Equipment for a speech therapy room in a school according to federal state standards. Business idea: private speech therapy office. Didactic aids used in work

Lyudmila Trashenkova




Speech therapy office of preschool educational institution

(teacher- speech therapist Trashenkova L. IN.)

Modern standards presented to the quality of education force us to take a fresh look at organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution. In kindergarten this is given special importance and, recently, equipment and equipment speech therapy rooms The preschool has improved significantly. At the moment we can say with confidence that organizing the environment of my speech therapy room fully complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Cabinet has various functional areas, equipped with modern speech therapy equipment, new furniture, various play equipment, teaching aids and literature.

Despite the fact that the area small office, you can highlight various functional zones that allow you to make the most efficient use of the available space. The following can be distinguished zones:

Sound pronunciation correction zone;

Teacher's work area - speech therapist;

Training and educational zone;

Game support area;

Zone development of fine motor skills;

Storage area for didactic and methodological material;

Advisory and information zone.

1. Sound pronunciation correction zone.

The area is equipped with modern speech therapy equipment: speech therapy probes for producing sounds, massage probes (Novikova, simulators for the tip of the tongue, American massagers for the tongue "Z-Vibe", probe substitutes, mouth dilators, aids for air jet development, disposable wet wipes, a mirror, a fluorescent lamp, visual and teaching material for individual work, a quartz sterilizer for speech therapy probes.

2. Educational zone

The area is equipped with comfortable semicircular tables, chairs, individual mirrors (according to the number of children), stationery sets, a magnetic marker board (size 60/90 cm, a wall-mounted register of letters, and various demonstration aids.

3. Storage area for didactic and methodological material

The area is equipped with functional cabinets, racks and shelves. The didactic material is systematized and aesthetically designed. Various card indexes have been created (card index subject pictures for various groups of sounds, a card index of finger games, a card index for automating sounds in speech, a card index of speech games for automating sounds, a thematic card index)

4. Game support area

The area is equipped with toys and games of various themes. Toys (cubes, balls, pyramids, animal figurines, wooden toys, dolls, mazes, etc.). Speech board games ( speech therapy lotto, syllabic dominoes, magnetic games by speech development, syllabic piggy banks, etc..). Games on development of attention, memory, thinking ( "Logics", "Outlines", "Guess by color", electro-quiz "Smeshariki" and etc.

5. Zone development of fine motor skills

Speech therapy room equipped with a sufficient number of various games and aids for the development of fine motor skills of the hand (labyrinths, soft puzzles, lacing games, mosaics, inserts, sensory boards, massagers "Su-Jok", soft constructors, etc.)

6. Advisory and information zone

Before speech therapist's office An aesthetically designed information stand is located "Corner speech therapist» , there are also advisory areas for parents in kindergarten groups. Important information for parents is regularly posted here. (consultations, memos, booklets).

7. Teacher's work area - speech therapist

Teacher's work area - speech therapist equipped with modern functional furniture, a laptop, necessary office supplies, and there are areas for storing methodological literature and manuals.

Additional financing as part of the implementation of various innovative projects made it possible to purchase speech therapy room modern computer methodology for examining children's speech using studio software (author Akimenko).

This allows you to carry out speech therapy examination is more qualitative and efficient.

Teacher use- speech therapist modern hardware and software systems based on functional biocontrol technology with biofeedback (BOS) allows you to carry out work on correcting speech disorders at a higher level.

Publications on the topic:

In order to provide a system of conditions necessary for the development of various types of activities, correction of deviations in the development of children, etc.

Organization of a subject-spatial development environment for the formation of a safety culture in preschool educational institutions Senior teacher Shamukova G. Kh. An important area of ​​work of a preschool educational organization has traditionally been the search for optimal ones.

Organization of subject-spatial developmental environment in preschool educational institutions. Sensory play center Teacher Nikulnikova A.F., MBDOU d/s No. 49, Stavropol.

Organization of subject-spatial development environment in the senior group Organization of a subject-spatial developmental environment in the senior group “Zvezdochka” Group passport Goal: To promote the development of the child.

The developing subject-spatial environment of our group is organized in such a way that every child has the opportunity to do what he loves.

Larisa Boglacheva

Prepared: teacher- speech therapist MBDOU No. 11. Donetsk

Boglacheva Larisa Leonidovna

Hello, dear colleagues, I recently joined your ranks.

The first difficulty I faced was preparation and organization. speech therapy room to work as intended.

After reading a large amount of specialized literature, articles, advice from other specialists who share their experience, I made my conclusions and got to work.

Main purpose speech therapy room in a preschool educational institution as we know, is the correction of speech disorders in children.

Firstly, the speech therapy room should be equipped:

speech therapy mirror(50*100 cm);

Individual mirror for working with children;

speech therapy probes and spatulas, medical alcohol, cotton wool

sterile, clean towel;

Teacher's workplace - speech therapist for working with documentation and

conducting individual consultations with parents;

Tables and children's chairs (5-6 pcs) for children who can

adjust depending on the child’s growth;

cabinets, racks for storing educational games, aids for the development of fine motor skills, breathing, mental functions, for storing methodological and visual didactic literature;

Wall clock;

Magnetic board.

Secondly, anyone speech therapy room, visually need to be divided into main zones:

1. articulatory zone: large wall mirror,

individual mirror, photo albums, posters with articulation gymnastics, tools for sound production;

2. breathing zone: contains materials, games, exercises for

development of speech breathing;

3. zone of phonal perception (intonation): toys,

musical instruments, pictures with emotions;

4. general development zone motor skills: manuals, games, toys,

natural material, finger games for the development of fine motor skills of the hands;

5. methodological zone: plans, notes, library

methodological literature;

6. areas of grammar development and vocabulary: visual-

educational aids and toys; subject, plot and

a series of visual pictures for the development of coherent speech; card indexes (tongue twisters, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, riddles, finger games, word games and exercises); heroes of puppet and table theater; wall alphabet, chips, magnetic cash register of letters and syllables;

And another zone 7th, you can add motivational zone: it includes items for encouragement - symbols (medals, stickers or something else) for good work and success of the child.

IN the speech therapist's office should be clean, cozy, comfortable. The environment you create allows you to develop the child’s mental functions (memory, thinking, perception, attention, forming ideas about the world around him.

Speech therapy room in kindergarten, should not be office or academic.

All material (games, toys, manuals) should be available for use by children as they progress through lexical topics and constantly updated. The child should have the desire and desire to go to speech therapist's office, because it’s interesting, unusual and you won’t be bored!

I wish you good luck in creating your own speech therapy room!

Publications on the topic:

Design and equipment of a music corner in preschool groups“Design and equipment of a music corner in preschool groups” 1. “Music in kindergarten” In kindergarten, with the aim of introducing the child to music.

On the eve of each new year, I try to create a unique fairy-tale atmosphere in the speech therapy room. For this purpose I am developing together.

ORGANIZATION OF DEVELOPMENTAL SUBJECT-SPATIAL ENVIRONMENT OF THE Speech Therapy Office of a Preschool Educational Institution (teacher-speech therapist Trashenkova L.V.) Modern.

Goal: Effective development of the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests and level of development. Objectives: Enrich cognitive.

Currently, the problem of children's speech development is of particular relevance; theater and theatrical performances play a special role in this.

Passport of the speech therapy office Passport of the speech therapy office of Teacher-speech therapist Nazarova Elena Vladimirovna MBOU "Secondary Educational School No. 1" JV "Kindergarten "Ladushki" P. Oktyabrsky.

A separate room is allocated for the speech therapy center, which meets sanitary and hygienic standards.

It is necessary to hang a sign on the office door with the speech therapist’s work schedule, his last name, first name and patronymic.

The speech therapy room should be aesthetically designed and decorated with indoor plants. It is not recommended to hang paintings, prints, drawings and tables on the walls that are not related to the correctional process, as they distract the attention of students during classes and create an unnecessary diversity of the environment.

Speech therapy room areas

1. Individual work area. Designed for individual speech therapy sessions. Equipment: shelf, chairs, wall mirror for individual work on sound pronunciation.

2. Group work area. Designed for group lessons with students. Equipment: desks, student chairs, chalkboard, individual mirrors.

3. Area of ​​educational and methodological and educational and didactic material. Designed for placement of educational and methodological literature, visual and illustrative material, games. Equipment: manual cabinet.

4. Workplace of a speech therapist teacher. Designed to organize the work of a teacher. Equipment: desk, chair, computer, printer

The speech therapy room should have the following equipment:

1. Desks according to the number of students studying. Stands for pencils and pens.

2. A chalkboard located at a height corresponding to the height of primary school students. It is advisable to line part of the board as a writing notebook for 1st grade students in order to demonstrate the correct writing of letters, connections and to practice calligraphy for children.

3. Sufficient cabinets for visual aids, educational material and teaching literature.

4. Wall mirror 50X100 cm for individual work on sound pronunciation, which it is advisable to hang near the window. If this is not possible, then it can be hung on any other wall, but with special lighting.

5. Mirrors 9 X12 cm according to the number of students involved in sound pronunciation correction.

6. A table near the wall mirror with local lighting for individual work with students, several chairs for children and a speech therapist.

7. A set of speech therapy probes, ethyl alcohol for processing the probes, cotton wool, bandage.

8. Flannelgraph, typesetting canvas, set of paintings.

9. Filmoscope with a set of filmstrips and transparencies for speech development for kindergartens and primary schools in the native language and the subject “Acquaintance with the outside world”, the development of mathematical concepts.

10. Screen for displaying filmstrips and transparencies, located in a folded form above the board.

11. Wall-mounted cash register letters.

12. Wall syllabic table.

13. Individual registers of letters and syllables for each student, representation schemes, sound and syllable schemes of words.

14. A standard table of uppercase and lowercase letters attached above the board.

15. Visual material used in examining students’ oral and written speech, placed in a separate box or envelopes, arranged by lexical topics and phonetic groups.

16. Visual and illustrative material on speech development, systematized by topic.

17. Teaching aids in the form of symbol cards (for example, with graphic images of sounds, words, sentences), cards with individual tasks, albums for working on sound pronunciation.

18. Various speech games, lotto.

19. Sets of colored ballpoint pens (blue, green and red) for each child.

20. Methodological and educational literature.

21. Towel, soap and paper napkins.

  1. Wall mirror (at least 1.5 - 0.5 m).
  2. Children's table mirrors (9 x 12) according to the number of children.
  3. Children's tables and chairs for classes.
  4. Table for speech therapist.
  5. Two chairs for adults.
  6. Additional lighting at the mirror (table lamp).
  7. A table clock.
  8. Cabinets and shelves for methodological literature.
  9. Wall mounted school board.
  10. Typesetting canvas.
  11. Flannelograph.
  12. Clean towel.
  13. Card file for available benefits.
  14. Boxes or folders of the same size and color for storing manuals.

II. Equipment for the individual work area with the child:

  1. A set of speech therapy probes (contained in a clean glass or special medical glass). Perhaps you will find the necessary equipment on the website
  2. Tray.
  3. Medical alcohol.
  4. Metal spatulas.
  5. The cotton wool is sterile.

III. Documentation:

  1. Long-term plan for working with children for the year.
  2. Calendar plan for frontal, subgroup and individual classes.
  3. Speech card for each child with the necessary documentation:
    a) referral from the speech therapist of the children's clinic to the medical-pedagogical commission;
    b) an extract from the medical history issued by the pediatrician of the clinic;
    c) certificates from an ENT specialist, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist, or a psychiatrist;
    d) characteristics for the child compiled by the teacher of the individual from whom the child comes.
    Make an entry in the speech card about the child’s progress at least once every 3 months.
  4. Notebooks for individual work with children.
  5. Schedule of speech therapy classes with children (timing of working hours for all days of the week).
  6. Long-term plan for preparing the classroom for the new academic year.
  7. Self-education plan for the current year.

VI. Literature:

1. Card index of available methodological literature.
2. List of recommended literature.

V. Benefits:

1. Based on an examination of the speech and general development of children.

a) material for intelligence testing:

  • counting material;
  • cut pictures from 2-4-6 parts;
  • pyramids of varying degrees of complexity;
  • exclusion of the 4th extra item;
  • pictures and texts with hidden meanings;
  • joke pictures (what is drawn wrong?);
  • objects for grouping them by color, shape, general belonging to one of the groups;
  • mailbox with geometric shapes;
  • small builder, mosaic;

b) material for examination of all components of speech:

  • phonetics (homemade albums or subject pictures for all sound phonemes);
  • vocabulary (on all topics, see “dictionary”);
  • grammars (plot pictures" - on case and prepositional constructions and on the connection of words in a sentence or homemade albums);
  • coherent speech (2-3 simple texts for retelling by children, a series of plot pictures to determine the logical sequence and compose a story based on them).

2. Development of general attention, memory and logical thinking.

a) exercises on classifying objects and grouping them by color, shape, etc.
b) on the development of auditory attention (for example, “What do you hear?”, “Rain or sun” and DR-)
c) on the development of visual attention (for example, “Find a pair”, “What did Parsley hide” and DR-)
d) to develop speech attention (for example, “Repeat, don’t make a mistake!”, “Who called you?”, etc.)
e) to develop logical thinking (for example, “Take your object”, “Match the picture to the word”, etc.)

3. Formation of sound pronunciation:

a) articulation exercises (cards, screen or stand);
b) a set of aids for working on speech breathing (flying objects, inflatable toys, etc.);
c) subject pictures for all studied sounds for frontal and individual work;
d) albums for automation of delivered sounds (like Sokolenko and others);
e) printed board games to automate the sounds;
f) aids for the formation of the syllabic structure of words;
g) texts for automation of delivered sounds.

4. Formation of phonemic perception and sound analysis:

  • sound symbols (optional);
  • signal circles for differentiation of sounds;
  • diagrams for sound-syllable analysis of words;
  • subject pictures for differentiation of sounds;
  • aids for determining the position of a sound in a word (card with three windows and chips for each child;
  • texts on sound differentiation.

5. Certificate:

  • movable alphabet;
  • alphabet in pictures;
  • letter boxes or magnetic alphabet cards for each child;
  • schemes for analyzing proposals;
  • sets of subject pictures for dividing words into syllables.

6. Work on the dictionary:

a) subject pictures on topics:

"Vegetables" "Mushrooms" "Fruits"
“Berries” “Clothes” “Shoes”
“Hats” “House and its parts” “Apartment and its parts”
"Furniture" "Tableware" "Food"
“Fish” “Toys” “Animals and Their Babies”
“Birds” “Insects” “Transport”
“Family” “Professions” “Tools”
“Toilet items” “Household items” “Seasons”
“Plants” “Trees” “School and writing supplies”
Methodological recommendations for all topics (in groups with FFN these topics are used on
generalization of subjects).

b) aids for word formation:

  • suffix (noun and adjective with a diminutive suffix);
  • prefixal (prefixed verbs);
  • relative (wooden table) and possessive (fox tail) adjectives from nouns;
  • cognate words like: cat - cat - kitty - cat.

c) object pictures for the selection of antonyms (big - small).
d) subject and plot pictures for the selection of synonyms (small - small).

7. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

For groups with OHP:
a) benefits for all case forms of singular and plural nouns (including indeclinable nouns);

b) guides to all prepositional constructions (drawing up sentences with simple and complex prepositions: on, з. у, from, for, above, under, from, with /с/, to, according to, without, through, about, due , from under);

c) benefits for all agreements (adjectives, verbs, numerals and pronouns with nouns);

d) aids for forming phrases (work on sentence structure).

For groups with FFN: a) aids on the singular and plural forms of nouns; b) allowances for the form of singular and plural nouns in the genitive case;

c) manuals on prepositional constructions (with complex prepositions);

d) benefits for all approvals (see above).

8. Development of coherent speech.

For the group with OHP and logoneurosis:

a series of plot pictures;

story pictures;

sets of subject pictures for compiling comparative and descriptive stories;

sets of texts for retelling and aids that facilitate this process (for example, reference pictures for restoring texts, well-thought-out plans, etc.)

9. Board and printed games:

(with clarification of program objectives for correctional work with children).

10. Methodological material:

b) material from the experience of speech therapists.


speech therapy room

MBOU "Secondary School No. 4

Beleva, Tula region"

Teacher-speech therapist: Dorofeeva Ekaterina Vitalievna

Short description

Speech therapy room with a total area of ​​12.0 m2. The office provides one teacher’s workplace, 6 workplaces for subgroup work with children and 2 workplaces for individual lessons.

The speech therapy room provides subgroup and individual lessons with preschool children aged 6-7 years and students in grades 1-4.

The main purpose of a speech therapy room is to create rational conditions that comply with the Federal State Educational Standard: a spatial environment that develops subject matter must be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

Speech therapy office occupancy schedule






Rules for using the speech therapy room

Keys to the office in two copies (one for the speech therapist, the second for the deputy director for internal affairs management)

Wet cleaning of the office is carried out 2 times a week;

The office is ventilated daily;

Before and after each use, speech therapy probes and spatulas are treated with medical alcohol and in a sterilizer;

The office is equipped with an area for subgroup classes, an area for individual classes, and a play area;

At the end of the working day, check that windows are closed and electrical appliances are turned off.

The speech therapy room is intended for:

1. Conducting a diagnostic examination of the speech development of children of senior preschool age and junior schoolchildren,providing assistance in mastering general education programs to students with various oral and written speech disorders (primary).
2. Conducting subgroup and individual classes of a speech therapist with children.

Tasks of correctional work:

1) Development of general voluntary movements. Improving the static and dynamic organization of movements, speed and smoothness of switching from one movement to another.

2) Development of fine differentiated movements of the hand and fingers.

3) Formation of the psychological basis of speech. Development of cognitive mental processes: attention, perception and memory of different modalities, thinking, imagination.

4) Development of the speech apparatus. Improving the static and dynamic organization of movements of the articulatory, respiratory and vocal sections of the speech apparatus, coordinating their work.

5) Development of facial muscles. Normalization of muscle tone, formation of expressive facial expressions.

6) Formation of correct sound pronunciation. Production, automation of sounds, their differentiation.

7) Development of phonemic processes. Learning to recognize, distinguish, isolate sounds and syllables in speech, determine the place, number and sequence of sounds and syllables in a word.

8) Formation of the syllabic structure of the word. Training in pronunciation and analysis of words of various syllable structures.

9) Development and improvement of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. Forming the ability to understand sentences, logical and grammatical constructions of varying degrees of complexity, clarifying, consolidating, expanding the vocabulary on lexical topics, intensifying the use of prepositional constructions, word formation skills, inflection, composing sentences and stories.

10) Preparing for literacy. Formation of the ability to establish a connection between sound and letter, skills of sound-letter analysis, continuous reading with an understanding of the meaning of what is read.

11) Timely prevention and overcoming difficulties in students’ mastery of general education programs.

3. Consultative work of the teacher - speech therapist with parents (conversations, demonstration of techniques for individual correctional work with the child).
4. Consultative work of the teacher - speech therapist with teachers.

Speech therapy room equipment

Individual work area

1. Lamp for illuminating the speech therapy mirror in the office, length 65 cm - 1 pc.

2. Quartz sterilizer for speech therapy instruments - 1 pc.

3. A set of staging probes according to the method of L.S. Volkova 7 pcs + ball probe - 1 set.

4. Set of massage probes 12 pcs. (full size) -1 set.

5. Speech therapy table Lux - 1 pc.

6. Speech therapy hippopotamus “Zhu-zha” - 1 piece

7. Speech therapy “navigator” of the tongue - 1 pc.

8. Case for storing probes - 2 pcs.

9. Rubber-plastic mouth expanders - 4 pcs.

10. Speech therapy cross (Made in USA) - 1 piece

11.A device for controlling your own speech and developing phonemic hearingWhisperPhoneElement(made in USA) -2 pcs.

12. Koritsky spatula, stainless, polished - 1 pc.

13. -1 pc.

14.Attachment for the Z-Vibe speech therapy massager for massaging the hollow of the tongue - 1 pc.

15. Ribbed attachment for speech therapy massager Z-Vibe - 1 pc.

16. A book with illustrations on the use of the Z-Vibe speech therapy massager - 1 pc.

17.Battery for electric massager Z-Vibe

18. Probe for sound P (2 balls) - 1 pc.

Cabinet equipment

1. Single-element wall board - 1 pc.

3. Cabinet for teaching aids - 1 pc.

4.Teacher's table with cabinet with hanging cabinet - 1 pc.

5. Semicircular table with adjustable legs - 2 pcs.

6.Individual mirror for speech therapy sessions 15x21 cm - 6 pcs.

7. Children’s chairs – 6 pcs.

8. Upholstered chairs - 4 pcs.

9. Computer x 1

10. Speech therapy massage ball - 4 pcs.

11. Massager “Miracle roller” - 4 pcs.

12. A device to help teach correct speech breathing “Nasal flute” - 4 pcs.

13. Soft nose clip - 4 pcs.

14. Tongue horn “Clown” - 2 pcs.

15. Set of pipes - 2 pcs.

16. Device for the development of speech breathing - “lip whistle” - 4 pcs.

17. Toy for the development of speech breathing “Flying ball” - 4 pcs.

18. Rubber dummy of the oral cavity for speech therapy sessions - 1 pc.

19. Ball with elastic bands for the development of motor skills in a child - 1 pc.

20. Toy for the development of fine motor skills "Kapitoshka" -2 pcs.


I . Regulatory documents at the Federal level (electronic media)

    Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 “On Education” (as amended and supplemented).

    Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated March 26, 2003. No. 24 “On the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN”

    Provision of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    Constitution of the Russian Federation

    Regulations on the rights and standards of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of San Pin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions” dated December 29. 2010 No. 189 (Extract).

II . Regulatory and legal support for the activities of a speech therapist in a secondary school (electronic media)

    Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (as amended by Federal Law of June 30, 2006 No. 90-FZ) (Extract)

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2003 No. 191 “On the duration of working hours (standard hours of teaching work for the wage rate) of teaching staff of educational institutions” (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2005 No. 49 “On changes and recognition as invalid of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation") (Extract)

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2006 No. 69 “On the peculiarities of working hours and rest time for teaching and other employees of educational institutions” (Extract)

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Extract)

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 N 781 “On the lists of jobs, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account which a labor pension is assigned early” (Extract)

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 1, 2002 N 724 “On the duration of the annual basic extended paid leave provided to teaching staff of educational institutions” (Extract)

    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 7, 2000 N 3570 Regulations “On approval of the regulations on the procedure and conditions for granting teaching staff of educational institutions long-term leave for a period of up to one year” (Extract)

III . Regulatory and legal support for the professional activities of a speech therapist teacher as an employee of a secondary school (electronic media)

    Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 “On the organization of the work of the speech therapy center of a general education institution.”

    Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 1998 No. 20-58-07 in/20-4 “On speech therapists and educational psychologists in educational institutions.”

    Instructional and methodological letter “On the work of a speech therapist at a secondary school.” Yastrebova A.V., Bessonova T.P., M., Kogito-Center, 1996 (Ordered by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation). (Extracts)

Internal documentation of a speech therapist teacher

    Journal of examination of children's speech development and dynamic observations of the speech state of children enrolled in speech therapy classes.

    Attendance log for group and individual lessons with children.

    Individual cards of speech development of schoolchildren.

    Annual work plan for a speech therapist teacher.

    Work program and long-term work plan for a speech therapist teacher for the school year with various groups of students.

    Cyclogram of the work of a speech therapist teacher.

    Schedule of individual and frontal classes with children.

    Student workbooks.

    Notebooks for homework for students with speech impairments (children).

    Annual progress reports.

    Passport of the speech therapy office.

    Speech therapist teacher's workbook

Subject-developmental environment of a speech therapy room

Formation of sound pronunciation

1. Articulation exercises (manuals)

2. Sound profiles (folder)

3. Automation of sounds in words, sentences, texts. We introduce sounds into speech.

4. Aids for working on speech breathing

5. Subject pictures for all studied sounds

6. Albums for automation of supplied sounds

7. Texts for automation of delivered sounds

8. Speech therapy lotto for automation of delivered sounds

Development of auditory attention (non-speech sounds)

1. Sounding toys: pipes, rattles, bells, squeaky toys.

2. Boxes with loose fillings that make various noises (peas, beans, cereals, flour).

Formation of phonemic hearing and perception

1. Signal circles for differentiating sounds

2. Object pictures for differentiation of sounds

3. Texts on sound differentiation


1. Magnetic alphabet

2. Schemes for analyzing proposals

3. Sets of subject pictures for dividing words into syllables

4. Box of letters and syllables

5. Workbooks, pencils, pens for “typing” letters, syllables, words, sentences

6. Wall aids “ABC”, “Copy Letters”, “City of Sounds”.

Working on a dictionary

Subject pictures on lexical topics:










"Domestic and wild birds"

"Domestic and wild animals"

"Clothes, shoes, hats"

"New Year"

"Mushrooms, berries"



"Marine life"







"Animals of hot and cold countries"


“Subject pictures for the selection of antonyms”

“Subject pictures for the selection of synonyms”

"Polysemantic words"


"One is many"

"Word Formation"

Grammatical structure of speech

1. Preposition patterns

2. Aids for writing sentences with simple and complex prepositions

3. Aids to agreeing parts of speech

4. Warped texts

Development of coherent speech

1. A series of plot pictures

2. Story pictures

3. Subject pictures for compiling comparative and descriptive stories

Development of fine motor skills (personal or made independently by a speech therapist)

1. Beads

2. Laces

3. Counting sticks

4. Mosaics

5. Multi-colored clothespins

6. Massage balls, hedgehog balls, expander, exercise machine for massaging fingers and palms of the hands “Su-Jock Balls”

7. Plasticine

8. Stencils for shading (for all lexical topics)

9. Colored pencils

Development of speech breathing.

1. Sets of butterflies, snowflakes, airplanes, plumes, pinwheels.

2. Balloons, soap bubbles, straws, cotton balls, tennis balls, feathers.

3. Games: “Push the ball into the goal”, “Blow a snowflake off your mitten”, “Storm in a box”

Development of perception (color, shape, size).

1. Paired pictures.

2. Ribbons, ropes, laces, threads, pencils, strips of different lengths.

3. Counting sticks for laying out figures.

4. Wall displays of planar and volumetric geometric shapes.

5. Educational games

Development of time orientation.

1. Landscape paintings of different seasons.

2. Daily routine in pictures: morning, afternoon, evening, night.

3. A set of pictures depicting various actions of people (children) and natural phenomena at different times of the year, parts of the day.

Development of thinking, visual attention, memory .

1. Cut-out pictures of various configurations (2, 3, 4 or more parts); prefabricated pictures - puzzles.

2. Collapsible toys: nesting dolls, pyramid.

3. “Wonderful bag.”

4. “Noisy” pictures.

5. Games: “Eliminating the fourth odd one,” “What’s missing? ", "What didn't the artist complete? ", "How are they similar and how are they different? ", "Find the fragments of the picture shown above", "Find the same ones."

6. Classifiers for performing classification and generalization tasks.

7. Set of pictures “Nonsense”.

Methodological and special literature

1. Diagnostic kit. Speech therapy examination of junior schoolchildren. Part 1 (1 piece)

2. Learning without suffering. Correction of dysgraphia Segebart G. - volumes

3.Magic outlines. Formation of graphomotor skills. Set of correctional and developmental materials Zegebart G.M. -1 PC.

4. Speech therapy pictures to automate the sound “R”

5. Speech therapy pictures for automating the sound “Z”

6. Speech therapy pictures to automate the sound “C”

7. Speech therapy pictures for automating the sound “F”

8. Speech therapy pictures for automating the sound “L”

9. Speech therapy pictures to automate the sound “F”

10. Speech therapy pictures for automating the sound “Ts”

11. Speech therapy pictures for automating the sound “Ch”

12. Speech therapy pictures for automating the sound “SH”

13. Speech therapy pictures for automating the sounds “Ш and Х”

The office library is represented by the personal collection of the speech therapist in electronic form.

    Borodich A.M. Methods for the development of children's speech. - M.: Education, 1989, 96 pp.

    Volkova L.S., Lalaeva R.I. Speech therapy. - M.: Education, 1989, 147 pp.

    Volkova L.S., Seliverstov V.I. Reader on speech therapy. - M.: Vlados, 1997, 107 pp.

    Efimenkova L.N. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students. - M.: Education, 1989, 105 pp.

    Efimenkova L.N., Misarenko G.G. Organization and methods of correctional work of a speech therapist at a school speech center. - M.: Education, 1991, 100 pp.

    Efimenkova L.N., Sadovnikova I.N. Correction and prevention of dysgraphia in children. - M.: Education, 1989, 105 pp.

    Kobzareva L.G., Rezunova M.P., Yushina G.N. Corrective work with schoolchildren with mildly expressed general speech underdevelopment at the first stage of education. – Voronezh: Teacher, 2001, 103 pp.

    Kosinova E.M. Speech therapist lessons. – M.: Eksmo, 2005, 154 pp.

    Milostivenko L.G. Methodological recommendations for preventing errors and writing in children. - St. Petersburg: Stroylespechat, 1995, 86 pp.

    Politova N.I. Speech development of primary school students. - M.: Education, 1990, 105 pp.

    Pyatak S.V. I read words and sentences. – M.: Eksmo, 2008, 67 pp.

    Rau E.F., Rozhdestvenskaya V.I. Correction of pronunciation deficiencies in schoolchildren. - M.: Education, 1989, 105 pp.

    Sadovnikova I.N. Impairments of written speech and their overcoming in younger schoolchildren. - M.: Vlados, 1977, 67 pages

    Seliverstov V.I. Games in speech therapy work with children. - M.: Education, 1989, 100 pp.

    Svetlova I.K. Home speech therapist. - M.: Eksmo, 2005, 67 pp.

    Filicheva T.B., Chivileva N.A., Chirkina G.V. Fundamentals of speech therapy. - M.: Education, 1989, 105 pp.

    Fomicheva M.F. - Education of correct pronunciation in children. - M.: Education, 1981, 56 pp.