How are sources formed? Groundwater sources. Ground and interstratal free-flow waters

How are thermal springs formed?

Geothermal springs are considered to be groundwater whose temperature exceeds more than 20 degrees. They are heated due to magmatic intrusion in areas of active volcanism. Many of them are found in areas with recent volcanic activity, such waters are heated by contact with deep-seated hot rocks.

In addition, there are sources where the volcano has long died out. The further the depth, the higher the temperature of the rocks through which the water moves and warms up. It comes out of the depths with little resistance, so it does not have time to cool, thereby forming a thermal source.

What are the benefits of hot springs?

The water in the hot springs is clean and mineral. It contains a natural chemical composition that has a therapeutic and preventive effect on the body. Based on such sources, health resorts and sanatoriums were created.

Geothermal springs can relieve the human body of many ailments: the musculoskeletal system, the central nervous system, skin diseases, etc. After regular use of thermal waters, the skin structure becomes elastic and clean, and the production of elastin and collagen is stimulated.

The water of thermal mineral springs according to its chemical composition is divided into:

- sodium chloride
- calcium bicarbonate

The hot springs of Tyumen have a sodium chloride composition in terms of mineralization. This healing water, saturated with beneficial mineral salts and other trace elements, is very popular among Russian residents and foreign guests. The water temperature here remains within +40-45 degrees throughout the year.

Most tourists who come here prefer to visit the well-maintained spring. For vacationers there is a swimming pool, the water in which is constantly renewed, there are changing rooms and showers, a bathhouse, a spa salon, and a cafe. You can stay in one of the hotel rooms, in a house or in a tourist trailer.

The wild hot spring is located a little further from Tyumen - 30 km. There are no amenities typical for comfortable places. Tourists who come here for recreation and recreation set up tents or stay in one of the city hotels.

The Golden Compass company regularly carries out. We invite you to visit the comfortable AVAN country club, which has 3 swimming pools: large, massage and children's. Check out the event program and upcoming trips to Tyumen on our website. Before traveling to hot springs, we recommend that you consult with your doctor.

Heated in the bowels of the earth, and most often emerging to the surface under pressure.

The most common hot springs are geysers, which periodically act in the form of fountains. Fountains of hot water sometimes reach heights of tens of meters. There are many geysers and other geothermal sources in Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands, on the island of Iceland and in other volcanic areas (Fig. 47).

In Russia

In Russia, the first geothermal station was built in 1966 on the Kamchatka Peninsula, where there is an abundance of underground hot springs. One of the largest “hot” seas in Russia was found under the West Siberian Lowland. This sea extends from the hot steppes of Kazakhstan to the coast of the Arctic Ocean. The water of this underground sea is used for agricultural and other needs: it is used to heat greenhouses, and it goes into swimming pools.

Hot underground water is also used for household needs in the Caucasus, on the Kuril Islands and in a number of other places. Perhaps in the future, hundreds of cities and towns will be heated by the warmth of the earth’s interior. This will save millions of tons of fuel.

The reference literature provides many options for classifying sources according to various criteria (V.M. Maksimov, D.I. Peresunko, M.E. Altovsky). Let's look at some of them.

According to the duration of action. Sources are divided into permanent and temporary. Permanent sources operate for many years and in one place. Their regime may experience seasonal fluctuations, but the significant size of the feeding area allows them to persist for a long time. Therefore, the flow rates of permanently operating sources are much higher than those of temporary ones. The latter usually appear during periods of infiltration nutrition, then their capabilities gradually dry up, and after a certain period (1-3 months) they dry out.

By association with certain types of aquifer systems. Sources can be formed by perched water, groundwater, fissure groundwater, karst water, artesian water, permafrost water, fissure vein water and water from zones of tectonic disturbances, as well as water from modern volcanogens.

Rice. Erosion source

      aquiferous limestones; 2 – water-resistant salts

Rice. Iridescent springs (according to M.E. Altovsky)

    Fractured groundwater. Sources confined to the weathering zone of igneous and metamorphic rocks can be of both descending and ascending nature. Source flow rates increase noticeably in areas where weathering fracturing is enhanced by fracturing of tectonic faults.

    Karst waters. The sources of this group can also be top-down or bottom-up. The conditions for the formation of these sources are very diverse, since they are associated with rocks that have a well-branched network of channels, voids and cracks (carbonate, gypsum-bearing and salt-bearing rocks). Among karst springs, a distinction is made between intermittent, permanent and submarine, or ejector. Intermittent sources are characterized by sharp variability in flow rate. They operate on the principle of a siphon, and their productivity ranges from very large to very small. Permanent springs are associated with the most watered zone of karst, where canals, caves, underground rivers and lakes are common. The largest sources in the world with a flow rate of up to 10-20 m 3 /s are formed in this zone. The productivity of karst water flows is subject to significant seasonal fluctuations. Submarine springs are confined to underground karst channels located below sea level. The mode of their action depends on the pressure ratio that is created in the channel and in the source heads. If the water pressure in the channel exceeds the pressure above the source heads, an ejector effect is created and the waters are discharged into the sea. When the pressure ratio is reversed, sea water is sucked into the canal. This effect is called "sea mill". In this case, salty sea waters can form springs above sea level.

Rice. intermittent spring

    Artesian waters. The sources of this group are usually ascending. They emerge in depressions of the relief: river valleys, lake basins, at the bottom of ravines and gullies, on sea coasts. The difference in hydrostatic pressure in the formations is especially large in areas of the foothills, where the recharge area is elevated many hundreds of meters above the discharge area. Therefore, the most powerful and gushing springs with flow rates of tens and hundreds of liters per second are formed in the foothills.

    Groundwater of the frozen zone of the lithosphere. Sources of the frozen zone can be formed by three types of water: supra-permafrost, inter-permafrost and sub-permafrost. Supra-permafrost sources are associated with the active layer and taliks (under-channel and sub-lake). The existence of liquid water in the active layer is limited to a short warm season. During the cold period of the year, supra-permafrost springs disappear, as the waters of the active layer freeze, forming heaving mounds and small ice dams. The greatest thawing of under-channel and sub-lake taliks occurs in September. This is the time of greatest activity of supra-permafrost sources. During the cold season, these taliks, as a rule, freeze and the activity of the sources ceases.

Inter-permafrost waters occur in a section composed of so-called layered permafrost. Inter-permafrost waters are classified as pressure waters, and the sources formed during their discharge are classified as ascending and permanently active. In winter, ice forms where they emerge. Also rising and constantly active are springs fed by sub-permafrost waters. These sources contribute to the formation of large ice deposits. Sub-permafrost springs are located in the valleys of large rivers (Nizhnyaya and Podkamennaya Tunguska), their waters have high mineralization and often negative temperatures.

    Fissure-vein waters. In deep tectonic zones, it is possible to develop circulation systems in which some cracks act as absorbers, while others act as outlets. When infiltration waters penetrate to a depth of several kilometers, their mineralization temperature increases and they become enriched in mineral layers, gases and microcomponents.

Fig.. Rising spring of tectonic zones

1- ascending source; 2 – direction of water movement; 3 – fracture zone; 4 – heat flow

In young and rejuvenated folded areas, mineral waters of various types are formed (nitrogen thermal waters, carbon dioxide waters, etc.). Tectonic zones are associated with numerous outlets of fresh water, the sources of which can be descending or ascending.

    Mineral thermal waters of modern volcanogens. In areas of modern volcanic activity, a large number of sources of mineral and thermal waters have been identified. Most often there are ascending sources, but often descending ones as well. Geysers are of particular interest among the sources of areas of modern volcanism. They were first discovered in Iceland. In our country they are found in Kamchatka. The geyser gushes out with a certain frequency (several hours, days). The mechanism of action of the geyser is as follows. In the geyser channel, infiltration water forms a column that presses on the water that accumulated earlier and has a temperature of about 100 0 C. For some time, this water does not boil because it needs to gain some more heat. Finally, the superheated water boils violently and is thrown out to the surface in a fountain. The duration of the eruption of hot water, as well as the preparation for the fountain, is different for each geyser.

By genesis . Based on their origin, sources are divided into natural and artificial. The most widespread natural outlets of groundwater on the earth's surface. Artificial outlets are formed as a result of human engineering and economic activities. Examples of such water manifestations can be sources formed in the lower part of the reservoir of dams, arising in irrigation fields, areas of drainage water discharge, water supply network breaks, in places where barge structures are installed, etc.

According to the flow rate. The range of fluctuations in the flow rate of sources, known in world practice, is enormous: from fractions of cubic centimeters to tens of cubic meters per second, i.e. the maximum flow rate is at least 10 billion times greater than the minimum. Giant outlets of groundwater on the earth's surface (more than 1 m 3 /s) are observed in karst massifs and young volcanogens. Large springs with a flow rate of 10-100 l/s are typical for mountainous areas. This is facilitated by the highly dissected topography, especially deep erosional incisions and ledges. Often sources with such productivity are found in flat areas, at the foot of river and sea terraces.

In the practice of hydrogeological surveys, the flow rate of natural water manifestations, as a rule, varies in the range of 0.1-2.3 l/s. Statically, this is approximately 70-80% of the number of observed springs; they are usually representative, i.e. characterize a certain hydrogeological situation, are easily tested, and the results of their testing are well interpreted. Weak manifestations of groundwater on the earth's surface, i.e. scattered outlets, hollows, waterlogging, waterlogging of soils are recorded as places of groundwater discharge and have no practical significance.

This creates an upper aquifer that holds groundwater. Deeper aquifers are formed mainly by the infiltration of surface water (Fig. 18).

Groundwater is divided:

1) according to the conditions of occurrence in the earth’s crust - into soil, interstratal, fissure and karst,

2) according to hydraulic characteristics - non-pressure and pressure;

3) by temperature - cold (with a temperature of less than 20° C), warm (20-40° C) and hot (with a temperature of more than 40° C).

Groundwater is also divided according to its chemical and gas composition, origin, etc.

Unpaved are called the waters of the uppermost aquifer lying on the first aquitard. These waters are extremely important for road construction, since the depth of their occurrence largely determines the height of the road subgrade and a number of other measures aimed at giving road structures the required stability.

A type of groundwater is perched water. This is usually the name given to temporary accumulation of groundwater at a shallow depth from the surface. Verkhodka is formed due to poor water permeability of rocks during periods of abundant waterlogging, when the seeped water does not have time to descend to the groundwater level.

Actually underground, or interlayer, are called the waters of deeper aquifers. Inter-stratal waters, being deeper and therefore cleaner, are most often used for water supply. They can be non-pressure and pressure.

Gravity waters are characterized by the presence of a free surface, established under the influence of gravity (for example, groundwater); pressure The waters have increased hydrostatic pressure and tend to increase their level in the workings, which is due to the lack of free water outlet in conditions of the curvature of the aquifer and the presence of a waterproof roof and base. Pressure also includes artesian waters.

§ 25. Groundwater

To characterize groundwater in a given area, the groundwater level is determined, as well as the direction and speed of water movement in the rock.

When any excavation (pit, pit, borehole, etc.) crosses the groundwater level, water oozes from its walls, which over time fills part of the excavation. The level at which water began to ooze from the walls of the mine is called emerging level. The water level established in the workings is called steady level. In groundwater these levels most often coincide. If there is pressure, which often happens in formation waters, the established level is higher than what appeared.

Since the upper level of groundwater is of great importance in road construction, in boreholes and pits laid during road surveys, the depth of this water is usually measured using a measuring tape, rod, etc.

The groundwater level is not constant. Depending on weather conditions (rainy weather, dry season, etc.), the depth of groundwater increases or decreases. Groundwater lying close to the surface is especially susceptible to fluctuations.

Lines connecting equal groundwater levels are called hydroisohypses. On special hydrogeological maps, hydroisohypses are drawn, like horizontal lines on topographic maps, at 1, 2, 3 and 5 m, depending on the number of observations and the required accuracy.

Water in rocks is only rarely in a stagnant state. Most often, it moves due to different pressures at two points and moves from high to low levels.

The movement of groundwater can also be determined by the slope of the aquifer. The moving groundwater is called ground flow, and stagnant waters are called ground lake.

In many cases, it becomes necessary to determine the direction and speed of the ground flow in order to intercept it with a deep ditch and divert the water away from the structure. The following methods are used for this; A ) coloring matter; b) determining the direction using three points; c) hydroisohypsum.

Method of coloring substances. Five pits or wells are laid in the study area (Fig. 19). A dye that dissolves in water is introduced into the middle of them in an amount of 2 - 20 g for every 10 m of distance between the wells. In the remaining wells, careful monitoring is carried out for the appearance of color. The well in which colored water appears first lies closest to the direction of movement of groundwater.

Since the coloring matter appears in the observed! wells are very weakened, which makes it impossible to accurately determine the time of its appearance, then often instead of it a concentrated solution of sodium chloride or other salt is injected into the central well. The appearance of this salt in other wells is determined by reaction with silver nitrate, which results in the formation of a white flaky precipitate of silver chloride.

Having data on the distance between the well in which colored water appeared, as well as on the time it took water to travel this path, the speed of the ground flow is determined:

The speed of ground flow usually ranges from 3-12 m per day.

— Determination of flow direction by three points. In areas where it is necessary to determine the direction of movement of groundwater, three wells or boreholes are selected, located in the form of a triangle. For each well, groundwater level marks are determined. To do this, leveling first determines the marks of the earth's surface at a well or a well, then accurately measures the depth of groundwater and, by calculation, establishes the marks of water levels in the wells.

The desired direction of the ground flow is established graphically (see Fig. 19). By connecting points A, B and C with solid lines, divide side AB, where there is the greatest difference in levels, by the difference in elevations, i.e., into five equal parts. Assuming a uniform drop in level from well A to well B (interpolation), find point D, the level of which corresponds to the water level in well B. A straight line perpendicular to the line connecting points D and B will be the desired flow direction, as the shortest, and is called the hydroisohypsum line.

§ 26. Pressure waters and sources

Groundwater located in aquifers of various rocks lying between impermeable layers (mainly in bedrock) is called pressure or artesian, waters. The most typical occurrence of these waters is in synclinal folds (Fig. 20). ‘From Fig. 20 it can be seen that the water in aquifer 1 is not blocked by waterproof rock, and its level is free (ground water), while the water in layers 2 and 3 is under pressure (pressure) due to the presence of waterproof rocks in the level of these layers and high position of the feeding area (P). Line a1-b1 shows the level to which water will rise from aquifers 2 and 3 when drilled. This level is called piezometric. If at point A a well is laid down to aquifer layers 2 and 3, then the water will rise through the pipe and flow like a fountain. Such wells are called artesian. There are also fissure pressure waters associated with fissured rocks of any origin.

Artesian waters are of great importance in the water supply of cities and towns. Due to pollution, groundwater lying close to the surface cannot always be used for drinking. Artesian waters are usually of good quality, and the presence of pressure allows them to obtain good drinking water without the use of water-lifting means.

In the USSR, pressure waters are found in the Moscow coal basin, in the Leningrad region, in Ukraine and in many other places where they are widely used to supply water to cities.

Natural outlets of groundwater to the daytime surface are called springs (springs, springs). There are two main types of sources: descending and ascending.

Descending sources are confined to the intersection of the aquifer with the earth's surface, which usually happens on the slopes of eroded river valleys, in ravines and gullies (see Fig. 18). This type of source is characterized by a lack of pressure.

Rice. 20. Artesian water and rising springs:

A - artesian well with flowing water; B - ordinary well. P - recharge area, v - water-permeable e and " - waterproof layers; ab - groundwater level; o»b1 - piezometric level of pressure water

Rising sources are confined to the emergence of interstratal or fissure waters that are under significant pressure to the surface. The water of these sources rises from the bottom up and comes out in the form of a stream, often breaking through sediments (see Fig. 20). Both downstream and upstream sources are widely used for water supply.

The amount of water flowing to a well (well) per unit of time is called the flow rate of the source. The flow rate is calculated in liters per second or in cubic meters per day.

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Ground and interstratal free-flow waters

Groundwater in the narrow sense of this definition, they call free gravitational waters of the aquifer lying on the first aquifer layer.

Depending on the nature of the occurrence of rocks, there are ground flow and ground basin(Rice.

3). In nature, various combinations of these types of occurrence are observed.

Rice. 3. Layout of groundwater:

a - ground flow, b - ground pool.

Water lying in a permeable rock mass, enclosed between two waterproof layers, is called interstratal waters. The upper waterproof layer in this case is called waterproof roof , and the lower one - waterproof bed .

Artesian waters

Groundwater usually has a free level surface. Interstratal waters also have a free surface if they are free-flowing or if the aquifer is not completely saturated with water.

Accumulations of groundwater are observed both in loose clastic rocks and in fractured massive igneous or highly metamorphosed sedimentary rocks. In the first case, waters are of the type formation waters. They are usually evenly distributed throughout the entire formation and their movement occurs through small pores and voids between the grains that make up the rock. In the second case, the waters are called fissure-vein. Their distribution and movement is confined to cracks and large voids. It is not always possible to clearly distinguish between formation waters and fractured ones, therefore they distinguish fractured formation waters.

The area of ​​distribution of groundwater, with rare exceptions, coincides with their feeding area, i.e., with an area within which precipitation waters penetrate into the soil and soil and can replenish groundwater reserves. The area of ​​distribution of interstratal waters does not coincide with the area of ​​their supply. The main areas of recharge of these waters are confined to places where water-bearing rock comes out on the earth's surface. Interstratal waters receive additional nutrition due to the infiltration of water from overlying aquifers through relative aquitards.

Groundwater is formed:

- on interfluve massifs,

— in alluvial deposits of river valleys,

— in foothill alluvial cones;

- in areas of glacial deposits,

- in intermountain depressions and basins,

— in places where sand and pebble deposits accumulate in mountain rivers,

— in areas of karst distribution.

In natural conditions groundwater table It is usually not a horizontal surface, but a wavy one and very often repeats the ground relief in a smoothed form. This is explained by various reasons: heterogeneity of rocks in relation to permeability both in the aeration zone and in the saturation zone, different rates of infiltration and different conditions for feeding groundwater and their release to the surface at the intersection of the aquifer with river valleys , ravines, etc. To the place where groundwater reaches the surface, its level decreases. Such a decrease in level is also observed in interstratal free-flow waters.

Depth groundwater can vary: from tens of meters to 1-2 m. In the latter case, they usually merge with soil water in the spring and form, as mentioned above, soil-groundwater. A variety of the latter is bog groundwater, the surface of which is located within the peat deposit.

Gravity interstratal waters(Fig. 4) are usually confined to aquifers of considerable thickness, cut through by a hydrographic network. These waters usually lie shallow. River valleys sometimes cut through several layers of interstratal waters. In this case, in drainage areas at different levels of the slope of the valley (basin), water comes to the surface and serves as a stable source of nutrition for surface watercourses and reservoirs.

Rice. 4. Layout of groundwater: 1 – perched water; 2 – interlayer

free-flow waters; 3 – groundwater; 4 – interlayer pressure

water; 5 - surface reservoir.

Pressure water (Fig. 4)

Pressure waters (artesian underground waters) - waters that saturate a permeable layer enclosed between water-resistant rocks and have hydrostatic pressure.

Pressure waters are usually confined to the geological structures of sedimentary rocks with the corresponding on-bedding of water-permeable and water-resistant layers or to a complex system of tectonic cracks and faults.

A geological structure (depression, trough, syncline, monocline, etc.) containing one or more aquifers and providing pressure in them is called artesian pool.

In an artesian basin they usually distinguish :

- nutrition area,

- area for now,

in some cases area of ​​drainage (discharge) of pressure waters.

The areas occupied by artesian basins vary within very wide limits.

When the roof of a confined aquifer is exposed by a borehole, water under hydrostatic pressure rises above the roof of the aquifer and sometimes reaches the ground surface or even gushes out (Fig. 5).

In a pressure aquifer, therefore, there are geometric level, coinciding with the lower surface of the waterproof roof of the aquifer, and hydrostatic or piezometric level, coinciding with the level of water rise in wells. The pressure at each point of the aquifer is measured by the height to which the water rises in the well above the lower surface of the aquifer roof when the aquifer is opened. As the formation sinks, the pressure usually increases.

Rice. 5. Scheme of the structure of an artesian basin.

1 - waterproof rocks; 2—pressure aquifer; 3,4 - wells; 5 — flow direction; Sun piezometric level, BNC - the lower surface of the water-resistant roof, H1, H2: - pressure height.


groundwater, springs, springs, natural outlets of groundwater on the earth's surface (on land or under water). The formation of water can be caused by various factors: the intersection of aquifers with negative forms of modern relief (for example, river valleys, ravines, ravines, lake basins), geological and structural features of the area (the presence of cracks, zones of tectonic disturbances, contacts of igneous and sedimentary rocks), filtration heterogeneity of water-bearing rocks, etc.

There are several classifications of water. According to the classification of the Soviet hydrogeologist A. M. Ovchinnikov, three groups of water are distinguished, depending on whether they are fed by spring water, ground water, or artesian water. I. of the first group, usually located in the aeration zone, have sharp fluctuations in flow rate (up to complete drying out), chemical composition and water temperature. I., fed by groundwater, are characterized by great constancy over time, but are also subject to seasonal fluctuations in flow rate, composition and temperature; they are divided into erosional (appearing as a result of deepening of the river network and opening of aquifers), contact (confined to the contacts of rocks of different permeability) and overflow (usually ascending, associated with the facies variability of layers or tectonic disturbances).

The waters of artesian waters are characterized by the greatest constancy of the regime; they are confined to areas of discharge of artesian basins.

According to the characteristics of the regime, all I. can be divided into constantly, seasonally and rhythmically acting. Studying the I. regime is of great practical importance when using them for drinking and medicinal water supply. According to hydrodynamic characteristics, waters are divided into two types: descending, fed by free-flowing waters, and ascending, fed by pressure (artesian) waters. I., confined to porous rocks, are distributed more or less evenly in places where the aquifer reaches the surface; I. in fractured rocks are located at the intersection of fractures with the Earth's surface. I. karst regions are characterized by significant fluctuations in the regime associated with the amount of precipitation. The water temperature in the inland depends on the depth of the groundwater, the nature of the supply channels, the geographical and hypsometric position of the inland, and the temperature regime in which the groundwater is contained. In areas of development of permafrost rocks, there are ignitions with a temperature of about 0 °C; in areas of young volcanism, hot ignitions are common, often with a pulsating regime.

The chemical and gas composition of Indian water is very diverse; it is determined mainly by the composition of the discharged groundwater and the general hydrogeological conditions of the area. Registration of the natural outlet of waters of various waters is called their Captage.

Lit.: Altovsky M.E., Classification of springs, in the collection: Issues of hydrogeology and engineering geology, Sat. 19, M., 1961; Klimentov P.P., General hydrogeology, 3rd ed., M., 1971; Ovchinnikov A.M., General hydrogeology, 2nd ed., M., 1954.

I. S. Zektser.

Examples of conditions for the formation of sources: a - intersection of the earth's surface with the free surface of groundwater; b - infiltration of atmospheric precipitation into coarse colluvial deposits; c - a combination of permeable sandstones and underlying layers of waterproof clayey shales; d - rupture at the contact of waterproof rocks with permeable alluvial deposits; d - platy structure of granites; e - the predominant direction of rock fracturing.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


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    Groundwater (springs), natural outlets of groundwater on the earth's surface (on land or under water). Springs can be cold or hot (therms) and have different chemical and gas compositions... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Groundwater springs, springs (a. springs, sources; n. Untergrundwasserquellen; f. sources des eaux souterraines; i. fuente: de aguas subterraneas), concentrated natural. outlets are underground) of water to the earth’s surface (on land or under... ... Geological encyclopedia

    List of references, bibliography, literature, list of sources Dictionary of Russian synonyms. sources noun, number of synonyms: 4 bibliography (10) ... Synonym dictionary

    - (Streams) Red and white stripes on the saint’s mantle, symbolizing the streams of sources of divine wisdom (“Blood and Water” - the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Baptism), falling to which the hierarch draws the wisdom and grace of God and which he transmits... ... Dictionary of an icon painter

    1. That which gives rise to something, where something comes from. 2. A written document on which scientific research is based. Topics: accounting... Technical Translator's Guide

    - (1) groundwater natural outlets of groundwater (see) to the earth's surface on land or under water. They are also called springs, springs; (2) Power supply is a functional part of the equipment that converts and uses electricity received from... ... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

    The term “source” can be used in the following meanings: Source (natural) release of groundwater to the surface. Hydrothermal vents of mid-ocean ridges. Source of law is a legal concept. Source of honor term from history... ... Wikipedia

    Water played a very prominent role among the Celts, but springs and springs, to which healing properties were attributed, were especially important. Since springs and springs, by their very nature, pour out water from underground, this gave reason... ... Celtic mythology. Encyclopedia

    Groundwater (springs, springs), natural outlets of groundwater on the earth's surface (on land or under water). Springs can be cold or hot (therms) and have different chemical and gas compositions... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • , Duvernoy. Sources of law and court in ancient Russia: Experiments on Russian history. citizen rights / Op. N. Duvernois E 105/2 R 310/208 F 1-52/2713 F 1-73/11720: Moscow: Univ. typ., 1869: Op. N. Duvernoy...