PPD entertainment in kindergarten senior group. Entertainment according to traffic rules in the senior group of kindergarten. Traffic rules, traffic lights, road signs. Scenarios for holidays and entertainment - Entertainment according to traffic rules “Dunno on the Road”

Tatyana Tryakina

MDOBU No. 4 “Romashka”, Sovetskaya village, Novokubansky district


"Journey to the Land of Traffic Rules"

Prepared by:

Physical education instructor:

Tryakina T. N.

Goals and objectives:

To consolidate and generalize children's knowledge about traffic rules, traffic lights, and road signs.

To form in children a conscious attitude towards compliance with traffic rules in life situations.

Develop in children the ability to negotiate and act together.

Cause a positive emotional response to participation in competitive games.


Images of road signs

Traffic light image

Traffic light costume for presenter.

Cards red, yellow, green

Progress of the event:

Leading: Do you recognize me? What will I work as today? Yes. Today I will work as a traffic light.

“On the roads for a long time,

There is an owner - Traffic Light.

All the colors are in front of you

It’s time for you to introduce them.”

(What does each traffic light mean)

Guys, we live in a beautiful village with wide green streets and alleys. Many cars and trucks move along them. They rush at high speed and only constant observance of traffic rules allows us to confidently cross the street and not get into trouble.

"Traffic Rules"

There are many road rules in the world

Both adults and children must know them.

We need to respect all the rules

Follow them and not break them.

(Noise is heard. Baba Yaga runs in.)

Baba Yaga:

I flew in a mortar over the city. The stupa broke, I had to land and walk home into the forest through the city. I tried to cross the road, but a policeman stopped me: “Shame on you, grandma! An accident may occur because of you. Don't you know that you need to cross the road at an intersection, where there is either a traffic light or a zebra crossing? Should I take a zebra with me, put it on the road and walk along it? This inspector forced me to teach me some traffic rules. What kind of rules are these? And what is this three-eyed stuffed animal? (points to the traffic light). We don’t have such a thing in our fairytale forest!


You Baba Yaga don’t know anything! Guys, let's help Baba Yaga learn the rules of the road?

Guys, what is this thing with funny lights? (answers)

Where are the traffic lights installed (answers)

Why is it placed on the street? (answers)

1st child:

Attention everyone!

Attention everyone!

The yellow light tells you.

I announce to you in advance:

There is no more transition!

Take your time, take a look

Look at me!

Don't rush, be patient

Until the green light!

2nd child:

Now go boldly

The path is open for pedestrians

Come on in, I grant you permission.

It doesn't matter that I'm alone

I reliably protect

From trams and cars.

3rd child:

Red light - alarm

In traffic light eyes.

Don't walk on the road

Stay where you are.

Even if you're in a hurry

To work or to the cinema

Wait, wait

Wait anyway!


Well, Baba Yaga, I now understand what a traffic light is.

Baba Yaga:

Thank you guys! Now I will know where to cross the road. Well, I’ve learned all the traffic lights, I’ll buy myself a car and drive it, my stupa is still broken.


Wait, Baba Yaga. To drive a car you need to learn the rules of the road and pass exams at the traffic police.

Baba Yaga:

What, what? You speak, but don’t talk. I found, you know, a scientist! I'm still going somewhere! Guys, give me some task!

(game “Assemble the traffic light R")


Now think carefully and light the traffic light with the lights that are mentioned in the riddle:

1. This light tells us:

Stop, it's dangerous, the path is closed! (red)

2. What kind of light flashed ahead?

He will say: “There are no obstacles!

Feel free to hit the road! (green)

3. If this light is in the window,

Wait a little longer.

Wait a little longer

The path will be clear again. (yellow)

4. The intersection became lively,

The passage has become free,

Move forward boldly. (green)

5. This light means - no move!

Stop, car, stop, driver,

Brake the engine quickly! (red)

6. The light blinked and said:

“You can go, the way is open!” (green)


Well done guys and Baba Yaga! You completed the task. Nobody was wrong. I hope that you will pay the same attention to traffic lights on the street.

(Game "Smart Driver")

Baba Yaga:

That's it. I learned the traffic lights, now I can buy a car.


No, Baba Yaga, in order to drive a car you still need to learn the road signs.

Baba Yaga:

I'm tired of you. I'd better go play cards. I went to a nearby store, asked for cards, and the saleswoman gave me these interesting cards. (Shows large “cards” with images of road signs) I see that they are not very playable. Maybe you can tell me what they mean?


Let's see what kind of cards these are. This is Baba Yaga, road signs. And to introduce you to them, the guys will tell you what they mean.

1. “Pedestrian crossing”

Here comes a pedestrian

This is his path.

Goes to the green light

Where there are a lot of stripes.

2. “Caution: children!”

This sign is a great friend to us,

He saves us from trouble.

And right on the pavement

Drivers are warned:

"Careful, children!"

3. “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”

The man on the red circle -

So it's dangerous to walk here,

In this place, friends,

No one can go.

4. “Food station”

We've been driving for a long time, we're tired,

And stomachs began to growl

They admitted this to us

That you've been hungry for a long time.

Less than five minutes have passed

There is a sign - dine here.

5. “First aid station”

I didn't wash my hands on the road

Ate fruits and vegetables.

I'm sick and I see a point

Medical assistance.

6. “Parking location”

Only park cars here

This sign allows us.

She'll rest a little

The road is calling her again.

7. "Gas Station"

The car will be refueled here

He will drink three buckets of gasoline.

Give the car a drink, everyone.

If she is thirsty.

8. “No Entry”

Driver brake. Stop!

A prohibition sign is in front of you.

You must obey the sign

Don't drive under a brick.

Baba Yaga:

I know an interesting game: “This is me, this is me - these are all my friends.” Shall we play?

Does anyone know that green light means the path is open? (It's me,.)

Which of you in a cramped carriage gave up your seat to an old lady? (It's me,.)

Which of you, walking home, follows the path along the pavement? (silent)

How many of you go forward only where there is a transition? (It's me,.)

Who runs ahead so fast that they don't see the traffic light? (silent)

Does anyone know that a red light means no movement? (this is me, this is me, these are all my friends).

Now I know the road signs.

Do you want me to tell you my riddles?

(game: "Visiting a fairy tale")

What did Emelya drive? (on the stove)

Leopold the cat's favorite vehicle (bicycle)

What did the fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (into the carriage)

What does Baba Yaga ride on? (on a mortar, broom)

Ved. :

Well done, you know the fairy tales too. Baba Yaga stayed too long. Shall we play with Yaga?

Outdoor game: "Taxi"(the first child with the steering wheel runs and attaches one child passenger to himself each time)

Ved. :

And now questions about traffic rules:

Who is a pedestrian

(a person involved in a traffic situation or one who walks)

Which part of the road should pedestrians use?

(sidewalk or curb)

Where pedestrians are required to cross the road or carriageway

(zebra crossing, traffic light, underground and overground crossings)

How should you cross the road?

(calmly, look left and right, make sure they are letting you through)

Why can't you play near the roadway?

Why are traffic signs and road signs needed?

(to avoid getting into trouble)

Ved. :

You all know the rules of the road well!

Outdoor game for attention: “One Hundred P!"

Baba Yaga:

Yes, you guys are great!


Baba Yaga, I agree with you, our children are really great. They know traffic rules and road signs well. Did we help you?

Baba Yaga(suddenly comes to his senses):

Oh, I had gifts for you! Where did they go? (searches). Here they are! – distributes traffic lights to children so that children remember the rules of the road.

There are upside-down road signs hanging in the hall, everything is in disarray. Children enter the hall.

Leading. Guys, we have gathered today to talk about the rules of the road, to meet the signs, to listen to them. But what happened in our hall? What happens to the design? Everything is in disarray, everything is upside down! You do not know? And I don't know. Look, a letter. (Is reading)

“We, the inhabitants of the land of Road Signs, are in trouble. We were captured by Interference-Incompetence. And now we have constant accidents in our country. Help us".


Someone here will say correctly:

What kind of witchcraft is this?

What kind of magic is this?

Nothing happened.

Well, the transitions have disappeared -

Pedestrians won't cry

They will choose their own paths

Where to cross the road.

Is the traffic light not working?

Well, what grief is there in this:

Red light, green light -

Maybe there is no point in it!

Children, what do you think, do we need traffic rules? (Children's answers)

Interference-Incompetence comes out.

Interference-Incompetence. Ha, they wanted help! There will be no help for them! And who will help them? What are you?

Leading. Yes, we will help, right, guys?

Interference-Incompetence. Who are you?

Leading. We are the children of kindergarten no.

Interference-Incompetence. Would you like to help? Not so. You will never get traffic lights and road signs: I hid them well. The path to them is long and difficult and is not indicated by any signs. Like this! Bye. (Leaves)

Leading. Guys, were you scared of her? Don't be afraid, the Hindrance-Incompetence is powerless against knowledge. Let's instead sing the cheerful song “Walk Carefully.” Maybe someone will hear us.

The song “Walk Carefully” is performed.

Crying, a road sign comes out, an upside-down tablet on his chest.

Leading. Who is this?

Road sign. It's me, a road sign. I was bewitched by Interference-Incompetence. I can't show my sign to anyone. I can only open up when you solve the riddle about me.

Leading. So make a wish.

Road sign.

If you're in a hurry on your way

Walk across the street

Go there, where all the people are,

Where is the inscription... (pedestrian).

The sign pulls itself up, straightens, and turns over its tablet.

The ABC was being transported by a dump truck,

I lost the letters along the way.

What does it mean, for example,

Is there a letter "R" on the road? (Parking)

Why is there no passage?

Maybe they are looking for treasure here?

And old coins

Are they in a big chest? (Road repair)

Wonderful sign -

Exclamation mark!

So you can shout here,

Sing, make noise, be mischievous. (Dangerous road)

This is the sign, I can’t believe my eyes,

What is the battery for?

Does it help with movement?

Steam heating? (Railroad crossing)

While the children are solving riddles, the presenter turns the signs hanging in the hall over to the front side. The hall is being transformed.

Leading. And now, dear sign, let's check if the children know how to cross the road following traffic lights.

As soon as you step out on the threshold,

Beyond the threshold there are 100 roads.

There has been movement here for a long time

The sign and traffic light rule.

Child with a yellow flag.

So that you can cross calmly,

Listen to our advice:

Wait, you'll see yellow soon

There is light in the middle.

Child with a green flag.

And behind it is a green light

It will flash ahead.

He will say:

There are no obstacles

Feel free to hit the road!

Child with a red flag.

The strictest red light.

If it's on fire, stop

There is no more road

The path is closed to everyone!

Leading. If you do not follow the traffic rules, then the same troubles that happened to the characters in the song “Pedestrians” may happen to you.

The song “Pedestrians” is performed.

The presenter offers to play the game “Traffic Signals”.

When the light turns green, children run around the hall.

On yellow - they dance in place.

When it's red, they stand and shake their fingers at each other. The presenter hangs up a sign “Blow signals are prohibited.”

The Cat comes in and sings loudly:

All streets, paths

Will pass in half an hour

My four legs

Four wheels.

Leading.Who are you?

Cat. I am a Cat, a student of Traffic Light Sciences.

Leading. Don't you know the rules? Don't you see what the sign is?

What kind of bird is this?

Funny road sign.

I won't study

I'm having fun anyway!

Leading. Children, do you know what this sign is? (Children's answers) Cat. Why should I know them? I can live without them.

Leading. How should you cross the street?

Cat. How, how, on four legs.

Leading. Did the cat answer correctly?

Children. No!

Leading. So how should it be?


Pedestrian, pedestrian,

Remember about the transition -

Underground, above ground,


Know that only a transition

It will save you from cars!

Leading. Right. And for you, Cat, one more question. How to get around the bus - in front or behind?

Cat. Why bypass? You can also jump over or crawl between the wheels.

Leading. Guys, let's help the Cat, he's completely confused.

Child. The bus is only passed from behind. It's better to wait until he leaves.

Leading. Can you play on the road?

Cat. It depends on what. Chess - no.

Leading. Why?

Cat. The machines knock down all the pieces.

Leading. Can you hit the ball?

Cat. And how!

Leading. Do you guys agree with Cat? (No, why?

Child. There are a lot of road rules in the world,

It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all.

But the main rule of motion is to know how to use a multiplication table.

All. Don't play on the pavement, don't ride,

If you want to stay healthy.

Interference-Incompetent eavesdrops and runs up to the Cat.

Interference-Incompetence. Don't listen to them, buddy. It’s great, and it’s also great to play on the pavement. How many accidents will we cause with you? (Drags away the Cat)

Leading. Guys, let's read the poems “An Incident at the Crossroads”, “Dispute”.

After the reading of the poems, the ambulance signal sounds - a recording. A crash is heard.

Leading. What's happened?

A lame cat comes out from behind the screen.

Cat. I had an accident. Guys, take me with you. I realized that it is very bad not to know the rules of the road. Help me. And I will tell you the secret of how to find the signs.

Leading. How?

Cat. It must be said: signs, signs, respond,

Come back to us soon. (Children repeat)

The host sends the Cat for signs. The cat pulls out a long rope from the corridor and asks the children to help. The children take it and pull. Finally, all the mixed up road signs somehow fit into the picture.

Road signs.

We are glad, very glad,

That you saved us all.

Cheerful dance "Friendship"

Let's dance now.

Everyone gets up and dances “Quack-Quack.”

Interference-Incompetence. What are you happy about? You helped out with the signs, but you can’t see the Traffic Light, because you don’t know which path to get to it.

Children. On the pedestrian way!

Game “Walk across the pedestrian crossing” (who is faster).

Interference-Incompetence. Everything is lost. My magic is powerless. I'm leaving you.

Traffic light. Thank you, friends, for helping me out.

Leading. Our children know a song about you.

Children perform the "Song about the Traffic Light".

Leading(addressing the Cat). Repeat quickly, my friend,

How did you learn your lesson?

At a red light -

There is no road!

On yellow - wait!

When the green light is on -

Bon Voyage!

Leading. Well done, Cat. Our event has come to an end.

Note. It’s good for the children to leave the hall to the song “Cars, Cars.”

Therefore, activities in kindergarten on traffic rules are an integral part of the educational program. Preschool teachers can independently come up with a scenario for such holidays. And also events on the topic of traffic rules in kindergarten can be organized based on ready-made ideas. In any case, the program must include everything that a child of a particular age category should know.

Why conduct traffic rules activities in kindergarten?

Typically, teachers and parents are well aware of the overall significance of such an event. However, it is better to study in detail what benefits knowledge of traffic rules will have for kids:

  • Children will learn to cross the road correctly.
  • In a playful way, they will understand the general rules of behavior on the road, both pedestrians and drivers.
  • Find out in which places it is prohibited to cross the road.
  • Learn some road signs.

In general, an event in kindergarten on traffic rules is very useful for children of different ages. In a playful form, boys and girls will remember what is presented to them much faster than in the form of a banal lecture.

How to involve children in participating in the event?

Of course, in addition to the presenters, the children themselves should take part. When there are many of them, there should not be any difficulties in finding active participants. After all, among a group or several groups of children, there will definitely be those who will be happy to help make the holiday varied, lively and fun.

If the kids refuse to participate for some reason, you can motivate them by promising prizes at the end of the program.

Scenario of an event in kindergarten on traffic rules for the little ones

Nurseries and younger groups, just like adults, must know the rules of the road. Therefore, the traffic rules event in kindergarten should be rich in useful knowledge and skills. The smallest boys and girls cannot sit still for long. Therefore, an event on traffic rules in kindergarten for the nursery and junior groups should be organized short, but filled with useful knowledge. The scenario could be as follows:

The presenter (Traffic Light) comes out and says:

Hello guys, I hope that you all know me well. But I still want to remind you of my role on the roads.

Why are the lights on at the traffic lights?

Red means everyone should stand

Yellow - get ready

And green means we're on our way,

Well, let them change,

Well, let the traffic light change colors.

Do you know how to cross the road correctly?

But today we will consolidate our knowledge a little.

Then a boy runs out, while the traffic light is red, he runs across the road. He mutters to himself:

Oh, I'm late, oh-oh-oh.

A car (also a man in disguise) stops abruptly in front of him. The driver gets out of the car and says to the boy:

What are you doing, you're a bad boy?

You run right under the wheels.

You will always remember,

Just cross the road when the light is green.

The track is no joke

Better wait a minute.

I taught about traffic lights at school,

But I was in a hurry to see Olya.

Traffic light:

I hope you understand that it's better to wait,

So that you don’t have to go to the doctors later.

The sad boy slowly crossed the green road. But he realized his mistake and will never do that again.

After this, the children are lined up in two lines opposite the traffic light. Everyone in turn must cross the road when the light turns green. At the other end of the road there should be various interesting little animals that beckon to children, but children must cross to the other side only when the light is green. At the end of the relay, each participant must be given a candy on a stick.

Scenario of the event for older groups of kindergarten

In older groups, children know much more than in nursery and middle groups. However, you first need to draw up a plan for an event on traffic rules in kindergarten for graduating groups so that learning in a playful way brings maximum benefit. The scenario could be as follows:

The presenter (B) and a man in the uniform of a traffic police officer enter the stage.

Q: It’s not for nothing that we have gathered here,

We will fix the rules.

Let's talk about something very important,

Let's repeat.

We'll remember what you knew

We will organize fun competitions.

Traffic police officer: I invite ten guys to the stage, with whom we will show all the spectators important traffic rules and behavior on the roads.

Those who want to actively participate in the event come out. Having settled for first or second, the players are divided into two teams.

I propose to call one team “Zebras” and the second “Traffic Light”. This will make it easier for us to root for the participants and support them in competitions.

After this, the presenter approaches one team, and the disguised traffic police officer approaches the second. Together with the guys, the presenters study the team mottos. When all the words are memorized, it’s time to introduce yourself.

Our team?!

The children answer in unison:

Our motto?!

Hello to the “Traffic Lights” team! We will give them answers to all traffic rules questions. After all, if you know the rules of the road, this is a very big achievement.

Disguised traffic police officer:

Our team?!

Traffic light.


Our motto?!

The Traffic Light team knows the rules of the roads. We will give Zebra a head start, because we are confident in our knowledge.

Well, I see that both teams are ready to play. Therefore, we begin our competition.

First relay.

Participants stand in two lines according to teams. The task is as follows:

In front of the children is a screen on which the colors of a traffic light will light up in a chaotic manner. When the light turns green, children need to stand in circles, according to the commands, and walk. When the yellow light comes on on the screen, you need to quickly stop, placing one foot forward and the other back. You need to stand like this until the next light comes on. If red appears on the screen, all children should stand close to each other with their legs and arms straight.

It is immediately obvious that you are well versed in this. Well done to both teams, you showed class. How will you cope with another task?

Second relay.

The most important thing in this game is to give answers to questions without hesitation within a few seconds. Questions could be:

  • How many colors are there in a traffic light?
  • What color can you cross the road with?
  • What does a yellow traffic light mean?
  • Describe the meaning of a red traffic light?

These and other questions can be asked. They don’t have to be complicated; the most important thing is to consolidate your knowledge of traffic light colors.

Well done guys, you did a good job. And now I offer you several active competitions in which you can warm up and have fun from the heart.

First competition.

Children choose one person from their team to be the driver. This person becomes the first, the rest must fit behind him. There are a lot of obstacles along the way, traffic lights, road signs, holes and puddles that drivers must overcome as quickly as possible. The team that passes the test first wins.

Second competition.

Here everyone should imagine themselves as a car driver. The first players in the line are given a circle, which is considered the steering wheel. There are pins along the way that you need to run around. The person who passes the relay passes the steering wheel to the next participant. The team that passes all the obstacles first wins.

Well done guys, you passed all the tests with dignity, and I see that you have consolidated your knowledge of the rules of the road. We give each of you memorable prizes: a book with traffic rules so you don’t forget them, and sweet gifts.

Competitions to consolidate knowledge gained at the event

To understand how much the children understood the information conveyed, it is important to draw up a report on traffic rules activities in kindergarten, namely, ask the children questions in order to understand whether the lesson was organized in vain. Questions with suggested answers might be:

1. Why are traffic rules needed?

  • In order to break them.
  • So that on the street there is something to think about.
  • So that everything is in order on the roads.

2. What are the names of roads that are intended for pedestrians?

  • Sidewalks.
  • Trails.
  • Highways.

3. What is the name of the pedestrian crossing?

  • Cheetah.
  • Tiger.
  • Zebra.

4. What is the color of the traffic light that indicates that traffic is prohibited?

  • Violet.
  • Crimson.
  • Red.

5. The green light on the traffic light is flashing. What does it mean?

Such questions will amuse children and help them understand how much they have mastered the material received.

How to end the event?

Of course, it’s worth thanking in prose or rhyme all those who took part in the competition. We also need to say thank you to the grateful viewers for their time and attention. Words of gratitude will be an excellent motivation for children for the future. Boys and girls will definitely want to participate in the following competitions and events, because it’s so nice when your efforts are not in vain.

(winner at the city competition "Green Light" in 2014)

municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 170 Traktorozavodsky district of Volgograd"

Compiled by: senior teacher of the first qualification category of Municipal Educational Institution of Kindergarten No. 170 Kudryavtseva Natalya Viktorovna Volgograd, 2017

Goal: to develop in children of senior preschool age the basic skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads.


  1. Reinforce traffic rules through game situations;
  2. Summarize children's knowledge about traffic rules, rules of behavior on city streets, basic road signs studied at this age, traffic lights;
  3. Raise competent pedestrians.


Masha is a girl in the preparatory group.

Misha is a teacher.


Children of the preparatory group for poems about road signs and for playing out problem situations.

Equipment and materials:

Costumes for heroes;

Layouts of road signs, buses, cars, doll strollers, traffic lights.

Set of road signs.

Large floor layout with markings "zebra" .

Projector for demonstration. "Magic Remote" with the help of which one moves into a fairy tale.

Preliminary work.

Preparing attributes and costumes for the event. Learning poetry, songs, dance. In preschool groups - repetition and study of traffic rules, signs, various situations on the road and in transport; in the traffic rules room - reading stories, playing on models; at the transport site - repetition of traffic rules, outdoor games.

Decoration of the hall.

On the central wall there is a screen for display, lighting for effect "magic" , model of a bus, traffic lights made of balloons. The hall is divided into 2 halves with the help of balloons - spectators and fabulous action. Models of road signs are placed throughout the hall. Later, for a problematic situation, a large layout with markings is spread on the floor "zebra" (attached with Velcro to the carpet).

Screensaver background on the topic of traffic rules. Music sounds, children come in to the music and sit on chairs.

Educator: Hello children, today we will watch a fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" , but our viewing will be unusual, because I have a magic remote control! It not only allows you to stop the fairy tale, but also get into it, and in the fairy tale we can communicate with the heroes. Well, let's see?

The lights go down, a cartoon screensaver plays, then the lights above the stage turn on. Dance number "Masha and the Bears" , after the dance everyone leaves, Masha is left alone, sits down at the table, and sees an album with a photo and begins to look at it. Background music is playing and slideshows of a bear in the circus are playing.

Masha: “Oh! Wow, these are fairy tales! Wow... Misha, Misha, Mishenka! (a bear comes in) Misha, where are you going? This is what I found, Mishenka, come on, read it! Read it!

Bear: Oh! (scratching the back of his head) Mashenka is not a fairy tale…it’s a photo album! Look, I used to work in a circus!

There is a video of a bear in the circus.

Masha: How great! (claps his hands). I want to go to the circus too! Want! Want! Want! (stomps his feet)

Bear: Okay! I’ll take you to the circus, but for this we need to go from the forest to the city!

Screensaver "city" .

Bear: But they don’t just walk along city streets!

When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get into trouble!

How can I correctly explain to you how to behave in the city, on the streets?!... The bear thinks and freezes. The lights go out above the stage and come on above the children. The teacher presses the remote control, addressing the children.

Educator: Well, guys, I invite you to a fairy tale. I think we should help Masha and Misha, because Mashenka doesn’t know that there are many dangers in the city that await her on the road. Are you ready to get into a fairy tale?

He presses the remote control, the light flashes, magical music plays, Masha and the Bear look around in surprise.

Educator: Hello, Masha and Misha, the children from kindergarten and I decided to come to visit you to teach Mashenka how to behave correctly on city streets, as well as traffic rules. Mashenka, listen carefully and remember!

Children come out with road signs in their hands and read poems:

1 child:

The city in which we live
It can rightfully be compared to a primer.
Here it is, the alphabet over the pavement,
Signs are hung overhead.

ABC of streets, avenues, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.
Always remember the alphabet of the city,
So that no trouble happens to you.

Masha: ABC! Yes, I know what the alphabet is! We, you know, are scientists, and you don’t need to teach us!

Educator: No, Mashenka, the guys are talking about the road alphabet! In the city you need to carefully look at the road signs, they are the ones who will tell you how to behave correctly! After all, there are many dangers in the city, and in order to avoid getting into trouble you must follow the traffic rules! Listen carefully!

Child with a sign "Overground pedestrian crossing"

Pedestrian, pedestrian!
Remember about the transition!
I am the Overpass!
I am like a bridge crossing!

A safe path will show
And how to cross the railway
He'll tell you right away!
Child with a sign "Underground crossing"

I am the underground passage
Every pedestrian knows!
Nothing decorates
Helps pedestrians!

Both children together:
A pedestrian! A pedestrian!
Look at the signs
Remember them

And don't go on the road,
Take care of your hands and feet!

Child with a sign "No Pedestrians"

In rain or shine
There are no pedestrians here.
The sign tells them one thing:
“You are not allowed to go!”

Educator: You see, Mashenka, our guys know road signs, and now you know them too! Remember them when you are on the city streets! Well, for now, you get ready, and the guys and I will continue to watch your fairy tale, but only when we see that our help is needed, we will tell you again!

He presses the remote control, the lights flash, and magical music plays.

Masha: Oh, how interesting! How I already want to go to the city soon! Misha, Misha, can I take the ball with me?

Bear: No, Mashenka, it's dangerous! The ball can roll onto the roadway - onto the pavement, where cars, trucks, buses, trolleybuses rush back and forth and the ball will rush under the wheels forever...

Bear: You can only play ball where there are no cars! And you and I are getting ready to hit the road!

Masha: And the scooter? Can I take a scooter? I can quickly get to kindergarten on it! Like this! (Shows how he rides a scooter).

Bear: What are you talking about!? Mashenka, no, of course not! The scooter will only get in our way, because the road ahead is long, long and dangerous!

Masha: Ugh...well, you can’t take anything with you! Then I’ll take headphones with me to make it more fun...Can I, Mish? (Masha puts on headphones and dances. The bear comes up to Masha, removes one earphone and speaks loudly into her ear).

Bear: Yes!!! We will only listen to music when we arrive!

(Masha takes off her headphones, puts them around her neck, sighs)

Masha: Oh, how complicated everything is! Nothing is possible! Everything is prohibited! And I'm still a child! I want to play!

(The teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music plays).

Educator: Here we are again! Masha, let's play with our guys and thereby remember the rules of the road!

(Children play a game according to traffic rules, after which the teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, and magical music plays).

Masha: Well, now it's time!

Misha: Mashenka, baby, wait! I have to put another scarf on you!

Masha: A scarf? No way! What are you doing? Do you want to take off my scarf? I'm not giving it! (Craps her head in her hands, runs away, Misha catches up with her).

Bear: Masha! Yes wait! Stop! Do not scream! Just look what she is like... (Puts a scarf on his head) It has luminous stripes, they are clearly visible in the dark from afar to anyone: both pedestrians and vehicle drivers. You will be very beautiful in this scarf.

Masha: Well, sit down... Are you talking about stripes? Glowing, you say? In the dark, you say? Beautiful, you say? I don’t see anything glowing!

Bear: Now you'll see! Because they glow only when a ray of light falls on them. Look!

Dance of glowing costumes.

Masha: Okay! I agree! Come on, put it on. Just make sure I'm beautiful!

(Misha puts a scarf on Masha)

Masha: Misha, what about you? Do you also need a scarf?

Bear: Thank you, Mashunechka, for your concern! And I'll wear a vest!

Masha and the bear are walking through the forest. The video shows a forest screensaver. The soundtrack of the song plays. They bring out a model of a bus and a sign "Stop" .

Screensaver "Bus stop" .

Masha: Oh, what is this?

Bear: This is a stop, now the bus will arrive and we will go.

(Masha begins to run around the bear and the sign, and clap her hands).

Masha: Hurray! Let's go, let's go! And I’ll also run on the bus, Mishenka, and jump on the seats, and also, and again...

(The bear slaps himself on the forehead and pretends that he feels bad. The teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, and magic music is heard).

Educator: I think the guys and I should explain to Masha what this sign is and how to behave correctly on the bus!

Children read poetry:

Sign "Stop"

You've been walking for a very long time
Finally saw
A sign that says -
This is where your bus stops!

There is a pedestrian in this place
Transport waits patiently
He's tired of walking
Wants to become a passenger!

Children read the rules of behavior in transport:

1. child:

At the stop Bunnies the bus was waiting,
They were jumping like balls and jumping merrily.
Jump and jump, all around.
And old Mishka was pushed in the side with his elbow.

You're waiting at the bus stop, stop! And don't spin!
If you offend someone, apologize right away!

2. child:

The bus arrived, the bunnies came in a crowd,
The doors are besieged, they are bursting as if into battle!
The bunnies got into a stampede,
They don’t want to give way!

The hares do not allow passengers to leave.
They are rude to everyone, push them around, and yell at everyone.
First, those leaving must be allowed through.
And then calmly go inside!

3. child:

The animals were driving, they opened the window,
There's a gray cat right there
I suddenly wanted to stick my head out -
The public did not dare to object to her.

She rides the bus proudly,
And the head is visible from the window.
He sees a truck rushing towards him,
I passed nearby, and at the same moment

A big wind picked up on the road,
He tore the hat off the cat in the window!
The gray cat was very upset.
Children, don't poke your head into the window!

Educator: It's time for us! Bon Voyage!

Masha and Misha get on the bus.

Song "In the bus"

I. We boarded the bus together
And we looked out the window,
Our driver pressed the pedal
And he ran to the bus.

II. On the road like a bird
Our bus is moving fast.
We go, we go easily,
We're going, we're going far.

While they sing, assistants lay out the floor model "Crossroads" .

A three-eyed traffic light comes out and falls into place, a two-eyed traffic light comes out and falls into place, children with big cars come out and stand in opposite directions, signs come out. "Bicycles are prohibited" , "Land Passage" .

Masha and Misha get off the bus.

Bear: When getting out of passenger transport, be polite, always hold me by the paw and look carefully at my feet, get out carefully!

They approach the model of the zebra, the bear takes off Masha’s headphones, they try to cross the road, but they fail. Masha gets scared and cries. Misha calms her down.

The teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, and magical music plays.

Educator: Now it’s time to explain to Masha how to cross the road correctly! Well, guys, can we help?

Three-eyed traffic light:

Here is a three-eyed traffic light!
He drives cars
He suggests when to stop and drive.
The traffic light is of course strict,

He is famous all over the world!
He's on a wide street
The most important commander!
Red light - says no to transport!

The yellow light gives advice to wait a little!
And the green light is on: “Pass on!” - speaks.
Two-eyed traffic light:
Here is a two-eyed traffic light!

He says to pedestrians:
“Red light - no passage!
You should never run a red light!
And the green light is on -

"Drive by" , - speaks.
Sign “Riding a bicycle is prohibited”
There is a sign on the road
He says in a stern tone -

“I forbid it in this place
Ride a bike!
Sign "Crosswalk" :
Walk carefully, keep an eye on the street

And only cross it where possible!
I am a ground crossing!
My sign will point to him,
The zebra will show you right away

Know that only transition from trouble will save you!

Educator: Look, Mashenka, what situations happen!

  1. Cars go first, traffic lights show: green for cars, red for pedestrians.
  2. Traffic lights change signals: cars - stop, pedestrians - go.

Pedestrians walk:

  1. child looking at tablet
  2. child playing ball
  3. child in headphones

The bear runs, clutching its head, and stops everyone.


Children on the roadway
Don't do like these
You're not looking at your tablet
And take off your headphones

And cross the road very, very carefully!
Always be a worthy example
And no trouble will happen on the road!

The situation repeats itself:

  1. Cars drive first, traffic lights show signals: green for cars, red for pedestrians.
  2. Then the cars are standing and the pedestrians are walking. The traffic lights show: red for cars, green for pedestrians.


Be very strict
discipline on the road, and good luck to you then,
will be a friend forever!
Screensaver: CIRCUS sounds circus music.

Educator: So you, Mashenka and Misha, have come to the circus, but you still need to go back, so don’t forget everything that the children and I taught you! Goodbye.

The teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, and magical music plays.

Educator: Well, the fairy tale is over, but you and I helped Masha and Misha get to the circus, you did great!

Screensaver background - rules about road signs or just a picture

Music sounds and everyone leaves.


Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights and traffic rules;

Introduce traffic signs;

Foster a culture of behavior on the street, developing the need to comply with traffic rules.

Characters: Presenter, Postman, Baba Yaga, Doll, Parsley.

Music for entrance.

Presenter: - Hello, guys, and our distinguished guests. We begin our fun according to traffic rules. And today I will go on an unusual journey with you.

We all live in a beautiful city, with wide streets and alleys. Many cars and trucks and buses travel along them. They are running at high speed.

Close your eyes and listen to the noise of the streets (city noise soundtrack). What did you hear?

The law of streets and roads is very strict and it is called TRAFFIC RULES. Only following the rules allows us to confidently cross the street.

To live without knowing sorrows

To run, swim and fly.

You need traffic rules

Observe always, everywhere.

Warm-up game “Lucky Chance”(you need to answer questions quickly):

What is the name of the part of the road along which vehicles move? (Driveway.)

The animal whose name denotes a section of the roadway? (Zebra.)

What is the name of the sounding instrument of a traffic police officer? (Whistle.)

What is the name of the silent tool of a traffic police officer? (Rod.)

At what traffic light should you not cross the road?

Name the part of the road along which pedestrians walk? (Sidewalk.)

What is the name of the place where passengers wait for transport. (Stop.)

At what traffic light can you cross the road?

The postman comes out to the music.

Hello, is this kindergarten No. 9 “Shatlyk”? As you understand, I am a postman and brought you a letter, not from anywhere, but from a magical land. Oh, I barely made it to you, such miracles happen there, it makes my hair stand on end. I almost got hit by a car three times, the road signs there were all gone, the pedestrian crossings were covered. In general, here you go, read on, but it’s time for me to move on. Things are waiting. Goodbye!

“Hello guys, we residents of the Fairy Tale City are in trouble. All our road signs and even the traffic lights have disappeared. Now there is no order on our roads, accidents happen all the time. We are afraid to go outside. Help us! »

Oh guys, do you think this is a problem? And is it necessary to help the heroes from a fairy-tale land? Are road signs and traffic lights necessary?

Well then, what can we do to help the residents of the fairy-tale city in their trouble? Then I suggest not wasting time right now, but going on a trip right away. Go?

Song “WE eat, eat, eat....”

(To the music, children stand at their chairs and repeat the movements after the leader.)

Well, here we are (the children sit down).

The curtain opens and a doll and parsley are sitting in the background.

Presenter: Hello, can you please tell me this is the Fairytale City? Did you write to us?

Doll (joyfully): Yes, yes, we wrote you a letter, how good it is that you came, you see Ryzhik, and you said that no one will help us. Hello, I'm Katya doll.

Parsley: And I’m Parsley and my name is Ryzhik.

Presenter: Hello friends, you wrote to us that you had a problem, so the guys and I came to you.

Parsley: Yes, in our city all the traffic rules were violated, all the road signs, the traffic lights disappeared somewhere.

Doll: And without them it became impossible to move around the city either on foot or by car!

Presenter: How did this happen, friends?

Parsley: But we ourselves don’t know! A couple of days ago everything was fine, but yesterday morning we woke up, got ready for school, kindergartens, went outside, and it was empty! Even the pedestrian crossings have been erased from the asphalt!

Presenter: Look, this is a pedestrian crossing!

Doll: Yes, this is just the last one (sighs sadly).

Music Baba Yaga flies into the hall on a broom, throws the broom, sits on her knees and grumbles while wiping the floor.

Baba Yaga: What is this, and here the road is dirty, what a hooligan, well, if you get caught by me, I’ll show you!

Presenter: (Approaches the doll and quietly asks, pointing his finger at Baba Yaga.)

Oh who is this?

Doll: This is Baba Yaga, she lives in a dense forest, nearby, only she never left the forest, but probably came to the city to visit her relatives.

Presenter: E.E.Er... dear, may I ask what you are doing?

Baba Yaga: Are you addressing me? Yes, now the road is dirty, I’m scrubbing it off! I tried all night, thinking I had wiped everything off everywhere, but it turns out there was still some left. What kind of hooligans have soiled the roads so much, how much paint has been wasted, what losses!

Parsley: Actually, grandma is a ZEBRA!

Baba Yaga: No, of course I understand the killer whale that I’m a dense grandmother, but not that much, it’s a zebra ha ha, do you think I don’t know or understand anything? A zebra is such a striped horse!

Presenter: No, grandma, you just didn’t understand! A zebra crossing is called a pedestrian crossing because it is marked by stripes on the road and looks a bit like a striped zebra. These stripes are drawn here specifically so that pedestrians know where they can cross the road!

Baba Yaga: Look, you pedestrians! Who are they?

Doll: A pedestrian is a road user who is outside the vehicle.

Baba Yaga: Yeah, I got it! So when I get off my broom, it turns out I’m also a pedestrian? And should you cross the road where the stripes are painted? Interesting! It turns out that I washed the paths in vain?

Presenter: It turns out in vain! They are very necessary! You grandma, sit down, and the guys will tell you about the pedestrian crossing!

1 child (1 group)

If you need to cross Niyaz

Across the road for you

To this end, along the way

There are always transitions!

Transitions can be

Different, guys!

So as not to forget it

We need to study the signs.

With a striped Iskander track

There is a sign at the zebra

You guys should know

That this is not a trifle:

Crossing the zebra crossing

First make sure

That everyone has a car -

Now hurry up!

This is how I cross the road Madina

First I'll look to the left

And if there is no car

I'm going to the middle

Then I look carefully

To the right is obligatory

And if there is no movement

I walk without a doubt!

Song about road signs(To the tune of the song “They teach at school”)

Baba Yaga: Well, now I understand everything, thank you, the guys suggested it, explained it to the old grandmother.

Doll: Baba Yaga, and Baba Yaga, maybe you also removed the road signs?

Baba Yaga: I don’t know anything about signs! But I removed the pictures that were placed on the roads! What is this, they put pictures here, you know, drivers are driving, looking, and an accident can happen!

Parsley: These are not pictures, but very important road signs! They do not distract, but help drivers drive correctly and pedestrians walk safely!

Baba Yaga: No, you are confusing something! Look (takes out a sign from his bosom) here’s a picture - children are walking, and you want to tell me that this is a sign? But this picture (takes out another sign)…. , and this, and this? (4-5 characters are enough.)

Presenter: Now Baba Yaga, we will tell you everything about these signs and prove that these are not just some pictures.

Poems about signs.

1. There is a sign “Underground passage” - (shows)

Every pedestrian knows Dean

About this underground passage.

He doesn't decorate the city,

But it doesn’t interfere with cars!

2. Children's sign: Adele

There are children in the middle of the road,

We are always responsible for them.

So that their parent does not cry,

Be careful, driver!

Gas station sign: Denis

You won't get there without gasoline

To the cafe and shop.

This sign will tell you loudly:

"There's a gas station nearby!"

4. Sign “Pedestrian movement prohibited” Alina

In rain or shine

There are no pedestrians here.

The sign tells them one thing:

"You are not allowed to go!"

5. Hospital sign A. Amir

If you need treatment,

The sign will tell you where the hospital is.

One Hundred Serious Doctors

There they will tell you: “Be healthy!”

6. Sign “Food station” Ruslan

When you need food,

Then come here.

Hey driver, pay attention!

Food station coming soon!

7. No movement sign

This sign is very strict, Ranil

Since he is standing on the road.

He tells us: “Friends,

You can’t drive here at all!”

8. Sign “Pedestrian crossing” Emil

There's a land crossing here

People walk around all day.

You, driver, don't be sad,

Let the pedestrian pass!

9. Sign “Movement without stopping is prohibited” Salavat

You, driver, take your time,

See the sign, stop!

Before you continue on your way,

Don't forget to look around.

10. Sign “Bicycle path”: Zukhra

Bike Lane,

Overtake Maxim Seryozhka.

No one will bother you -

All children know this sign.

11. No entry sign: H. Amir

The driver's sign is scary

Cars are prohibited from entering!

Don't try rashly

Drive past the brick!

Dance of signs.

Game "Collect a sign"(children compete with Baba Yaga)

Baba Yaga: Well, okay, since they are so necessary, I’ll put them back. Just what am I going to hang on the walls of the hut?

Presenter: And our guys draw very well. They will draw pictures for you!

Baba Yaga: A wonderful idea, just draw me exactly the same pictures, okay?

I'll hang them on the walls and it will be beautiful. I have a new, beautiful lamp in my hut - I found it on the street! Someone threw something away... and I picked it up. With colorful light bulbs!

Doll: Oh, grandma, isn’t this our traffic light?

Baba Yaga: What other traffic light?

Presenter: A traffic light is a device that regulates traffic on streets and roads.

Baba Yaga: How can a lamp with multi-colored bulbs regulate movement?

Host: But listen.

(Girls come out in red, yellow and green suits.)

Girls in chorus:

You must distinguish clearly

Color green, yellow red

Look at the signals, and then move on! (Each color tells a story about itself) Traffic light:

Red: If the red light is on,

The traffic light tells you:

Stay where you are! Do not go!

Wait a little.

Yellow: Bright yellow light is on,

“Get ready,” he says.

The traffic light warns

That he switches the light.

Green: He turned on the green light,

The path forward has been cleared for you.

All the cars are waiting together:

Children and mothers are walking.

Song “Traffic lights och suzze”

Presenter: Baba Yaga, we will now check how you learned the traffic lights.

Warm-up game “Traffic Light” (played by girls). Playing with Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Everything, everything is clear to me. I wanted to help you, but it only ended up causing harm... Eh!

Presenter: Don’t be upset, Baba Yaga. Please give all the signs and the traffic light to the doll and Petrushka and come with us. With us you will learn a lot of interesting and useful things about the rules of the road and you will never make such mistakes again.

(Baba Yaga hands over the traffic light and signs, they say goodbye, the heroes thank the guys and leave.)

Let's all sing together the song "It's Dangerous to Play on the Road."

Presenter: Well, Baba Yaga, have you understood the rules a little for yourself, have you understood why signs and traffic lights are needed?

Baba Yaga: Yes guys, thank you. But I have one more question. While I was flying around this city in a mortar, I saw so many different types of equipment, but I don’t know what they are called. Can you tell me?

Presenter: Guys, I think that when Baba Yaga says technology, she means transport, let’s tell her a little about it. Now I’m going to tell you riddles and you guess in unison. Fine?

Riddles about transport (6-7 pieces)

The brothers are ready to visit,

They clung to each other.

And they rushed off on a long journey,

They just left some smoke.

(Train, carriages.)

Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,

A beetle is running down the street.

And they burn in the beetle's eyes

Two shiny lights.


Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass,

Spinning their legs along the road

Two funny wheels

The riddle has an answer:

This is my…


A strong man on four legs

In rubber boots

Straight from the store

He brought us a piano.


There's a house going down the street

He takes us to work,

Not on chicken thin legs,

And in rubber boots.


Home is a wonderful runner

On your own eight legs.

Runs along the alley

Along two steel snakes.


Either he is there, or he is here,

He can eat a hundred people

And his horns, I suppose,

The elk will be jealous too.


Baba Yaga: Thank you guys! Now I know the names of different types of transport and how to behave on the roads. And it’s time for me to return to my dense forest. I’ll go teach the forest animals all these rules. I liked you all very much and I think we will see you again more than once.

Presenter: Well, happy for you, Grandma Yaga. We hope you find the knowledge you received today useful. Goodbye!

Guys, it’s time for you and me to return to kindergarten. Did you enjoy our trip? We will always follow the rules of the road.

And tell you in conclusion

I want, my friends,

What's without rules of conduct?

And traffic

There's no way around it!

This concludes our event. Thanks everyone! Well done!