Positive thought form - Ringworm on the lips (herpes). Metaphysical causes of skin problems

Every person in the world, probably at least once in their life, has felt a slight discomfort, tingling, itching and discovered characteristic blisters in the lip area. All this is a signal that a problem such as herpes has appeared. People call this disease a fever or a cold.

For what reasons this disease appears, doctors have long known. This is an infectious pathology that occurs due to the presence of the virus of the same name in the human body, hypothermia or decreased immunity.

But there is no clear answer to the main question that interests many, why some people get the virus several times in their lives, while others suffer from it almost every month. It is for this reason that many scientists and specialists in the field of “subtle matters” believe that the reason that provokes herpes lies within a person. Psychosomatics takes place in this case. But first you need to understand a little about what herpes is and what the types of this disease are.

Types of Herpes

Herpes is an infectious disease. Once it enters the human body at least once, it remains there for life. The virus manifests itself mainly in the form of rashes and does not have a serious effect on the body.

The most common are herpes of the first and second types. It is mainly expressed in the form of cosmetic disorders.

Infection with the herpes virus types three, four and five seriously affects the human body, as it can even affect the central nervous system:

  • Type 3 is a type of chickenpox that manifests itself as a childhood disease - chickenpox or as shingles;
  • type 4 - Epstein-Barr virus or infectious mononucleosis;
  • Type 5 - cytomegalovirus.

There are also three more types: 6, 7 and 8, however, their effect on humans has been little studied, but scientists believe that they manifest themselves in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. In other words, the cause of these types is hidden deep inside everyone, and it is necessary to look for it there in order to help the patient cope with the disease.

what it is?

A term such as “psychosomatic” consists of two Latin words: psyche - soul and soma - body. Following from this, psychosomatic pathologies are when the patient is physically ill, but the cause of the illness must be sought in the soul, or more precisely, in his perception of what is happening around him. It can be argued that the emotional and mental state of a person is directly related to the physical.

Many scientists who have been working for a long time to find out the causes of this or that disease believe that most illnesses are psychosomatic, and it is necessary to cure the human soul, then the disease will go away. But let's figure out what can happen in a person's life if psychosomatics eventually causes herpes on the lips?

Forbidden Desires

Before understanding the depths of a person’s subconscious and finding out the cause of herpes, it is necessary to talk about a very interesting fact, which is described by many scientists working on the problem of the causes of herpes in people of different ages. The thing is that herpes, from a psychosomatic point of view, is most often found in women who decided to devote themselves to serving God and went to live in a monastery. And this is due to some features of their thinking and way of life.

Everyone knows very well that life in a monastery involves strict rules and restrictions, but women who go to serve God still, deep down in their souls, remain fragile creatures and prone to various temptations.

And it is precisely at that moment when the nun feels the strongest temptation that a cold appears on her lips, which is a symbol of the struggle over human nature and personal beliefs. That is why there is an opinion that herpes appears in those people who experience strong conflicts within themselves, for example, they believe that sexual relations are something dirty and out of the ordinary, but at the same time they ignore their libido.

This category also includes people who are characterized by feelings of guilt, ambivalent emotions - they really want to, but they need to, or pathological neatness, manifested in the fear of getting dirty and looking ridiculous in the eyes of others, and much more.

Besides this, there is another reason that causes herpes. Psychosomatics in this case is associated with restrained anger and, in particular, the habit of judging everyone around you. That is why experts believe that it is necessary to first deal with what is bothering a person, and only then begin to treat the infectious disease. Antibiotics are prescribed for this, but why poison the body if you just need to help a person deal with his fears and other problems in his soul?

How to keep your lips healthy

To prevent herpes from appearing on your lips again, you need to change your attitude towards life and what is happening around you. You need to understand that sex life is not dirt and condemnation, but a natural human need. After all, it is she who allows offspring to appear. The main thing is to love yourself first, and then your partner.

Changes should also affect attitudes towards the opposite sex. There is not a single person in the world who could become different because someone else wants it or because of their gender. Old obstacles should not stand in the way of a new happy life.

To calm down your anger and irritability, it is better to speak out right away, then no one will be bothered by herpes. Psychosomatics has been studied by scientists for a long time, and they were able to prove that any, even the most insignificant disease that appears out of nowhere, is a consequence of a disease of the soul. You just have to speak out and remove all your doubts, and the illness will go away without any medicine.

Rashes in the nose

Very often, people go to the doctor because they often experience slight bleeding and dryness. This is another form of herpes, because it can affect not only the mucous membrane of the genital organs and mouth, but also the nose.

It is also worth noting that it is precisely this internal state of a person that can provoke herpes zoster. Its psychosomatics can also be associated with a depressed state. It also manifests itself when a person is very upset about something for a long time.

Genital herpes: psychosomatics

A rash on the labia is another form of herpes that also often bothers people. If you approach the problem correctly and start urgent therapy, then after a couple of weeks you can forget about it. But it is worth saying that internal can also be the cause of genital herpes.

Psychosomatics here is associated with what a person most often experiences in connection with certain prohibitions. The disease can be considered a kind of punishment for the fact that an indecent desire has appeared, when common sense understands that this is taboo, but at the same time one really wants to try.

Herpes on the genitals can appear in people who, for some reason, cannot realize their deepest desires and bring them to life. The disease can only be eliminated if the reasons described above are resolved. Perhaps the patient should reconsider his views on those moments that he previously wanted to hide as deeply as possible from other people. As soon as this happens, psychosomatics will disappear.

The table of diseases (Louise Hay presented it in one of her books) helps to understand what can trigger the appearance of a particular illness and how to understand it correctly in order to ultimately remove the cause of the pathology, thereby healing the body.

Health Affirmations Chart

The famous writer Louise Hay has been working for a long time to help people understand themselves and find out what ultimately provokes the appearance of the disease. Her book allowed everyone to understand what psychosomatics is. The table of diseases (Louise Hay worked on it for a long time) is an ideal instruction for those who want to be in harmony with their inner self and what surrounds it. By the way, it also contains genital herpes or sexually transmitted diseases. Here's what causes them to appear:

  • the belief that sex is the greatest sin;
  • feeling of shame;
  • the belief that heavenly punishment will come for even thinking about a relationship with the opposite sex;
  • dislike of genitals.

Louise Hay says that you can be cured if you assume that everything natural is normal. Man was created this way, and one should not be ashamed of this, especially of one’s body. Once a person accepts all this, the disease will go away.

Herpes simplex, which is also called, can be caused by a strong desire to do everything badly, if a person has an unspoken thing that oppresses him and does not give him peace. In this case, you need to love yourself and everyone around you. Forgive all insults, express what was unsaid and instill only love and peace in your soul, and everything will resolve itself.

How to defeat herpes

So, in order to get rid of herpes, it is necessary to find the cause of the disease, and it must be looked for inside the person, so the doctor must prescribe not only a laboratory examination, but also a visit to a psychologist.

As soon as the specialist finds what has been bothering the patient for so long and helps solve all his mental problems, then the disease will go away and, perhaps, more than once.

After all, as Louise Hay’s table says, all illnesses lie in the human soul. Here are recommendations for combating such pathologies:

  1. If herpes appears on the lip, then it is necessary to express everything that you have been carrying within yourself for a long time. You just need to take a blank sheet of paper, write on it everything that weighs and worries you, then tear it up and thereby free yourself from the oppressive.
  2. Herpes in the nose can be removed if you do not keep evil inside you. One has only to free the soul from it, and the disease will go away.
  3. Genital herpes is directly related to how a person views intimate relationships. Until he takes all this for granted and learns to love his body and understand that everything is natural in sex, the disease will not go away.


Herpes is not a very pleasant disease, but it is considered one of the simplest manifestations of psychosomatics. By the place where it appears, you can immediately tell what oppresses a person. Once all internal problems are removed, you can forget about the disease forever. In order not to resort to drastic measures and not to take antibiotics, you just need to talk to a psychologist, solve your mental problems and that’s it - the disease is cured.

About half of all diseases known to science occur for psychological reasons. This aspect of physical ailments began to be studied quite recently, but the psychosomatics of herpes, asthma, endocrine disorders, tumors, migraines are not just assumptions, but a fact established by science.

Psychological problems underlie the occurrence and exacerbation of these diseases.

Why does herpes appear?

Herpes is a viral disease that is characterized by blistering skin rashes on different parts of the body. The rashes come in different sizes: from small blisters to large papules the size of a berry. Severe itching is felt, the blisters dry quickly, leaving no marks on the skin.

Almost every person is a carrier of the herpes virus. But in some people the virus does not manifest itself in any way for decades, and some get sick several times a year.

Despite the statement that herpes manifests itself when the immune system is weakened or when there is hypothermia, not all people experience cold and weakening of the body causing the virus to awaken.

If herpes appears regardless of these factors, then we can talk about psychosomatic causes. First of all, it is the suppression of feelings and emotions. The most favorite place for this virus is the lips. This is herpes type 1. Otherwise it is called a “cold on the lips.”

This is confirmed by a fact widely known in the past: nuns got herpes on their lips much more often than other people. This was caused by the internal contradictions of women living outside the walls of the monastery.

Serving God, complete renunciation of worldly joys and pleasures did not negate the fact that any nun is an ordinary woman with her own thoughts, fantasies and sexual needs.

And when the temptation was the strongest, the nuns developed colds on their lips, as a result of the confrontation between nature and internal beliefs.

Based on this, it can be assumed that herpes and its psychosomatics characterize individuals who experience:

  • severe internal mental conflicts: for example, they consider sex to be an unworthy and unclean activity, although their physically healthy body does not agree with this;
  • guilt due to inability to cope with your thoughts;
  • constant fear of getting dirty, pathological need for cleanliness;
  • anger that has no way to escape;
  • the need to judge others;
  • old grievances towards others and ineradicable hatred.

If a person experiences one of these feelings and at the same time does not have the opportunity to openly express his emotions, express his thoughts about this, then herpes appears on the lips (labial herpes).

In general, researchers note the connection between the localization of herpetic eruptions and the character, experiences, and thoughts of a person.

Interesting! According to German psychologists, herpes appears during the period when the experiences themselves have already ended, that is, during recovery from psychological problems.

Herpes on the lips

It also manifests itself in those who are filled with negativity, who like to slander and condemn others. This is especially true for women who hate all men and constantly criticize them.

If herpes appears on the lips of men, then this is most likely a sign of hidden resentment towards women and a prejudiced attitude towards them that arose due to resentment. Psychologists draw the following parallel: unspoken words hang on the lips and transform into bubbles.

Some researchers note that labial herpes is associated with kissing:

  • after a long separation from a loved one, the opportunity arises to kiss, and then a herpetic infection breaks out;
  • after quarrels and omissions, reconciliation occurs with hugs and kisses, and herpes appears again.

In children

Important! The need for mother's kisses is the main cause of herpes on the lips in children. It appears in them when there is an acute lack of warmth, affection and hugs from the mother. If the mother occasionally shows her tenderness, the child may develop a herpetic infection.

If children tend to get sick often, then the mother may develop herpes on the lips, although the mother has no problems with showing tenderness. And she doesn’t part with her children. Psychologists have found that during the illness of her children, a woman is so afraid of getting sick at the same time as her children that she avoids kisses and hugs until she fully recovers.

When the children recover or she falls ill at the same time as them, herpes appears on her lips.

Genital herpes

The same feelings and sensations in a person as with herpes on the lips, but accompanied by a sexual context, cause genital herpes.

Psychologists believe that the cause of genital herpes is a lack of love and attention, and prolonged separation. That is, psychology paints a picture of separation followed by connection.

There are cases when spouses are separated for a long time, and by the time they meet, the woman develops rashes in the genital area. This is due to prolonged abstinence, strong feelings about separation, and an overwhelming thirst for intimacy with a loved one. It is not for nothing that genital herpes is sometimes called a “post-travel” disease.

The separation of spouses occurs not only due to separation. For example, a spouse becomes ill with an infectious disease. During this period, the spouse avoids intimacy, hugs and kisses due to a strong fear of infection. By the time the husband recovers, the wife develops severe herpes. And the reason here is not at all in the woman’s weakened body, but in emotional separation.

Some experts believe that genital herpes is a sign of an unquenched thirst for touch. When touched with hands, in some cases, herpes may go away faster, although infectious disease doctors prohibit touching the affected areas with hands to avoid further spread of the infection.

Some people are ashamed of everything related to sex. The mere mention of this word confuses them. Moreover, sex for them is something shameful and sinful. The body and especially the genitals are considered by them as a source of sin and shame.

This is often associated with religious beliefs: many fanatical believers consider sex to be a grave sin, for which punishment from God will follow. Even thoughts about this are sinful and shameful. It is in these groups of people that genital herpes appears.

Other locations of herpes

Herpes appears if a person spends a lot of time with people who are unpleasant to him, it is impossible to avoid this situation, you really want to show your hostility, but you can’t.

And if at the same time a person is forced to ingratiate himself, to please, and this does not correspond to his nature, then psychological reasons cause shingles on the body.

What to do

If the body is weakened after a recent illness or a person currently has a cold or is suffering from an infectious disease, then the appearance of a herpetic rash should not cause much concern.

It is necessary to be wary if the disease appears against the background of a completely healthy state of the human body. To cope with such a phenomenon as herpes on the lips, psychosomatics requires starting to look for the internal preconditions of the disease:

  1. Analyze your negative thoughts and feelings.
  2. Find out what preceded the appearance of these emotions.
  3. Try to transform these emotions into positive ones.
  4. You can try to draw the sensations you are experiencing.

Another technique involves immersing yourself in the image of your illness. To do this, you need to answer several questions related to herpes:

  • what the disease is like;
  • for what purpose did she come;
  • what is she worried about?
  • why she chose this particular person;
  • what she needs.

Each sick person must imagine his own illness and evoke the image of his own illness. In the end, after clarifying the needs of the disease, you need to mentally give the disease everything it needs, and see it off so that it never comes back.

When conducting sessions under the supervision of a psychologist, a tendency is observed: patients feel that the illness is caused by separation from a loved one or unsatisfied sexual feelings.

Important! Working on your psychological state usually leads to a positive result. The main thing is to eliminate negative emotions. In the absence of negativity, the disease disappears.

It is necessary to create a positive environment at home and at work and avoid conflicts. Healthy sleep and physical activity are the main components of a healthy psychological state. You need to find new activities of interest, meet new people.

You cannot accumulate old grievances; you need to direct all your energy to positive actions and thoughts.

It is important to visit a sex therapist if you cannot eliminate your negative attitude towards sex on your own. You need to try to convince yourself that there is nothing shameful or dirty in sex.

In order not to get sick, you need to drive away sad thoughts and emotions. They cause not only psychosomatic diseases, but also many others.

Herpes: psychosomatics and ways to combat the disease

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✅ Harmonization and healing of the spiritual-energetic cause of the disease “Tinea on the lips (herpes)”

✅ I present to your attention a unique musical energy session in the stream Alive and Harmony for harmonization and healing of the cause of the disease “Ringworm on the lips (herpes)”

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Review of negative and positive physical forms for healing.

1. HERPES— (Louise Hay)

Negative thought forms

Absolute confidence in the guilt of intimacy and the need for punishment. Shame as a reaction to publicity. Belief in a punishing God.

My understanding God supports me. I am absolutely normal (normal) and behave naturally. They deliver to me joy my sexuality and my body. I'm beautiful (beautiful).

2. HERPES— (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

A symptom of herpes is a skin rash, usually around the mouth. This is a very common viral disease.
Emotional blockage

Herpes indicates that a person judges someone of the opposite sex too harshly and is inclined to extend this judgment to all representatives of that sex. Someone or something seems disgusting and disgusting to him. This disease is also a way of avoiding the need to kiss other people or one person who makes the patient angry because he humiliated him. The patient is already ready to say some angry words, but at the last minute he restrains himself and anger hangs on his lips.

Mental block

Herpes suggests that it’s time for you to change your critical attitude towards the opposite sex to Love, and the faster, the more often exacerbations occur. Is yours image thoughts prevent you from approaching the opposite sex, although you really want it. This detachment hurts you greatly, even if you think that in this way you are punishing someone else.

3. Ringworm (cold)— (V. Zhikarentsev)

Negative thought forms

A complete and profound belief in sexual guilt and the need for punishment. Public shame. Faith in the Lord's punishment. Rejection of the genitals.

Possible positive thought form

My understanding of God sustains me. Everything about me is normal and natural. I enjoy my body and my own sexuality. I am beautiful (beautiful) and perfect (perfect).

4. Ringworm on the lips (herpes)— (V. Zhikarentsev)

Negative thought forms

Bitter words remain unspoken.

Possible positive thought form

I let the bitterness go from my life. Life is perfect.

5. Ringworm— (V. Zhikarentsev)

Negative thought forms

Waiting for the other shoe to fall off your foot. Fear and tension. Too much sensitivity.

Possible positive thought form

I am relaxed and at peace within myself because I trust the process of life. Everything in my world is perfect.

6. Ringworm— (Liz Burbo)

Shingles is an infectious skin disease characterized by the appearance of a painful rash along the major nerve trunks and their branches. Shingles only affects those who have had chickenpox. The pain that occurs with this skin disease is neuralgic in nature and resembles pain from a burn. See article, with the addition that some person or situation causes strong anger in the patient. He gets the feeling that he is forced to grovel before someone and cannot live the way he wants. His soul is filled with bitterness. What is happening greatly upsets him, but fear prevents him from confronting difficulties.

His body is sending him an urgent message as his nervous system suffers more and more from his attitude towards the current situation. A process of forgiveness is required, the steps of which are described at the end of this book.

7. Ringworm— (V. Zhikarentsev)

Negative thought forms

Possible positive thought form

Allowing others to get under your skin. Don't feel good enough or clean enough.

8. HERPES— (Louise Hay)

Negative thought forms

I am tormented by angry words and the fear of uttering them.

Possible positive thought form

I only create peaceful situations because I love myself. Everything goes well.

9. WOUNDS (on the lips or in the mouth)— (Louise Hay)

Negative thought forms

Poisonous words held back by lips. Accusations.

Possible positive thought form

I create only joyful events in a loving world.

Mental block:

This skin disease means you should no longer be on the defensive. Give yourself the right to need others. Being tightly closed is much worse than reacting emotionally or being influenced from time to time. You no longer have to believe that sensitivity is a sign of weakness and that you won't be able to protect yourself when the need arises.

A complete and profound belief in sexual guilt and the need for punishment. Public shame. Belief in the Lord's punishment. Rejection of the genitals.

Harmonizing Thoughts: My understanding of God supports me. Everything about me is normal and natural. I enjoy my body and my own sexuality. I am beautiful/beautiful and perfect/perfect.


Shingles is an infectious skin disease characterized by the appearance of a painful rash along large nerve trunks and their branches. The pain that occurs with this skin disease is neuralgic in nature and resembles pain from a burn. See the article SKIN (PROBLEMS), with the addition that some person or situation causes strong anger in the patient. He gets the feeling that he is forced to grovel before someone and cannot live the way he wants. His soul is filled with bitterness. What is happening greatly upsets him, but fear prevents him from confronting difficulties.

His body is sending him an urgent message as his nervous system suffers more and more from his attitude towards the current situation. A process of forgiveness is required, the steps of which are described at the end of this book.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev in his book “The Path to Freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life” indicates the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of lichen:

Shingles: Waiting for the other shoe to fall off your foot. Fear and tension. Too much sensitivity.

Harmonizing Thoughts: I am relaxed and at peace within myself because I trust the process of life. Everything in my world is perfect.

Ringworm: Allowing others to get under your skin. Don't feel good enough or clean enough.

Harmonizing thoughts: I love and approve of myself. Nothing has power over me - not a single person, not a single place, not a single thing. I am free/free.

Ringworm shows that for a long time there has been internal tension, uncertainty or indecision in you. The pain you experience is a consequence of aggressiveness that has not been released and is therefore directed against you.

You have to ask yourself, what is it that you don't know? What can't you decide? Trust the flow of life, face what happens without fear, it will guide you correctly. Believe that everything is developing in the most optimal way for you.

Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Ichthyosis is characterized by constant dryness of the skin and desquamation of the skin. Most often, this disease manifests itself immediately after the birth of a child or in the first months of his life.

Read the description below and the article SKIN (PROBLEMS).

Emotional blocking:

Since this disease affects a person in early childhood, its causes should most likely be sought in his past life. Any dry skin indicates a dry, insufficiently gentle attitude towards something or someone. Since the skin represents that part of our personality that we show to others, its condition can accurately judge how a person wants to appear to other people. Dry skin indicates that he does not want to show his vulnerability, his softness.

Mental block:

If you have ichthyosis or dry skin, your body wants you to be gentle with yourself and other people. You no longer have to create a certain image and control yourself all the time. Watch one of your friends who allows himself to be gentle, and you will see that he is no more vulnerable than everyone else. Try to be more flexible and soft, and your life will become much more enjoyable.

If your child has ichthyosis, read this explanation to him - his soul will definitely understand everything.


Carbuncle is an acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue around a group of hair follicles and sebaceous glands, which tends to spread rapidly.

Louise Hay in her book “Heal Yourself” points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of the carbuncle:

Poisonous anger at one's own unfair actions.

Harmonizing thoughts: I consign the past to oblivion and allow time to heal the wounds life has ever inflicted on me.

Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Keratosis is a thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin, usually on the palms and soles of the feet, that is, where this layer is normally thicker than on other parts of the body. See articles SKIN (PROBLEMS) and HANDS or FEET, in

depending on the situation.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Urticaria is an allergic skin reaction characterized by blisters, severe itching and swelling. See the articles SKIN (PROBLEMS), ITCHING (PROBLEMS) and SWELLING, with the addition that urticaria is paroxysmal in nature, that is, symptoms appear and disappear. As a rule, these attacks are caused by strong emotions and fear of some uncontrollable situation.

Louise Hay in her book “Heal Yourself” points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of urticaria:

Small, hidden fears. The desire to make mountains out of molehills.

Harmonizing Thoughts: I bring peace and tranquility into my life.

Hives, allergies. This disease is a sign of lack of emotional self-control. Your subconscious, thus, brings out those feelings and emotions that you suppress within yourself (literally, those that pollute your soul). For example: irritation, resentment, pity, anger.

If you have an allergy, it means that you cannot tolerate or accept something in your life. This could be one of the people, some area of ​​life or some situation. Products or substances that provoke an allergic reaction are not the cause of the allergy. The reason is inside, not outside.

A man came to the appointment with hives. We found out the subconscious causes of the disease. They turned out to be irritability, anger and resentment. The illness began three days ago, after he had a conflict with his superiors at work. He couldn't contain his negative emotions.

I explained to him that the reason for the conflict situation at work is hidden in himself, and instead of blaming his superiors, he must understand himself and change his attitude towards his work (which, by the way, he did not like), towards himself and his boss.

Literally the next day after he realized the causes of the conflict, his skin completely cleared up. This man did not cover up the disease or suppress it with pills. He took it as a signal. Thus, the illness for this man was an impetus for self-development.

Allergies often occur in children, since children, unlike adults, have not yet learned to control their emotions. An allergic reaction in children is a reflection of the behavior of the parents.

Parents with children with allergies often come to see me. Homeopathy has always given excellent results. And when I began to combine taking medications with “cleansing” the subconscious, the results became even better.

Here at my reception is a woman, the mother of two children: one is nine years old, and the other is four.

Tell me, doctor,” she asks me, “why is the older one not allergic, but the younger one has a very strong allergic reaction?” He suffers any diseases, even colds, in a very severe form.

What was your emotional background like during your first pregnancy and during your second? - I ask.

“I understand what you’re talking about,” the woman replies. - Indeed, during the first pregnancy I was calm, but the second... My mother insisted that I have an abortion, but I did not listen to her.

She said that it was too early to have a second child, that we would not be able to support him financially.

It was your relationship with her then, and even now, that is the reason for your youngest son’s allergies. Your negative thoughts and emotions and the thoughts of your mother are now creating an allergic background.

But how else could I react to her attitude? - the woman is surprised.

Well, first of all, your mother was only reflecting your own fears and doubts. Secondly, she insisted on an abortion, wishing you material well-being. Now you have both a child and money. It turns out that your mother helped you with both. And you retain hostility and resentment towards her.

So what should I do?

Revisit all the events of that time with new feelings and emotions. The feeling of love should come first. You need to forgive your mother and change your attitude towards her, thank her. Remember: “Honor your parents.” You must realize that the reason for your mother's behavior was hidden within yourself.

Scientists have discovered an interesting fact: there are no allergic reactions under hypnosis or anesthesia. That is, it is consciousness that plays the primary role here.

This disease clearly indicates your intolerance to anything in this world.

If you have an allergy, it means that you are hiding and suppressing aggression within yourself. All these feelings are looking for a way out.

To heal, you need to turn inside yourself, honestly and courageously look at what you are avoiding. Reconsider your attitude. There is no need to make the world sterile. There is no need to be afraid of life. Accept all its manifestations. Remember the golden rule: “Every power in this world can be used for good.”


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Leprosy, or leprosy, is an infectious disease that begins with the appearance of small dark spots on the skin and a mild nervous disorder. The affected areas form rings around healthier skin. Soon, dark plaques with a diameter of about one centimeter or more begin to stand out clearly on the skin. Sensitivity in these areas decreases or disappears altogether.

Emotional blocking:

Since the external manifestations of this disease are disgusting, it indicates that a person completely rejects himself, does not consider himself either beautiful enough or pure enough to arouse the interest of others. He constantly torments himself with regrets and withdraws so much into himself that he actually disconnects from the outside world and from life. It seems to him that he is unable to influence the course of his life.

Mental block:

The disease has been virtually eradicated in the United States and Europe, but is still common in some other countries. People with leprosy are usually ashamed of their illness and do not want to admit to others that they are sick. If you have leprosy, realize the shame that has been tormenting you for so long; understand that you feel helpless and rejected only because you decided so. You have allowed your ego to convince you that you are worthless, either in the eyes of other people or in your own eyes. Only you yourself can change this way of thinking.

Your body wants you to immediately reconnect with your unique essence. Start praising yourself and write down your talents and abilities on paper. Think about how you benefit the world and the people around you.

Louise Hay in her book “Heal Yourself” points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of leprosy:

Complete inability to manage your life. A long-standing belief in one's own unfitness.

Harmonizing thoughts: I rise above all shortcomings. I am filled and inspired by Divine power. Love heals everything.

Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

A growth is a small, benign tumor of the skin.

Emotional blockage: Any growth is excess tissue for the body and indicates that the person has been suffering from some kind of grief for quite a long time. He does not allow himself to live in the present, because he has experienced too much in the past or greatly regrets something. Since the growths look very unaesthetic, they also indicate that it is difficult for a person to see the beauty in himself. The purpose of the body part on which the growths appear indicates in which area of ​​life this person has problems.

Mental block:

Your body is telling you it's time for you to see the beauty in yourself. Besides, you must choose growth and development over endless regrets about the past. Stop considering yourself bad just because you follow your desires. Turn the page, forgive yourself and others, and try to do what your heart tells you to do (see the stages of forgiveness at the end of this book). Read also the articles SKIN (PROBLEMS) and, if necessary, WARTS.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

The following description applies to skin redness that is not accompanied by pain or itching.

Emotional blocking:

Redness of the skin may indicate that a person is holding back himself, trying to fit into some image, and in the end begins to feel like a prisoner of the chosen role. He forces himself because he is afraid of not living up to the ideal he created. In order to find out in what area of ​​his life a person is restraining himself, you should find out the purpose of the part of the body on which redness appears.

Some people experience redness in their neck and face very often. As a rule, such redness indicates that the person suddenly felt fear. This may be the fear of not meeting other people's expectations, that is, not meeting the ideal image. It is usually difficult for such a person to accept himself as he is.

Mental block:

Your body tells you that you are creating an ideal for yourself that is difficult to achieve and that others expect much less from you than you think. Talk to them and make sure of this.

Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

A pimple is a small growth on the surface of the skin.

Emotional blocking:

If you have a few pimples appearing and disappearing from time to time, this indicates impatience and unwillingness to come to terms with the disruption of plans; impatience is accompanied by slight suppressed anger. In order to find out what area of ​​your life this impatience is associated with, pay attention to the purpose of the part of the body where acne appears. If acne does not disappear and causes you serious discomfort, see the article SKIN (PROBLEMS).

Mental block:

If you are impatient, you should learn to control yourself better and be more flexible when your plans are disrupted. First of all, you must learn to accept surprises calmly. Very often, unexpected and unforeseen turns of fate lead you to the right experience or suggest a much better solution than the one you had prepared.

If you suddenly have acne on your face, this means that you are afraid of losing face, of making a mistake in some situation. Stop thinking that others are as demanding of you as you are.

Louise Hay in her book “Heal Yourself” points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of acne:

Disagreement with yourself. Lack of self-love.

Harmonizing thoughts: I am the Divine expression of life. I love and accept myself in my current state.

Dr. Luule Viilma in his book “Psychological Causes of Diseases” writes:

Purulent processes. Pimples.

Humiliated anger.

Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Psoriasis is a very common skin disease that affects people of both sexes and all ages. With psoriasis, characteristic scales appear on the skin, especially in the so-called traumatic areas - on the elbows, knees, scalp, palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Sometimes psoriasis can appear on other parts of the body. The scales are formed by plates that are layered on top of each other. Old plates are thicker, whitish and turn into white dust upon contact with clothing.

See the article SKIN (PROBLEMS), with the addition that a person wants to change his skin, that is, to change. He doesn't feel comfortable in his current form. Perhaps he feels that he is not recognized or perceived somehow differently. He may even have a desire to change his personality, to become someone else. It is difficult for him to come to terms with himself. Psoriasis tells him that he must recognize himself as he is now, with all his shortcomings, fears, weaknesses, strengths, talents, etc. He must accept himself without feeling shame or fear of rejection.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love your illness” writes:

A strong feeling of guilt and a desire for self-punishment can cause the development of psoriasis.

A young man with psoriasis came to see me. The disease appeared a year ago. We made contact with his subconscious, and he turned inward:

What behavior led to my illness?

As he asked the question, the color of his face began to change and his whole face became flushed with shame.

Doctor, I understand what the reason is,” he said. -Can I not tell you about this?

Of course you can,” I answered. - Any information that you receive from your subconscious mind, you have the right to keep to yourself.

No, I guess I’ll tell you,” the man decided.

He told me how a year ago he “sullied himself” by cheating on his wife with his friend’s wife. And this “double” feeling of guilt led him to illness. It is also interesting that his wife also had psoriasis. And when he looked at his spots, he immediately remembered his wife and felt a sense of guilt.

I discovered that psoriasis occurs after stressful situations. During such excessive mental stress, people literally kill some of their feelings, for example, a sense of trust, love or security.

One man developed psoriasis after being scammed and losing a large amount of money.

After this situation, I lost trust in people,” he told me.

A woman developed psoriasis after the death of her father.

“I lost the most beloved person in my life,” she said with tears. -Why should I live now?

I also noticed that psoriasis patients are very squeamish. Some of them literally have a “fad” for cleanliness. Do you remember from the first part of the book that the feeling of disgust reflects strong hatred and contempt for something in this world. A renunciation program operates in the subconscious, and this affects the skin.

“I hate this country,” the young man tells me. He has had the disease for a long time. - I hate these dirty streets. I despise boors and scoundrels, envious people and flatterers. The greatest pleasure for me,” he continues, “is to lie all day in a clean, starched bed with a clean woman and drink good wine and eat good food.

With this disease, keratinization of the skin unnaturally increases. The skin in the affected areas becomes rough. This is a clear indication that a person wants to protect himself from the outside world.

It is important for a patient with psoriasis to understand that he lives in a clean, harmonious and safe world. And he not only lives, but creates it himself.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the Universal Energy of Life” write:

Psoriasis is a kind of shield that protects very sensitive people from fear of emotional abuse. Now nothing will get out and nothing will get inside - the border is perfectly protected. This is how the conflict between the desire for intimacy and the simultaneous fear of it manifests itself. Scars and open wounds are an indication to open up again, even if that means being vulnerable.

Open yourself to life, in whatever form it comes to you. Be also willing to experience emotional pain and abuse, and don't close yourself off out of fear of it. Just watch them, then very soon they will stop hurting you. Allow your feelings to flow freely again, both in and out.

According to Sergei S. Konovalov (“Energy-information medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions”):

Causes. Fear of being offended, increased sensitivity and vulnerability, refusal to accept responsibility for one’s feelings.

Louise Hay in her book “Heal Yourself” points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of psoriasis:

Fear that you will be offended. Loss of sense of self. Refusal to take responsibility for one's own feelings.

Harmonizing thoughts: I am open to all the joys of life. I deserve and accept the best things in life. I love and approve of myself.

Dr. Oleg G. Torsunov in his book “The Connection of Diseases with Character” writes:

Psoriasis. This is a skin disease. There have been some problems with the opposite sex in the past. It also arises from tension and inner arrogance. This may not be evident in humans.

Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Striae are small stripes on the skin where it is stretched. As a rule, stretch marks appear during pregnancy or when a person gains weight too quickly.

Emotional blocking:

Since stretch marks are caused by a tear in the elastic tissue of the skin, their metaphysical message is that a person should be more flexible in his relationships with other people. He should not surround himself with impenetrable armor. Striae in a pregnant woman indicate that she is too tense, believing that pregnancy obliges her to be more restrained and responsible. She needs to be more natural and allow herself to be imperfect.

Mental block:

At that moment, when stretch marks appeared on your body, you wanted to appear strong and for this you put on a mask of toughness. You thought it was the right decision. Now your body is telling you that you need to relax and change your way of thinking. In order to find out in which area of ​​your life the tension manifests itself, you must determine the purpose of the part of the body where the stretch marks appear. See also the article SKIN (PROBLEMS).

Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

A crack is a slight damage to the skin. In addition to the description below, also read the explanation of the corresponding organ or body part. So, if there is a fissure in the anus, read the article ANUS (PROBLEMS).

Emotional blocking:

A rift forms when a person feels torn between two people or situations. He has to make a decision, but he hesitates greatly, and this makes him furious. The more painful the crack, the more painful the situation.

Mental block:

Instead of being torn apart, you should listen to your heart and decide what you really need. Then you must act consciously and consistently. You better learn to live your own life, and not try to live up to the hopes and expectations of other people.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

A boil, or BOIL, is an infectious, painful subcutaneous inflammation that results in the formation of an abscess with a large amount of pus. A boil occurs around the hair follicle. See the article ABSCESS, with the addition that some situation poisons a person’s life, causing him severe anger, anxiety and fear. These negative emotions are so intense that they prevent the body from naturally getting rid of harmful substances.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the Universal Energy of Life” write:

A boil indicates actual internal anger that wants to make its way through, to take a breath of air.

Sit comfortably and place your hands on your solar plexus. Do not suppress your anger, be angry with your health as much as your anger wants, and for as long as it attracts your attention. Look at it carefully - it is a very interesting phenomenon. And suddenly it suddenly disappears. You will be free and open again. And the boil will no longer be necessary.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love your illness” writes:

This is anger coming out. Constant boiling and seething inside.

I recently went to see my friend, and his wife has a huge boil on her right cheek. They are already familiar with my model, and so my wife immediately asks me:

Tell me, what does this have to do with?

Don’t you know it yourself? Who have you been mad at lately?

As for whom? - she answers. - To my husband, of course.

Louise Hay in her book “Heal Yourself” points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of a boil:

Anger. Boiling. Confusion.

Harmonizing thoughts: I express joy and love. My soul is calm.

Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Scabies is a harmless but highly contagious skin disease transmitted by direct contact. If you do not get rid of it in time, it turns into eczema as a result of a secondary infection. See the article SKIN (PROBLEMS), with the addition that a person suffering from this skin disease is too susceptible to the influence of other people. Every little thing irritates him. Since scabies causes an irresistible urge to scratch, see also the article LCH.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the Universal Energy of Life” write:

Something in you itches, excites your skin. Perhaps this is an unsatisfied desire, perhaps an unconscious desire for physical contact, or anger that bites you. Something is tearing from the inside to the surface of the skin and wants you to finally pay attention to it.

Better scratch your mind, what’s itching there? Respect your desires and anger as an expression of life, but do not project them onto others. Then you will soon find a solution to the problem.

Louise Hay in her book “Heal Yourself” points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of scabies:

Infected thinking. Allowing others to get on your nerves.

Lichen rosea (psoriasis rosea) is an acute dermatological disease of viral, allergic or infectious origin. The etiology of the disease has been little studied, so it is often not possible to determine the exact cause of its occurrence. In medicine you can also find another definition of pathology - Zhiber's disease. It received this name thanks to the French dermatologist Gibert, who studied it.

What is pityriasis rosea? This is a multiple pink skin rash caused by a specific pathogen. The etiology and symptoms of the disease are similar to other dermatological diseases, such as pityriasis versicolor, psoriasis, eczema or rubella. Only a highly qualified specialist can make a correct diagnosis during an examination and after the patient has passed the necessary tests.


Zhiber's pityriasis rosea is a fairly rare skin pathology. According to statistics, 1-2% of cases of this disease are diagnosed annually. As for age restrictions, in most cases roseola is observed in children over 2 years of age, as well as adult men and women no older than 45 years. Considering the fact that pityriasis rosea has not been fully studied, there are different points of view regarding its origin and the course of the disease. So, according to another version, the most susceptible to the virus are children from 2 years old, as well as young people of adolescence.

Today, there are several points of view regarding the causative agent of the pathology. They are identified based on a study of the patient’s medical history, as well as the course of the disease itself.

The main ones are:

    1. Some experts are of the opinion that the pathology is caused by herpes virus type 6 or 7. It has a viral nature of origin, as a result of which specific skin rashes form on the patient’s body.
    2. Others consider the occurrence of the disease to be a consequence of an infection entering the body.
    3. There is also an opinion among experts regarding the influence of allergies on the development of skin rashes. In their opinion, unfavorable external and internal provoking factors increase the body’s allergic reaction, causing disturbances in the functioning of human systems and organs.
    4. Considering the seasonal nature of the disease, Zhiber's disease can develop after suffering from colds and acute viral diseases (colds). A decrease in immunity in autumn and early spring leads to its exacerbation.

Also, some experts identify an infectious-allergic factor in the etiology. In this case, the disease can be caused by a streptococcal or staphylococcal infection, accompanied by an exacerbation of allergies. This course of the disease is considered the most dangerous because it can lead to serious complications. Many people are interested in the question of whether pityriasis rosea is dangerous or not. There is no clear answer to this question. It is believed that the pathology is characterized by low virulence (infectivity), so the risk of infection is minimal. The development of the disease is possible through interaction with a sick person, as well as in the presence of associated unfavorable factors. The main thing that makes the virus dangerous is the risk of infection and the development of a severe form of allergy in humans.

Main risk groups

As already noted, Zhiber’s pityriasis rosea poses the greatest danger to the following categories of people:

    • children (aged 2-10 years);
    • teenagers;
    • people aged 20-40 years;
    • pregnant women.

In childhood, there is a high probability of developing pathology. Considering minimizing the risk of transmission of the virus from child to child, the main factor in this case is the entry of a virus or infection into the body due to decreased immunity. Frequent colds, common in children of preschool age, as well as hypothermia, lead to a decrease in protective forces. It is also important to note that infants are rarely susceptible to the virus, which is associated with breastfeeding and the transfer of antibodies from mother to child. As for children in adolescence, they are also susceptible to this disease. It is during this period that serious hormonal changes in the body are observed, which entails a decrease in immunity. If we consider that the female body is more susceptible to adverse external influences, it is not surprising that the fair sex is more often diagnosed with Gilbert's pityriasis rosea. Hormonal imbalances increase the risk of developing pathology. During pregnancy, the virus is dangerous because it can lead to miscarriage. In most cases, this occurs in the first trimester, when any pathologies pose a serious threat to the fetus. When infected, a woman may experience severe headaches, weakness, and disturbances in sleep and rest patterns. Psychosomatics of the disease is observed - psychoemotional disorders caused by itchy skin rash and discomfort.

Factors causing the disease

The pathogen enters the human body, integrates into healthy cells and remains there for a certain period of time. If the immune system is not suppressed, then antibodies block pathogenic particles and prevent them from spreading. Otherwise, there is an increase in the number of viral particles that violate the integrity of the skin and provoke the onset of the inflammatory process. With an increase in the body's allergic reaction, aggravation of the disease with pronounced symptoms is observed. Pityriasis rosea in humans begins to actively develop against the background of a decrease in general or local immunity. Some external or internal factors only aggravate the situation.

The main ones are:

    1. Presence of chronic diseases.
    2. Overheating or hypothermia of the body.
    3. Frequent stress and overwork.
    4. Poor nutrition.
    5. Hard physical labor.
    6. Past diseases of a viral or infectious nature (ARVI, sore throat, influenza, etc.).
    7. Long-term use of corticosteroids or other medications.
    8. Hereditary predisposition to allergies.
    9. Insect bites.
    10. Damage to the skin.

It is important to note that seasonal colds do not affect the recurrence rate of lichen planus. As a rule, after an exacerbation, a person develops stable immunity to the pathogen. Only in rare cases do relapses occur. Colds are often the result of infectious or bacterial diseases suffered by a person.

Clinical picture

The first signs of the disease do not appear as specific symptoms, but rather characteristic of a cold or flu:

    • weakness in the body;
    • lethargy and irritability;
    • increased body temperature;
    • lack of appetite;
    • swollen lymph nodes;
    • insomnia.


This is how the disease begins, but external manifestations on the body appear a little later.

Initial period

The first manifestations on the skin appear in the form of a single spot, gradually increasing in size. It is also called a “maternal” formation or plaque, localized primarily on the shoulder or a nearby area of ​​the body. The bright pink plaque has a round shape and a clearly defined structure. The peripheral part of the formation is a rich red border, rising above the healthy areas of the body. Inside it, a flaky pale pink pigment is formed, filled with numerous scales. As the plaque grows, it reaches impressive sizes (from 3-9 cm). Symptoms of the disease may include mild itching and tingling.

Period of intense rashes

After the formation of the mother spot, a certain period of time (about a week) passes before the daughter elements of the rash appear. So-called “medallions” begin to appear on the back, abdomen, and extensor areas of the arms and legs. Often the rash forms on the folds of the skin (Langer's lines). The rashes are small, numerous spots of pink or red color, having an oval shape. You can notice flaky areas inside them. The daughter elements of the rash are also characterized by an increase in their size (up to 3 cm). A person may be bothered by itching and flaking at this time. With an increase in the body's allergic reaction, the symptoms of the disease intensify, which causes the patient significant physical and aesthetic discomfort. The psychosomatics of the disease is disrupted.

Recovery period

The period of intense rash is believed to last several weeks. Then the affected areas within the elements of the rash begin to crack and form multiple scales. The skin turns yellow, and after the scales fall off, it acquires a brown tint. The peripheral part becomes light pink. After another couple of weeks, the rash completely disappears, and in its place there remain slightly noticeable pigmented areas of skin. It may take several months from the onset of the disease until the rash completely disappears, but, as a rule, after a few weeks the disease goes away completely. In some cases, there are several outbreaks of lichen. It is important to note that rosacea on the scalp occurs extremely rarely (especially on the scalp). Pityriasis rosea on the face is also rarely diagnosed. Pathology is not characterized by the formation of spots on the foot, but lichen on the leg appears often.


Preventive measures for pityriasis rosea should be carried out not only during the period of exacerbation of the disease, but also during the period of remission. When the first signs of the disease appear, you should make an appointment with a dermatologist. Before visiting him, you should pay attention to skin care and review your diet. You should also wear loose-fitting clothes made from natural fabrics.

Diet food

Considering the allergic component of the pathology, people prone to atopy should adhere to a certain diet. The diet for pityriasis rosea should also be followed during the recovery period. It includes eating low-allergenic foods.

Allowed to use:

    • lean meats (chicken, turkey, veal);
    • green and yellow vegetables and fruits;
    • chicken broths;
    • porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
    • vegetable soups.

    • fried and smoked foods;
    • mayonnaise;
    • tomatoes;
    • citrus;
    • canned and pickled foods;
    • sausages;
    • sweets;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • alcohol.

Junk food that causes shingles

If a person has been diagnosed with lichen, the diet must be followed for a long period of time.

Hygiene procedures

An integral part of the prevention of pityriasis rosea are hygiene procedures. Particular attention should be paid to skin care, because failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene contributes to the aggravation of a person’s condition, as well as aggravation of the disease. Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to wash during an exacerbation of Zhiber’s disease. Experts do not recommend performing any water procedures (taking a bath, visiting a swimming pool, etc.). They can provoke the spread of infection throughout the skin, increasing the total area of ​​the affected area. You need to take special care when showering. A person who washes the affected areas of the body with soap or other hygiene products can provoke further spread of the infection. You are allowed to wash under running water, but also very carefully. It is not recommended to dry your skin after taking a shower. You just need to lightly blot it with a soft towel. Can ringworm be made worse by using skin care products? Definitely yes, especially if they contain drying components. Despite the fact that the disease goes away on its own, if a characteristic rash appears on the skin, you should still visit a dermatologist. The doctor will conduct the necessary diagnostics and prescribe appropriate treatment. The patient should pay special attention to strengthening the immune system and their diet.