Distance training courses for teachers of art, art and art. Distance training courses for teachers of art, Moscow Art and Culture Retraining courses for art teacher

Advanced training for fine arts teachers is a legislative requirement for teachers of secondary schools and other educational institutions. Continuous training, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, allows the teacher to meet current professional standards. One of the key tasks of the education system is to regularly update the curricula that children will learn from, since all branches of knowledge are constantly being improved.

Pedagogical courses for teachers and art teachers undergo a program created taking into account the specifics of this profession. A school teacher or teaches children (and adults) drawing techniques, contributes to the formation of a subtle artistic taste and broad outlook, and also helps a person discover their talents and realize themselves in this form of art.

The advanced training program “Fine Arts Teacher (Fine Arts)”, offered by the Interregional Academy of Additional Professional Education (MADPO), allows you to pass distance learning. Course participants have access to an extensive database of scientific and methodological aids, current educational methods, experience and recommendations of leading experts - teachers of Moscow art schools, and much more.

    The duration of training in advanced training courses varies from 72 to 140 lecture hours.

The student is given the opportunity to independently choose the number of hours by creating an individual curriculum for himself, which includes an approximate list of disciplines:

  • Pedagogy of fine arts in the education system;
  • Pedagogical psychology;
  • Theory and teaching methods;
  • The program of the subject "Fine Arts" at school;
  • Planning and organization of art training;
  • Motivating students for independent extracurricular work;
  • Organization of thematic leisure and cultural events with the participation of schoolchildren;
  • Subject of sculpture and architecture;
  • Decorative and applied arts and folk art;
  • Teacher labor protection and legislation in the field of education.

Distance learning for teachers: conditions and requirements

  • Distance learning for teachers at MADPO it is offered to specialists with completed higher or secondary specialized education; Work experience is not a prerequisite for enrollment in the course.
  • There are no entrance exams. You can apply for training online. For this you need electronic copies of documents. You can also visit MADPO in person; contact the managers by phone for details.
  • Specialists from Moscow and other regions can take courses. Documents on completion of courses (certificate of the established form) are delivered by courier or mail.
  • The educational process is organized as follows: the student gets access to the educational portal, which contains the necessary teaching aids. At all stages of training, he can receive advice from teachers, and also use a test system to self-test his knowledge of the completed course.
  • Issued document ( certificate of advanced training in the specialty “Teacher of Fine Arts (Fine Arts) of the established standard) is valid throughout the Russian Federation.

National University of Technology(NTU), carrying out educational activities on the basis of a License issued by Mosobrnadzor, is recruiting employees of the education system for advanced training courses “Fine Arts Teacher”. The training is aimed at persons with secondary or higher professional education. Upon completion of their studies, NTU graduates receive certificate "Fine arts teacher" for advanced training established standard, valid for 3 years (see Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”).

Art teacher training carried out in accordance with teacher's professional standard, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 544n on October 18, 2013.

Why do we need advanced training courses?

Purpose of the program advanced training "Fine arts teacher"- conveying to the audience complete information about the current state of affairs in the education system of the Russian Federation and the fine arts in particular.

The tasks that the program of additional professional education (DPE) solves:

  • development of professional skills of fine arts teachers;
  • acquisition of new professional competencies;
  • updating theoretical and practical knowledge of the education system regarding increased requirements and the introduction of the professional standard “Teacher”;
  • mastering modern methods for solving professional problems and much more.

Additional professional education “Fine Arts Teacher” is a powerful tool for improving the skills and competencies of teachers, and also increases their demand in the labor market.

Advantages of studying at NTU and how to sign up for training

For more detailed information on available advanced training courses and professional retraining programs, you can contact us by phone. Choosing National University of Technology, You are guaranteed to purchase:

  • advanced training in accordance with your needs (the NTU arsenal includes about 500 courses in various areas);
  • affordable prices for top quality materials;
  • teaching staff capable of competing with specialists from leading universities in our country;
  • convenient training schedule, a large selection of options depending on your preferences;
  • assigned personal manager and impeccable quality of service.

Sign up for correspondence training for fine arts teachers or choose the most suitable training format for yourself right now. Apply on this website and wait for a call from our specialist. In addition, you can visit NTU in person and ensure the high quality of the education provided at any time convenient for you.

Free advanced training courses for fine arts and art teachers can be taken at regional institutes for advanced training or at a special department at a regional university. As a rule, such training is face-to-face, but recently more and more training centers are making it possible to improve their qualifications via the Internet.

Portal "Pedagogical campus"

Website: https://pedcampus.ru/

Programs: 14 programs are offered, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and specialized in the subject area “Fine arts (drawing)”.

Course topics:

  • Active methods in pedagogical and educational activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (in the subject area “Fine arts (drawing)”).
  • Pedagogical technologies and design of the educational and upbringing process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (in the subject area “Fine arts (drawing)”).
  • System-activity approach to education and upbringing in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (in the subject area “Fine arts (drawing)”).
  • Innovation in education and upbringing in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (in the subject area “Fine arts (drawing)”).
  • Methodological support and planning of educational, research and project activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (in the subject area “Fine arts (drawing)”).
  • Innovative and active methods of teaching and upbringing in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (in the subject area “Fine arts (drawing)”).
  • Development of professional competencies and skills of a teacher (teacher, educator) in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (in the subject area “Fine arts (drawing)”).
  • Current issues of introducing information and communication technologies (ICT) into the educational and educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (in the subject area “Fine arts (drawing)”).
  • Psychodidactic design of the learning and education process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (in the subject area “Fine arts (drawing)”).
  • Current issues in the theory and practice of introducing modern pedagogical technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (in the subject area “Fine arts (drawing)”).
  • Pedagogical measurements and monitoring of teaching effectiveness in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (in the subject area “Fine arts (drawing)”).
  • Pedagogy of inclusive education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (in the subject area “Fine arts (drawing)”).
  • Design of a methodological system for assessing students’ educational achievements in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (in the subject area “Fine arts (drawing)”).

Form of study: remote.

: certificate of advanced training, certificate confirming the acquisition of competencies that meet the requirements of the state standard “Educator (teacher, educator).”

Duration of training: 72 hours / 108 hours

Price: 4200 rub. / 5700 rub.

Pedagogical University "First of September"

Programs: 5 main (72 hours) and 10 additional (36 hours as part of a 108-hour course, consisting of a main program lasting 72 hours and an additional one).

Topics of main courses:

  • Art history methods in teaching MHC.
  • Methodology for conducting fine arts lessons on the topic “Decorative and applied arts in human life.”
  • Features of teaching schoolchildren according to the B.M. program Nemensky "Fine Arts".
  • How to awaken the artist in a child: modern technologies for the development of creative abilities (based on the prototypes of art).
  • World culture in the mirror of musical art.
  • Avant-garde painting. How to understand it and how to talk about it.

Form of study: distance and part-time forms of education are possible.

Duration of training: 108 hours or 72 hours (depending on the chosen training program).

Document on learning outcomes


  • 4490 rub. (108 hours);
  • 3990 rub. (72 hours without video training support);
  • 4390 rub. (with video training support).

Open pedagogical laboratory
Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Website: http://openlab.tspu.edu.ru/

Program: “Design and implementation of a modern lesson of artistic and aesthetic orientation (music, visual arts, choreography) in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard: a psychological and pedagogical approach.”

Thematic areas of lectures:

  • The system of methods of problem-based developmental education as a methodological basis for the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • Research method of teaching. Project method in artistic and aesthetic classes (music, visual arts, choreography).
  • Heuristic technology. Some aspects of problem-heuristic didactics and methodology in artistic and aesthetic lessons (music, fine arts, choreography).
  • Content and specificity of the concept “Pedagogical technology”.
  • Possibilities of a technological map for the formation of universal educational activities (UAL) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • Information competence as a pedagogical category.
  • Possibilities of network interaction for organizing educational activities.
  • Features of teacher readiness for innovative activities.

Form of study: remote.

Document on learning outcomes: certificate of advanced training.

Duration of training: 108 hours

Cost of education: 3500 rub. for legal entities, 1480 rub. - for individuals.

Volgograd Humanitarian Academy for Professional Training of Social Sector Specialists

Website: http://vgaps.ru/

Program: “Fine arts teacher of additional and general education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”

Duration of training: 288 hours

Form of study: remotely.

Cost of education: 11,700 rub.

Institute of Positive Technologies and Consulting

Website: http://ippt.ru/

Program: Isotherapy. Working with a drawing

Duration of training: 120 hours (1 month)

Cost of education: 12500 rub.

Portal "My University"

Website: http://moi-universitet.ru/

Program: Development of an art/music/MHC/technology lesson using AMO technology in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Duration of training: 108 hours (5.5 weeks)

Form of study: remote.

Cost of education: 1407 rub.

Dear readers! If you have taken any courses, you can leave your feedback in the comments.

Important. All information and prices are provided for informational purposes and are current at the time of writing. Please contact training centers for accurate information.

A fine arts teacher is a specialist who is able to develop a child’s ability for creative thinking and self-realization. The activities of a fine arts teacher are aimed at developing artistic taste, harmony, and aesthetics in the relationship of a person with the surrounding nature and the world. For a person, the history and life values ​​that surround him are important. It is impossible to exist in the world without noticing beauty, without experiencing emotions of joy, beauty, sensuality. Everything related to fine art, art history and creativity in general gives these sensations. The task of a fine arts teacher is not only to teach a child to see the colors and shapes of an object, to master various drawing techniques, but also to know the history of fine arts, world culture at the stages of its formation and development, the names and works of unsurpassed geniuses - artists and architects - which form the basis and historical value for the development of culture and art of society and the world. For a fine arts teacher, it is important to understand what educational structures and institutions can contribute to the process of teaching fine arts, since, in addition to general education school subjects, art is an additional discipline and is widely represented in various organizations of children's, basic and additional education. In addition to the technology of teaching the subject, a fine arts teacher must be able to identify and promote the manifestation and development of an individual’s creative abilities. The presented course is designed to provide a general understanding of the work of a fine arts teacher, ranging from classical pedagogical and psychological techniques to techniques and materials for creativity. Studying the course will help you satisfy these needs, expand the scope of your personal abilities and increase the level of professional competencies.

The professional retraining program is developed taking into account the requirements:
- Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education in the field of training 02/54/06 Fine Arts, profile “Educational Psychology”;
- Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the field of training 44.03.01 pedagogical education (bachelor’s level).
- Professional standard “Teacher (pedagogical activity in primary general, basic general, secondary general education), (educator, teacher).”
- Professional standard “Teacher of additional education for children and adults.”

Upon completion of training, specialists receive a standard diploma. The diploma certifies the right to conduct professional activities and allows you to pass certification for the qualifications obtained.

MASPC (Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex) invites everyone to take advanced training courses for art teachers. Training programs developed by leading specialists of our Academy will help employees of educational institutions significantly expand their existing experience in this area. Advanced training courses in fine arts will be useful not only for teachers, but also for everyone who wants to discover the world of fine arts.

What can fine arts courses provide for teachers?

Fine art is one of the most extensive areas of contemporary art. Traditionally, fine arts include such areas as painting, graphics and sculpture. With the advent of cameras, photography began to be considered a fine art. Not to mention dozens of areas of decorative and applied art, which include sewing, embroidery, knitting, wood burning, stained glass, mosaic, weaving, painting and others.

Advanced training courses for art teachers are aimed not only at increasing the skills accumulated by cadets in their fields, but also provide the opportunity to gain new knowledge in one or another area of ​​art. We help painters acquire skills in sculpting sculptures, photographers – in any of the types of decorative and applied arts that interest them... It’s never too late to expand your skills and craftsmanship!

Advanced training courses for fine art teachers will also help existing teachers gain the necessary skills in the cultural, moral and aesthetic education of their students, which is especially important in the modern world of high technology, which is quite divorced from culture. After all, the task of any teacher is not only to develop the skills of their students, but also to strive to explore the world of art on their own after graduating from an educational institution.

Distance courses for art teachers

The Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex also offers advanced training courses in fine arts remotely. If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to attend classes at our center, you can always choose a distance learning rate. MASPC has provided all the conveniences for this. The Academy website has a separate portal with a personal account. In it you can receive educational materials, watch recorded or live lectures, receive tasks to complete independently and send them for review by the teachers assigned to you.

Distance training courses for art teachers at our Academy are an effective way to expand artistic skills and gain new knowledge without interrupting their current activities!

Advantages of MASCP

Advanced training in fine art (and a number of other areas) at the Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex is chosen for the following reasons:

    Our training programs fully comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES).

    Only current educational programs;

    Modern material and technical base;

    Advanced training equipment;

    Possibility of creating individual training programs;

    Professional teaching staff;

    Flexible pricing policy (customers pay exclusively for what they need - no extra costs).