How to teach your child English. How to teach your child English on your own. Ability to speak English

Consultation for parents "How to start learning English at home with children?"

Ivacheva Yulia Alekseevna, English teacher, State Public Enterprise "Nursery-Garden" Bobek", Kazakhstan, Shchuchinsk.
Description: This material will help parents teach their children English at home.
Target: help parents find an approach to teaching English to their children at home, captivate them, and create an environment.

Many parents would like to start teaching their children English at home on their own, but do not know how to start. If your English is not perfect, this is not a reason to refuse to study. The main thing here is your enthusiasm and support.
Don't worry if your child doesn't immediately repeat or remember the words. He needs time to understand, remember and apply them in the future. Be patient and your child will start speaking English words in his free time.
Create a training schedule.
Choose a time to study. It is best if these are several short sessions (10-15 minutes) during the day. You can gradually increase the time of classes as the child gets older and more diligent. Let the classes be short, but interesting, fun, and educational. Try to do certain activities at the same time every day. Children feel comfortable and confident when they know what to expect. For example, you play an English game every day after kindergarten or school, or read an English fairy tale to your child before bed.
If you have free space at home, create it English corner, where you will store everything related to learning English, such as books, games, DVDs or things the kids have made.

Children learn easily when they are having fun. Flashcards with illustrations are the best way to learn words. There are many games you can play using cards. You can also play English games on your computer.
Use everyday situations.
The advantage of learning English at home is that you can use everyday situations and real things around the house to practice the language fluently. For example: talking about clothes when the child is getting dressed, or when you are putting away toys. Study the vocabulary on the topic “Food”. When you go to the store, give your child a list of things to find (use flashcards or age-appropriate words). Repeat the words as you sort through your purchases at home.
Read fairy tales, discuss.
Children love bright colored books with attractive illustrations. Look at the pictures together and name them in English. Then ask the child to show what you called in English “Where is the cat?” . Ask your child to describe the object using simple adjectives “a big cat.” Read a short story in English, you can choose a poem in English consisting of simple phrases “Little Mouse, Little Mouse, where is your house? I’m a poor Mouse, I have no house.” Ask your child what familiar words he heard when you read the story to him. By listening to English speech, the child will learn the sounds and rhythm of the English language.
Use songs.
Songs is a truly effective way to learn new words and improve pronunciation. Songs with actions are especially good for very young children as they can participate even if they can't sing the song yet. The meaning of the words in a song can be shown through movements.
What about grammar?
Young children do not have any pressing need to learn the rules of grammar, but instead need to be taught to listen and use different grammatical structures in context, such as “Have got” when talking about someone's appearance, or “Must/mustn't” when speaking about their school rules. Hearing grammar used in context from an early age will help your child use it fluently and correctly when they are older.
Older children find it more interesting to learn English with siblings or other family members. You can come up with a situation that requires dialogue between children, organize a competition or role-playing game.
What words and phrases should you learn first?
Consider your child's interests and personality, decide what topics to study, and let your child help you choose. You can start with some of these those:
numbers (1–10; 10–20; 20–100)
adjectives (eg big, small, tall, happy, sad, tired)
animals (eg pets, wild animals)

It is also important for your child to get used to the “English time” mode of English lessons. Use the same phrases with your child every time, for example, “English time!” Let's sit down. Thank you; Can I have...?; Where is...?; Point to...; What color is it?; It's...; I like...; I don’t like…. This is a…”.
When teaching your child, remember that the main thing is to relax, have fun and make learning English an enjoyable experience for you and your child.

Modern parents, who care about the bright future of their children, are increasingly faced with the following question: when, how and where to start learning English with their child?

And not without reason, because knowledge of a foreign language, especially English, makes dreams of such a future closer.

English language: when to start?

You can start learning a language at any age, but the most favorable period is the age from 1.5 to 9-10 years. In this fairly wide time period, the child’s involuntary memory is best developed. He is able to remember everything “on the fly,” as they say, on an intuitive level, without making much effort.

There are methods that allow you to start learning from the cradle, even when the baby does not speak his native language. It has been proven that any early learning of foreign languages ​​bears fruit. Psychologists believe that such a child is truly ahead of his peers in his mental development. But not in an emotional way, so in your desire to raise a genius, do not forget that every child needs a carefree and joyful childhood, and he needs live communication and a smile more than a perfect knowledge of the English alphabet at 2 years old.

Children's language abilities

Does the child have the ability to learn languages? Will time and effort be wasted? Imagine: the baby is already drawing a little with pencils. Will he be able to paint with a brush and paints? Naturally! After all, he is already drawing. So it is with language. The baby is already beginning to communicate in his native language, which means he has a talent for languages! Of course, for perfect command of a foreign language, specific talents are required, as in any other fields of science and art. But if we are talking about learning a language to expand their general horizons in order to have a strong foundation for the further development of language skills and abilities, any child can do this.

What skills should a child have to start learning English?

To learn foreign languages, every child must be able to listen, see, repeat (at least in his own way), draw, run, crawl, jump, etc. A foreign language with small children is always a game. And any child can play. Important: he must know in his native language what he has to learn in English! You should not learn colors in English if your child does not understand them yet.

How and where to study English

You can study a language at home, with your parents, or in a children's studio, or invite a nanny-tutor who speaks a foreign language. It makes sense to send a child to a children's studio if he is 4-5 years old or older. At this age, learning in a team will be beneficial. Young children under 3 years old, as a rule, have not yet acquired the skills of playing together or fully communicating with peers, so it is better to study with them at home.

If at least one of the parents has a conversational level of language proficiency, the best option would be to communicate with the baby from birth in two languages. For example, an English-speaking father and a Russian-speaking mother. Growing up in a linguistic environment, a child quickly acquires communication skills in a foreign language. In this case, both languages ​​will be native to the baby.

Do mom and dad only remember a couple of words and phrases from the school English course, or have they studied another language before? Not scary. There are textbooks for kids and their parents with detailed methodological tips and pronunciation instructions. There are many Internet sites where you can download audio recordings in English and texts for them absolutely free. And parents are given a wonderful opportunity to learn English themselves and teach their child.

English from scratch for children: where to start?

It makes no sense for young children to start learning a language from the alphabet. Especially if they have not yet mastered the technique of reading in their native language. The main goal of parents should be: to instill in their child an interest and love for a foreign language, and then expect great results.

Based on this goal, you need to start with what arouses the baby’s interest. The theme “Animals”, “Toys”, “Household Items” will be a great start. It is convenient to use visual aids - cards for teaching children a language. You can buy them or make them yourself in accordance with the child’s level of knowledge and interests.

It’s not a bad idea to look at books, even if they’re in Russian. The main thing is to name what is shown in the pictures in English. In addition to nouns denoting objects and animals, you need to teach the child during normal communication the most common verbs and verb phrases, such as give me, take, come to me, look at, etc. Cartoons, songs, poems in English will develop the child’s linguistic hearing .

Training should be unobtrusive and the child should like it. The duration of classes is from 5 to 15 minutes. The younger the child, the shorter the lesson. It is important to finish your “lesson” before your child gets tired and starts to get distracted, so that he wants to return to this type of activity again.

How to teach a child to think in English

There are different methods and different approaches to teaching children foreign languages. Some classical methods have a strong theoretical basis. It is described in detail in scientific works, pedagogical monographs and works. In its pure form, the step-by-step learning of English “from words to grammar” was used in Soviet schools. Most private English courses for children and tutors follow this method. In practice, all this theoretical baggage turns out to be not very effective.

English for children, especially the little ones, should be fun! It should not become a subject of study and cramming, but a full-fledged means of communication. What method has proven to be so effective that just 3-6 months after the start, the guys not only speak fluently in a foreign language, but also think in it?

An innovative method for teaching English to children in Russia is the communicative approach. In essence, it is practical communication with a native speaker or teacher who is fluent in English. The main focus is on speaking and listening. The technique is known and successfully used in the West. In Russia, the pioneer (and monopolist) of innovative technology was the network of Children's Language Centers "Polyglotiki", which has existed since 2006. This unique author’s technique was first used by the founder of the Polyglotics centers in the cultural capital of St. Petersburg and was a stunning success. Today "Polyglotiki" is an international network with 60 branches in dozens of different cities in Russia and neighboring countries.

All English language courses for children offered at the Centers for study from 2 to 12 years of age are based on communicative methods with elements of the classical approach. Maximum immersion in a foreign language environment naturally stimulates bilingualism in a child, and not only... After all, he learns both the basics of the language itself and begins to easily understand mathematics, natural sciences, literature and creative tasks in English. This means it is developing comprehensively!

The main goal of Polyglot teachers is to teach a child to perceive language, speak, and then think in it. No mechanical repetitions! Only improvised game tasks in English, creative skits, demonstrations, musical and cartoon shows, colorful cards and posters, gestures, facial expressions and communication with a native speaker. This is how English for children develops not only memory, but also intelligence and logic! And new knowledge contributes to the development of mental abilities and successful further education of children in Russian and foreign schools.

You need to return to English lessons at least 3 times a week so that the acquired knowledge is firmly entrenched. And, of course, this new “English game” for the child should bring him joy and pleasure!

Psychologists have proven that learning foreign languages ​​is much easier for children than for adults. Some experts believe that the most successful age is from 4 to 8 years old, others are sure that from 1.5 to 7. Be that as it may, many parents think about how to teach their child English - one of the most common languages ​​in the world.

The choice of teaching methods depends on the age of your child, on whether you (or someone in your family) knows enough English to speak it, and on how much time and effort you are willing to spend on classes.

What to choose: classes at home or in a group?

Many teachers agree that communicating in English is the ideal way to teach a child the language. For example, my mother constantly speaks English at home, and my father speaks Russian. The only condition is that until the child is four years old, do not change roles, otherwise you will confuse him. This is truly one of the most effective ways, if you do not speak English enough to be able to talk to your child at least about everyday topics - take English courses. The effort spent will pay off handsomely. As a result, a bilingual child will grow up who will be equally fluent in both languages, will be able to communicate in either language and easily switch between them.

If no one at home speaks the language, then you can hire a nanny or tutor who will communicate with the child exclusively in English. If we are talking about a child over four years old, then it is better to find a tutor who has lived for some time in an English-speaking country.

You can also prepare small activities yourself and conduct them regularly for your child. This method has a drawback: your son or daughter perceives you as a parent, a family member, and may simply refuse to study. Coping with this obstacle can be difficult; you need to prepare for lessons very carefully, find or invent games that will delight the child and will not get boring for a long time. Forcing a child will not work, and if it does, you may discourage any desire to study.

The third option is to take your child to a group. The effectiveness of this method depends almost entirely on the teacher. Moreover, it does not matter whether he graduated from a pedagogical university. His knowledge of English may be limited to the “children's program” - the main thing is that he loves children and knows how to interest them.

Whatever option you choose to educate your child (except for creating a language environment), classes should not last more than three hours a week.

Principles of teaching a child English

There are three principles that will help you achieve good results when learning English with your child:

1. Consistency.

Do not rush to teach your child the intricacies of grammar and spelling if you have even the slightest doubt that he is ready for this. If you do not use any tutorials and create the program yourself, you should pay special attention to presenting the material sequentially. Although practice shows that it is still better to use good textbooks, a plan drawn up by a professional philologist will be more effective.

2. Naturalness.

Many parents are sure that there is no need to start classes with a child under five years old, they should wait until he goes to school, otherwise these lessons “take away the child’s childhood.” In fact, if classes are organized correctly, they will proceed naturally - and the child will not feel any learning pressure.

3. Persistence.

Perhaps not everything will go as smoothly as you would like. If your child doesn’t like a certain technique, put off the lessons for a while, and then try to interest him in the language in a different way.

Teaching methods for children

When choosing a method of learning English, pay attention to what age it is intended for.

1. Game technique Both children and teachers like it, it is interesting and effective. The idea is simple: the teacher conducts games during which children improve their language skills.

Advantages of the technique: it is adaptable for any age (from one year), with its help you can develop both oral speech and knowledge of grammar, spelling, etc.

2. Zaitsev's technique Suitable for children from three years old. Recently it was adapted for learning English - you can now see English letters on the famous Zaitsev cubes.

3. Methodology Glen Doman designed for babies: they are designed for the child’s visual memory, so that pictures and words written on them will be remembered and will simplify learning to read and write in the future. These cards can be made yourself: Glen Doman gave clear recommendations in his books. The cards can be used not only with infants, but also with children up to middle school age.

4. Project methodology Suitable for children aged 4-5 years. The teacher chooses a topic and devotes a series of lessons to it. He offers different types of activities, with the help of which the children learn something interesting about the topic of the project, and gives tasks for independent work (or with parents, depending on age). For the final lesson, children bring creative, large-scale works for their age on a given topic.

5. Mixed methodology- in it you, at your own discretion, combine other methods, play games with your child, learn songs, develop projects, etc. The main advantage of the technique is diversity. It will be easier for you to interest your baby; he will never know in advance what you will do today.

When should you start teaching your child a language?

If you decide to take your child’s education seriously and have agreed with your other half to speak two languages ​​at home (or hire a nanny for this), you can start today. There are no age restrictions.

Have you decided to take your child to a group or study at home? Start no earlier than 4-5 years. By the time classes begin, the child should have developed a linguistic picture of his native language, he should have a sufficient vocabulary. If you start explaining to a child that “house” means “house”, and he does not know what “house” is, the effectiveness of the lesson will be zero.

Good luck to you and your children!

Everyone wants their child to speak English by the time he goes to school, the only question is what type of education to choose, where to take him, how much money to pay?

What if I tell you that you can not take anyone anywhere, not pay anyone at all, and still get the best result? Will you believe it?

What is the best result? This is when your child can communicate in English and feels comfortable in the presence of English-speaking peers. Our Russian language teaching system, unfortunately, for a long time was structured in such a way that the best result was not achieved either at the end of school or at the end of university. So it's hard to believe.

English from 1 year

Today there are quite a lot of studios or just individual aunties who teach English to children from almost six months old. What do I think about this? This is a rest for mom, an opportunity to relax for half an hour - an hour while someone else plays with your child. And this is very good. But in principle, any play and developmental activities, in the studio or even with a nanny, will give the same effect. In my deep conviction, it makes sense to start learning English no earlier than you have mastered your native language at the level of free communication. If a child speaks well at 2 years old, it is possible from two, if at three, then from three, or even four. The same 50-100 words that you, having spent a lot of money and time, learn in a year, your child will later, when speech skills are formed, be able to master in a week or month.

What about bilingual children, you say? Well, firstly, it is generally more difficult for such children, because they need to master two languages ​​at once. There are opinions that they begin to speak later and at first mix languages. In my opinion, there is no point in burdening a child if there is no family member in the house who constantly speaks only a foreign language. Two to three classes a week and bilingualism have nothing in common. *This paragraph expresses solely the position of the author, not supported by any facts.

At what age do you start learning English?

To be honest, I myself have always considered this question to be unimportant. I started learning English at school at the age of 10, and only in the 9th grade did I start doing it consciously, signing up with a tutor for 1-2 lessons a week. In two or three years I learned the language and entered the language department of a university, on a budget, where I was terribly bored studying, since I learned almost nothing new there. Out of boredom, I became interested in economics, but more on that later. But my husband started learning English in kindergarten, and is still learning, like many of my friends. So the rule doesn’t work with language: the sooner you start, the sooner you learn. The result here depends on the abilities, motivation and quality of teaching.

So I thought that I would not bother children with English from an early age, because the language can be learned very quickly, if you have the ability.

Destroying myths

Language schools will tell you that anyone can learn a language. And that’s right, because this is their bread, I would say so too. But still, as with singing, hearing and voice are either there or not. You can always get some result, but a quick and brilliant result depends entirely on the presence of a predisposition to languages.

So, how did it happen that I started studying English with my children (I have twins) from the age of two and a half?

First reason simple: having nothing to do. At 2.5 years old they are not yet enrolled in kindergarten, activity is already off the charts, and from constantly staying at home with their mother, both the children and mother begin to go crazy. To prevent the house from being torn to smithereens, you need to constantly come up with some activities. I am not a preschool teacher, I have no pronounced inclinations towards this, and all this is difficult for me. To be honest, naming objects in English seemed to me at that time a rather harmless developmental activity. True, I had no idea then what all this could lead to. And this can lead to the fact that in six months or a year your child tugs at your hem and says: Mom, let’s talk in English!

One day we just took a bag of multi-colored hair ties, and I began to name their colors in English.

Myth or reality: Children at this age really learn new words very easily and remember them the first time.

Then I found funny cartoons about colors on the Internet, like these:

You need to look for original cartoons, that is, formulate your request in English: English colors for kids, English for kids, English for children.

When trying to find domestic training videos, I came across Piggy and Stepashka, as well as a lot of other content, which personally disappointed me very much.

The second reason- Dora the explorer. I don’t know why, but at that time children simply adored the cartoon, and still enjoy watching it. And then one day I hear a person voicing a cartoon, obviously far from the English language, referring to a circle, say: sackl. I shuddered slightly, and the child repeated: sackl. That's all. We could not forget this spoiled word for about a year. At that moment, I decided that it was better to take responsibility and teach the children on my own.

But I didn’t know how to teach children on my own, because I repeat, I have almost nothing to do with pedagogy (I studied to be a translator, not an English teacher, and I never worked in my specialty for a day). I have never taught children; my work has almost nothing to do with a foreign language. I teach economic disciplines to adults at a business school and to students at a university, although sometimes I teach special courses on logistics in English for masters.

Where to start learning English?

I think in this matter you need to adhere to the same logic as in learning your native language. That is, from words, of course. How do you teach your baby to talk? Name the objects and ask him to repeat. Having learned colors with the help of colored rubber bands, we moved on to animals (and there are a lot of children's books with animals and various figures at home). Then they began to name toys, pieces of furniture, dishes, in general, everything that came to hand. This stage is the simplest. The words are easy to remember, children find it interesting, and here the mother does not need good language training at all. After all, even a mother with an average level of English can name a doll, a ball, or a mouse. And if you don't know something, Google can help you! He will not only show the translation, but also pronounce it. Even at this stage, the children periodically confused me with questions. We could lie awake until midnight, asking how to say panties, braid, pot, cottage cheese in English???

This stage is also the cheapest, because no teaching material is required to memorize words. You already have everything: books, toys, objects around you, and an online dictionary that will tell you the correct pronunciation (thank God, these days you can forget about such concepts as a paper dictionary and transcription).

All you need for the first step:

It’s better, of course, if you don’t just name the word, but name it using interrogative sentences:

What is it? - It's a dog.

What color is it? - It's brown.

You ask, and the child answers (either himself or repeats after you). So we are already starting to speak in small sentences.

Over time, you can make it a little more complicated:

Is it a cat or a dog? - It's a dog.

Is it pink or brown? - It's brown.

Do you find this difficult? Just watch videos with your child where foreigners do this. This young man named Matt helps children learn words, plays the guitar and sings funnier songs. By the way, I first heard about him here, on the Yu-Mom forum (the channel is called Dream English Kids).

Myth or reality: Doman cards really work. Oddly enough, words are actually remembered faster when you show cards. Cards for babies that are used for early development are great.

I also found a whole treasure trove of cards in Belinsky’s library. There, in the hall of foreign literature, you need to conclude an agreement, pay about 300 rubles for a year, and take these sets (see photo below), there are at least 3 of them, each with about 200 cards. At one time I managed to show and name (or ask) about 30 cards, then attention disappears, and we put the cards aside until the next day. In general, at this stage of memorizing words, I spent about 10-15 minutes a day on English. And this is another argument for studying at home with your mother, and not going to courses in development centers. Such a small child is simply not able to study something and concentrate for longer. He will become uninterested and protest will appear.

By the way, materials in the library are given for 3 weeks, and then they can be renewed twice or even three times, or you can simply photograph them and show them later on your phone.

Myth or reality: protest. Indeed, not for everyone, but there is such a thing as denial: “Mom, don’t say that.” How to overcome it? We succeeded with the help of those very funny cartoons and children's songs, they arouse interest. Please note that we need cartoons for kids where they sing simple songs or name individual words. If you turn on Peppa Pig in English at this stage, the child most likely will not understand, will not be interested, and will most likely ask to turn it on in Russian.

Like these:

Other simple children's songs:

Twinkle, twinkle, little star
. 5 little monkeys jumping on the bad
. Bingo Dog Song
. The Finger Family Song
. Johny Johny Yes Papa
. Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall
. Itsy Bitsy Spider / Incy Wincy Spider

But this is just a dance hit, by the way, made in China.

In general, you just need to start searching. The songs perfectly teach pronunciation, provide understanding and recognition of familiar words in speech, and make language learning an enjoyable and fun experience. And if you also find the text on the Internet, you can sing together. Just keep in mind that cartoons and songs are not activities, but a good addition to the lesson. Cartoons are also tiring, and you need to watch them for 5-10 minutes, but you can listen to songs as much as you like.

In general, I completely understand why all language courses for children usually start at the age of 5. Previously, the child is simply not ready to perceive the activity as an activity. He will not teach, listen, do homework, repeat, so as not to forget the material for the next lesson. He can only play. If the game is difficult, it won't last long. The result can only be obtained if you practice daily for 5-10 minutes.
But in this way you can quite easily learn several hundred words to create a basis for further speaking.

Pros and cons of early language learning

If anyone is interested in the idea of ​​teaching English independently with a child, then I want to assure you: it is real, fun, productive, cheap and possible up to a certain stage. To what extent depends on your knowledge of the language and mood. But the stage described in this article is definitely accessible to all mothers and fathers who studied English at school.

I said about the pros, now about the cons. If you have reached the stage where you cannot support development on your own, then your child should be enrolled in English courses. If you just stop studying, everything will quickly be forgotten.

When my children were three and a half years old, I honestly got a little cold feet. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to teach correctly, that I wouldn’t have enough imagination, etc., or maybe I was just lazy. I even created the following topic: where to go to learn English at 3 years old if the child already speaks a little. The problem is that at three years old with such knowledge of English there is nowhere to go. Wherever you go, you will be shown the same cards for a couple of years and called out familiar words. And where they start at the age of 5, they immediately begin to learn the alphabet, read, and write. And this is early, although we have already mastered the alphabet (by chance, thanks to the same Matt). And today I haven’t come up with anything better than to pull myself together and continue studying.

And one more minus: if you put something wrong, as in the example with the pronunciation of the word circle, then it will take a long time. I sometimes delegate English lessons to my dad. But our dad is not very good at grammar, so I ask him to speak in simple sentences, or just read English books to the children.

In the next article, if, of course, this topic seems interesting to someone, I will talk about what difficulties await at the next stage, how to start speaking in short phrases and describing pictures, and answer the question of whether to translate or not to translate? What to do with grammar? I’ll tell you how we communicated with foreign children on vacation, where to get original books for kids, and I’ll give you a few more useful Internet resources.

So, if you are reading this page, it means that you are serious about learning English with your child, and you have made absolutely the right choice! And now I will explain why. First, young children, unlike adults, have a unique ability to imitate the pronunciation of words and sounds that are new to them. Children learn quite easily through play activities; you have played with your child for two to three weeks. interactive games, and one fine day, instead of the usual: “Good morning, mom,” he will babble to you: “Good morning, mother!”. You may also need to review some of the basics of the English language, since children learn the language better through communication and joint games with adults. And the materials posted on the site will help you and your child overcome the language barrier in an entertaining and fun way, because this is Entertaining English!

And before I tell you where to start learning English, let's figure it out: what age is most favorable for learning English with a child?. This question is most often asked by parents interested in a bright future for their child. Given the individual abilities and stage of development of each child, it is quite difficult to give a specific answer to this question. But most experts agree that English classes using this method can be taught to children aged 3 to 10 years. Until the age of 3, it is pointless, and after 10, this technique will not give a positive result, since the child’s brain has a specialized ability for a foreign language, which significantly decreases with age. The brain's speech mechanisms become less flexible and can no longer adapt to new conditions so easily. English is best learned at the age of 5 - 7 years, when the child has already mastered the system of his native language quite well. It is at this age that children assimilate the proposed language material without difficulty. It is at this age that the child can already be told about American holidays , this will help him better understand the culture, traditions and customs of the English-speaking population.

Well, now let's return to the topic of our conversation and figure it out, where to start learning English with your child. There is no need to force your child to cram the English alphabet and memorize English words. In order to motivate a child to expand his vocabulary, it is necessary to awaken his interest in the English language by learning with him simple poems, in which among familiar words and phrases there will be one or two words in English. For better perception, you can use toys and various objects so that the child has a more accurate idea of ​​what is being said. Over time, using the same principle, you can begin to learn with your child counting rhymes, tongue twisters, songs And fairy tales. English is best learned through interactive games; for these purposes, you can arrange a puppet theater or finger games for your child. It is important that all English classes are fun and interesting, this facilitates understanding and increases the child’s interest in the language.

But don’t expect your child to immediately begin repeating the English phrases and words you speak. Even in the process of children learning their native language, there is a “period of silence”, this is when the child watches and listens before he begins to speak. A similar period may exist in the study of the English language; children are already beginning to understand the meaning of what was said, but do not speak English. During this period, you should not force your child to repeat the English phrases and words you speak. Be patient, let your communication be one-sided during this period, and after a while, depending on the regularity of classes, each child begins to pronounce individual words or individual phrases heard earlier. Of course, the first English words will not be pronounced perfectly, but there is no need to focus the child’s attention on the mistakes made, just repeat the correct version of what he said. And remember that a child needs constant support and praise to effectively learn English. By conducting classes with children, parents establish a family tradition of communicating with children in English, even if they have only an initial level of language proficiency.

Now you know what exactly you need to pay special attention to when teaching your child English, and you can safely start learning, but do not forget that learning should take place in a fun and comic form, because that’s why he Entertaining English!

And the first step to achieving this goal will be