Plan of events dedicated to environmental safety of the environment “Me and nature. Environmental activities at school: topics, scenarios. Ecological holiday School activities on nature conservation



Target: to awaken children's interest in the fate of our Earth, to arouse a sense of concern about man's attitude towards nature, both his native land and the Earth as a whole.


Form a culture of behavior in nature

Develop ideas about the world around you

Develop children's creative imagination and cognitive abilities

Foster respect for the environment and nature

Treat the components of inanimate nature rationally

Instill a love for nature, a desire to take care of it, and take care of your health

Teach children to be responsible for their actions

Materials and equipment:

Red Book

Pictures of animals and plants

Folders with color assignments, Whatman paper, markers, glue

Messages learning.




Form: extracurricular activities are carried out in a playful way

Location : extracurricular activity is held at school, in 4th grade

Practical implementation:

By the end of the lesson, students create their own Red Book.

Analysis of the event results.

During the extracurricular activities, the set goals and objectives were achieved. The lesson complies with the Federal State Educational Standard, where students gain new knowledge based on their personal experience. They find a basis for classification, synthesis, comparison, and draw conclusions. Work in a group: using knowledge on the topic when compiling the Red Book


This presentation will help a primary school teacher in conducting an event, the purpose of which is: the formation of the moral aspect of environmental protection based on the education of a caring attitude towards our native nature. The material in this presentation will introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature. This presentation can be used at any level in elementary school.


    The Red Book through the eyes of children

    I explore the world: Det. encycl.: Ecology / Author - comp. A.E. Chizhevsky.

Artist V.V. Nikolaev. Under general ed. O.G. Hinn. – M.: AST Publishing House LLC. 1997.

    Extracurricular activities: 4th grade / Author: O.E. Zhirenko, L.N. Yarovaya,

L.P. Barylkina, T.I. Tsybina.-3rd ed. reworked and additional M., VAKO, 2008.

Progress of the event


So, we are starting our extracurricular event “Take care of nature”

1. Poems (4th grade B students) (SLIDE 1)

1) Take care of the Earth! Take care!

Lark at the blue zenith,

Butterfly on dodder leaves,

2) There are sun glares on the path,

A crab playing on the stones,

There is a shadow from a baobab tree on the road,

A hawk soaring over a field

3) Crescent moon over the river calm,

A swallow flickering in life.

Take care of the Earth! Take care!

2. Song of 4b grade students (SLIDE 2 )

II . Organizing time (SLIDE 3-12)

There is a huge house on Earth

Under the roof is blue.

The sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

Spring ringing of the stream,

You live in that bright house YOU

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead

You will always be in it.

The nature of our native Earth

This house is called. (L. Daineko)

(SLIDE 12-16)

Dear guys, today we will visit the amazing world of nature: on a river, in a field, in a forest and in a clearing. We will visit animals and look into the plant kingdom. Interesting questions and riddles await you.

Our Earth is called the Green Planet. Who gave her a green outfit?

Trees and herbs, flowers and shrubs. They are everywhere around us. In the Far North and in the hot desert, high in the mountains, in the forest, in the meadow and near the water. Thousands of species, hundreds of thousands of names.

Now we'll play. The first competition “Recognize the plants” ( SLIDE 17 )

III . Quizzes about plants and animals.

1. Competition “Recognize the plant”.

1) Spring wreaths are woven from it, and when it fades, it flies to all directions of the world. (Dandelion.)

2) What trees are called evergreen? (Spruce, pine). Why?

3) What trees have white bark? (Birch, aspen).

4) What berries are red, white, yellow, black? (Currant).

5) What flower do girls in love like to tell fortunes on? (Chamomile).

6) This is the very first flower to appear from under the snow. (Plantain).

7) Which flower is called the queen of flowers? (Rose).

8) Which tree, like birch, gives sweet sap? (Maple).

9) Which trees have red leaves in autumn? (Maple, rowan).

10) The leaves of which tree tremble even without the wind? (Aspen).


1) They rush straight into the sky,

Take a close look.

Not birches, not aspens,

There are no leaves, there are needles. (Eli)

2) Here is a barrel with a cap

Fell from a tree.

A year has passed - and the tree

He became small. (Acorn)

3) I bowed the branches over the river,

It looks sad in the river. (Willow)

4) In the sultry summer it will bloom -

He immediately calls the bees to come to him.

round leaves,

Light flowers.

Their nectar is tasty and sweet...

Did anyone recognize the tree? (Linden)

5) What kind of tree is this

Treats bullfinches?

The snow is standing, the frost is crackling,

Well, the berries are tastier. (Rowan)

2. Competition “Recognize the Animals”. (SLIDE 18)

1. Chicks, which bird does not know its mother? (Cuckoos)

2. Who travels through the air on a string? (Spider)

3. Who has a pantry on the knot? (At the squirrel)

4. Which thread is the thinnest in nature? (Web)

5. Why is hunting prohibited in spring? (In the spring, fur-bearing animals molt, which is why the fur depreciates in value. In addition, animals give birth to cubs in the spring.)

6. What bird is called “white-sided”? (Magpie)


    There are lumberjacks on the river

In silver-brown fur coats.

From trees, branches, clay

They build strong dams. (Beavers)

    The little animal jumps:

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into a trap

Both a mosquito and a fly. (Frog)

    He is flying over the river,

This miracle airplane.

It soars smoothly over the water,

Its planting is on a flower. (Dragonfly)

    Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest,

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide. (Elk)

I V. Teacher’s speech (about the Red Book of Chuvashia). (SLIDE 19-30)

What is the red book?

Why is she red?( READING BY SLIDES)

-The Russian muskrat has not been preserved anywhere, only we have it on the banks of the Sura.

V . Group work

Now let's try to make 1 page of the Red Book. Each group takes its own package. Remember what messages are needed in the Red Book. ( work in groups)

VI . Protection of each group's work

V . Speech by the readers. (SLIDE 31 )

And suddenly he sighed as if alive;

And the continents whisper to me: “Save us, save us!”

The groves and forests are in alarm,

Dew on the grass is like a tear!

And the springs quietly ask: “Save us, save us!”

The deep river is sad, losing its banks,

The deer stopped his run,

Be a man, man! We believe in you - don't lie:

“You save us, save us!”

I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,

So beautiful and dear,

And lips whisper in the wind: “I will save you, I will save you!”

We draw conclusions:

Only we can help nature and prevent environmental disaster,

Only we can save endangered animals and plants,

Only we can make our air clean,

Only we can stop the ruthless deforestation and water pollution,

Only we can stop the endless wars on our planet,

Only we, with our good deeds, can save nature from destruction,

After all, only we are the masters of our native land, and its life depends on us!

So, I enjoyed today's event.

These methodological recommendations are aimed at providing assistance to additional education teachers, organizing teachers, ecology and biology teachers, and kindergarten teachers involved in environmental education of the future generation. The methodological recommendations contain the main stages, conditions, pedagogical opportunities, scenarios for conducting games and competitions for primary schoolchildren.



Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 4"


"Ecological assortment"


methodological developments

extracurricular environmental activities

for students in grades 1-4

Raduzhny 2008

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 4".

Methodological developments of extra-curricular environmental activities “Ecological assortment” for students in grades 1-4.

Ochneva Elena Valerievna teacher – organizer of primary classes

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra Tyumen region city of Raduzhny

2 microdistrict 19 building Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 4


Introduction………………………..………………… 3

Living newspaper “This fragile planet” .................................... 5

Opening of the ecological decade……………….. 15

Quiz “Ecological assortment” ………….. 22

Meeting spring……………………………………. thirty

Conclusion ………………………………………. 37

Literature…………………………. ………………… 38


For a number of years, teachers at our school have been conducting environmental activities for students in grades 1 - 4. The games are built taking into account regionality, consistency, continuity, accessibility, science and are based on children’s knowledge in the field of ecology, flora, fauna, and local history. They are designed for both a small team (20–25 people) and a larger number of students. The length of all activities planned for primary school students should not exceed one academic hour, i.e. 40 minutes. The proposed developments of activities were compiled taking into account the age characteristics of students aged 7–10 years.

These methodological recommendations are aimed at providing assistance to additional education teachers, teacher-organizers, ecology and biology teachers, and kindergarten teachers involved in environmental education of the future generation. Methodological recommendations contain the main stages, conditions, pedagogical opportunities, scenarios for holding games and competitions for primary schoolchildren.

Goal: formation of an ecological culture of the personality of a junior school student.

Objectives: to develop children’s cognitive activity, environmental thinking and culture, develop curiosity, creativity, consolidate knowledge about the environment, form a value attitude towards nature, cultivate a desire to protect nature and help it.

The problem of greening all aspects of people’s life in our society is becoming more and more relevant every year. This is due to the formation of the mentality of society, the cultivation of environmental culture and consciousness, based on full awareness of the environmental situation in the country, region, city. One of the mechanisms that ensures the formation of an environmentally oriented personality is extracurricular and extracurricular work. Extracurricular and extracurricular work on environmental education provides many opportunities for children to directly communicate with nature, and also allows them to broaden their horizons. One of the areas of this type of activity is environmental activities: intellectual games, quizzes, practical exercises.

Play, along with work and learning, is one of the main activities of primary schoolchildren. While playing, children learn, learn, and remember.

The educational significance of the game and its comprehensive influence on personality development can hardly be overestimated. Play is organically inherent in childhood and, with skillful guidance from adults, can work wonders. It can turn a lazy person into a hard worker, a know-nothing person into a know-it-all, and an inept person into a craftsman. Like a magic wand, a game can change children’s attitude towards what sometimes seems too ordinary, boring, and boring to them. The game helps the leader unite the children's team and include introverted and shy children in active activities. Games instill conscious discipline; children are taught to follow the rules, justice, the ability to control their actions, and correctly and objectively evaluate the actions of others. Play for children is an important means of self-expression and a test of strength. In games, the leader can better get to know his students, their character, habits, organizational abilities, creative abilities, which will allow him to find the most correct ways of communicating with each of the children. And, what is also very important, games bring the teacher closer to the children and help establish closer contact with them. The game should organically enter the life of the children's group and skillfully combine with other types of activities.

A remarkable result of an environmental game is the desire of the participants to help nature.

Living newspaper "This fragile planet".

Target :

Formation in students of a single, holistically colored image of the world as home, their own and common to all people, to all living things;

Formation in the minds of children of a modern environmentally oriented picture of the world,

Developing a sense of respect for your natural environment.

Location:school assembly hall, station-offices, gym.

Equipment: decoration of the hall - environmental themes, props for poems and fairy tales, route sheets for teams, at stations - whatman paper, paints, markers, sheets and pens with pencils for completing tasks, certificates for awards.


Forest Fairy, Ray, Rostochek, 10 readers,

Lyrical music sounds. Children take the stage.

1 Thu. My earthly, my dear, my spinning ball... Huge, old and so fragile that in photographs from space it looks like a Christmas tree toy. We are rushing with you in outer space among the stars, and it seems there is no end to this path.....

2 Thu . (globe in hand)

I hugged the globe,

And suddenly he sighed as if alive;

And the continents whisper to me:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The groves and forests are in alarm,

Dew on the grass is like a tear!

And the springs quietly ask:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deep river is sad

Losing our shores,

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deer stopped his run:

  1. Be a man, man!

We believe in you - don't lie,

Take care of us, take care of us!

I hugged the globe,

So beautiful and dear!

And lips whisper in the wind:

“I will save you, I will save you!”

(Alarming music sounds, children come out - express messages)

3 Thu . The earth is in danger. Day after day, hour after hour, humanity is sliding into the abyss of oblivion, and the threat of a global environmental catastrophe is growing.

4 Thu . Forests are declining catastrophically in many places that were once completely covered with forests; to date, they have remained in 1/3 of the territory.

5 Thu . Every year, so many harmful substances enter water bodies around the world that they could fill 10 thousand freight trains. Even in the ice of the Arctic they found washing powder.

6 Thu . Lake Baikal, which contains a third of the world's fresh water, has lost its ability to clean itself

7 Thu . Over the past 60 years, 77 animal species, hundreds of plant species, and 26 bird species have disappeared on the planet.

8 Thu. On the territory of our country, 300 areas with an acute environmental situation have been identified.

(children leave to the same music)

Reader: We are immensely rich:

Let him answer sensibly -

And look, you will be surprised:

What about the fauna, they say,

Why, our wealth -

In the fields, in the copses,

So to speak, the bird kingdom…..

The bird kingdom – and that’s all?

Well, blackbirds, well, titmice...

Where can you remember their nicknames?

Just birds and nothing more:

Do we even know flowers?

In the meadows, do we really appreciate it?

We call everything grass

And they were cut down with hay.

And with trees too:

The Grove in general.

We can’t spruce from fir

Distinguishing is a sinful act.

And, of course, it’s alarming

That sometimes we are godless

We don't keep what we have

We do not spare, we do not regret.

I'm not responsible for anything,

Like just a little

To us on this planet

It remains to live to fix it.

Not like the owners,

This is how we destroy our goodness,

And we are proud of nature

And we love the fatherland.

Fairytale music sounds.

The Forest Fairy, Ray, Rostochek appears.

L.F . Hello guys, boys and girls. I am the Forest Fairy. I came to you to tell you that our smaller brothers need protection and protection. Animals and plants, rivers, lakes and seas need to be protected and preserved. Everything that nature has created needs our protection.

But I didn’t come alone, with me were my friends, your old acquaintances – Luchik and Rostochek.

Ray: I am the golden ray of the sun;

I came to you from the beautiful heavens

See the land, But wait:

Are there any dangerous enemies here?

Boring: Well, what are you, a golden ray,

There are no terrible enemies on earth,

The earth gives us peace and tranquility...

And everyone wants to be your friend.

Fairy: Rostochek is right. The guys won't hurt you, Luchik. They are kind and caring. Really, guys?

(Children answer)

They know a lot about nature, about caring for birds, animals, plants and all living things.

Ray : Well, I can’t believe it. I know that many people cannot distinguish an insect from a bird.

Boring: Let's have a little exam! We will ask riddles, and the children will prove to us that they know everything about everyone.

Fairy: Fine! Let's get started.

(Riddles about animals, birds, plants, 10 pieces. Children answer from their seats, choral answers are allowed)


Red beads hang

They're looking at us from the bushes,

Love these beads very much

Children, birds and bears.


I'm under a colored hat

I'm standing on my own leg.

I have my own habits:

I always play hide and seek.


What kind of forest animal

Stood up like a column under a pine tree?

And stands among the grass -

The ears are larger than the head.


Guess what kind of bird

Are you afraid of bright light?

Beak with a hook, eyes with a snout,

Eared head. This ….


I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest,

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I'm gnawing nuts.


He walks, he carries needles,

Few people will come

Curls up into a ball -

No head, no legs.


Po - over the field, over the swamp

I start singing early.

And I love by helicopter

Hanging in the blue air.


He breathes and grows, but cannot walk.


Neither an animal nor a bird, but the nose is like a knitting needle.


Moved by the flower

All four petals

I wanted to rip it off

He took off and flew away.


Fairy: You see Luchik, these guys know everything! And that is not all. The students will now show us a fairy tale, a very instructive one, “An Old Fairy Tale in a New Way.”

(children's performance).

An old fairy tale in a new way

On the planet year after year

Man harms nature

And he didn’t understand, the eccentric,

That nature is not a trifle.

He is the beasts and the birds

Cruelly exterminates;

Garbage, waste

The rivers are clogged.

He's used to conquering everything

And he cannot understand:

He's harming himself!

This is what the fairy tale says:

The island was steep in the sea,

The city was big on it

All in green spaces!

Oh! What a pleasure

Walk in those wonderful forests,

Breathe clean air

Wander through the meadows, fields,

Drink spring water!

The sea boils around him,

It's teeming with fish and crabs.

Everyone in that town is rich

There are no huts - there are chambers all around.

A wise king ruled there,

Fair sovereign.

In a long time al soon

Misfortune befell them.


Increase so that income

I decided to start a factory

To produce canned food,

Send abroad.

And the currency is day-to-day

It will flow like a river into the treasury!

The royal word is inviolable.

Soon the plant was erected:

The new pistons are shining,

The lights on the chimney are burning.

Boats float out to sea,

New nets are thrown,

They catch fish here and there,

They are taking her to the factory.

They produce canned food there,

Sent abroad.


All the dirt is poured into the sea.

Everything dies from it.

If you don't get caught in the net,

So you will choke on waste.

Living here has become very bad,

We must swim from here quickly!

A lot of time passes...

A messenger comes to the king.


There is such a wonder in the world,

Here comes the rumor that is true -

There are materials now,

What you can't take your eyes off:

Both beautiful and practical,

Both lightweight and non-toxic!

Are they telling the truth or are they lying?

They're called plastics.


This is a miracle I would like

Transfer it to your destiny!

And I’m ready to write it out

I am overseas masters,

Pipes, equipment...

And so the chemical plant began to operate.

Plastics are produced here

Sent abroad

And the currency is day - day

So it pours into the treasury like a river!

Day after day - a year passes,

The messenger comes to the king again.


We've been around for a whole year already

Here's what the rumors are about:

Liquid is pumped from the ground,

They are sent to the distillation,

Yes, they fill the cars.

It's a miracle here and there

They call it black gold.

And, shaking the whole island,

A drilling rig appeared.

Oil is pumped from the depths of the Earth,

Sent abroad.

And the currency is day - day

So it pours into the treasury like a river.

The king counts everything's income

Supervises the farm.

The fairy tale should end here.

Only the king is very alarmed.

The month is immersed in thought,

He forgot peace and sleep.

The wonderful island is shrouded in darkness,

It became difficult to live on it.

The groves wither day after day,

The pond is filled with mud.

Sour rain knocks on the roof,

The singing of birds has not been heard for a long time.

All living things disappear...

In general, the island is dying.


To save my island,

I decided to go to the sage.

What should I do? What do i do?


So as not to destroy the island,

Close the drilling rig

Build a sewage treatment plant here,

Limit fishing

Increase the forest area.

Plant more conifers

Yes, keep an eye on the emissions

So that air and water

They were always clean.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

A lesson to good fellows.

He flies over the entire planet:

“Take care of this Earth!”

He shouts to all the people:

“We all need to take care of nature”

If we don’t take care of her -

We will destroy ourselves.

(Children leave the stage, fairy-tale characters appear)

Ray: Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

You will be alone on the planet.

Boring : Animal holes, bird nests

There is no need to ever go bankrupt.

Let the chicks and small animals

It's good to live next to you.

Fairy: And now, dear friends, we will hold a game for you - the “Know, Know, Act!” competition. We have three teams. Commanders, get your route sheets. You are invited to go through three stations “Know”, “Be able”, and “Act”, where you will show your knowledge and skills, and after passing all the stages we will meet you here and summarize.

Boring: Ready? Then - go ahead! Good luck to you.

(Children disperse to stations according to route sheets.)

The game is played according to the stations “Know, know, act!” - at each station the guys perform a certain task:

"Know" - the station is dedicated to the plants and animals of the Yugra region, here children show their knowledge.

"Be able to" - the station is dedicated to environmental situations, where children must comment on the situation and suggest a way out of this situation, showing their skills.

"Act" - the station is dedicated to signs in nature, here children make environmental warning and prohibition signs - what can and cannot be done in nature.

Each station takes 10 minutes. When leaving the station, children receive a mark on the route sheet and move on. After passing all three stations, the teams return to the hall to sum up the results of the game. Here the floor is given to the organizer of the event or the invitee, who sums up the results, awards each team with a certificate for active participation in the event, thanks them for the work done, etc.

Fairy: And at the end of this holiday, let’s sing the song “You, me, and you and me.”

(All children stand up, join hands and sing a song)

Fairy: See you soon guys

Ray and Rostochek: Goodbye!

(Children leave the assembly hall to the music).

Opening of the ecological decade


To intensify the cognitive activity of students in the field of ecology and nature conservation;

To form a conscious attitude of students to the world around them;

Foster a caring attitude towards the nature of the nearby ecological environment.

Disturbing music sounds. 1 reader comes out.

We are immensely rich:

In our thickets and groves

You're just amazed

But ask something else:

What does he know about birds?

Let him answer sensibly -

And look, you will be surprised:

What about the fauna, they say,

Why, our wealth -

In the fields, copses,

So to speak, the bird kingdom...

The bird kingdom – and that’s all?

Well, blackbirds, well, titmice...

Where can you remember their nicknames?

Just birds and that's all;

Do we even know flowers?

In the meadows, do we really appreciate it?

We call everything grass

And they were cut down with hay.

And with trees too:

The grove in general,

We can’t spruce from fir

Distinguishing is a sinful act.

And, of course, it’s alarming

That sometimes we are godless

We don't keep what we have

We do not spare, we do not regret.

I'm not responsible for anything,

Like just a little

To us on this planet

All that remains is to live and rule.

Not like the owners,

This is how we destroy our goodness,

But we are proud of nature

And we love the Fatherland...

Ved: Hello, friends! There are many holidays in the calendar. They are called red dates. There is the New Year and March 8th, there is the first bell in September... There are many joyful holidays written on the calendar... But for some reason everyone wants real holidays. After all, a holiday is when something brings you joy. When you want to cry and laugh with happiness, a real holiday is always associated with a big important matter.

April 22 is a world holiday - Earth Day. We are going to meet him today. I want trees and flowers, insects and fish, animals and birds to rejoice with us...

A lyrical melody sounds. There are 2 readers on stage.

I know this truth from my birth,

And I never hide it:

Who doesn't love their native nature?

He does not love his Fatherland.

There is just a temple

There is a temple of science.

And there is also a temple of nature

With scaffolding reaching out

Towards the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the day,

Open to us in hot and cold weather.

Come here, be a little hearty,

do not desecrate its shrines!

Ved: By tradition, every year in April our school holds an Ecological Decade - and today we are launching this event.

The whole month at our school is declared an environmental month, during which you will have to do many useful things. The less garbage there is on the planet - in your yard, on your street, in your city, the greener the trees will be, the cleaner the air will be.

We once joked cheerfully: “In a dispute with nature, man has not yet said his last word.” There's no time for jokes anymore. And won’t the last word be “SOS” - “Save our souls”!?

The ozone holes that we look at with horror today are holes in the ship of our planet. To whom do we send distress signals? "SOS", "SOS", "SOS". Isn't it to ourselves? And if so, let’s tune our hearts to a wave of kindness, sympathy and mercy, help and salvation! And you will hear “SOS” signals from different parts of our country:

"Save our souls!"

"Save our land!"

"Save our water!"

"Save Mother Nature!"

SOS signals sound.

King of Nature

You now shouted: “I am the king of nature!”

Yes, you are powerful! Viewer from above_

You invented cars, steamships.

But do you have a right to be called a Man?

Why do you need such power?

What can destroy all living things?

How long will we torment nature?

Burn her, poison her and kill her?

It's time to treat people and learn.

It's time to save and heal!

Healer, guardian of nature

Stand up, man, and don’t joke with misfortune.

Take care of your forests and waters

After all, you are not a reckless child!

SOS signals sound.

We cut ice, change the flow of rivers,

We reiterate that there is a lot to do...

But we will still come to ask for forgiveness

near these rivers, dunes and swamps,

at the most gigantic sunrise,

in the smallest fry...

I don’t want to think about it yet,

We have no time for that now... yet.

Airfields, piers and platforms,

Forests without birds and rivers without water...

Less and less of the surrounding nature...

More and more - the environment...

(express messages - 6 students go on stage)

SOS signals sound.

1. Our planet is very polluted, but we have not yet realized the danger of living on a huge garbage heap. We live on it for now, but will our children be able to live on it?

SOS signals sound.

2. Over the course of a year, 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide alone are emitted into the atmosphere. As a result, the ozone layer becomes thinner and ozone holes appear.

SOS signals sound.

3. Scientists have calculated that every year around the world so many harmful substances enter water bodies that they could fill 10 thousand freight trains. Even in the waters of the Arctic, washing powder was found. In addition, recently there have been frequent accidents in oil fields and fires on ships carrying oil, resulting in millions of tons of oil ending up in the water.

SOS signals sound.

4. Soil forms very slowly - it takes hundreds and even thousands of years. But it can be destroyed very quickly. Over the past hundred years, approximately 1/4 of all fertile soils on Earth have been destroyed. As a result, the soil became impoverished and harvests became significantly worse.

SOS signals sound.

5. The planet is becoming increasingly bald. Over the past 100 years, man has cut down as much forest as was destroyed during his entire previous existence, not to mention the fires that occur due to human fault.

SOS signals sound.

6.For many animals, the forest is their home. And there are fewer and fewer forests. This means the animals are losing their home. This means they are doomed to death.

(SOS) signals

SOS signals sound.

Ved: Our world is very fragile and largely depends on each of us. Our lives, the lives of our descendants and mother nature - the Earth, will depend on how we learn to love and appreciate those who live next to us, this entire world.

(Mourning music sounds, the Earth appears, on it is a cape with “garbage”)


Madam, who are you? We didn't invite you!

How unkempt and dirty you are.

Oh, so much sadness and sadness.

And what are you upset about?


It must be difficult to recognize me

Even though I am my native Earth.

This one on holidays, this one on weekdays.

Yes, I'm clogged with you.

Hear my prayer.

I turn it to you.

Just a little longer and I'll die

Hear my word.

Look at me, people:

I'm burning in the smoke of fire.

They blow me up, dig me, burn me.

They don't take care of me at all.

Bottles, cans, boxes...

I will soon die from melancholy.

I ate the candy - so what, baby?

You throw the candy wrapper away, don’t you look?

The bottle is empty, have you drunk it all?

But you don’t have the strength to carry it away?

I cry a rain tear.

I'm choking, I'm not silent -

I scream like earthquakes.

I'm angry with the sound of thunder.

I want to be clean and healthy!


Let's all go out into the yard,

We will cleanse the earth's carpet

From garbage, uncleanness,

We will plant flowers all around.

And there will be more kindness

Hope, faith, warmth.

We always love each other!

We will wash away the dirt, the trouble will go away.

(Children perform movements - cleaning, magic music sounds, a dirty cape is removed from the Earth)


Oh my God! How pure she is!

Beauty appeared to the world.

Look, there are no papers

From the sweets we ate.

Don't pick it up, don't drop it,

And protect Mother Earth.

Ved: Nature is our wealth! Preserving this wealth for future generations is our task and duty. Think about the content of the writer Mikhail Prishvin’s call to us: “Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs! Various valuable animals live in forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forests, steppes, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland!”

1. Do good on earth, people!

The planet rests on it alone...

It is like an irredeemable coin.

Like the sun, the air and the world is old.

2. We cannot stand without him, we cannot survive,

You cannot recognize who is nearby - friend or foe.

Do not expose the faithful under flattery

And you can’t understand where is friendship and where is that.

3. Spare weak silver hair.

Don't curse people when they are evil

It will come back to you, you know this...

Do good, people, on earth!

4. Hurry up, people, leave the good

It is like an irredeemable coin.

What lives were given for this...

Do good, people, on earth.

I propose to end our gathering with the song “If you went on a journey with a friend”

(Children from the field sing a song)

Quiz “Ecological assortment”

for 4th grade students


  1. identify and expand children's knowledge about animals, birds, trees, their life, and adaptation to their environment.
  2. to form a caring attitude towards animals, following the rules of behavior in nature.
  1. develop children's creative abilities.

Identify and encourage students who have sufficiently high environmental and environmental knowledge.

Ved: Hello, dear guys, dear teachers.

Our teams are fully assembled

Gathered here to decide

Who is smarter, stronger in knowledge,

Who will win?

So, friends,

Let's start the program

There are a lot of questions here,

And who are they for? (for us)

Today two teams are competing in a quiz. There is also a jury in the hall. (Introduction of the jury members). We start our quiz and I announce the first competition.

Children are offered a competition “Complaint Book”

The presenter reads out the complaint of one or another animal, without naming the author, and the teams must guess who the author of the complaint is.

Owl: “Many people don’t like me. Afraid. They say I fly at night, scare passers-by, my eyes are like headlights. But I don’t bother anyone, I live in the wilderness. I fly silently. And the fact that I save the harvest doesn’t count? By the way, a ton a year!”

Dragonfly: “I heard, I heard that they call me a terrible predator, they scold me for my excessive appetite, they threaten me with a diet. Have you ever seen me being overly plump? Yes, some people still have to thank me for getting rid of blood-sucking insects. Many are even very pleased with me, people, for example, say thank you to me!”

Pike: “Many people are offended at me because my coloring is supposedly camouflage on purpose, my teeth are sharpened, and I’m hiding in ambush. Yes, I have quite the appetite, and I love all kinds of fish, and sometimes in a hurry I will swallow my own children. But there is something to respect me for, I’m a nurse in the river!”

Cuckoo: “I know that many people judge me for being a bad mother. Am I bad, but I’m saving my children. What will I feed them? But they feel good with their foster parents - a delicious lunch is always ready, and again, care and attention are provided. So I’m just a wonderful mother!”

Wolf: “You know how insulting it is to me, I’ve been working all my life. He is still a health worker, although his qualifications are low. And I do such necessary things. And to me everything is gray, gray! They say the evil one, beware of him. Why should you be afraid of me? I’m afraid of many people myself. And if I offend someone, it will not be to harm, but rather to benefit - I love order in the forest!”

Mole: “They talk about me, they scold me. I try to be noticed even less, that if it doesn’t happen at the dacha, then I’m the last one. I really need their potatoes and strawberries. I can't stand vegetables! Yes, I dig, of course, I really like earthworms. It's my fault, of course, but everyone has their own weaknesses. But I bring so much benefit – I save the harvest from pests!”

The next competition is “Crossword”.

Teams are offered a crossword puzzle. While the teams are busy solving a crossword puzzle, there is a musical number.

Guess the riddles correctly and you will find out

where can you meet these heroes!

  1. Not caring about the weather, he walks around in a white sundress,

And on one of the warm days, May gives her earrings.


  1. The squadron sat down on a large colored carpet,

The painted wings will open and close. (icchobab)

  1. I have stilts - the swamps are not scary, will I find frogs - that’s my concern. (Yalpats)
  2. There are workers in the river: not joiners, not carpenters, but they will build a dam - just paint a picture. (yrbob)
  3. The forests and fields are empty, the autumn land is all around,

We rose like a wedge from the ground this morning.


  1. A house is built on a pole, it sways in the wind,

The door in it does not close either at night or during the day.

who is the tenant? (cerovx)

  1. You injured your leg while hiking, fatigue doesn’t let you walk,

Bend over: the soldier by the road is ready to help you on your way. (kinzhorodop)

  1. Very soft, like a blade of grass, itself green, like a blade of grass, in the forests, in the meadows, by the river, hiding in the grass... (kichenzuk)
  2. I show off as a white fluffy ball in a clean field.

A light breeze blew and a stem remained.


  1. This dog's brother is gray, and the robber is the first. (klov)

Next task for teams: express question. Each team is asked questions, and within 3 minutes the team must answer all the questions asked. (15 questions for each team)

Questions for 1 team

  1. What does “feet feed the wolf” mean?

(The wolf does not guard its prey in ambush, but runs after it.)

  1. What animals are called “connecting rods”?

(Bears that do not sleep in winter for one reason or another.)

  1. Which mushroom is the most dangerous, its poison is similar to that of a snake, even worms do not eat it.

(Death cap.)

  1. What bird has absolutely no voice? She just clicks her beak.(Stork.)
  2. Who flies the fastest?(Swift.)
  3. Which mushroom grows the fastest of all tubular mushrooms?(Boletus, 4.5 cm per day.)
  4. What animals fly?(Bat, squirrel - flying squirrel.)
  5. Which edible mushrooms appear first?(Morsels, lines.)
  6. Like pine trees, fir trees, and in winter without needles.(Larch.)
  7. What is the fall of leaves in autumn called?(Leaf fall.)
  8. Are all hares white in winter?(No, the hare is a hare - gray.)
  9. What does the “crying” of a birch tree in spring mean?(Sap flow.)
  10. How many legs does a spider have?(Eight.)
  11. A chirping and jumping insect with long hind legs.(Grasshopper.)
  12. What animal is greedy for raspberries?(Bear.)

Questions for team 2

  1. What does a badger eat in winter?(It’s okay, he sleeps in winter.)
  2. What grass do the blind know?(Nettle.)
  3. Chicks, what kind of bird does not know its mother?(Cuckoos.)
  4. What forest animal dries its mushrooms on the trees?(Squirrel.)
  5. What happens to a bee when it stings?(She dies.)
  6. Which animals give birth in the fall?(At the hares.)
  7. What bird breeds chicks in winter?(Crossbill.)
  8. What animals can be said to crawl out of their skin?(About snakes at the moment of molting.)
  9. Which tree is the best vacuum cleaner?(Poplar.)
  10. A very large cat with a striped skin.(Tiger.)
  11. Like a Christmas tree, it has needles. (Hedgehog.)
  12. What is our smallest animal?(Shrew, only 3.5 cm long.)
  13. What bird is called the “forest doctor”?(Woodpecker.)
  14. What animal is called “the fluffy gold of Siberia”?(Sable.)
  15. Which herbaceous plant blooms first in spring?(Coltsfoot.)

The next Weather Bureau competition.

Each team is given a description of the behavior of all living things in nature on pieces of paper. Teams must determine in what weather certain changes in nature occur.

For 1 team:

What will the weather be like?

The fish doesn't bite - it's full.

Bees sit in the hive and buzz loudly.

The ants are not in a hurry to work; all passages are closed.

The heads of the red clover are drooping and the furry leaves are folding.

All the flowers in the meadow smell strongly, the flowers of lilac, jasmine, and yellow acacia are fragrant. Swallows fly above the ground, waders cry.

Chickens are bathing in dust, sparrows are ruffled.

There are many insects circling near the yellow acacia flowers.

The mole is raking high mounds.

Dandelion folds its fluffy umbrella.

(All these are signs of worsening weather.)

For 2nd team:

What will the weather be like?

Flies wake up early, bees fly out of their hives as soon as it’s light.

Swallows and swifts fly high.

Mosquitoes - pushers are pushed by a pillar.

Late in the evening the grasshoppers are loudly chattering.

The ladybug, taken on the hand, quickly flies away.

The nightingale sings all night.

The birds sing merrily.

Water lily flowers are open.

The pigeons cooed.

The spider is intensively weaving its web.

(Towards dry weather. All these are signs of good weather.)

The final competition “Homework” is an environmental fairy tale.

The children were given homework. They had to come up with a continuation of the fairy tale (the beginning of the fairy tale was the same for both teams) and prepare a dramatization of the resulting environmental fairy tale.

Ved: Please, 1 team. (Homework for team 1).

Thank you. And now, a fairy tale for 2 teams.

Ved: While the jury is summing up the results of the quiz, I invite you guys to guess my riddles:

It makes you happy in the spring, cools you in the summer, nourishes you in the fall, and warms you in the winter.(tree)

An old sad woman hung branches from a cliff... willow.

It stands by the dam, there are wrinkles on the bark, the branches are thick, the leaves are different, it’s a handsome man for a log house...oak

Fragrant buds, sticky leaves, white bark, it’s time to guess, our glorious tears...birch trees.

Well, the dress is all needles, they wear it forever...Christmas trees

Less tiger, more cat

Above the ears are hands - horns.

Looks like a rabbit, but don't believe it:

This beast is terrible in anger!

And you won’t shout to him: “Scram!”

Because it…(lynx)

He flies in a white flock

And sparkles on the fly.

He melts like a cool star

On the palm and in the mouth. (snow)

Who goes to bed in the fall?

Does it rise in the spring? (bear)

I lived in the middle of the yard

Where the kids play.

But from the sun's rays

I turned into a stream. (snowman)

What grows upside down? (icicle)

He will escape from the trap,

He will run away from the lasso.

In the starry and frosty tundra

Everywhere the path is open to him. (wind)

A birdwoman came from the forest

A white flock of midges

It winds and spins in the morning,

They don't squeak or bite,

They just fly like that. (snowflakes)

Jumps through the forest back and forth,

It howls, hums and shakes the trees. (snowstorm)

Oh, and well done, guys,

We solved all the riddles.

I think you are all friends with nature,

But nature needs your knowledge.

I give the floor to the jury.

(The jury sums up the results, names the number of points earned by each team, and awards all participants in nominations.)

Ved: Our quiz has come to an end. Thanks to all participants. I wish you further success in studying the nature of your native land.

Meeting spring


  1. To awaken children and parents’ interest in environmental ecology;
  2. Create joyful experiences from joint activities in one team;
  1. To form a sustainable interest in nature, awakening emotional experiences.


  1. “Spring” costume for an adult participant in the game;
  2. costume for children “Swallow”;
  3. costumes for the reenactment of the fairy tale “The Cluttering Fly”;
  4. signs-symbols of behavior in nature;
  5. material for didactic games;
  6. material for outdoor games; cones, mushrooms, baskets.

Progress of the game:

Children freely enter the hall to the music. The phonogram of P. Tchaikovsky’s play “Snowdrop” is playing.

Student: Today we are celebrating spring here

And with a bow we invite

Everyone who loves to have fun

And laugh and frolic.

(Children sit freely on benches).

Leading:We are tired of Winter, tired of frosts and snowstorms!

Let's, guys, click Spring is red!

First student: The scarlet blizzard has died down,

The night became shorter than the day.

Warm wind blows from the south

The drops fall ringing.

The sun warms the earth,

The ice is driving off our hill,

The snow woman is melting

And tears flow in streams.

Second student: They lay down in the snowstorm fields.

In snow-white beds.

It's time to rest!

Drops are ringing at the porch,

The sparrows are cheerful

They drive winter out of the yard.

Third student: The grass is turning green,

The sun is shining

Swallow with spring

It flies towards us in the canopy.

With her the sun is more beautiful

And spring is sweeter.

Chirp out of the way

Greetings to us soon.

I'll say hi soon.

I'll give you grains

And you sing a song,

What from distant countries

I brought it with me.

A baby swallow runs in.

Presenter: Swallow, swallow,

Sweet swallow.

Where have you been?

What kind of news did you bring?

"Martin". Been overseas

I forgot spring

I carry it, I carry it

I'll give you a red spring!

(Flies to the door, flaps its wings)

"Spring". You guys don't get bored

Welcome the red spring,

I'll drive away the snow and cold,

I'll bring warmth from the south.

Streams will run around,

The sun's rays will splash!

Leading.What a nice day

Get ready for a round dance.

Let's walk around

Let's cheer up Spring.

Let's start a round dance,

Let's all drink together.

A song is being performed.

“Spring”: You amused me, you amused me, and I will not remain in debt. I brought you a full basket of spring riddles, games and jokes. And my tasks will be carried out by two teams - children and parents. For each correct answer, teams will receive chips; “sunbeams” and “raindrops”. And the winners will receive a prize - “Diploma of a young ecologist.” Well, let's get started!

Competition No. 1

“Spring” - You sit, don’t get bored, and guess the riddles!

(“Spring” alternately asks parents and children riddles)

I open my buds

In green leaves

I dress the trees

I water the crops


We ran along the path

Glass legs

They ran... and no

They left a mark.

Puddles and streams -

Whose tears are these?


A friend came out from under the snow

And suddenly it smelled like spring.


On a green fragile leg

The ball grew near the path.

The breeze rustled

And dispelled this ball.


All the migratory birds are worse,

Enemy of larvae, friend of fields

Jump back and forth across the arable land

And the bird's name is...


"Spring". Well done! We completed the task.

Competition No. 2

"Spring". What kind of artist was here in the clearing?

I just mixed everything up here, I just mixed everything up.

Please help me find which plant the leaves come from!

Game: twigs of three or four types of trees are offered

and bushes. (They can be collected during spring tree pruning.)

You need to determine which plant the leaf belongs to.

Two people from each team participate.

"Spring". Well done! And what kind of plants are these?

(Participants name).

Competition No. 3

Exercise.These pictures show the rules of behavior

in nature, I will show them one by one

to both teams, and you will answer. What do they mean?

  1. Why can or can’t this be done?
  2. Do you follow these rules yourself?

So, let's start:

  1. "Don't destroy birds' nests"

"Don't touch the bird's eggs"

(the mother bird may not return to the nest;

The nest is the home of birds, and you can’t go into it without an invitation)

  1. “Don’t touch butterflies with your hands” (touching a butterfly will knock you down

from the wing of the scale, and she will not be able to fly).

  1. “Don’t ruin the anthill” (forest orderly ants;

By destroying an anthill, you are destroying their house).

  1. "Don't make fires"

(Grass will not be able to grow in this place for many years).

  1. “Don’t trample fly agaric mushrooms”

(Fly agaric is a medicine for forest animals,

  1. “Don’t touch or take forest animals with you” (mother can

do not approach your cub, it will smell like your hands).

"Spring". Well done boys. Now I see that you not only know

but love and take care of nature! And now the time has come

Presenter (reads poetry)

Come on people

Be friends with each other

Like a bird with the sky

Like grass in a meadow,

Like the wind and the sea,

Rainy fields

How the sun is friendly

With all of us!…

Come on people

This is what he strives for,

So that they love us

Both the beast and the bird,

And they trusted

Everywhere to us

As the most faithful

To my friends.

Come on people

Save the planet

Throughout the Universe

There is no similar one.

Throughout the Universe -

One for everyone.

What will it do

Is she without us?

Competition No. 4

"Spring". I really love songs and music!

Immediately from the songs the sun becomes warmer and the streams run...

So let's see which team will perform the better song!

(Teams take turns performing prepared songs)

"Spring": Okay. What wonderful songs!

I'll give chips to everyone!

“Spring”: My forest animals sent their toys.

Here the squirrels gave me cones so that you can play with them here,

and the hedgehogs brought these mushrooms to me.

(Attraction: “Who will collect the most mushrooms blindfolded

and cones").

The results of the competition are summed up and chips are distributed.

Competition No. 5

“Whose team will remember and tell more poems about spring.”

The children received poems in advance and learned them.

There are many of us, guys!

May each of us

Even a bush for the garden

He'll plant it now.

Let it be better and more beautiful

Just like spring

Becomes ours

Home country.

M. Karim. “Come on over!”

Dear little starling,

Come finally!

I built a house for you -

Not a schoolhouse, but a palace.

Come and sing!

A song about green May.

Come to our yard quickly!

All is ready! Come over

Don't stop me from working!

I'll bring some water

And well water

Of course, I’ll treat everyone.

Drink, drink, don't regret it

If you want, pour a watering can, -

Water the garden

He also drinks water.

A. Prokofiev. “I’m doing well.”

I'm doing well:

I swept the path

I watered the chamomile

To bloom better.

Let it bloom soon

Let it turn white in the meadow...

I'm like this, I'm like this...

I can't live without work.

this week

The Rooks Have Arrived.

Although the road was difficult,

The older rook shouted sternly:

“Get to work! There's a lot to do!

Remember yourself, teach others,

Yes for real;

Our black rooks

Hard-working birds!”

The sparrow has the whole house

Called a nest.

Only a bird will fit

Maybe in it

I would live there and get out,

To live here again!

The chicks and I would study

Fly slowly.

"Spring": Thanks, guys. You made me happy with your poems.

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches:

Birds teach singing

Ants are patient.

Do you guys, you adults, know how to behave in nature?


The song “Take care of nature” is performed.

"Spring". Happy spring to everyone!

Happiness will be your mountain,

The harvest is big,

There is always pie on the table!

Wishing you always the best of luck!

Presentation of diplomas “Young Ecologist”.


The selection of materials for environmental events, taking into account age characteristics, usually causes difficulties for organizers. We hope that these recommendations will be in demand and will help in organizing and conducting these events.

Working in the system, we have achieved certain results and see that:

* children learn the norms and rules of environmentally sound interaction with the outside world, transform them into habits

* express the need to acquire environmental knowledge, focusing on its practical application

* independently engage in environmentally oriented activities

* demonstrate aesthetic feelings, the ability and need to see and understand beauty, the need for self-expression in creative activity

* take initiative in solving environmental problems of the immediate environment and in finding like-minded people.

The testing of the developed materials was carried out at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4 in the city of Raduzhny. Our team is constantly searching for ways to introduce students to environmental and natural history education through the use of game-based pedagogical technologies that are based on the norms of universal morality and social and creative activity.


1. Akimushkin M. Animal world. - M.: Mysl, 1989.

2. Alekseev V. 300 questions and answers about animals. - Yaroslavl. 1997.

3. Artamonov V. Rare endangered plants. Through the pages of the Red Book of the USSR. - M.: Agroprom.

Publishing house, 1989.

4. Atrokhin V., Solodukhin E. Forest Reader. - M., 1998.

5. Balabashev N.N. From the life of the forest. - L., 1987.

6. Bianki V. Forest newspaper. - M.: Pravda, 1986.

7. Dmitriev Yu.D. Interesting biology. The Big Book of the Forest, grades 6-8. - K: Bustard, 1996.

8. Dmitriev Yu., Pozharitskaya N. Your Red Book. - M.: Young Guard, 1963.

9. Dmitriev Yu. Insects. - M.: Olympus, 1997.

10. Zhuntov N.N. Methodological manual on biology using folklore and ethnography of the indigenous peoples of Western Siberia. Megion, 1996.

11. The zoo is in your book. Insects. - Kharkov, 1992.

12. Lugovoi A. Winged friends. - Saransk, 1981.

13. Olympiad-festival “School of Environmental Assets”1/ Siberian Ecological Bulletin. - N 11. –

14. Petrov V. From the life of the green world. - M.: Education, 1982

15. Petrov V. Forest secrets. - M.: Timber industry. 1989

16. Petrov V. Flora of our Motherland. - M.: Education, 1991.

17. Birds. Window to the world. - M.: Lazur, 1995; Plants. - M.: Eyewitness, 1995.

18. Rokhlov V. Entertaining botany. - M.: ARS - PRESS. 1999

19. Teremov L. Entertaining zoology. - M.: ARS - PRESS 1999

20. Traitan D.I. Plants. - M.: Education, 1996.

Scenario for an environmental event for elementary school.

Goals and objectives:
- formation of children's opinions in defense of the environment,
- formation in schoolchildren of responsibility and an active life position for the “Common home in which we live”,
- attracting students’ attention to existing environmental problems,
- education of ecological culture of the younger generation.

Progress of the event.


Good afternoon dear friends!

This year has been declared the Year of Ecology.

We are all residents of one big house called planet Earth. We have gathered here today to remind each other that the planet on which we live is in danger, but we have the power to save it.

Look around: what a beautiful, amazing world surrounds us.

Forests, fields, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, sky. Sun, animals, birds. This is nature! She feeds us, gives us water, clothes us, gives us everything for life and in return demands very little - a careful, respectful attitude towards herself.

However, sometimes both adults and children behave callously towards her. Some beautiful bodies of water are turning into sewers, rivers are drying up, forests are choking with garbage, and rare species of plants and animals are disappearing.

Do you want to save your planet from pollution? Do you know the main problems of the Earth? (Children's answers)

Let's see what the environmental situation is in our hometown.

The main environmental problems of the city of Berezovsky:

1. Atmospheric air pollution as a result of emissions of pollutants from stationary facilities of industrial and municipal enterprises, as well as from vehicles.

2. Pollution of water bodies and irrational use of water resources due to the operation of dilapidated treatment facilities by enterprises.

3. Imperfection of the production and consumption waste management system.

Guys, together we are children of the Earth. The earth is our common home. If we want to help our planet, our sick nature, we must know the truth about its diseases, no matter how terrible it may be. We must remember that a person can do a lot: he is not only a destroyer, he is also a gardener and a doctor. Environmental problems are increasingly arising due to human influence on nature. The protection of nature and the rules of behavior in it are studied by a whole science - ecology. And now we will conduct an environmental game, which will show us how well you know nature.

"Mysteries of the Forest"

1 student:

Alenka grows in the grass
In a red shirt.
Whoever passes
Everyone bows down. (Strawberry)

2nd student:

In a dense forest under a Christmas tree,
Showered with leaves
A ball of needles lies
A lump, but alive. (Hedgehog)

3rd student:

Green, not a meadow,
White, not snow,
Curly, not a head. (Birch)

4 student:

The owner of the forest
Wakes up in the spring
And in winter, under the blizzard howl
He sleeps in a snow hut. (Bear)

5th student:

In the clearing, near the fir trees,
The house is built from needles.
He is not visible behind the grass,
And there are a million residents there. (Anthill)

6th student:

From branch to branch
Fast as a ball
Jumping through the forest
Red-haired circus performer.
That's on the fly
He picked a cone
Jumped on the trunk
And he ran into the hollow. (Squirrel)

7th student:

Two brothers

They look into the water

The centuries will not converge. (River and banks)

8th student:

Blind by day, sighted by night,
It's the cat who catches the mice, not the cat. (Owl)

9th student:

Mother, I don’t know father
But I call it often.
I won’t know the children -
I'll sell it to strangers! (Cuckoo)

10th student:

I dropped my curls into the river
And I was sad about something.
What is she sad about?
Doesn't tell anyone. (Willow)

11th student:

Not the sea, not the land,

Ships don't float

But you can’t walk. (Swamp)

12th student:

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round. (Christmas tree)

13th student:

Just born

Immediately turned into a hat (mushroom)

14th student:

What kind of tree is this?

There is no wind, but everything is trembling? (aspen)

15th student:

Green in the spring

Sunbathed in the summer

I put it on in the fall

Beautiful corals (rowan)

"Feathered Friends".

All groups of animals are interesting, but most often nature lovers are interested in the life and habits of birds. The migrations of birds that occur twice a year are very amazing.

What birds do you guys know locally?

What kind of birds are there? (migratory and sedentary)

Who are sedentary and who are migratory do you guys know? (migratory - fly away, sedentary - winter)

Why do birds fly away? (In winter the birds are cold, but they especially suffer from hunger, there is no food, all the insects are hiding)

How can we help the birds? (It is necessary to make birdhouses, bird houses, feeders)

Now let's solve the riddles and imitate this bird.

Sleeps during the day, flies at night

And it scares passersby (the owl)

Far away is my knock

Heard around

I am the enemy of worms

And the trees are a friend (woodpecker)

Naughty boy

In a gray army jacket

Snooping around the yard

Collects crumbs (sparrow)

Lives in hot countries

And in cooler ones in zoos

And he is arrogant and boastful

Because the tail is beautiful.

He admires them himself

And shows us (peacock)

Hide the chickens in the clear sky

A dark shadow circles (a hawk)

Who is without notes and without a pipe

Who is this? (nightingale)

He wanders importantly through the meadow

Comes out of the water dry

Wears red shoes

Gives soft featherbeds (goose)

Our cheerful friend

Gives us feathers on our pillow

Gives eggs for pancakes

Easter cakes and pies. (chicken)

"Green Pharmacy"

In a natural pantry, like in a pharmacy, you can find the necessary medicines, but in this pharmacy everything is without labels. To get them, you need to know and love nature well. In addition, in a “green pharmacy” you must behave in the same manner as in a real one.

What medicinal plants do you know? (guys' answers)


There are many rules in nature,
You need to know them by heart.
And now the time has come
Take a look at the complaint book.

I suggest you take one letter at a time. These letters contain complaints from animals; it is necessary to determine who they are talking about and what benefit it brings.

1. “I know myself that I’m not a beauty. If I showed up, many would shy away to the side, or even throw a stone or kick me. For what? They came up with the idea that I caused warts on my hands. This is some kind of nonsense. Not everyone can be beautiful! And people benefit greatly from me.”

(Toad. One toad saves a whole garden from caterpillars and worms. If there are cockroaches in the house, bring the toad and they will disappear) (Frog. Each of them in one day destroys a large number of midges, slugs, mosquito larvae, among which there are malaria larvae mosquitoes)

2. “There is, perhaps, no such creature on the globe about which so many legends and fables have been told as about us. I don’t like that we love the dark, that we don’t look like ordinary birds and animals. But we are man’s friends, not enemies. What do we do? After all, we were born this way. We like to hang upside down. And they offend us undeservedly.”


3. “Oh, people don’t like me! They don’t like my voice and they say my eyes are not beautiful. They think I bring bad luck. Is this really so? If it weren't for me, someone would be without bread. Therefore, think carefully about whether you should offend me or respect me?”

4. “We play a big role in the life of nature. We loosen the soil, spread seeds and fruits of plants, and destroy many insects. Close cohabitation with us is beneficial for the trees. We arrange underground and above-ground galleries, providing access to the roots of the tree. Therefore, the tree grows faster than its neighboring trees. That's how useful we are. But people don't always treat us well. It happens that our houses (anthills) are destroyed and we have to build a house again or look for another shelter.”


5. “The most faithful companions of man are birds. All insectivorous birds eat 5-10 times more harmful insects than beneficial ones. A pair of large birds destroys more than 2 thousand insects during the period of raising chicks. In most cases, we find an abundance of food and safety in the vicinity of a person. But this doesn't always happen. Often people destroy us birds, destroy nests, break eggs.”


6. “The name of the first spring month is associated with me. I give people a very tasty and medicinal drink. And people abuse this, shredding and cutting my trunk, and after that I die. But it could bring a lot more benefits.”

Let's summarize the event.


Do not damage tree bark. They stop growing and die painfully for a long time.

Do not pick flowers in the forest and meadow. After all, a flower in a vase is a prisoner sentenced to death. Let flowers please our eyes and rejuvenate the souls of those who come to the forest to look at them.

In the forest, try to walk along paths so as not to trample the path and soil. Popular wisdom says: one person leaves a trail in the forest, a hundred people leave a trail, and thousands leave a desert.

Do not pick mushrooms, even inedible ones. Fly agarics help trees grow. Moose, squirrels, and magpies feed on them.

Don't light a fire in the forest. Fire pits are wounds in the forest floor.

Anastasia Karaganova

Target: formation in children and parents of a sense of belonging to all living things, a humane attitude towards environment and a desire to take care of preserving nature.

Tasks: Create environmentally friendly environment on the territory of the preschool educational institution for the implementation of priority areas. Organize a practical environmental activities of children and parents. Develop mutual understanding and mutual assistance between children, teachers, parents, the need for constant self-development ecological culture. To instill in children an attentive, reasonable, caring attitude towards the surrounding nature of your region.

Promotion "Clean World"

1. Discussion with children plan and content of the action, setting goals and developing paths and means of its implementation.

2. Conversations with parents, purchasing necessary items inventory: gloves, clothespins, bags.

3. Making a poster with children - an appeal to the residents of the city. Kinel about maintaining order and cleanliness in the city.

4. Cleaning areas of debris.

5. Digging in, whitewashing trees, watering.

6. Appeal to residents of the microdistrict about maintaining cleanliness and order (demonstration and hanging a poster on environmental theme).

7. Photo session “The cleanest and most beautiful area”.

Promotion “Look how nice the house you live in”.

1. Conversations about caring for your family nature.

2. Observation of trees and shrubs on the site.

3. Excursion to the Children's Park.

4. Hiking to a birch grove.

5. Speech by the eco-propaganda team "Sprout".

Promotion "Let's decorate the world around you» .

1. Purchase of flower seedlings.

2. Planting seedlings of trees and shrubs on the plots.

3. Planting flower seedlings in flower beds.

4. Caring for flower beds.

5. Slide show (photo) "The world of flowers in our area".

Promotion "Don't chase the pigeons".

1. Purchasing bird food.

2. Excursion to the children's park.

3. Feeding pigeons.

4. Bird watching, conversation.

Promotion "A Smart Look at Garbage".

1. Purchasing equipment for garbage collection.

2. Cleaning up garbage on the territory of the children's park in Kinel.

3. Making crafts from industrial and household waste.

4. Decorating the territory of the kindergarten with crafts.

Publications on the topic:

Weekly plan of events dedicated to World Water Day Working with children Monday 1. Conversation: “Who lives in the water”; 2. Reading fiction: A. Barto “The Dirty Girl”; 3. Experimental game.

Plan of events for the 2015 academic year dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory PURPOSE: Formation of ideas about the Great Patriotic War (education of patriotic feelings in preschool children) based on.

Plan of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Second World War PLAN of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War GOAL: Formation of ideas about the Great Patriotic War.

Plan of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory Patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most pressing tasks of our time. It is necessary to restore this connection in order.

Plan of events dedicated to Mother's Day Municipal preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 180 “Solnyshko”, Frunzensky district, Saratov Plan of thematic events.

Plan of events dedicated to the Year of Literature Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 22" Plan of events dedicated to the Year of Literature No. Name of event.

Plan of events dedicated to the Year of Literature in the senior group Long-term planning for the year of literature in senior group No. 3 “Little Bunnies.” Senior group February Topic Program tasks 1. Competition –.

"The ABC of Ecology"

Extracurricular activity in 6 classes

Form of work: quiz

Target Events: environmental education of students, create a favorable atmosphere in the classroom


    Expand students' horizons in the field of ecology

    Arouse children's interest in studying wildlife

    Formation of environmental competence

    To foster an environmental culture in schoolchildren, a desire to work with encyclopedias, reference books, and expand children’s knowledge

    Form a holistic view of the world around us and man’s place in it.

    Cultivate accuracy and hard work

    Develop teamwork skills

    Stimulate students' cognitive activity

Planned result:

To improve schoolchildren’s knowledge about ecology, the role of humans in nature and life, the need to protect and care for the environment

Formed UUD:


Improve knowledge about ecology


Develop the ability to work in a team, find a common solution, and the ability to argue your proposal;

Develop the ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other, mutual control and mutual assistance as the task progresses;


Show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation.


To form self-assessment abilities based on criteria for the success of educational activities

Equipment: multimedia complex

Preliminary preparation:

Three teams of 8 people are formed, each of which is given homework:

    Draw a picture, leaflet, poster “Take care of the Christmas tree!” (choice of forms of work) and prepare a speech

    Come up with a team name

    A jury of teachers is selected and discusses the evaluation criteria and scores for each competition. Based on the results of each competition, preliminary results are summed up.

Progress of the event:

    Teacher's opening speech

    Presentation of the jury, teams, captains

    "Green Planet"

    "Beast Planet"

    "Planet of Anxiety"

    "Planet MBOU "Secondary School No. 8""

8) Conclusion

Progress of the game.

Hello dear guests. We are pleased to welcome you to our extracurricular activity class.

Good afternoon guys. I ask you to turn to each other, extend your hands to each other, palms up, wave, smile. And may your day become brighter with a smile. Take your seats. I see that you are in a good mood, and I hope that you and I will work very friendly and actively today. I don't even doubt this.


And now everyone is looking at slide 1, and guess what we will talk about today (Presentation No. 1. ABC of ecology)

Today people talk a lot about ecology. What is this? The word ecology comes from two Greek words “oikos” - house, dwelling and “logos” - knowledge, teaching. Ecology is a science that studies the relationship of all living organisms on our planet Earth.

And today we have gathered to take part in the environmental lesson “The ABCs of Ecology.” You have chosen the teams. Let's welcome them! (Slide 2)

From the beginning, let me introduce you to our jury

(presentation of the jury members)

I invite you to take a trip to eco-planets on an imaginary spaceship

So, to the start, attention, ... “Let's go!”

Leading: Attention! Attention! Our spaceship

arrives at " Green planet"(Slide 3) 10 questions are prepared for all teams, which must be answered quickly; the jury counts the number of correct answers.

"Green Planet"

Competition 1 “Guess the plant”

1 team "EAGLES"

1) Which trees have red leaves in autumn? (maple, rowan)

2) From what flower did Thumbelina come from? (tulip)

3) Who wears the same color in winter and summer? (fur tree, pine tree)

4)Which coniferous tree sheds its needles in the fall? (larch)

5) How many years does an oak tree live? (300-400)

6) When does lilac bloom: in spring or summer? (spring)

7) What Danila, the master, couldn’t do (stone flower)

8) This is a light-loving coniferous tree. Can grow on sandy soils.

Its crown always rises high into the sky. What kind of tree is this? (pine)

9)Which tree flowers produce the best honey? (Linden)

10) This tree is called “weeping” (willow)

2nd team "YASTREBY"

    Fortune telling flower (chamomile)

    The artist gave a million of these flowers to the singer (rose)

    Finding a flower of this plant with five petals is good luck (lilac)

    What is the popular name for the calendula flower? (marigold)

    What position do yogis like to sit in? (lotus)

    What is the name of the cherry blossom tree in Japan? (sakura)

    Red tea is made from the flowers of which plant (hibiscus, hibiscus)

    This berry will help normalize vision (blueberry)

    The largest flower (rafflesia)

    This medicinal plant is called cat herb (valerian)

Team 3 "SHARKS"

    Did the evil stepmother send her stepdaughter for this flower in the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”? (lily of the valley)

    The fruits of which tree are rich in iron? (Apple tree)

    This tree has “trembling” leaves (aspen)

    What the merchant promised to bring to his youngest daughter Alyonushka (the scarlet flower)

    Ellie fell asleep in a field of these flowers on the way to the Emerald City (poppy)

    According to legend, the flower of this plant indicates a treasure (fern)

    The first berry of summer helps get rid of kidney stones. (strawberry)

    Continue. The daisies hid, drooped... (buttercups)

    Which flower was addressed with the words “Fly, fly, petal through the west to the east?” (seven-flowered flower)

    Flower that fell on Azor's paw (rose)

Leading: Attention! Attention! Our spaceship is setting off! Don't forget to fasten your seat belts!

Listen to a short travel information.

    The largest migratory fish is the beluga, which lives in the Volga River and the Caspian Sea. The length of this sturgeon fish reaches 5 m, and its weight is 1 ton. The largest beluga, weighing 1230 kg, was caught in the lower reaches of the Volga in 1922.

    The largest nests are built by bald eagles found in the United States. A nest 2.9 m wide and 6 m high was discovered. It is possible that several generations took part in the construction of such a nest. The weight of the nest exceeds 2 tons.

    Hatchery mounds built by weed chickens in Australia reach 4.75m in height and 10.6m in length. It is estimated that the construction of such a nest requires 289 m 3 of material weighing more than 300 tons.

    The smallest nests are found in birds of the long-winged order of the hummingbird subfamily. The bumblebee hummingbird's nest is no larger than half a walnut shell, and the deeper bee hummingbird nest is no larger than a thimble.

    Migratory marine fish, salmon, find the mouth of their native river, covering a distance of up to 4000 km.

Leading: Attention! We arrive at " Beast Planet" (Slide 4)

Nature has vibrant colors,

And let her live without fear,

Let both animals and birds live,

Let a person not be afraid of anyone!

Competition 2 “Who are we talking about?” Presentation No. 2.

1 team "EAGLES"

1. This Central American native is often mistaken for a rat. Although in fact it is a swamp beaver. Name it.

(nutria) Slide 2

2. This animal is called the pearl of the Siberian taiga. Even in Kievan Rus, skins were replaced by money. The cost of its fur is not inferior to that of sea otters and chinchillas. Who is he? (sable) Slide 3

3. This fish is used to fight malaria. (gambusia) Slide 4

4. Which bird is the largest on Earth? (ostrich) Slide 5

2nd team "YASTREBY"

1. The bare, flat, scaly tail of this animal and its aquatic lifestyle gave medieval monks reason to classify it as a fish and include it in the monastery menu during fasting, when eating meat was not allowed. What kind of animal is this? (beaver) Slide 6

2.These beautiful birds are traditionally considered the property of Elizabeth

(swans) Slide 7

3.This delicious fish is named after a Mediterranean island. Its first fishery was organized near it. What is it called?

(Sardinia island) Slide 8

4. Which bird flies the highest? (eagle) Slide 9

3rd team "Dolphin"

1. When he was a teenager, he was called “neblyuy” and “pentyukh”. What do they call him when he grows up? (reindeer) Slide 10

2. On the lek, the male of this small bird seems to repeat “It’s time to sleep, it’s time to sleep!” (quail) Slide 11

3. Abroad, in a restaurant you will be served regular mackerel, but on the menu they will call it differently. How? (mackerel) Slide 12

4.Which bird can fly tail first? (hummingbird) Slide 13

Competition 3 “Who’s the odd one out?”

Teams are offered three sets of animals. You need to find the odd one out in each group and explain your choice.

1 team "EAGLES"

    Peregrine falcon, lion, antelope, coyote, hyena

    Horse, dog, big pond snail, cat, cow

    Dog, lynx, goat, cow, horse

2nd team "YASTREBY"

1) Mole, earthworm, centipede, May beetle larva, dragonfly

2) Bream, dolphin, pike, crucian carp, catfish.

3) Grasshopper, bee, fly, mosquito, rock pigeon

Team 3 "SHARKS"

    Seagull, petrel, fish owl, kingfisher, bat

    Cat, walrus, octopus, rhinoceros, shark

    Bat, pigeon, ostrich, butterfly, flying fish

Competition 4 “Lost Animal”

Teams are asked to insert missing animals into sentences

1 team "EAGLES"

1) In bad weather, a good owner... will not kick out (the dog)

2) Not all.. Maslenitsa (cat)

2nd team "YASTREBY"

1)…there will always be dirt (pig)

2) Knows...whose meat the dog ate (the dog)

Team 3 "SHARKS"

1) Old... will not spoil the furrows (horse)

2) Better... in the hands than... in the sky (tit, crane)

Leading: Attention! Attention! The red button on board lit up! It means we're flying past “Planets of Anxiety” (slide 5. Presentation 1)

Attention attention!

We received a radiogram from the planet Anxiety:

Our planet is a living house!

But how can she live under a smoky hood?

Where the gutter is the ocean!

Where all nature is caught in a trap!

Where there is no place for either a stork or a lion.

Where the grass groans: “I can’t take it anymore!”

Card No. 1


Card No. 2


Everything is connected to everything

Card No. 3


Everything is connected to everything

Environmental situation competition

Card No. 4


Everything is connected to everything

Environmental situation competition

Card No. 5

Exercise. Reveal the cause-and-effect relationships that led to the development of this environmental situation, characterize the consequences and suggest ways out of this environmental situation.

Competition for fans

1.What is the science of mushrooms called? (mycology)

2.Which bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? (cuckoo)

3. “Royal mushrooms.” A kilogram of such mushrooms can cost more than 4 thousand dollars - significantly more expensive than gold.

What mushrooms are we talking about? (king truffle)

4.Her tail is like a whip, it’s great for driving away biting insects. ( cow)

5. His tail helps this wonderful jumper maintain balance.


6. She only has a tail in infancy, and then disappears.


7. The black triangles on the white fluffy royal robe are the tips of their tails. (ermine)

8. On the tail of this representative of the cat family there is a fluffy tassel, and in it a sharp claw (lion)

9. This mushroom has many names: grandfather’s tobacco, Galkina banya, devil’s tobacco. What is the real name of this mushroom? (Raincoat)

10. This nocturnal animal sleeps with its tail wrapped around its head. (lemur)
11.Which mushrooms never harbor worms? (chanterelles)

12. Which mushrooms appear first? (Mols and lines)

13. What plant is named after the bird's eye? (crow's eye)

14. This prickly animal begins to shake its tail when meeting an enemy. At the same time, long needles come off and fly in all directions. (porcupine)

15. What formidable animal cannot stick out its tongue at all? By the way, the female of this animal carries her cubs in her mouth. (crocodile)

16. What mushroom is called “chelysh” while it is small and young? (boletus)

17. This jumping animal has the head of a hare, the body and front legs of a mouse, the hind legs of a bird, and the tail of a lion. (jerboa)

18. These insects build nests, which we call hives, but they are considered wild insects. (wasps)

19. How many legs does a fly have? (6)

20. The fruit of this tree made it possible to discover the universal law of gravity (apple tree).

Leading: Dear passengers! Our spaceship is approaching

To “Planet MBOU Secondary School No. 8” (slide 6)

competition “Homework” Defense of the project “Save the Christmas trees!”

Slide 7 (after the girls’ performance)

We cut down forests and arrange landfills.

But who will take everything under protection?

The streams are empty, there are only sticks in the forest.

It's time for humanity to understand

Taking away the wealth from Nature,

That the Earth also needs to be protected:

She is just as alive as we are!


Leading: So, our space journey is coming to an end.

While the jury is summing up the results, I would like to once again address you with the words of D. Rodovich: (Slide 8)

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet!

Our planet is beautiful and amazing, let's take another look at our blue planet, part of the vast, endless Universe

Teacher.So, our competition has come to an end. I ask the jury to sum up. The jury members sum up the results.

(event continues)

Student. Poem (slide 10)

Let's save the planet!

There is nothing more beautiful in the whole Universe,

There is only one in the whole Universe,

What will she do without us?

5Reflectionintrospection and self-assessment of the process and result of the activity

Continue the sentences:

Today in class I learned...

The most interesting thing in the lesson was...

The most difficult thing for me was...

Today's lesson showed me...

We have achieved the goal of our lesson...


1. M.M. Bondaruk, N.V. Kovylina. Biology. Additional materials for lessons and extracurricular activities in biology and ecology in grades 10–11. Volgograd Publishing house "Teacher" 2008

2. Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P. Shchetinina V.V. The unknown is nearby.-M.: Sphere shopping center, 2010.-192 p.

3. Internet resources

4. Molodtsova Z.V. In the land of environmental mysteries. – Novosibirsk, 1996.

Sinitsyna E.I. Smart riddles - M.: “List”, 1999.-144 p.

5. Rat M.V. What is ecology or how to save nature. – M., 1993.

Team Evaluation


Number of points





1. Competition “Guess the plant”

1 riddle - 1 point Max. – 10 points.

2. Competition “Who are we talking about?”

1 title -1 point Max. – 4 points.

3. Competition “Who’s the odd one out?”

1 title -1 point Max. – 3 points.

4. Competition "Lost Animal"

1 title -1 point

Max. – 2 points.

5. Competition of environmental situations

Max. - 5 points

6.Project protection

Max. - 5 points


29 points

Answers. Environmental situations.

Card 1.

About 13-14 million tons of petroleum products enter the World Ocean annually. Oil enters water bodies as a result of leakage during tanker loading, tanker accidents, or the discharge of residual oil cargo.

Exercise. Briefly describe the further development of the environmental situation during the oil spill, its consequences and suggest ways out of this situation.

Oil pollution is highly toxic. The taste of the water deteriorates, and the fish acquires an unpleasant and irremovable aftertaste. At a concentration of petroleum products above 0.5 mg per liter, fish die; at a concentration of 1.2 mg per liter, plankton and benthos cannot survive. The toxic oil film prevents the evaporation of water from the surface of the World Ocean and disrupts its normal gas exchange (up to 50% of oxygen and 82% of moisture enter the atmosphere due to the ocean).

Oil glues the feathers of seabirds. If the oil is fresh, it acts as a poison. The oil film prevents oxygen from penetrating deep into the sea. Algae and crustaceans are suffocating. The fish have nothing to eat - they die from hunger. Control over the transportation and unloading of oil is necessary.

It is necessary to comply with regulatory organizational and economic and production measures when operating facilities associated with the transportation of petroleum products. If a leak occurs, urgent measures must be taken to eliminate the consequences: cleaning the ocean surface with the help of special reagents, limiting the spread of oil spills, rescuing animals.

Card 2.

Man is part of living nature. Human health is determined not only by the state of the environment, but also by lifestyle and nutrition. The city's stores have a fairly wide selection of dairy products. At the same time, private individuals in unspecified places sell milk in recycled plastic bottles.

Exercise. Briefly describe the further development of the environmental situation, its possible consequences on human health and suggest ways to solve it.

When consuming milk purchased from private individuals, you can get food poisoning, since polyethylene containers cannot be heat treated. Microbes in untreated bottles can cause acute intestinal diseases. If milk from a sick animal is sold, there is a risk of contracting foot-and-mouth disease, brucellosis and other diseases. Persons selling milk in plastic containers often do not have certificates about the health of animals and the quality of the products sold. In addition, bottles can be collected from trash containers.

It is best to buy milk and dairy products in stores, since the products in this case are certified and sales dates are indicated. If milk is purchased from private owners, it is necessary to ask them for a veterinary certificate about the health of the animal and the quality of the product, pay attention to the cleanliness of the dishes - glass containers - and the appearance of the sellers, and boil the milk.

Card 3.

Maritime transport extremely pollutes the world's oceans. Tin cans, plastic bottles, paper and plastic bags and other garbage are thrown away. Fishermen leave synthetic fishing nets in the sea.

Exercise. Analyze the consequences of pollution of the World Ocean by maritime transport, propose a way out of this environmental situation.

This leads to ocean pollution, turning it into a landfill. Marine animals are dying, in particular leatherback turtles and seals. They mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and swallow them. The stomach becomes clogged and the animals die. Very often, when opened, tin cans, lumps of fuel oil, and other objects are found in the stomachs of sharks, since sharks, when hungry, grab everything.

Often sea animals (seals, whales, dolphins, birds) cannot live and eat normally, since their body is tightly bound by a mesh, it does not decompose in nature and therefore causes suffering to the animals throughout their lives.

Measures: do not throw garbage into the ocean that is not disposed of in nature, conduct educational work with sailors and passengers of maritime transport, introduce fishing quotas.

Card 4.

Uncontrolled use of mineral fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphorus) leads to oversaturation of water with organic compounds. This causes the growth of blue-green algae.

Exercise. Briefly describe the further development of the environmental situation and suggest ways to solve it.

The rapid development of blue-green algae (“blooming of water bodies”) is accompanied by intensive consumption of oxygen dissolved in water, the lack of which subsequently causes their death. As the algae die and settle to the bottom, they decompose, which also consumes oxygen. All this entails mass death of flora and fauna. Algae release a large amount of substances that inhibit zooplankton and microflora, and in some cases poison fish, poultry, livestock and humans.

It is necessary to regulate the application of mineral fertilizers to fields, to monitor compliance with the rules for storing mineral fertilizers in warehouses and farms. In case of contamination of water bodies with fertilizers, do not allow livestock into the water body. Fight for the restoration of water resources, carry out wastewater treatment measures, as they also stimulate the proliferation of blue-green algae.

Card 5.

On one distant island, people decided to destroy mosquitoes. They used pesticides for this. The mosquitoes did disappear, but after a while a lot of rats appeared. They attacked the fields and barns of local residents in hordes, eating grain. People could not understand why this “scourge” appeared.

Exercise. Reveal the cause-and-effect relationships that led to the development of this environmental situation, characterize the consequences and suggest ways out of this environmental situation.

Pesticides that kill mosquitoes ended up on plants, which, in turn, fed on cockroaches (insects). The insects fed on the plants, but did not die from the poison. At the same time, it accumulated in their bodies.

These cockroaches were caught by lizards. They weakened from the poison and became easy prey for cats. The poison turned out to be fatal for cats. Soon there were no more of them left on the island. The time has come for rats.