My opinion about school in English. My school English topic. Useful words and expressions

My School (3)

I am going to tell you about my school. I have finished school number 129. My school is new and modern and it is very cozy and all the pupils like it very much, it is really home for everyone, not only who studies there but for all the stuff.

It has four floors. The classrooms are light and high. There are classrooms for practically all the subjects - two rooms for English classes, History room, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Literature rooms, etc.

There is a computer class in our school, where pupils study computing, one of the most important subjects nowadays. There is a school hall in our school, too/It is located on the ground floor.

Meetings, conferences, concerts and all the celebrations take place there or in our assembly hall, which is located on the first floor.

Our school has two gymnasiums and a sports-ground, football field and two basketball fields. Many pupils are fond of sports and they have a good opportunity to go in for different sports there. Also there is a swimming bath in our school. It is not too big.

I am very grateful to my school and all teaching stuff. When I was only seven years old, I entered school to get some knowledge and now I know many things due to my teachers. I have already got secondary education. The teachers in my school are very kind and clever; they give all their knowledge and all their love to the pupils.

There is a good tradition in our school. Every year the school leavers come here to meet their teachers and classmates. Such meetings are very touching and interesting. They take place every first Saturday of February.

I"ll never forget my school, my teachers and my classmates. To my thinking, it is my childhood and it is the happiest period in life. My first friends, my first love and my first achievements and disappointments are all connected with my school life.

My school ( 3 )

I'm going to tell you about my school. I graduated from school number 129. My school is new and modern, and it is very cozy and all the students love it very much - it is truly a home for everyone, not only for those who study there, but also for those who work there.

The school has four floors. The classrooms are bright and tall. The school has classrooms for virtually all subjects - two rooms for English classes, rooms for history, physics, mathematics, chemistry, geography, literature, etc.

Our school also has a computer class, where students learn to work on a computer, this is one of the most important subjects nowadays. Our school also has a school hall. It is located on the first floor.

Meetings, conferences, concerts and all celebrations take place there or in our assembly hall, which is located on the second floor.

Our school has two gyms and a sports ground, a football field, and two basketball courts. Many pupils love sports and they have good opportunities to participate in a variety of sports there. The school also has a swimming pool. It's not too big.

I am very grateful to my school and all the staff. When I was only seven years old, I went to school to gain knowledge, and now I know a lot of things thanks to my teachers. I have already completed my secondary education. The teachers at my school are very kind and smart; they give their students all their knowledge and all their love.

Our school has a good tradition. Every year, school graduates come here to meet their teachers and classmates. Such meetings are very touching and interesting. They take place every first Saturday in February.

I will never forget my school, my teachers and my classmates. In my opinion, my childhood is the happiest period in my life. My first friends, my first love and my first achievements and disappointments are all connected with my school life.


1. How does the pupil's school look like?
2. What classrooms are there?
3. Where is the school hall located?
4. Where do all the celebrations take place?
5. Where can pupils go in for different sports?
6. What good tradition does the school have?


cozy - cozy
nowadays - nowadays
celebration - celebration
assembly hall - assembly hall
to have (past had, p.p. had) a good opportunity - to have a good opportunity
to go (past went, p.p. gone) in for - do something
swimming bath - swimming pool (indoor)
to be fond of - to love smth.
thankful - grateful
stuff - colloquial Teaching staff (team)
due to - thanks
school leaver - graduate
touching - touching
classmate - classmate
to my thinking - in my opinion
achievement -- achievement
disappointment - disappointment
to be connected with - to be connected with

When writing an essay in English about school, you can describe your favorite subjects, teachers, friends, and talk about the history or location of the school.

Vocabulary about school

Let's see what school subjects and various concepts are called in English.

  • History - history.
  • Science - physics.
  • Geography - geography.
  • Information technology - computer science.
  • Chemistry - chemistry.
  • Music - music.
  • Art – drawing.
  • Biology - biology.
  • Economics - economics.
  • Mathematics (math) – mathematics.
  • Break - change.
  • My favorite subject is my favorite subject.
  • Teacher - teacher.
  • Classmates - classmates.
  • Library – library.
  • Librarian - librarian.
  • Pupils, students - students.
  • Canteen - dining room.
  • Classroom - class.
  • Floor, storey - floor.
  • Building – building.
  • Gymnasium (gym) – gym.
  • Assembly hall - assembly hall.


Let's now use these words in context and make examples.

The librarian is a very kind and helpful woman. – The librarian is a very kind and sympathetic woman.

My classroom is on the last, fourth floor. – My class is on the last, fourth floor.

Pupils and teachers eat in the canteen. – Students and teachers eat in the cafeteria.

The building of my school is very old. – My school building is very old.

We have the longest break after the third lesson. – Our longest break is after the third lesson.

When we have music I love to sing songs. – When we have music, I like to sing songs.

I don't understand chemistry very well. – I don’t really understand chemistry.

History is the very interesting subject, I learn a lot about the past of my country. – History is a very interesting subject, I learn a lot about the past of my country.

School subjects

School life

Having familiarized ourselves with the external image of the school, let's learn English words on the topic “School” that will help describe the life of students.

  • To prepare for exam - prepare for exams.
  • To pass exam - take exams.
  • Noisy - noisy.
  • Light – light.
  • During - during.
  • To sit at a desk - sit at a desk.
  • To write on a blackboard - write on a blackboard.
  • Backpack - backpack.
  • Modern - modern.
  • Form-mistress – class teacher (female).
  • Event – ​​event.
  • To miss - to miss.
  • To my mind, in my opinion - in my opinion, as it seems to me.


Assembly hall is on the second floor, it is very light. – The assembly hall is on the second floor, it is very bright.

It is always very noisy during the breaks. – It’s always very noisy during breaks.

I will pass my final exams in one month. – In a month I will take final exams.


  • We can say to prepare for/to pass an exam/ exams/final exams - in this case the article is used only in the singular.
  • When we need to say “after” some time, we use in – in two weeks (in two weeks), in three days (in three days).

I have too many school books in my backpack today. – Today I have too many textbooks in my backpack.

I always have lunch with my two best friends. – I always have lunch with my two best friends.

Though the building of the school is very old, the classrooms are modern. – Although the school building is very old, the classrooms are modern.

There is all necessary equipment in every classroom. – Each class has all the necessary equipment.

The form-mistress of our class is also the teacher of the English language. – Our class teacher is also an English teacher.

Essay My school

My school

Let's write a story about school in English, using new words and phrases.

My school is rather big – it is a five-storeyed building. The building is modern – it was built about ten years ago and everything is new here. There is also all necessary equipment in the gym and other classes. The canteen is very light and clean – it is on the first floor. My favorite subjects are History, English and Economics. My favorite teacher teaches History, she is also our form-mistress. To my mind, the best place in the school is a library. I like visiting library, we can also study here. It is very cozy and very-well organized thanks to out librarian. During the breaks I like to chat with my friends and discuss interesting events. In a few months I will have my final exams. I will miss my school very much.

My school is quite large - it is a five-story building. The building is modern - it was built about 10 years ago and everything here is new. It also has all the necessary equipment in the gym and other rooms. The dining room is very bright and clean - it is on the first floor. My favorite subjects are history, English and economics. My favorite teacher teaches history, she is also our class teacher. It seems to me that the best place in school is the library. I like to visit the library, we can also study here. It is very cozy and well organized thanks to our librarian. During breaks, I like to chat with friends or discuss interesting events. In a few months I will have my final exams. I will miss my school.

The topic “School” in English can be supplemented with vocabulary from the video:

My school

Many people look back on school years with sadness and some nostalgia; others, on the contrary, with hatred and boredom. As for me, I am fond of my school. I study in the 10th form of a local comprehensive school which provides advanced study of some subjects. I chose the class of Maths because I think that I’m good at it. And other subjects don’t come so easy to me. So there are 6 lessons of Maths every week in our timetable. By the way we don’t have those day-books which our parents used to have. All our marks can be checked in a special electronic register in the Internet.

The building of our school is very big and made of red brick. It’s neither old nor new, but it is well-equipped and modern inside. Our school has 3 floors. The classrooms are spacious and light. Many of them are equipped with a teacher’s computer, a TV-set and an electronic board. There are 2 computer classes, a library with a reading-room, an assembly-hall, a dining hall, a gymnasium and a swimming-pool in our school. There are also 2 football fields and a sports ground outside the building.

The bell for the first lesson rings at half past 8 and we usually finish at about 2 or 3 p.m. As a rule we have 6 or 7 lessons a day and we study 6 days a week. There is a long 20-minute break after the 4th lesson to have lunch or just a snack.

I love and respect our principal and most of our teaching stuff. Although some of them are quite strict and old-fashioned, they give very interesting lessons and proper knowledge. The atmosphere in our class is always friendly and busy. Fortunately we haven’t had any bullying or rude behavior among our classmates. I made best friends with some of them. We often take part in school activities together. There are musical performances, intellectual games, concerts, school and inter-school sports competitions and class parties in our school. I"m sure I will miss my school life after I finish the 11th form.

Many people look back on their school years with sadness and nostalgia; others, on the contrary, with hatred and boredom. Personally, I love my school. I am a 10th grade student at a local comprehensive school that offers advanced study of some subjects. I chose a math class because I think I have a knack for it. Other subjects don't come so easily to me. Therefore, our schedule includes 6 math lessons per week. By the way, we don’t have the same diaries that our parents had. All our assessments can be checked in a special electronic journal on the Internet.

Our school building is very large and made of red brick. It is neither old nor new, but it is well equipped and modern inside. Our school has 3 floors. The classrooms are spacious and bright. Many of them are equipped with a teacher's computer, TV and electronic board. Our school has 2 computer classes, a library with a reading room, an assembly hall, a dining room, a gym and a swimming pool. Outside the building there are also two football fields and a sports ground.

The bell for first lesson rings at 8.30 and we usually finish around 2-3 o'clock in the afternoon. As a rule, we have 6-7 lessons every day, and we study 6 days a week. After 4th lesson there is a long 20-minute break to have lunch or just a snack.

I love and respect our principal and most of the teaching staff. Although some of them are quite strict and old-fashioned, they provide very interesting lessons and necessary knowledge. The atmosphere in our class is always friendly and businesslike. Fortunately, we never had any aggression or rude behavior among our classmates. I found my best friends among them. We often take part in school events together. The school hosts musical performances, mind games, concerts, school and inter-school sports competitions and classroom evenings. I'm sure I'll miss school when I finish 11th grade.

I am going to tell you about my school. My school is new and modern and I like it very much. It has three floors. The classrooms are light and spacious. There are classrooms for different subjects, such as English, History, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology Literature etc.

There is a computer class in our school. We study computer science here. The computer class has the most modern equipment and the Internet access.

We’ve also an assembly hall, which is located on the second floor. Meetings, conferences, concerts and all the celebrations take place here. We prepare different performances for all holidays. We sing songs, recite poetry, dance, and participate in theater performances.

There are many opportunities to go in for sports in our school. Our school has a gym, a sports ground, a football field, a swimming pool, and other sports facilities. There are many different sports groups: table tennis, swimming, athletics, football, volleyball, wrestling, and rhythmic gymnastics. Many pupils of our school attend these sports groups.

In our school we have also painting group, dance group, theater group and rock group. All these groups are very popular and many pupils attend them.

The teachers in our school are very skilled. They try to give us all their knowledge and awake our interest to their subjects and to self study. Besides the school subjects, our teachers tell us about everything, about different problems of our world, such as ecology, nature protection, climate changes etc.

There is a good tradition in our school. Every year people who graduated from our school come here to meet their teachers and classmates. These meetings take place every first Saturday of February.

I think that school years are very important for every person. It’s a period of becoming adult, achieving knowledge, and choosing your way in life. Often school friends remain your friends for all your life. So I’ll never forget my school, my teachers, and my classmates.

My school

I'll tell you about my school. My school is new and modern, and I really like it. It has three floors. The classrooms are bright and spacious. There are classes for various subjects such as English, history, physics, mathematics, chemistry, geography, biology, literature, etc.

Our school has a computer class. Here we study computer science. Our computer class has the most modern equipment and access to the Internet.

Our school also has an assembly hall, which is located on the second floor. Meetings, conferences, concerts and all holidays are held here. We prepare interesting performances for all holidays. We sing songs, read poems, dance and participate in small theater productions.

Our school has many opportunities for sports. The school has a gym, sports ground, football field, swimming pool and other sports facilities. We have many different sports sections: table tennis, swimming, athletics, football, volleyball, wrestling and rhythmic gymnastics. Many students attend these sports sections.

Our school also has drawing and dancing clubs, a theater group and a rock band. All these clubs are very popular and many students attend them.

Our school is taught by very qualified teachers. They try to convey to us all their knowledge and awaken interest in their subjects and in self-education. Teachers not only teach us school subjects, but also tell us about everything, about various world problems, such as ecology, nature conservation, climate change, etc.

Our school has a good tradition. Every year, school graduates come to meet with teachers and classmates. These meetings take place every first Saturday in February.

I believe that school years are very important for every person. This is a period of growing up, acquiring knowledge and choosing a life path. Very often, school friends remain your friends for life. Therefore, I will never forget my school, teachers and classmates.

From the title of the article you can immediately conclude that it is intended exclusively for the school curriculum. Textbooks often contain texts in English about a school in Britain or the USA, and students, in turn, are asked to talk about the educational institution in which they study.

A more serious text would directly relate to the education system as a whole or would address some problem in this area. However, describing a school in English is a fairly common topic, which means it can come up in any lesson or exam.

Introductory part: Alma mater

When making an oral description or in the process of writing an essay about school in English, remember that the listener/reader (and as a rule, the only interested listener/reader of such texts is the teacher) will be glad to hear that you love school and cannot live without it, even if this is very far from the truth. You can start like this:

“They say, live and learn. And the first place where we begin our learning is school. It is the place where we meet almost all our friends, the place where every day brings new emotions and new experience. So I like my school because it gives me the opportunity to gain knowledge, to communicate with friends, to explore the world. Now I would like to describe my school.” – “As they say, live forever and learn. And the first place where we start our studies is school. Is this the same place? where we meet almost all of our friends, a place where every day brings new emotions and new experiences. So, I love my school for the opportunity to gain knowledge, communicate with friends and explore the world. I would also like to talk about my school.”

This introduction may well be an independent mini-text in a lesson on the topic “School”.

“Our school is very clean and light. It has two floors and two departments – for elementary and for primary school. There are 20 spacious classrooms, a large assembly hall, a large canteen with tall windows, home economics classroom for girls and workshops for boys, and a beautiful Music and Arts classroom. I know that our school is so wonderful thanks to the teachers’ and the headmaster’s work, and I think we should understand and respect it.” – “Our school is very clean and bright. It has two floors and two wings - for primary and secondary schools. We have 20 spacious classrooms, a large assembly hall, a large dining room with huge windows, a spacious classroom for labor and, of course, a very beautiful music and fine arts classroom. I know that our school has become such a great school because of the work of the teachers and the principal, and I believe that we should understand and appreciate that.”

Do you love any item? Describe his class!

To show your knowledge of vocabulary from another topic, when describing a school in English, you can describe the class in which lessons are taught in your favorite subject. For example:

“There are lots of classes in our school, but I like the Music and Arts classroom most of all. Frankly speaking, Music and Arts are my favorite subjects. Maybe it’s the reason why I like this classroom so much. There are a lot of pictures on the walls. Some of them are made by senior students; some are the reproductions of masterpieces of famous artists. There is also a large piano in the classroom, and our teacher plays it every lesson” – “There are many classes in our school. But what I like most is the music class. Honestly, music and art are my favorite subjects. Maybe that's why I like this class so much. In this classroom there are pictures hanging on the walls. Some of them were drawn by high school students, and some are reproductions of masterpieces by famous artists. There is also a large piano in the classroom, our teacher plays it every lesson.”