Flag and coat of arms of Pskov: history, description and interesting facts. Get to know your native land Where Pskov rushes to the Great, Where Russia is alive in people, Our beloved gray city has arisen, Eternally preserved by Saint Olga

Since ancient times, this city has become a shield of Russian land in the north-west of the country. Over its centuries-old history, it has withstood such a huge number of sieges that the valor of the defenders of this fortress began to be explained, among other things, by the patronage of heavenly powers.

A city saved by God is one of the semantic contents of the coat of arms of Pskov, one of the most ancient in Russian heraldry.

Pardus, leopard, lynx

Pskov has always been considered the younger brother of Veliky Novgorod. Both cities maintained their independence from the Moscow Principality for several centuries. In both cities, a special form of government existed for a long time - the veche republic, and trade relations with Northern Europe lay at the basis of economic development. In the trade paperwork of Pskov merchants, a seal with the image of a feline animal has long been used, which later passed on to the coat of arms of Pskov. It is identified in different ways by domestic historians and heraldry experts.

They recognize him as a tiger, a leopard, and even a cheetah. In the “Painting of all state seals” (1626), the Pskov “fierce beast” is called a leopard, and on the coat of arms banner, which served as the royal standard of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, it is designated as a “running lynx.” The main reason for the ambiguity of interpretation is the lack of experience in standardizing the use of various symbols and rules of artistic stylization of images, which, for example, Western European heraldry possessed by that time.

Where does this animal come from?

Historians also have no consensus on the origin of the main element that contains the coat of arms of Pskov. Scientists do not know whether predators similar to leopards lived in the Pskov forests or not. Archaeologists note that among the items of decorative and applied art found on the territory of Pskov, images of animals from the cat family are often found, but there is no single continuity in the interpretation of such an image on dishes, jewelry, weapons and in seals or in the tribal symbols of governors or merchants.

Other scientists are convinced that the coat of arms of the city of Pskov is an example of cultural borrowing from Western European heraldic practice. Similar symbols were very often found in the coats of arms of countries and cities, military units, trade unions and noble families. It is possible that the “Seal of the Pskov State” of the early 17th century is simply a free interpretation of a Swedish, German or British symbol.

God's right hand

In the famous “Tsar's Titular Book” by Alexei Mikhailovich (1672), the coat of arms of Pskov is supplemented by the image of a cloud and a blessing hand with two fingers. A similar plot appeared in the Pskov coat of arms, depicted on the throne of the Romanov dynasty - Mikhail Fedorovich. Subsequently, the hand had several variants of the image, but it has been present on the Pskov coat of arms all subsequent times, with the exception of the Soviet period of history.

In May 1781, during the administrative reforms of Catherine II, the Pskov governorship was established. The city of Pskov, along with the status of the center of the province, also received the highest approved coat of arms. In the description it is called "old" and contains a leopard in a blue field, above which there is a "cloud" with a hand coming out of it. Other cities of the Pskov province also received their symbols. Since the second half of the 19th century, the coat of arms has been used with additional design: with golden ears of grain intertwined with St. Andrew's ribbon and an imperial crown. The author of the new edition of the Pskov coat of arms was the prominent Russian king of arms Bernhard Köhne.

After 1917, the city of Pskov used for its coat of arms a historical basis that had come down from ancient times. Elements that contained religious and monarchical overtones underwent changes. Instead of the imperial crown, a jagged serf appeared, and instead of the right hand of God, either outgoing rays or a five-pointed star were used.

In 1992, by decree of the city authorities, the historical coat of arms was restored, based on the 1859 version. Subsequently, work on the coat of arms continued to bring it into compliance with the requirements of the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation. Work on the city symbols dragged on - deputies of the City Duma demanded an explanation for each element. In particular, there were protests against the Latin spelling of the motto proposed by heraldists: Honorem meum nemeni dabo. The approved draft coat of arms included its Russian version.

Full version of the official coat of arms

The official coat of arms of Pskov was entered into the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation under number 6264. Its description is as follows. At the top of the azure-colored shield is a silver cloud with a flesh-colored right hand emerging from it, personifying the Main Element - a golden leopard with a raised right paw. He has a red (scarlet) tongue, silver eyes, black markings on his skin, and a brush at the end of his tail. The shield is topped with a five-pronged tower gold crown, decorated with a laurel wreath and a hoop with gems. The crown is located on top of two silver crossed swords - a symbol of the title awarded to Pskov - “City of Military Glory”.

The shield is held by turned leopards, similar to the one depicted on the shield. They are decorated with silver shoulder hoops with five crescent-shaped (lily-shaped) teeth. In the front paws of the leopards, along the shield, are golden swords in azure sheaths decorated with silver plates.

Leopards holding a shield stand on a gold patterned base, entwined with an azure ribbon with silver letters that make up the motto: “I will not give my honor to anyone.”

The main official symbol of this Russian region contains one very rare element for such images - a blessing hand emerging from a white cloud. The remaining symbols that adorn the coat of arms are quite often found in world heraldry.

Description of the region's coat of arms

Looking at any color photo of the region’s coat of arms, you will notice that the authors of the sketch used two primary colors and several additional colors. The main role is played by the very popular ones in heraldry - azure and gold, the first is used for the background of the shield and ribbon, the second - to depict the elements present on the shield and in the frame. The compositional structure of the heraldic sign of the Pskov region is traditional; the following complexes are present:

  • French azure shield with two important elements;
  • framed by a wreath of lush oak branches with leaves and acorns, intertwined with an azure St. Andrew's ribbon;
  • precious imperial crown above the shield.

Naturally, it is no coincidence that all the elements appeared on the heraldic symbol; each has its own role and meaning. The leopard has traditionally been present on historical coats of arms, emblems or seals. One of the earliest images of a leopard that has survived to this day can be seen on the seal of Ivan IV.

In the Titular Book of 1672, the emblem contains a striped predator, with its tongue sticking out (this detail can also be seen on the modern symbol of the Pskov region). In the same image the blessing right appears for the first time.

Catherine II, who had a hand in the birth of many Russian coats of arms, also approved the official symbol of Pskov by her decree. According to this document, it was the leopard that was depicted in the azure field.

Symbolism of the heraldic sign

The appearance of the leopard on the coat of arms of the Pskov region is quite justified. This is a formidable animal, ready to attack and repel enemy attacks. It is known that the Pskov lands have always been a reliable barrier for the Swedes; more than once the inhabitants of the region thwarted the plans of unfriendly neighbors. The animal’s raised paw and protruding tongue are symbols of purposefulness and focus on the enemy.

The blessing right hand (the position of the fingers is the index and middle fingers retracted, the rest are folded) is a symbol of the patronage of divine powers. Also associated with additional protection, enhancing the power of the leopard.

The crown is a symbol of strong state power; an oak wreath is traditionally associated in heraldry with longevity, reliability, and greatness.

Article 3 of the Charter of the city of Pskov reads:

"1. The municipal entity “City of Pskov” has official symbols reflecting historical, cultural, national and other local traditions: a flag, a coat of arms and an anthem.

2. Official symbols and the procedure for their official use are established by regulatory legal acts of the representative body of the municipal formation “City of Pskov” - the Pskov City Duma.”

The regulation on the coat of arms of the municipal formation “City of Pskov” was adopted by Resolution No. 489 of July 10, 2001.


Pskov is one of the ancient Russian cities; it is mentioned in the “Tale of Bygone Years” (an ancient Russian chronicle compiled at the beginning of the 12th century) under the year 903. And on the seals and emblems of Pskov that have come down to us from different years, a predatory beast is depicted.

On the seal of Ivan IV he runs to the left, on the cover (after 1626) the same predator, but rushing to the right. The Pskov seal of 1666-1678 depicts a running lynx, in the Titular Book of 1672 - a walking striped predatory animal with its tongue hanging out, above it a blessing hand appears from the cloud for the first time.

Finally, by decree of Catherine II on May 28, 1781, the beast of prey was finally defined, it became the leopard. The coat of arms of Pskov read: “There is a leopard in a blue field, and above it a hand is coming out of a cloud.” The coat of arms of the Pskov province, approved on December 8, 1856, repeats the previously adopted coat of arms of the city of Pskov.

The appearance of a predatory beast is not accidental. Located on the western border of the Russian land, the city became a leading fortress in the struggle of the Russian people against the aggression of the German feudal knights, from the mid-13th century of the Livonian Order, and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Until the beginning of the 16th century, the city withstood 26 sieges. In 1510 it became part of the Russian centralized state. But the wars continued. In 1581, Pskov successfully repelled the siege of the 50,000-strong army of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth king Stefan Batory. As a result, Batory's aggressive plans against Russia were thwarted. In 1615, the city fought off a months-long siege by Swedish troops. The result was the liberation of Russian lands captured by the aggressors. Thus, for many centuries, Pskov reliably guarded Russian lands from the west and was always in a state of combat readiness.

The coat of arms of Pskov is based on the historical coat of arms of the city.

The mighty and formidable leopard symbolizes this readiness to meet enemies fully armed, the courage and courage of the Pskov people, who leave no hope to any aggressor. The animal's pose, protruding tongue and raised front paw emphasize its focus on the enemy.

The golden color indicates wealth, justice, and generosity.

The blessing hand (having the index and middle fingers extended and the others folded) means the protection of heavenly powers. And it seems to strengthen the defensive function of the leopard.

The blue (azure) color of the shield is a sign of beauty and greatness.

Modern coat of arms of Pskov

On July 16, 2010, the Pskov City Duma approved the Regulations on the coat of arms and flag of the city.

The heraldic description (blazon) of the coat of arms reads:

“In the azure field at the top there is a flesh-colored right hand (the right hand of God) coming down from the silver clouds; at the bottom there is a walking golden leopard with a scarlet tongue, silver eyes, claws and teeth with black markings and a brush at the end of the tail.

The shield is crowned with a municipal crown of dignity of the established pattern.

Shield holders: turned leopards (as in a shield), crowned on the shoulders with crowns of St. Dovmont in the form of silver hoops decorated with azure stones and five visible crescent-shaped (in the form of garden lilies) teeth, interspersed with pearls on small teeth, and at the top, between the ends of large teeth - silver months; leopards hold golden swords along the edges of the shield, with hilts facing upward and crowned with small clawed crosses; the swords are placed in azure sheaths decorated with silver; the base is gold patterned.

The motto “I WILL NOT GIVE MY HONOR TO ANYONE” is inscribed in silver letters on an azure ribbon.”

The municipal crown of the established pattern for the urban district, which is the center of the subject of the Russian Federation, is a golden tower with five visible teeth, having a golden laurel wreath; The ring with gems that complements the crown indicates that in the past the city was the capital of the principality. A pair of silver swords with gold hilts placed crosswise behind the crown indicates the honorary title of the Russian Federation “City of Military Glory” belonging to the city of Pskov.


The flag of Pskov repeats the composition of the coat of arms - a walking leopard on an azure field, with a right hand emerging from a cloud on top.

Modern flag of Pskov

The flag of the municipality is a blue cloth, the width and length of which are in the ratio 2:3; in the upper part of the flag, close to its edge, there is an image of a hand (the right hand of God) emerging from the clouds, made in flesh and white colors, in the lower part there is an image of a leopard, made in yellow, black, white and red colors. The reverse side of the flag is a mirror image of it front side.

print version

HYMN Words by S. Zolotsev Music by N. Mishukov Where Pskova rushes towards the Great,
Where Russia is alive in people, -
Our beloved gray city has risen,
Eternally preserved by Olga as a saint. Chorus:

A leopard shines above every tower.
The gold of the crosses glitters.
Glory forever, Pskov of yesterday!
Hello forever, new Pskov!

The city's coat of arms is included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation under number 6264.

It is noteworthy that sometimes the description used not a leopard, but a lynx (1666).

Initially, on the presented draft the motto of the coat of arms was written in Latin letters. Later it was replaced by the Cyrillic alphabet.


"The heraldic description (blazon) of the coat of arms reads:

“In the azure field at the top there is a flesh-colored right hand (the right hand of God) coming down from the silver clouds; at the bottom there is a walking golden leopard with a scarlet tongue, silver eyes, claws and teeth with black markings and a brush at the end of the tail.

The shield is crowned with a municipal crown of dignity of the established pattern.

Shield holders: turned leopards (as in a shield), crowned on the shoulders with crowns of St. Dovmont in the form of silver hoops decorated with azure stones and five visible crescent-shaped (in the form of garden lilies) teeth, interspersed with pearls on small teeth, and at the top, between the ends of large teeth - silver months; leopards hold golden swords along the edges of the shield, with hilts facing upward and crowned with small clawed crosses; the swords are placed in azure sheaths decorated with silver; the base is gold patterned.

The motto “I WILL NOT GIVE MY HONOR TO ANYONE” is inscribed in silver letters on an azure ribbon.”

The municipal crown of the established pattern for the urban district, which is the center of the subject of the Russian Federation, is a golden tower with five visible teeth, having a golden laurel wreath; The ring with gems that complements the crown indicates that in the past the city was the capital of the principality. A pair of silver swords with gold hilts placed crosswise behind the crown indicates the honorary title of the Russian Federation “City of Military Glory” belonging to the city of Pskov".

  • The leopard symbolizes courage, bravery, courage.
  • A protruding tongue, as well as a raised front paw, indicates a readiness to repel a blow from the enemy.
  • Yellow (golden) color denotes wealth, justice, and also generosity.
  • Blue color symbolizes beauty and grandeur.
  • The blessing hand is a symbol of heaven's protection.

"The coat of arms can be reproduced as in the full version (full coat of arms - with all attributes) listed in clause 2.1. of this article, and in abbreviated form (without all attributes or without any of them, while the foot without shield holders is not reproduced); all versions of the coat of arms are equal and have the same status".

Historical coats of arms of the city Pskov Seal of the 15th century

Early city seals used the image of a predatory beast.

It is worth noting that the Pskov seal is found on the Moscow state seal.

This coat of arms is shown in the Munich armorial of 1730.

Description: " There is a leopard in a blue field, and above him a hand comes out of the cloud".

Description: " In an azure field there is a golden leopard, above him a right hand emerging from silver clouds. The shield is topped with a golden wall crown and surrounded by golden ears of corn connected by an Alexander ribbon".

Description: " The heraldic description of the coat of arms of the municipal formation "City of Pskov" reads:

In a blue field there is a golden leopard, above him is a right hand emerging from silver clouds. The basis of the coat of arms is the shield.

Description of the symbolism of the coat of arms of the municipal formation "City of Pskov":

The coat of arms of the municipal formation "City of Pskov" is based on historical coats of arms:

  • 1781 - Pskov governorship: “there is a leopard in a blue field, and above it a hand is coming out of a cloud”;
  • 1856 - Pskov province: “in an azure field there is a golden leopard, above him is the right hand emerging from the silver clouds.”

Definition of the color symbolism of the coat of arms:

  • The azure (blue) field of the coat of arms is azure as a symbol of beauty, softness, greatness.
  • Depicted: in paints - a mixture of cobalt and ultramarine.
  • Golden leopard - wealth, justice, generosity.
  • Silver clouds - purity, innocence.
  • Right hand (hand in the form of a blessing gesture) - fidelity, oath, keeping an oath.
  • Depicted: in paints - flesh-colored, natural color.

Armorial figures:

  • The leopard personifies the bravery and courage of the Pskov people.
  • The right hand represents the blessing gesture".

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Coat of arms of Pskov

Heraldic description of the coat of arms of the city of Pskov

In the azure field above is the right hand coming down from the silver clouds (the flesh-colored right hand of God), below is a walking golden leopard with a scarlet tongue and silver eyes, claws and teeth, with black markings and a brush at the end of the tail. The shield is crowned with a municipal crown of dignity of the established pattern.

Shield holders: turned leopards (as in a shield), crowned on the shoulders with crowns of St. Dovmont in the form of silver hoops decorated with azure stones and five visible crescent-shaped (in the form of garden lilies) teeth, interspersed with pearls on small teeth, and at the top, between the ends of large teeth - silver months; leopards hold golden swords along the edges of the shield, with hilts facing upward and crowned with small clawed crosses; the swords are placed in azure sheaths decorated with silver; the base is gold patterned. The motto “I WILL NOT GIVE MY HONOR TO ANYONE” is inscribed in silver letters on an azure ribbon.

Rationale for the symbolism of the coat of arms

The city's coat of arms is based on the historical coat of arms of Pskov, approved by decree of Empress Catherine II on May 28, 1781. The description of the coat of arms read: “There is a leopard in a blue field, and above him a hand is coming out of a cloud.”.

The leopard is a symbol of courage, bravery and courage. The appearance of a predatory beast is not accidental. Located on the western border of the Russian land, the city became a leading fortress in the struggle of the Russian people against the aggression of the German feudal knights, from the mid-13th century of the Livonian Order and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Until the beginning of the 16th century, the city withstood 26 sieges. In 1581, Pskov successfully repelled the siege of the 50,000-strong army of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth king Stefan Batory. In 1615, the city fought off a months-long siege by Swedish troops. The result was the liberation of Russian lands captured by the aggressors. Thus, for many centuries, Pskov reliably guarded Russian lands from the west and was always in a state of combat readiness.

The mighty and formidable leopard symbolizes this readiness to meet enemies fully armed, the courage and courage of the Pskov people, who leave no hope to any aggressor. The animal's pose, protruding tongue and raised front paw emphasize its focus on the enemy.

Two crossed swords behind the crown are symbols of the city of military glory. Shield-bearing leopards hold in their paws the swords (in sheaths) of the patron saints of Pskov - princes Vsevolod-Gabriel and Dovmont. On the necks of the leopards is the “crown of St. Dovmont.”

The blessing hand, with the index and middle fingers extended and the others folded, symbolizes the protection of heavenly powers and allegorically enhances the defensive function of the leopard.

The color gold symbolizes wealth, justice and generosity.
The blue (azure) color of the shield and ribbons is a symbol of beauty and greatness.

The coat of arms of the city of Pskov was approved by the Pskov City Duma on July 16, 2010. Number in the Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation: 6264.

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