Military educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Military schools and academies in ancient Europe Military universities with a humanitarian bias

It is no secret that military specialties in the countries of the former USSR are not successful. Military education is represented by several cadet schools and military institutes, which do not have high international ratings.

If your child has decided to build a military career, then you should think about sending him abroad. Of course, you can get the best military education in USA. But many boarding schools charge more than $40,000 a year for tuition and living expenses. Naturally, such an amount is not always feasible, especially for parents of schoolchildren from Eastern Europe. The article contains a small list of international boarding schools with affordable tuition fees, which will help you apply for documentstravel agency Kharkov .

1. Camden Military Academy, USA.

Among the world's famous military educational institutions, Camden Academy devotes the most time to the education and general development of its students. The school program focuses on training and developing both the physical and spiritual qualities of future military personnel. The school has existed in the USA for more than 100 years. If your son is planning a military career, Camden should be at the top of his list. Only boys attend the school. Schoolchildren from Europe are accepted after finishing 8th grade. 80% of Camden students are foreigners. Annual tuition and living costs $17,000. Financial aid rate: 30%.

2. Carson Long Military Institute, USA.

Another military boarding house, founded in 1842. Carson Long is the oldest military boarding school in the United States. Carson Long is positioned as a preparatory school that gives young people all the necessary skills and knowledge to further build a military career. The school accepts boys who have completed primary school. 75% of schoolchildren are foreigners. Tuition and living costs: $16,000 per year. Financial assistance is not available.

3. New Mexico Military School, USA.

The New Mexico Military School offers academic and military training for boys with the goal of obtaining a higher military education and serving in the military. The boarding house is known for its various programs of financial support and motivation for schoolchildren. The school's students also have access to two-year college preparatory programs, as well as subsidies and discounts for subsequent education at five US military academies. The school has recently practiced co-education, but the ratio of girls to boys is no more than 1:12. Students who have completed 9th grade can apply to the New Mexico military school. 60% of students are foreigners. Residential tuition costs $11,000 per year, and $8,400 for those wishing to live off campus. Number of students receiving any financial assistance (scholarship, tuition discount): 75%.

4. Bronte School. Canada.

The school is located in the suburbs of Mississauga, conveniently close to Toronto Airport. The school has the atmosphere of a strict classical boarding house, which is atypical for most Canadian private schools. It is important to note that the Bronte School has several partner universities, and the best graduates can be offered free preparatory courses at a particular college. The school practices co-education. You cannot sign a one-year contract with the school. You will have to study for at least 4 years, for example from grades 9 to 12. 84% of schoolchildren in Bronte are non-residents. Tuition costs approximately $8,000 per year (with room and board). Financial assistance, i.e. scholarships and grants, is not provided for students. If studying in the US seems too expensive, a Canadian school will be your best choice!

Each graduate must determine his own destiny, and no outsider should influence his plan. This is a very important decision and must be clearly and properly thought through. It is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons and only then make your final choice in favor of one or another military or other institution. Small details and previously presented information are especially important, especially when deciding to become an officer or military personnel.

Military higher educational institutions of Russia

There are many positive aspects to being an officer. Just look at the chic and beautiful uniforms of the employees. This is also a good way to become an adult and self-sufficient person, for example, who went on a solo voyage and decided to become an important and strong person. How much adventure, excitement and romance is there in your work? This is precisely why so many young people strive to go to study at Suvorov and higher military schools. But, besides such colorful descriptions, there is also a dark side that entails dangers and serious life changes.

The choice is yours

The list of military schools in Russia is quite large, and it is difficult to choose one of them. Which would you prefer? The status of the position is high when you work in the Airborne Forces, Special Forces or Marine Corps. Adventures on water or in the air strongly attract passionate and confident boys and girls. A good one will help you raise your position and stand on your own feet, especially since higher education in our country is free and “painless.”

Good education, discipline, tolerance and collegiality are cultivated from the first theoretical classes. The most basic criterion for all studies is knowledge. Every student, and especially cadets, must study well and acquire knowledge of various disciplines.

Main benefits of military education

In addition to all the above advantages, there are other positive aspects in such education:

  • A fairly high scholarship (the amount is approximately 16 thousand rubles). Not bad money, considering the fact that they teach you, feed you and give you overnight accommodation;
  • High-calorie meals with a complete diet of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a towel is free for every cadet;
  • In the future, decent wages at the place of destination.

Today there is a fairly large list of military schools in Russia. Among the available offers, you can find the option that will suit the young man perfectly in all respects.

Schools to look out for

There are many military schools in Russia. They are located in big cities. The most prestigious and popular are:

  1. Kazan Suvorov Cadet School (Kazan city).
  2. Nizhny Novgorod School of Military Engineering Command.
  3. Novosibirsk Higher Military Cadet School.
  4. Naval School named after M. V. Frunze
  5. Engineering School of Military Communications named after G.K. Orzhonikidze (Ulyanovsk)
  6. Rocket School named after Hero Major General Lizyukov (Saratov).
  7. Chemical Defense School named after Podvoisky (Tambov).

This is an incomplete list of all institutions where you can acquire certain military knowledge. After graduating from Russian military schools, the list of strong qualities in a person increases noticeably. In addition, there is much more experience and practice. Any situation is not a hindrance if you have knowledge acquired at a military school in your luggage. This is the entire list of military schools in Russia that you need to immediately pay attention to.

Some nuances for admission

To enroll in military service, you must have a great desire to study and achieve the desired result. First, the necessary documents are collected according to a specific list. You need to write down the exam dates, reach them and then wait for the admission result.

It is also necessary to decide on the field of military service. Your fate will directly depend on this. Air forces, marines, communications, special forces - and this is not a complete list of Russian military schools with various areas of specialization and training. Based on their physical and moral preparation, each incoming cadet decides where it is best to go in order to become a man with a capital “M” in the future. It is these people that the Russian Federation can be proud of, and they directly participate in the political life of the country. Do not be afraid to repay your debt to your homeland, and it will reward you.

Where to go?

If you have the desire and opportunity to reach the very top of military training, you can go to military higher educational institutions in Russia. In such universities you will have the best preparation, practical skills and theoretical knowledge. The educational process itself will be unforgettable, as it is filled with adventures and various pleasant situations. The girls will be delighted to see a young cadet in a beautiful and impressive uniform. You can get such privileges and a huge amount of knowledge in special universities, academies, higher military schools and institutes.

Prestigious universities

The most popular and sought-after higher education institutions are:

  • Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Novosibirsk).
  • St. Petersburg Regional Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • institute).
  • branch of the Military Academy of Logistics named after Army General A.V. Khruleva (St. Petersburg).

Each educational institution has several departments with specialties. Depending on the class of training and opportunities, their number can range from 1 to 10. But absolutely in each you can get the highest level of knowledge and experience that will become indispensable in future work. When working for government agencies such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB, you need not only to have a large amount of knowledge, but also to have a desire to learn new things. Because laws are constantly changing, they need to be closely monitored and studied. Many aspects of the job require strong nerves and steely patience. So you need to take these details into account in the future, or even better when applying. Higher military schools - they all produce excellent employees.

The best schools

Our country has a large selection of institutions. Below is a list of military schools in Russia:

  • Moscow Air Force School.
  • St. Petersburg Military Directorate for the Development of Criminal Organizations.
  • Moscow military department for the development of criminal organizations.
  • Novosibirsk Command School.

Military schools of Russia: list

It also has several higher educational institutions for the education and training of the military. To be precise, their number is thirteen. Military schools of the FSB of Russia, the list of which is given below, are considered one of the best:

  • Academy of the FSB of Russia.
  • Kurgan Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
  • Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Ekaterinburg).
  • Institute of Federal Security (Novosibirsk).
  • Moscow Institute of Information Technologies.
  • Moscow Academy.
  • FSB Institute (Novgorod).
  • FSB Institute (Novosibirsk).
  • Moscow Border Institute (PI).
  • Golitsynsky PI.
  • Kaliningrad PI.
  • Khabarovsk PI.

The higher military schools of Russia, the list of which is provided above, specialize in a high level of teaching and try to graduate as many worthy candidates as possible.

Flight training

There is a good opportunity to undergo military flight training, a full course at a hospital. There are certain military flight schools in Russia, a list of which can be found in the military press or directly in the universities themselves. In such institutions you can obtain the rank of lieutenant in the Russian military aviation, and, if desired, go further in your career and achieve higher ranks. Military flight schools of Russia, list:

  1. Borisoglebsk Faculty of Attack and Front-line Bomber Aviation.
  2. Chelyabinsk branch of the Moscow Academy.

Suvorov students are a great start to a career

The most competent and successful achievers are graduates of Suvorov military schools. Here is the most thorough education, which makes it possible to achieve the position of general. Tolerant military men with cultural upbringing will do all their work carefully in the future. Suvorov Military Schools of Russia, the list is quite large, but a few should be noted:

  1. Moscow school.
  2. St. Petersburg School.
  3. Tver School.

To military school after 11th grade

There is an opportunity to enter Russian military schools after 11th grade:

  • Academy of Artillery Troops (St. Petersburg)
  • Moscow Military Institute (combined arms).
  • Command and Engineering Military School (Tyumen).
  • Krasnodar Military School.

In fact, there are a lot of such government institutions. Their list is more than one page long.

Wherever you go to study and gain knowledge in the military field, the list of military schools in Russia will help you make the right choice. This profession is in great demand in the country in the future for the defense and protection of its possessions. It's no secret that it is military people who are capable of doing the impossible. Moreover, there is room for improvement. Inaccessible water spaces, a wide air atmosphere, various ground units and much more require constant replenishment of personnel and valuable workers. Higher education schools, institutes with different profiles, as well as academies will help you obtain the necessary knowledge.

Advantages and disadvantages

Every accomplished military leader will be proud of his diploma and knowledge acquired in such institutions. The career ladder will not stand still. Thanks to all the skills and theory, any task will not be difficult.

Many young people go to work in various institutions, guided by thoughts of public service and decent earnings. But it is also worth noting that not all applicants have a desire to repay their debt to their homeland. Do not forget that any misconduct on the part of employees is punished much more severely than civilians. Therefore, you should control yourself and not give in to impulses and nervous breakdowns. Many military personnel are subject to constant stress and quickly lose self-confidence. Stability of the nervous system and knowledge of the legislative framework are an integral part of any employee.

In our turbulent times, parents are afraid to send their children to serve or study at military academies. They choose other quieter professions, for example, a mechanic or an accountant. But is it worth it to be so afraid for your children? Perhaps their calling in life is to serve their homeland and devote themselves completely to it. Always consider the wishes of your household members, because they are part of your family. Do not be afraid to send your child to the service, because it is there that he will acquire those qualities that should be inherent in all men.

Military, police and other public service workers are always under pressure and sometimes cannot correctly assess the situation. It is in such cases that a carefully studied charter helps, therefore, when you enter an academy or institute, do not be lazy and study all the information provided. It will help you in a difficult situation, and you will be able to distinguish yourself in the course with your knowledge.

It would seem that everything is strict with military education in Russia, and only citizens of our country can enter a military university. However, many Russian military universities have special departments for training foreign citizens.

Every year, more and more students from abroad enter military universities and colleges in Russia. Firstly, because Russian military education is considered to be of very high quality; and secondly, some countries are armed with Russian-made military equipment. Foreigners do not accept only to educational organizations for training specialists for the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces).

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Foreign applicants can enroll in bachelor's, specialist's and master's degrees. In addition, military personnel from other countries often undergo retraining or advanced training courses at Russian universities.

In Russia, students from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, other CIS countries, Vietnam, Mongolia, India, South America and Africa receive military education. Foreigners can enter a Russian military university on the basis of intergovernmental agreements. Every year, the Government of the Russian Federation allocates a certain quota to military universities for the admission of foreign students. Training at faculties for training foreign military personnel is carried out on a paid, preferential or free basis. That is, foreigners can study for free.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On establishing a quota for the education of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation,” annually the number of applicants from these categories should not exceed 15 thousand people.

For admission to Bachelor's or specialist's programs, applicants must have a level of education not lower than secondary general education. For admission to the master's program You will need a higher education diploma (bachelor's degree).

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Admission takes place in two stages. First, candidates submit an application for admission and the necessary documents to the authorities of the relevant law enforcement agencies in their country. Here they undergo some tests, the results of which are necessary for admission to Russian military universities (medical examination, physical training, subject exams). If the applicant’s level of preparedness meets the requirements of a Russian military university, he will receive a letter of invitation from the university to study.

Upon arrival in Russia (no later than the established date), the candidate will have to go through the second stage of entrance examinations.

Entrance tests

Foreign applicants, when entering Russian military universities, undergo the same entrance tests as Russian citizens. Applicants for specialty or bachelor's programs undergo interview, physical fitness test, medical examination and hand over exams in required subjects(in writing, in the form of tests). Most often, this mathematics and physics. Exam Russian language is very important for foreign applicants, since without knowledge of the Russian language at a good level, foreign candidates simply will not be accepted into a Russian military university.

Those entering the master's program undergo interview, test or dictation in Russian And body check.

Documents for admission

The list of foreign applicants will be much longer than that of applicants from Russia. Candidates from abroad who have received a letter of invitation to study from a Russian university must have with them:

  • a copy of the first page of the international passport (valid for the entire period of study)
  • copy of birth certificate
  • travel certificate (order)
  • a copy of the marriage certificate (if married)
  • migration card
  • copies of education documents and attachments to them
  • autobiography (in Russian in printed form)
  • characteristics from the last place of service (study, work) (in Russian)
  • medical examination card certified by an official health authority
  • certificate of absence of HIV infection, certificates of absence of particularly dangerous infectious diseases, certified by an official health authority (in Russian)
  • voluntary medical insurance policy valid on the territory of the Russian Federation during the entire period of study
  • 4 photographs each measuring 4x6 cm and 3x4 cm without headdress (on matte paper).

If the applicant completed military service, then you must additionally provide the following documents to the admissions committee:

  • extract from the personal file on service
  • an extract from the order on conferring a military (special) rank and taking the national oath
  • a copy of the service card.

Copies of all documents must be translated into Russian And notarized.