Polish is a creative language. The instrumental case in Polish (masculine and neuter gender). As for adjectives, they, as in Russian, will have the endings – ym

Case Masculine and neuter Feminine
Them. zdrowy "healthy" zdrowe drogi drogie zdrowa droga
Genus. zdrowego drogiego zdrowej drogiej
Dat. zdrowemu drogiemu zdrowej drogiej
Vin. zdrowy zdrowego zdrowe drogi drogiego drogie zdrową drogą
TV zdrowym drogim zdrową drogą
Etc. o zdrowym o drogim o zdrowej o drogiej


Them. zdrowi zdrowe drodzy drogie
Genus. zdrowych drogich
Dat. zdrowym drogim
Vin. zdrowych zdrowe drogich drogie
TV zdrowymi drogimi
Etc. o zdrowych o drogich

Singular endings

Masculine and neuter


Endings -y, -i, -e .

Ending -y acquire masculine adjectives with a base on a hard, hardened consonant and ch (dobr y "good, kind" obc y "stranger", głuch y "deaf").

Ending -i have masculine adjectives with a base on a soft consonant and g, k (ostatn i "last", miękk i "soft"); in the future, all forms of the masculine and neuter gender will be formed from the base to soft g, k , which is indicated in writing using a vowel -i- .

All neuter adjectives have an ending -e .


Ending -ego (now ego , mięki ego ).


Ending -emu (obc emu , drogi emu ).


For animate adjectives, the masculine gender coincides with the genitive case, for inanimate adjectives - with the nominative case. For adjectives, the neuter gender always coincides with the nominative case.

Instrumental and prepositional case

Endings -im (ostatn im ) in the case of a soft base and -ym (dobr ym ) in the case of a solid base.



Ending -A (now a ).

Genitive, dative, prepositional cases

Ending -ej (obc ej ). Adjectives on g, k form these shapes from a soft base ( ostatni ej ).

Accusative and instrumental case

The declension of feminine nouns has the most uniform endings. The same ending is also found in the accusative and instrumental cases. (drog ą ). Adjectives on g, k form these shapes from a solid base.

Plural endings


In this case, personal-masculine and impersonal-masculine forms are distinguished. Adjectives can have endings -i, -y, -e .

Ending -i found in personal-masculine forms with a base on a hard consonant, and the following alternations occur:

b/b" słaby"weak" - słabi
m/m" znajomy"familiar" - znajomi
n/n" modest"modest" - modest
t/c bogaty"rich" - bogaci
s/ś bosy"barefoot" - bosi
sz/ś młodszy"Jr" - młodsi
st/ść prosty"simple" - prości
sł/śl dorosły"adult" - dorośli
p/p" ślepy"blind" - ślepi
w/w" łatwy"easy" - łatwi
ł/l mały"small" - mali
d/dź chuddy"thin" - chudzi
ch/ś głuchy"deaf" - głusi
ż/ź duży"big" - duzi
sn/śń radosny"joyful" - radośni
zł/źl niezły"not bad" - nieźli

Ending -i they also acquire personal-masculine forms with a base on a soft consonant, while there are no alternations ( ostatni gość - ostatn i goście).

Ending -y have personally masculine forms with a basis on g, k, r , the following alternations occur:

Ending -y also acquire personally masculine forms with a base on a hardened consonant (except ż, sz, rz ), while there are no alternations ( obcy człowiek"stranger" - obc y ludzie).

Ending -e occurs in non-personal masculine forms, while alternations do not occur, g, k - soft. Formally, these forms coincide with the form of the nominative singular neuter ( wolne miejsca"free places", wolne miejsce"free place").

Genitive and prepositional cases

-ych (now ych , stanowcz ych "positive" g, k - -ich (głup ich "stupid" wysok ich "high")


For adjectives with a base on a hard and hardened consonant - the ending -ym (now ym , stanowcz ym ), with a base on the soft and posterior lingual g, k - -im (głup im , wysok im ).


The personal-masculine form of the adjective coincides with the genitive case, and the impersonal-masculine form coincides with the impersonal-masculine form of the nominative case.

Instrumental case

For adjectives with a base on a hard and hardened consonant - the ending -ymi (now ymi , stanowcz ymi ), with a base on the soft and posterior lingual g, k - -imi (głup imi , wysok imi ).

Following the pattern of declension of adjectives, they are declined:

1) forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives;

2) pronouns changing by gender;

3) ordinals;

4) some nouns. These include:

  • male and female surnames with suffixes -sk- And -ck- (Kowalski - Kowalskiego; Kowalska - Kowalskiej, Konwicki - Konwickiego; Konwicka - Konwickiej);
  • female surnames and common nouns with suffix -ow- (Orzeszkowa - Orzeszkowej; bratowa - bratowej);
  • surnames of foreign origin and given names -e, -i, -y (Linde - Lindego, Anthony - Anthony, Batory - Batorego);
  • adjectives that have become nouns ( myśliwy"hunter" - myśliwego, służący"servant" - służącego);
  • geographical names that are adjectives in origin ( Sucha - Suchej, Biała - Białej, Zakopane - Zakopanego).

The instrumental case is often studied first, because without knowing the correct endings we cannot talk about ourselves in Polish. If in Russian it is enough for us to use a construction with the nominative case (for example, I am a student), then in Polish you cannot do without the instrumental case. We have to say : jestem studentem/ studentką .

Instrumental case of nouns (Narzędnik rzeczowników)

Nouns in the instrumental case answer the questions: By whom? How?

All words in plural have the same ending as in Russian - ami:kolegami(colleagues) , có rkami(daughters) , jabł kami(apples). The difference is only in the stress: in Russian it falls on the root of the word, and in Polish – on the ending (on the letter A).

However, some words have a special form in the instrumental plural. You need to remember them:







Kość- kość mi(bone-bones);

Ksią dz-księż mi(priests-priests);


Singular There are some differences in noun endings that you should pay attention to.

Ending -em We write in neuter nouns, as well as in masculine words, except for those that end in - in the nominative case. a. For example:


Mathematyk-matematyki em(mathematician-mathematician);


Filolog-filologi em(philologist-philologist);

Dziecko-dziecki em(child-child).

Remember! Neuter words in - um (muzeum) in the singular do not change.

If the stem of a word ends in k or g, then before the end you need to add a letter i to soften these consonant sounds.

Ending - ą We write in all feminine words, as well as in masculine nouns that end in a vowel in the nominative case - a:

Matka-matką (mom-mom);

Pani-panią (woman-woman);

Mapa-mapą (card-card);

Kierowca-kierowcą (driver-driver);

Mysz-myszą (mouse-mouse).

Alternations and fluent vowels

When forming instrumental case forms in the root of a word, some changes may occur. So, if in masculine words ending in a consonant there is a combination in the nominative case - ie, then in the instrumental case it often falls out: pie s-psem, ogień- ogniem.

If the last closed syllable has a vowel ó , then in the instrumental case it changes to O, since this syllable becomes open: stó ł- stoł em, wybó r-wybo rem.

If a word of any of the three genders in the nominative case ends in soft - ś, -ć, -ń, -ź , then the softness of these sounds must be preserved by adding the letter - i before finishing: koń- koni em, gwóź dź- gwoź dzi em, radość- radoś cią .

For neuter words that end in - ę when forming the instrumental case form before the ending - em the so-called increment is added (- ci- or - ni-). At the same time, in some words the final nasal is retained, while in others a vowel appears in its place e. For example:

Cielę- cielę ciem(calf-calf);

Plemię- plemie niem(tribe-tribe).

Instrumental case of adjectives (Narzędnik przymiotników)

Adjectives (as well as numerals and pronouns) in the instrumental case answer the questions: Which one? Which? Whose? Whose?

In the plural, the endings are exactly the same as in Russian: - ymi– if the stem of the word ends with a hard and hardened sound and – imi– if the base ends in soft (+ k, g). For example:



There are two endings in the singular: - ą or - ym (-im).

Ending - ą have feminine adjectives:

Gorzka-gorzką (bitter-bitter);

Biał a-białą (white-white).

Ending -ym we write in masculine and neuter adjectives, the stem of which ends in a hard or hardened consonant (in the masculine nominative case they have the ending - y), A - im – if it ends in soft, k or g(in I.p.m.r. these words end in - i):



Dł ugie-dł ugim(long-long);


Features of the use of the instrumental case in Polish

Please pay attention to the following offers:

  1. Piotr Adamczyk best przystojnym męż czyzną – Piotr Adamczyk is a handsome man. In the Polish version, the adjective and noun are in instrumental case.
  1. Piotr Adamczyk best przystojny– Piotr Adamczyk is handsome. The adjective is used in nominative case.
  1. Piotr Adamczyk to best przystojny mężczyzna– Piotr Adamczyk is a handsome man. The adjective and noun are in nominative case.

How to figure out: when to use the instrumental and when the nominative case? It's quite simple.

If after the verb be(in our example this is the form best) is a noun together with an adjective, then both of these words must be in the instrumental case. If after the verb be If there is only an adjective, then it must be used in the nominative case (as in the second sentence). And if after the verb be there is both an adjective and a noun, but before the form best worth the word to(this), then the adjective and noun are used in the nominative case.

Having become familiar with the basis of the Polish declension, we proceed to a detailed analysis of cases. Each lesson will be devoted to a separate case. The first on our list will be creative. Thus, you will learn questions, endings and functions of the instrumental case, as well as the most common prepositions and verbs that are used with this case.

You may have had a feeling of doubt about the correctness of the title of this lesson in its Russian translation, namely: how its first part, “who are you,” is connected with the second, “the instrumental case.” Your doubt is justified - in Russian there is no way! In this case, this connection is explained by the Polish language. The question “kim jesteś” literally translates as “who are you”, and “who are you” is its Russian equivalent, since in Polish this question is associated with the instrumental case. Below we will consider this case with examples.

The instrumental case is the fifth Polish case. Answers the questions (z)kim?/ by whom? And (z)czym?/ how?

Instrumental case of nouns

Has the following singular noun endings:

rodzaj/rod końcówka/end przykład/example
r.m./m.r. -em/-ą student em, Polak iem, brat em/tat ą , mężczyzn ą
r.n./c.r. -em słońc em,okn em, dzieck iem
r.ż./zh.r. -ą matk ą , Polk ą , książk ą

There is one ending in the plural -ami (-mi). Example : koleg ami, Polak ami, dzieć mi, braćmi.

It should also be noted that if the stem of a word ends in -k or -g, then these sounds always require softening, it is necessary to add -i before endings > -ki and -gi ( Polak iem ).

Let's look at some features of the instrumental case.

As we have seen, the masculine gender has an ending -em if the word ends in a consonant. But here it is worth paying attention to some pitfalls.

Running vowel -ie

If the word contains a combination -ie before the ending, it usually appears in the instrumental case.

  • pies - psem
  • chlopiec - chlopcem
  • ojciec - ojcem
  • ogień - ogniem

Transition ó to o

If there is a vowel before the ending ó , then in the instrumental case it turns into O.

  • Krakow - Krakowem
  • stół - stolem
  • samochód - samochodem
  • wybor - wyborem

Preservation of soft consonants -ś, -ć, -ń, -ź

If a word ends in the nominative case in -ś, -ć, -ń, -ź, then the softness of these sounds is preserved by adding after the letter -i. We get:

  • ogień - ogniem
  • liść - liściem
  • koń - koniem
  • pień - pniem
  • niedźwiedź — niedźwiedziem

The same remark applies to feminine words that end in -ś, -ć, -ź. Consonants remain soft, add an ending .

  • kość - kością
  • gęś - gęsią
  • radość - radością

Instrumental case of adjectives

Adjectives in the instrumental case have the following endings:

rodzaj/rod końcówka/end
liczba pojed./unit liczba mn./pl.
r.m./m.r. -ym (-im) -ymi (-imi)

To consolidate this information, we give several examples with a noun and an adjective.

  • Jacek jest dobrym studentem. - Jacek is a good student.
  • Wczoraj spotkałem się z piękną dziewczyną. — Yesterday I met a beautiful girl.
  • Zawsze jadę nad morze zielonym samochodem. — I always go to the sea in a green car.

Functions of the instrumental case

After the copula verb być

Sentences that say "kto jest kim" / "who is who" or "co jest czym" / "what is what." Here we are talking about what we noticed at the beginning. As a rule, such a construction is translated into Russian in the nominative case, but it can also be translated using the verb “to appear” - it depends on the context.

  • Jestem aktorem. - I'm an actor.
  • Ból głowy jest chorobą. — Headache is a disease.

In these sentences, the case will change if you add the demonstrative pronoun “to” - “this”. For example:

  • Żywiec jest polskim piwem.
  • Żywiec to best Polskie piwo.

Both of these sentences are translated into Russian in the same way: Zywiec is a Polish beer.

As a supplement (method or instrument of action)

Often the instrumental case is used to indicate a manner of action, time or place.

  • Bardzo lubię jechać pociągiem. — I really like to travel by train.
  • W książce możesz pisać tylko ołówkiem. — You can only write in a book with a pencil.

Instrumental prepositions

The instrumental case has the following prepositions:

  • zMarek jedzie samochodem z tatą.
  • za - Spotkałam się z nim za rogiem.
  • nad - Nad moim mieszkaniem jest strych.
  • pod - Pod moim mieszkaniem jest sklep.
  • międzyMiędzy tymi ulicami jest mój dom.
  • przed - Przed egzaminem trzeba dobrze spać.

The key to success in mastering cases, and the language in general, is regular exercise. And finally, a picture with the instrumental case :)

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IN singularnouns masculine (all ending in a hard consonant and the lion's share of those ending in a soft) and neuter (ending in –o, -e, -ę) have endings – em.
student – ​​( kim?) studentem
długopis – ( czym?) długopisem
dziennikarz – ( kim?) dziennikarzem
Uwaga! Neuter nouns in -um in the singular do not change at all by case, respectively:
muzeum – ( czym?) muzeum
auditorium – ( czym?)audytorium
In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that after the so-called back-lingual letters g And k before the end - em will always appear i. This rule is not limited only to the Instrumental case. Never in Polish g And k don't meet with " e» there will always be a letter between them i.
As for adjectives, they, as in Russian, will have endings - ym.
(z kim?) z nowym studentem –Withnewstudent
(z kim?) z świetnym dziennikarzem –With excellent journalist
mędzy zielonym a czarnym dome –between green And black home
And only after the back tongue g And k our ending - ym, will turn into -i m. And again, this is by no means a whim. narzę dnika, A a general rule in Polish, where always "y" will change to "i", after g and k.
The situation with the plural in the instrumental case, as we already know, does not depend on the gender and is the same for the feminine, masculine and neuter gender. Let us remind you that the plural endings are the same as in the Russian language. But... watch the emphasis! Due to its transfer to the penultimate syllable, some words can sometimes sound very unusual.
good them student ami– dobr ymi student a mi
modern NN them cars l yami– nowoczesn y mi out a mi
interest sn them busy yami– interesując y mi zajęci a mi
Please note that the words in – um in the plural they change like all the others:
but in them audit ri yami– now y mi audytori a mi

Narzę dnik.

First, let's remember that Narzę dnik (in Russian - Instrumental case) answers the question by whom? how? – kym? czym? and is very similar to a prepositional one, which, however, is worth talking about separately.


Let's start with singular. Everything is completely simple here. All we need to do:

a) this is to change the ending -A, on –ą , if the feminine noun ends in -A.

pewna piękna kobieta – Dziś wieczorem idziemy do kina z pewną piękną kobietą.

nowa książka – Jestem bardzo zachwycony nową książką tego polskiego piszarza.

b) if the original word has an ending –і (not that common), then our task is simply to add - ą.

gospodyni domowa – Spotkałem w centrum handlowym z gospodynią domową, ktorą poznałem w zeszłym tygodniu.

c) if our feminine word ends with a consonant, for example. noc - just add –ą.

ciemna noc – Ciemną nocą źle widać czarnego kota.

nasza młodzież – Z naszą młodzieżą czasem jest bardzo ciężko.

Practical advice: In practice, you need to remember one thing - the instrumental case of the feminine singular is formed by adding the ending to the word – ą. In fact, you may not even have a very good understanding of points a), b) and c). Practice shows that doing this incorrectly means you have virtually no chance. The relationship between Russian (Ukrainian, Belarusian) and Polish practically eliminates mistakes if you remember that the ending should be - ą .

2. Regarding plural, then this is a trivial matter, because it absolutely repeats the Russian language. Compare:

młoda studentka – young student młod ymi student ami- young them student ami

However, there is still a difference, and it is in the stress (let me remind you that in Polish the stress almost always falls on the penultimate syllable). That is why often the same Polish and Russian words of the feminine gender in the plural instrumental case can sound so unusual that it is difficult to recognize them:

młod ymi student ami- young them studio e ntk ami biał ymi noc ami – b e l them night ami