Children's mottos of the pink squad. Names and mottos of units. Military motto: why and for what

For the squad? This question has been asked more than once by counselors, educators, competition organizers, and the participants themselves. Today we will tell you how you can easily and quickly do this, and also share with you several mottos.

It’s better to come up with a squad name and motto not out of thin air, but based on some topic. So you can choose the theme “cartoons”. For example, Chip and Dale, Aladdin, DuckTales, Winnie the Pooh. You can also try with a profession. For example, sailors, rescuers, doctors, pilots, teachers and others. Well, if nothing works out with this, rely on your own imagination.

If you need a name and motto for a camp unit, it’s best to come up with it together with the children. At the beginning, the counselor must choose a few names himself, but children (students) should not tell them, let them be smart and try to come up with something interesting. If things are going really badly and the squad can’t come up with anything, then the counselor should tell them a few of his names, and the children will try to suggest their own similar ones. It will be more interesting for children if they make up the name and motto for their squad themselves.

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that the motto and name should be appropriate for the age of the children, easy to pronounce and be meaningful.

Squad name and motto

Squad: Phoenix

Motto: Burn and light up others!

Fight until the end for victory.

Squad: Leaders

Motto: Everywhere we are first in everything

We are skilled leaders.

Squad: Major League

Motto: Our motto: Move forward!

Victory lies ahead.

Squad: Alarm

Motto: Neither light nor dawn get out of bed

Greet every morning with a smile.

Squad: Sailors

Motto: The sea is getting rough.

But sailors never.

Squad: The youth

Motto: You won't wake us up in the morning

During the day you won’t find it at all.

This is the kind of people we are

And we are called: Youth!.

Squad: Penguins

Motto: We are the coolest penguins

Success awaits us today.

Squad: Rescuers

Motto: Like Chip and Dale to the rescue

Let's decide quickly and leave.

Squad: Smile

Motto: Smile!

After all, a smile gives joy.

Squad: Tornado

Motto: And there is no need to put pressure on us.

We are the squad: Tornado!

Squad: Laces

Motto: We are as friendly as shoelaces.

If you tie us tightly

It will be difficult to untie.

Squad: Hope

Motto: There is always hope

The main thing is to believe until the end.

Squad: Teenagers

Motto: We are modern guys

And with gadgets we are on the same page.

Squad: Internet

Motto: We are called: Internet.

There is certainly no one better than us.

I'm telling you the address

Camp _____ dot ru.

Squad: Modern youth

Motto: Torn jeans, sneakers, windbreaker.

We are the generation of the new party.

Squad: Galaxy

Motto: Flew all over the universe

And we have never seen a better squad than ours.

Squad: Pirates of the Caribbean

Motto: We are pirates - a team of villains

The sea is our home, we won’t let you in here.

Squad: Coca-Cola

Motto: Our Coca-Cola Team

He goes through life on hold.

Squad: Friendship

Motto: As a united unit we will defeat everything.

Squad: Stars

Motto: The stars shine from above

Give us warmth and light

Our little country

They send a big, big hello.

Squad: Mammoths

Motto: Thunder rumbles, the earth trembles

A squad of mammoths is running.

Squad: Friends

Motto: There are many of us and we are always together!

Squad: Funny boys

Motto: We look for fun in everything, no matter what!

Squad: Patriots

Motto: In this life we ​​try to grow as patriots

Because it's necessary

So as not to let the country down!

Squad: eaglets

Motto: We're eaglets - don't scare us

We love to fly high!

Squad: Tankers

Motto: Tank, like an all-terrain vehicle

It goes straight towards the enemies.

Squad: Soldiers

The culture of any society is multifaceted and consists of many layers. One of the most unusual and controversial is army traditions, which we encounter to one degree or another almost every day. Let's try to consider a small part of them through a story about such a manifestation as military names and mottos.

Military motto: why and for what?

A military motto is a short saying that carries a certain meaning. They have mottos of both military branches and individual ones with a long military history. Examples include the famous “Nobody but us!” from the Airborne Forces or “Where we are, there is victory!” - Russian Marine Corps.

For any soldier or officer, the motto of the unit carries a certain sacred meaning. This is more than just a nice saying. This is the battle cry with which they fight, die, and win. The military motto becomes a piece of the heart of a fighter, who is a matter of honor not to disgrace.


The first of the military mottos in the modern sense can be considered the famous Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant! (“Those who go to their death salute you, Caesar!”). The imperial legions took this saying from the gladiators entering the arena, greeting their commander before battle.

For centuries, the German-speaking principalities, and then Hitler, carried out expansion into the lands of Russian states under the common slogan Drang nach Osten (Onslaught to the East), which can safely be considered the motto of an aggressive policy. The expression "The White Man's Burden" has always been considered an unofficial justification for the colonial atrocities of the British Empire.

All subsequent history is replete with similar examples. Here are a few related to Russia: “For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland” - the motto of the Russian imperial army, or “For our Soviet Motherland!” - The Red Army during the war with Nazi Germany.


The military motto is one of the elements of the distinctive symbols of the species and is quite widely used throughout the world. For example, Finnish pilots carry the inscription “Quality is our strength” on their wings; the coat of arms of their colleagues from Australia adorns the proud “Through Thorns to the Stars”; the French army depicts “Honor and Fatherland” on chevrons; The Germans have a laconic and strict - “We serve Germany.”

The US Army approaches this issue with the greatest pathos. Here, not only does the state structure itself have its own motto (“An Army of One,” which replaced “Be All You Can” in 2001), but most units also sport similar “personalized” pearls. For example, the 101st Airborne Division stands under the slogan “A Date with Destiny,” and the 2nd Infantry Division claims “We will not yield to anyone!” By the way, both units participated in campaigns where, to put it mildly, they did not gain military glory - Korea, Vietnam, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan. However, this did not diminish the Yankees’ arrogance and self-confidence.

In the army of the USSR, and then Russia, such a tradition was not very widespread. However, recently a certain trend has emerged, and, according to the order of the Minister of Defense Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu, the rear officials officially received the military motto “Nobody is better than us!”


It’s not for nothing that there is a separate section of humor called “military.” For a long time now, wits in uniform have been “giving birth” to a variety of unofficial military chants and mottos in large numbers, many of which have become firmly “stuck” to certain types and branches of the military. Once you hear them, it immediately becomes clear who exactly they are talking about: “I don’t fly myself and I won’t let others” - Air Defense troops, “For communication without marriage” - signalmen, “We are changing landscapes” or “After there is only silence for us” - guys The slogan “The fact that you are not in prison yet is not your merit, but our shortcoming” - does not require comment.

Paramilitary games

Boys cannot live without games, and even when they grow up, they sometimes want to play “war”. The solution has been found! The matured boys invented a large number of different games and activities on a military theme - airsoft, laser tag, paintball and many others. As a rule, these are team types of entertainment. Each of the teams tries to stand out from the crowd of others, and therefore the military names and mottos of the teams are sometimes striking in their originality. But there may also be complete copies of parts that exist in real life. For example, the name and motto of one of the special forces of the Russian Federation (the slogan of the Vympel detachment is the phrase “Terrorism is a disease. Meet the doctor!”) appears quite often at various airsoft events.

Fans of historical reconstructions deserve special mention. Fans of this type of entertainment take special care to restore the uniforms, ammunition and weapons of various units that took part in a particular battle. In this case, all, even the smallest, details of the equipment are copied. That is why on the chevrons, emblems and standards you can see the military motto of the unit that the participant represents. This is especially noticeable on the uniform of Napoleon's Imperial Guard and SS units.

Children's games

Military mottos and team names are used not only in “adult” entertainment. Many people remember the old pioneer game “Zarnitsa”, which has now been transformed into a variety of games as part of the program for the younger generation.

These camps are called “paramilitary” for a reason. Everything here is like in the army: from the daily routine and life in the field to the strict requirement of subordination to discipline. One of the first tasks for new arrivals is usually to come up with a name for a team, company, platoon, etc., as well as a military-themed motto. A serious educational effect is hidden here: the motto will become a guiding star for the detachment, the light of which will illuminate the path of the unit throughout its existence.

However, even in ordinary, “civilian” children’s holiday camps, the wards are divided into separate groups. And quite often a squad can choose a military-themed motto for itself. This does not mean that vacationers are being aggressive. Rather, it is about an excess of energy and certain ambitions. And how military mottos and team names are applied and developed depends entirely on the adults around you.

Psychological aspects

If you look from a psychological point of view, military mottos for teams have two main qualities.

  • Firstly, it is a powerful way of suppressing the ego of each of the fighters, and at the same time directing their strengths and capabilities to achieve a team result. Everyone must understand that victory can only be achieved by combining the efforts of everyone nearby. For example, the slogan of the Canadian military “We stand on your guard”: there is a direct message to unity and community (“We”), and the main task of the army (“guardian” of the state) is indicated.
  • Secondly, if the motto of the unit is perceived by the fighter as something inseparable from him, very personal and valuable, it serves as an impetus for action, a kind of trigger mechanism that mobilizes all the internal forces of a person. Not a single paratrooper, knowing the great “No one but us!”, will even think in a critical situation to chicken out, retreat, or evade a fight. Everything is simple here: he understands that no one else will do this except him. And a warrior is not only obliged, but must, and can, and will do it.


The military motto is an integral attribute of any structure that in one way or another takes on paramilitary features. It is impossible to come up with it “on the spot”, to order - it is born from sweat, blood and flame. And only those who perceive it in its entirety, who understand its essence, are able to proudly carry the banner of their ancestors. Anyone who treats a motto as a beautiful set of words can easily refuse in difficult times, since for such an individual these words are worth nothing and do not carry any incentive. With the slogan “For the Motherland! For Stalin!" tens of thousands of our great-grandfathers rose to attack and went towards enemy machine guns, dying and losing comrades. But they won with this slogan, because they carried it in their hearts.

It is better to come up with the name of the squad together with the children. But before the discussion begins, the counselor should have one or more of his own versions of the name, which children should not immediately name. One of the criteria may be the topic of the change. If, in the counselor’s opinion, his own version is the most successful, then we must try to make sure that the children offer it themselves. That is, to direct the discussion in the right direction until the final result is achieved. Children will be more proud of the troop name if they come up with it themselves.

The name of the squad and the motto should: be appropriate for the age of the children, be meaningful, and be easy to pronounce.

It also greatly depends on the age of the children: you can’t talk for a long time with the younger ones, so you can start a discussion, and after 5-7 minutes offer a couple of your options, as a rule, the kids cling to them. And the feeling that they came up with it together will remain. When choosing a team name and motto, they may give many suggestions, but they themselves do not like anything. The counselor can write all the proposals on a piece of paper and even include his own option in this list and choose the most suitable one from the list so that the children feel that this is their choice. You can then praise the squad for such an interesting name and rehearse the motto. The main thing is that the name is bright, it catches better. You can come up with a legend for the name of the detachment. A legend is a story that describes the origin of the name of the unit. The legend may not be very logical (even good, the more incomprehensibility, the more intriguing it is), but it is certainly exciting. The legend must have a purpose, for example, to prove its friendliness, cheerfulness, show knowledge, etc. To do this, during the entire shift, the detachment undergoes certain tests and in the end achieves the assigned task, well, ... in general, everyone is great. For a legend, you can come up with a ritual clearing with an enchanted stump, mysterious notes or sound messages, a search for treasure or lost fragments of a map (one fragment per day), and all sorts of other things, in general, everything that children love at this age. Briefly, the counselor comes up with several names in advance, comes up with leading questions...

For middle ages (if the proposals are completely obscene), you can use the method of replacing the author (when you pass off your idea as the idea of ​​​​a person from the squad), the method of avoiding the idea (when, developing someone else’s idea, you end up changing it beyond recognition). Ideally, children should come up with the name. Of course, it’s good for the counselor to have his own option, but it’s probably not worth pushing through it.

For older ages, it is a good idea to first give (or discuss with the troop) the criteria for naming the troop. It can be romantic, combative; it cannot be made into an indecent compound contraction; it should be bright and memorable, should not be long, etc. One of the criteria may be the topic of the shift. Here you can also use homemade preparations, you can also (but VERY carefully, otherwise they will catch you and then won’t believe you) use psychological manipulation. Usually, if the guys don’t immediately have ideas for the name of the squad, then first they come up with a presentation of the squad, a corner, a squad song, and then a name is chosen for this.

In general, guys quickly come up with good names if they are first tuned in the right way. The mission of a counselor is feasible if only he masters the “art of guiding.” Here's the main trick: don't invent anything yourself, but create an atmosphere for children's creativity. Just take the name of the squad... what adult would “get” into “Cosmic Caries” or “Hedgehog Herd”?

The famous words of Captain Vrungel’s song “Whatever you call the boat, so it will float” can also be applied to the name of the detachment. A well-chosen unit name can greatly facilitate the work of the counselor throughout the entire shift and make the life of children in the camp more interesting. Ultimately, choosing a good name can be the start of a fun game that children will play for the rest of the shift.

It’s better to come up with a squad name not from scratch, but based on some topic. The topic can be historical. For example, primitive people, Indians, Vikings, knights or ancient Greeks. The topic can be associated with a profession: astronauts, sailors, journalists, inventors. To choose a topic, you can turn to cartoons and books for help: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, DuckTales, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Or simply rely on your own imagination. Of course, a lot depends on the age of the children in the squad. Most likely, the name “Nutcracker” or “Cinderella” does not really suit the 1st, oldest squad.

Choosing a squad name and motto might look like this:

  1. Brainstorming: the counselor writes down, without criticizing, all the names that the children list. Then it carries out censorship, then voting (possibly in several stages).
  2. Developing criteria: first, criteria are jointly developed, and then the same brainstorming.

Within the framework of the chosen theme, you can not only come up with a name for the squad, but also decorate the squad room, as well as prepare a business card presentation that the squad will show on the opening day of the shift.

If you decide to choose a historical topic, then in this case it can be coordinated with the school history course, which the children will begin to take in the fall. This can help their learning at school.

It is better to come up with the name of the squad together with the children. But before the discussion begins, the counselor should have one or more of his own versions of the name, which children should not immediately name. If, in the counselor’s opinion, his own version is the most successful, then we must try to make sure that the children offer it themselves. That is, to direct the discussion in the right direction until the final result is achieved. Children will be more proud of the troop name if they come up with it themselves.

When choosing a name and motto, it is advisable to use the “Brainstorming” method (for senior and middle teams). The basis of the “assault” can be:

  • search for associations with the legend of the camp shift;
  • searching for common interests among squad members;
  • searching for your favorite dish, activity, etc.
  • search for the main quality of character, etc.

You can use the “fantasy binomial” technique: divide the squad into two groups, one comes up with a series of nouns, the second - adjectives. Then, by naming them one by one, they make up phrases: orange alarm clock, wonderful airship, etc.

In general, guys quickly come up with good names if they are previously (on a bus, on an electric train, on a train) tuned in the right way (sing certain songs, tell a couple of stories from their personal lives, or retell a book).

But the fact that the guys should, at a minimum, take part in choosing the name of the squad is for sure! After all, the name of the squad, like the name of a person, greatly influences the mood and performance of the squad.

The squad name and motto should:

  • appropriate for the age of the children;
  • be meaningful;
  • be easy to pronounce;
  • do not violate camp traditions, if any;
  • reflect the common interests of the children of the squad, their common characteristics or their aspirations.

The following requirements may apply to the name:

  • the name should fit into the general idea of ​​the camp shift (for example, “Pale-faced brothers” or “33 heroes”);
  • the name should reflect the character of the squad (“Leader”);
  • The squad name must be accepted by all squad members.


  • it’s very good if the name consists of 2 syllables! firstly, it’s more convenient to chant, and secondly, it’s better remembered! For example, alpha, downpour, etc.
  • Before you approve the name with the children, shout it all together! the fact is that the name can be good, but with unanimous chanting it doesn’t turn out quite right... for example, in one camp there was a Phoenix squad. an excellent name, but when they shouted it, it turned out to be enis... well, and imagination itself added the missing letters! Another example (but with a different sign) one unit was called Leader! and one day during football the girls started cheering for the guys in fan style! and started shouting: Forward, for the leader! but it turned out Forward for St. Petersburg! This is how it can be sometimes too!
  • Well, remember that whatever you call your squad, that’s how it will sail with you! ...or drown. :)
  • bad taste when choosing a name - standard, alien, with the names of counselors, vulgar.
  • the name can be different: funny or intricate - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that the squad itself likes it and that the name is kind, perky, bright and even exclusive.

You can also come up with your own “chant” and your own “walk” (march, move by jumping, move part of the way backwards, etc.). It is also important to come up with a distinctive feature of the squad in order to emphasize the individuality of the team and the affiliation of the guys included in the squad. These could be emblems, clothing details, etc.



“Sleepwalkers” - We walk at night, we walk during the day, we never get tired.

“Firefly” - Although our light is weak and we are small, we are friendly and therefore strong.

“Winnie the Pooh” - Whether you burst or burst, Winnie the Pooh comes first.

“Smile” - Living without a smile is just a mistake, smiles are everywhere - goodness is everywhere.

"Ducklings" - Quack! Quack? Quack! Don't quack in vain.

“Kapitoshka” - The rain is dripping on the roads, but we are not at all bored. We play and sing and have a lot of fun.

“Dandelion” - Stay together so as not to get blown away.

“Rainbow” - We, like the colors of the rainbow, are never inseparable.

“Orange” - Like orange slices, we are friendly and indivisible!

“The bell” - We are ringing, we are ringing all day long, but we are not too lazy to call.

"Robinson" - We don't need nannies. We are islanders.

“Iskryata” - We are funny guys, because we are Iskryat!

“Little frogs” - Only those who love the pond are called little frogs!

“Elves” - Everything is OK and everything is fine, where there are elves it will be great!

“Friend”, “Musicians of Bremen”, “Cheerful”, “Karapuz”, “Tigers”, “Cheerful”, “38 Parrots”, “Brother Rabbits”


"Dolphin" - The dolphin always swims forward and never lags behind.

“Rescuers” - Chip and Dale rush to the rescue, but we are not far behind.

“Friendly” - Don’t whine, don’t cry in the corners, trouble and joy are divided in half.

“Vitamin” - Vitamin is strength, it is vigor, it is life.

"Restless" - Boredom, laziness out of mind - our squad "Restless".

"Prometheus" - Light a fire in the hearts of people, as Prometheus did.

“Scarlet Sails” - The wind blows in the sails, youth believes in miracles.

“UFO” - Fly across all galaxies, never leave friends in trouble.

“Oba-Na” - We are not punks, not punks, we are Oba-Na guys.

“Crew” - There is no better crew in the camp now than us!

“Major League” - And our motto is this: more action, less words!

“Crossword” - If you want to know us, then try to solve it!

"Boomerang" - Launched with a sure hand.

"Gremlins" - The food always arrives on time, but the gremlins are hungry again.

“Family” - We are a simple family - everyone in our family is atas!


One two three four -

all the kids live in peace! Five, six - everyone wants to eat!

Seven, eight - we wear all the cool badges! Nine, ten - all the kids No.

live together?

"GTO" - Ready for creative relaxation.

“Luck Hunters” - We always need luck, only this way and not otherwise!

"Balamut", "Dynamite".


“FIF” - “athletic, proactive, dreamers. This is the truth, not a myth - there is no one better than FIF.”

"Both on!" - Both on! - this is a miracle, Oba-na! - this is class, our life is not bad at all, you will miss us.

"Darkhan" - The movement is us.

"RMID" - The Republic of Boys and Girls is stronger than all the commonwealths on Earth.

“Businessmen” - We are businessmen of the market age, the fate of a person is in our hands.

“Russians” - For Russia, for the people, for humanity forward.

"BEMS" - Fighting, Energetic, Young, Cute.

"ELEPHANT" - The Best Otrad - Ours!

“Spark” - A flame will ignite from a spark!

“BEP” - (Great Energy Potential) More energy, more movements!

“Phoenix” - Burn and light others up.

“Savages” - We are savages of the twenty-first century, we’ll make a devil out of a man!

“Leader” - If to be, then to be the best!

“We” - When we are united, we are invincible!

"Style" - Choose your style

"Sprite" - Don't let yourself dry out!

“New Generation” - If you’re not happy, object, if you object, suggest, propose, do it, get down to business boldly!

"Joint stock company - building 2."

"Philips" - Let's change ourselves for the better.

“Women's Battalion” - Our men are men to all men.

"Maximum" - One hundred percent good behavior.

"UN" - Special Forces.

"OMON" - Squad of Young Mischievous Restless.

“The Rock” - Happiness on faces, always a smile, separately we are pebbles, together we are Rock.

“Emergency”, “First Love”, “Lady’s”, “The Mighty Heap”, “Idol”.

Unit names, mottos, emblems


Team names and mottos



Motto: Fly across all galaxies, never leave friends in trouble.


Motto: Vitamin is strength, vigor, life.

Team"Wait for it!"

Motto: Maximum sport, maximum laughter!

This way we will achieve success faster. If another squad is ahead,

We will tell him: “Well, just wait!”


Motto: Chip and Dale rush to the rescue, but we are not far behind.


Motto: We are simply awesome penguins, win, try us!


Motto: Although our light is weak and we are small,

But we are friendly and that is why we are strong.


Motto 1: The comet is in the sky, and we are on earth! Long live happiness always and everywhere!

Motto 2: Let's fly forward and win! We help everyone who is lagging behind!

Motto 3: The comet has a motto: "Never fall down"


Motto: Cheburashka is a faithful friend, Helps everyone around!

Team"Scarlet Sails"

Motto 1: The wind blows in the sails, youth believes in miracles.

Motto 2: Swim always, swim everywhere, and you will find the path to your dream!


Motto: Camelot - always forward, Camelot has always been first!


Motto: We are like rainbow colors, never separable!


Motto: We are like orange slices. We are friendly and indivisible.

Team"Faithful friends"

Motto 1: We are a team no matter what! We are all masters in sports. We will run, kick the ball, fight for victory

Motto 2: If a friend gives his word, he will never let you down!


Motto: Life without a smile is a mistake, Long live laughter and smile!


Motto: Kapitoshka is at the helm, Never gives up!


Motto: Burn, don’t smolder and be able to do everything!


Motto 1: Our motto: Friendship and success! We will defeat everyone today!

Motto 2: All for one, one for all, Then there will be success in the team!


Motto: Aurora knows, Aurora fights, Aurora will always achieve victory.

Team"3rd row"

Motto: Good, smart 3rd row Will please the guys.


- cool song"

Let's sing chika-boom all together If you need some cool noise Sing chika-boom with us I'm singing boom chika-boom I'm singing boom chika-boom I'm singing boom, chika-ra-ka, chika-ra-ka, chika-boom Ah! Hurry up again!


We are terribly hungry, It’s no longer important to eat. We eat everything. This is our squad.

To the dining room:

Let's say together, let's say at once, Where are we going now? Let's sing songs together and go to the dining room!

We always want to eat. From exercise to lights out, feed us, cooks, we will eat any dish! Thanks for the cutlets, Thanks for the compote! We ate so much that it’s true we won’t eat for a year

All: Ta-ra-ram! We are never bored. Counselor: Look, Everyone: People! Counselor: Squad All: Coming! Counselor: What does a hungry choir sing when the cook calls for food? Everyone: Take a spoon, take some bread and sit down for lunch! Counselor: Bim-bom


doo on the tank (the squad repeats each line after the leader) I see a cow in a hat with earflaps With a healthy horn Hello cow How are you Do you speak English What are you calling me names?

Swimming in a submarine Again a cow In a mask and fins With a healthy horn Hello cow Where are you going Shrechen sie Deutsch What are you calling me names?

I'm flying in a helicopter Again a cow On a parachute With a stern look Hello cow Where are you flying Assalam alekum What are you calling me names?


Let's go on a hike. What will the squad take with them? A pot and a spoon, a mug and potatoes! Let's make soup, warm up tea. Have fun and don't get bored!

Leader: Go there, Everyone: I don’t know where! Leader: Bring it, Everyone: I don’t know what! Leader: Meet with whom?! Everyone: Tell everyone. All together: That our squad is top class!!!

We go, we go, we go. We go wherever we get. We will get there where we will be Joyful and cheerful!

We walked for a long time, almost tired, But we didn’t forget Where and how, why, where It’s time for us to get there!

Success awaited us along the way, without damage or hindrance! After all, a detachment is going on a hike, Our counselor is very happy!

"Bala - bala - mi"

The chant is spoken by the leader, the rest shout only one word, “Hey.” Ved: Bala - bala - mi! All: Hey! Ved: Chika - chika - chi! All: Hey! Ved: Tika - tika - ti! All: Hey! Ved: Chick! All: Hey! Ved: Chick-chirp-chick! All: Hey, hey! Everyone repeats after the counselor: Hey, guys, take a wider step! We can't be bored at all! No, probably, in the whole world there are more fun, friendly guys. We are not sad in our family, We sing, we dance, we dance. All activities are good - have fun from the heart! Who walks with backpacks? Who is not familiar with boredom? Those who are behind, don't lag behind. Those who are tired, do not be discouraged! Whoever wants to come with us, sing our song


We're going to the stadium. Our squad will be a champion. Who is enthusiastic and happy about the sun? Hey athletes, line up! Do you have a team? Eat! Is our captain here? Here! Come out to the field as soon as possible. It is an honor to support the squad.


The counselor says a line, everyone repeats (It looks like a chant that you can say when going to the beach)

All the guys are happy about the sunny summer. Relaxation, sea, friendship - what else do we need? We promise to tan and never get sick. Swim like dolphins, arching your backs. Let's fly together, kids Let's ring out a loud "HURRAY!"

The squad is divided into two teams: girls and boys. They each shout their own words at the same time. Whoever is louder wins.

Boys: We are a squad soul. The change is good with us, We are strong and brave, Like tanned blacks!

Girls: We decorate the squad, everyone is happy to meet us. We are cheerful and friendly, Every shift needs us!



1 . One two three four! Three, four, one, two!

The sun just woke up and smiled at the guys!

2. Hurry up, my friend, get up and run out to exercise!

3 . The sun is shining brightly! The sun is hot and hot for us!

Sunshine, warm it up more, warm the water in the river for us!

4. Sun, air and water are our best friends!

To charge

1 . Go out and exercise! Wake everyone up for exercise.

All the guys say: physical exercise is a guy’s friend!

2 . Athletic child, get strong!

Physical exercise in the morning is not harmful - it is good for us.

3 . Left! Right! Running, swimming.

Let's grow up brave, sun-tanned.

To the dining room

1 . Whoops, whoops, whoops, we're going to the dining room

Oops, oops, oops - the hungriest ones.

The cooks make us soup, feed us potatoes,

We will work hard for this with a spoon.

2. We ate everything - the plates were empty, it was very tasty.

3 . Together they took the spoons in their hands, quickly ate them, and cleaned everything up!

4 . We go to the dining room and sing a sonorous song

We really want to eat, we’ll eat everything in the dining room.

5. We are standing at your door, we are hungry like animals.

We want to eat quickly, quickly, open it quickly!

6 . Cups, forks, mugs, spoons,

Lots of fried potatoes

Lots of soup, pasta,

We are running from all directions.


1. We jumped, we played, we were very tired.

Let's go to bed quickly, otherwise you'll miss the bed.

To the stadium

Who is enthusiastic and happy about the sun? Hey team, line up!

Do you have a team? - Eat! Are the commanders here? - Here!

Come out to the field as soon as possible to support the squad's honor.

We are going to the stadium, our squad will be champions!

Muscles: strong! And everyone themselves: beautiful!

Why am I so enthusiastic and happy about the sun? Hey athletes, line up!


1 . One, two, three, four, hey guys, step up.

No, probably in the whole world there are more fun, friendly guys.

2 . There is no sadness in our family, we sing, draw, dance.

3 . All activities are good, we have fun from the heart.

4. One, two! Guys! Three! Four! And the girls!

One, two! Who are we? - awesome guys!

5 . We are not afraid of work and sadness,

We can't turn off the road.

We will always be together, we are now one family!

Unit names and mottos:

For younger ones:

1. “Firefly” - Although our light is weak and we are small, we are friendly and therefore strong.

2. “Orange” - Like orange slices, we are friendly and indivisible!

3. “Bell” - We are ringing, we are ringing all day long, but we are not too lazy to call.


Snow White, the merry fellow and the team of super-gnomes!

Hey guys - step up, the fairy tale is waiting for its heroes...

Without much effort

We'll spread our wings

Come on, Birds - let's all take off!

The heights of heaven are calling!


We are not simple guys

Our prowess is full of strength

We are risky, crazy

We guys are awesome!

7. Mickey Mouse

Even though he looks like a little guy, he will give anyone a fight

The strongest, the most dexterous, Mickey Mouse is mischievous

8. Sunny

How many bright rays the sun has, so many fun and adventures we have.

9. Meow meow

Scratch, bite, do not give in to the enemy.

10. Restless - Thunder struck in the clear sky, It’s us - Restless! To correct our pranks... Even the riot police will not help!

For teenagers:

1. “New generation” - If you’re not happy, object, if you object, suggest, propose, do it, get down to business boldly!

2. “220” - If you need to hit something! We're hitting 220!

3. “Tusovka” - Fashionable jeans, skateboards and sneakers, we are the children of dreams, we are the children of the party!

4. “Both-on!” - “Both-on!” - this is a miracle, “Both-on!” “This is class, our life is not bad at all, you will miss us.”

5. “Dandelion” - Stay together so as not to get blown away.

6. “BEMS” - Fighting, Energetic, Young, Cute.

7. “ELEPHANT” - The Best Squad is Ours!

8. “Mammoths” - Thunder rumbles, the bushes shake - these are mammoths rushing!

9. “220 V” - We cannot live without movement, we are always energized.

10. "COMET"

Energy, speed, freedom of movement...

Comet - the afterburner of my generation


Younger age

Squad name: "Beetles"
Squad chant:

We are mobile bugs
Two legs and two arms
We don't sit still
Here and there we will win!

Young squad: “Luntiki”
Speech of the junior squad:

Screws and dowels
Wrappers and pounds
Everything is interesting to us
We are in the Luntiki squad

Squad name: "Positive"
Squad chant:

Our squad - Positive
Our motto is Positive
Our cheerful team
Radiates positivity!

Squad name: “A Thousand Devils”

Do you hear the sonorous laughter of children?
This is "A Thousand Devils"!
A million wonderful ideas
- This is “A Thousand Devils”!

Team name: "Bulls"

Who is everyone running away from?
From the Bulls! From the Bulls!
Today we will beat fools, fools!

Older age

Our squad is moving forward
He calls others to follow him.
We are special guys
From a special squad
Cheerful, strong, smart.
We must be the best!!!

(team name) - that's us.
(team name) - ahead.
We will carry out all the work
We'll go around all the units.
Together we walk in step -
We are coming to you to help
If someone gets bored,
(team name) help out.

Our squad is “Equator”,
We are a squad - winged
We're flying across the sky
Straight towards the sun, towards the light.
There are sparks in our songs,
There is wind in our dances.
A quick ray of sunshine
He will illuminate everything for us.

Who walks together in a row?
Our team is very friendly.
Well, what is our name?
“Flame” - there is no more beautiful name.
What are we doing?
We help people together
We light a flame in the heart.

We are strong, kind, beautiful,
And smart beyond their years.
And, of course, to us guys ,
All problems can be solved

1.2 - we are all together
We never get bored.
(team name) is out of place -
We always rush to the stars.
The counselor walks ahead,
And we follow him.
Let's have fun, guys.
(team name) we are still!

Sports chants
We're going to the stadium
Our squad will be a champion.

The muscles are strong (the boys say)
And we ourselves are beautiful (say the girls).
Who is enthusiastic and happy about the sun?
Hey athletes, line up!
Do you have a team?
Are the captains here?
Get out into the field soon
Support the squad and honor!

We are sports guys.
We are ahead of all squads.
We walk in formation to exercise,
We do full push-ups.
Let's strengthen our strength
And we wish the same for you.

Let's start a new day
Drive away laziness quickly
Get up, wipe your eyes!
To exercise, one, two, three!

Who is always a friend to the guys?
Sun. Air and water!
Is this where you turned black?
We're tanned in the sun!
Our muscles are strong
We are sons of our native country.
What do we need for work?
Sun, air and water!

Campfire chant

Come on, throw the birch bark
For firewood (2 times)
Strike a match on the fire!
One, two!
So that our fire grows
To the stars!
So that its radiance
The Martians saw it.

Marching chants

We are walking with a brisk step,
We sing sonorous songs.
One, two - in step!
Three, four - a firmer step!
What does a tourist take on the road?
A song, a spoon and a backpack!

Who walks with a backpack?
We are (team name)
Who is not familiar with boredom?
We are (team name)
Who is the friendliest of all in the world?
We are (team name)
Nothing more fun in the world
Us - (team name)

The roads are calling us forward
Our motto is “Always forward”.
Our best suggestions:
Through, through and across.

Take a wider step.
We leave early and early.
Wider your step, wider your step.
The drums are drumming,
Wider your step, wider your step.
Only he is ready to go.
Who knows how to walk in step,
Those who keep their alignment strictly take a wider step.

You are our fire,
Dear bonfire,
We stand behind you like a mountain!!!

Evening chants

A lot of roads have been traveled
It's time for the guys to go to bed.
Good night - Motherland.
Until the bright morning.

The day has ceased to make noise and is embraced by the night,
The camp calls for sleep.
Good night to you, our girls,
Good night, our guys,
Good night, our counselors!
Tomorrow you will be on your way again.
May we be lucky tomorrow.