Dragunsky summary for the reader's diary. Deniska's stories. A short review of the book "Deniska's Stories" for the reader's diary

“Deniska's Stories” is a collection of funny, funny and often very instructive stories about the life of a little boy, written by Viktor Dragunsky. They cover several years of the hero's life, from about 5 years old to high school.

In simple and understandable language for children, the author tells children about everyday events, quarrels and ventures with friends, events in school life and everyday family values. A modern child will be able to recognize himself in stories about the simple childhood of a Soviet boy who grew up in the courtyard of an apartment building and was often left to his own devices in search of adventure.

The stories quickly became children's classics, were filmed several times and were loved by children for their lightness, cheerfulness and lively main character. Subsequently, the book was reprinted several times and still remains one of the most read among primary schoolchildren.

Since the book is a classic of children's literature, it is often assigned as summer reading, with a summary for the reader's diary. In this case, it is enough to choose a few stories you like and write a short retelling of them, adding an answer to the question of who wrote them.

Structure of an entry in a reader's diary:

  • Author, book title, genre and publication date.
  • List of main characters, possible brief notes on who is related to whom.
  • What the book is about (a summary including the main idea, important events, plot and conclusion).
  • Notes – this line is filled in by the teacher after checking each note.

Important! It’s better to choose stories not in a row, but those that you really liked and remembered well. It is enough to list the main characters and describe the content as briefly as possible. But if you can’t formulate the content in a few lines, then Wikipedia will come to the rescue, where you will definitely find similar information.

Summary of stories

It is quite difficult to find a summary of the entire book “Deniska’s Stories”, because it includes 61 short stories, each of which is independent, although they all have a common hero, the boy Deniska, his friends and parents.

It is alive and glowing...

Getting to know this little boy begins with the story “He is alive and glowing...”. The hero plays in the sandbox with his best friend Mishka and waits for his mother to get home from work. It is gradually getting dark outside, the stars are shining in the sky, and most of all Deniska wants to drink tea with bagels with her mother.

Mishka persuades him to exchange the new dump truck given to Deniska by his dad for something else. But neither the stamps nor the swimming circle are worth this wonderful machine. Then Mishka gives him a matchbox with a firefly. The bear runs home with a toy. The boy remains with this bug to wait for his mother. Its magical green light, barely visible through the crack in the box, makes the boy forget about everything in the world and even his melancholy.

When mom comes, she is at first angry that her son exchanged such a good car for some kind of beetle. But then he explains to her that a living and glowing beetle is much better than the most expensive toy.

childhood friend

A very poignant story – “Childhood Friend”. Deniska thinks for a long time about what he wants to become, and in the end he decides to be a boxer. The main problem is that he has nothing to box with. Parents currently do not have the money to buy a punching bag, and the search begins for something to hit.

Then his mother brings him an old bear, already put away in the pantry. Having recognized his favorite childhood toy, which he hugged before going to bed, with which he loved to play so much, the boy realizes that he cannot beat his childhood best friend. He will probably never become a boxer, but he will always be a good friend.

The secret becomes clear

One of the most popular stories is “The Secret Becomes Revealed.” Mom promised Denis to go to the Kremlin if the boy ate all the porridge. But he doesn’t like semolina porridge so much, because its taste cannot be corrected with sugar, salt, or mustard.

The only way out seems to be to pour it out the window. Mom, seeing the empty plate, praised the boy. But then a policeman and an unfamiliar man entered the room, who had that ill-fated semolina porridge in his hat and on his shoulders. So Deniska realized that everything secret would definitely become clear and punishment would find the deceiver.

One of the funniest stories, the annotation of which was contained in each collection and on which a film and cartoon were made, is “Where has this been seen...”. Mishka and Denis are invited to participate in the concert and sing short ditties that should shame the poor students. The boys really like the text of the ditties, and they cheerfully shout out the words at rehearsal. But during the performance itself, Mishka is so afraid that he forgets his words.

The audience laughs, hearing the same quatrain several times, and the laughter frightens the boy even more. Deniska wants to help and takes on the text of her friend’s ditty, but out of excitement she sings the same thing again. So the friends decided to become artists.

Puss in Boots

The story “Puss in Boots” tells how Soviet schoolchildren could organize their own holidays. The school decided to hold a costume contest. Just at this time, my mother went to the sanatorium, and my father disappeared at work.

Then Mishka and Denis decided to come up with their own costumes. Mishka dressed up as a gnome, and his friend, after a long run around the apartment and with the help of neighbors, dressed up as a puss in boots.

He used his dad's fishing shoe covers, his mom's old hat, and a neighbor lent him a tail. The cat costume won, and Deniska received two books as a gift.

Important! In his stories, Victor Dragunsky often emphasizes the value of books for children. Books are given to them on their birthdays, at school for competitions and successful studies. Children read a lot in addition, as the hero says, beyond the program.

The importance of the opinions of friends and classmates for boys is also emphasized. In school, the class is responsible for its student, and the student represents the class. Therefore, when someone gets a bad grade or behaves badly, they feel ashamed not only in front of their parents or teachers, but in front of the whole class.

Exactly 25 kilos

In the story “Exactly 25 kilos,” Deniska and Mishka learn that an annual subscription to Murzilka magazine is being given away, but only those who weigh exactly 25 kilograms will receive it. Friends really want to win this prize. Before the competition, the bear drinks half a liter of soda and weighs 25.5 kg with water.

But Denis is 24.5, and when he hardly poured half a liter of sweet water into himself, he began to weigh exactly as much as necessary. As a result, the friends decided to divide the winning subscription, because Denis was ashamed that he deceived the presenter and gained half a kilo in a few minutes by cunning. But the subscription was worth it.

Healthy thought

In the story “A Healthy Thought,” the most important childhood truth is heard that the mother of every child is the most beautiful and most beloved for him.
Denis and his friend launched ships into the puddle, but they were carried so far away by the houses that they got lost, and all the multi-story buildings seemed the same.

The boys decided to stand in the yard and wait until their mother looked out, and then they would definitely find their apartment. But Mishka was lucky; the old neighbor took the boy with her. And Denis randomly knocked on the apartment, where he found out that he was already the sixth lost child, and received an apple.

The girls from this apartment remembered that they saw a boy and his mother coming out of the entrance opposite, because his mother was very beautiful. At home, the boy suggested to his dad that he hang his mother’s portrait on their house so that everyone would know that she is the most beautiful, and the boy would no longer confuse the house.

Chicken bouillon

How Denis and dad ran their household is written in the story “Chicken Soup.” Mom left them fresh chicken and told dad to cook dinner if he came home early from work. Dad trusted Denis to trim off the extra feathers with scissors, and then decided to singe them over the burner.

Then they washed the chicken for a long time with soap, because it turned black from the burner. Then they took it out from under the closet because it had become slippery from the soap. And when the chicken finally got into the pan, my mother came and said that it turned out that it still needed to be gutted.

Girl on the Ball

The story “The Girl on the Ball” describes Denis’s first childhood love. While at the circus with his class, the boy saw a lot of interesting things, but what surprised him most was the girl in the ball. The blue-eyed girl was very beautiful, thin and dexterous. She saw Denis and smiled at him, and he smiled at her. At home he only talked about this girl and wanted his dad to take him to the circus.

Dad promised, but was able to do it only after two weeks. When they finally came to the performance, it turned out that this girl’s name was Tanya, and she had already left for Vladivostok. And it takes a very long time to get there from Moscow, just to fly. Sad Denis walked home, and he didn’t even want ice cream. And his dad understood the boy in this first melancholy.

Uncle Pavel the stoker

The story “Uncle Pavel the Stoker” is very interesting from the point of view of social ideology. Neighbor Maria Petrovna came to visit Denis’s mother. She was indignant that the house was undergoing renovations, because of this her dog was forced to walk on the balcony.

Denis’s mother believes that the most important thing is that people live well, and for this they can endure repairs and temporary inconveniences. And Denis is simply outraged that his neighbor compares people and animals; he prefers Uncle Pavel, who greets everyone with the words: “Hello, man!”

Indeed, in Soviet times there was a very respectful attitude towards children as future adults who, following their parents, would have to work for the good of the country and live in a bright future.


An interesting moment in raising children is described in the story “The Spyglass.” Denis does not obey and constantly climbs everywhere, while tearing his pants and ruining other things. Then mom came up with the idea, on dad’s advice, to build a magic spyglass that she could take to work and use it to watch Denis in the yard.

After the invention, a dark period began in the boy’s life, when he could no longer play around, catch tadpoles and generally do all sorts of boyish nonsense, because he felt that his mother was watching him. But then he found this pipe in a box, crumpled and clearly unnecessary. Out of resentment towards his mother, he quickly started a fight with the boys and in one day did all these stupid things that he was afraid to do for so long.

Main rivers

The story “Main Rivers” is dedicated to the topic of preparing for lessons. Denis was playing with a kite in the yard and did not have time to do his homework.

Of course, he was the one called to answer in class. He received a bad grade for an unlearned poem by Nekrasov, but the teacher gave him a chance to correct his grade if he answered an extracurricular assignment and told about the main rivers of America.

It turns out that the children decided to read books beyond the curriculum in order to expand their knowledge. Denis's children and friends helped him a lot, but he mixed up the name of the river and pronounced misi-pisi instead of Mississippi. Looking at his classmates sobbing with laughter and the teacher sliding under the table, Denis realized that there are things worse than a bad grade, and was determined to learn his lessons on time.

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Let's sum it up

The book “Deniska's Stories” by Dragunsky retains its high popularity among children today, because all the events described in it are understandable to every child. And now children love to run around the yards with friends, make something and invent interesting games, schoolchildren forget to prepare their homework, parents demand obedience, and mother seems the most beautiful. Undoubtedly, every junior schoolchild will be interested in reading the instructive and funny adventures of the boy from the neighboring yard.

In contact with

In the story by Viktor Dragunsky, readers will learn what cunning and wise ways Deniska came up with so that his mother would have to wash less dishes. But then the father suggested that the boy simply help his mother with the housework.

Story Tricky way to download:

Story A Tricky Way to Read

“Here,” said my mother, “look at it!” What is vacation spent on? Dishes, dishes, dishes three times a day! In the morning I wash cups, and in the afternoon there is a whole mountain of plates. Just some kind of disaster!

Yes,” said dad, “it’s really terrible!” What a pity that nothing has been invented in this sense. What are engineers watching? Yes, yes... Poor women...

Dad took a deep breath and sat down on the sofa.

Mom saw how comfortable he was and said:

There is no point in sitting here and pretending to sigh! There is no point in blaming everything on the engineers! I'm giving you both time. Before lunch, you have to come up with something to make this damned sink easier for me! I refuse to feed anyone who doesn’t come up with something. Let him sit hungry. Deniska! This applies to you too. Wrap it around your mouth!

I immediately sat down on the windowsill and began to figure out what to do with this matter. Firstly, I was afraid that my mother really wouldn’t feed me and that I would die of hunger, and secondly, I was interested in coming up with something, since the engineers couldn’t do it. And I sat and thought and looked sideways at dad, how things were going with him. But dad didn’t even think about thinking. He shaved, then put on a clean shirt, then read about ten newspapers, and then calmly turned on the radio and began to listen to some news for the past week.

Then I began to think even faster. At first I wanted to invent an electric machine so that it would wash the dishes and dry itself, and for this I slightly unscrewed our electric polisher and my father’s Kharkov electric razor. But I couldn’t figure out where to attach the towel.

It turned out that when the machine was started, the razor would cut the towel into a thousand pieces. Then I screwed everything back up and began to come up with something else. And about two hours later I remembered that I had read in the newspaper about the conveyor belt, and from this I immediately came up with a rather interesting thing. And when it was time for lunch and mom set the table and we all sat down, I said:

Well, dad? Did you come up with it?

About what? - said dad.

“About washing dishes,” I said. - Otherwise, mom will stop feeding you and me.

“She was joking,” said dad. - How can she not feed her own son and her beloved husband?

And he laughed cheerfully.

But mom said:

I wasn’t joking, you’ll find out from me! What a shame! I’ve said it for the hundredth time - I’m suffocating from the dishes! It’s just not comradely: sitting on the windowsill yourself, shaving, and listening to the radio, while I shorten my life, endlessly washing your cups and plates.

Okay,” said dad, “we’ll think of something!” In the meantime, let's have lunch! Oh, these dramas over trifles!

Oh, over trifles? - Mom said and just flushed all over. - Nothing to say, beautiful! But I’ll take it and really won’t give you lunch, then you won’t start singing like that!

And she squeezed her temples with her fingers and stood up from the table. And she stood at the table for a long, long time and kept looking at dad. And dad folded his arms on his chest and rocked on the chair and also looked at mom. And they were silent. And there was no lunch. And I was terribly hungry. I said:

Mother! It was only dad who didn’t come up with anything. I came up with an idea! It's okay, don't worry. Let's have lunch.

Mom said:

What did you come up with?

I said:

I came up with a clever way, mom!

She said:

Come on, come on...

I asked:

How many utensils do you wash after each lunch? Eh, mom?

She answered:

Then shout “hurray,” I said, “now you will only wash one!” I came up with a clever way!

“Spit it out,” said dad.

Let’s have lunch first,” I said. - I’ll tell you during lunch, otherwise I’m really hungry.

Well,” Mom sighed, “let’s have lunch.”

And we started eating.

Well? - said dad.

It's very simple, I said. - Just listen, mom, how smoothly everything turns out! Look: lunch is ready. You immediately install one device. So you put down the only utensil, pour soup into a plate, sit down at the table, start eating and tell dad: “Dinner is ready!”

Dad, of course, goes to wash his hands, and while he is washing them, you, Mom, are already eating the soup and pouring him a new one, on your own plate.

So dad comes back into the room and immediately says to me:

“Denisa, have lunch! Go wash your hands!”

I'm coming. At this time you are eating cutlets from a small plate. And dad is eating soup. And I wash my hands. And when I wash them, I go to you, and your dad has already eaten soup, and you have eaten cutlets. And when I entered, dad pours soup into his empty deep plate, and you put cutlets for dad in your empty shallow one. I eat soup, dad eats cutlets, and you calmly drink compote from a glass.

When dad ate the second one, I had just finished the soup. Then he fills his small plate with cutlets, and at this time you have already drunk the compote and pour it into the same glass for dad. I move the empty plate from under the soup, start the second course, dad drinks compote, and you, it turns out, have already had lunch, so you take a deep plate and go to the kitchen to wash it!

And while you are washing, I have already swallowed the cutlets, and dad has swallowed the compote. Here he quickly pours compote into a glass for me and takes the free small plate to you, and I blow out the compote in one gulp and take the glass to the kitchen myself! Everything is very simple! And instead of three devices, you only have to wash one. Hooray?

Hurray, said mom. - Hurray, hurray, but unhygienic!

Nonsense, I said, because we are all our own. For example, I am not at all disdainful of eating after dad. I love him. Whatever... I love you too.

“It’s a very cunning way,” said dad. - And then, whatever you say, it’s still much more fun to eat all together, and not in a three-stage flow.

Well,” I said, “but it’s easier for mom!” It takes three times less dishes.

You see,” Dad said thoughtfully, “I think I also came up with one way.” True, he is not so cunning, but still...

“Spit it out,” I said.

Come on, come on... - said mom.

Dad stood up, rolled up his sleeves and collected all the dishes from the table.

Follow me,” he said, “I’ll now show you my simple method.” It means that now you and I will wash all the dishes ourselves!

And he went.

And I ran after him. And we washed all the dishes. True, only two devices. Because I broke the third one. It happened to me by accident, I kept thinking about the simple way my dad came up with.

And how come I didn’t guess it myself?

Stories about Denis have been translated into many languages ​​of the world and even into Japanese. Victor Dragunsky wrote a sincere and cheerful preface to the Japanese collection: “I was born quite a long time ago and quite far away, one might even say, in another part of the world. As a child, I loved to fight and never let myself get hurt. As you understand, my hero was Tom Sawyer, and never, under any circumstances, Sid. I'm sure you share my point of view. I studied at school, frankly speaking, not well... From early childhood I fell deeply in love with the circus and still love it. I was a clown. I wrote a story about the circus, “Today and Everyday.” Besides the circus I really love little children. I write about children and for children. This is my whole life, its meaning.”

“Deniska’s stories” are funny stories with a sensitive vision of important details; they are instructive, but without moralizing. If you haven’t read them yet, start with the most touching stories, and the best story for this role is “Childhood Friend.”

Deniska's stories: Childhood friend

When I was six or six and a half years old, I had absolutely no idea who I would ultimately be in this world. I really liked all the people around me and all the work too. At that time there was a terrible confusion in my head, I was kind of confused and could not really decide what to do.

Either I wanted to be an astronomer, so I could stay awake at night and watch distant stars through a telescope, and then I dreamed of becoming a sea captain, so that I could stand with my legs apart on the captain’s bridge, and visit distant Singapore, and buy a funny monkey there. Otherwise, I was dying to turn into a subway driver or a station master and walk around in a red cap and shout in a thick voice:

- Go-o-tov!

Or my appetite was whetted to learn to become an artist who paints white stripes on the street asphalt for speeding cars. Otherwise it seemed to me that it would be nice to become a brave traveler like Alain Bombard and sail across all the oceans on a fragile shuttle, eating only raw fish. True, this Bomber lost twenty-five kilograms after his trip, and I only weighed twenty-six, so it turned out that if I also swam like him, then I would have absolutely no way to lose weight, I would weigh only one thing at the end of the trip kilo. What if I don’t catch a fish or two somewhere and lose a little more weight? Then I’ll probably just melt into the air like smoke, that’s all.

When I calculated all this, I decided to abandon this idea, and the next day I was already impatient to become a boxer, because I saw the European Boxing Championship on TV. The way they threshed each other was simply terrifying! And then they showed them training, and here they were hitting a heavy leather “bag” - such an oblong heavy ball, you need to hit it with all your might, hit it as hard as you can in order to develop the power of hitting. And I looked at all this so much that I also decided to become the strongest person in the yard so that I could beat everyone, if anything happened.

I told dad:

- Dad, buy me a pear!

- It’s January now, there are no pears. Eat your carrots for now.

I laughed:

- No, dad, not like that! Not an edible pear! Please buy me an ordinary leather punching bag!

- And why do you need it? - said dad.

“Practice,” I said. - Because I will be a boxer and I will beat everyone. Buy it, huh?

- How much does such a pear cost? – Dad asked.

“It’s just nothing,” I said. - Ten or fifty rubles.

“You’re crazy, brother,” said dad. - Get by somehow without a pear. Nothing will happen to you. And he got dressed and went to work. And I was offended by him because he refused me so laughingly. And my mother immediately noticed that I was offended, and immediately said:

- Wait a minute, I think I came up with something. Come on, come on, wait a minute.

And she bent down and pulled out a large wicker basket from under the sofa; It contained old toys that I no longer played with. Because I had already grown up and in the fall I was supposed to buy a school uniform and a cap with a shiny visor.

Mom started digging in this basket, and while she was digging, I saw my old tram without wheels and on a string, a plastic pipe, a dented top, one arrow with a rubber blotch, a piece of sail from a boat, and several rattles, and many other toy items. scrap. And suddenly mom took out a healthy teddy bear from the bottom of the basket.

She threw it on my sofa and said:

- Here. This is the same one that Aunt Mila gave you. You were two years old then. Good Mishka, excellent. Look how tight it is! What a fat belly! Look how it rolled out! Why not a pear? Better! And you don't need to buy! Let's train as much as you like! Get started!

And then they called her to the phone, and she went out into the corridor.

And I was very happy that my mother came up with such a great idea. And I made Mishka more comfortable on the sofa, so that it would be easier for me to train against him and develop the power of the blow.

He sat in front of me, so chocolate-colored, but very shabby, and he had different eyes: one of his own - yellow glass, and the other large white - from a button from a pillowcase; I didn't even remember when he appeared. But it didn’t matter, because Mishka looked at me quite cheerfully with his different eyes, and he spread his legs and stuck his stomach out towards me, and raised both hands up, as if he was joking that he was already giving up in advance...

And I looked at him like that and suddenly remembered how a long time ago I never parted with this Mishka for a minute, dragged him everywhere with me, and nursed him, and sat him at the table next to me for dinner, and fed him with a spoon semolina porridge, and he got such a funny little face when I smeared him with something, even the same porridge or jam, then he got such a funny, cute little face, just like he was alive, and I put him to bed with me, and rocked him to sleep , like a little brother, and whispered different tales to him right into his velvety hard ears, and I loved him then, loved him with all my soul, I would give my life for him then. And here he is now sitting on the sofa, my former best friend, a true childhood friend. Here he sits, laughing with different eyes, and I want to train the strength of my blow against him...

“What are you talking about,” said mom, she had already returned from the corridor. - What happened to you?

But I didn’t know what was wrong with me, I was silent for a long time and turned away from my mother so that she wouldn’t guess by her voice or lips what was wrong with me, and I lifted my head to the ceiling so that the tears would roll back, and then, when I had strengthened myself a little , I said:

-What are you talking about, mom? Nothing wrong with me... I just changed my mind. I'll just never be a boxer.

About the author.
Victor Dragunsky lived a long, interesting life. But not everyone knows that before becoming a writer, in his early youth he changed many occupations and at the same time succeeded in each: turner, saddler, actor, director, author of small plays, “red-haired” clown in the arena of the Moscow circus. He treated every job he did in his life with equal respect. He loved children very much, and the children were drawn to him, feeling in him a kind elder comrade and friend. When he was an actor, he enjoyed performing for children, usually as Santa Claus during the winter holidays. He was a kind, cheerful person, but irreconcilable with injustice and lies.

Victor Yuzefovich Dragunsky is a man of amazing destiny. He was born on November 30, 1913 in New York into a family of emigrants from Russia. However, already in 1914, shortly before the start of the First World War, the family returned and settled in Gomel, where Dragunsky spent his childhood. Together with his stepfather, actor Mikhail Rubin, at the age of ten he began performing on provincial stages: he recited couplets, tap danced and parodied. In his youth he worked as a boatman on the Moscow River, as a turner at a factory, and as a saddler in a sports workshop. By a lucky coincidence, in 1930, Viktor Dragunsky entered the literary and theater workshop of Alexei Dikiy, and here an interesting stage of his biography began - acting. In 1935 he began performing as an actor. Since 1940, he has been publishing feuilletons and humorous stories, writing songs, sideshows, clowning, skits for the stage and circus. During the Great Patriotic War, Dragunsky was in the militia, and then performed at the fronts with concert brigades. For a little over a year he worked as a clown in the circus, but returned to the theater again. At the Film Actor's Theater he organized a literary and theatrical parody ensemble, uniting young, underemployed actors into the amateur troupe "Blue Bird". Dragunsky played several roles in films. He was almost fifty when his books for children with strange titles began to appear: “Twenty Years Under the Bed,” “No Bang, No Bang,” “The Professor of Sour Cabbage Cabbage”... Deniskin’s first Dragunsky stories instantly became popular. Books from this series were printed in large editions.

However, Victor Dragunsky wrote prose works for adults as well. In 1961, the story “He Fell on the Grass” about the very first days of the war was published. In 1964, the story “Today and Everyday” was published, telling about the life of circus workers. The main character of this book is a clown.

Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky died in Moscow on May 6, 1972. The Dragunsky writing dynasty was continued by his son Denis, who became a quite successful writer, and his daughter Ksenia Dragunskaya, a brilliant children's writer and playwright.

Dragunsky’s close friend, children’s poet Yakov Akim, once said: “A young man needs all the vitamins, including all the moral vitamins. Vitamins of kindness, nobility, honesty, decency, courage. Viktor Dragunsky generously and talentedly gave all these vitamins to our children.”

Deniskin's stories, Deniskin's stories watch
literary cycle

Victor Dragunsky

Original language: Date of first publication:

"Deniska's stories"- a series of stories by Soviet writer Viktor Dragunsky, dedicated to incidents from the life of a preschooler, and then a junior school student, Denis Korablev. Appearing in print since 1959, the stories became classics of Soviet children's literature, were republished many times and filmed several times. They were included in the list of “100 books for schoolchildren” compiled in 2012.

The prototype of the main character of the stories was the writer’s son Denis, and one of the stories mentions the birth of Denis’s younger sister Ksenia. As Yuri Nagibin wrote in his anniversary essay about Dragunsky, “Deniska’s Stories grew out of his immense love for his son, out of greedy attention to the world of childhood that opened up before him.”

  • 1 Plot
  • 2 Main characters
  • 3 List of stories
  • 4 Film adaptations
  • 5 Productions
  • 6 Exhibitions
  • 7 See also
  • 8 Notes
  • 9 Links


The stories take place in the late 1950s and early 1960s in Moscow (for example, the events of the story “Amazing Day” occur on the day of German Titov’s flight into space).

Denis lives with his parents in the center of Moscow, on Karetny Ryad (“Adventure”), not far from the Circus (“No worse than you circus people”). This is an ordinary boy, with whom funny or curious incidents happen every now and then. So he pours his porridge out of the window in order to quickly go with his mother to the Kremlin, and when a citizen with a policeman comes to them, covered in porridge, he understands what his mother’s words “The secret becomes clear” (“The secret becomes clear”) mean. One day, while going to the circus, he sees an amazing girl on a ball, but the next time, when he brings his dad to look at her, he finds out that she went with her parents to Vladivostok (“Girl on a Ball”). another time at the circus, he accidentally changes places with another boy, as a result of which the clown Pencil grabs him and, swinging on a swing, takes him with him under the circus dome (“No worse than you circus people”). During a trip to the zoo, Shango the elephant almost eats his brand new radio. At a children's party at the Metalist club, Denis drinks a bottle of citro to gain up to 25 kilograms of weight and win a subscription to the Murzilka magazine, which he shares with his friend Mishka (“Exactly 25 kilos”). He begins to paint the entrance door with a hose left by the painters and gets so carried away that he paints not only the door, but also his neighbor Alyonka, and the suit of the house manager Alexei Akimych (“Top to bottom, diagonally!”). While playing hide and seek in a communal apartment, he climbs under the bed of his grandmother-neighbor, and when she closes and goes to bed, he is afraid that he will spend the rest of his life there (“Twenty Years Under the Bed”). He suggests that the mother, who complains about the mountains of dishes, wash only one utensil a day, and everyone will eat from it in turn (“The Tricky Way”).

Denis has a lot of adventures at school. She and Mishka are late for class, but they tell such different stories about the reason for their lateness that their cunning is immediately revealed (“A fire in the outbuilding, or a feat in the ice...”). At the carnival, Denis, with the help of Mishka, dresses up in a Puss in Boots costume, and then shares the prize with Mishka for the best costume (“Puss in Boots”). During a school trip to the cinema to see a film about the Reds and Whites, he encourages the boys of the class to “attack”, shooting from a toy pistol (“Battle of the Clear River”). During music lessons, he loves to sing and tries to do it as loudly as possible (“Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky”). He takes part in a school play behind the scenes, but loses the bell, and instead of hitting the chair with a board (pretending to be shot), he hits the cat (“Death of the Spy Gadyukin”). He forgets to study his lessons, as a result of which he cannot recite Nekrasov’s poem about a small peasant, and pronounces the name of the main river of America as Misi-pisi (“Main Rivers”)...

Main characters

External images
Victor Dragunsky with his son Denis
  • Denis Korablev is a Moscow boy, in some stories he is still a preschooler, in some he is a student of 1st, 2nd or 3rd grade “B” (first an October boy, and then a pioneer).
  • Denis's dad.
  • Denis's mother.
  • Mishka Slonov is Denis's classmate and best friend, his companion in most adventures.
  • Kostya is a friend of Denis and Mishka.
  • Alyonka is a girl younger than Denis and Mishka, Denis’s neighbor.
  • Raisa Ivanovna is a school literature teacher.
  • Boris Sergeevich is a school music teacher.

List of stories

  • Englishman Paul
  • Watermelon Lane
  • White finches
  • Main rivers
  • Goose throat
  • Where has this been seen, where has this been heard...
  • Twenty years under the bed
  • Girl on the Ball
  • Deniska is daydreaming
  • childhood friend
  • Dymka and Anton
  • Uncle Pavel the stoker
  • Pets' corner
  • Enchanted letter
  • The smell of heaven and shag
  • Healthy thought
  • Green leopards
  • And we!
  • When I was a child
  • Puss in Boots
  • Red ball in the blue sky
  • Chicken bouillon
  • Motorcycle racing on a vertical wall
  • My friend the bear
  • There is a lot of traffic on Sadovaya
  • You must have a sense of humor
  • No bang, no bang!
  • No worse than you circus people
  • Independent Gorbushka
  • Nothing can be changed
  • One drop kills a horse
  • It is alive and glowing...
  • First day
  • Before bedtime
  • Spyglass
  • A fire in the outbuilding, or a feat in the ice...
  • Dog Thief
  • The wheels sing - tra-ta-ta
  • Adventure
  • Professor of sour cabbage soup
  • Workers crushing stone
  • Talking Ham
  • Tell me about Singapore
  • Exactly 25 kilos
  • Knights
  • From top to bottom, diagonally!
  • My sister Ksenia (New Year's gift)
  • Blue dagger
  • Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky
  • Elephant and radio
  • Lyalka the Elephant
  • Death of the spy Gadyukin
  • Battle of the Clear River
  • The Ancient Mariner
  • The secret becomes clear
  • Quiet Ukrainian night...
  • Third place in butterfly style
  • C in behavior
  • Amazing day
  • teacher
  • Fantômas
  • Tricky way
  • Man with blue face
  • Chicky kick
  • What does Mishka like?
  • That I love…
  • ...And what I don’t like!
  • Grandmaster hat

Film adaptations

Based on "Deniska's stories" in the 1960s and 1970s Several films were made, including two two-part television films:

  • 1962 - Funny stories
  • 1966 - Girl on the ball
  • 1970 - Magic power (short story “Avengers from 2nd B”)
  • 1970 - Deniska’s stories (from four short stories)
  • 1973 - Where has it been seen, where has it been heard (short film)
  • 1973 - Captain (short)
  • 1973 - Spyglass (short film)
  • 1973 - Fire in the outbuilding (short film)
  • 1974 - Glory of Ivan Kozlovsky (short film, in the film magazine “Yeralash”)
  • 1976 - In secret around the world (2 episodes)
  • 1979 - The amazing adventures of Denis Korablev (2 episodes)


Performances based on the stories of the cycle were repeatedly staged in theaters. In addition, in 1993, the Ural composer Maxim Basok created the children's musical “Deniska's Stories” (more than 20 versions of productions with different combinations of four stories, libretto by Boris Borodin). On April 5, 2014, the premiere of the play “Deniska’s Stories” took place, staged by the Theater Company “KrisArt”, on the stage of the Palace of Culture named after. Zueva.


  • In January-February 2013, the State Literary Museum hosted an exhibition “Denis Korablev and others” about the family and books of Victor Dragunsky, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the author. The exhibition was attended by Denis and Ksenia Dragunsky, more than 50 works by the permanent illustrator of Dragunsky’s books and his friend Veniamin Losin were presented.

see also

  • “Little Nicolas” - a French series of funny stories about a schoolboy boy


  1. V. I. Abramova. DRAGUNSKY, Viktor Yuzefovich // Brief literary encyclopedia: 9 volumes - T. 2: Gavrilyuk - Zulfigar Shirvani / Ch. ed. A. A. Surkov. - M.: Sov. encycl., 1964.
  2. Alla Dragunskaya. About Victor Dragunsky. Life, creativity, memories of friends. M.: “Chemistry and Life”, 1999. - P. 102.
  3. Works for musical theater: operas, musicals
  4. The author of Deniska's Stories, composer Maxim Basok, celebrates his anniversary
  5. Gala evening dedicated to the exhibition “Denis Korablev and others”
  6. “Denis Korablev and others” To the 100th anniversary of Victor Dragunsky


  • Website dedicated to stories about Denis Korablev
  • A selection of illustrations for stories by various artists
  • Deniska's stories - He's alive... (excerpt from the musical by M. A. Bask, mp3)

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