himself again next to them.

There was laughter and even curses. Those who listened and those who did not listen laughed and cursed, looking only at one figure of a retired official.

- Sorry! why feel sorry for me!- Marmeladov suddenly cried out, standing up with his hand outstretched forward, in decisive inspiration, as if he had just been waiting for these words. -- Why be sorry, you say? Yes! There's no reason to feel sorry for me! I need to be crucified, crucified on a cross, and not pitied! But crucify him, judge, crucify him, and, having crucified him, have pity on him! And then I myself will go to you to die, because I don’t thirst for fun, but for sorrow and tears!.. Do you think, seller, that this half-damask of yours has become a delight for me? I looked for sorrow, sorrow at its bottom, sorrow and tears, and tasted it, and found it; and the one who took pity on everyone and who understood everyone and everything will take pity on us; he is the only one, he is the judge. She will come that day and ask: “Where is the daughter who was an evil and consumptive stepmother, who betrayed herself to strangers and young children? Where is the daughter who took pity on her earthly father, an obscene drunkard, without being horrified by his atrocities?” And he will say: “Come! I have already forgiven you once... I have forgiven you once... And now your many sins are forgiven, because you loved so much...” And he will forgive my Sonya, forgive me, I already know that will forgive... I felt it just now, as she had, in my heart!.. And she will judge and forgive everyone, both the good and the evil, and the wise and meek... And when he has finished with everyone, then he will say to us: “Come out, he’ll say, and you too! Come out drunk, come out weak, come out drunk!” And we will all go out without shame and stand. And he will say: “You pigs! The image of the beast and its seal; but come you too!” And the wise will say, the wise will say: “Lord, why do you accept these?” And he will say: “That is why I accept them, the wise ones, because I accept them, the wise ones, because not one of these himself considered himself worthy of this...” And he will stretch out his hands to us, and we will fall down... and cry... and that’s all we'll understand! Then we will understand everything!.. and everyone will understand... and Katerina Ivanovna... and she will understand... Lord, may your kingdom come!

And he sank down on the bench, exhausted and exhausted, not looking at anyone, as if forgetting his surroundings and deep in thought. His words made some impression; Silence reigned for a minute, but soon the same laughter and curses were heard:

- I lied!
- Official!

And so on and so forth. Then Raskolnikov takes Marmeladov home. Without entering the room, he pushes Rodion forward, and he collapses on his knees in the doorway. At first, Katerina Ivanovna does not notice her husband, and thinks that Rodion has come to someone else, because... the room is a walk-through room, but then he sees him and a scandal breaks out, to which the whole house comes running. Katerina Ivanovna screams and pulls her husband by the hair, but he doesn’t resist at all.

Raskolnikov quickly leaves. As he leaves, he puts his hand in his pocket, scoops up as much copper money as he can from the ruble he exchanged at the tavern, and inconspicuously places it on the window. Then, already on the stairs, he comes to his senses and wants to turn back.

“What kind of nonsense have I done,” he thinks, “here they have Sonya, but I need it myself.” But having judged that it is already impossible to take it back and that, after all, he would not have taken it anyway, he waves his hand and goes to his apartment. “Sonya also needs fudge,” he continues, walking down the street, and grins sarcastically, “this cleanliness costs money...

Hey Sonya! What a well, however, they managed to dig! and enjoy it! That's why they use it! And we got used to it. We cried and got used to it. A scoundrel of a man gets used to everything!”

He thinks about it. - Well, what if I lied? If a person is really not a scoundrel, the whole person in general, the entire human race, that is, it means that everything else is prejudices, just false fears, and there are no barriers, and that’s how it should be!..

Marmeladov is a drunkard. He is a burden to his family. His wife and children are starving, his daughter was forced to sell herself to a brothel to help the family, and he himself is dragging the last thing out of the house. He even drank through his wife's stockings. I drank the scarf, although it is consumptive and susceptible to disease. At one point, when Sonya becomes a prostitute, Marmeladov gathers his remaining strength, appeals to the pity of his former boss and finally gets a job. However, only until his first payday, when his weakness takes its toll and he collapses to the bottom of the glass, drinking away both his salary and his uniform.

Marmeladov is very weak. But not physically weak, no. He still worked for one month and received a salary, therefore he can work even now. But he is weak in spirit. He can't overcome his drinking. To encourage him to have a brief glimpse, his daughter had to go to the panel. But he can’t send one daughter to the panel every month, in order to somehow motivate himself, and he doesn’t have that many of them. And if he cannot overcome his weakness, then he is a complete person. Nothing will change with him, he has already outlived his usefulness.

Weakness of spirit, is it bad? In other words, is this a sin on Marmeladov’s part? Maybe it's just his personal business, to drink or not to drink? The answer to the question of what is personal and what is public is usually quite vague, but in this case it is clear - Marmeladov’s weakness is criminal: his family is starving, and he steals the last thing from home.

Marmeladov admits that he is a pig and a scoundrel. In principle, this alone is good. He admits his sin, he sees it, he just cannot overcome it due to his weakness. Is that just good? Yes, since many people not only do not recognize their bad qualities, they do not even see them. This cannot be taken away from Marmeladov. In addition, Marmeladov argues quite soberly and morally throughout the monologue.

In addition, in the episode where he went to Sonya for money to cure his hangover, and where she brought him the last 30 kopecks for vodka, he felt a painful pang of conscience:

“She took out thirty kopecks, the last, all that was... She didn’t say anything, she just looked at me silently... It’s not like that on earth, but there... they grieve for people, cry, but don’t reproach, don’t reproach! And this It hurts, sir, it hurts, sir, when they don’t reproach! take away from themselves and give away the last. Again, is this in itself a good thing? Yes, this is good, the sacrifices of others are not obvious to everyone: there are people who live with the conviction that they are owed everything and take sacrifices for granted.

In the final part of his monologue, Marmeladov, quite sublimely, expressed the following thought: he considers himself and others like him unworthy of the Kingdom of the Lord, however, he hopes that he will be pitied and accepted in heaven only because he does not consider himself worthy of it . Are his hopes justified?

On the one hand, he admits that he is a sinner, he seems to have a conscience, but on the other hand, he is immensely weak in spirit, and this weakness of his is criminal. His children are starving, his daughter is in prison, and he is lying “drunk.”

What is the reason for this weakness? Marmeladov was born weak, did he become weak, or did the surrounding reality make him this way? Is it possible to do this, and how to make sure that the Marmeladov phenomenon does not exist in the world?

We will talk about Katerina Ivanovna and Sonechka later, but for now let’s note Raskolnikov’s last thought. He is amazed that the Marmeladov family lives on what Sonya brings with her “craft”: “Oh yes Sonya! What a well, however, they managed to dig! And they are using it! Well, they are using it! And they got used to it. They cried, and they got used to it. “The scoundrel-man gets used to it!”

And then he thinks, maybe this is really how it should be? What conscience, what morality, maybe it’s all just prejudice? A prejudice is when, for example, a person is afraid of thunder, but if you reasonably explain to him that it is just a sound, then he will stop being afraid of it. Maybe it’s the same here? Maybe condemnation of prostitution is also a prejudice? And there is no conscience or morality, and therefore you can kill, just to think through everything so that you don’t get caught? Raskolnikov captures this idea.

Next part:

Alexander SHURALEV,
With. Kushnarenkovo,

The history of the gradual renewal of man

The role of Marmeladov's confession in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

In the story by I.A. Bunin “Lapti” a certain Nefed freezes to death, but, having died, already beyond the limits of his life he saves a boy rushing about in delirium and people lost in the terrible snow.

In a certain sense, Bunin’s character repeats the paradoxical role of Marmeladov, a chance meeting with whom at the beginning of the novel helps Raskolnikov subsequently find hope for a new life, to go through the path of “gradual renewal” and “rebirth.”

In the self-flagellation confession of the “titular adviser,” the kind, trembling heart of the “former student,” contradicting the cruel, cynical mind, guessed the door behind which he would be welcomed and understood when he had “nowhere else to go.” Behind this door, a “fallen woman” was waiting for him with the immaculate soul of an innocent child, carrying on her fragile shoulders the heavy cross of human suffering (“I did not bow to you, I bowed to all human suffering”).

The inscrutable ways of the Lord, who chose a little official as a guide, brought the murderer and the harlot together and illuminated them, not allowing them to wallow in the darkness of hopelessness, with the candle of the Good News of resurrection and forgiveness. In the resurrection of Lazarus, about which the meek ("Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth") and pure in heart ("Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God") Sonya read with inspiration, for the grown-up "poor boy" who was offended by God and therefore an unbeliever, in a frenzy, rushing not with “fists”, but with an ax, at the ghost of Mikolka, who turned into an old woman pawnbroker, the answer to the painful question-request began to be revealed: “Lord! Show me my path.” After which, between two nightmares in Raskolnikov, the theorizing terrorist gave up his evil spirit in terrible convulsions and in no less terrible agony a simple man was born.

Thus, a drunkard who had sunk to the very bottom of life, calling himself a “natural beast” and crushed by the vice of poverty, rose in the last moments of his worthless existence to the gospel truth of a confessional testament, which became a salvation for the unfortunate daughter betrayed by himself and the sufferer who had imagined himself to be resurrected by her selfless love. superman ("And he will stretch out his hand to us, and we will fall... and weep... and we will understand everything!.. Lord, let your kingdom come!").

“They were resurrected by love, the heart of one contained endless sources of life for the heart of the other.” This is the Church to which two creatures lost in the St. Petersburg slums came past the tavern, mercilessly beaten by the whip of injustice, one of whom, with tears of sorrow, washed away the blood of crime from the sick conscience of the other, and a miracle happened: through the yellow-red clouds, which throughout the entire novel obscured the heavenly purity , the Divine light of true human destiny began to dawn.


Give a portrait description of Marmeladov.



Which of the scenes in Marmeladov’s life seemed the most heartbreaking to you? How do you justify this?


1–2 chapters

Marmeladov tells the story of his life to the drunken laughter and sarcastic ridicule of visitors to the tavern.


Name the characters in this scene?


Marmeladov, Raskolnikov, indifferent visitors and employees of the establishment.


What does Marmeladov admit to?


1. Hopelessness and doom. Life dead end:

“And if there is no one to go to, if there is nowhere else to go! After all, it is necessary that every person can at least go somewhere. For there is a time when one certainly needs to go somewhere.”

2. He realizes that he is partly the reason for the suffering of his relatives: “... and more than once they have felt sorry for me, but... this is already my trait, and I am a born beast!”

3. He finds consolation and some kind of painful pleasure in drinking:

“That’s why I drink, because in this drink I seek compassion and feeling... I drink because I really want to suffer!”

4. Seeks compassion:

“I need to be crucified, crucified on the cross, and not pitied! But crucify me, judge, crucify him and, having crucified him, have pity on him! And then I myself will go to you for food, for I do not thirst for fun, but for sorrow and tears.”

Question for discussion

Does the moral law live in Marmeladov? (The answer is ambiguous).

Answers-reasonings of students


Who is Marmeladov addressing?


Marmeladov says all this not only for Raskolnikov and himself, he turns to God as the highest moral authority, praying for the establishment of a kingdom of universal harmony.


What makes Marmeladov’s speech different?


Marmeladov pronounces his confession in a high, solemn style, reminiscent of a religious legend about sufferers and martyrs.

Marmeladov ended his speech on a sublime and solemn note, but we do not feel any pathos. The answer is in how the tavern reacted to this speech: “He made a judgment! He lied!” Hope is destroyed, tragedy intensifies.


Who is Marmeladov - a poor man or a beggar? Give reasons.


A minor official like Marmeladov receives 23 rubles 40 kopecks a month.

An educated girl as a governess earns 200 rubles a year.

The pension of the widow of a low-ranking official is 10 rubles a month (Pulcheria Alexandrovna receives 120 rubles a year).

In a big city, an honest girl with honest work can, according to Marmeladov, earn barely 15 kopecks a day, “and even then she works tirelessly.”

All this is poverty, standing on the brink of poverty, and this brink is so close that tomorrow, not secured by today’s earnings, may turn out to be the day of a terrible fall into poverty.

“In poverty,” says Marmeladov, “you still retain your nobility of innate feelings, but in poverty no one ever does.”

But in this same reality - people count, throw money in the thousands - Svidrigailov, Luzhin.

Lack of funds on the one hand, excess funds on the other. Where does this lead? Those who have excess funds believe that they can buy everything. Those who lack funds are forced to sell everything. Everything can become a commodity, everything for which money is offered.

Sonya Marmeladova and Dunya Raskolnikova are selling themselves: the first went with the “yellow ticket”, the second sells herself to Luzhin as a wife - without love. Such are the fates of youth and beauty in this world in general. Meeting a drunk girl on the boulevard, one of those who should die at 18 or 19 years old, is another confirmation of this.

This is the fate of not only commoners, but also nobles. An impoverished noble family is ready to sell their sixteen-year-old daughter to the fifty-year-old libertine Svidrigailov.


Why does the idea of ​​a novel need a meeting between Raskolnikov and Marmeladov?


In Raskolnikov’s soul, when he listens to Marmeladov, complex spiritual work is being accomplished. In terms of their position in society, Marmeladov and Raskolnikov are equal - beggars. But Marmeladov has resigned himself, but Raskolnikov doesn’t want to. He later confesses to Sonya:

“I needed to find out then, and quickly find out, am I a louse, like everyone else, or a man? Will I be able to cross or not? Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right...”

Raskolnikov, unlike Marmeladov, does not agree to wait for the second coming; he himself wants to bring closer the hour of establishing universal harmony and justice. He himself must decide whether this world is worthy of universal destruction or not.


Select material from the novel about Raskolnikov. Read the textbook article about him in advance. Individual assignments given by the teacher are possible.


Karen Stepanyan. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. // Encyclopedia for children “Avanta+”. Volume 9. Russian literature. Part one. M., 1999

N.I. Yakushin. F.M. Dostoevsky in life and work: a textbook for schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges. M.: Russian Word, 2000