Rules of the game Mister Twister. Twister (new version). Division into teams

Tatiana Polusheva

Children usually strive to satisfy their enormous need for movement in games. During mobile Through games, children improve their movements, develop qualities such as initiative and independence, confidence and perseverance. They learn to coordinate their actions and follow certain rules. One of these games is outdoor game"Twister".

"Twister" will help compensate for the lack of movement, develop coordination, attentiveness, reaction and a sense of balance, and will become an indispensable assistant at children's parties. This a game promotes development: arbitrariness (skills play following the rules and following instructions, gaming activities, communication and partnership skills, spatial orientation, general physical development, sensorimotor coordination. "Game" Twister"it’s easy to make it yourself. To do this, you need to take a piece of plastic film or oilcloth, the size of which can be different. Cut circles of four colors from the self-adhesive film and glue them to the oilcloth. Glue squares of the corresponding colors and inscriptions on the plastic cubes (right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg, any arm, any leg).

In the classic version of the game, the driver throws the dice and, calling the player, says which color to place his foot or hand on, all players quickly complete this task. You can only occupy an empty circle. If all the circles of that color are occupied, the leader rolls the die again. The accepted position must be maintained until the next move is announced. A player who loses his balance or touches the floor with his elbow/knee is eliminated from the game. Make a game" Twister"with the children, and this mischievous a game will give you a lot of positive things.

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Rules of the game Twister

Preparing for the game

When preparing to play Twister, unpack the box and lay out the Twister play mat on a flat surface. We usually play at home and lay out the Twister oilcloth on the parquet or carpet (it slips less on the carpet). But no one forbids you to play outdoors in the summer - on a picnic or at the dacha. In this case, it is best to choose a flat lawn and make sure that there are no sharp stones on it - you will cut the rug and injure yourself.

One Leader is appointed who will spin the roulette, name the positions of the bodies and ensure that the rules of the Twister game are strictly followed. The rest of your friends are players.

After the playing field is prepared, players take off their shoes (so as not to damage the arms and legs of their partners, as well as the Twister mat) and stand in the order indicated below:

- When playing for two players, each player stands on opposite edges of the playing mat. Players place one foot on the yellow circle and the other on the blue.

When playing for 3 people, two players stand on opposite edges of the playing mat. As in the two-player variation, each player places one foot on the blue circle and the other on the yellow circle. The third player stands in the center with both feet on the red circles.

Now everything is ready and you can start playing Twister directly.

How to play Twister according to the rules?

Is everyone ready and back to their starting positions? Now it's up to the Leader. He spins Twister's signature roulette and loudly calls who should change position now, what color and what part of the body the arrow is pointing to. For example, it looks like this: “Vasya, left hand, red!” Now the player to whom he is addressing (in our example this is Vasily) tries to change the position of his left hand, placing it on the red circle. At the same time, he must fulfill the following requirements:

- If the named part of the body (in the example, the left hand) is already on a given color, then you must move it to another circle of the same color

- You cannot place multiple body parts on a circle. Those. if your neighbor's foot is already there, you do not have the right to put your hand

- You cannot remove your hand or foot from the circle until the Leader asks you to do so. But there is one exception: you can let other players pass by removing body parts and then putting them in their place.

- You cannot lean on the Twister mat with your elbows and knees - this is against the rules!

If all six color circles are occupied, the Presenter must spin the Twister game roulette until the currently free color appears.

Elimination from the game

According to the rules of the Twister game, anyone who falls or touches the Twister mat with their elbow or knee is immediately eliminated from the game.

Who has won?

The last player (hero!) who remains on the Twister gaming mat is declared the winner!

Number of players

It just so happens that parties are not limited to 2-3 guests. What to do if the number of players is different? Don’t worry, there are several variations (you just need to choose the option that suits you)

Twister rules for playing with four players:

This is the most common variation we encounter during our Twister parties. Form two teams of two players each. Teams line up at opposite ends of the Twister mat, standing so that all four circles are occupied.

For four people, the rules are exactly the same as for the classic one, but with one exception:

Members of the same team can place their arms and legs on the same circle.

As soon as one of the players falls or touches the Twister mat with his knee or elbow, that player’s team loses.

Twister rules for playing together:

A very rare option for us (we love parties and even organize special Twister-parties), but who knows?

If there are only two opponents, you can play without using the Twister game roulette. The first player names the body part, and the second player names the color of the circle. Players alternate among themselves, alternately naming either a part of the body or the color of the circle.

The conditions for victory are the same as for a normal game - whoever falls is the loser.

Tournament play on Twister-party

If the company is large, then form several teams of two players. Write down the tournament bracket, which team is playing which, and hold a Twister tournament! Only the most persistent and dexterous will win, that is, those who have the most victories in the team competition! True, for such an event you need to stock up on several boxes of the game Twister, as well as have spare oilcloths.

Present to your attention rules of the sports game Twister

Are you looking for where to buy the game Twister (several varieties)?

Preparing for the game Twister

  • Place the play cloth on a flat surface indoors or outdoors
  • Players take off their shoes (it is inconvenient to play in shoes and can damage the playing field)
  • If you play outdoors, then take care that the oilcloth does not fly away (you can secure it with your shoes removed;))
  • Appoint a presenter. The host will not participate in the game. Its tasks are as follows:
  • Players stand on the playing surface in the order indicated below.

Game for 2 players: Players stand on opposite edges of the playing field. They each place one foot on the yellow circle and the other on the blue circle.

Game for 3 players: Two players stand on opposite edges of the playing field. They each place one foot on the yellow circle and the other on the blue circle. The third player stands in the center with both feet on the red circles.

How to play Twister?

The presenter spins the game roulette, naming the color and part of the body that the arrow points to. For example: “Right leg, yellow.” All players simultaneously (there are game options when the Leader names a player who must change his position) try to follow his instructions, following the following instructions:

  • Each player must try to place the named body part into an empty circle of the named color. For our example, each player must place their right foot on the yellow circle
  • If your named hand or foot is already on a circle of the named color, you must try to move it to another circle of the same color
  • You cannot place more than one body part on one circle. If players try to stand on the same circle, the Leader must decide which of them was first
  • You cannot remove your hand or foot from the circle until the Leader announces a new position. Exception: You can remove an arm or leg from the circle in order to let another player's arm or leg pass, but you must warn the Leader about this in advance
  • Do not lean on your knees or elbows
  • If all 6 circles of the same color are occupied, the Host must spin the game roulette until a free color appears

Elimination from the game

Any player who falls or touches the mat with an elbow or knee is immediately out of the game. (If you feel that the new position is impossible or will cause you to fall, you can quit the game yourself).


The last player left in the game is the winner!

Team game of Twister

To play with 4 players, form 2 teams of 2 players each. Teams meet at opposite ends of the mat, standing side by side with each foot on a circle so that all 4 circles are occupied.

The rules for team play are the same as for 2 or 3 players, with one exception: members of the same team can place their hands and feet on the same circle.

Once a player falls or touches the mat with an elbow or knee, the player's team loses.

Game for 2 players without a leader

If there are only 2 players, you can play without using the game roulette. One player names a body part, and the other player names the color of the circle. Players alternate among themselves, alternately naming either a part of the body or the color of the circle. The winning conditions are the same as for a normal game.

Playing Twister for a big campaign

If the campaign is large, then form several teams of two players. Design the bracket, which team is playing which and hold a Twister tournament! Only the most persistent and dexterous will win, that is, those who have the most victories in the team competition!

Did you like the game? Buy the game Twister (several varieties)

Search articles by words:

Whose hand is this?

An unpretentious-looking rug with “old-fashioned” polka dots is just waiting to be laid out on the floor to show all its insidiousness! The leader acts as a symbolic tyrant who cannot be disobeyed. He spins a seemingly harmless roulette wheel and calls the next move - an action that must be performed by the player's innocent limb.

We'll have to dodge

You don't yet know how difficult an uncompromising request to place your right hand on the blue circle can be! What to do if the only free blue circle is behind your back, and right behind the circle on which your (or someone else’s?) right foot is already standing? Spin, twist and ask your neighbors to move slightly, and at the same time maintain your position all the time. A player who loses his balance - falls or touches the playing field with his elbow or knee - is eliminated from the game. The most flexible one wins!

Isn't that all there is to it?

The fateful roulette also keeps other secrets. For example, you may be asked to raise your left leg. There is nothing wrong with this innocent request, but not if your left leg is practically your only support!

Freedom for tyranny!

Who said the surprises end there? If you're really unlucky, you might get a twisted "T" on the roulette wheel. This means that the presenter can use all his talent as a ruthless tyrant and come up with a task himself! We cannot guarantee the consequences.

Who will check out the fun?

  • Teenagers coming to a friend's birthday party;
  • Classmates bored at school tea parties;
  • Children (in places where there are more than two);
  • Adult men and women who have not yet forgotten their childhood pranks;
  • Office workers - instead of (or after) a boring corporate party.

Fun box contents:

  • Play mat with colorful circles;
  • Fateful Roulette;
  • Plastic arrow for roulette and stand for it.

Mosigra at Vafest in Nizhny Novgorod.

Hasbro's dynamic game Twister has long become famous in America and Europe. In this entertainment, players will be able to test their dexterity and flexibility. How to reach from one part of the “map” to another without falling and thereby knocking down other participants? Only natural gymnasts can survive.

Hasbro's dynamic game Twister has long been known in America and Europe.

This game has appeared on television more than once. You could see her in Supernatural (even the angel Castiel decided to participate), The Big Bang Theory, Remember Me, The Turning. The men in black also couldn’t pass up such an unusual “warm-up.”

The game Twister first appeared on television when, in nineteen sixty-six, a well-known presenter invited American actress Eva Gabor to play this unusual entertainment on his show.

It is interesting that at the beginning of its existence the set was not at all popular, because its creators decided that the main buyers would be people from thirty-five.

Features and varieties

The uniqueness of Classic Twister lies in its non-standard mechanics. There are no cards, cubes or other usual attributes. All the action takes place on a multi-colored map measuring one hundred and sixty by one hundred and forty centimeters.

The set uses a special roulette as playing dice, which determines where the participants will place their feet and hands. You can even play it together. If we consider participation for three, one of them will be the leader.

Mega Twister

The Twister game was released in several variations, each of which has its own characteristics. There is a version in which two teams can participate simultaneously.

Mega Twister can be played by up to six players at the same time, while in a regular set a maximum of five people can comfortably fit on the field (usually four participants and a referee still play). The map in the Megatwister set is also larger than the standard one: one hundred and eighty centimeters by one hundred and twelve.

Max Twister

The board game Max Twister was created for large companies. Its mechanics are different from the version we are used to. Here, Big Twister players must compete in speed and reaction. The skills of gymnasts are unlikely to be applicable to such a set. There are three common ways to play Twister Max:

  1. Salochki - Players, competing in speed, run to the required mat and rush headlong back.
  2. The fastest - The judge announces the color and everyone runs to the correct circles. The main rule is that there is always one less rug than you need.
  3. Catch Me - Coming to the right mat is the most difficult thing in this method of play, because it is the leader who decides how you will move. Players may even have to crawl.

Twister Rings

A new dynamic version of the usual set. Kit Twister Rings includes five mini-games. All of them allow people you barely know to feel relaxed, getting excited about an exciting competition.

  1. Web - Players put rings on themselves and try to grab onto opponents' rings. Every time the referee gives a command, real chaos breaks out.
  2. Alone - hold the ring between your legs and run as fast as possible. Show miracles of dexterity and don’t drop your “valuable cargo” before the finish line.
  3. Stick - To hold the ring, you will have to squeeze it between yourself and another player. This way, strangers will immediately become good friends.
  4. Scattered - the most similar version to Twister from Hasbro.
  5. Come on - this mode is played in pairs. One person throws the rings, and his ally catches them with all parts of the body.

A suitable game for musicians. If you just bought a guitar or keyboard instrument, but you can’t reach the right chords, Twister for Fingers will come in handy.

As a game you will learn how to do the finger splits. The compact size of the game allows you to take it with you on trips and on vacation.

Dance Twister

For lovers of movement and rhythm, MB Games have created an unusual Twister Dance game. In the kit you will find a special disc with music, to which you will need to take special classes.

The leading voice here is the DJ's voice, pre-recorded on the Dance Twister CD. You can play it in groups of up to four people.

Another variation for active people who love active games. Twister Moves will teach you to feel the music and move to the beat. It differs from previous sets, because in the box you will see something unusual: an electronic console.

Initially, four compositions were recorded on it. Among them you will find songs by Demi Lovato, Kali Swag District, LMFAO and Cimorelli. In the music twister game you can connect your phone and dance to any music.

Twister Rave Skip It

An unusual version of the game with hoops. The rules of the Twister game for children are both similar and different from the usual classics. Dynamic entertainment now not only requires dexterity, but also gives your vestibular system a good workout.

Place the Twister hoop on your leg and twist. You need to contrive to jump to another block with your free limb. Do you have the dexterity to win without falling? The block automatically switches four already familiar colors.

How to play

Figuring out how to play Twister is not at all difficult. All the rules fit on one page and are understandable even to the youngest. It only takes a couple of minutes to read and you can start playing.

In the rules of the game Twister in Russian, unlike most board games, there is a leader. His task is to announce the dropped combinations to the players, who must quickly complete them.

Basic Rules

To start the game, just lay out the field and assemble the roulette. To do this, simply secure her card between the arrow and the base. Remember the prohibitions so as not to fall out of the battle in flexibility:

  • You can place a single limb on one circle. A player is eliminated if he places, for example, an arm and a leg on the same cell.
  • The circle is assigned to the participant who first occupied it.
  • If all the cells of the drawn color are occupied, the judge spins the roulette again.
  • All controversial situations must be resolved by the presenter.
  • If a player gets a color on which his hand/foot is already standing, he must move it to another solid-color cell.
  • You cannot move outside of your turn, even if an enemy is attacking you.
  • You cannot lean on the circle with anything other than your arms and legs. If you touch the field with your elbow, hip or knee, you are out.

In total, during the process you may encounter three necessary actions: place an arm or leg on a certain color, raise a limb in the air, or a special task that the presenter will give (if the letter T appears). You can only hope that life doesn’t suddenly force you to stand on one left hand.

Rules for teams

Participants can split into two groups in pairs. The fifth player is considered the leader. This version has its own special rules:

  • Players from the opposing team can occupy a circle where the opponent is already standing. This creates additional difficulties in the competition.
  • A game can be considered lost if one of the team members falls. If you want to make the competition more challenging, the participants can continue to fight two against one.

Game rules for two

If only two people compete in guta percha at the same time, the title of leader becomes transferable and goes to the participants in turn. The one who manages to hold out and not fall longer than the opponent wins.

For what situation is it suitable?

The set is popular among children and adults. At parties, the floor game Twister is a popular entertainment, because it helps to brighten up any boring event. The children's holiday will be filled with laughter and the joy of fun in a dynamic battle.

How to make it yourself - instructions

If you want to play a gymnastics game, but there are no stores nearby, you can create it from scrap materials. This process can be very exciting for creative people, because now you can boast not only of winning, but also of the fact that you created this exciting entertainment with your own hands.

You can make a tape measure using regular cardboard. Punch a hole in the middle to secure the arrow. To create a sign, you can use thick cardboard. The main thing is to fasten them so that the arrow rotates freely.

Any rounded long object can be used as a central fastening: a pen shaft, a drinking straw and other similar things. The main thing is to make the holes on the arrow a little larger so that it does not jam when torsioned.

Roulette can be made in another, not entirely familiar, way. You can make cubes for this. Thick paper is suitable as a material. On one you paint colors. The other shows body parts. In this case, the presenter simply throws the dice of the game with circles on the floor and names the resulting pairs. Since there are only 4 colors and 4 limbs in the set, you can make the cubes into bricks.


On the game roulette you need to make 4 divisions:

  • Left hand,
  • Left leg,
  • Right hand,
  • Right leg.

Further creation depends on the type of game you choose: classic or new version. In the first case, you only draw colored circles on which the player will have to place the corresponding limb. In the second, “air” circles are added to each segment (you can even write just words circled) and the letter T.

The field itself can be made from any large flat material. Thick fabrics or stapled Whatman paper work well. To make the game most similar to the original, consider the dimensions of Twister (150 cm wide and 180 cm long). Sometimes players use regular white oilcloth (it is dense and will last longer).

It is worth choosing permanent markers that will not be erased during use and will not stain the participants. You can also cut out circles from colored cardboard and glue or sew them onto the Twister board. In total there should be four rows of six color positions. The Twister mat contains the same colors as indicated on the tape measure: blue, green, red and yellow.