What kind of work can you do as an ecologist? Profession Ecologist. Who is an Ecologist? Description of the profession. What personal qualities should an ecologist have?

Nowadays, you can often hear the profession of ecologist, but few people know what this specialist actually does. His work makes a huge contribution to the environment.

Ecologist - the profession of the future

An ecologist is a specialist who analyzes and develops measures to reduce the harm caused by people to the environment. Today, the problem of preserving nature and improving its condition is very acute. The activities of factories, mining, mining, human waste products - all this adversely affects the environment. Soon, the demand for the ecologist profession will increase sharply, and it will become the most in-demand profession in the world.

Profession ecologist - description

Ecologists study the reasons why reservoirs dry up, the condition of water and air deteriorates, and the degree of impact on nature and wildlife by humans and industrial production. They easily reveal the degree of pollution of the surrounding world, as well as what impact nuclear or missile tests have on the environmental situation as a whole.

Profession environmental engineer

Environmental engineers are engaged in the development and approval of documents confirming the environmental safety of certain projects and industrial production. Specialists in this industry conduct laboratories to analyze soil, water, and air and determine the degree of their contamination.

When constructing buildings and structures, it is necessary to conduct an environmental assessment, based on the positive results of which the start of construction work will be approved. Every large industrial enterprise has the position of an ecologist who monitors production processes.

Professional requirements for the profession of ecologist

To become an ecologist you need:

  • have a good understanding of environmental legislation, as well as an understanding of generally accepted norms and standards;
  • It is necessary to know physics, biology, chemistry;
  • understand how environmental assessments are carried out;
  • knowledge of at least one foreign language (preferably English);
  • be able to draw up reporting documentation;
  • have an idea of ​​the processes occurring in the environment;
  • master environmental monitoring methods and computer modeling skills.

In addition, an ecologist must have certain character qualities, such as

  • diplomacy,
  • stress resistance,
  • accuracy,
  • independence,
  • skill to work in team,
  • hard work,
  • Analytical mind.

Profession ecologist - pros and cons

Advantages of being an ecologist:

  • great satisfaction from the work done;
  • high demand among employers;
  • good career growth;
  • opportunity to work abroad;
  • frequent trips to different cities.

Disadvantages of being an ecologist:

  • relatively low salary (on average 20,000-40,000 depending on the region);
  • the need to work with toxic substances;
  • work in life-threatening conditions.

The choice of profession directly depends on a person’s interests. The profession of an ecologist is suitable for those who like to benefit others and travel a lot.

This article will help you prepare an essay, report or presentation about the profession of ecologist.

An ecologist (or environmental engineer) is engaged in identifying, studying and minimizing natural and human factors that negatively affect the environment. He examines any negative phenomena in nature, establishes their cause and methods of preventing them. Also, no construction begins without an environmental assessment and its positive result.

Considering the state of the atmosphere and nature in the modern world, the importance of the ecologist profession is growing every year, as are the demands placed on the knowledge and experience of these specialists.

Places of work

The position of ecologist is in demand in environmental and construction organizations, in the field of healthcare, municipal structures and large manufacturing enterprises.

Responsibilities of an ecologist

The main job responsibilities of this specialist will help you better understand who an ecologist is:

  • Development of an enterprise’s environmental policy and monitoring its compliance.
  • Drawing up environmental documentation necessary to support the activities of the enterprise.
  • Interaction with environmental structures, including during inspections.
  • Interaction with organizations that issue initial permits and coordinate project documentation.
  • Organization of work at the enterprise in emergency situations or in the event of an industrial accident.
  • Consulting company employees on environmental issues.

Requirements for an ecologist

Main requirements for an ecologist:

  • Higher education.
  • Knowledge of environmental legislation.
  • Experience in conducting environmental assessments.
  • Knowledge of environmental monitoring methods.
  • Experience working with organizations that issue initial permits and coordinate project documentation.
  • Knowledge of PC and computer environmental programs.

Also, given the possibility of business trips and exchange of experience with colleagues from other countries, an environmental engineer may need knowledge of written and spoken English to work.

Ecologist resume sample

How to become an ecologist

A person with higher education in areas such as agronomy, agrochemistry, biology, geology, ecology and environmental management can become an ecologist. In addition, you need to obtain postgraduate professional education, which includes graduate school, doctoral studies and internship.

Risks of the profession

An ecologist periodically has to work with harmful substances that negatively affect his well-being and the body as a whole. In addition, it is possible to work in extreme conditions that undermine the performance and health of a specialist.

Ecologist salary

The salary of an ecologist varies from 25 to 80 thousand rubles per month. If there are foreign business trips, the salary of this specialist may be higher than the specified amount. Project bonuses are also possible. The average salary of an ecologist is 50 thousand rubles per month.

Despite the fact that the demand for the profession of ecologist today is low, every year the status of this specialty is not only growing, but also becoming stronger. This profession is considered one of the most promising.

The work of an ecologist is quite complex, multifaceted and responsible. Experts investigate and analyze situations involving human harm through irrational and sometimes dangerous interference in the natural environment. And they are developing measures to eliminate this harm. In practice, environmentalists closely monitor those organizations that could potentially threaten the environment by violating the norms established by law. They are doing everything possible to avoid any disasters that could cause irreparable harm to the entire planet.

If a tragedy does occur, then environmentalists are faced with the task of competently and quickly assessing the situation and finding the optimal and correct solution to eliminate the consequences. Experts in this field are trying to find out the reasons for the drying up of various bodies of water and the extinction of some species of animals, birds and fish. It is ecologists who study the influence of harmful substances and industrial emissions on the state of air, soil and water.

The work of ecologists is to study the effects of various foods on human health and identify possible causes of genetic changes. Using various special instruments, specialists examine and analyze the condition of plants, animals, water, air, soil, identify the degree of pollution, predict situations and develop measures for effective environmental protection.

Environmentalists working in enterprises make every effort to develop programs that will be able to help eliminate or minimize harmful impacts on nature, while maintaining company income. Representatives of this specialty also pay a lot of attention to research work. Thanks to the work of environmental laboratory workers, epidemics are prevented; only proven products that are not harmful to our health reach store shelves. These specialists monitor the level of emissions of harmful substances during the operation of industrial enterprises.

A peculiarity of the environmentalist profession can be considered the fact that they have to spend a lot of effort on promoting solutions to environmental problems and campaigning for its protection and protection. The “Young Ecologist” program, designed to lay the foundations of environmental culture among preschool children and primary school students, also plays a big role in this.

Being an ecologist has its pros and cons. But without a doubt, this type of activity is very important, since great hopes are placed on people involved in environmental protection to prevent global environmental disasters. Today, without these specialists, it is impossible to begin the construction of roads, factories, and residential buildings. Environmental engineers also monitor all processes at enterprises.

Personal qualities

People who choose this profession should have an analytical mind. They must be able to work in a team, show tolerance, be stress-resistant, creative, scrupulous, neat, responsible, disciplined, efficient, and sociable.

Education (What do you need to know?)

Many universities train ecologists; the applicant only needs to decide on the specialization that seems most interesting to him. People in this profession need to know subjects such as chemistry, biology, physics and be able to use a computer. Knowledge of a foreign language is welcome.

Place of work and career

Ecologists work in research laboratories, in supervisory and control bodies, in environmental organizations, in enterprises, in construction companies, in plants and factories, in nature protection funds and in nature reserves. Those wishing to make a career in this field can become leaders of public organizations or state environmental institutions, up to the Minister of Ecology.

Ecologist (environmental engineer) - a specialist involved in analyzing the situation and developing measures to reduce existing and possible harm to nature. An ecologist identifies the causes of natural disasters and develops ways to reduce the impact of human factors on the environment. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, chemistry, biology and geography (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

In the future, problems of environmental conservation will occupy an increasingly important place. Due to the increasing emission of harmful elements into the atmosphere, environmental problems are being placed at one of the top places. The demand for professional ecologists will increase, but the requirements for them will also increase. The profession of an ecologist will become one of the most popular and important.

Ecologists are trying to understand and explain, for example, why lakes dry up or their inhabitants die. They study the state of the earth, water, air, as well as the degree of impact of industrial production on people, plants, and animals. Ecologists identify the degree of pollution, analyze the causes and make a forecast of the situation in the future.

Environmental engineers are faced with the development and approval by government environmental authorities of documents that justify the environmental safety of various projects and industrial production. Specialists in laboratories conduct research on the content of specific and basic pollutants in the air of cities.

At the moment, qualified ecologists are needed to conduct examinations when starting the construction of any residential buildings, factories, or transport road facilities. Without a positive conclusion, none of the construction projects will begin. Moreover, each enterprise must conduct its activities under the close supervision of environmental engineers.

Studying the fundamentals of environmental management is especially important in connection with Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). The World Trade Organization (WTO) plans to adopt and implement ISO international standards in countries that have joined the WTO, providing a unified global system of requirements for quality management of services and goods. One of the most important world standards is ISO 14000. The subject of this standard is an environmental management system (EMS), the use of which makes it possible to effectively combine the economic growth of a company's income with the preservation of a favorable environment. Knowledge of ISO series standards and their implementation in organizations are mandatory requirements for future ecologists.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • be able to fluently understand environmental legislation, standards and regulations;
  • knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, processes occurring in the environment;
  • have an idea of ​​the procedure for conducting environmental impact assessments;
  • know methods of environmental monitoring;
  • have computer modeling skills;
  • understand foreign and domestic experience in the field of environmental protection;
  • be able to draw up the necessary reporting and documentation on environmental protection;
  • knowledge of a foreign language (for the possibility of business trips or work abroad).

Personal qualities

  • diplomacy, flexibility, civic courage (to challenge the actions of officials, authorities, government agencies);
  • internal discipline;
  • stress resistance;
  • scrupulousness, responsibility, accuracy;
  • accuracy (no mistakes allowed);
  • Analytical mind;
  • passion for living nature, ability for scientific creativity;
  • skill to work in team;
  • independence;
  • decency;
  • performance.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • receiving moral satisfaction from the work done, in connection with receiving a salary through improving the environment;
  • qualified ecologists are popular among employers and this demand will grow;
  • University graduates already have some work experience due to undergoing the necessary internships in production, which helps them acquire useful contacts and recommendations (this will simplify and accelerate career growth);
  • an environmental engineer who has received the necessary qualifications can count on a fairly lucrative job in the petrochemical, construction or energy industries;
  • the profession of ecologist is international, which makes it possible to work abroad (this profession is in greater demand abroad than in Russia);
  • The work of an ecologist is quite interesting and involves business trips.


  • low salaries for environmentalists;
  • ability to work in extreme conditions;
  • health hazard due to the need to work with hazardous substances.

Place of work and career growth

Ecology graduates can begin their careers in government agencies (for example, Rostekhnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources, etc.). In environmental organizations, large enterprises, and municipal structures, there is an ecologist staff position.

A young specialist usually starts his career as a technical assistant. Later he can become a coordinator and take on a certain direction. The next stage of career development could be supervising several coordinators.

In commercial organizations, environmental specialists have higher salaries, but the experience and qualifications of an environmental engineer are of great importance when determining salaries.

The highest demand for an environmental specialist is in industrial enterprises. However, you can also get a job in a design organization that provides services to all kinds of factories and construction companies.

Main places of work of ecologists:

  • Research laboratories;
  • Ecological structures at the enterprise;
  • Government structures, control and supervision bodies;
  • Environmental organizations;
  • Construction companies;
  • Plants and factories.

Due to the low level of public awareness, not many people know why the world needs ecologists and what exactly they do. And this despite the fact that, according to experts, in the near future this profession will become one of the most in demand. We invite you to fill the gap in knowledge and become more familiar with the peculiarities of the work of specialists responsible for nature conservation.

Development of heavy industry, testing of nuclear missiles, urbanization and human indifference to all living things around... As a result, climate changes occurring in the world due to the release of gases into the atmosphere and water pollution with toxic waste threaten the future of all humanity.

To avoid the disappearance of humanity from the face of the Earth, the world community is increasingly beginning to pay attention to the problems of environmental pollution, and state governments are trying to develop methods to prevent natural disasters and slow down global warming. In this regard, the relevance of the ecologist profession is increasing. After all, if anyone can find ways to solve the problem of environmental pollution, it will be these specialists.

Due to the low level of public awareness, not many people know why the world needs ecologists and what exactly they do. And this despite the fact that, according to experts, in the near future this profession will become one of the most in demand. We invite you to fill the gap in knowledge and become more familiar with the peculiarities of the work of specialists responsible for nature conservation.

Who is an ecologist?

A specialist whose activities are aimed at analyzing the state of flora and fauna, as well as finding ways to reduce the negative impact of human activities on the environment.

The name of the profession comes from the ancient Greek οἶκος (dwelling, house) and λόγος (concept, teaching, science), which can be literally translated as “the science of the house.” That is, ecologists study our common home (the planet) in order to understand all the complex relationships in nature.

The profession of ecologist is quite young (although the first mentions ecology, how science can be attributed to ancient Greek treatises). Its origin dates back to the second half of the 20th century. During this period, society began to realize the importance of protecting the environment, which is daily exposed to pollution from industrial production and the release of gases into the atmosphere.

Today, specialists in this field provide an expert assessment of areas allocated for the construction of factories, residential buildings and roads, and only after receiving a positive expert opinion can a construction company begin work. In addition, most production facilities employ a qualified ecologist who closely monitors compliance with environmental norms and standards.

Their responsibilities include:

  • analysis of the level of pollution of the entrusted area;
  • making forecasts about the future environmental situation in the region;
  • control over toxic waste disposal;
  • monitoring the activities of hazardous industrial production;
  • study of nuclear and missile testing zones.

Mostly novice specialists nature conservation can count on the position of technical assistant, and later, after acquiring practical skills, they become coordinators. In this role, they choose a specific area of ​​activity for themselves, that is, a narrower specialization. Among them are:

  • specialists in the field of general ecology who study biological systems;
  • specialists in applied ecology, whose activity is to identify human influence on the environmental situation and search for methods to reduce harm;
  • geoecologists study the organisms inhabiting the planet and its geosphere;
  • Environmental engineers develop and coordinate documentation on the environmental safety of a number of industrial enterprises and projects, and study the level of contamination of soil, air and water.

Experience and qualifications are the determining factors in the employment of an ecologist. Every employer who hires a specialist wants to see in him a person who:

  • has relevant knowledge of regulations, standards and legislation in the field of ecology;
  • has the skills to conduct an examination;
  • understands environmental monitoring methods;
  • has the necessary knowledge of chemistry, biology and physics;
  • familiarized with domestic and international experience in the field environmental protection.

What personal qualities should an ecologist have?

Among the main qualities of an ecologist, love for nature is highlighted, since, as practice shows, it is this that allows them to achieve success in the profession. However, no less significant character traits are their:

  • diplomacy,
  • stress resistance,
  • courage and flexibility in communication (due to the need to interact with government bodies and officials).

Environmental protection requires a high level of responsibility. Working with flora and fauna, the ecologist must be aware that the life of living organisms depends on his actions, so he must be very careful and responsible in order to eliminate the possibility of mistakes.

The profession is a rather complex activity and without internal self-organization and hard work, a specialist will not be able to fulfill his duties to the fullest.

In addition to key qualities, he will definitely need:

  • independence;
  • Analytical mind;
  • decency;
  • team spirit;
  • developed sense of justice;
  • scrupulousness.

Advantages of being an ecologist

Many ecologists view their activities not as a way to earn money, but as a way of self-realization and moral satisfaction. Constant relationship with nature allows them to feel their importance and pleasure from constant communication with the object of their affection.

In addition, very often they go on business trips to different regions of the country and abroad, which gives them the opportunity to expand their horizons, and for some travel lovers this is one of the most important advantages.

From a practical point of view, there are great career prospects for professional ecologists in the future. First of all, this is due to the fact that the need for good specialists will increase from year to year (which is why the profession of ecologist can be classified as professions of the future).

The versatility of the profession provides ecologists with a wide choice of areas of activity: teaching, research, control and expert and design and production. Based on their preferences, each specialist has the right to independently decide what kind of activity he wants to engage in: practical or theoretical.

For those who have the necessary experience and qualifications and whose material well-being is not the least important, there is an opportunity to work in the energy, construction and petrochemical industries. Companies operating in this sector need professional environmentalists and pay their employees decent fees (up to 100 thousand rubles per month).

Disadvantages of the ecologist profession

Since ecologists are concerned with issues anti-pollution, quite often they themselves are exposed to danger. These specialists are the first to encounter toxic emissions in production, and protective measures are not always effective enough to prevent health damage that can be irreparable. In addition, like the teams of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, they go to the sites of incidents associated with natural disasters, where they have to work in extreme conditions.

Another negative factor of the profession is the low demand for young specialists in Russia. According to statistics, only 30% of graduates of environmental faculties work in their specialty. And the income of 70% of environmentalists does not even reach the average level. Depending on the region, most specialists receive from 20 to 40 thousand rubles. This circumstance, along with the need for lengthy training, reduces the attractiveness of the profession among applicants.

Where can I get a profession as an ecologist?

Studying at a higher educational institution is the only way to become a sought-after professional with the necessary set of knowledge and skills in the field of ecology. During their studies, students choose their most preferred basic discipline and gain the necessary knowledge in many natural sciences.

At the moment in Russia there are a large number of universities that train future ecologists, among them:

  • Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev;
  • State University of Land Management;
  • Higher College of Environmental Management;
  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, etc.

In addition, it will be a great advantage for a specialist to undergo international and other internship programs that will increase his demand in the labor market and expand his knowledge base. For example, an ecologist can improve his qualifications at the courses of the Interregional Academy of Industrial and Construction Complex, which works in the field of additional education and offers professional development and retraining courses in the format distance learning.

Image sources: wiki.soiro.ru, ap47.ru, bolshoyvopros.ru, 1000primerov.ru