Intellectual games for younger children. Intellectual game for schoolchildren. Children's games for memory development

Target: contribute to the formation of moral qualities.


    create conditions for nurturing kindness, mercy, respect for each other and others, the desire to come to the rescue, and do good deeds;

    teach to distinguish between good and evil feelings and actions;

    to develop children's attention, memory, observation, ingenuity, imagination, and flexibility of thinking through play; improve children's speech culture; broaden the horizons of younger schoolchildren;

    contribute to the education of universal moral values;consolidate methods of self-regulation of behavior; develop communication skills.

Game conditions:

1.The game is designed for children of primary school age.

2. All students in the class take part in the game.

3. The game takes place in four rounds, after each round the participants with the fewest stars are eliminated.

4. The participant who is the first to pick up a card with a number corresponding to the correct answer receives a star and moves 1 step forward along the playing field. (You can put chairs in a row, the cards are placed on them, and the participants stand behind their chairs)

5. Two people reach the final, leaving only one winner.

Equipment: tablets with numbers 1, 2, 3 for each participant; cardstwo colors, red and green; stars; life-size doll of Emelya on the stove.

Progress of the game:


Round 1 "Know-It-All" (10 questions)

Round 2 "Fairytale" (10 questions)

Round 3 “Believe it or not” (10 questions)

Musical pause

Round 4 "Final"

Reflection of the game, final part.


Leading: Often, in everyday life, we come across the expression “finest hour,” especially when it concerns people who have achieved certain success. They say about artists, actors, scientists, and writers that some moment in their lives was their “finest hour.” This is the moment when a person was able to most fully realize his capabilities, i.e. apply your talents, knowledge and skills. “Finest hour” is the moment of highest recognition in a person’s life.

Today I invite you to take part in a game during which each of you, if you try very hard, will also be able to show your knowledge and skills and bring your “finest hour” closer.

The game consists of 4 rounds. Each round has 10 questions. For each correct answer and the fastest one, the participant receives a star. The fourth round is the final, where only 2 people will remain, the fastest, most attentive and smartest. So let's begin!

Round 1 "Know-It-All"

1.What is the name of the first month of spring?

- March



2. What color will the cow’s milk be if she herself is black?


- white


3. Which product is harmful to teeth if consumed in large quantities?




4.What is the name of a very confusing road?

- labyrinth



5. What is the name of our Motherland?


- Russia


6. What are the names of the sounds that are drawn out by the voice?

- vowels



7. Which of the following trees is a conifer?



- pine

8. Name a word that denotes an object related to living nature


- squirrel

Pencil case

9. What are the names of birds that fly to warmer regions in the fall?



- migratory

10. What are the names of works in which evil fights with good, but good always wins?


True story

- fairy tale


Let's sum up the results of the first round and count the stars. Unfortunately, several guys are leaving our playing field. (But they are invited to give their stars (who have them) to their friends who remain in the game.)

Round 2 "Fairytale"

1. What actions does Baba Yaga most often perform?


- evil


2. Who was Crocodile Gena for little Cheburashka?



- friend

3. Who helped out Zayushka in trouble, from whose hut the cunning Fox took over?




4.What was the old woman like in the fairy tale about "Golden Fish"


- greedy


5. Name a negative fairy tale character

- Old woman Shapoklyak



6. Who did the Kid dream of making as friends?




7.Who saved Thumbelina from marrying Mole?


Harvest mouse

- martin

8 . What was Fedora's grandmother like at the beginning of the fairy tale, from whom the dishes ran away?

- lazy



9. Who helped Tiny Khavroshechka in a difficult situation?

Ball of thread

- little cow Buryonushka

Cockerel Golden Comb

10. Name the heroine of a fairy tale who, thanks to her hard work, patience and kind heart, went through many trials of fate, turned into a princess and married a prince


- Cinderella


Summing up the results of the 2nd round.

Round 3 "Believe it or not"

Colored cards are used for answers: red - no (I don’t believe it)

green - yes (I believe) (you can make a small digression on the rules of the road, on traffic lights: red - no, you can’t go! green - yes, the way is open.)

Leading: Do you believe that...

1. Cheburashka was found in oranges. (Yes)

2. The old woman Shapoklyak had a mouse in her purse (no)

3.If you are very tired in class, you can sleep (no)

4. You need to smile more often. (Yes)

5. Now they have come up with such rules when you can not give up your seat to an older person (no)

6. A fairy tale is a lie. (Yes)

7. You don’t have to wash your hands before eating. (No)

8. Only friends need help. (No)

9. It is not necessary to take care of cats and dogs. (No)

10. Kolobok was stupid and gullible. (Yes)

The results of the 3rd round are summed up.

For a break and relaxation, we offer the game "Music Star"

There are stars scattered on the floor, one less than the number of children (all participants are invited to play again). Children dance to cheerful music; when the music stops, they try to quickly take one star; the one who doesn’t get a star leaves. Then the game continues, each time one star is removed from the playing field along with the participant. And whoever takes the last one keeps it. And if this is an already retired participant in the main game, then he can give his “star loot” to a friend.

4th round Final

In the final there are 2 people who have the most stars. The paired number of stars is removed. The chance to win increases for the participant who has stars left. An important role is given to the fact that if you are a kind person, you have many friends, and if you have friends, then they will give their stars to you.

All children are asked to assemble a word from the “scattered” letters:


Then, in time, the finalists are asked, on the contrary, using only these letters, to form as many other words as possible that answer the question what? And again friendship comes to the rescue! The finalist can invite his friend to be his assistant (one head is good, but two is better).

The one with the most words wins!

When summing up the final results, the stars help. They can be used instead of a word (if the player has already run out of composed words).

Leading: Your finest hour has come! This happened thanks to your knowledge, your efforts and desire for this victory. Your true friends were there and supported you in difficult times. We congratulate you and wish that you will always have reliable and loyal friends nearby in your life, and that this finest hour will be just a stepping stone to great victories and achievements!

(The winner is given the floor. He can say everything he dreams of, what he wants. He can say what he doesn’t like and wants to change it.)

Leading: But there is such a fairy-tale hero who is very lucky. He was lazy, he didn’t want to do anything, not even get off the stove, and that was laziness. But in the fairy tale there was a magic pike that fulfilled all his wishes. Guess who it is? EMELYA.

So Emelya “came” to us today, but not empty-handed! Although he is lazy, he has a kind soul! (Emelya appears on the stove, we take out treats from the stove, drink tea and share our impressions)

Goals: The use of intellectual games to create favorable conditions for the development of each individual capable of achieving success in intellectual work.


  1. Create conditions for self-knowledge and self-realization.
  2. Stimulate the development of children's intellectual and cognitive abilities.
  3. Develop a respectful attitude towards each other while working as a team.
  4. Develop children's creative activity.

Game participants:

4 teams participate in the game. The members of each team are united by their date of birth. The first team contains guys who were born in the fall, the second - in the winter, the third - in the spring, and the fourth - in the summer.

Team members come up with a team name and choose a captain.


  1. Multimedia equipment.
  2. Personal Computer.
  3. Multimedia presentation.
  4. Signal cards.
  5. Evaluation paper.
  6. Stopwatch.
  7. Gong.
  8. Certificates and prizes
  9. "Cap of the Wise"

Game description

This game is a team game and is designed for 3rd grade students. There are 4 rounds in the game.

I round

I round contains questions of 4 categories of knowledge, which are graded from 1 to 4 points:

ART 1 2 3 4

Teams are given 15 seconds to discuss the issue. The referee monitors the execution time of the task.

The first team to answer is the one that raised the signal card the fastest. If a team gives an incorrect answer, the right to answer goes to the team that raised the signal card next. For every correct answer the team receives the number of points that corresponds to the question in the table. For every wrong The team's answer is deducted the corresponding number of points. The right to choose the next question is given to the team that answered the previous question correctly.

The scoring is carried out counting commission consisting of 4 people. Each member of the commission monitors one team and counts the number of points scored by this team.

The same rules are used during the second round of the game.

2nd round

SPORTLANDIA 10 20 30 40
MOVE THE WIND 10 20 30 40

Several questions of the 1st and 2nd rounds belong to the “Pig in a poke” category and to the “Question-auction” category. Participants in the game do not know in advance which field these questions are in.

If during the game the team gets a question from the category "Pig in a poke" then the team gives the right to answer this question to its opponents in the intellectual game.

If during the game the team gets "Question - auction" The right answer goes to the team that offers the highest “price”. Only those teams with a positive number of points can “bargain”.

III round

IN III round private traders solve a crossword puzzle. For each correct answer, the team receives 5 points.

Only teams with positive points qualify for the finals.

The final

Before the start of the final each team makes bets, that is, they write down the number of points on the cards, which are set as a bet and handed over to the counting commission.

In the final Teams must create new words from the letters of the word SNOW Maiden. The task completion time is 1 minute. The team with the most words wins. The number of points that the team declared in the bet is credited to the account of this team. The points stated in the bet are deducted from the score of the remaining teams.

Winner of the game The team that has the most points left after the final is considered.

At the end of the game, certificates and prizes are awarded to the participants of the winning team of the game, the best player is identified and awarded the “Cap of the Wise”


I. Organizational moment:

1 student:

If you want to build a bridge
Watch the movement of the stars
Drive a machine in the field
Or drive the car up -
Do a good job at school
Study conscientiously.

2nd student:

We don't go to school in vain,
It’s impossible without science!
You will enter life illiterate
You'll be gone in a minute.
To avoid mistakes,
You need to develop your mind.
You can check it in the game
Will it be easy or difficult?

II. Dear team members, now you must come up with a name for your team and choose a captain.

(players come up with a team name)

The children's world is unique. He has his own vocabulary, his own norms, his own codes of honor and fun. These are signs of a magical land called “The Game”. This country is incredibly pleasing, captivates children, fills all their time and is a very important matter. Kids live and develop through play. And not just kids. The game captivates everyone with its attractive romance, magic and uniqueness. There is an opinion that every generation is addicted to its own games. And it is true. Time changes, culture changes, the game changes. Today, a new direction has been formed, called “Intellectual Game for Children”.

These games help talented, unusually erudite children, for whom science, new knowledge, and diversity of creativity are of paramount importance, to open up. Unlike scientific conferences, various Olympiads and electives, intellectual play for children turns serious activity into a colorful spectacle, an exciting competition, and a vibrant holiday. Therefore, such games are liked not only by children. Teenagers and students take part in them with pleasure. And even adults, interested in the game, join in with pleasure.

Proper organization of rest is of great importance. Mental stress and the cold season greatly deplete the physical and psychological state of the child. Therefore, in the summer you simply need to relax. Only intellectual play in the camp can competently organize the process of creative self-realization and enrichment with additional knowledge. Such games are creative activities in which children demonstrate their understanding of life, reveal thoughts, aspirations, and sometimes feelings.

Examples of games

"Complicated answer"

One of the children (the chosen leader) asks very simple questions that require the answers “Yes” and “No”. The remaining participants in the game must give an answer, while using the words “Yes” and “No” is strictly prohibited.


All children are divided into two teams. The counselor or teacher reveals a certain topic to the children. The first team must assert, trying to prove with known facts, and the second, on the contrary, must find facts to prove the opposite side.

"Make a proverb"

Children are given pieces of paper with two words written on them. From these words you need to make a proverb. For example, the words: light - darkness. The child who is the first to correctly voice the well-known proverb wins.

All children love fairy tales. That is why in Soviet times all camps held a competition for the best theatrical performance of famous fairy tales. Today's children do not really like to participate in such performances. Therefore, an intellectual game for children, including many different fairy tales, will be very useful.

Scenario of the game "World of Fairy Tales"

In such a game, there are supposed to be four teams-squads.

Competition 1

Any fairy tale is called. You need to name a new one for the last letter of this fairy tale. The action takes place in a circle. The team that does not select the required fairy tale name within 5 seconds is eliminated from participation.

Competition 2

It is necessary to come up with an ode of praise to anyone. All teams are given prepared rhymes:

jackdaw - stick,
sock - sand.

Competition 3

Think through and dramatize the meeting of three completely different characters. For example, such as:

  • The Little Humpbacked Horse, Aladdin, Baba Yaga.
  • The Little Mermaid, Old Man Hottabych, Winnie the Pooh.
  • Serpent Gorynych, Cinderella, Mowgli.
  • Little Red Riding Hood, Piglet.

Competition 4

The captains draw lots. Each team gets its own fairy tale. Without using words, using only pantomime, the team must demonstrate a fairy tale so that the audience can guess its name. Fairy tale options:

  • “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Chicken Ryaba”, “Kolobok”.

Competition 5

Think over and dramatize a short fairy tale in which three magical objects will be used: a self-assembled tablecloth, a flying carpet, and a magic mirror.

Competition 6

To dramatize the famous fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” in the national style. You can use African style, Indian, English. This action takes into account the selection of appropriate animals, the transfer of color, imitation of style and even accent.

This scenario of intellectual play can be supplemented with competitions if the children get excited. To do this, you need to prepare several additional competitions in advance. At the end, of course, the results are summed up and the winners are awarded as the best storytellers.

There is some annoying stereotype in the world - creative development is aimed at the development of young children or primary schoolchildren. Often, schools and camps carefully select intellectual games for primary schoolchildren. But teenagers and high school students also need to develop creative and creative potential. That is why invite older children to create an intellectual games club. Get them interested not only in the games themselves, but also in planning work with younger children.

Several games that high school students will enjoy are brought to your attention.

Games for older children

"Theater of Abbreviations"

The game requires excellent acting skills.

One of the players goes out the door. The rest come up with a word. The letters of this word are distributed among the playing children. Each letter characterizes a type of behavior. For example, “z” is envy, “o” is mischief. When the host enters the room, the players must show him pantomimes. It is necessary to determine what character trait is being demonstrated to him, and form the correct word from the resulting letters.

"Ocean is shaking"

All players come up with one word and call them out loud in turn. The player who concludes this chain says his word and takes on the role of narrator. He begins to tell a fictitious story, in which it is necessary to coherently include all the words named by the players. The player whose word was spoken must leave the chain and move away from his place. The storyteller needs to confuse the players with his narrative. For example, not saying any of the players’ words for a long time, and then saying several words at once. The story should end with the phrase “the sea is agitated.” This phrase is a signal by which all players strive to return to their places. The one who did not have time becomes the storyteller.

Valentina Krutakova
Intellectual game for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren “I want to know everything!”


To develop cognitive skills in students interest,

Develop reaction speed, memory, thinking, logic, speech,

Contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary,

Find out the level of awareness and knowledge of children in different areas,

Expand your horizons and ideas about the world around you,

Contribute to team unity, create a good mood among children, organize leisure time, gain knowledge,

Learn to work in teams and pairs.

Equipment: tokens for each participant, game winner ribbon « Want to know everything» or a certificate, sweet and consolation prizes for all the children, cards with labyrinths, cards with images of various shadows and fragments.

The presenter invites the children to complete various tasks, answer questions, and based on the results of each competition - tasks, the child is given 1 token. At the end of the game, each player's tokens are tallied and a winner is determined. For junior The children are asked simple questions, the older children are asked more difficult questions, the answers need to be justified.

Progress of the lesson:

(leader - teacher)

Hello guys. Today we will spend interesting game, it is called « Want to know everything. This the game is called intellectual, requires speed of reaction, attention, memory, brain function and your mental development in general.

You will be offered various tasks that you will need to complete. We will test your knowledge in different areas, based on the results of their implementation we will find out connoisseur, the most erudite of you.

So are you ready find out the wisest erudite among you? Then let's begin! First, let's learn the chant and everyone loudly, in unison, let's shout:

We are intelligent!

We are friendly!

We are attentive!

We are diligent!

We are learning a lot!

And we will succeed!

Exercise 1. Fairy tale connoisseurs

I'll start, and you finish,

Just answer in rhyme!

In a fairy tale, the horse is not an ordinary one:

Miracle - golden mane,

He carries the boy through the mountains,

There's no way he'll be reset.

The horse has a son -

Amazing horse

Amazing horse

By nickname (hunchback)

He trembled before the wolf,

Ran away from the bear

And the fox's teeth

Gotcha anyway (gingerbread man)

About a cozy house

We'll start a conversation.

There's a rich person there

I lived there and drank tea.

She drank tea and chewed baked goods.

Unfortunately, the person

The entire house burned down.

Well, think a little...

That's right, it's auntie (cat)

In the rivers of Africa for a long time

An evil log floats.

Whoever swam to meet,

Will swallow everyone (crocodile)

The enemy of people and the enemy of animals

Evil robber (Barmaley)

He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals.

And one day a hippopotamus

He took it out of the swamp.

Famous for kindness

This is the doctor (Aibolit)

His owner is the boy Robin,

His friend is Piglet.

He was once like a cloud;

He is simple, but he is not a fool.

For him, a walk is a holiday,

And he has a special nose for honey.

This is a plush prankster

Teddy Bear (Winnie the Pooh)

He is familiar to all small children,

Everyone loves him

But there are no such people in the whole world

You won't find any.

He is not a lion, not an elephant, not a bird,

Not a tiger cub, not a tit,

Not a kitten, not a puppy,

Not a wolf cub, not a marmot.

But filmed for film

And everyone has known for a long time

This cute little face

And it's called (Cheburashka).

Well done guys, you completed the task correctly. Everyone who answered the questions receives a token. And now we will find out which of you is the smartest.

Task 2. Questions for ingenuity, ingenuity.

1. Cook two sausages for 6 minutes. How long will it take eight of the same sausages to cook? (6 minutes).

2. A woman was walking to Moscow and met three men. Each of them carried a bag, in each bag a cat. How many creatures went to Moscow? (1 woman).

3. Five light bulbs burned dimly in the chandelier. The doors slammed and two burned out. You need to do the most a little: Tell me how many lamps are left? (five).

4. How many teeth does an adult have? (32) .

5. How to speak correctly: "Fishes have no teeth", "Fishes have no teeth", "Fishes don't have teeth"? (fish have teeth).

6. Which fish has eyes on one side? (at flounder).

7. Where are endangered animals taken? (to the Red Book).

8. A and B were sitting on the pipe. A fell, B disappeared, what’s left on the pipe? (And).

9. How many suns are there in the sky? (1) .

10. How many fingers does a person have? (20. 5 on each arm, 5 on each leg).

12. Remember and name proverbs about health. ( "In a healthy body healthy mind", “Cleanliness is the key to health”, “You can’t buy health, it’s the mind that gives it” and etc.).

13. What can kill a horse? (a drop of nicotine).

14. Which is heavier: 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron? (same).

15. There were 3 glasses with cherries on the table. Petya ate the cherry from 1 glass and put it back on the table. How many glasses are left? (3) .

16. If a rooster lays an egg, who will get it? (to no one, the rooster does not lay eggs).

17. Name 5 days of the week without calling them by name (the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow).

18. In which month does chatty Mashenka speak the least? (in February, because February has 28 days).

19. How many giraffes swim in the Black Sea? (not at all, giraffes don't swim).

20. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, the ostrich can't talk).

Well done guys, they tried to answer the questions correctly.

And now I invite you to go through the maze, see who is faster.

Task 3. Go through the maze

On the table in front of you there are cards with labyrinths, you need to go through them as quickly as possible. Children go through the maze on cards and mark the path to the exit from the maze. Whoever completes the task faster and better receives a token.

Well done, you did a good job. Now let’s check how you can solve riddles.

Task 4. Riddles

A board on a rope is no worse than a horse,

Gives everyone a ride on the playground. (swing)

From - under the roof the roof

I went out for a walk in the rain. (umbrella)

Round, smooth like a watermelon

Any color, for different tastes,

If you let me off the leash,

He will fly away into the clouds. (balloon)

If you hit the wall, I'll jump

Throw you to the ground, and I'll bounce back,

I'm flying from palm to palm,

I can’t lie still Want. (ball)

What artist put this on the windows?

And castings, and grass, and thickets of roses? (freezing)

One speaks, two look, two listen. (tongue, eyes, ears).

Sisters grow in the meadows,

They have a golden eye and white eyelashes. (daisies)

Under the pines, under the fir trees

There is a bag of needles. (hedgehog)

Multi-colored rocker

It hung across the river. (rainbow)

A hundred clothes and all without fasteners. (cabbage)

Everyone loves him, but when they look at him, everyone winces. (Sun)

Walks in summer, rests in winter. (bear)

Who is in the forest without axes

Builds a hut without corners? (ants)

No hands, no axe

A hut has been built. (nest)

Well done guys, you know how to solve riddles, now take a little rest. You need to find the corresponding fragment or shadow on the cards and insert the desired fragment into the drawing.

Task 6. Match by shadow, fragment

In front of the children are cards with drawn vessels and different thematic pictures. Some parts of the pictures on each card are missing some details. The children’s task is to find and insert the necessary details, shadows, and fragments into the missing places.

Well done guys, you completed the task quickly and correctly. Now let's let's play, let's rest. Do you know what an echo is? Imagine that you are an echo. I will say phrases, and you must repeat these phrases exactly after me, word for word.

Task 7. Synchronized echo

Get ready, kids /ra, ra/,

Ongoing game /ra, ra/,

Clap your hands more cheerfully /lei, lei/,

Don’t spare your palms /lei, lei/,

What time is it? /hour, hour/,

What is two and two? /two, two/,

My head is spinning /va, va/,

Is it an ear or a nose? /nose, nose/, (show ear)

Or maybe a cart of hay? /cart, cart/,

Is it an ear or an eye? /eye, eye/, (show ear)

But what do we have here? /us, us/, (point to knee)

How does the rooster crow in the village? /uh, uh/,

Are you always good and obedient? /Yes Yes/,

Or only sometimes? /Yes Yes/,

Are you tired of answering? /chat, chat/,

I give you permission to shut up /chat, chat/,

This is the end of our game /re, re/,

And thank you, kids! /re, re/.

Well done, guys, they were able to become a real echo, a friendly and cohesive team. During the game, you tried to help each other, support and encourage each other.

Lesson summary:

Here comes our mind game to the end, you all tried your best and coped well with the proposed tasks. What did you learn that was new to you, what did you learn? Thank you for a good game, your knowledge! Try to continue to study well, be attentive in class, observe what is happening around you, the world around you and its changes, and try to become educated, cultural and intellectually developed people!

Now we will count all your tokens that you have earned from our game « Want to know everything, let's find out which of you has become the most erudite, smart, intellectual(counting tokens). And now we will hold the awards ceremony. Became the smartest (became (name, surname of the child - winner). He is awarded a winner's ribbon, a certificate of honor, and all participants are given sweet incentive prizes. Thank you all, see you again at our games and activities.

Intellectual games are very effective for developing mental abilities in schoolchildren. There are a lot of such games.

You can come up with intellectual games for children and primary schoolchildren yourself, or you can use existing games. In any case, there are benefits from such games.

Let's look at some of the already existing intellectual games.

The game is an intelligent casino AZ AND YA.

This game is notable for the fact that it can be interpreted using any country, state, oceans and much more.

Although you will have to tinker a little to find some names, questions and characteristics. The essence of this game is to consolidate knowledge about a country, state, in this case about Asia.

This game includes 4 rounds, tasks that are given to all teams. Answers should be written on paper, then spoken out after a certain time has passed (for example, 60 seconds).

  • First tour. The point is to correctly answer questions about Asia (A Z I Z, consists of 4 letters, which means there will be 4 questions each). Questions about the country should be those that were studied in class. For each correct answer, the team receives a letter (from the word Asia).
  • Second round. List the names of rivers, attractions..., what was studied in lessons about this country. For each correct answer - 5 points.
  • The third round is called the “intellectual casino”, where it is necessary to ask questions about the country, the answers to which the children should have known from the completed program. For each correct answer - 5, 10, 15 points (the number of points depends on the complexity of the question, where the teacher determines the complexity when composing the questions). Make up 3-4 questions of each difficulty.
  • The fourth round is called the “bluff club”. Logic and attentiveness questions are asked here (questions containing a correct or incorrect answer). You need to answer “yes” or “no”, and explain if necessary. For example, the question: Is Tashkent the capital of Asia? The answer is no, Asia does not have a capital, it is not a state.

The game is over, the knowledge is consolidated, there are winners. Incentives are at your discretion.

Competition, make up a word from a phrase or another word

This game is interesting for schoolchildren of any age. It is necessary to create as many nouns as possible from the letters of a word or phrase, and each letter can be used only once.

This task can be made more complicated, for example, by composing English words from an English word. For example, the word parallelepiped.

We make up the words: steam, ice, parade, paw, blanket...

Anagram Competition

This is where having two or more existing words, it is necessary to create one, for example cities.

  1. hundred and ditch - the word ROSTOV,
  2. fox and loach – the word VILNIUS,
  3. floor and cotton wool - POLTAVA...

And if you want to teach your child how to make words from a big word count.

Mosaics and constructors

They develop the logic of mosaic games well.

Various constructors:

  1. lego,
  2. wooden,
  3. iron...

Journal assignments

Magazines that develop logic and thinking, which contain tasks such as:

  1. puzzles,
  2. puzzles,
  3. Crosswords,
  4. complete the picture
  5. Find differences,
  6. and others.

These are just a few of the many games that exist. Most of them can be developed by bringing something of your own into them.

You can come up with many games yourself, it’s not difficult at all, the main thing is to focus on the age of your children (schoolchildren). In any case, it doesn’t matter whether you use classic existing games or your own invented ones.

There will definitely be an effect, thanks to many of these games, children not only develop mentally, but also learn to work in a team.
By playing you can become smarter!

Whatever the children play,
Whatever they are asked,
There's only one thing you need to understand,
All games must be played wisely.

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