D. Bisset “About the piglet who learned to fly” lesson plan for reading (2nd grade) on the topic. Bisset “About a piglet who learned to fly Bisset how a piglet learned to fly

Once upon a time there was a little pig - and his name was Icarus! - came to the Magic Spring and asked for his wish to be fulfilled.

He had long wanted to learn to fly.

“If you really want, I can make you fly,” said the Magic Source. - But only for this you must first be turned into a bird.

- No, I want to be a pig! A little pig who can fly,” said Icarus.

- But piglets can't fly! - objected the Magic Source.

Icarus was very upset and went home. On the way, he thought about only one thing: how to learn to fly.

The next morning, early, he went into the forest and asked each bird to give him a feather.

Well, of course they gave it to him.

- Perhaps you want to learn to fly? - they asked.

“Yes,” answered Icarus.

He tied all the feathers together to make wings.

Then he climbed to the top of the mountain near the seashore. Following him, a cat and a mouse, a bird and two rabbits, a whole company of beetles and even a snail climbed up there - everyone wanted to see what he could do.

Icarus tied his wings, flapped them and slowly rose into the heights. This was happiness!

And all the spectators were also happy, and the smallest bug almost died of delight. Icarus rose high, high, almost to the Sun.

- Oh, little pig! Oh well done! — he praised himself. “And the Magic Source also said that piglets cannot fly.” They can!

And just at that moment he flew so close to the Sun that the ropes with which he tied his wings caught fire from the heat of the sun. And the wings fell down.

And behind them comes the pig. He somersaulted in the air several times and splashed into the sea.

Poor Icarus was completely wet, it’s good that he swam safely to the shore and ran to his mother.

“Don’t be upset, my little Icarus,” his mother told him, “after all, you FLY!”

And she gave him jam and cake. And all his friends came to visit him and started a round dance:

Little pig Icarus, our friend,

Today we gathered in a circle,

To sing and dance

To sing and dance

In honor of the one who can fly!

Technological map for the literary reading lesson “Donald Bisset “About the piglet who learned to fly.” Educational complex “Harmony” 2nd grade. Author of the textbook O.V. Kubasova, third part. Publishing house “21st Century Association” 2013. Lesson outline developed in accordance Federal State Educational Standard.

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“D. Bisset “About the piglet who learned to fly””

Literary reading.

UMK "Harmony"

Teacher Bazaeva L.V.

Subject: D. Bisset “About the piglet who learned to fly”



Enriching children's reading experience; continued acquaintance of children with the works of D. Bisset; development of quick, correct and conscious reading skills, retelling skills based on a plan.

Bring up culture of behavior during frontal work, individual work, group work.

Form a UUD :

- Personal UUD: develop empathy

- Regulatory UUD: Recognize and accept the learning task. Take into account the collectively identified guidelines for your actions. Accept and maintain a learning task; control yourself when reading.

- Communicative UUD:

- Cognitive UUD: Find your bearings in the text; analyze the work in order to correlate the illustration with the episode.

Planned result


Be able to : determine the nature of the work from the drawings; work with illustrations; compose a monologue statement based on the author’s text and the drawn up plan.

Personal : Realize that understanding the meaning of words is a prerequisite for their skillful use in oral and written speech. The desire to speak Russian well, to recognize oneself as a native speaker of this language.


Be able to determine and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher; plan your action in accordance with the task; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made ( Regulatory UUD).

Be able to listen and understand the speech of others; express your thoughts orally ( Communicative UUD).

Be able to navigate your knowledge system; analyze objects; find answers to questions in the text and illustrations; transform information from one form to another: compose answers to questions (Cognitive UUD).

Interdisciplinary connections

Russian language, literary reading

Resources: Textbook “Favorite Pages”, 2nd grade. O.V. Kubasova. Notebook for the textbook “Favorite Pages”, 2nd grade, O.V. Kubasova

Educational presentation

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities

Formed UUD

I. Motivation for learning activities

Organizes students.

Clarifies the thematic framework.

Poem - the beginning of the lesson is also a speech warm-up

They talk through the rules of behavior in the lesson, explain why these rules need to be followed. (in poetic form)

They pronounce the lesson motto and determine the type of lesson.

Subject: Expressively recite a poem Communicative UUD

Be able to express your thoughts orally; negotiate with classmates together with the teacher about the rules of behavior and communication and follow them .

II. Formulating a lesson topic, setting a goal(8 min)

Organizes the formulation of the lesson topic by students

Organizes goal setting and lesson topic formulation by students

– Today we will get acquainted with another work by D. Bisset.

With the help of the teacher, they formulate the topic of the lesson. With the help of the teacher, they set the goal of the lesson. (via questions to the text)


Construct sentences when answering questions.

Communicative UUD Be able to express your thoughts orally .

Regulatory UUD

Be able to determine and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher .

III. Getting to know the work

(20 minutes)

Organizes and controls the quality of reading.

Let's read to find out the fairytale story about the pig.

*reading aloud to children in parts

Did you like the work? How?

What's your mood? (mood dictionary)

What did you like about the pig?

What was the piglet's name?

D. Bisset came up with his own fairy tale based on an ancient Greek myth and this only made it more interesting.

What do you think a myth is?

While some guys are looking for a definition in the dictionary, we will listen to a myth.

story of the myth of Daedalus and Icarus

How is the story of our pig and Icarus similar?

Familiarize yourself with the text in compliance with the specified reading requirements.


Cognitive UUD Find your bearings in the text; analyze the work.

Communicative UUD Enter into communication, express your point of view, listen to others, follow the rules of communication; justify statements.

F just a minute

Perform movements under. music

V. Supervisory task(12 min)

Organizes and controls the quality of selective reading and planning.

Preparing for the retelling

Remember our learning task.

To retell it well, what must you do first? (to make a plan)

There is a plan, just mixed up, let's remember the sequence of all events and restore it.

Let's read the fairy tale again to prepare for the retelling.

Let's restore the plan.

Choose the part you liked best and read it again.

Who should choose part 1?.... (retelling the parts)

Why did the Magic Spring praise Icarus? (for a dream)

Do you have a dream?

Read the text, pointing to the selected item, proving the choice.


Perform selective reading and correlate what you read with the proposed points of the plan

Regulatory UUD Take into account the collectively identified guidelines for your actions. Control the process and results of activities (one’s own and others’); evaluate the correctness of actions and make the necessary adjustments.

VI. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson, instructions on homework(3 min)

Organizes reflection, assigns marks for the lesson.

What was your goal? Have you reached your goal?

AT HOME: retelling according to plan.

Gives instructions for homework.

Evaluate their work in class

Allowing Icarus to fly


Summarize your activities in the lesson

Personal UUD The ability to self-assess based on the criterion of success in educational activities.

Reading lesson on teaching materials "Harmony"

Textbook: O.V. Kubasova “Literary reading” 2nd grade, part two.

Academic subject: literary reading.

Class: 2

Lesson type: lesson - discovery of new knowledge

Lesson topic: Introduction to the fairy tale by D. Bisset “About the pig who learned to fly”

Lesson objectives:

1) educational – introduce children to D. Bisset’s story “About the Pig Who Learned to Fly”;

2) developmental - improve reading skills and the ability to navigate the text, develop oral speech;

3) cultivate a sense of responsibility for one’s actions and a kind attitude towards people.

Technologies, methods: problem-dialogical technology, analysis, anticipation, communicative-activity approach.

Basic terms and concepts: story, plan, main idea, retelling, characters, role-playing, good deeds, bad deeds.

Planned result

Subject Skills:

  • develop reading skills;
  • develop the ability to highlight the main idea of ​​a text;
  • carrying out an analysis of the objects of a work of art, highlighting the sequence of plot development;
  • be able to draw up a text outline;
  • be able to retell a work according to a written plan;
  • ability to read roles;

Personal skills:

  • developing a positive attitude towards the learning process;
  • formation of moral values ​​of students;
  • the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes from the point of view of universal human norms;
  • formation of adequate self-esteem of students’ personality;

Meta-subject skills:


  • ability to answer simple and complex questions from the teacher;
  • development of thinking operations;
  • developing the ability to work with information and text;
  • draw analogies between the material being studied and your own experience;
  • mastering the technique of anticipation;
  • ability to carry out analysis;
  • draw your own conclusions.


  • self-determination, determine and formulate the purpose of one’s activities at this stage of the lesson;
  • the ability to accept, maintain goals and follow them in educational activities;
  • plan your actions in accordance with the task;
  • the ability to evaluate the quality of work performed in a lesson in accordance with accepted requirements.


  • participate in dialogue;
  • express your point of view;
  • developing the ability to listen and understand others;
  • formulate your thoughts in speech situations.


Textbook: V. Kubasova “Literary reading” 2nd grade, part two; computer, projector, interactive whiteboard, lesson presentation, proverbs.

Education technology

1.Org. moment

- Check your readiness for the lesson, sit down quietly, let's start the lesson.

- Guys, we won’t check our homework today. (Greetings from the teacher.)

2. Preparation for reading and first reading

— Let's start the lesson right away by introducing a new work. Open the textbook on page 37.

— Who remembers the works of Donald Bisset?

(if they don’t remember, I’ll show you a slide)

— Look at the screen, maybe the picture shown on it will help you remember.

- So, guys, let's return to our work. Read its title.

— What genre do you think this work is? (Fairy tale)

- What indicates this to us?

- Guys, listen to a little biography of Bisset.

— Donald Bisset was born on August 3, 1910 in Brentford, England. Bisset created a world of short fairy tales, not only embodied his ideas in two books that made him famous - A Forgotten Birthday and A Journey along the River of Time - but also made television productions of his best fairy tales. Bisset is also an artist and designs his own books. He also distinguished himself as an inventive theater director, staged his own fairy tales on the stage of the Royal Shakespeare Theater in Stratford-upon-Avon and even played a dozen small roles in them. He invented and settled in Africa an animal that is never bored: one half of it consists of the Most Charming Cat, and the other half of the Resourceful Crocodile. The name of the beast is Crococat. Donald Bisset's favorite friend is the tiger cub Rrrrr, with whom Donald Bisset loves to travel along the river of time until the end of the Rainbow. And he knows how to move his brains so much that his thoughts rustle. The main enemies of Donald Bisset and Tiger Cub Rrrrr are Harmful with the names You Can’t, Don’t Dare and Shame on You.

— The fairy tale that we will get acquainted with today is called “About the piglet who learned to fly.”

— Interesting name, isn't it?

- Let's think about what a fairy tale with such a name could be about?

- Let's check our assumptions by reading the fairy tale.

— Before we start reading, let's complete the tasks in TVET. Open the TPO on page 52. And the same task is on your board. We read the first group of words. Underline the letters that distinguish these words. (and so on with each group of words)

— We do the second task ourselves. Find and fix errors.

—Which word requires special attention? Let's find out what the word means wax.

— Let's move on to the third task. Why do you think the word heat highlighted? Which syllable will be stressed in our case?

— We read the fairy tale in a chain. Everyone reads to the point.

4. Checking first impressions

— Did you like the fairy tale?

— Were our assumptions confirmed?

5. Analysis of the work and creative reproduction of what was read

- Now let’s think about the work. Who is the main character of the fairy tale? What's his name? (Pig Icarus)

-What was Icarus’s dream?

Who did Icarus turn to to make his wish come true?

(To the magical source)

- What did the Magic Source answer to this? Find and read.

— What did Icarus then do to fulfill his dream? Find and read.

— Did Icarus manage to fly?

- How does the story end?

— What can you say about this dream?

- What is the main idea of ​​this fairy tale?

— Let’s complete the first task in TVET. Open page 53 and find task number 4. Mark the sequence of events in the fairy tale with numbers.

- Guys, what did you do?

- Let's try to retell this fairy tale using our plan.

— Guys, you have an illustration on page 38 of your textbook.

- What passage can be selected for this illustration? Read it.

- What can we call this illustration?

6. Lesson summary


- What fairy tale did we meet in today’s lesson?

— Express your attitude towards the main character.

— You have an illustration in your TPO notebook. Let's complete it. If you liked working in today's lesson and everything worked out for you, then draw a sun. If you liked the work, but had some difficulties, draw clouds towards the sun.

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A fairy tale about the pig Icarus, who wanted to learn to fly and glued his wings from feathers and wax. He flew high into the sky, but the sun melted the wax on his wings and the pig fell into the sea and got wet...

Read about the pig who learned to fly

One day a little pig - and his name was Icarus - came to the Magic Spring and asked:
- Please fulfill my wish.
The little pig has long wanted to learn to fly. No wonder his name was Icarus.
“If you really want, I can make you fly,” said the Magic Source. “Only for this you first need to turn into a bird.”
- No, I want to be a pig. A pig who can fly, said Icarus.
“But piglets cannot fly,” objected the Magic Source.
Icarus was very upset and went home.
On the way, he thought about only one thing: how to learn to fly.
The next morning, early, he went into the forest and asked each bird to give him a feather. Well, of course they gave it to him.

Perhaps you want to learn to fly? - they asked.
“Yes,” answered Icarus.
He glued the feathers together with wax to create wings. Then he climbed to the top of the mountain near the seashore. Following him, a cat, a mouse, a bird and two rabbits, a whole company of beetles and even a snail climbed up there - everyone wanted to see what he could do.
Icarus tied his wings, flapped them and flew. This was happiness! And all the spectators were also happy, and the smallest bug almost died of delight.
Icarus rose high, high, almost to the sun.
- Hey, little pig! Oh well done! - he praised himself. - And the Magic Source also said that piglets cannot fly. They can!

But the heat of the sun melted the wax, and the wings flew down feather by feather. And behind them comes the piglet himself. He somersaulted in the air several times and splashed into the sea.
Poor Icarus was completely wet. It’s good that he swam safely to the shore and ran home to his mother.
“Don’t be upset, my little Icarus,” his mother told him, “after all, you FLY!” - And she hugged him tightly.
All his friends came to visit him, and his mother prepared them tea with cake and jam.
Late in the evening, Icarus ran to the Magic Spring. He leaned over the edge of the well and, looking at a tiny piece of water at the very bottom, said:
“You’re right, piglets can’t fly.” And a tear rolled down his cheek.
“Keep your head up,” said the Magic Spring, “you’re still a great guy!”
- He's very brave, this little pig, isn't he? - said Rrrrr, when Donald finished telling. - And to be brave is almost as good as to be brave.
“But it’s the same thing,” Donald smiled. “What do you think, Rrrrr, do the guys know why the pig was called Icarus?”
- I know, but the guys probably don’t know. Tell me better.
- A long time ago, the ancient Greeks composed fairy tales about gods and heroes. They called their tales myths. They had one myth about the young man Icarus and his father, a skilled craftsman. Together with his father, Icarus had to escape from the evil king. And in order to fly across the sea, they made themselves wings from feathers and glued them with wax. The father asked Icarus not to rise too high, but Icarus did not listen to him and flew straight towards the sun. The sun melted the wax on his wings...
- And then everything was almost the same as with the pig, right? - said Rrrrr.
- Almost.
- And how did the little pig guess to glue his wings with wax, what a miracle! - Rrrrr was always surprised by this.
“Probably because,” Donald noted, “the pig REALLY wanted to fly.” And when you really want something...
“I know, I know,” Rrrrr interrupted. “Now, please, tell me two new fairy tales and one old one.” You promised!
- What do you mean two new ones? - asked Bisset.
- Ones I haven't heard before.
- Mm, well, I have just two new fairy tales. I composed them a long time ago, probably three, or maybe even four days ago, but I haven’t told anyone yet.

Published by: Mishka 21.11.2017 20:54 24.07.2019

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Current page: 1 (book has 1 pages in total)

Bisset Donald

Donald Bisset

About a pig who learned to fly

Once upon a time there was a little pig - and his name was Icarus! - came to the Magic Spring and asked for his wish to be fulfilled. He had long wanted to learn to fly.

“If you really want, I can make you fly,” said the Magic Source. “But only for this you must first be turned into a bird.”

- No, I want to be a pig! “A little pig who can fly,” said Icarus.

– But piglets can’t fly! - objected the Magic Source.

Icarus was very upset and went home. On the way, he thought about only one thing: how to learn to fly.

The next morning, early, he went into the forest and asked each bird to give him a feather. Well, of course they gave it to him.

- Perhaps you want to learn to fly? - they asked.

“Yes,” answered Icarus.

He tied all the feathers together to make wings. Then he climbed to the top of the mountain near the seashore. Following him, a cat and a mouse, a bird and two rabbits, a whole company of beetles and even a snail climbed up there - everyone wanted to see what he could do.

Icarus tied his wings, flapped them and slowly rose into the heights. This was happiness! And all the spectators were also happy, and the smallest bug almost died of delight. Icarus rose high, high, almost to the Sun.

- Hey, little pig! Oh well done! – he praised himself. “And the Magic Source also said that piglets cannot fly.” They can!

And just at that moment he flew so close to the Sun that the ropes with which he tied his wings caught fire from the heat of the sun. And the wings fell down. And behind them comes the pig. He somersaulted in the air several times and splashed into the sea.

Poor Icarus was completely wet, it’s good that he swam safely to the shore and ran to his mother.

“Don’t be upset, my little Icarus,” his mother told him, “after all, you FLY!”

And she gave him jam and cake. And all his friends came to visit him and started a round dance:

Little pig Icarus, our friend,

Today we gathered in a circle,

To sing and dance

To sing and dance

In honor of the one who can fly!