Report "The role of the school library within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard". Velikoluksk Central City Library named after M.I. Semevsky Information and educational environment of children's libraries: creation and development

Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” Adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on December 21, 2012 1. In organizations providing educational services, in order to ensure the implementation of educational programs, libraries are formed, including digital (electronic) libraries that provide access to professional databases, information and search systems, as well as other information resources, the library collection must be equipped with printed and (or) electronic educational publications (including students and teaching aids), methodological and periodicals on all academic subjects, courses, disciplines included in the implemented basic educational programs (modules). Article 18

2007 May 30 - at a meeting of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Culture and Art, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin emphasized that school libraries should be equipped with advanced information systems, unified software products, software. Year - the Concept for the development of libraries of educational institutions of the Russian Federation until 2015 was developed

From the speech of President D.A. Medvedev regarding the city’s approval of the national educational initiative “Our New School”: “... this should be a school with high-tech educational equipment, broadband Internet, providing access to global information networks, access to the maximum number of treasures domestic and foreign culture, achievements of science and art; there must be conditions for high-quality additional education, self-realization and creative development"

Key settings of the concept of new educational standards in the activities of school libraries Information and methodological support for the general educational process. Development of information literacy of students, including when organizing their project activities. Information and methodological support for constructing individual educational routes for students. Spiritual and moral development and education of schoolchildren.

Basic documents Fundamental core of the content of general education Federal State Standard for Primary General Education (FSES NOO) Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (FSES LLC) Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary (Complete) General Education (Project) Model programs in academic subjects. Elementary School. Sample programs for academic subjects. Basic school.

Personnel supply Library staffing Level of qualifications (compliance with the qualification characteristics of the position) Continuity of professional development Level of professionalism, quality work results Innovativeness of activities

Material and technical support Compliance of the library premises with sanitary and hygienic standards. Comfort of the library environment in relation to students and teaching staff. Adequacy of space and illumination. Placement of workplaces and zones. Availability of modern library equipment and furniture. Availability of a reading room. Number of reading places. Availability of a media library.

Logistics and technical support Conditions for working with information (devices for creating, recording and processing information; obtaining and replicating information in various ways, including on the Internet; the opportunity to post your materials and work in the information environment of the educational institution). for holding mass library events. Providing the library with consumables and stationery, digital information carriers.

Information and educational support Technological means: librarians' workstations personal computers for database users communication channels software products Possibility of carrying out activities in electronic (digital) form: planning and analysis of activities

Information and educational support; placement and preservation of information resources; organization of an electronic catalog and work with it; recording the progress of the library process; interaction between EP participants, including remote control of access of EP participants to information resources on the Internet)

Information and methodological support, provision of teaching materials on various media, completeness of educational and methodological and programmatic and methodological literature of electronic educational resources, including children's fiction and popular science literature, reference bibliographic and periodicals located in federal and regional databases).

Focused on creating conditions: Improving the qualifications of library personnel who meet the requirements of the time, strive for innovation in the professional field, and are ready for the continuous process of education throughout life. Formation of funds using high-quality sources of information on different media. Creating an attractive, comfortable and friendly library and educational environment Result-oriented: Focus on competency-based and system-activity approaches. Studying and incorporating effective techniques and technologies into library practice. Working in a school team to implement the Federal State Educational Standard. Collaboration with teachers

Objectives Mastering new information technologies Directions: library - NIT are being introduced into technological library and information processes (library automation) educational - NIT are being introduced into the main activities of the school, including the school library Forming information literacy among schoolchildren by providing teachers and schoolchildren with access to high-quality licensed databases, organizer and assistant in project activities aimed at developing in students the ability to conduct search and practical research activities

Positive aspects in the activities of school librarians: development and implementation of computer technologies in information and library services; the use of a variety of innovative forms of work that have an effective impact on the process of training and education; development of legal and regulatory support for library activities; creating a school library model in accordance with the school development concept; development of a concept and library development program; aesthetics and visibility of the library; original design of book exhibitions; systematic work on the formation and use of information resources: flexibility, mobility, the ability to change, adapting your work to the needs of the educational institution: the use of virtual forms to create an attractive image of the library: the creation of original programs to develop interest in reading.

Schoolchildren about the library of the future “...The library of the future is a lot of computers and a place to use them; different areas for quiet and noisy events; here you can meet friends, read magazines, do homework; here you can study and just be, there is a place to think and relax; staff – professional employees, pleasant, friendly and balanced people; the premises are cozy, open, well lit and colorful; a library is art, culture and books, it is the territory of childhood...”

Reading the new Federal State Educational Standard: what should a school library see in it?

A modern school library is one of the main conditions for the implementation of federal educational standards.
If we take an excursion into the recent past, we should note that for many years the presence of libraries in educational institutions was not indicated in any way in federal documents. The Law “On Education”, with numerous additions and amendments, has not introduced any mention of libraries into the educational document environment. The document approved by the Russian Government describes in detail the medical care of participants in the educational process and their nutrition. The school library is not mentioned. Only now, in new documents, school libraries are not ignored.
What changes are (or should be) happening in school libraries?
1.School libraries are needed by schools as library and information centers(BIC), which are an important component of the educational process. What is the difference between a library and an information center? The library, serving its readers, uses only its funds. In addition to traditional funds, the Information Center also has access to remote resources of the largest information centers and book depositories in the world. Selected Internet resources make it possible to use it most fully for the development of schoolchildren, to expand their horizons, and to choose the best works of literature for reading. Is an electronic encyclopedia really necessary if children in the library have not mastered traditional reference collections, which have their own irreplaceable advantages? No Internet can replace a smart directory, since working with it requires solving a bunch of intellectual problems that a machine is not capable of.

2. Another requirement for libraries: they must be equipped with high-quality sources of information, and these must be information resources on different media. These are different types and types of electronic publications: interactive courses on the subject, tests and problem books, electronic encyclopedias, interactive whiteboards on the subject, teaching aids. In the Federal State Educational Standards section “24. Material and technical conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of secondary (complete) general education" it is directly stated that "The material and technical equipment of the educational process should ensure the possibility of "... access in the school library to Internet information resources, educational and fiction literature, collections of media resources on electronic media , to duplicating equipment for reproducing educational and methodological textographic, audio and video materials, the results of creative and scientific research and project activities of students.”

3.The school library is more than just books. In the context of the development of Internet technologies and their mass use by teenage schoolchildren, this is also the formation of information literacy and culture. Our understanding of IS is becoming hypertrophied and somewhat wretched. It all comes down to the fact that a person must be able to look for a book, or work with a dictionary, or press buttons. In fact, information and communication competence is a much broader concept.
When we were studying, we took a lot of notes from primary sources and through these notes we learned to work with texts, we knew what a plan, a thesis, an abstract was... Modern children (and not only children, unfortunately) not only write a note, read a short dictionary entry do not want. They immediately ask you to photocopy it. There is no photocopier - they are trying to take a photo with their phone. If he doesn’t take small texts, they read it into the phone as if it were a voice recorder... They try as hard as they can. Anything, just to not work. Some adults encourage them in this.

4. A red thread runs through the entire Federal State Educational Standard: use of ICT and their implementation in schools is considered as an educational technology, as the development of skills to work with information, and not as a separate subject “computer science”. Already in elementary school, children must master the basics of searching, sorting information, organizing it and storing it - using computer technology! Undoubtedly, it is necessary to teach the child to independently obtain information, look for it in encyclopedias, work with reference books, and access the Internet. In addition, when organizing access to information, you should wisely limit it, protecting children from the “bad Internet.” The virtual world should not become a replacement for the real one.

5. Another point that is also mentioned in the Standard: information should be equally accessible to absolutely every child, regardless of social status or whether he is healthy or a child with disabilities, etc.
We often hear that the library must change. But the library is an inanimate person. Does this mean that should the librarian change? It’s no secret that the knowledge acquired in an educational institution becomes outdated quite quickly. The library, like any other institution, is interested in specialists who improve their professional level throughout their lives. But forms of advanced training for library workers do not always meet modern requirements. The main problem of Russian school libraries is the crisis of funds and the crisis of personnel. The second problem is the social vulnerability of librarians.

6. Of the innovations, it should be noted emergence of extracurricular activities in the school curriculum. Librarians will obviously not be left behind. Active participation of children in extracurricular activities can serve to enhance the status of the library and will help promote quality reading. Extracurricular activities should include work in the reading room and participation in its public events, when through books and reading personal educational results are achieved, which should reflect, according to the standard, “Formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people and history Russia, awareness of one’s ethnic and national identity; formation of values ​​of multinational Russian society; the formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations.”

So, let's summarize. The new generation standard obliges libraries to significantly restructure their work:
school libraries are needed by schools as BICentres, which are an important component of the educational process that contributes to the implementation of educational standards;
BICentres must be equipped with high-quality sources of information on different media;
qualified library personnel must meet the requirements of the time, strive for innovation in the professional field, and be prepared for the continuous process of education;
BICentres should become the personification of an attractive, comfortable, and friendly educational environment.

P.S. Everything written is modern, timely and true. But how far is it until the time when all our school libraries will be able to meet the requirements that are placed on them? The question is open...

30 Sep 2013

Information and educational environment of children's libraries: creation and development

Information and educational environment of children's libraries: creation and development. This was the name of the seminar - a meeting of children's librarians of the city, which was held on the basis of city ​​children's
library named after A. Gaidar September 25.
At the seminar, attention was paid to the work of children's libraries in providing the necessary information to teachers and students, and new educational standards. The creation of an information and educational environment in the library for children ensures the harmonization of the information influence that the child receives in various information environments, thereby giving young users the opportunity to become informationally literate individuals who can freely realize themselves in the future. The information environment surrounding the child acts as a system in the library. A harmonious combination of various sources of information in the library and an optimally organized information search system develops the cultural and educational needs of the child. The informational and educational space of the library is built in accordance with the personal characteristics of the child, gives the child the opportunity to actively interact with the external information environment and develops socially significant personal qualities in him. The created information and educational environment must be potentially active and correspond to the goals, objectives, content, principles and methods of modern education. At the seminar, issues related to the provision of new library services and prospects for the development of children's libraries in the new academic year were discussed.

Head GDB named after A. Gaidar Tereshina L.N. told children's librarians about the work of the section “For children about children” of the X Interregional festival for the promotion of books and reading “Autumn in Mikhailovsky”, about modern creative finds in the popularization of reading, about trends in children's reading.

Methodist of the State Children's Hospital named after. A. Gaidar Koldunova T.I. presented a calendar of the most important dates for
calendar year, offered teaching materials, incl. on electronic media. Reviewed library periodicals, incl. new magazine “Game Library” with scripts for events, open lessons and holidays, quizzes and competitions.

Bibliographer Belousova G.V. introduced librarians to the recommendation lists of the State Children's Library named after. A. Gaidar for family reading “Reading Together”, “Modern Children’s Writers”; showed new promotional products of the Gaidar Library (book bookmarks: “With a book, go to the library!”, “Rules for handling a book,” “Rules for using the library,” a memo for parents “10 tips on how to instill in your child a love of books”).

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 19"


“Organization of the work of school libraries in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”



Rtishcheva E.A.


New educational standards are not just a change in the school curriculum. With the introduction of new standards, the principles and goals of education are radically changing. The school is sharply turning from the set of knowledge and skills that the student until now had to demonstrate at the exit, to the fact that he must be psychologically ready to study all his life and be able to do it. The success of a modern person and the results of his educational activities are increasingly determined by the level of his readiness to independently acquire knowledge. Continuing education and the ability to retrain become part of maintaining the social status of the individual; The career of a modern person largely depends on his ability to timely find, receive, adequately perceive and productively use new information.

A modern school library is one of the main conditions for the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards.

In a speech on the approval of the national educational initiative “Our New School” on February 4, 2010, D.A. Medvedev outlined the prospect of organizing a new school: “... it should be a school with high-tech educational equipment, broadband Internet, providing access to global information networks, access to the maximum number of treasures of domestic and foreign culture, achievements of science and art; there must be conditions for high-quality additional education, self-realization and creative development.”

Such a new school will, of course, require a new library.

One of the main tasks of the school library is to complete library collections and provide students with the necessary literature. The library collection is formed in accordance with the curriculum and educational programs implemented by the educational institution. Educational programs change, textbooks become outdated, many textbooks and books become unusable, so the library requires constant updating and replenishment of both educational and methodological literature. At the beginning of the school year, librarians carry out work to study the composition and condition of the school library collection. Work is underway with a list of textbooks recommended (approved) by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process and with catalogs of publishing houses. Together with subject teachers and taking into account their requirements, a centralized order for educational publications is formed. The list of educational literature is approved by the pedagogical council of the educational institution. The school library constantly receives and processes incoming educational, methodological and fiction literature, and writes off obsolete and dilapidated literature.

The purpose of the school library is to promote the effective implementation of the tasks of the educational process through information and library services for students and teachers.

School librarians consider library activities in three areas:

information and methodological support for the general educational process, taking into account the requirements specified in the standard;

development of information literacy of students, including when organizing their project activities;

information and methodological support for building individual educational trajectories for students.

A library specialist can and should organize extracurricular activities.

To do this, it is necessary to create the necessary conditions in the school library:

  1. the library should be an information center, with computers and complex programs;
  2. joint systematic work of a teacher and a librarian on the basis of a library.

The school library occupies an important place in the development of information competence of students, and also promotes the development of lifelong education skills of schoolchildren by teaching them information retrieval activities. In times of information technology, it is necessary not just to transfer library and bibliographic knowledge, but to develop students’ information competence, including:

  • skills in using various methods of information retrieval activities (library and bibliographic competence);
  • skills to analyze and evaluate information (critical thinking);
  • process and structure the text (reading culture);
  • ability to use modern information technologies.

The place of the school library is indicated in the implementation of the second generation standards. The new standard for primary general and basic general education presents the role of the school library as educational, methodological and information support for the implementation of the main educational program of the institution.

In accordance with the tasks set by the new educational standard, one of the requirements for a school library is its mandatory technical equipment. The library, as an information and library center, must constantly provide wide and stable access to any information for all participants in the educational process. The information provided by the school library should be aimed at the implementation of the main educational program, the organization of the educational process and the achievement of planned results. This suggests that in the library, as in classrooms, there must be a sufficient number of workstations (computers), a local network and Internet access for all users. School library employees must provide information support for the educational process and the activities of students and teachers in the context of modern information technologies in the field of library services, and the libraries of educational institutions themselves must be equipped with “...printed educational resources and electronic educational resources for all academic subjects of the curriculum, and have a fund of additional literature , which should include children’s fiction, popular science literature, reference, bibliographic and periodicals that accompany the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education.”

It should be noted that, first of all, a school library is an educational library. It is no coincidence that the new standard requires that school libraries be provided with: “textbooks and (or) textbooks with electronic applications that are their integral part, educational and methodological literature and materials on all academic subjects of the main educational program.”

Thus, one of the material and technical conditions necessary for the development and implementation of educational programs of both primary and basic general education is the presence of a library equipped with traditional and electronic information and educational resources and equipped with modern technology.

In the federal state standard for primary general education, a significant place is allocated to the requirements for the conditions for implementing the standard. Attention is focused on creating a comfortable, developing educational environment of the educational institution. The interpretation of the standard for this concept implies such qualities of education as openness, accessibility, and attractiveness. The new standard focuses on the comfort of education, both for students and for the entire teaching staff.

More precisely, a comfortable educational environment can be characterized as a pedagogical reality, including specially organized conditions for the favorable formation and development of comfortable and creative learning and teaching. A component of a pedagogically comfortable environment that ensures the effectiveness and efficiency of the development of educational self-realization of students is the creation of a creative, friendly atmosphere. One of these components includes the creation of individual success and the promotion of self-determination of all participants in the educational process. It is the teaching staff, which includes school librarians, that bears enormous responsibility for a comfortable educational environment at school, an environment of communication between teachers and students, rich in content.

The school library is an essential and significant part of the educational environment of the educational institution. At the same time, it forms its own special library environment.

The library environment includes informational, cultural, emotional, psychological, environmental and material components. We can say that the library environment is the entire environment of the employee and user in the library.

The main component of the library environment is information.

In the information component of the library environment, an important place is occupied by the library collection, which is the basis of the library’s information resources and represents a variety of documents on different types of information media. Information resources in general refer to the collection of data concentrated and presented to effectively and efficiently obtain reliable information.

The information resources of a school library should be considered as a set of documents (on various media) that the library has at its disposal in a given period of time.

The leading condition for the comfort of information resources is the comfortable satisfaction of information requests of library users. The library and information environment is most comfortable for readers when it allows them to satisfy information needs with maximum completeness and the least physical and time costs.

The task of the school library to provide access to information, knowledge, cultural values, and ideas is fully consistent with the new educational standard.

Nowadays, the book and school library are becoming increasingly important. The need for a library as a laboratory of active cognition through creative reading is understood by the state and spelled out in the educational standards of the second generation. This understanding is largely related to documents adopted at the state level: “Law on Education in the Russian Federation”, National Educational Initiative “Our New School”, Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education (FSES LLC), which reflect the reality and content of system modernization modern Russian education, there is a tendency towards the formation of not only an educated, information-literate person, but also one who possesses basic competencies.

The new status of the school library in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard is considered from different points of view, and the key tasks of the new school library are determined. The organization of the work of a modern school library is presented in a model where the demand for library services will change and this demand will be directed towards the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. The main thing is to teach children to work with various sources of information, select the right material, teach them to read and select from different sources the knowledge necessary when preparing for lessons. Ensure that students perceive useful bibliographic information with interest. In the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard, libraries of educational institutions become information and library centers providing information support.

The Federal State Educational Standard defined goals, set tasks, and outlined planned results. The standard is aimed at the formation of a general culture, civil, spiritual, moral, personal, social and intellectual development of students, their self-improvement and self-development, allowing them to become successful and realize their creative abilities. Only by creating a holistic and complete system for introducing students to reading at school, one of the main links of which is the school library, can the need for systematic reading be created. It is in this case that the desired result can be achieved when a graduate of primary and secondary school falls in love with reading, realizes its significance and necessity for further self-development and learning, and perceives it as a source of cognitive, aesthetic, moral experience, if the school system is also involved in achieving these goals library.

The role of the school library today is very significant; it is the library space that helps the student to become spiritually enriched. Qualified specialists of the school library promote awareness of it as a center of information, moral development of students, create an idea of ​​it as the most important link in the pedagogical system, promoting education and upbringing, forming the information competence of young citizens who will live in a society of information technology. It is the school library and its qualified personnel that is one of the guarantors of the implementation of federal state standards and an important tool for their implementation. In accordance with federal state educational standards, school libraries participate in the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general and basic general education. Today, there has come an awareness of the need for special preparation of a person for life in the information society. At this stage, libraries of educational institutions implement classroom, extracurricular activities and additional education for students. Thus, they fulfill the assigned tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard. It is possible to achieve the goals and objectives set by the federal state educational standard only by promoting and supporting reading and books, which today is a priority, relevant and historically the main direction of the work of the school library.

The new standard of education makes it possible to introduce library programs and projects into the educational process, because one of its tasks is to ensure an effective combination of classroom and extracurricular forms of organizing the educational process, the interaction of all its participants, and the unity of educational and extracurricular activities.

The school library plays an important and significant role in the educational process, in encouraging children’s desire to master knowledge. The most valuable aspect of a school library is the inculcation of reading skills and a love of reading and books. The library provides assistance to children and parents, recommends literature, selects and offers certain manuals, books, and magazines.Through books and reading, personal educational results are achieved, which should reflect, according to the standard, “... Formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of one’s ethnicity and nationality; formation of values ​​of multinational Russian society; the formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations.”

The modern role of libraries of educational institutions in the context of the introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard with the note “Materials for the collection Congress T.I. Polyakova, head of the information and library center, associate professor of the department of social and pedagogical education of the St. Petersburg Postgraduate Academy T.I. Polyakova, head of the information and library center center, st. Lecturer, Department of Social and Pedagogical Education, St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Ph.D.

In his speech at the opening ceremony of the Year of the Teacher, President Dmitry Medvedev emphasized that the essence and meaning of the “Our New School” initiative is to create a school capable of revealing the personal potential of children, instilling in them an interest in learning and knowledge, a desire for spiritual growth and a healthy lifestyle , to prepare children for professional activities, taking into account the tasks of modernization and innovative development of the country.

Changes in schools “...The material and technical base includes: classrooms...information and library centers...” “...the school should become a center not only of compulsory education, but also of students’ self-training..” heads of educational institutions with a local network combine libraries and computer classes and technical services, trying to provide interactive and high-tech educational services to participants in the educational process From the draft education standard From the National Educational Initiative “Our New School” From the experience of schools

5 Changes in the school infrastructure of the Federal State Educational Standard: Requirements for material and technical equipment (library - reading room - media library - information and library center) Requirements for the information and educational environment Requirements for educational, methodological and information support

The standard contains requirements for the mandatory technical equipment of the Information and Library Center (in the accepted standard for primary schools - libraries) in accordance with the objectives: “ensuring wide, constant and sustainable access for all participants in the educational process to any information related to the implementation of basic educational program, achievement of planned results, organization of the educational process and conditions for its implementation...”

The library (ILC) must have high-speed Internet, enough workstations (computers) and access to the Internet via a local network (or via wi-fi) for all users. ILC employees (librarians, specialists in reading, IT technologies) provide “information support for the educational activities of students and teaching staff based on modern information technologies in the field of library services...”, and the IBCs themselves must be “equipped with printed and electronic information and educational resources for all subjects of the curriculum..."

The school library fund should be equipped with additional literature, including “domestic and foreign, classical and modern fiction; popular science and scientific and technical literature; publications on fine arts, music, physical culture and debate, ecology; rules of safe behavior on the roads, reference, bibliographic and periodicals; collection of dictionaries; literature on social and professional self-determination of students.”

1. Integration of digital and printed media, the ability to supplement one’s own funds with resources created by participants in the pedagogical process 2. The opportunity to form and develop information literacy and culture of students in close collaboration with teachers 1. Digital “equality” as a factor in education 2. The role of the librarian increases to roles of an information culture teacher 1. The librarian supports and develops the creative abilities of schoolchildren using the latest technologies, supporting the project activities of subject teachers, independent educational research 1. The library and the librarian can play a new role in the process of organizing all kinds of reading research, counseling and even distance learning training teachers and students on reading issues, new admissions, the formation of an information culture - through blogs, wiki environments and the possibilities of social services and Web 2.0 tools, cooperation with children's and public libraries, involving teachers and parents in joint network initiatives Use of IT in the library Ownership technical and skills Perception of the value of innovation and creativity Interest in non-formal areas in education Changing the learning environment 1. The librarian is the person responsible in the school for the processes of connecting sources of knowledge and relationships between participants in the pedagogical process in educational situations.

Questions What is a school librarian like today? What should he do today? What types of social tools and services should school library media centers choose to work with students to better access information and educational texts? What specifically needs to be taught to today's librarians and school library media specialists to help students act intelligently with 21st century information?

Innovative models of library and information services at the educational institution Library-Mediatheque (library media center). Information and Library Center (ILC, BIC). The library is a research and educational center with the capabilities of a media library. A media center in the district resource center for the formation of information culture among students. The library is the teaching unit of the school. The library is the center of interaction between family and school. The library is a family reading center

Problems 1. Lack of development of the legal framework for the activities of libraries of educational institutions, lack of necessary federal laws or regulations defining the status of libraries, and, accordingly, the range of responsibilities that can be legally assigned to them. 2. Insufficient funding to provide the material and technical base for the development of libraries of educational institutions, and, as a consequence, the lack of stable and sufficient funds for the formation of fixed and educational funds.

3. Insufficient development of coordination and cooperation in the work of educational institutions libraries both within the education system and at the interdepartmental level. 4. Advanced training of educational institution library specialists does not fully meet their information needs that arose during the modernization of education. The system of remote training for OU librarians is not organized. 5. Not all libraries have access to Internet services and have the ability to use Internet classes in educational institutions. 6. The “adult” age of library specialists reduces the degree of readiness to introduce innovations. Problems

Step 1. Analysis of the professional readiness of librarians to work in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard Step 2. Identification of professional difficulties and deficiencies Step 3. Design of a scheme for advanced training of librarians Step 4. Formation of a strategic professional order for IPK Step 5. Use of internal methodological reserve Step 6. Interim monitoring of results methodological support Step 7. Identification and replication of the best professional samples

What is the strategy for immediate action? Focused on creating conditions: Improving the qualifications of library personnel who meet the requirements of the time, strive for innovation in the professional field, and are ready for the continuous process of education throughout life. - Formation of funds with high-quality sources of information on different media. - Creation of an attractive, comfortable and friendly library and educational environment Result-oriented: Focus on competency-based and system-activity approaches. - Studying and incorporating effective techniques and technologies into library practice. - Work in the school team to implement the Federal State Educational Standard. - Cooperation with teachers

Section III “Positions of teaching staff” is supplemented with the qualification characteristics of the position “Teacher-librarian”. The title of the position “teacher-librarian” is used in educational institutions that implement educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education (hereinafter referred to as institutions).

The new position “teacher-librarian” is classified as a teaching position. In addition to working with the library collection and information resources, the teacher-librarian is responsible for pedagogical work related to participation in the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education, as well as with the implementation of additional education for students and pupils on cultural development personality, promotion of reading, support of interest in literature, development of literature and the formation of information culture, development of innovative technologies, methods and forms of library and information activities, which can be carried out in circles, clubs and other forms of work.

Vladimir Putin “The new status entails new responsibilities. School librarians, along with teachers, will undergo certification. They must be proficient in modern technologies and freely navigate Internet resources, including information databases of leading Russian and foreign libraries...”