How to determine the correct stress in a word. How to put emphasis in words. So which dictionaries should I look in?

Features of stress in Russian (continuation)

Separate conversation O ra require unstressed words. Function words and particles, as a rule, do not have stress in the Russian language. Some of them are monosyllabic prepositions and conjunctions, b yva They use pre-stress words, so-called proclitics. They will accept yk They are pronounced in pronunciation of the independent words that follow them and have stress: on the water, by the road, from the forest, along the ut I.Others are monosyllabic particles, being ut These are enclitics, that is, post-stress words. They are adjacent in pronunciation to the preceding word, having eat I've got a hit: someone came, tell me, I promised, you opened the door, will they come? neither.In these combinations of particles then, ka, after all, then, whether become enclitics.

Sometimes the excuse takes a hit. on yourself b I, then the significant word that follows it turns out to be unstressed. Most often they pull the blow on themselves. pre d logs ON, FOR, UNDER, BY, FROM, WITHOUT.
ON - on the water, on the mountain, on the hand, on the ear, on
A winter, for a year, for a house, for a floor. But such a transfer of a stressed vowel is not always correct. oi coming off. We are speaking go to the pier(but not nA they say), climb the hill(but not on the hill), decree on the door(but not on the door), run aground(but not stranded).

Shifting the emphasis to the preposition, according to the norms of orthoepy, possibly en when the combination of a noun with a preposition is part of a stable phrase O company or when it appears in a circumstantial meaning and has an adverbial character. In the same case ae when it is important to highlight a noun as the object to which the action is directed, and when it is a noun But e acts as a complement, a blow. does not switch to an excuse. For example:

take A's word for it, but: pay attention ima reference to the word "transformation";
lower the ship into the water, but: because of the glare of the sun it is painful to look at the water;
this man is dishonest, but: dirty
there was bandage applied;
put the load on her shoulders, but: he put his palms on her shoulders;
move the hat to the nose, but: put the juggler
l on nOS cardboard cylinder;
The old man was hard on his ear, but the mother looked at the boy's ear.

We'll say take sin on your soul. This is the foundation first turn, and blow. enshrined in it. But you can't say: so many products per country shu population.We are speaking fall like snow on the goal ov y. This is also a phraseological unit in which the emphasis is traditionally placed on the preposition. But you can't say: he threw the game fe tti on the heads of friends.

Often the emphasis in Russian is transferred
si refers to the preposition NA when combined with numerals: na two, na three, na five, na ten, na hundred, na two, na three. But if there are two numerals next to each other with the meaning of approximate, such movement is a blow. Not about comes from: leave for two or three days, for five or six months, for two or three days. Pronunciation n A two-three, na three-five - incorrect. The preposition remains unstressed even in that case cha e, when two numerals are connected by the conjunction OR: for two or three days, for five or six months, for two or t roe days.

The accent is not transferred in Russian
yk e to a preposition even when there is a clarification at the first numeral. Compare: leave for two months - leave for two months VA months and ten days; business trip for a year - business trip for a year and three months; meet cha scheduled for three o'clock - the meeting is scheduled for three hours and thirty minutes.

Finally, it should be said that sometimes The text suggests the need to save the blow. on a significant word, and not transfer it to the right units log. In a conversation about the work of the famous Russian composer, we talked about the suite for two Russian no topics (not nA two). The presenter specifically highlighted the word two to draw attention to this it orii.

BEHIND - for the leg, for the hand, for the winter, for the soul, for the mountains od , for a night, for a day, for two, for three, for five, for seven, for forty.

But the same restrictions apply here:

hide your hands behind your back - hide that grab your mother's back;
grab hands - grab hands and n
you can get there in two hours -
behind two hours and forty minutes.

ON - by the forest, by the field, by the floor, by but sou, two, three, one hundred, two, three.

The blow cannot be taken. on a preposition when combining eg o with numerals five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten... fourty and complex numbers tel nal eleven, twelve, five hundred, six hundred, etc.: for five hours, for six days, for nine rubles le oh, forty kopecks.

The emphasis is not transferred to the description
in the above cases:

TWO-THREE plates, five-six each t Human;
for two or three days, two or
tr And the day;
two or three days, three from to
fishing another day;
about two centners, but two and three tens
you x quintal.

UNDER - Under the feet, under the arms, under the mountain, p One nose, in the evening.
IZ - I from home, from the forest, from sight, from
os u.
WITHOUT - without news, without a year
de la, to no avail.
FROM- hour From hour, year From year, From
ro du.

Some two-syllable prepositions are always a are unstressed. These are FROM BECAUSE, FROM UNDER and prepositions with the fluent O: PODO, NECESSARY, OBO, OTO, ISO - because of le sa , from under the table, under me, about me, from everyone, from everyone.

Weak words- these are the words that That Although some have stress in the phrase, it is weaker than that of independent words. I call this emphasis t p obverse. Many adverbial prepositions are weakly stressed words, such as AFTER, CIRCLE, PAST, AROUND, OPPOSITE, AROSS, KOKO LO and others. The fact that these words receive only a weakened impact is clearly felt when compared with fr basics in which these words, used as adverbs, become carriers of normal hit.:

the mother stood behind the children - the river ost al behind;
the train was rushing through my field - the car about
ex ala mimo;
he waved after the bus - what people
-That shouted after;
we will come after an hour - we will come
To to you after;
there was a spring near the house - it’s enough to go to
okrug yes Around.

Side accent (or second penny oe) is indicated by the sign “gravis”, in contrast to the main blow., indicated by the sign “acute”. Side kick. usually has the preposition THROUGH: etc search well through the thicket, through the thickets, through the fog. Always carries a collateral blow. etc. e dlog EXCEPT: everyone gathered except him; don’t take anything boring with you except books; except for birch trees, there were and l ips.Some cities are weakly impacted lag single forms and introductory words IT WAS, IT HAD BEEN, IT HAD BEEN: I would like to take up reading; seed We also ate Well, in the evenings we talked together; So he was planning to leave?

However, you should not get carried away with side effects and accents. If the speaker's speech is kept at a moderate pace, the pronunciation of unstressed words is second. P with strong stress, and weakly stressed words with normal stress. will create excessive accentuation, to O which only makes speech more difficult to perceive and disturbs listeners.

Words with side stress attracted to fuck e special attention. For the most part, every independent word is her t just one hit. But there are words with a large number of syllables and complex in composition, which also have a secondary very good noe blow. This is mainly:

words formed by compounding there are two basics: all-metal, cranial-marrow, indefinite leave;
words with some pre
f Xs of foreign language origin: A anti-clerical, ultra-reactionary, dust jacket, re-militarization;
compound words: ze msnarYad
, R and YesSovet, oh blit, ene rgosbyt, partyconference .

If a word has two stresses, then the main stress will be t is located closer to the end of the word, and closer to the beginning is the collateral. Also has knowledge chen ie and the distance of the main blow. from the beginning of the word: man, horseman, spending time with me denie, hl about poop cleaning .

Widely used compound words, if they are not faces usually do not have side stress: vacuum cleaner, drain, garden, water supply, black ozЁ m, grateful, far-sighted, land surveyor, centuries-old . No collateral damage. pronounced and so common with lo wow, how EARTHQUAKE, AGRICULTURAL and others.

Side stresses appear more often in kn words similar in stylistic coloring: ( damn your crime, books of the state guardhouse) and in special words wow: ( electr o NnovAcuumny, galva noacoustics, radio reportAzh, film script, photo correspondent, shahtopodyo mn ik).

It happens when forming a complex word by compounding the main blow. moves closer to the center of the word and ends up on the wrong syllable That ry falls in a word used independently. So, we say:

a fighter - but a hammerman, swa fuck Oets;
WAVE - but short wave, d
whether newwave;
factory - but elegant
Ods cue;
Forest - but Malole
sn y;
Imported - but long-distance
Oz ny;
wired - electrically;
seller - but the book is a state seller;
raftable - but timber raftable;
creator - but poetry
T inOrets;
ear - but oh ear;
colored - but monochromatic.

Compound adjectives and compound adjectives cyclic numerals, in the first part of which there are 3, 4, from 11 to 20, as well as 30, 40, 50, 60... 100, are often pronounced with two accents (by barrel noe - on the numeral): one eleven meter, fifteen And Liter, seven-ten-kilometer, nine-century, one-hundred-thousandth.

With two side kicks. on the lane
V oh part and with the main emphasis on the second part, complex words are pronounced four xso pipes, electric machinery, and volume o togOnschik .
Always have a side effect. complex layers
va , written with a hyphen: Kontr-admiral, kayu t-company, pla sch-tent, i ht-club.

Side stress may fall on some when st. awki: OVER-, AFTER-, INTER-. But here, too, the degree of use of the word plays a role. For example them er, with a side kick. words are spoken according to sleubOrochny, according to post-operative, according to slerodo th. But it is missing from words day after tomorrow, afternoon, afterword. And in words with the prefixes MEZH- To SUPER-side blow. always put: INTERNATIONAL, INTERINDUSTRY, INTERPLANETARY; sve R xdeep, super mobile, super speed .

Side stress is necessary for rights or Correctly pronounce the corresponding vowels in the word. If you say the word xo zmag without a secondary blow., then oh But will sound like this: hazmaq. The listener may not guess the meaning of this lo va. Hence, collateral damage. performs an important semantic function. In addition, it also plays a significant role And listical role. The appearance of a secondary blow. where it is not necessary, evidence TV talks about vernacular style, for example: O hostel, at seven o'clock, nine o'clock. In addition to the unacceptable vernacular surroundings ac ki, such excessive stress makes speech tedious and difficult to sp riy.

Visual and expressive capabilities accents are widely used find comfort in journalistic and artistic works. The author gives persons as much he has a vivid description, showing the originality of his blow. and pronunciation. Social ts ional, professional affiliation of the character and the degree of his education. But, in a stylistically neutral speech, an indentation n not from literary norms is unacceptable. Normative verbal stress contributes to correct perception and action TV the meaning of the sounding word.

Memory training
How to remember where to stress a word

Surely you have at least once experienced a feeling of embarrassment when you doubted whether the emphasis was placed correctly in a particular word. And how many times have we tried to remember the correct option! Remember how it hurts the ear when someone puts the wrong emphasis on a word. Nevertheless, there are words that even very educated people make mistakes in pronouncing, often correcting themselves, but never being completely sure of the correctness of their version.

For example, what is the correct way to say the word “cake” in the plural? Cake Y or T ABOUT mouths? Is the word "shoes" singular? shoe I or T U flya? They say that in order to write correctly, you need to read a lot, but what can you do in order to put the correct emphasis in words, because the emphasis is not indicated in books? And everyone around us speaks differently, so we can’t remember what is correct. It is especially difficult, of course, for children. And although there are not many such words in the Russian language, they can cause difficulties throughout your life.

In order to remember once and for all which syllable should be emphasized in a particular word, it is necessary to select a consonant word for it, one in which the stress falls on this syllable without a doubt. Or the word must rhyme with the memorized one, and so that the rhyme falls on the memorized syllable. Next, as usual, you need to create a plot from the memorized and auxiliary words. Now, when you come across this word again and doubt where to put the emphasis, you will only need to remember your plot or rhyme, and all doubts will be safely resolved.

For example, to remember that in the word "shoe" the emphasis falls on " U"You can make a plot like this: " THAT flya fell out of the plane" THAT". Or imagine this picture: " THAT cha, similar to THAT flu." Or: " THAT my sewing was smeared THAT flu". To remember that in the word "cakes" the emphasis falls on " ABOUT", you can make a short story: " THAT flatter because he loves THAT mouths,” or come up with a Rhyme: “We ate for a long time ABOUT mouths - didn't fit ABOUT mouths." Another option: "Don't go to ABOUT mouths - began to eat t ABOUT mouths."

Here are words in which errors in stress are often made and phrases that can help you remember where to put it correctly. Look, perhaps among them there are words in which the placement of stress causes difficulties for you too. Remember how to pronounce these words correctly. You can come up with your own consonances or rhymes.

Dogov ABOUT r (not d ABOUT talk)

Dogo THIEF stole by a THIEF.

Catal ABOUT g (not kat A log)

Kata LO g ate LO shad
In kata LO ge LO zhka instead of a bookmark.

Alphav AND t (not alpha A vit)

Having memorized the entire alpha IN AND T,
he was tired IN AND d.

Ringing AND t (not sound ABOUT nit)

Good Doctor Aibol IT
asks: "Who's calling? IT?"

Chassis AND(not w A ssi)

The pilot spent a lot SI l,
but still released shas SI.

Blinds AND(and not A Luzi)

On ZI I'm sorry ZI bought.

Balov A t (and not b A catch)

Balo VAT be sweet VAT Ouch.

Cockle YU w (not k ABOUT Klush)

KLUSH while he's resting in the corner,
and the boy is KLUSH he is suffering.

Cream E ny (not cr E less)

I'm changing cre MEN on D MEN.

KU honny (not kitchen) ABOUT nny)

Towel to EAR wiped it off EAR.

PE aphid (loop I)

IN PET le difficult PET b.

Every person at least once in his life has found himself in an awkward situation when he incorrectly placed the emphasis on a word, the pronunciation of which until that time he had no doubt at all. Yes, the wrong accent in a word hurts the ear, but almost everyone makes mistakes here. Even educated, well-read people are not immune from this. Stress is a tricky topic in linguistics. In the Russian language its importance is very great, since it is a means of distinguishing words.

Concept and use

Stress is the bright highlighting of one of the syllables in a word or phrase with different phonetic components (you can strengthen the voice, raise the tone in combination with intensity, volume). It is necessary to develop the skills to correctly set the verbal background - after all, this is a mandatory requirement for every speaker.

Stress is necessary for correct and competent speech. Any word consists of one or more syllables. When there are more than 2 in a word, they are pronounced with different intensity and volume. One of them will stand out - this is called verbal emphasis. Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese accented syllables are distinguished using pitch. In ancient languages ​​- Greek or Latin - the stressed syllable is distinguished using the duration of the vowel sound. There is also a dynamic, or power, blow, when an accented syllable is emphasized with greater force. For example, Russian, English, and French languages ​​have this type.

How to put the emphasis correctly?

Unlike French or Polish, in Russian the accent is free - it is not assigned to a specific syllable. Let's consider these examples:

  • light (emphasis on the first syllable);
  • lighten (emphasis on the 2nd syllable);
  • firefly (you must highlight the last syllable).

Correct emphasis is a goal that every self-respecting person should strive for. But the task is complicated by the fact that the emphasis can fall on different parts of the word (that is, it is mobile):

  • sign (on suffix);
  • signature (on the attachment);
  • subscribe (to root).

Stress norms for most words in the Russian language are contained in the spelling dictionary. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with problem words and remember their pronunciation.

Why is this question relevant?

The whole problem is that the stress in a word is inherently free. In some languages ​​it is fixed, that is, it always falls on the same syllable. For example: in French it is always on the last syllable, in Polish - on the penultimate syllable, in Czech - on the first. But in Russian there is no such pattern. Therefore, it is important to remember that stress is one of the most important signs of human literacy. Since there are no clear rules for this topic, most words just need to be memorized.

Which syllable is most often emphasized?

However, some patterns can still be identified. According to experts, the stress most often falls on the middle of the word, and also gravitates towards the second half:

  • Stavropol, but Stavropol region;
  • Get out, but get out.

Rules and patterns - how to remember everything?

Some rules will help you put emphasis correctly. Linguists note 28 “special” verb roots (there are many more verb roots). Together with prefixes, they form a whole series of verbs in which in the feminine past tense the emphasis shifts to inflection (ending). But this only applies to the female gender! In other forms, the emphasis remains on the root.

We present to you the following verbs that you need to remember (you can immediately write them down in a notebook): take, pick up, dial, take, wait, sleep. What emphasis should be placed in this case? Remember: tookA, tookA, handedA, sleptA, waitedA. But they took it, they waited, they slept, they handed it over.

You can often come across incorrect options: took it, drove it away, waited, misrepresented it. By analogy with other forms, native speakers often forget to place emphasis on inflection. But such pronunciation is unacceptable for literate speech. Try to avoid such mistakes.

Modern dictionaries

We present to your attention accent dictionaries that will help you improve your speech:

  1. Studiner M.A. Dictionary of the complexities of the Russian language for media workers, Moscow - 2016;
  2. For a large circle of readers. Esakova N.A. Dictionary of the complexities of the Russian language. Emphasis. Grammatical forms, Moscow - 2014

Feel free to look into dictionaries as often as possible. After all, people often get used to speaking incorrectly from childhood and for this reason do not doubt the correctness of their pronunciation. But what to do if memorization is very difficult? Well, this process can be made more fun.

There are funny and interesting rhymes - memorization poems. They are designed to remember the correct stress in words, where you can often make a mistake. Try to learn them - and you will remember once and for all where the stress falls in problem words. And with a little imagination, you can come up with a few original quatrains yourself.

Here are some good memories:

  1. Dear Marfa has all striped scarves!
  2. Baba Thekla is in the garden, she has beets in her garden.
  3. Don’t bring us curtains, we bought blinds.
  4. We often ate cakes, but our shorts didn’t fit.
  5. BArman posted a new complete catalog on his blog.
  6. Our painter paints the walls, table Yar makes the shelves.

The golden rule for remembering

How to come up with a good rhyme to memorize? Choose a suitable rhyme for the word, that is, a word whose correct stress you have no doubt about. Don't put the word in the middle of the line! In order for the emphasis to be remembered, the rhyme must fall on this particular word. This method will help you easily and quickly remember the emphasis in words - and you definitely won’t lose face in front of your interlocutor.

1. Indefinite verbs in modern Russian tend to shift the stress to the beginning of the word.

For example, previously the norm of pronunciation was glue. Nowadays the pronunciation is considered standard glue.

    This tendency is most clearly manifested in two- and three-syllable verbs: vulgarize, force.

    In polysyllabic words, along with this, there is a tendency towards the so-called balance of syllables, when the stress is placed in the middle of the word:

    subscribe, dose, copy, maneuver, mount, motivate, telegraph, transport, electrify.

    However, as in other cases, these processes occur in language inconsistently and with varying intensity (they are most clearly manifested in common speech and colloquial speech). Sometimes both pronunciation options coexist in the literary language as equal or as the main and acceptable, that is, less desirable.


Pay attention to the stress position in the following verbs:

A) the only normative option is with emphasis at the end of the word: invigorate, invigorate, cheer up, hammer, continue(But: hollow out), sparkle, sour, lighten, tickle, powder, dust, powder, speed up, speed up, deepen, deepen, simplify, simplify, turn purple, occupy, begin, understand, accept, mischief to pamper, to pamper, to pamper, to indulge, to bombard, to dress up, to have fillings, seal, reward, equip;

b) the only normative option is with stress at the beginning and in the middle of the word: echo, silt, clog, cork, uncork, uncork, sugar up, vulgarize, force, compel, strengthen, mold, mold, scoop, exhaust (!), run out, asphalt pave, pave, block, block, compost, copy, transport;

V) equal options - with emphasis at the end of the word, in the middle and at the beginning of the word: swirl And swirl, sparkle And sparkle, oxidize And oxidize, oxidize And oxidize, rust And to rust, to rust - to rust, to rust - to rust, to corrugate And corrugate;

G) the main option is with stress in the middle or at the beginning of the word, but it is acceptable to stress at the end of the word: pepper - pepper, pepper - pepper, indevet - indevet.

Currently, spelling dictionaries give as acceptable pronunciation options - aggravate, aggravate, however, such pronunciation is still undesirable. It is preferable, especially in an official setting, to pronounce - aggravate, aggravate.

The pronunciation of many of these verbs serves as an indicator of a person’s speech culture. Pay special attention to the pronunciation of words: encourage, hammer, ease, deepen, begin, understand, accept, pamper, vulgarize, force, mold, scoop, exhaust.

2. Past tense forms of verbs usually retain the same stress on the same syllable as in the indefinite form:

clog - clogged, speed up - speed up, put in - put in, infect - infected, seal - sealed.

    At the same time, when forming the past tense forms of many one- and two-syllable verbs, a model characteristic of one- and two-syllable short adjectives follows: when forming the feminine form, the stress falls on the ending, in other cases - on the stem:

    begin - began, beginning, beginning, began; tear - tore, tore, tore, tore; understand - understood, understood, understood, understood; accept - accepted, accepted, accepted, accepted.


    Shape type started, understood, understood etc. are not only obscene, but also indicate a very low culture of the speaker!

    This model is also used to form past tense forms of verbs:

    take, twist, drive, tear, wait, live, borrow, call, choose, curse, lie, pour, drink, sail, tear, blow up, repute, sleep and etc.

    Basically, the past tense forms of the verbs take, give, weave are formed according to the same model, but here, as with short adjectives, there are some deviations from the model:

    take - took, took, took and took, took; give - gave, gave, gave and gave, gave; weave - weave, weave and weave, weave, weave.

    When forming prefixed verbs, the model is usually preserved, but the stress is often transferred from the root to the prefix ( give - gave, gave, gave, gave), although in recent decades there has been a tendency to preserve the emphasis on the root (along with the pronunciation gave away, gave away pronunciation allowed gave away, gave away).


    It should also be taken into account that not all one- and two-syllable verbs form past tense forms according to the indicated model. In particular, the stress in verb forms remains unchanged put, lay and derivatives from them ( laid, laid, laid, laid; steel, steel, steel, steel). Moving the accent to endings ( put) indicates a very low culture of the speaker!

    Certain fluctuations are also observed in the formation of past tense forms of reflexive verbs.

    pay special attention to verbs to be born, to begin, to take up, to get into, to take up, to hire: born And was born; has begun(wrong - has begun, has begun); got it, got it(possibly outdated - took on, wrong - undertook); stuck in(possibly outdated - dug in), stuck in, stuck in(wrong - dug in, dug in); got busy(wrong - got busy), started(acceptable - accepted, incorrect - started).

3. In the present and simple future tenses, the stress tends to move to the beginning of the word:

whiten - whitens, twirl - twirls, pray - will pray, lay - will lay, be friends - be friends, deserve - will deserve, heal - will heal, ship - will ship, cook - cook.

    But such movement is not always the literary norm. So, the pronunciation is considered a very serious mistake hammers instead of normative - hammers. The pronunciation is incorrect will turn on, turn off, call, infect and etc.

    The following pronunciation options are standard:

    invigorate - invigorates, invigorate - invigorate, drill - drills, loosen - loosen, impute - impute, excite - excite, yell - yell, jam - jam, jam - drown, call to ring, to ring - to ring, to call - to call, to call back - will call back, turn on - turn on, turn on - turn on, conclude - conclude, connect - connect, reconcile - reconcile(permissible - reconciles), put up - put up(permissible - reconciles), make peace - make peace(permissible - will make peace), make peace - make peace(permissible - make peace), reconcile - will reconcile, powder - will powder, infect - will infect, become infected - will become infected, facilitate - will facilitate, seal - will affix a document with his signature, seal - will be sealed, deepen - will deepen, belittle - will belittle , aggravate - will aggravate(since the form is acceptable, but still undesirable - aggravate, then the form - will aggravate).

    The placement of stress may also depend on the meaning of the word.

    For example, verb get lost in the meaning of “to make one fall, to overturn” and the colloquial “to shift responsibility, blame onto someone” in the present tense has an emphasis on the basis ( A lumberjack cuts down a tree; The defendant blames others). Homonym verb get lost- “go, move in a crowd”; “to go, fall or rise in a continuous mass, stream” ( People are pouring in; Snow is falling in flakes) - in the present tense has two standard pronunciation options: main - with emphasis on the ending ( knocks), and less desirable, but acceptable - with emphasis on the basis ( knocks down).

Stress in a word is the emphasis of a certain syllable within a word by the strength of the voice or by raising the tone. Let's figure out how to put emphasis on a word.

The question of where to place the stress arises when we are talking about words consisting of two or more syllables.

To begin with, we note that in the Russian language there are no uniform rules for placing stress. Moreover, when we decline or conjugate one or another part of speech, the stressed syllable may change. For example, orphan - orphans, start - began.

Features of Russian accent

In some languages, stress is fixed. For example, the Czech language always places the stress on the first syllable, Polish on the penultimate syllable, French on the last. In Russian, stress has a free form, that is, each word has its own stress. Unfortunately, there is no single rule, so you have to memorize the words.

Stress helps differentiate words. For example, flour - flour, Atlas - atlas. Such words, identical in spelling, but different in sound and meaning, are called homographs.

There are also words in the Russian language in which you can put emphasis on any syllable. For example, cottage cheese - cottage cheese. Both options will be correct.

Dictionaries for checking stress

In order to correctly place stress in words, you need to remember the correct pronunciation of words, and if difficulties arise, turn to a spelling dictionary. To check stress, you don’t have to go to the library for a dictionary; now you can find a special dictionary on the Internet. For example, Dictionary of accents from Yandex. You can also download the dictionary to your computer and have it in electronic form (as an option, you can download a spelling dictionary).

If you don’t want to look for the right word in the dictionary, then you can use an online service: you enter the desired word in a special window, and the program highlights the stressed vowel in a different color. There are a large number of such electronic dictionaries, for example:,

Why is it important to put emphasis correctly?

In our world, it is very important to be a literate person. Therefore, you need to know where to put the emphasis in a word, that is, simply remember the pronunciation of frequently used words.

Here is a list of common words in which mistakes are most often made, with the correct emphasis:

  • catalog;
  • contract;
  • shop;
  • shoe;
  • quarter;
  • blinds;
  • Cakes;
  • callIt;
  • beet;
  • sorrel;
  • more beautiful;
  • plum;
  • rhubarb;
  • envious;
  • angry;
  • scoop;
  • marketing;
  • Iconography;
  • dispensary;
  • tableYar;
  • napOta;
  • kilometer;
  • the Omen;
  • facilities.

Of course, there are a lot of words, so don’t be lazy to open the dictionary again and check the stress placement.

If you need to emphasize emphasis when writing a word in Word, then in the article you will find several ways to place the sign.