Procession with the Tabyn Icon of the Mother of God. Stay of the Tabyn Icon of the Mother of God in the Moksha Deanery Departure from the diocese


With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', from April 29 to early May 2015, Orthodox churches and parishes in France will be visited by a Cossack procession with the Tabyn image of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This was reported by the website of the Korsun diocese.

The spiritual leader of the pilgrimage expedition is Bishop Gury of Arsenyev and Dalnegorsk. One of the goals of the trip is to establish contacts with representatives of Orthodox communities in Europe, who in the future could participate in joint projects similar to the pilgrimage initiative of the “Orthodox Expedition across Countries and Continents.”

In France, the shrine will visit the parishes of the Russian Church in Amiens, Montgeron, Paris, Nice, Cannes, and then the Cossack procession with the Tabyn image of the Mother of God will go to Italy.

The Cossacks of the Orenburg Cossack Army revived one of the most famous and longest religious processions in the history of Russia - year-round since 1848, for almost 70 years without a break, the prayer procession followed through the provinces of the Urals, Siberia and the Volga region. The religious procession with the Tabyn Icon of the Mother of God had state status. The order of its conduct was regulated by an imperial decree, and the order of services during the events of this procession was determined by a resolution of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The average length of the procession route per year was more than 4,500 kilometers.

The Tabyn Icon of the Mother of God, along with the Don image of the Mother of God, is revered as the Patroness and shrine of the Russian Cossacks.

In 1919, the religious procession was interrupted by an attack by Red Army troops. The Orenburg Cossacks managed to recapture the icon, and since then it has been at the headquarters of General A.I. Dutova. The general's troops brought the shrine to China, where it was located in the St. Nicholas Church in the city of Gulja. In 1965, during the Cultural Revolution, all Russians living in the city were arrested, the temple was looted, and the icon disappeared.

Currently, the location of this image is unknown, but there are several miraculous copies of the Tabyn Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, from which various healings occur to this day. One of these lists takes part in the prayer procession restored by the Cossacks.

On October 4, 2018, the Tabyn Icon of the Mother of God arrived in the Moksha deanery in a religious procession. During the stay of the shrine on Moksha land, prayers with an akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos were served in the churches of the deanery in honor of Her icon, called “Tabynskaya”.


The miraculous icon of the Tabyn Mother of God was and is revered as a shrine of the Orthodox Orenburg Cossacks. According to legend, the icon was found by an “infidel Bashkir” on a stone above a spring. He split it in half and threw it into the source. But a miracle happened: the halves of the icon grew together in the water.

When the Bashkirin pulled the icon out of the water, tears flowed from the Mother of God’s revived eyes, and blood dripped from a crack in the tree, like from a wound. The shocked Bashkir became frightened and went blind. When he told people about the miracle and took the icon to the church, his sight returned. Every year, a religious procession was held with the icon of the Tabyn Mother of God through all the villages of the Orenburg army. The last religious procession in her honor took place in 1918 near the village of Nezhinskaya near Orenburg. A mounted patrol of red reconnaissance met the procession. He dispersed the worshipers with shots into the air, removed the gold and silver frames from the icons, and trampled the “boards” themselves into the mud. A Cossack detachment flew in from the village and took the icon from the Reds. The Cossacks took the icon for themselves with great honors, and then somehow suddenly began to win battles against the Reds. During the evacuation of Cossack units from Orenburg in January 1919, the icon, of course, was taken away. Subsequently, the icon was taken to China by Ataman A.I. Dutov, but the ataman himself was soon killed, and the icon disappeared during the “cultural revolution”.

When the Orenburg Cossack detachment crossed the border with China, another miraculous event occurred. Orenburg historian Konstantin Artemyev spoke about him in the book “The Last Refuge of Ataman Dutov”. “From Semirechye to Suidun, the Cossacks walked through the Boro-Khoro ridge. At the height there was not enough air, there was a snowstorm. Because of the strong headwind, people fell and could not get up. And most importantly, the road was not visible. Cossack Kuzma Fokin carried the Tabyn icon on himself. It was unbearably difficult. But even more difficult was the realization that if he did not survive the journey and froze, then no one would find him or the icon again. Therefore, Kuzma decided to hide the relic. At one of the rest stops, without telling anyone, he hid the Tabyn icon in a cave, covered it with stones and placed a stone mark in the shape of a cross on top. And then I went on with everyone else, but lightly. Finally, a halt was announced in a snowy clearing. The Cossack, who was walking ahead, stepped aside from his comrades and saw a cross on a pile of stones that he had laid out at the beginning of the day. This means that the detachment wandered all day in an unfamiliar mountainous area and returned back to the place where he secretly hid his icon! The Cossack rolled away the stones, took out Tabynskaya and walked with her in his arms ahead of the detachment. It was getting dark. But suddenly the snowstorm subsided and the road went down. And finally, in the darkness of the night, the Cossacks saw the lights of the illuminated windows of a small village. Lights that promised shelter, warmth, food. So they went out onto the plain, carrying in their arms ahead of the detachment the Tabyn Icon of the Mother of God.”

Processions of the cross with the Tabyn Icon lasting more than 4 thousand kilometers took place according to the order of the emperor according to the rules approved by the Holy Synod and a timed route approved by the governor and ruling bishop of the Orenburg diocese.

The board of the Orenburg Cossack Army decided to resume the procession with the Tabyn Icon of the Mother of God.

Icon of the Mother of God of Tabyn

Since ancient times, the Orthodox Church has established the custom of performing religious processions on the occasion of socially sorrowful or joyful events, i.e. open nationwide sacred cathedral processions or prayers of believers outside the churches of God preceded by the holy cross, gospel, banners and St. icons Deliverance from pestilence, victory over the enemies of the Church and the state, asking for God's mercy during drought or lack of water - encourage Christians to gather together to offer their unanimous prayer to the Lord. “During religious processions on roads and crossroads,” says St. Simeon of Thessaloniki, - we make prayers in order to cleanse all the paths and crossroads defiled by our sins, we raise sacred icons from churches, carry out honorable crosses, and sometimes, where there are, the most sacred relics of saints for this purpose. to sanctify both people and everything that they need for life, i.e. houses, paths, water, air and the very earth, trampled and desecrated by the feet of sinners.” This is the ancient, primordial meaning and significance of religious processions, as explained by the teachers of the church. There is no doubt that processions of the Cross should serve as one of the powerful means for cultivating in us faith, piety and the fear of God. This is how it happens, as can be seen especially clearly at the procession with the Tabyn Icon of the Mother of God.

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' and the supervision of the Chairman of the Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks, Bishop Kirill of Stavropol and Nevinomyssk, the Cossacks of the Orenburg Cossack Army restored the largest religious procession in the history of Russia and the world with the Tabyn Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Until 1919, this procession took place throughout the provinces of the Urals, Siberia and the Volga region year-round since 1848, for almost 70 years without interruption. The religious procession had state status; the order of its passage and the conduct of services was regulated by the Decrees of the Emperor and the Resolution of the Holy Synod.

The Tabyn Icon of the Mother of God is one of the 36 miraculous icons revealed in Russia over a thousand years, along with the Don Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Patroness and Shrine of the Russian Cossacks.

The new procession with the Tabyn Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary left on June 3, 2010 (the day the icon appeared) from the place where the icon appeared near the city of Krasnousolsk and moves daily without interruption along historical routes. The annual religious processions begin and end in the village of Tabynskoye in Bashkortostan, the site of the appearance of the miraculous icon. They perform two functions: repentance and missionary work. According to the prophecy of the fathers, with the appearance of Tabynskaya, good events will happen for Russia. The original icon has disappeared, but many lists exist. They are all miraculous. The Cossacks walk through small settlements, some of which have not been visited by a priest for more than a hundred years. People have forgotten how to be baptized, how to pray.

The miraculous Tabyn Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary arrives in our area:

07.02. Wednesday at 10-00 Church of the Presentation of the Lord With. Big Cap Debessky district.

07.02. Wednesday at 14-00 Church of the Holy Trinity With. Debuses Debessky district.

07.02. Wednesday at 19-00 Assumption Church Tylovai village Debessky district.

/OVERNIGHT for the icon convoy in the village of Debesy from 02/07. as of 02/08/2018./

Rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity, priest Georgy Kirillov



(progress schedule)

24.01. Wednesday at 12-00

Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary With. Kilmez Syumsinsky district.

24.01. Wednesday at 17-00

Kazan-Bogoroditsky Church With. Syumsi Syumsinsky district.

Rector Archpriest Georgy Kormyshakov, dean of the Syumsinsky district

25.01 Thursday at 09-00

Temple of Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena With. Selty Seltinsky district.

25.01. Thursday at 14-00

Church of the Holy Trinity With. Valamaz Seltinsky district.

Priest Hieromonk Zacchaeus (Anisimov)

25.01 Thursday at 18-00

Church of the Ascension of the Lord With. Ultrasound Seltinsky district

Rector Priest Artemy Prozorov, dean of the Seltinsky district

26.01. Friday 10-00

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker With. New Zyatcy Igrinsky district.

26.01. Friday at 15-00

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary With. Krasnogorskoe Krasnogorsk district.

Rector Archpriest Vladimir Mineev, Dean of the Krasnogorsk District

27.01. Saturday at 09-00

The Church of the Holy Trinity under construction, the chapel of the Great Martyr. St. George the Victorious over the Holy Spring village Kulyomino Krasnogorsk district.

Nurturing - Archpriest Vladimir Mineev, dean of the Krasnogorsk district

27.01. Saturday at 12-00

Temple of the Prophet Elijah With. Vasilyevskoe Krasnogorsk district.

The rector is Hieromonk Seraphim Mineev.

27.01. Saturday at 16-00

Church of the Holy Trinity With. Yukamenskoye Yukamensky district.

Rector Priest Sergiy Zhuravlev

28.01. Sunday at 10-00

Temple of the Twelve Apostles With. Ezhevo Yukamensky district.

Rector Archpriest Vladislav Pasynkov

28.01. Sunday at 13-00

Temple of the Savior Not Made by Hands Ukan village Yarsky district.

Rector Archpriest Andrey Maltsev, Dean of the Yarsky District

28.01. Sunday at 16-00

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker p. Yar Yarsky district .

Rector Archpriest Georgy Kormyshakov, dean of the Syumsinsky district

29.01. Monday at 10-00

Church of the Presentation of the Lord With. Let's go Yarsky district.

Rector Priest Valery Dmitriev

29.01. Monday at 16-00

Holy Trinity Church With. Ponino Glazovsky district.

Priest Andrey Perminov, dean of the Glazov district.

30.01 Tuesday at 10-00 .

Church of the Presentation of the Lord With. Karsovay Balezinsky district.

30.01 Tuesday at 14-00 .

Church of the Epiphany With. Luke Balezinsky district.

Rector Priest Roman Vinogradov, dean of the Balezinsky district

30.01 Tuesday at 17-00 .

Temple of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God With. Balesino Balezinsky district .

Rector Priest Roman Vinogradov, dean of the Balezinsky district

31.01. Wednesday at 10-00

Temple of the Archangel Michael With. Pibanshur Balezinsky district.

Rector Priest Roman Vinogradov, dean of the Balezinsky district

31.01. Wednesday at 14-00

Temple of St. Tryphon of Vyatka With. Stone Zadelye Balezinsky district.

Rector Priest Roman Vinogradov, dean of the Balezinsky district

01.02. Thursday at 10-00

Temple of St. George the Victorious Glazov.

Rector Priest Nikolai Sereda

02.02. Friday at 10-00

Transfiguration Cathedral.

03.02. Saturday


Rector Priest Roman Vinogradov, acting dean of the Glazov district

04.02. Sunday

Transfiguration Cathedral Glazov.

Rector Priest Roman Vinogradov, acting dean of the Glazov district

05.02. Monday at 10-00

Church of the Nativity With. Kez Kezsky district .

05.02. Monday at 15-00

Temple of Peter and Paul d . Kuzma Kezsky district .

Rector Archpriest Sergiy Mironov, Dean of the Kez District

06.02. Tuesday at 10-00

Prayer room of Sergius of Radonezh s.Kabalud Kezsky district .

Rector Archpriest Sergiy Mironov, Dean of the Kez District

06.02. Tuesday at 14-00

Temple of St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow, Wonderworker village Cheptsa Kezsky district .

Rector Archpriest Sergiy Mironov, Dean of the Kez District

07.02. Wednesday at 10-00

Church of the Presentation of the Lord With. Big Cap Debessky district.

07.02. Wednesday at 14-00

Church of the Holy Trinity With. Debuses Debessky district.

Rector Archpriest Georgy Kirillov, Dean of the Debessky District

07.02. Wednesday at 19-00

Assumption Church Tylovai village Debessky district.

Rector Archpriest Georgy Kirillov, Dean of the Debessky District

08.02. Thursday at 10-00

Church of St. Mitrophan of Voronezh With. Zura Igrinsky district.

Priest Anthony Antonov, dean of the Igrinsky district

08.02. Thursday at 15-00

Temple of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, Igra village, Igrinsky district.

Priest Anthony Antonov, dean of the Igrinsky district

09.02. Friday at 10-00

Procession of the cross through the streets of Igra from the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian to the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”.

Priest Anthony Antonov, dean of the Igrinsky district

10.02. Saturday at 09-00

Church of the Ascension of the Lord With. Chutyr Igrinsky district.

10.02. Saturday at 13-00

Parish in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” village Fakel Igrinsky district

Rector Priest Vadim Agafonov

10.02. Saturday at 16-00

Temple of the Prophet John the Baptist village Menil Igrinsky district

Priest Anthony Antonov, dean of the Igrinsky district

11.02. Sunday at 09-00

Church of Peter and Paul With. Sharkan, Sharkansky district.

11.02. Sunday at 14-00

St. John the Baptist Church Syursovay village, Sharkansky district.

Rector Priest Alexy Zyryanov

12.02. Monday

Departure from the diocese.