World of science and education. International scientific journal “Science and Peace Materials of the international scientific and practical world of science”

Usmanova E.F. – editor-in-chief, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the department of legal disciplines of Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogareva

Alimbaev M.T. – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for International Relations of the Kazakhstan Engineering and Pedagogical University of Peoples' Friendship, Shymkent, Kazakhstan.
Andronov V.P. – Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Psychology, Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogareva.
Glukhova T.V. – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Economics, Mordovian Humanitarian Institute.
Danilov V.V. – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Head. Department of Criminal Law and Process of the Mordovian Humanitarian Institute.
Emelkina I.V. – Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the Mordovian Humanitarian Institute.
Eremin A.R. – Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogareva.
Ilyina I.E. - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Legal Problems in the Sphere of Science and Innovation, Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in the Scientific and Technical Sphere (RIEPP), Moscow.
Kokhanets L.A. – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Mordovian Humanitarian Institute.
Levchaeva N.V. – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines of the Mordovian Humanitarian Institute.
Lushenkova-Foscolo A. – Doctor of Comparative Literature, University of Paris Sorbonne, Paris, France.
Makarkin N.P. – Doctor of Economics, Professor, President of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Mordovian State University named after. N.P. Ogareva.
Morozov L.V. – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head. Department of Civil Law and Process of the Mordovian Humanitarian Institute.
Podolny N.N. – Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Middle Volga Institute (branch) of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)” in Saransk.
Simenko I.V. – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of the Institute of Accounting and Finance, Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade. Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky, Donetsk.
Sokolov V.B. – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the Mordovian Humanitarian Institute.
Uchaikina N.I. – Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor. Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of the Mordovian Humanitarian Institute.
Khudoikina T.V. – Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Legal Disciplines, Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogareva.
Shapiro L.G. – Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Criminalistic Support for the Investigation of Crimes of the Saratov State Law Academy, Saratov.
Shukshina T.I. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of the Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after. M.E. Evseviev.
Makarkina T.M. - executive Secretary.

Goals and objectives of the journal

The main purpose of the magazine– analysis, systematization and promotion of scientific achievements in the field of pedagogy and psychology.

Objectives of the magazine:

  • reflection of the results of research, scientific, practical and experimental activities of actively working scientists - doctors and candidates of science, young researchers - doctoral students, graduate students, undergraduates; teachers and psychologists actively involved in scientific and innovative activities;
  • promotion of the main achievements of domestic and world university and industry science in the development of new pedagogical and psychological technologies and methods;
  • identifying scientific potential for the purpose of developing and using advanced achievements of science and technology in the field of pedagogy and psychology.

The online format of the journal and the principle of open access make it possible to ensure the widest coverage of the readership and author audience.

Types, language and specialties of accepted articles

Articles in RUSSIAN are accepted.

    • theoretical articles
    • review articles
    • research articles
    • methodological articles

Please note that the journal accepts the following types of articles:

    • theoretical articles- a theoretical article is written based on a review of the literature and existing theories and concepts on the problem and should be divided into parts.
    • review articles— a review article contains an analysis of the existing literature on the problem and must have an extensive list of references, which MUST include at least 30% of foreign sources.
    • research articles- a research article is an empirical study that has a statement of the problem, a justification for the need for this research, and the research has scientific logic and has validity. Such an article should contain a description of the research methods and its results.
    • methodological articles— the article must contain an analysis of the literature on the use of various methods, justification for the need to develop a new method, and ALWAYS the results of testing the method.

The journal does NOT accept articles describing the experience of educational institutions.

Journal Details

World of Science. Pedagogy and psychology, ISSN 2658-6282:

  • is included in the “List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia should be published” No. 1349;
  • included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), all articles published in the journal are submitted for placement in the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU;
  • all issues of the journal are submitted for registration to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise STC “Informregister”;
  • is an electronic periodical registered as a mass media outlet with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications (mass media registration certificate EL No. FS77-74663 dated December 24, 2018);
  • until 2019, the journal was published under the name “Internet journal “World of Science” (ISSN 2309-4265);
  • The magazine is, according to GOST 7.83-2001, a network electronic publication. This is an electronic publication available to a potentially unlimited number of users via telecommunications networks;
  • "World of Science. Pedagogy and Psychology" is an exclusively online publication; we do not publish a printed version;
  • The magazine is published six times a year (issue 1 - January-February, issue 2 - March-April, issue 3 - May-June, issue 4 - July-August, issue 5 - September-October, issue 6 - November-December).

Advantages of an online scientific journal:

  • publication of articles with a large volume of color illustrations and multimedia forms - the Internet format does not limit the author’s needs in forms of presenting the results of scientific research;
  • article-by-article placement - the issue is formed gradually, articles are posted on the journal’s website as they are received and reviewed;
  • the cost of publication does not depend on the number of pages - the volume of the article is limited only by the framework of a reasonable approach to the required amount of material to cover the research conducted by the author;
  • publication period is shorter - the editorial cycle is shortened due to the absence of the stage of typographical layout, printing and distribution of copies to authors;
  • access to articles from anywhere in the world and unlimited opportunities for disseminating information - an article published in an open access online journal can be sent to colleagues in a matter of seconds, uploaded to the organization’s website, posted on social networks, etc. and so on.

Open access journal

"World of Science. Pedagogy and Psychology" is an open access journal (as defined by the Budapest Open Access Initiative). This means that all of its content is open access and provided free of charge to users and their organizations. Users are permitted to read, download, distribute, copy, print, search or link to the full text of documents, or use for any other lawful purpose without obtaining prior permission from the publisher or author.

According to the open access policy, authors are charged a fee for preparing an article for publication.

Article-by-article publication

The journal accepts article-by-article publication. An article is considered published from the moment it is posted on the journal’s website.

Articles are published as they are ready in the issue in which they were received. If work on an article is delayed for one reason or another, by decision of the editors it may be moved to the next issue.

When work with all articles of an issue is completed, it is transferred for placement in the RSCI.

Each article is available as a separate, independent document on the Internet and has its own unique URL. Page numbering in each article begins with the FIRST page.

Page numbers in the journal replace the unique URL of the article.

Indexing in scientometric and bibliographic databases, DOI

Magazine “World of Science. Pedagogy and Psychology" is indexed in the following scientometric databases and catalogues:

Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) - Journal page in RSCI…

Google Scholar - “World of Science. Pedagogy and Psychology" in Google Scholar...

Submission of materials to the Russian Science Citation Index

Issues are transferred within THREE months from the date of FINAL acceptance of articles for the issue.

Schedule for transfer of issues to the RSCI:

1st issue (January-February) - the issue is transferred to the RSCI in May.

Issue 2 (March-April) - the issue is submitted to the RSCI in July.

Issue 3 (May-June) - the issue is submitted to the RSCI in September.

Issue 4 (July-August) - the issue is submitted to the RSCI in November.

5th issue (September-October) - the issue is transferred to the RSCI in January of the next year.

6th issue (November-December) - the issue is transferred to the RSCI in March of the next year.

Draw your attention to! After downloading, issues are not automatically placed in the RSCI; they are checked by eLIBRARY.RU administrators, which can take up to three months.


All content of the magazine “World of Science. Pedagogy and Psychology" is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license.

This license allows others to distribute, edit, tweak and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they give you attribution.

Publication ethics

The editors and editorial board of the journal are guided in their work by the standards developed by the Committee on Ethics in Scientific Publications (COPE) and the standards prescribed in the Declaration of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ANRI) “Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications.”


Articles published in the journal “World of Science. Pedagogy and Psychology” undergo a double-blind review process.


Before publication in the journal, all articles are checked for borrowings.

Revocation (retraction) of articles

Stages of the editorial process

From receipt of an article to the editorial office to publication, there are several stages of the editorial process:

- preliminary verification (approximately 10 working days)

Preliminary verification is carried out by the journal editor. At this stage, the article is checked for the presence of incorrect borrowings and compliance with the formal requirements of the journal. Based on the results of the preliminary check, the article is either sent for review or comments are sent to the author.

- review (approximately 20 working days)

The article is reviewed by members of the journal's editorial board and external reviewers. Please note that the article is sent for review only after amendments have been made based on the editor’s comments (if any).

Upon completion of the review, the editors inform the author of the result.

- payment for publication

If your article has been reviewed and accepted for publication, the editor will send you a link to pay for the publication, in accordance with the tariffs posted in the section on the financial policy of the journal. Please note: the publishing house accepts payments only through the Yandex Cashier system!

After receipt of payment to the publisher's account, the article is transferred for layout and placement on the magazine website (approximately 5 working days). An article is considered published from the moment it is posted on the journal’s website.

Financial policy

In accordance with the open access policy, the activities of the journal “World of Science. Pedagogy and Psychology” is funded by authors who wish to publish the results of scientific research.

Payment for editorial and publishing services is made only after the article has been accepted for publication. There is no fee for submitting an article, checking and reviewing it.

Funds received from the provision of editorial and publishing services are spent on maintaining the journal’s website, ensuring uninterrupted access to published articles, paying for the transfer of published articles to the RSCI, covering editorial costs associated with the publication of scientific research results provided by the authors.

The cost of publication is calculated entirely per article.

Publication cost amounts to 6,500 rub.. (including payment system commission).

Publication deadline- approximately 35 working days(10 working days preliminary checking, 20 working days reviewing, 5 working days layout and posting on the journal’s website). The period is calculated in working days, from the day the article is registered by the editor.

Along with the article, a scan of the completed and signed by all co-authors of the article must be provided to the editor. agreement. Download the contract...

Payments from individuals are accepted only through the Yandex Cashier system!

For legal entities cost of publication due to deadline 35 working days will be RUB 7,900;

If you want to pay for the publication of an article from a legal entity by bank transfer, please send the article for consideration with a completed and signed letter of guarantee. The author receives invoices for payment, an act and an agreement for completion and approval after the decision to publish the article is made.

Additional services

Translation of article metadata - 600 rub.

Assigning a digital object identifier DOI to an article - 300 rub.


The period is calculated in working days, from the day the article is registered by the editor.

We accept only ONE article by the author or an identical group of co-authors for publication.

When sending an article to the editor, please indicate the payment option you are interested in (individual or legal entity) and additional services (translation, DOI)!

Reviewer Recruitment Program

Publication languages: Russian, English

Founder of the periodical: Scientific Review Publishing House

The Scientific Review publishing house invites authors to publish scientific articles.

The Scientific Review publishing house was founded in 2012. He is the founder and publisher of the international bilingual scientific journal “Science and Peace”. The journal publishes scientific articles, conference proceedings and short reports on the results of research in various fields of science in Russian and English.

The journal “Science and the World” is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Certificate PI No. FS 77 - 53534, distribution area - Russian Federation, foreign countries) and in the International Center ISSN with entry into its register (ISSN 2308-4804).

Articles are accepted for the international journal “Science and Peace”.

An Australian company calculates the impact factor.

Impact factor of the journal “Science and Peace” - 0.325 (Global Impact Factor, Australia)

The journal is included in the international catalog of publications "Ulrich's Periodicals Directory", USA
Genamics JournalSeek, USA

A complete bibliographic description of all articles in the journal is presented in the Scientific Electronic Library with the aim of forming the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

The city of publication of the magazine is Volgograd.

The publishing house carries out mandatory distribution of each issue of the magazine (16 copies) to the Russian Book Chamber. Through the Russian Book Chamber, the magazine is distributed to the country's leading libraries. All articles are reviewed before publication by independent experts who are not members of the staff.

Materials for publication (along with the application) should be sent by email to the executive secretary: [email protected].

Contact information: Email mail: [email protected], [email protected]

When contacting the editor of a publication, you should refer to the website “” as a source of information.

All articles submitted to the editorial office for review undergo peer review.

1. Read the terms of publication

Information about the journal, the subject and language of accepted articles, peer review, copyright, publication ethics, and other information necessary for review is located on the page

2. Format the article in accordance with the requirements of the journal

Instructions are located below on this page. They are designed to help authors prepare an article for publication and provide the editor with all the necessary information to avoid additional approvals.

3. Send the article to the editor

They are sent to the editor in three separate files:

  • Download the contract...

Articles are accepted by email article@site. The name of the article files must contain the surname of the author (or first co-author) of the article.

The instructions developed by the editors, set out below, are designed to help you provide the editor with all the information necessary for publication and avoid the most common mistakes.

We ask you to carefully and leisurely read the Requirements so as not to waste time correcting shortcomings.

Which issue of the journal will the article appear in?

The article is “linked” to the issue depending on the date the article was received by the editor. That is, if an article was received by the editor in January, then it will be considered for publication in the 1st issue (January-February), if in May - in the 3rd issue (May-June), etc.

Formatting articles in English

Articles in English are formatted according to the same requirements as those in Russian.

If the article sent to the editor is written in English, all data on the authors, title of the article, abstract and keywords are provided to the editor in two languages ​​- Russian and English.

If the article was originally written in Russian and then translated, it is advisable to send the Russian-language version of the article to the editor.

Note! The covering letter must indicate whether the article was written in English or translated, and if translated, by whom - the author(s) or a professional translator.

1. Information about the author (co-authors)

For publication and subsequent transfer to citation databases and electronic libraries, the following information about the author (each co-author of the article) is provided to the editor: all this data must be indicated in the tables e:

1.1. Full Name

Completely in Russian;

Completely, in the Latin alphabet (transliteration).

Be careful and always use (send to the editor) the same transliteration of your full name. Remember that for citing systems - “Vasil’ev Nikolay Aleksandrovich” and “Vasil’ev Nikolaj Aleksandrovich” are two different people.

1.2. Name of place of work or study

Full official name, in Russian, in the nominative case. + country, city of place of work (study);

Full official name in English (indicate the name that the organization uses for indexing in international citation databases), in the nominative case. + country, city of place of work (study).

You can indicate up to three places of work or study.

1.3. Position, scientific degree, title

Position and structural unit at the place of work - provided at the request of the author (not required), only in Russian.

Scientific degree, title - if available, is provided only in Russian.

Students must indicate “Student”, “Master’s student”, “PhD student”. It is possible, at the request of the author, to also indicate the faculty or department, specialty.

1.4. E-mail address

The email address for each co-author is published along with other information about the authors, to ensure the ability to quickly contact the author, both from the reaction side and from interested readers. In addition, the author’s email address is transmitted to the RSCI and other citation databases. We kindly ask you to provide real and working email addresses for each co-author of the article.

1.5. Citation system profiles and other information

At the request of the author, the article may indicate a RSCI profile, an ORCID profile, a Scopus profile, or profiles in other citation systems. You can provide a link to your personal page on the Internet (including pages on social networks).

2. Title of the article

The title of the article is submitted to the editor in Russian and English.

The title of the article should be unambiguous, understandable to specialists in other fields and reflect the content of the article.

Avoid using abbreviations in the title of the article.

Please DO NOT write the name in CAPITAL LETTERS.

3. Abstract

The abstract is submitted to the editor in Russian and English. Abstract volume - at least 200 words.

Briefly explain why the study was conducted, what question(s) were answered, how the study was conducted, what you found, and your interpretation and conclusions from the results. The abstract should reflect the content of the article, since for most readers it will be the main source of information about this study. Use the expressions “The author(s) presented...”, “In the article...”, etc.

You should use keywords in the abstract to make your article easier to find online by those who may be interested in its results (many databases only include titles and abstracts).

For an article written in IMRAD format, the abstract should briefly summarize the structure of the article.

Do not refer to tables, figures, or literature in the abstract, since abstracts are published separately from the article.

Do not use formulas in the annotation, since annotations in most databases, starting with the RSCI, are published in a format that excludes the display of formulas.

Make sure that all the information from the abstract is also in the main text of the article!

4. List of keywords (5-7 words)

Include all scientific terms relevant to the study. Keywords must be precise. Add general terms only if your research has interdisciplinary implications.

5. Text of the article

5.1. Scope of the article

Article length requirements- from 12,000 characters with spaces or 2,000 words (the minimum text volume is calculated without metadata and references) to 40,000 characters, including spaces or 6,000 words.

5.2. Abbreviations

All abbreviations and abbreviations must be deciphered upon first use.

Avoid two-letter abbreviations and do not oversaturate the text of the article with abbreviations, this makes it difficult for readers to understand the text.

5.3. Article structure

Try to structure your article, follow the plan below (this structure is advisory):

Introduction (relevance): explain why the study was necessary, state the objectives of the study, and what specific question(s) it addresses. Start with more general considerations and gradually focus on your research question(s).

Methods: describe in detail how the study was conducted (i.e., area of ​​study, data collection, criteria, source of the analyzed material. All factors that could influence the results of the study must be considered. If the study involved people, it should indicate: their number, place of residence, gender and age characteristics, etc., the group should be given the most accurate description.

Results: provide research results (previously published data should not be included in this part of the article).

Discussion: provide answers to your research questions (listed at the end of the abstract) and compare your main results with those previously published as objectively as possible. Discuss their limitations and highlight your main conclusions.

Thanks: mention everyone who made a significant contribution to your research but cannot be considered as co-authors and thank all sources of funding.

5.4. Tables, figures

Pay special attention to the quality of the drawings. The drawings must be clear and the inscriptions on them must be easy to read.

VERTICALLY placed figures and tables are not allowed.

Captions should not be part of figures or tables. All figures and tables must be numbered. Tables and figures are numbered separately.

The text of the article MUST contain LINKS to tables, figures, and graphs.

When using statistical data, tables and figures must indicate - (Compiled by the author(s) based on data...)

5.5. Formulas

If any special software was used to compile the formulas, in addition to standard Microsoft Office tools, please indicate which one.

If you want to convert formulas to raster format, please pay special attention to their quality after conversion.

6. Bibliography

The reference list indicates ONLY sources with authors .

The bibliography should include NO less than 10 titles.

Sources in the bibliography should be listed as they are mentioned in the text (NOT alphabetically).

On ALL Sources must be referenced in the text in square brackets.

After finishing your article, send it to the editor. Sent in three separate files:

  • completed accompanying TABLE and CHECK LIST
  • prepared in accordance with the requirements of the journal ARTICLE
  • scan of the AGREEMENT article completed and signed by all co-authors Upload the agreement...

The title of all files sent to the editor must contain the author's last name.

Goals and objectives of the journal

The main purpose of the magazine– analysis, systematization and promotion of scientific achievements in the field of pedagogy and psychology.

Objectives of the magazine:

  • reflection of the results of research, scientific, practical and experimental activities of actively working scientists - doctors and candidates of science, young researchers - doctoral students, graduate students, undergraduates; teachers and psychologists actively involved in scientific and innovative activities;
  • promotion of the main achievements of domestic and world university and industry science in the development of new pedagogical and psychological technologies and methods;
  • identifying scientific potential for the purpose of developing and using advanced achievements of science and technology in the field of pedagogy and psychology.

The online format of the journal and the principle of open access make it possible to ensure the widest coverage of the readership and author audience.

Types, language and specialties of accepted articles

Articles in RUSSIAN are accepted.

    • theoretical articles
    • review articles
    • research articles
    • methodological articles

Please note that the journal accepts the following types of articles:

    • theoretical articles- a theoretical article is written based on a review of the literature and existing theories and concepts on the problem and should be divided into parts.
    • review articles— a review article contains an analysis of the existing literature on the problem and must have an extensive list of references, which MUST include at least 30% of foreign sources.
    • research articles- a research article is an empirical study that has a statement of the problem, a justification for the need for this research, and the research has scientific logic and has validity. Such an article should contain a description of the research methods and its results.
    • methodological articles— the article must contain an analysis of the literature on the use of various methods, justification for the need to develop a new method, and ALWAYS the results of testing the method.

The journal does NOT accept articles describing the experience of educational institutions.

Journal Details

World of Science. Pedagogy and psychology, ISSN 2658-6282:

  • is included in the “List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia should be published” No. 1349;
  • included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), all articles published in the journal are submitted for placement in the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU;
  • all issues of the journal are submitted for registration to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise STC “Informregister”;
  • is an electronic periodical registered as a mass media outlet with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications (mass media registration certificate EL No. FS77-74663 dated December 24, 2018);
  • until 2019, the journal was published under the name “Internet journal “World of Science” (ISSN 2309-4265);
  • The magazine is, according to GOST 7.83-2001, a network electronic publication. This is an electronic publication available to a potentially unlimited number of users via telecommunications networks;
  • "World of Science. Pedagogy and Psychology" is an exclusively online publication; we do not publish a printed version;
  • The magazine is published six times a year (issue 1 - January-February, issue 2 - March-April, issue 3 - May-June, issue 4 - July-August, issue 5 - September-October, issue 6 - November-December).

Advantages of an online scientific journal:

  • publication of articles with a large volume of color illustrations and multimedia forms - the Internet format does not limit the author’s needs in forms of presenting the results of scientific research;
  • article-by-article placement - the issue is formed gradually, articles are posted on the journal’s website as they are received and reviewed;
  • the cost of publication does not depend on the number of pages - the volume of the article is limited only by the framework of a reasonable approach to the required amount of material to cover the research conducted by the author;
  • publication period is shorter - the editorial cycle is shortened due to the absence of the stage of typographical layout, printing and distribution of copies to authors;
  • access to articles from anywhere in the world and unlimited opportunities for disseminating information - an article published in an open access online journal can be sent to colleagues in a matter of seconds, uploaded to the organization’s website, posted on social networks, etc. and so on.

Open access journal

"World of Science. Pedagogy and Psychology" is an open access journal (as defined by the Budapest Open Access Initiative). This means that all of its content is open access and provided free of charge to users and their organizations. Users are permitted to read, download, distribute, copy, print, search or link to the full text of documents, or use for any other lawful purpose without obtaining prior permission from the publisher or author.

According to the open access policy, authors are charged a fee for preparing an article for publication.

Article-by-article publication

The journal accepts article-by-article publication. An article is considered published from the moment it is posted on the journal’s website.

Articles are published as they are ready in the issue in which they were received. If work on an article is delayed for one reason or another, by decision of the editors it may be moved to the next issue.

When work with all articles of an issue is completed, it is transferred for placement in the RSCI.

Each article is available as a separate, independent document on the Internet and has its own unique URL. Page numbering in each article begins with the FIRST page.

Page numbers in the journal replace the unique URL of the article.

Indexing in scientometric and bibliographic databases, DOI

Magazine “World of Science. Pedagogy and Psychology" is indexed in the following scientometric databases and catalogues:

Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) - Journal page in RSCI…

Google Scholar - “World of Science. Pedagogy and Psychology" in Google Scholar...

Submission of materials to the Russian Science Citation Index

Issues are transferred within THREE months from the date of FINAL acceptance of articles for the issue.

Schedule for transfer of issues to the RSCI:

1st issue (January-February) - the issue is transferred to the RSCI in May.

Issue 2 (March-April) - the issue is submitted to the RSCI in July.

Issue 3 (May-June) - the issue is submitted to the RSCI in September.

Issue 4 (July-August) - the issue is submitted to the RSCI in November.

5th issue (September-October) - the issue is transferred to the RSCI in January of the next year.

6th issue (November-December) - the issue is transferred to the RSCI in March of the next year.

Draw your attention to! After downloading, issues are not automatically placed in the RSCI; they are checked by eLIBRARY.RU administrators, which can take up to three months.


All content of the magazine “World of Science. Pedagogy and Psychology" is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license.

This license allows others to distribute, edit, tweak and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they give you attribution.

Publication ethics

The editors and editorial board of the journal are guided in their work by the standards developed by the Committee on Ethics in Scientific Publications (COPE) and the standards prescribed in the Declaration of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ANRI) “Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications.”


Articles published in the journal “World of Science. Pedagogy and Psychology” undergo a double-blind review process.


Before publication in the journal, all articles are checked for borrowings.

Revocation (retraction) of articles

Stages of the editorial process

From receipt of an article to the editorial office to publication, there are several stages of the editorial process:

- preliminary verification (approximately 10 working days)

Preliminary verification is carried out by the journal editor. At this stage, the article is checked for the presence of incorrect borrowings and compliance with the formal requirements of the journal. Based on the results of the preliminary check, the article is either sent for review or comments are sent to the author.

- review (approximately 20 working days)

The article is reviewed by members of the journal's editorial board and external reviewers. Please note that the article is sent for review only after amendments have been made based on the editor’s comments (if any).

Upon completion of the review, the editors inform the author of the result.

- payment for publication

If your article has been reviewed and accepted for publication, the editor will send you a link to pay for the publication, in accordance with the tariffs posted in the section on the financial policy of the journal. Please note: the publishing house accepts payments only through the Yandex Cashier system!

After receipt of payment to the publisher's account, the article is transferred for layout and placement on the magazine website (approximately 5 working days). An article is considered published from the moment it is posted on the journal’s website.

Financial policy

In accordance with the open access policy, the activities of the journal “World of Science. Pedagogy and Psychology” is funded by authors who wish to publish the results of scientific research.

Payment for editorial and publishing services is made only after the article has been accepted for publication. There is no fee for submitting an article, checking and reviewing it.

Funds received from the provision of editorial and publishing services are spent on maintaining the journal’s website, ensuring uninterrupted access to published articles, paying for the transfer of published articles to the RSCI, covering editorial costs associated with the publication of scientific research results provided by the authors.

The cost of publication is calculated entirely per article.

Publication cost amounts to 6,500 rub.. (including payment system commission).

Publication deadline- approximately 35 working days(10 working days preliminary checking, 20 working days reviewing, 5 working days layout and posting on the journal’s website). The period is calculated in working days, from the day the article is registered by the editor.

Along with the article, a scan of the completed and signed by all co-authors of the article must be provided to the editor. agreement. Download the contract...

Payments from individuals are accepted only through the Yandex Cashier system!

For legal entities cost of publication due to deadline 35 working days will be RUB 7,900;

If you want to pay for the publication of an article from a legal entity by bank transfer, please send the article for consideration with a completed and signed letter of guarantee. The author receives invoices for payment, an act and an agreement for completion and approval after the decision to publish the article is made.

Additional services

Translation of article metadata - 600 rub.

Assigning a digital object identifier DOI to an article - 300 rub.


The period is calculated in working days, from the day the article is registered by the editor.

We accept only ONE article by the author or an identical group of co-authors for publication.

When sending an article to the editor, please indicate the payment option you are interested in (individual or legal entity) and additional services (translation, DOI)!

Reviewer Recruitment Program