Where does the stress fall in the word? How to remember where to emphasize a word. What the manuals say


Stress is the emphasis on one of the syllables of a word that has the greatest strength. Literary speech implies adherence to certain rules, including the placement of emphasis. However, there are no clear instructions on this matter. The stress in it, unlike many other languages, is free, or floating. Unlike French, where, according to the rules, it always falls on the last syllable, in can fall on any of them.

To determine which syllable should be stressed, place the back of your hand under and say the desired word. On which syllable your chin touches your palm, that syllable will be stressed.

However, in the Russian language there are special words, the correct placement of stress in which always raises questions. There are only 20 such words and they are called exceptions.

For example, like this:

The work of scientists is multivolume -

It explores the phenomenon.

You can also come up with sentences that, in addition to the word “phenomenon,” will include other words with a similar emphasis. For example like this: “The phenomenon is huge and puzzling.”

And finally, you can go “by contradiction”, remembering that in the word “phenomenon” the emphasis can fall on “e” only when applied to people:

Let's say to uncle "phenomenon"

If uncle is superman,

Well, if he’s not there -

Emphasis on "O"!

Call", "hand", "bleed", "speed up". Errors in placing stress in such words can be heard very often in speech - even literate people make them. The fact is that in the Russian language there is a tendency to shift the stress in verbs to the beginning of the word (for example, “kleit” or “obOshlit”). In addition, polysyllabic words are often characterized by a shift of stress towards the middle of the word. However, the speed of these processes in relation to different words may vary.

In the case of the word “facilitate”, the emphasis on the latter in modern Russian is the only correct one. Perhaps in the future the emphasis “lighten” will begin to appear in dictionaries, first as an acceptable option, and then as a normative one, but so far this has not happened.

Placing stress in the words “lightened” and “lightened”

When forming the passive past tense from verbs ending in –it with stressed endings, –yonn is used, which is always under stress. Therefore, the correct emphasis is “lightened”, in short form – “lightened”.

In the word “lightened” the stress is preserved in all genders and numbers - lightened, lightened, lightened, and so on. When changing the short form “facilitated”, the emphasis moves to the end of the word – facilitated, facilitated, facilitated.

guardian of belles lettres

pamper, pamper, pampered



water pipeline, gas pipeline, garbage pipeline, oil pipeline, But: electrical wire

agreement (and agreements)





more beautiful

cooking and cooking ( both options are equal)








loop (loop - appropriate in everyday speech)

You call, they call, they call



dancer, dancer

cottage cheese and cottage cheese ( both options are equal)







What is written with a pen...

The tricky thing about all the rules and lists is that they don’t stay in your head: read it and forget it. There are several ways to retain useful information in memory, in our case, words with the correct accents.

#singing now. A word that is difficult for you needs to be said out loud, clearly, several times (you can also sing it) and... in front of witnesses. Let your friends or colleagues support you and join your impact flash mob with their problematic words (“Venice is more beautiful than Paris, more beautiful, more beautiful, more beautiful than Paris”, “They call me, they call me”, “my boyfriend is a barman, barman, barman”). This is our psychology: what we do not do alone is better remembered.

#wonderfulmoment. For those who have a developed imagination, it is easiest to involve associations and images associated with it in the task of memorizing any information. For example, beets are a healthy vegetable, and the rosy-cheeked grandmother Fyokla sells them. And an excellent marketing specialist knows everything about how to maintain a brand!

#graphomania. Remember how at school, while studying a foreign language, we composed dialogues and stories with new words, selected rhymes for them, or came up with funny poems? The principle also works for the great and mighty, you just need to give free rein to your imagination! There are a lot of ready-made cheat sheets floating around the Internet, take note: “We ate cakes for a long time - the shorts didn’t fit”, “Don’t bring us curtains, we will hang blinds”, “Phenomenon rings on Wednesdays, having accepted a contract for years”, “The bell ringer rings, they ring ring the bell so that you can remember correctly!”

And, of course, dictionaries and reference books will always help out: a spelling dictionary, an orthoepic dictionary (translated from ancient Greek “orthoepia” means correct pronunciation), a dictionary of accents. Online resources will not let you down either: the portals Gramota.ru (be sure to look at the “Memos” section) and gramma.ru, Yandex.Dictionaries, the site orfogrammka.ru - which, unlike printed publications, are always at hand thanks to the ubiquitous Internet. Let's speak beautifully!

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Stress Dictionary: Where is the correct stress in words?

Accent online

The "AKnowLiVy" dictionary of accents contains more than 100,000 words. To find out where the emphasis falls, use the search!

Stress dictionary: how to correctly put stress in a word

To correctly place stress in a word, you cannot do without the help of an accent dictionary. Russian is absolutely amazing, sometimes strange and one of the hardest languages ​​in the world to learn.

Where is the correct stress when pronouncing words in spelling?

You can’t count all the subtleties of the Russian language. The free online dictionary for checking accents online, AZnaeteLiVy.ru, is designed to deal with the main ones, those related to orthoepy. Here, on the pages of the online dictionary, we online introduce those who are not indifferent to Russian grammar to the peculiarities of pronunciation of simple words, compound words, words whose appearance was contributed by dictionaries of other languages ​​and which cause difficulties in checking spelling especially often among native Russian speakers. For those who consider themselves a true expert in spelling, we recommend our online dictionary as an easy way to test your knowledge of the basics of spelling online.

Where and where does the stress in words fall?

First published several decades ago, printed dictionary orthoepy simplified checking the correct pronunciation of words. By using our online dictionary to check accents, you will always know where the stress falls and where the stress is in the word.

Orthoepy is a branch of linguistics that studies the rules of pronunciation of words and reflects them in the dictionary. Stress is one of the concepts of the rules for checking spelling. It is easy to assess the importance of stress for the dictionary of orthoepy using the example of the word “chains”: when the emphasis is on the first syllable of the word, the plural is meant (chains), on the second, the case of the word changes (which means “chains”). By changing the intonation emphasis it is just as easy to change the meaning of a phrase.

The peculiarity of Russian orthoepy is that its verification is not based on the general principles of the Russian language, which in the overwhelming majority of cases establishes clear rules. The principles of orthoepy were developed independently over many years, long before the advent of the online dictionary of orthoepy, and continue to be established now. Generally accepted rules of pronunciation are “shaken,” and variant words appear with the emphasis on a different syllable. Regular changes in pronunciation norms further complicate the already difficult check of stress in words.

What is the emphasis in the word?

Using our online spelling dictionary, checking the correct stress in words online is easy and convenient. To find out how to emphasize the syllable of any word according to current language requirements, simply enter what you are looking for in the online search form. The base of our online dictionary for checks the placement of accents is collected on the basis of a dozen publications. Among them are the orthoepic dictionaries of Avanesov and Ozhegov from 1955 and 1960, the dictionary of Ageenko F.D. from 1983, dated 2003, a dictionary on orthoepic authorship by L.A. Verbitskaya. Our online spelling dictionary covers over 100,000 thousand words. Periodically, the virtual database of our dictionary for checking stress in words is updated. If the rules of spelling or the placement of stress in any of the words have changed, after checking the corresponding changes are reflected in our online dictionary for checking stress online. This makes spell checking on online dictionary pages even more accurate.

Checking stress on the website of the online dictionary aZnaeteLiVy.ru is available around the clock. Learn the placement of stress online without studying the intricacies of the orthoepy of the Russian language - use the check for stress in words using our online dictionary.

Orthoepic dictionary of stresses AZnaeteLiVy.ru: find out how to correctly put stress in a word!

security or provision

How to correctly put emphasis in the word PROVISION?

In the word “provision” the stress should be placed on the third syllable – provide E reading.

This is one of the nouns formed from a verb, of which there are many in the Russian language (for example, drawing, embroidery and others). And in many cases we observe the same thing as in this case: the emphasis remains motionless; on which syllable it fell in a verb with a generating stem, on the same syllable it appears in the derived word - a noun.

Word stress security, thus remains on the same syllable on which it was in the verb provide, from which this noun is derived. By the same principle, for example, the words drawing from drawing, listening from listening, and others are formed.

How to remember where the emphasis is?

To remember how to correctly stress a word provide E reading, there are several mnemonic formulas.

The most famous, probably, is the humorous phrase that provide E chenie means “deprivation of the liver”.

You can remember the rhyme:


The emphasis in "provide" E reading."

We give in to security E understanding

Canned cod liver.

Usage examples

Say all the examples out loud for better memorization.

  • Software provide E reading has already been purchased.
  • Particular attention is paid provide E understanding body with proteins and vitamins.
  • We are again forced to remind you of provide E understanding terms of the contract.


In some dictionaries (in Lopatin’s spelling, for example) in the word security It is proposed to place stress not only on the third, but also on the fourth syllable - security.

However, until now, although the latter pronunciation option is quite common, only the option is considered correct provide E reading. It is presented in all, including the most modern, spelling dictionaries. So, although it is safe to assume that the pronunciation security will become acceptable over the next century, at this moment the question of where to put the emphasis in this word has only one answer: provide E reading.

The stress in the Russian language, unlike, for example, French or Polish, is free. It can fall on any part of a word: be at its beginning, stem or ending. Therefore, difficulties with its correct placement may be experienced not only by those for whom Russian is a foreign language, but also by native speakers.

In contact with

Difficulties and annoying mistakes

Almost every person experienced uncertainty about how to correctly place emphasis on a particular word. IN - words with movable stress. This means that its arrangement can change when the word form changes.

Therefore, people often doubt how to pronounce correctly: from airport or airportA, catalog or catalogue, Cakes or Cakes, cork or cork - that is, put the emphasis on the second or third syllable. In words poured and included at the end or at the base? The list of doubts goes on.

A textbook example of an ingrained error among the masses is phrase you are right A you, which they persistently say you are right, or Ringing instead of It's calling. In official speech, reports, etc. often instead agreement you can hear the agreement. You can make a list of office and stationery“words that are mispronounced by fully literate people, moreover, in their native language. Errors are repeated, reinforced and become typical.

Correct speech says a lot about degree of education of a person, professionalism, intelligence and personal qualities. How to avoid annoying mistakes?

What to do?

How to place it correctly stress in borrowed words x in languages ​​with static stress is easy to remember, since there is a single rule of orthoepy. For example, in French, which has become firmly established in our everyday life: blinds, chassis, coupe, – the stress always falls on the last syllable.

In the Russian language there is a single rule that how to put stress on “difficult” words correctly, absent. Of course, how to check the correct accent using spelling dictionary, everyone knows. Both electronic and paper versions can be used for reference. But not everyone knows that there are other methods. With their help you can not only check word stress, but also to fix it in memory correct pronunciation.

You can check the correct stress using a spelling dictionary.

Memory varies

Experts distinguish different types of memory. Each of them plays its role in the formation of human literacy:

  1. Visual memory will help preserve the visual image. Correct accent, highlighted with a bright marker, will be remembered for sure. The list can be hung both at home and in the office.
  2. Always putting the right emphasis in “difficult” cases will help auditory memory. To do this, you need to say the words out loud several times or even sing them. The arrangement will “settle” in memory. It’s no coincidence that the lines of hits are so easy to remember.
  3. Speech motor memory with the help of the physical organs of speech will help to remember , how the correct accent is placed in a certain case. The word must be clearly pronounced out loud several times. Muscle memory will retain the pattern of the movement made.

Attention! All methods of memorization are based on certain types of human memory. Usually, each person has a predominant type of memory. Therefore, it is important to know which memory is most developed in you.

Methods of memorization

Always in sight

It's easier to remember words with correct accent, which are accompanied by funny pictures. They can be printed or drawn and kept in a visible place.

Words with the correct stress of frequently used words business You can include it in this list and hang it in your home or office:

  • rolled ABOUT G;
  • turn on AND T;
  • dev E lopment;
  • provide E reading;
  • quart A l;
  • move A sacrament;
  • prin I V;
  • on Wednesdays A m;
  • money A mi;
  • Great Danes ABOUT R.

Before a speech or report, the owner of the list just needs to skim the list with his eyes, and the word will include the stress on the last syllable and will be remembered.

Correct stress in words.

Attention! Competent public speech with thoughtful logic of construction, correct pronunciation and intonation will make the desired impression on listeners.

Funny rhymes

Arrangement syllable stress very important for the formation of poetic rhyme. Therefore, rhyme can be used to determine, in case of doubt, stress, which is the norm. In most cases, rhyming verses will help determine the stress in words.

funny memory poems is a good way to remember how to pronounce words that are difficult for you. For example:

  • My blouse is off A, It turned out that it was not the same.
  • I will go to Courchevel to eat sorrel there E l.
  • I got drunk in a hurry A sat down and doused it with water A sir!
  • The one who loves t ABOUT mouths, won't wear shorts!
  • If you have money A We're going to Miami!
  • I took into account our agreement and drew up a document ABOUT R!
  • Today the little one came I r, and yesterday the table came I R.
  • Oh! Just look: there’s graff on my wall AND you!
  • My ears are ringing or someone is ringing me AND T?
  • He was tired and sat down on a stump, tightened his belt E no.

As can be seen from the funny rhymes, determining the normative stress in “insidious” words is not at all difficult. Similar poems for memory training can be found on the Internet, specialized literature, or you can come up with it yourself. This easy method of memorization is often used by graduates when taking Russian language tests.