How the transcription is read. Sounds and letters. About this English-Russian and Russian-English online dictionary with transcription

The English alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet and consists of 26 letters. Of these, 6 are vowels: A, E, I, O, U, Y.
20 consonants: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Z

The letter "Y" can convey both a vowel and a consonant. In combination with a vowel, the pronunciation is very close to Russian [th] and denotes the sounds [j] or [y]

yellow, yes, you, yard, young, yoga, yogurt
day, they, boy, toy, buy, eye

Forming syllables and being paired with a consonant, the letter “Y” conveys the vowel sound [i]

baby, mystery, system, funny

and sound [ai] in words

my, cry, analyze, cycle, sky, reply

In the alphabet, each letter has its own sound name, i.e. alphabetical reading.

Transcription signs are used to convey sounds in writing. Each sign corresponds to only one sound inherent to it. Transcription signs are written in square brackets: for example, the letter A and its alphabetical name (sound) is [ei].

In the alphabet, the letters are read unambiguously, one letter - one sound.

The letters Z and R are read differently in the British and American versions.
The British version of Z is (zed), the American version of Z is (zi).
The British version of R is (a), the American version of R is (ar).

Knowledge of the English alphabet is also necessary due to the discrepancy between the pronunciation of words and their spelling. Therefore, you may often be asked to repeat a word by letter - Can you spell that, please?

English alphabet with pronunciation and transcription

Letter Transcription Pronunciation* The sounds it conveys
A a Hey , [æ]
B b bi [b]
C c si [s] - before e, i, y
[k] - in other cases
D d di [d]
E e And ,[e]
F f ef [f]
G g ji , [g]
H h HH [h]
I i ah ,[i]
Jj Jay
K k Kay [k]
Ll el [l]
Mm Em [m]
Nn en [n]
O o OU , [ɔ]
P p pi [p]
Q q Cue
R r ar [r]
Ss es [s], [z]
T t you [t]
U u Yu , [ʌ], [u]
V v in and [v]
W w ["dʌbl ju:] double u [w]
X x the ex ,
Y y wy [j]
Z z () zi (zed) [z]

* In the column " Pronunciation"Given in Russian letters the approximate sound of the letter names. And in the column " Transcription" a more accurate pronunciation is given using phonetic transcription.

The Sound Word service makes it easy to find out transcription, pronunciation and translation of English words online.

To use it, you need to enter a word and click “Search”. After a short pause, it provides a transcription of the English word, pronunciation and translation. For convenience, there are two options: British and American. You can also listen to pronunciation options online.

What is transcription?

Phonetic transcription is a graphic recording of the sound of a word; pursues the goal of accurate graphic recording of pronunciation. Each individual sound must be recorded separately. Phonetic transcription is written in square brackets; special phonetic symbols are used for recording.

Why is transcription of English words needed?

Knowing English transcription is useful. This makes it possible to easily read and correctly pronounce an unfamiliar English word on your own, without outside help. Just look in the dictionary or use online services. Everyone knows that reading English words is a rather specific process, based not on “putting together” words from letters, but rather on converting letter combinations into combinations of sounds. Of course, there are certain reading rules that you need to know and apply. But there are many more words that do not obey these rules. This is where transcription comes to the rescue, allowing you to find out the correct pronunciation of an English word, and, accordingly, its reading.

Transcription is the transmission in writing of elements of oral speech using a certain set of written characters. Phonetic transcription– this is the most accurate transmission of oral speech by graphic means (special transcription signs).

Each individual sound and its variants have their own designations. For recording, special characters are used, called transcription marks, which are enclosed in square brackets. Some of these signs repeat the letters of the English alphabet; the designations of others may differ significantly. However, a letter and a sound are completely different things. Letter- these are designations of sound in writing, while sound can be regarded as an independent unit. We write and read letters, we hear and pronounce sounds. The transcription sign indicates the sound and the features of its pronunciation. In writing, one letter can convey several sounds at once, and each transcription sign can convey only one sound.

What is transcription used for?

The spelling of a word and its actual pronunciation may vary significantly. Therefore, for correct pronunciation, only knowledge of the reading rules is not enough, because there are always exceptions to the rules. The same letters/letter combinations under the same conditions can be read differently. Thanks to transcription, if necessary, you will be able to correctly read an unfamiliar word. At the initial stage of learning a language, it is possible to use Russian transcription, but in the English language there are sounds that are absent in the Russian language, so Russian transcription conveys only the approximate sound of a word, which is why you may pronounce a word written in Russian transcription incorrectly. In addition, the quality of pronunciation of the same sounds may differ.

Perfect knowledge of transcription signs is not necessary, because it is unlikely that you will need to convey the sound of a word using these signs. But you may need to look up the correct pronunciation of the word in a dictionary. And for this it is important to be able to correctly read the transcription in the dictionary. In addition, most transcription signs are found in other European languages.

Factors influencing pronunciation

Word stress

The correct pronunciation of vowels in stressed syllables, where vowels are pronounced clearly, and the meaning of the word will depend on the correctness of their sound, can cause difficulties. In an unstressed syllable, vowels are not clearly articulated and may fall out (not be pronounced), so they do not pose any particular difficulties in pronunciation. Unlike the Russian language, where the stress is placed above the stressed syllable, in English the stress is indicated by a vertical stroke before stressed syllable. Monosyllabic words have one stress, long ones can have two. In this case, the main stress is placed at the top, the secondary stress is at the bottom.

English sounds

Consonant sounds and their approximate Russian analogues:

  • [b] - [b]
  • [d] - [d]
  • [f] – [f]
  • [g] - [g]
  • [k] -[k]
  • [l] - [l]
  • [m] -[m]
  • [n] - [n]
  • [p] - [p]
  • [s] - [s]
  • [t] - [t]
  • [v] - [v]
  • [z] - [z]
  • [ʃ] - [w]
  • [ʒ] – soft [zh]
  • - [h]
  • – absent in the Russian language (represents a very quickly pronounced sound [j]);
  • [r] – the tip of the tongue is not tense, does not vibrate, is motionless, raised to the roof of the oral cavity, but does not touch the alveoli (reminiscent of the Russian sound [r], but not as clear);
  • [j] - [th];
  • [ŋ] – nasal [n];
  • [θ] – absent in Russian, interdental (to pronounce it, pronounce [s], sticking the tip of your tongue between your teeth);
  • [ð] - absent in Russian, interdental (to pronounce it, pronounce [z], sticking the tip of your tongue between your teeth).

The articulation of a number of English sounds is practically no different from the articulation of Russian sounds, but there are some features:

  • English [t], [p], [k] are distinguished from their Russian counterparts [t], [p], [k] by their pronunciation with aspiration (aspiration);
  • When pronouncing sounds [d], [l], [n], [t], the tip of the tongue is on the alveoli (tubercles just above the upper teeth);
  • [ʃ] [ʒ] – softer than their Russian counterparts, for this you need to slightly raise the back of the tongue;
  • [h] – the sound is slightly louder than an exhalation;
  • [w] – lips are rounded and tense, the lower lip should not touch the teeth (quickly say [ui]).

Pronunciation of vowels

In English, vowel length is very important because it affects the meaning of a word. This means that words with the same vowel of different lengths will differ in meaning, for example: sheep [ʃi:p] - sheep, ship [ʃɪp] - ship, live live - leave - leave, leave.

The length of a vowel in writing is indicated by two dots after it. With 6 vowel letters you can form a wide variety of sounds:

  • – long sound [a];
  • [æ] - average between [a] and [e], the mouth is wide open, the jaw is lowered down;
  • - long [and];
  • [i] - short [and];
  • [e] – average between [e] and [e], the corners of the lips are stretched to the sides;
  • [ɔ] - short [o];
  • [ɔ:] - long [o];
  • [ə] - unclear, unstressed sound, reminiscent of [e];
  • [ʌ] – short [a];
  • [z] - resembles the sound [ё];
  • [u] - short [y];
  • - lingering [y].


Diphthongs- these are two vowel sounds pronounced together, where the first is stressed, articulated more clearly and clearly, and the second is weaker:

  • - [ay];
  • - [Hey];
  • [ɔi] - [oh];
  • - [ay];
  • [əu] - [оу];
  • - [ie];
  • - [ue];
  • [ɛə] - vaguely similar to [ea].


Triphthong is a combination of three vowel sounds that are pronounced together and are part of one syllable.

- pronounced [aye]. The longest of the three sounds is “a”. The sounds “y” and “e” are pronounced almost simultaneously.
In writing it is expressed using the letter combinations “ire”, “yre”, “iar”, less often “ier” and “ie+t”:

ire - fire [‘faɪə] (fire)
yre - tire [‘taɪə] (tire)
iar - liar [‘laɪə] (liar)
ier - tier [‘taɪə] (binding)
iet - quiet [‘kwaɪət] (quiet)

- pronounced [aue]. In this case, the sound “u” is exactly the sound that is conveyed by the letter “w”.
In writing it is conveyed using the letter combinations “our”, “ower”:

our - sour [‘sauə] (sour)
ower - power [‘pauə] (strength)

- pronounced [yue]. The longest of the three sounds in this triphthong is "u".
In writing it is conveyed using the letter combinations “eur”, “ure”:

eur - European [ˌjuərə’piːən] (European)
ure - pure (pure).

Words in a stream of speech

In addition to the main stress, with the help of which emphasis is placed on a syllable, there is the concept of phrasal stress. Phrase stress- this is the selection in the flow of speech of words on the importance of which the speaker wants to emphasize. The placement of phrasal stress does not significantly change the essence of the sentence. Let's compare using the example of a simple short sentence (emphasis added in bold:) She has gone to the shop just now. She just went to the store (it was she, not someone else). She has gone to the shop just now. She had just gone to the store (walked, not used another means of transportation). She has gone to the shop just now. She just went to the store (namely the store, and not anywhere else). She has gone to the shop just now. She just went to the store (just now).

Accordingly, the stressed word will be pronounced as clearly as possible. As a rule, function words are prepositions, conjunctions, particles, pronouns, etc. are in an unstressed position. It should also be noted that colloquial speech tends to be minimized: it is characterized by the use of abbreviated forms, less clear articulation, sometimes deliberate mispronunciation of words, loss of vowels, etc.

How much time to devote to practice?

The answer is obvious. The more practice in the language, the better. The more time you spend practicing your pronunciation, the more authentic (more natural, as similar to English speech as possible) your speech will sound. Listening to English speech, imitating it, reading aloud will help you with this. Record your speech on a voice recorder, which will help you identify your own mistakes, because your perception of your own speech differs from its perception by others. And remember that when learning a foreign language, regularity of classes is extremely important. With shorter, but regular exercises, you will achieve greater results than with long, “jerky” exercises. We wish you success!

English alphabet with transcription
Reading rules in English

The English language is known for frequent variations in the spelling and pronunciation of words. Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult for beginners to figure out how to correctly pronounce this or that expression from the text. Today’s material will provide some support for beginners in this matter. Here we have collected basic English vocabulary with transcription and Russian translation, and also described the pronunciation of English words in Russian letters. This way, you will not get confused in transcription signs and reading rules, but will easily understand what the correct pronunciation sounds like.

Before moving on to studying vocabulary, I would like to note several important points.

The phonetic system of the English language has 48 sounds. And this is with only 26 letters! Letter combinations play a huge role here, thanks to which a new sound is formed. Reading rules given in the adjacent material tell in detail about this phenomenon. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with them, because... pronunciation in Russian is only an auxiliary element that does not convey all the subtleties of the British accent.

In addition, to correctly express sounds in English, it is necessary to develop appropriate articulation. An article about the features and rules of pronunciation of English words will tell you how to do this. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with this material. Since Russian transcription will certainly make it easier for children and beginners to understand words, but will contribute little to the production of purely English “speaking”.

Thus, of course, it is convenient to have a hint with pronunciation in Russian, but you cannot use it all the time. Try to gradually master transcription rules and try to pronounce new words yourself, and use the Russian version solely for reference purposes. With this instruction in mind, let's move on to our list and find out how to pronounce popular English words.

Pronunciation of English words in Russian letters - phrasebook

The given expressions will help you write a short English text about yourself, maintain a light conversation when meeting for the first time, and understand the meaning of most standard phrases. In addition, you will not have to constantly need a translator, because knowing the correct pronunciation of words, you will be able to independently perceive and translate expressions spoken by foreigners.


Word Transcription Pronunciation Translation
Hello! [hello] Hello!
Good morning! [ɡʊd ˈmɔːnɪŋ] [good mooning] Good morning!
Good afternoon! [ɡʊd ˌɑːftəˈnuːn] [beep afternoon] Good afternoon
Good evening! [ɡʊd ˈiːvnɪŋ] [good evening] Good evening!
What is your name? [wat from yo name] What is your name?
My name is... [may name from] My name is…
Where are you from? [ue ar yu from] Where are you from?
I am from... [ay em from] I'm from…
I speak... [ah speak] I speak…
How old are you? [how old ar yu] How old are you?
I am 20. [ay em twenty] I am 20 years old.
Nice to meet you! [nice tu mit yu] Nice to meet you!
How are you? [how ar yu] How are you doing?
I am very well, thanks. [ay em wery wal sanks] Everything is fine, thank you.
Good bye! [ɡʊd baɪ] [good bye] Goodbye!
All the best! [ɔːl ðə best] [ol the best] All the best!

Appeals and questions

Mister [myste] Mister
Madam [ˈmæd.əm] [madam] Mistress
Young man [young man] Young woman
Young lady (miss) [young lady] Girl, young lady, miss
Ladies and Gentlemen [ˈleɪ.dis ənd dʒ̩.mən] [ladies and gentleman] Ladies and Gentlemen
I am a tourist. [ay uh uh tourist] I am a tourist.
Excuse me, can you help me, please? [ɪkˈskjuːs miː kæn ju help miː pliːz] [ikkus mi, ken yu help mi pliz] Sorry, can you help me?
Could you spare me a moment? [where yu spee mi e moment] Could you give me a minute of your time?
Do you speak Russian? [du yu spik rashn] Do you speak Russian?
Where is the bus stop? [ware from ze bass stop] Where is the bus-stop?
Where can I take a taxi? [ware ai ken take e taxi] Where can I get a taxi?
I'm lost. I’m looking for the hotel Riga. Where is it? [Aim lost. Aim Seeking the Hotel Riga. Ware from it] I'm lost. I'm looking for the Riga Hotel. Where is it?
When does the bus leave? [Uen daz ze bass liv] When does the bus leave?
Could you do me a favor? [Kud yu do mi e favor] Would you assist me?

Other English topics: How to improve your English pronunciation? Tips that really help

Conversation and mutual understanding

Do you understand me? [du yu andestend mi] Do you understand me?
Yes [yes] Yes
No [know] No
What do you mean? [wat du yu min] What do you have in mind?
Speak slower, please. [speak slow, please] Please talk slower.
Speak louder, please. [speak Laude, please] Please speak up.
Write it down, please. [right it down, please] Write please.
I think you misunderstood me. [ay sink yu misandestud mi] I think you misunderstood me.
Please say it again. [please, say it egen] Please say it again.
Please accept my apologies. [pliz exept may epologies] Please accept my apologies.
Sorry for... [ˈsɒri fə(r)] [sorry for] I apologize for...
I beg your pardon... [ay beg yo paadn] Can I contact you?
It's all right. [ɪts ɔːl raɪt] [its all right] Everything is fine!
You are welcome! [yu ar welcome] Please.
No harm done. [but haam dan] No need to apologize.
Could you... [where you...] Could you…


May I ask you? [may ah ask yu] Can I ask you?
Do you like….? [do you like] You like…?
I don't like it. [ay dont like it] I do not like it.
I prefer... [ay pfyo] I prefer…
Would you please give me...? [wood u plz give me] Could you give me...?
Do you mind...? [do you mind] Do not you mind?
I don't mind... [ay dont mind] I don't mind…
I forbid you to... [ay phobid yu tu] I forbid you...
By no means! [by know mines] In no case!
May I invite you to... [may ah invite yu tu] May I invite you...
Let's go to... [lets go toe] Let's go to...
With pleasure! [wiz plage] With pleasure!
Unfortunately, I can’t… [ʌnˈfɔːtʃənətli aɪ kænt] [anfochenatli ai kent] Unfortunately I can not


Entrance [entrance] Entrance
Exit [ˈeksɪt] [exit] Exit
Pull [pool] To myself
Push [push] Push
Open [ˈəʊpən] [open] Open
Closed [cloud] Closed
Caution [ˈkɔː.ʃən] [koshen] Carefully
Do not enter [du not inter] Do not enter
Don't disturb [du note disteb] Do not disturb
Wet paint [wet paint] Painted
Keep of the grass [keep of the land] Walking on the lawn is prohibited
No admission [know admin] No entry allowed
No parking [know packing] No Parking
No smoking [know tuxedo] No smoking
Beware of cars [bive of kaa(r)] watch out for the car
Chemist's [kamist] Pharmacy
Grocery store [ˈɡrəʊsəri stɔː(r)] [growsery stoo(r)] Grocery store
Bakery [bakery] Bakery
Car hire [kaa haie] Car rental
Currency exchange [ˈkʌr(ə)nsi ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ] [karancy xchange] Currency exchange
First aid [fest aid] Ambulance
On sale [ɒn seɪl] [he's a salesman] Available for sale
Sold out [soul out] Sales
Reserved [risevd] Booked
Smoking area [ˈsməʊkɪŋ ​​eəriə] [smoking area] Smoking area
Taken [ˈteɪ.kən] [taken] Busy
Staff only [staff only] Staff only

Important verbs

do [du] do, engage
write [wright] write
watch [watch] look
see [si] see
go [ɡəʊ] [goo] go, head
buy [bye] buy
pay [pay] to pay
cost [cost] cost
drive [drive] drive a car
know [know] know
say [say] speak
speak [speak] speak (in language)
lose [loose] lose, lose
look for [bow pho] search
open [ˈəʊpən] [open] open
close [close] close
stay [stay] stay (stay)
keep [kip] keep, store
want [want] want
visit [ˈvɪzɪt] [visit] visit
drink [drink] drink
eat [it] There is
need [nid] need
can [ən] [ken] be able to

Frequently used adjectives

good [ɡʊd] [beep] good
bad [bad] bad
black [black] black
white [white] white
gold [ɡəʊld] [gold] gold
red [ed] red
blue [blue] blue
green [ɡriːn] [green] green
expensive [ɪkˈspensɪv] [correctly] Expensive
cheap [chip] cheap
comfortable [ˈkʌmftəbl] [camftable] comfortable
private [‘praɪvət] [private] private
touristic [tourist] tourist
beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl] [beautiful] Beautiful
big [big] big
small [tars] small
short [ʃɔːt] [shot] short
long [long] long
cold [cold] cold
warm [wooom] warm
hot [hot] hot
old [əʊld] [old] old
new [new] new
young [young] young
interesting [ˈɪntrəstɪŋ] [interesting] interesting
fine [fine] beautiful
wonderful [ˈwʌndəfl] [wandeful] wonderful

Popular adverbs

left [left] left
right [wright] on right
more [moor] more
less [les] less
a little [e little] A little
well [wel] Fine
badly [ˈbædli] [badley] Badly
late [late] late
early [ˈɜːli] [yoli] early
already [ɔːlˈredi] [allready] already
also [ˈɔːlsəʊ] [olsow] Also
often [ɒfn] [ofn] often
probably [probably] Maybe
everywhere [everyware] everywhere
soon [sun] soon

This set of phrases will be enough for you to master your first communication skills with foreigners. But, finally, I would like to remind you once again that the pronunciation of English words written in Russian letters does not convey the peculiarities of English phonetics! Therefore, as soon as you get a little used to English speech, take up the rules of reading and English articulation. Only they can give you a truly British pronunciation.

An important aspect of learning any language is pronunciation. Often, when we hear Russian speech from a foreigner, we find it difficult to understand what they want to tell us, and vice versa, when we try to say something to a foreigner in his native language, we find that we are not understood. Therefore, when learning English, it is important to master its pronunciation.

English pronunciation has certain difficulties. Unlike the Russian language, in which the word is both heard and written, in English everything is different. The way an English word is pronounced is almost always not the same as how it appears in writing. Some English words have the same spelling but are pronounced differently depending on the context, and some words may be pronounced exactly the same but have completely different meanings and are spelled differently. Therefore, in dictionaries, each English word has a corresponding transcription, and every student of English must first of all understand how transcription signs are read. Without this, he will not be able to move forward in learning the language.

Still, there are rules for reading English letters and pronunciation of English sounds that you need to know and this, of course, is an important aid in reading, although, unfortunately, there are a huge number of exceptions.

These rules are reflected in the table.


English letters
Phonetic transcription

b "b" bank [b] b oy


"to" to from

"s" from hell

[k]- before vowels e, i, y and "mute" e

[s]- before vowels e, i and "mute" e

[ʃ] - after vowels before unstressed ones e, i.

c at

c ellar

oc ean

d "d" dom [d] d esk
f "f" f football [f] fine

g (before a, o, u )

(before e, i)

"g" year

"j" j ins

g ame

h (pronounced softly) "x" x aos [h] h ome
j "j" jin [ʤ] jacket

k (before n )

"k" to foreign

(not pronounced)

k eep

k now

l "l" limon [l] l ife
m "m" is not enough [m] m onth
n "n" never [n] n ever
p "p" stop [p] stop
qu average between "kv" and "ku" q uick
r "r" hand [r] r un

s (in the first and last syllable)

(between vowels)

(before -ure )

"s" from hell

"z" roses a

"sch" shuka

s ame

ris e


t (at the beginning or end of a word)

(before -ion )

(before -ure )

"t" t type

"sh" tire

"h" h often


direct ion

nat ure

v "in" in silt [v] v ery
w average between "in" and "y" [w] welcome

y (in the first syllable before a vowel)

"th" [j]

y ear

x "ks" nex t
z "z" zub [z] z oo

Combination of consonants.

English letters
Approximate matches in Russian
Phonetic transcription
ch "h" h often [ʧ] check
dge "j" [ʤ] knowledge

gh (in the last syllable)

(at the beginning of a word)

"f" form

(not pronounced)

"g" year


eigh t

gh ost

ll "l" boat [l] cell ar
ph "f" phone [f] teleph one
sh "sh" duck [ʃ] sh op

th (in verbs, nouns,..)

(in articles, adverbs,..)

interdental "ts"

interdental "z"

th anks

th e

wh (before O)

(before o, i, e)

"x" x uligan

"u" Will (name)

wh ose



The English language has only six letters A, E, I, O, U, Y, which represent vowel sounds, but there are many more variations in their pronunciation. The letter Y can denote not only vowel sounds, but also the consonant sound "th" (see above).

English letters
Approximate matches in Russian
Phonetic transcription


before a consonant+ e at the end

"hey" le th

"uh" eh ho

ca r

la te

tha nks


at the end of a single syllable

before w

at the end of a word

"e" gene

"i"ki t

not pronounced

le t


fe w



in the last syllable

"s" we sew

"ay" la y

si ster


o between consonants

after d, t

at the end of a word

"oh" in "bowling"

"au" in the word Laura

ho t


fro zen

ho w

u before a consonant+ e at the end

short "a" in the word "ra k"

muted "yu"

excu se

bu t

attitu de

y (at the end of a word after a consonant) "ouch" bark by

Vowel combinations.

English letters
Approximate matches in Russian
Phonetic transcription
ai between consonants "hey" Jane rai n


shorter "and"

ea ch

grea t

au middle sound between "o" and "ou" ro for [ɑ] cau se
ee after a consonant long "i" bee


"ay" Ay zek

ei ther

ei ght


"and" blade

fie ld



long "y"

middle between "u" and "yu"

foo d

goo d


middle between "u" and "yu"

"au" rau nd

short "a" cha s


rou nd

enou gh