General characteristics of the foreign language program. Additional general education program of the academic discipline in English OOP English language

Learning a foreign language requires certain norms and systems according to which this language is studied. Today we will talk about the federal state educational standard for learning English. Or easier Federal State Educational Standard.

Federal State Educational Standard in English - what should the lesson be like?

The most important task of modern school education is to develop in a child the desire and ability to master new knowledge and activities, as well as the ability to build a further direction for his own education. We will talk about this, how to effectively conduct an English lesson, how to instill a love of foreign speech and much more in this article.

So that you don’t have any questions with this concept in the future, first, let’s figure out what it is. The federal state educational standard is certain requirements and rules that must be implemented by primary, secondary, and higher educational institutions that are state accredited.

In other words, these are educational programs that contain the norms and standards for education required by the state. The development of the Federal State Educational Standard is carried out in accordance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state. Federal State Educational Standards projects, comments and changes are accepted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Basic standards of the Federal State Educational Standard for the English language

The main goal of English classes, according to the Federal State Educational Standards standards, is the formation of communicative competence. This means the ability to carry out interpersonal and intercultural communication in a foreign language.

Thanks to the formation of communicative competence, students should be able to:

  • Introduce yourself orally and in writing, write a resume, application, letter, questionnaire in English
  • Represent your family, school, city, country within the framework of intercultural communication
  • Be able to ask a question and build a dialogue in English
  • Proficient in various types of speech activity: writing, reading, dialogue, monologue.

Communicative competence includes subject competencies: linguistic, speech, compensatory, sociocultural, educational and cognitive. The basis, however, is speech competence. In turn, speech competence includes four types of speech activity that help develop communication skills: speaking, listening, reading, writing.

Here is a brief introduction to the federal state standards of the Federal State Educational Standard for the English language. Let's move directly to the structure of the lecture.

Basic standards for conducting a modern lesson

Lessons on the Federal State Educational Standard - what is it?

So, we briefly figured out what the Federal State Educational Standard is. If these are certain norms and standards of education, then these are also certain norms and rules for conducting a lesson. A modern lecture on the Federal State Educational Standard is a learning situation, a task that is set before children, and which they must solve. The teacher's participation in resolving the situation should be minimal; he only guides the children, helps them, but does not do everything himself.

The same applies to English classes. Whether it’s working with a text, explaining new grammatical material, or vocabulary work, children are given a task that they must cope with on their own; the teacher only guides them.

A well-organized lesson in an equipped classroom should have a logical beginning and the same ending. You must plan your activities and the activities of your students, clearly formulate the topic, purpose, and objectives of the lecture. The teacher must organize problem and search situations and intensify the activities of students. Students must draw their own conclusions. Maximum participation of students and only the guiding activity of the teacher.

Let's consider the main stages of a combined lesson according to state standards:

  • Organizing time
  • Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivating students to learn
  • Updating of reference knowledge
  • Primary assimilation of new knowledge
  • Initial check of understanding
  • Primary consolidation
  • Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes made and their correction
  • Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it
  • Reflection (summarizing).

As for the forms and methods of work for conducting a lesson, it is appropriate to talk about individual, group, differentiated group, frontal, academic, leisure, interactive forms of work. It is important to apply the methodology of problem-based, research, project-based, developmental, personality-oriented, productive-technological, reflective learning.

Teaching aids must be modern. This includes a computer, a slide projector, the Internet, and audio-video materials. And, of course, no one has yet canceled the standard visualization: pictures, illustrations, cards, books, textbooks, etc.

As for modern lessons, all kinds of films and cartoons in English, with or without subtitles, will come to the rescue. Audio materials such as songs, poems, texts and dialogues will also help you in your work.

Progress does not stand still, and neither does education. Therefore, the more modern your lesson, the faster it keeps up with the times.

The relevance of this topic is the idea of ​​​​development of the education system, implemented through the introduction of second-generation Federal State Educational Standards standards in primary schools. The main idea of ​​development is presented through a systematic activity approach, which involves taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students, the role and significance of activities and forms of communication to determine the goals of education and upbringing and ways to achieve them. The fundamental difference...

English language program Federal State Educational Standard

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Federal State Educational Standard for Educational and Cultural Educational Institutions Afanasyeva O.V., Mikheeva I.V., Rainbow English for grade 5 Section 1. Explanatory note to Rainbow English for grade 5. The English language work program for grade 5 is compiled on the basis of the federal state educational standard for basic general education (standards of the second generation) and the author’s program by O.V. Afanasyev, I.V. Mikheev, K.M. Baranov in English for the educational complex “English language: “Rainbow ...

Federal State Educational Standards work programs English

Section 1. Explanatory note The work program in English for grade 6 is compiled on the basis of the federal state educational standard, and the author’s program of O.V. Afanasyev, I.V. Mikheev, K.M. Baranov in English for the teaching materials “English language: “Rainbow English” for students in grades 5-9 of general education institutions (Moscow: Drofa, 2014). The work program is focused on the use of the educational and methodological set of O.V. Afanasyev, I.V. Mikheeva, K.M. Baranov in English...

Federal State Educational Standards work programs in English

Experience of teaching English in primary school from the perspective of the requirements of the new generation Federal State Educational Standards The introduction into practice of schools of a new standard of primary general education means that current first-graders in four years of study in primary school must not only acquire a sum of knowledge and skills in a foreign language, but also master skills to learn, organize their activities, become owners of certain...

Since 2011, our school has switched to the 2nd generation Federal State Educational Standard. In this regard, the question arose about professional retraining of personnel. From 10.10.2011 until June 25, 2012, among the teachers who received a referral for retraining, I had the opportunity to undergo training in the program: “Theory and methods of teaching a foreign language in primary school” at the educational institution of further education...

Qualification test for suitability for the position held for English language teachers (Answers to tests for English teachers are located at the end of the page) 2 hours (120 minutes) are given to complete the qualification test. The correct answer is worth one point. The points you receive for all completed tasks are summed up. The work contains four sections. 1. Section 1 (“English and methods of teaching it”) includes − 22 tasks...

Work program for the academic subject “Foreign language (English)”, basic level for grade 5. Explanatory note on thematic planning of lessons in English for grade 5. Work program for the English language is compiled on the basis of the federal state educational standard for basic general education (second generation standards ) and the author’s program by O.V. Afanasyev, I.V. Mikheev, K.M. Baranov in English for the educational complex “English: “Rainbow English” ...

This work program for the academic subject “English Language” is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation, an approximate program in a foreign language, and the original program of the educational and methodological complex of O.V. Afanasyeva, J. Dooley, I.V. Mikheeva, B. Obi, W. Evans "English in Focus", "Enlightenment", Basic Curriculum and School Curriculum.



Branch of the municipal budgetary educational institution of Izberdeevskaya secondary school

named after Hero of the Soviet Union V.V. Korablina in the village. Cool

Petrovsky district, Tambov region

Working programm

in English language

primary general education

(in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards)

for the 2017-2020 academic year


This work program for the academic subject “English Language” is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation, an approximate program in a foreign language, and the original program of the educational and methodological complex of O.V. Afanasyeva, J. Dooley, I.V. Mikheeva, B. Obi, W. Evans "English in Focus", "Enlightenment", Basic Curriculum and School Curriculum.

Goals and objectives of teaching English

Course objectives:

Formation the ability to communicate in a foreign language at an elementary level, taking into account the speech capabilities and needs of younger schoolchildren in oral (listening and speaking) and written (reading and writing) forms;

Communion children to new social experiences using a foreign language: introducing younger schoolchildren to the world of foreign peers, foreign children's folklore and accessible examples of fiction; fostering a friendly attitude towards representatives of other countries;

Development speech, intellectual and cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren, as well as their general educational skills; development of motivation for further mastery of a foreign language;

Upbringing and versatile development schoolchildren using a foreign language.

Taking into account the formulated goals, the study of the subject “Foreign Language” is aimed at solving the following tasks:

Formation of ideasabout a foreign language as a means of communication that allows you to achieve mutual understanding with people speaking or writing in a foreign language, to learn new things through spoken and written texts;

Expanding your linguistic horizonsjunior schoolchildren; mastering elementary linguistic concepts accessible to primary schoolchildren and necessary for mastering oral and written speech in a foreign language at an elementary level;

Providing communicative and psychologicaladaptation of children to the new language world in order to overcome the psychological barrier in the future and use a foreign language as a means of communication;

Development of personal qualitiesa junior schoolchild, his attention, thinking, memory and imagination in the process of participating in simulated communication situations, role-playing games; in the course of mastering language material;

Development of the emotional spherechildren in the process of educational games, educational performances using a foreign language;

Involvement of younger schoolchildrento new social experience by playing various roles in a foreign language in game situations typical for family, everyday, and educational communication;

Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren, understanding and observance of such moral principles of the family as love for loved ones, mutual assistance, respect for parents, care for younger ones;

Development of cognitive abilities,mastering the ability to coordinate work with different components of the educational set (textbook, workbook, audio application, multimedia application, etc.), the ability to work in pairs and in a group.

Regulatory legal documents

The English language work program has been developedbased on the federal component of the state standard of primary education, taking into account the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

Constitution of the Russian Federation;

  • Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation (as amended on July 23, 2013);
  • Law of the Tambov Region dated October 1, 2013 No. 321-Z “On Education in the Tambov Region”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 “On approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard for primary general education” (with amendments and additions dated November 26, 2010 No. 1241, September 22, 2011 No. 2357, December 18, 2012, 18.05 .2015, 12/31/2015 No. 1576);
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 No. 253 “On approval of the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, and secondary general education that have state accreditation” (with amendments and additions dated June 8, 2015 No. 576, dated December 28 .2015 No. 1529, dated 01/26/2016 No. 38, dated 04/21/2016 No. 459, dated 07/05/2017 No. 629);
  • Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions” (as amended from June 29, 2011, December 25, 2013, November 24, 2015) ;
  • Charter of the MBOU Izberdeevsk secondary school.
  • approximate basic program of primary general education, recommended by the Coordination Council under the Department of General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the organization of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for use by educational institutions of the Russian Federation approximate basic educational program of primary general education
  • work program for grades 2-4 of general education institutions - Moscow: Education, ed. N.I. Bykova and M.D. Pospelova

General characteristics of the subject

This academic subject is included in the educational field “Philology”.

English language How is the subject characterized?:

- multifunctionality(can act as a goal of learning and as a means of acquiring knowledge in a wide variety of fields of knowledge);

- interdisciplinary(the content of speech in a foreign language can be information from different fields of knowledge, for example, the surrounding world, literature, history, art, etc.);

- multi-level(it is necessary to master, on the one hand, various linguistic means related to aspects of language: lexical, grammatical, phonetic, and on the other hand, skills in four types of speech activity).

The role of foreign languages ​​as an academic subjectis increasing in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, “where the development of the student’s personality on the basis of universal educational activities, knowledge and mastery of the world constitute the goal and main result of education.” The transition from a knowledge paradigm to an educational one makes the enormous educational potential of the subject “foreign language” especially in demand. “Foreign language” is truly unique in its educational capabilities and is capable of making its own special contribution to the main result of education - raising a citizen of Russia.

A foreign language is the most important means of educational influence on a person. Being a part, an instrument of culture, a foreign language forms a person’s personality through the vision of the world, mentality, and attitude towards people inherent in the language, that is, through the culture of the people who use this language as a means of communication.

A foreign language opens direct access to the enormous spiritual wealth of another people, increases the level of a student’s humanitarian education, and contributes to future entry into the world community by fostering respect for other cultures. Getting to know the culture of the people of the language being studied contributes to a deeper understanding of one’s native culture, fostering patriotism and internationalism. Knowledge of a foreign language and culture eliminates barriers of mistrust, makes it possible to carry and spread one’s culture, and create a positive image of one’s country abroad.

Schoolchildren master rational techniques for studying a foreign language and universal learning activities (ULA): using various dictionaries and other reference books, finding information on the Internet, using electronic educational resources, and navigating the information and educational environment.

A foreign language has enormous potential, capable of making a significant contribution to the development of a person as a citizen of Russia and individuality. Nurturing a general communicative culture, developing communicative competence in native and foreign languages ​​is the most important task of a modern school, the successful implementation of which largely depends on the foundations laid in primary school.

The sample program is aimed at implementing a student-oriented, communicative-cognitive, sociocultural activity-based approach to teaching foreign languages ​​(including English).

The formation of foreign language communicative competence is considered as an integrative goal of education, that is, the ability and real readiness of schoolchildren to carry out foreign language communication and achieve mutual understanding with native speakers of a foreign language, as well as the development and education of schoolchildren using the means of the academic subject.

A personality-oriented approach, which places the student’s personality at the center of the educational process, taking into account his abilities, capabilities and inclinations, assumes a special emphasis on the sociocultural component of foreign language communicative competence. This should ensure a cultural orientation of education, the familiarization of schoolchildren with the culture of the country/countries of the language being studied, a better awareness of the culture of their own country, the ability to present it through the means of a foreign language, and the inclusion of schoolchildren in the dialogue of cultures.

Description of the place of the subject in the curriculum

According to the Federal Basic Curriculum of Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation, a total of 204 hours are allocated for studying a foreign language in primary school at the rate of 68 hours per academic year, 2 times a week.

Years of study

Number of hours per week

Number of academic weeks

Total hours per academic year

2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade

Total: 204 hours per course

Description of value guidelines for the content of the academic subject

Value guidelines constitute the content mainly of the educational aspect. In the proposed course, education is related to culture and is understood as a process of enriching and improving the spiritual world of the student through knowledge and understanding of the new culture. Cultural facts become a value for the student, that is, they acquire social, human and cultural significance, become guidelines for activity and behavior, are associated with the cognitive and volitional aspects of his individuality, determine his motivation, his worldview and moral beliefs, become the basis for the formation of his personality, the development of his creative powers and abilities.

Being connected with culture and based on it, the educational aspect follows from the essence of communication technology, which is based on a system of functionally interdependent principles, united by a single strategic idea: the principles of mastering a foreign language culture through communication, verbal and mental activity, personal individualization, situationality, functionality and novelty. All these principles carry an educational charge in the atmosphere of foreign language communication and therefore involve teachers and students in deep and spiritual communication, which, in essence, is an educational process.

The educational potential is realized through the cultural content of the materials used. In addition, the teacher carries the content of education, and it is this cultural, spiritual content that becomes one of the main components of the educational process. The teacher, as an interpreter of a foreign culture and a bearer of his own, must do everything in his power to form in students a system of values ​​that corresponds to the ideal of education - a spiritual person.

The organization of spiritual and moral development and education of students is carried out in the following areas:

  • education of citizenship, patriotism, respect for human rights, freedoms and responsibilities;
  • education of moral feelings and ethical consciousness;
  • fostering diligence, a creative attitude to learning, work, and life;
  • nurturing a value attitude towards nature and the environment;
  • nurturing a value-based attitude towards beauty, forming ideas about aesthetic ideals and values.

Features of adaptation of the work program in the subject “Foreign language"

The readiness to learn a foreign language in children with mental retardation is somewhat reduced, which is associated with weak cognitive activity, lack of attention, memory, spatial orientation and other features that negatively affect the success of their learning and upbringing.

The program for children with mental retardation does not imply reduction of thematic sections. However, the volume of lexical, syntactic and grammatical material being studied undergoes significant changes. The scope of study may be changedgrammar material. Its exclusion is due to its low practical significance andthe difficulty it presents for children with mental retardation. Using the freed up time, material on reading, development of oral speech and accessible grammar is worked out in more detail.

In foreign language lessons,lexical skillsduring exercises that ensure memorization of new words and expressions and their use in speech. Information and communication technologies are used, which allows the “special” child to study English with pleasure.

Upon mastery dialogical speechin situations of everyday communication, the child learns to behaveelementary dialogue of an incentive nature: give orders, offer to do something. Since the attention of a special child cannot concentrate for a long time on performing monotonous and tedious exercises, game situations and entertaining stories can be used to switch attention. A variety of exercises and games helps the child remember the material being studied easier and faster, and this leads to broadening his linguistic horizons: it helps to master the elementary linguistic concepts that are accessible and necessary for mastering oral and written speech in English. Usage models sentences are very important for the gradual development of a child’s thinking, attention, memory, perception and imagination. The development of meta-subject skills involves the ability to act according to a model when performing exercises and composing elementary statements. Thus, a minimum sufficient level is achievedcommunicative competence, because the priority when learning a foreign language is the formation of speech skills in speaking.

The basis of teaching a foreign language to children with mental retardation is learning reading. Letter at all stages of training is used only as a means,promoting morestrong mastery of lexical and grammatical material, as well as the formation of skills and abilities in reading and speaking. In the lexical minimum, you can not include rarely used words, but it is better to expand international vocabulary that is easy to understand when reading. Recognition of such words contributes to the development of guesses, in addition, letter-sound correspondences are reinforced. It is possible to focus on reading and translating what they read, since when translating, children realize the meaning of what they read and their fear of unfamiliar text disappears. New vocabulary can be practiced in sentences and combined with working with a dictionary. It is not new exercises that are given at home, but those practiced in class. The amount of home reading can be reduced, assignments can be given selectively.

All tasks for the formation and development of speech skills in the lesson are communicative, i.e. their implementation has a communicative meaning, sociocultural competence is formed, which means that subsequently there will be access to real communication and gradual socialization in a foreign language culture.

The correctional task should clearly focus the teacher on developing the child’s abilities and capabilities and on correcting existing deficiencies through the use of specialpedagogical and psychological techniques.

When planning a lesson, the teacher must determine which mental processes (attention, perception, memory, thinking, speech) will be most involved during

classes. It is precisely these processes that we must focus on when formulating correctional measures.

task. The educational material itself determines which analyzers will be most involved in the lesson. The correctional and developmental task must be extremely specific, and a specific correctional focus is a prerequisite for a good lesson.

Creating a favorable psychological climate, situations of success, the use of health-saving technologies, an adapted program taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development and capabilities of special children, illustrative and audio material, interactive elementary tasks on CD and situations of success are simply necessary in every lesson so that a child with mental retardation feels the joy of little things , but a job well done. The specifics of teaching a foreign language to children with mental retardation require a large amount of playful, entertaining material and the presence of visual supports necessary for the assimilation of different structures. The psychological characteristics of children with mental retardation are such that even in adolescence, along with educational activities, play activities occupy a significant place. Therefore, the introduction of game elements into the lesson and the playful presentation of the material increase the performance of children in the lesson and contribute to the development of their cognitive interests.

1) Explanation:

Step-by-step explanation of tasks;

Consistent completion of tasks;

Repeating instructions to students to complete the task;

Providing audiovisual technical training aids;

Closeness to students while explaining a task, making eye contact.

2) Change of activities:

Preparing students for a change in activity;

Alternation of classes and physical education breaks;

Providing additional time to complete the task;

Providing additional time to submit homework;

Working on a computer simulator;

Using worksheets with exercises that require minimal completion;

Using exercises with missing words/sentences;

Supplementing printed materials with video materials;

Providing students with printed copies of assignments written on the board.

3) Individual assessment of the answers of students with mental retardation:

Using an individual rating scale in accordance with success and effort expended;

Daily assessment for the purpose of obtaining a semester mark;

Permission to redo a task that the child did not cope with;

Evaluation of reworked works.

Using correctional pedagogy techniques in the classroom:

Visual supports in learning; algorithms, schemes, templates;

Stage-by-stage formation of mental actions;

Anticipatory counseling on difficult topics, e.g. propaedeutics;

Unconditional acceptance of the child, ignoring some negative actions;

Ensuring the child succeeds in the activities available to him.

Features of working with children with mental retardation in English lessons

Teaching English to children with health problems is especially important nowadays due to the fact that today it is important not so much to give the child as much knowledge as possible, but to ensure his general cultural, personal and cognitive development, and equip him with such an important skill as the ability to learn. The social adaptation of many children with disabilities is more successful if the child knows a foreign language. For a child with mental retardation, language acquisition is not only a means of communication, it is also a way of learning about the world and learning about another culture.

The corrective focus of English lessons is also of great importance for children with mental retardation.The purpose of correctional and developmental classes– correction of deficiencies in the cognitive and emotional-personal sphere of children using the studied program material.

Taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children with mental retardation, the following should be used:methodological principles:

1. Providing children with active activities.

2. Frequent changes of activities.

3. Immersion in the language environment.

4. Repeated listening of introduced structures.

5. Continuity and constant repetition of material.

6. The general development of the child through a foreign language, the disclosure of his creative abilities.

Corrective work is carried out within the framework of a holistic approach to the upbringing and development of the child. In this regard, work should be focused on general development, and not on training individual mental processes or abilities of students. The plan is not so much to achieve a separate result (for example: to learn words on a topic), but to create conditions for the development of the child.

Studying the individual characteristics of students allows us to plan goals, objectives, deadlines and main directions of language teaching that meet the goal of maximizing the independent activity of students, as well as developing their interest in the English language, the culture of English-speaking countries, and stimulating communicative and speech activity.Students must know and understand why they are doing this or that task or learning certain rules.

The next thing to consider isthis is a variety of tasks. All assignments given to students must be carefully and carefully selected by the teacher. No less important in the learning process is visibility The student needs to have a clear example or rule in front of him, which he then quickly assimilates.

Games, other fun exercises and techniquesmust also be present in class. This is how game tasks help children with mental retardation to relax, and at the same time, each such task can have a clear goal. When using didactic games, various structures and phonetic, lexical, grammatical, and speech skills are trained, which is of great practical importance.
But it should immediately be noted that difficulties , that appear when working with students with mental retardation are associated not only with serious illnesses and frequent absences from classes due to illness, which, of course, affects the learning process and their assimilation of the material, but also with the contradictions between increasing requirements for the quality of education and medical restrictions in training associated with reducing the normative teaching load. With two hours of a foreign language per week, it is very difficult to develop students’ linguistic competence, listening, speaking, reading skills, improve written language, and also cultivate a creative, socially active personality.

The basis of teaching a foreign language to children with mental retardation is learning to read. Letter at all stages of learning it is used only as a teaching tool that promotes a more solid assimilation of lexical and grammatical material. To the lexical minimumYou can not include less commonly used words, but rather expand international vocabulary that is easy to understand when reading. Recognition of such words contributes to the development of guesses, in addition, letter-sound correspondences are reinforced.
When mastering dialogic speechIn situations of everyday communication, a child with special educational needs learns to conduct a basic dialogue of an incentive nature: give orders, offer to do something.
It is necessary to emphasizeon reading and translating what was read, because when translating, children realize the meaning of what they read and thus their fear of an unfamiliar text disappears.

New vocabulary It’s better to work it out in sentences and combine it with working with a dictionary. It is better to give homework not new exercises, but those practiced in class.
It is better to reduce the amount of homework and assign assignments selectively.

Grade is presented with a positive slant, it is necessary to maintain interest in a foreign language. It is necessary to evaluate students not so much by the results achieved, but by the efforts and efforts of the students. It is recommended not to correct errors made during reading or speaking, but upon completion of such a task they can be sorted out, not forgetting to evaluate the student’s efforts.

At the end of the lesson, be sure to reflection , focusing on what the student was able to do, what he succeeded in, and not on what did not work out. This approach gives a positive attitude, motivates, and gives the student confidence in his abilities.

Such techniques and methods of working in an English lesson do not oppress the child, but create a rehabilitative space around him, providing a huge opportunity for self-realization as a full-fledged personality of the educational process. Students with mental retardation, receiving education in an educational environment, become genuine subjects of learning, feeling that they are learning for themselves, for their development, and the teacher must show wise patience, sensitivity, constant care, love children as they are and rejoice in the success of everyone.

Documents underlying the development of this program

This program is based on the author’s work program “English Language”. Authors: N.I. Bykova, M.D. Pospelova. Moscow "Enlightenment".

Educational and methodological support


Subject area


Publishing house

2nd grade


English language

Educational complex "English in Focus" for 2nd grade. – M.: Express Publishing: Enlightenment

3rd grade


English language

Bykova N., Dooley J., Pospelova M., Evans V.

Educational complex "English in Focus" for 3rd grade. – M.: Express Publishing: Enlightenment

4th grade


English language

Bykova N., Dooley J., Pospelova M., Evans V.

Educational complex "English in Focus" for 4th grade. – M.: Express Publishing: Enlightenment

Literature for students

  1. N.I.Bykova, M.D.Pospelova, V.Evans, J.Dooley educational complex “English in Focus” for grades 2-4. M.: ExpressPublishing: Enlightenment

2.N.I.Bykova, M.D.Pospelova, V.Evans, J.Dooley. English in focus. Test tasks. 2-4 grades. A manual for students of general education institutions. M.: Express Publishing: Education, 16 p.

3.N.I.Bykova, M.D.Pospelova, V.Evans, J.Dooley. English in focus. Workbook. 2-4 grades. A manual for students of general education institutions. M.: Express Publishing: Education, 80 p.

4.N.I.Bykova, M.D.Pospelova, V.Evans, J.Dooley. English in focus. Language portfolio. 2-4 grades. A manual for students of general education institutions. M.: Express Publishing: Education, 23 p.

Literature for teachers

1. Federal state educational standard of basic general education (

2. Sample programs of basic general education. Foreign language. – M.: Education, 2012. – (Series “Second Generation Standards”).

3.N.I.Bykova, M.D.Pospelova, V.Evans, J.Dooley. English in focus. A book for teachers for the textbook for grades 2-4 in general education institutions. M.: Express Publishing: Education, 136 p.

4.N.I.Bykova, M.D.Pospelova. English language. Programs of general education institutions. 2-4 grades. M.: “Enlightenment”, 105 p.

additional literature

  1. Booklet with handouts and posters
  2. CD for classroom use
  3. CD for DIY work at home
  4. U. Merkulova. English for Children (VHS). Video textbook for primary schoolchildren (of 4 parts). © Interact
  5. Carol Read. 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom. Macmillan Books for Teachers. Oxford, Macmillan Publishers Limited
  6. Encyclopedia Britannica. Ready Reference. PC CD-ROM. M.: LLC “New Disk”.

Internet resources


Material and technical support

  • Cabinet
  • Tables, chairs
  • Computer, interactive whiteboard
  • Music Center
  • Methodological and didactic materials.


Personal results of learning a foreign languagein primary school are:

  • a general understanding of the world as a multilingual and multicultural community;
  • awareness of language, including foreign, as the main means of communication between people;
  • acquaintance with the world of foreign peers using the means of the foreign language being studied (through children's folklore, some examples of children's fiction, traditions).

Under meta-subject resultsmastering an academic subject means methods of activity that are applicable both within the educational process and when solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects, which include:

a) students’ mastery of universal learning activities (cognitive, regulatory, communicative), ensuring mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn;
b) students’ mastery of interdisciplinary concepts.

Meta-subject results of learning a foreign languagein primary school are:

  • developing the ability to interact with others, performing different roles within the limits of the speech needs and capabilities of a primary school student;
  • development of the student’s communicative abilities, the ability to choose adequate language and speech means to successfully solve an elementary communicative task;
  • expanding the general linguistic horizons of younger schoolchildren;
  • development of the cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres of the primary school student; formation of motivation to learn a foreign language;
  • mastering the ability to coordinate work with different components of the educational and methodological set (textbook, audio CD, workbook, reference materials, etc.).

In the field of cognitive educational activities, the student will learn:

  • navigate the textbook and other books in the set, the ability to find the necessary information and use it for the intended purposes;
  • work with different types of information presentation (tables, text, illustrations, diagrams in a form accessible to a given age);
  • work with text (predict the content based on the title, pictures given to the text, copy the text, write out individual words and sentences, etc.);
  • compare linguistic phenomena (native and foreign languages) at the level of sounds, letters, words, phrases;
  • act according to the model when performing exercises.

In the field of communicative UUD, the student will learn:

  • start and end a conversation using speech clichés; maintain a conversation by asking questions and asking again;
  • work in different forms of educational cooperation (work in pairs, groups) and play different social roles;
  • master basic means of expressing feelings and emotions.

In the field of regulatory control systems, the student will learn:

  • carry out self-observation, self-control, self-assessment within the limits accessible to a primary school student;
  • follow the planned plan in your educational work.

Subject results of mastering educationalsubject "Foreign language"are formed on the basis of the requirements of the Federal State Standard of General Education (Primary General Education).

Subject results

2nd grade


A 2nd grade student will learn:

Question your interlocutor, asking simple questions (What? Where? When?), and answer them;

Compose small descriptions of the subject, pictures (about nature, school) based on the model;

Solve basic communication problems within any sphere of communication;

Compose a monologue of 5 phrases (description, message, story);

Solve communication problems using a dialogue of 3-4 replicas on each side;

Request information, say hello, apologize, express approval/disagreement;

Ask a question, give a short answer, listen to your interlocutor, maintain a conversation. Listening

A 2nd grade student will learn:

Understand by ear the speech of the teacher, classmates, the main content of lightweight, accessible texts, relying on visual clarity.

2nd grade student

Understand extended texts of 6-10 phrases.


A 2nd grade student will learn:

Master the basic rules of reading and transcription signs.

A 2nd grade student will have the opportunity to learn:


A 2nd grade student will learn:

Write down individual words and sentences according to the model;

Write sentences from the text.

A 2nd grade student will have the opportunity to learn:

Describe a fairy-tale character in writing;

Come up with and write your own sentences;

Make a plan for your oral presentation.

A 2nd grade student will learn:

Reproduce graphically and calligraphically correctly all the letters of the English alphabet (semi-printed writing of letters, letter combinations, words);

A 2nd grade student will have the opportunity to learn:

Phonetic side of speech

A 2nd grade student will learn:

A 2nd grade student will have the opportunity to learn:

Lexical side of speech

A 2nd grade student will learn:

A 2nd grade student will have the opportunity to learn:

The grammatical side of speech

A 2nd grade student will learn:

A 2nd grade student will have the opportunity to learn:

Subject results

3rd grade


A 3rd grade student will learn:

Carry out dialogic communication at an elementary level with adults and peers, including native speakers of a foreign language, within the spheres, topics and situations of communication.

Greet the interlocutor using linguistic means appropriate to the age of the interlocutor and the goals of communication;

Say goodbye after a conversation, using various speech cliches;

Describe a person, animal, object, picture;

Introduce yourself, stating your name, age, place and date of birth, main occupation;

Ask for help or offer your help;

Request necessary information about someone or something;

Invite to joint activities (for example, to a game)

Exchange opinions about what you read or see, arguing your point of view.


A 3rd grade student will learn:

Understand and respond to the oral statements of communication partners within the areas, topics and communication situations designated by the program;

Understand the requests and instructions of the teacher and peers related to educational and gaming situations in the classroom;

Understand the general content of educational and authentic texts (stories, poems, rhymes)

Completely and accurately understand short messages, mostly of a monologue nature, built on language material familiar to students.

A 3rd grade student will have the opportunity to learn:

Guess the meaning of some words from the context;

Guess the meaning of words by word-formation elements or by the similarity of sound with words of the native language;

- “bypass” unfamiliar words that do not interfere with understanding the main content of the text;

Ask again in order to clarify the content using clichés like: “Excuse me?”


A 3rd grade student will learn:

a) understanding the main content of educational, as well as simple authentic texts;

b) searching for necessary (interesting) information (search reading techniques).

A 3rd grade student will have the opportunity to learn:

and adapted authentic texts, built on language material familiar to students or containing unfamiliar words, the meaning of which can be guessed;


A 3rd grade student will learn:

Write a short congratulation (Happy Birthday, New Year, Christmas) based on the sample, express a wish;

Make and write down a plan of what you read;

Compose and write a story on a specific topic;

Copy the text, inserting missing words into it in accordance with the context;

Independently and graphically correctly perform written lexical and grammatical exercises, using a dictionary if necessary;

A 3rd grade student will have the opportunity to learn:

Answer questions in writing based on the text you read (based on the text);

Draw up a plan for oral communication in the form of keywords, make extracts of their text;

Write a short letter or congratulations to a foreign peer using a sample at an accessible level and within the limits of the studied topic, using a dictionary if necessary.

Language tools and skills in operating them

Graphics, calligraphy, spelling

A 3rd grade student will learn:

Reproduce graphically and calligraphically all letters of the alphabet correctly

Use the English alphabet, know the sequence of letters in it;

Distinguish letters from transcription signs.

Apply basic rules of reading and spelling (the ability to apply them when reading and writing).

A 3rd grade student will have the opportunity to learn:

Check the spelling of a word using a dictionary

Phonetic side of speech

A 3rd grade student will learn:

Pronounce all sounds of the English alphabet;

Distinguish by ear the sounds of the English and Russian alphabet;

A 3rd grade student will have the opportunity to learn:

Observe the intonation of the enumeration;

Competently formulate various types of sentences in terms of intonation.

Distinguish between deafening/non-voicing of consonants at the end of a syllable or word, the lack of softening of consonants before vowels; verbal and phrasal stress, division of sentences into semantic groups; rhythmic and intonation features of the main communicative types of sentences (statement, question, incentive).

Lexical side of speech

A 3rd grade student will learn:

Recognize the studied lexical units, including phrases, within the subject area in written and oral text;

Use active vocabulary in the communication process in accordance with the communicative task;

A 3rd grade student will have the opportunity to learn:

Recognize simple word-forming elements;

Rely on language guesswork in the process of reading and listening (international and complex words).

Recognize lexical units, the simplest set phrases, evaluative vocabulary and cliche remarks as elements of speech etiquette that reflect the culture of the countries of the language being studied (use and recognition in speech).

Learn about word formation methods (composition and affixation), about borrowings from other languages ​​(international words).

The grammatical side of speech

A 3rd grade student will learn:

Use speech patterns with verbs to have, to be, modal and semantic verbs in the present tense;

Use the correct word order in a sentence;

Use singular and plural;

A 3rd grade student will have the opportunity to learn:

Recognize words in the text and differentiate them according to certain characteristics (nouns, adjectives, modal/semantic verbs).

Subject results

4th grade

In the process of mastering the educational aspect, students will develop communication skills by type of speech activity.

In speaking the graduate will learn:

  1. conduct and maintain elementary dialogue: etiquette, dialogue-questioning, dialogue-motivation, dialogue-exchange of opinions;
  2. talk about yourself, your family, friend, school, native land, country and

etc. (within the scope of primary school topics).

In listening the graduate will learn:

Understand by ear:

– teacher’s speech during the lesson;

– coherent statements by the teacher, built on familiar material and/or containing some unfamiliar words;

- statements from classmates;

– small texts and messages based on studied speech material, both during direct communication and when perceiving audio recordings;

  • understand the basic information heard;
  • understand the details of the text;

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

  • understand by ear different types of text that correspond to the age and interests of students (short dialogues, descriptions, children's poems and rhymes, songs, riddles) - playing time up to 1 minute;

In reading The graduate will master reading techniques, that is, learn to read:

  • by transcription;
  • reduced forms of auxiliary verbs used to form the types of tense forms being studied;
  • reduced negative forms of modal verbs;
  • time written in numbers, cardinal and ordinal numbers and dates;
  • basic communicative types of sentences (narrative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory);
  • at a certain speed to ensure understanding of what is being read.
  • read short texts of various types, using different strategies to ensure understanding of the main idea of ​​the text, full understanding of the text and understanding of the necessary (requested) information;
  • read and understand the content of the text at the level of meaning, that is, will be able to answer questions about the content of the text based on an understanding of the connection between the members of simple sentences;

– illustrative clarity;

  • reference materials (English-Russian dictionary, linguistic and cultural reference book) using knowledge of the alphabet and transcription.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

  • read and understand texts written in different types of fonts;
  • read simple common sentences with homogeneous members with appropriate rhythmic and intonation design;
  • understand the internal organization of the text and determine:

– the main idea of ​​the text and sentences subordinate to the main sentence;

– chronological/logical order of sentences;

– cause-and-effect and other semantic connections of the text using lexical and grammatical means;

  • read and understand the content of the text at the level of meaning, and also:

- draw conclusions from what you read;

– express your own opinion about what you read;

– express judgment regarding the actions of the heroes;

– relate events in the text to personal experience.

In a letter the graduate will learn:

– write off correctly;

– perform lexical and grammatical exercises;

– make notes (extracts from the text);

– make captions for drawings;

– answer questions in writing;

– write greeting cards for holidays and birthdays (volume 15–20 words);

– write personal letters within the framework of the topic being studied (volume 30–40 words) based on the sample.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

– write Russian names and surnames in English;

- write notes to friends;

– draw up rules of conduct/instructions;

– fill out forms (name, surname, age, hobbies), provide brief information about yourself;

– request information of interest in personal letters;

– write short messages (within the framework of the topic being studied) based on the plan/keywords (volume 50–60 words);

– draw up the envelope correctly (based on the sample).

Language tools and skills in using them

The graduate will learn:

  • recognize words written in different fonts;
  • distinguish letters from transcription signs;
  • read words by transcription;
  • write correctly (master the basic rules of spelling).

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

  • group words in accordance with the learned reading rules;

Phonetic side of speech

The graduate will learn:

  • observe the norms of pronunciation of sounds of the English language in reading aloud and oral speech (longness and shortness of vowels, no deafening of voiced consonants at the end of words, no softening of consonants before vowels);
  • distinguish the communicative type of sentence by its intonation;
  • correctly pronounce sentences from the point of view of their rhythmic and intonation features: narrative (affirmative and negative), interrogative (general and special questions), imperative, exclamatory sentences.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

  • recognize cases of using the connective “r” and use them in speech;
  • observe the rule of no emphasis on function words.

Lexical side of speech

The graduate will learn:

  • understand the meaning of lexical units in written and oral text within the scope of primary school topics;
  • use lexical units in speech that serve communication situations within the scope of primary school topics in accordance with the communicative task.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

  • recognize proper and common nouns;
  • recognize parts of speech based on certain characteristics;
  • understand the meaning of lexical units based on word-forming elements (suffixes and prefixes);
  • use word formation rules;
  • guess the meaning of unfamiliar words using various types of guesses (by analogy with the native language, word-forming elements, etc.).

The grammatical side of speech

The graduate will learn:

  • understand and use in speech the studied nouns with the definite/indefinite/zero article, adjectives in the positive, comparative and superlative degrees, quantitative (up to 100) and ordinal (up to 30) numerals, personal, possessive and interrogative pronouns, verb have got, linking verb to be, modal verbs can, may, must, species-temporal forms Present/Past/Future Simple, the most common prepositions for expressing temporal and spatial relationships;
  • understand and use in speech the basic communicative types of sentences, impersonal sentences, sentences with turnover there is/there are , incentive sentences in the affirmative and negative forms;

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

Understand and use the indefinite, definite and zero articles in the most common cases;

Understand and use demonstrative (this, that, these, those), indefinite (some, any) pronouns in speech;

Understand and use in speechplural nouns formed irregularly;

Differentiate words according to certain characteristics (nouns, adjectives, modal/semantic/auxiliary verbs);

Acquire initial linguistic understanding of the system and structure of the English language, necessary for mastering speech skills and the basics of speech skills.

Planned results of studying an academic subject, course

As a result of learning English in primary school, the student must:


Alphabet, letters, basic phrases, sounds of the English language;

Basic rules of reading and spelling; in English;

Features of intonation of the main types proposals;

The name of the country, the birthplace of the English language, its capital;

Names of the most famous characters in English children's literature produced"

Rhymed works of children's folklore by heart (available in form and content).

be able to:

in the field of listening:

Understand by ear the speech of the teacher, classmates, the main content of lightweight, accessible texts, based on visual clarity;

in the field of speaking:

Participate in basic etiquette dialogue (introduction, congratulations, gratitude, greeting);

Question your interlocutor by asking simple questions (Who?, What?, Where?, When?, Why? and answer them;

Briefly talk about yourself, your friend;

Compose small descriptions of the subject, pictures (about nature, school) based on the model;

in the area of ​​reading:

in Writing and Writing:

Copy the text, inserting missing words into it in accordance with the context;

Write a short congratulation based on the sample.

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities of daily life to:

Social adaptation, achieving mutual understanding in the process of oral and written communication with native speakers of a foreign language;

Awareness of the place and role of the native and studied foreign languages ​​in a multilingual world.

Introducing to the values ​​of world culture;

Familiarization of representatives of other countries with the culture of their people.


As a result of studying English, a 2nd grade student should


be able to

  • participate in basic etiquette dialogue (introduction, congratulations, gratitude, greeting);
  • briefly talk about yourself, your family, friend;




As a result of studying English, a 3rd grade student should


  • alphabet, letters, basic letter combinations, sounds of the language being studied;
  • basic rules of reading and spelling of the language being studied;
  • features of intonation of the main types of sentences;
  • name of the country/countries of the language being studied, their capitals;
  • names of the most famous characters in children's literary works of the country/countries of the language being studied;
  • memorized rhymed works of children's folklore (accessible in content and form);

be able to

  • understand by ear the speech of the teacher, classmates, the main content of lightweight texts based on visual clarity;
  • participate in basic etiquette dialogue (introduction, congratulations, gratitude, greeting);
  • question the interlocutor, asking simple questions (who? what? where? when?) and answer the interlocutor’s questions;
  • briefly talk about yourself, your family, friend;
  • compose small descriptions of the subject, pictures (about nature, about school) based on the model;
  • read aloud a text based on the studied language material, observing the rules of pronunciation and appropriate intonation;
  • read silently, understand the main content of small texts (no more than 0.5 sec.), accessible in content and language material, using a bilingual dictionary if necessary;
  • copy a text in English, copy out words from it and (or) insert words into it in accordance with the educational task being solved;
  • write a short congratulation (Happy Birthday, Happy New Year) based on the sample;

use acquired knowledge and communication skills in practical activities and everyday life For:

  • oral communication with native English speakers within the limits accessible to primary schoolchildren; developing a friendly attitude towards representatives of other countries;
  • overcoming psychological barriers in using English as a means of communication;
  • familiarization with children's foreign folklore and accessible examples of fiction in English;
  • deeper understanding of some features of the native language.

Planned results of mastering the course in 4th grade

In the process of mastering the English language, students will develop communication skills by type of speech activity.

In speaking, the student will learn:

Conduct and maintain elementary dialogue: etiquette, questioning dialogue, encouraging dialogue;

Briefly describe and characterize an object, picture, character;

Talk about yourself, your family, friend, school, etc. (within the 4th grade topic);

Reproduce by heart small works of children's folklore: rhymes, poems, songs;

Briefly convey the content of the text read/heard;

Express your attitude towards what you read/heard.

4th grade graduatewill have the opportunity to learn:

  • make a message on a given topic based on what you read;
  • comment on facts from the text read/listened to, express and argue your attitude to what you read/listened to;
  • speak briefly without prior preparation on a given topic in accordance with the proposed communication situation;
  • speak briefly based on non-linear text (tables, diagrams, schedules, etc.);
  • Briefly summarize the results of the completed project work.

In listening, the student will learn:

Understand by ear the teacher’s speech during the lesson; coherent statements by the teacher, built on familiar material and/or containing some

unknown words; statements from classmates;

understand the basic information of what was heard (short texts and messages built on the studied speech material, both during direct communication and when perceiving an audio recording);

extract specific information from what you hear;

respond verbally or non-verbally to what is heard;

understand by ear different types of text (short dialogues, descriptions, rhymes, songs);

use contextual or linguistic guesswork;

do not pay attention to unfamiliar words that do not interfere with understanding the main content of the text.

4th grade graduatewill have the opportunity to learn:

  • highlight the main topic in a text that is perceived by ear;
  • use contextual or linguistic guesswork when listening to texts containing unfamiliar words.

In readingthe student will master reading techniques, i.e.will learnread:

with the help of (learned) reading rules and with correct word stress;

simple uncommon sentences with correct logical and phrasal stress;

basic communicative types of sentences (narrative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory);

short texts with different strategies to ensure understanding of the main idea of ​​the text, complete understanding of the text and understanding of the necessary information.

He alsowill have the opportunity to learn:

  • read and understand the content of the text at the level of meaning and answer questions about the content of the text;
  • use reference materials (English-Russian dictionary, foreign language reference book) using knowledge of the alphabet and transcription;
  • read and understand texts written in different types of fonts; read simple common sentences with homogeneous members with appropriate rhythmic and intonation design;
  • read and understand the content of the text at the level of meaning and relate events in the text to personal experience.

In a letterstudentwill learn:

  • write off correctly;
  • perform lexical and grammatical exercises;
  • make captions for drawings;
  • answer questions in writing;
  • write postcards - congratulations on holidays and birthdays;
  • write personal letters within the framework of the topic being studied, based on the sample; draw up the envelope correctly (based on the sample).

4th grade graduatewill have the opportunity to learn:

  • make short extracts from the text for the purpose of using them in your own oral statements;
  • write an electronic letter (e-mail) to a foreign friend in response to an incentive email;
  • draw up a plan/thesis for an oral or written communication;
  • briefly present in writing the results of project activities;
  • write a short written statement based on non-linear text (tables, diagrams, etc.)


Graphics, calligraphy and spelling

The student will learn:

recognize words written in different fonts; distinguish letters from transcription signs;

use the English alphabet;

write all the letters of the English alphabet and basic letter combinations (in semi-printed font);

compare and analyze letters/letter combinations and corresponding transcription signs;

write beautifully (master the skills of English calligraphy);

write correctly (master the basic rules of spelling);

write transcription signs;

group words in accordance with the learned reading rules;

use a dictionary to clarify the spelling of a word.

Phonetic side of speech

The student will learn:

distinguish by ear and adequately pronounce all sounds of the English language;

follow the rules of pronunciation of English sounds when reading aloud

and oral speech (longness and shortness of vowels, lack of deafening of voiced consonants at the end of words, lack of softening of consonants before vowels);

recognize cases of use of the connective “r” and use them in speech;

observe the correct stress in an isolated word or phrase;

understand and use logical stress in a phrase or sentence;

observe the rule of no emphasis on function words;

correctly pronounce sentences with homogeneous members (observing the intonation of enumeration);

correctly pronounce sentences in terms of their rhythmic and intonation features.

Lexical side of speech

The student will learn:

understand the meaning of lexical units in written and oral text within the scope of primary school topics; use lexical units in speech that serve communication situations within the topic in accordance with the communicative task; recognize parts of speech based on certain characteristics; guess the meaning of unfamiliar words using various types of guesses (by analogy with the native language).

The grammatical side of speech

The student will learn to correctly use:

  • articles (indefinite, definite, zero) within the most common cases of their use;
  • singular and plural nouns, countable and uncountable nouns, Possessive case nouns;
  • regular and irregular verbs; linking verbto be; auxiliaryto do; modal verbscan, may, must, would; active verbs in Present, Future, Past simple;
  • pronouns (personal, possessive, interrogative, demonstrative), indefinite pronouns some and any to denote a certain amount of substance/objects;
  • qualitative adjectives in the positive, comparative and superlative degrees, including exceptions;
  • cardinal and ordinal numbers up to 100;
  • simple prepositions of place and direction, coordinating conjunctions and and but;
  • basic communicative types of simple sentences: narrative, interrogative, incentive;
  • general and special questions, interrogative words: what, who, when, where, why, how;
  • word order in an English sentence, affirmative and negative sentences;
  • sentences with verb, compound nominal and compound verb (including modal verbscan, may, must) predicate;
  • some forms of impersonal sentences in the Present Simple
  • sentences with phrases there is/ there are in the Present Simple
  • simple common sentences, sentences with homogeneous members;
  • compound sentences with coordinating conjunctions and and but.


The subject content of oral and written speech corresponds to educational and educational goals, as well as the interests and age characteristics of primary schoolchildren and includes the following topics:

Acquaintance.With classmates, teacher, characters from children's works: name, age. Greetings, farewells (using typical phrases of speech etiquette).

I and my family.Family members, their names, ages, appearance, character traits, interests/hobbies. My day (daily routine, household chores). Store purchases: clothes, shoes, basic food products. Favorite food. Family holidays: birthday, New Year/Christmas. Present.

The world of my hobbies.My favorite activities. Types of sports and sports games. My favorite fairy tales. Day off (at the zoo, circus), vacation.

Me and my friends.Name, age, appearance, character, interests/hobbies. Joint activities. Letter to a foreign friend. Favorite pet: name, age, color, size, character, what it can do.

My school.Classroom, educational subjects, school supplies. Teaching activities in the classroom.

The world around me.My house/apartment/room: names of rooms, their size, furniture and interior items. Nature. Favorite season. Weather.

Country/countries of the language being studiedand home country.General information: name, capital. Literary characters from popular books of my peers (names of book characters, character traits). Small works of children's folklore in the foreign language being studied (rhymes, poems, songs, fairy tales). Some forms of verbal and non-verbal etiquette of the countries of the target language in a number of communication situations (at school, while playing together, in a store).

Language knowledge and skills (practical acquisition)

Graphics and spelling.All letters of the English alphabet, basic letter combinations; sound-letter correspondences,transcription marks. Basic rules of reading and spelling. Writing the most common words included in the active dictionary.

Phonetic side of speech. Adequate pronunciation and auditory discrimination of all sounds and sound combinations of the English language. Compliance with pronunciation standards: long and short vowels, no deafening of voiced consonants at the end of a syllable or word, no softening of consonants before vowels. Stress in a word, phrase, lack of emphasis on function words (articles, conjunctions, prepositions), division of sentences into semantic groups. Rhythmic-intonation features of narrative, incentive and interrogative (general and special question) sentences.

Lexical side of speech. Lexical units serving communication situations within the scope of primary school topics, in the amount of 500 lexical units for bilateral (receptive and productive) assimilation, the simplest stable phrases, evaluative vocabulary and cliche remarks as elements of speech etiquette, reflecting the culture of English-speaking countries.An initial understanding of the methods of word formation: affixation (for example, nouns with the suffix -er, -or), compounding (postcard), conversion (play - to play). International words(for example, doctor, film).

The grammatical side of speech.

The main communicative types of sentences: narrative interrogative, imperative. General and special questions, interrogative words: what, who, when, where, why, how. Order of words in a sentence. Affirmative and negative sentences. Sentences with a simple verbal predicate (She speaks English.), a compound nominal predicate (My family is big.) and a compound verbal predicate (I like to play. He can skate well). Incentive sentences in affirmative (Help me, please.) and negative (Don’t be late!) forms. Impersonal sentences in the present tense (It is cold. It’s five o’clock.).Sentences with the phrase there is/there are.Simple common sentences. Sentences with homogeneous members.Compound sentences with coordinating conjunctions “and” and “but”.

Contents of the English language program in 2nd grade

Introductory lesson “Getting to know English sounds!”

Students will learn the first phrases in English: how to introduce themselves, how to say hello and goodbye, and become familiar with English sounds and the alphabet.

Planned result

Be able to greet each other and the teacher, meet new classmates.

Know the vocabulary.

Introductory module “My Family!”

Students meet the characters from the textbook and learn basic words and structures on the topic.

Planned result

Learn to ask and answer questions about the appearance and character of people, be able to perceive and read aloud the text of the plot dialogue, observing the rules of reading and the necessary information.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 1 “My home!”

Planned result

Be able to name and describe pieces of furniture and parts of the house.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 2 “My birthday!”

Planned result

Be able to talk about age, birthday and food.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 3 “My animals!”

Planned result

Be able to name animals, talk about what they can/can’t do.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 4 “My toys!”

Planned result

Be able to name toys, say where they are, describe their appearance.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 5 “My Vacations!”

Planned result

Be able to talk about the weather, clothes, holidays and seasons.

Know the vocabulary.

Portfoliooffers a short writing assignment in which students write about themselves using a supporting text.

Spotlight on the UKintroduces students to the culture of Great Britain. This section is presented with short texts about some aspects of life in this country.

Fairy tale "City and Country Mouse"

Now I knowin which students have the opportunity to check6 how successfully they have learned the material they have learned, and the teacher determines what needs to be repeated again and worked on.

All dialogues, songs, rhymes, fairy tales are recorded on discs.

Contents of the English language program in 3rd grade

The 3rd grade textbook has a modular structure and sets the following tasks for students:

Introductory module:Welcome to school! - remember the main characters and repeat the language material of the educational complex “English in Focus-2”.

Planned result

Know the vocabulary.

Module 1: School days.

Planned result

Be able to introduce yourself and others, greet each other, talk about school subjects.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 2: Family

Planned result

Be able to name and introduce family members.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 3: Everything I love!

Planned result

Be able to ask about food and drinks, what they like and don’t like, and order food.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 4: Come play!

Planned result

Be able to name toys and say who they belong to, name objects in the room.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 5: Furry friends!

Planned result

Be able to describe animals, talk about what animals can and cannot do.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 6: Home Sweet Home!

Planned result

Be able to talk about the location of objects in the house.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 7: Day off!

Planned result

Be able to talk about current activities and what they do in their free time.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 8: Day after day!

Planned result

Be able to talk about the daily routine, tell the time, ask and answer what time it is.

Know the vocabulary.

Contents of the English language program in 4th grade

Introductory module “Together again!”

Students remember the main characters of the textbook and repeat the language material of the educational complex “English in Focus-3”.

Planned result

Be able to greet each other and the teacher, meet new classmates, listen and reproduce the lyrics of a song, recognize and use learned lexical units in speech.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 1 “Family and Friends!”

Planned result

Be able to describe appearance and character, talk about the actions that are taking place at the moment.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 2 “Working day!”

Planned result

Be able to talk about professions, name various institutions and their locations, talk about activities in free time, name the time.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 3 “Delicious treats!”

Planned result

Be able to conduct a conversation at the table and a dialogue in a store, ask about prices.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 4 “At the Zoo!”

Planned result

Be able to compare animals and describe their actions.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 5 “Where were you yesterday?”

Planned result

Be able to talk about birthdays, describe your feelings, talk about where they were.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 6 “Tell a story!”

Planned result

Be able to talk about past events and tell stories.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 7 “The best days!”

Planned result

Be able to describe memorable events in their lives.

Know the vocabulary.

Module 8 “Places worth visiting!”

Planned result

Know the names of some countries and be able to talk about plans for the holidays.

Know the vocabulary.

Each module has the following sections:

Portfolio offersA short writing assignment in which students write about themselves using a supporting text.

Spotlight on the UK introducesstudents with British culture. This section is presented with short texts about some aspects of life in this country.

Fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"introduces students to English folklore.

Each module ends with a sectionNow I knowin which students have the opportunity to check how successfully they have learned the material they have learned, and the teacher determines what needs to be repeated again and worked on. All dialogues, songs, rhymes, fairy tales are recorded on discs.


2nd grade - 2 hours per week

Total: 68 hours




Contents of the material


your hours

Characteristics of the main types of student educational activities

I. Preparatory stage


Acquaintance. Introduction to the subject. My letters Alphabet a-h

Introducing English letters (a-h). My letters Alphabet i-q

Introducing English letters (i-q). My letters Alphabet r-z.

Introducing English letters (r-z). Letter combinations sh, ch.

Teaching reading skills. Capital letters of the alphabet. Teaching reading skills.


Introducing the main characters of the textbook. Phrases of greetings and farewells. Alphabet: a-z. Letters and

sounds. Letter combinations: sh, ch, th, ph. Capital letters of the alphabet. Formation of skills and abilities

in reading on the topic “Acquaintance”.

Conduct an etiquette dialogue in everyday communication situations (greet, say goodbye, find out,

how are you, getting to know each other, asking about your age). Be able to greet each other, get to know each other and say goodbye

Reproduce graphically and calligraphically all letters of the English alphabet and

basic letter combinations (in semi-printed font).

Distinguish by ear and adequately pronounce all sounds of the English language.

Maintain correct stress in words and phrases, intonation in general.

II. Introductory module: Hello! I and my family!


Introducing the main characters of the textbook.

Teaching oral dialogic speech. Hello.

Introducing the main characters of the textbook. Family. Acquaintance with new lexical units

Family. Teaching oral monologue and dialogic speech


Introduction of vocabulary on the topic “My family”. Structures “This is...”, “I’m...”.”Who is this?” Practicing vocabulary on the topic “My Family” in oral speech. Colors. Performing lexical and grammatical exercises. Development of oral speech skills and abilities on the topic “My Family”. Formation of skills in reading on the topic “My Family” Conduct a dialogue-questioning and a dialogue-incitement to action (report about the weather and advise what to wear).

Use basic communicative types of speech (description, message, story) - introduce members of their family, describe (an object, a picture, appearance); talk (about themselves, their family members and favorite foods, what they wear in different weather).

Reproduce the texts of rhymes and songs by heart.

They respond verbally or non-verbally to what they hear.

Based on the sample, they write a short story about themselves, a happy birthday greeting.

III. My house!

My house. Furniture items. Acquaintance with new lexical units. My house. Formation of reading skills. Where's Chuckles?

Acquaintance with new lexical units. Where's Chuckles?

Teaching oral monologue speech. In the bathroom Acquaintance with new lexical units. In bathroom! Formation of reading skills. Fun at school.

Teaching oral monologue and dialogic speech.

Project work “My Room” Gardens in the UK. Gardens in Russia.

Formation of reading skills. City mouse and country mouse.

Formation of reading skills. Now I know. Consolidation of language material. Module. I like English.

Module 1 test work


My house. Introduction of vocabulary. Structure “It’s a...’ What’s in your house? Practicing vocabulary. Game "Where's Chuckles?" Consolidation of vocabulary. Names of rooms in the house. Working from pictures. Interrogative structure “Is the bed in the bedroom?” Formation of reading skills on the topic “In the kitchen”. My room. Monologue statements. Welcome! This is my home. Work with text. Current control on the topic “My Home”). Read silently and understand the content of a short text based on the studied language material): learn to read the letter “E” in a closed syllable and the letter combination “ee”.

Use the linking verb to be in affirmative and interrogative sentences in the Present Simple, personal pronouns in the nominative and objective cases (I, me, you), possessive pronouns my and your, question words (what, how, how (old), demonstrative pronoun this, connecting conjunction and., name of colors

IV. My favorite meal!

My birthday! Numerals 1-10. Acquaintance with new lexical units. My birthday! Teaching oral monologue and dialogic speech. Delicious chocolate! Food. Acquaintance with new lexical units. Delicious chocolate! What do they serve at the holiday?

Teaching oral dialogic speech. My favorite meal. Acquaintance with new lexical units. My favorite meal. Consolidation of lexical and grammatical material. Fun at school. Typical Russian food.

Project work “My favorite food”. A fairy tale about a rural and city mouse. Formation of reading skills. Now I know. Consolidation of language material. Module.

I like English.

Test work of module 2.


How old are you? Working with numerals from 1 to 10. Structure of “How many?” Practicing vocabulary in lexical and grammatical exercises. I love chocolate, and you? Favorite dishes. Reading dialogues. The most popular dishes in Britain and Russia. Monologues. Structures “I like/don’t like”, “I have got”. Happy birthday! Holiday dishes. Greeting card “Happy Birthday!” Formation of abilities and skills in written speech. Lesson-game “Guess the word.” Consolidation. “Numerals, names of dishes.” Current control on the topic “Family Holidays”. They read silently and understand the content of a short text based on the studied material. Operate with active vocabulary in accordance with the communicative task. perceive by ear in audio recordings and understand the main content of small messages built mainly on a familiar language material

recognize and use active vocabulary, be able to answer questions

They ask about their favorite food and name the products. They ask about age and tell it. Use the verb like in affirmative and negative sentences in the Present Simple/.

V. My animals!

My animals. Modal verb "to be able". Acquaintance with new lexical units. My animals. Formation of reading skills. I can jump. Training in speech of the verb “to be able”.

Acquaintance with new lexical units. I can jump.

Verbs of motion. Teaching oral monologue and dialogic speech. At the circus. Acquaintance with new lexical units. At the circus.

Formation of grammatical skills. Fun at school. Animals in Russia

Formation of reading skills. Favorite animals in Russia and Great Britain. Formation of reading skills.

project work “I can”

A fairy tale about a rural and city mouse.

Formation of reading skills. Now I know.

Consolidation of language material. Module. I like English.

Verification work

module 3


They talk about what animals can do.

They operate with active vocabulary in the communication process.

Reproduce the lyrics of the song by heart. Stories about animals in Britain and Russia. Work with text.

They understand by ear the speech of the teacher, classmates and small accessible texts in audio recordings, built on the studied language material: short dialogues, rhymes, songs.

They expressively read aloud short texts based on the studied language material.

Use the modal verb can. Let's talk about animals. “I can” structure. Introduction to verbs of motion. Practicing the “I can Jump” structure. What can I do? Working with the verb “can/can’t”. Lesson-game “What animals can do.” Control of listening skills and abilities: “In the circus.” Affirmative and negative answers with the verb can/can’t. Control of skills and abilities in written speech: My favorite.”

Observe the correct stress in words and phrases, intonation in general.

Comply with the norms of pronunciation of sounds of the English language in reading aloud and oral speech and correctly pronounce sentences in terms of their rhythmic and intonation features.

VI. My toys

My toys. Prepositions of location. Acquaintance with new lexical units. My toys. Parts of the face. Formation of listening skills. She has blue eyes. Acquaintance with new lexical units. She has blue eyes. Describe the toy. Teaching oral monologue and dialogic speech. The bear is simply magnificent!

Acquaintance with new lexical units. The bear is simply magnificent!

Reading rules. Letter Yy. Formation of reading skills. Fun at school. Consolidation of the studied lexical material.

Project work “My Toy” Stores where Teddy bears are sold. Old Russian toys.

Acquaintance with new lexical units. A fairy tale about a rural and city mouse. Formation of reading skills. Now I know. Consolidation of language material. module I like English.

Module 4 test work


Toys. Introduction of vocabulary. Prepositions of place. “Where is the teddy bear?” Current reading control. Reinforcing vocabulary

The goals of teaching English are: development of students’ communicative competence in the totality of its components: speech, language, sociocultural, compensatory and educational-cognitive, as well as the development and nurturing of schoolchildren’s need to use English as a means of communication, cognition, self-realization and social adaptation; nurturing the qualities of a citizen and patriot; development of national self-awareness, the desire for mutual understanding between people of different cultures and communities, a tolerant attitude towards manifestations of another culture.

The development of foreign language communicative competence of primary school students is achieved through solving the following tasks in the learning process:

  1. speech competence (development of communication skills in four main types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing);
  2. linguistic competence (systematization of previously studied material, mastery of new linguistic means (phonetic, spelling, lexical, grammatical) in accordance with the topics, areas and situations of communication selected for basic school; mastering knowledge about the linguistic phenomena of the language being studied, different ways of expressing thoughts in the native language and the language being studied);
  3. sociocultural competence (introducing students to the culture, traditions and realities of the countries/countries of the foreign language being studied within the framework of topics, areas and communication situations that correspond to the experience, interests, psychological characteristics of primary school students at its different stages; developing the ability to represent their country, its culture in conditions of foreign language intercultural communication);
  4. compensatory competence (development of skills to overcome a situation in conditions of a shortage of linguistic means when receiving and transmitting information);
  5. educational and cognitive competence (further development of general and special educational skills; familiarization with the ways and techniques available to students for independent study of languages ​​and cultures, including the use of new information technologies).

In addition, it is also planned to develop and educate schoolchildren to understand the importance of learning a foreign language in the modern world and the need to use it as a means of communication, cognition, self-realization and social adaptation; nurturing the qualities of a citizen and patriot; development of national self-awareness, the desire for mutual understanding between people of different communities, and a tolerant attitude towards manifestations of another culture.

Volume: 3 hours per week.

Planned subject results of mastering the academic subject

In the process of mastering the program, students will achieve certain subject results.

Students will develop communication skills in the following types of speech activities:

Speaking. Dialogue speech

The student will learn to conduct a combined dialogue in standard situations of informal communication, observing the norms of speech etiquette adopted in the country of the language being studied.

The fifth grader will have the opportunity to learn how to conduct and conduct interviews.

Speaking. Monologue speech

A fifth grader will learn:

Talk about yourself, your family, friends, school, your interests, plans for the future; about your city/village, your country and the countries of the language being studied, based on visual clarity and/or verbal support (keywords, plan, questions);

Describe events based on visual clarity and/or verbal support (keywords, plan, questions);

Give a brief description of real people and literary characters;

Convey the main content of the text read with or without reliance on the text/key words/plan/questions.

Make a message on a given topic based on what you read;

Comment on facts from the text read/listened to, argue your attitude to what you read/listened to;

speak briefly without prior preparation on a given topic in accordance with the proposed communication situation;

Briefly summarize the results of the completed project work.


The student will learn:

Perceive by ear and understand the main content of simple authentic texts containing a certain number of unstudied linguistic phenomena;

Perceive by ear and understand significant/necessary/requested information in authentic texts containing both studied linguistic phenomena and a certain number of unstudied linguistic phenomena.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

Highlight the main idea in a text that is perceived by ear;

To separate the main facts from the secondary ones in a text that is perceived by ear;

Use contextual or linguistic guesswork when listening to texts containing unfamiliar words;

Ignore unfamiliar linguistic phenomena that are not essential for understanding the main content of the text being perceived by ear.


The student will learn:

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words by similarity with Russian/native language, by word-forming elements, by context;

Ignore unfamiliar words while reading that do not interfere with understanding the main content of the text;

Use footnotes and linguistic and cultural reference books.

Written speech

A fifth grader will learn:

Fill out questionnaires and forms in accordance with the standards adopted in the country of the language being studied;

Write a personal letter in response to a stimulus letter using speech etiquette formulas accepted in the country of the language being studied.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

Make short extracts from the text for the purpose of using them in your own oral statements;

Draw up a plan/thesis for an oral or written communication;

Briefly state in writing the results of your project activities;

Write short written statements based on the example.

In the basic school, the development of language knowledge and skills of schoolchildren continues.

Phonetic side of speech

A fifth grader will learn:

Distinguish by ear and adequately, without phonemic errors leading to communication failure, pronounce all the sounds of the English language;

Observe the correct stress in the studied words;

Distinguish between communicative types of sentences by intonation;

Pronounce phrases adequately, without errors leading to communication failure, in terms of their rhythmic and intonation features, including observing the rule of no phrasal stress on function words.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

Express modal meanings, feelings and emotions using intonation.


The student will learn to write the learned words correctly.

The student will have the opportunity to learn to compare and analyze letter combinations in the English language and their transcription.

Lexical side of speech

A fifth grader will learn:

Recognize studied lexical units (words, phrases, cliché lines of speech etiquette) in written and spoken text, including polysemantic ones, within the scope of the primary school;

Use in oral and written speech in their basic meaning the studied lexical units (words, phrases, cliché lines of speech etiquette), including polysemantic ones, within the scope of the basic school in accordance with the communicative task being solved;

Observe the existing norms of lexical compatibility in the English language;

Recognize and form related words using the basic methods of word formation (affixation) within the scope of the main school in accordance with the communicative task being solved.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

Use in speech in several meanings polysemantic words studied within the scope of the main school;

Find differences between the phenomena of synonymy and antonymy;

Recognize that words belong to parts of speech based on certain characteristics (articles, affixes, etc.);

Use linguistic guesswork in the process of reading and listening (guess the meaning of unfamiliar words based on context and word-formation elements

The grammatical side of speech

The student will learn:

Operate in the process of oral and written communication with the basic syntactic structures and morphological forms of the English language in accordance with the communicative task in a communicatively significant context;

Recognize and use in speech:

Various communicative types of sentences: affirmative, negative, interrogative (general, special, alternative, dividing questions), incentive (in affirmative and negative form);

Common simple sentences, including those with several adverbs in a specific order (We moved to a new house last year);

Sentences with initial It (It"s cold. It"s five o"clock. It"s interesting. It"s winter);

Sentences with initial There + to be (There are a lot of trees in the park);

Compound sentences with coordinating words and, but, or;

Nouns in singular and plural, formed according to the rule and exceptions;

Nouns with definite/indefinite/zero articles;

Personal, possessive, demonstrative, indefinite, relative, interrogative pronouns;

Adjectives in the positive, comparative and superlative degrees, formed according to the rule and exceptions; as well as adverbs expressing quantity (many/much, few/a few, little/a little);

Cardinal and ordinal numbers;

Verbs in the most common tense forms of the active voice: Present Simple, Future Simple and Past Simple;

Modal verbs and their equivalents (can, must).

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

Recognize complex sentences with subordinate clauses with conjunctions who, which, that

  1. Interpersonal relationships in the family, with peers; resolving conflict situations. Appearance and character traits of a person. Leisure and hobbies (reading, cinema, theater, museum, music). Types of recreation, travel. Youth fashion. Purchases.

Module 1. English in Use 1 “Greetings”; Extensive Reading 1 “Citizenship”.

Module 2. “I’m from”; “My things”; “My collection”; English in Use 2 “Buying a souvenir”.

Module 3. English in Use 3 “Viewing a house”.

Module 4. “My family”; “Who’s who?”; “Famous people”; English in Use 4 “Identifying & people describing”; Extensive Reading 4 “Literature: My Family”; Sp. on R. “Hobbies”.

Module 6. “At work”; English in Use 6 “Making suggestions”.

Module 7. “Dress right”; “It's fun”; English in Use 7 “Shopping for clothes”.

Module 8. “It’s my birthday”; English in Use 8 “Ordering food”.

Module 9. “Going shopping.”

Module 10. English in Use 10 “Renting (a bike/car)”.

  1. School education, school life, subjects studied and attitudes towards them. Correspondence with foreign peers. Holidays at different times of the year.

Starter Unit. “The English Alphabet”; “Numbers”; “Colors”; “Classroom objects”; “Classroom language”.

Module 1. “School”; “First day”; “Favorite subjects”.

Module 6. “Weekends”.

Module 10. “Travel & leisure”; “Summer fun”; Sp. on R. “Holidays”.

  1. Universe and man. Nature: flora and fauna. Ecological problems. Environment protection. Climate, weather. Living conditions in urban/rural areas. Transport.

Module 1. Culture Corner “Schools in England”; Sp. on R. “School life”.

Module 2. Culture Corner “UK souvenirs”; Extensive Reading 2 “Geography: English-speaking countries”; Sp. on R. “Our Country”.

Module 3. “At home”; “Move in!”; “My bedroom”; Culture Corner “A Typical English House”; Extensive Reading 3 “Art & Design: Taj Mahal”; Sp. on R. “Homes”.

Module 4. Culture Corner “American TV Families”.

Module 6. Culture Corner “Landmarks”; Sp. on R. “Fame”.

Module 7. Culture Corner “The Alaskan Climate”; extensive Reading 7 “Literature: what weather!”; Sp. on R. “Seasons”.

Module 8. “Celebrations”; Culture Corner “Thanksgiving”; Sp. on R. “Festivals”.

Module 9. “Let’s go”; “Don’t miss it!”; Culture Corner “Busy spots in London”; English in Use 9 “Asking for/Giving directions”; Extensive Reading 9 “Maths: British Coins”; Sp. on R. “Museums”.

Module 10. Culture Corner “All aboard”.

  1. Healthy lifestyle: work and rest schedule, sports, balanced nutrition, giving up bad habits.

Module 5. “Amazing creatures”; “At the zoo”; “My pet”; English in Use 5 “A visit to the vet”; Extensive Reading 5 “Science: It’s an insect’s life!”; Sp. on R. “Animals”.

Module 6. “Wake up!”; Extensive Reading 6 “Science: Sundials.”

Module 7. “Year after year.”

Module 8. “Master chef”; Extensive Reading 8 “PSHE: Danger! Keep out.”

Module 10. “Just a note...”.

Extensive Reading 10 “Geography: safe camping”.


  1. Bilingual dictionaries;

“English - Russian, Russian - English dictionary”, M.I. Dubrovin, Moscow, “Oniks”, 2010;

“English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary”, V.K. Muller, Moscow, “Eksmo”, 2012;

  1. “The newest complete reference book for schoolchildren”, volume 2, T.I. Maksimova, Moscow “Eksmo”, 2009;
  2. “Collection of exercises on English grammar”, T.V. Baranovskaya, Moscow, “Logos”, 2010;
  3. “Collection of exercises on English grammar”, Yu.B. Golitsynsky, St. Petersburg, “Capo”, 2009;
  4. “Handbook of English Grammar”, E.V. Karpenko, Moscow, “Eksmo”, 2010;
  5. “Oral topics in English for schoolchildren”, T.Yu. Zhurina, Moscow, “Drofa”, 2009;
  6. Textbook “English in Focus” (“Spotlight”) for 5th grade of general education institutions, basic level. Authors – Yu.E. Vaulina, J. Dooley, O.E. Podolyako, V. Evans, Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 2015

Municipal budgetary institution

additional education for children

Center of children's creativity

Temryuk district.

Adopted at the meeting I approve

Pedagogical/Methodological Council Director of MBU DO CDT

dated "____"______2017 _______________/full name/

Protocol No. _____________________ “___”__________2017


Additional general education program for the academic discipline in a foreign language

(English language)

for first and second year students.

Additional education teacher Lebedeva S.V.

Program level: basic

(introductory, basic or advanced)

Program implementation period: 2 YEARS (144 hours)

(the amount of hours)

Program type: modified

(indicate the name and position of the developer)



The English language work program “Entertaining English” was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 6, 2009 No. 373), based on “Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Foreign language classes in preschool age develop the child comprehensively. Students study English as a basic academic subject at the Children's Creativity Center for 72 hours per year and 144 hours over 2 years. The author's program for teaching English was compiled and developed on the basis of a textbook: Shishkova I.A. Verbovskaya M.E., edited by Bonk N.A. “English for younger students.” This program is intended for children 7-9 years old. The work program of the “Entertaining English” association was developed in accordance with the modern regulatory framework in the field of preschool education in the Russian Federation. The program is aimed at creating a basic level for students, and also promotes the development of speech etiquette.You should also take advantage of children's memory, such as the strength of memory. Learning a foreign language brings with it enormous linguistic potential and the overall development of the child. The main forms of activity for children of this age are games, learning songs in English, staging and acting out skits. Games and various communicative situations help shape children’s personal qualities, their interests, emotional and motivational spheres. Extracurricular activities in English are traditionally basedon forms : group and mass work. During classes, an individual and differentiated approach to children is provided. Each lesson consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. The teacher plans the theoretical part taking into account the age, psychological and individual characteristics of the students. The program provides for classes that integrate various forms and techniques of game-based learning and other activities. The proposed program is aimed at creating a basis for further study of a foreign language in primary school. This course is designed for 2 years (45 minutes in the first year, and 45 minutes in the second year).

General characteristics of the subject

Relevance of the program

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and new programs for teaching foreign languages, at the initial stage of training it is expected that not only the foreign language communicative competence of students will develop positively, but also the achievement of higher personal and meta-subject learning results. English as an academic subject has great educational potential, which is fully taken into account when developing this program, where significant attention is paid to the formation of value guidelines and aesthetic ideals.

The activity-based nature of the subject corresponds to the nature of a junior schoolchild who perceives the world holistically, emotionally and actively. This allows you to include speech activity in other types of activities of a child of a given age (play, cognitive, artistic, aesthetic...) and makes it possible to make various connections with the subjects studied in primary school, to form general educational skills.

Novelty of the program

Noveltyof this program is that it promotes the implementation of the principles of teaching a foreign language within the framework of a competency-based approach to linguistic education. The learning process involves the use of different types of classes, teaching methods, ICT, additional literature, which will make the learning process interesting and will help increase the level of learning motivation of students. Systematic use of a computer will help children learn vocabulary, phonetics, and grammar while performing a variety of exercises.

Purpose of the course:

Development of basic language skills necessary for successful mastery of the English language at the initial stage of schooling, which will allow achieving high indicators of general educational development with maximum involvement of students in active activities in the classroom.


1. Formation of correct pronunciation skills

2.Development of communication skills:

a) Learn to establish contact with communication partners in game situations.

b) Build vocabulary

c) Develop English speaking skills (name objects, describe them, answer questions, ask questions).

d) Develop listening skills based on visualization.

3. Expanding the horizons of children, introducing them to the country of the language they are learning. Getting to know the culture of the country of the language being studied is a means of enriching the child’s spiritual world. Knowledge of the surrounding world, thinking, memory expands.

4. Development of a creative personality.

As mainprinciples programs are:

1. The priority of the communicative goal in teaching English.

2. Compliance with the activity-based nature of teaching a foreign language.

3.Personally-oriented nature of learning.

4.Training in oral forms of communication.

5. Taking into account students’ experience in their native language and developing their cognitive abilities.

6.Widespread use of effective modern teaching technologies.

7. Sociocultural orientation of the process of teaching English.

Forms of organization of activities:

1.Speech and phonetic warm-ups.

2. Poetic examples, rhymes.

3.Games, role-playing games, dramatizations, songs.

Description of the subject's place in the curriculum.

The variable part of the basic curriculum includes extracurricular activities carried out in the first and second half of the day. According to the BPU, the variable part takes into account the characteristics, educational needs and interests of students and their parents. This program is designed for 72 hours at the rate of 2 study hours per week.

Children's age is 7-9 years.

Mode according to the school schedule.

Implementation period: 2016-2018 academic year. G.

Expected result: 1) Students understand the role of English in international communication. 2) students' interest in successfully mastering the English language.

Description of value guidelines.

With the help of the English language, value guidelines are formed and the foundations of moral behavior are laid. In the process of communication in the lesson, acquaintance with examples of children's foreign folklore, the following are developed:

A friendly attitude and tolerance towards representatives of other countries and their culture, stimulates the general speech development of younger schoolchildren,

Their communication culture is developing,

The foundations of civic identity, personal qualities, readiness and ability of students for self-development, motivation for learning and knowledge, value and semantic attitudes reflecting the individual and personal positions of students, and social competencies are formed.

Verifiable results.

Subject, meta-subject and personal.

As a result of studying this program, students will have the opportunity to form:

Personal results:

Formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success or failure of educational activities;

Awareness of language, including foreign, as the main means of communication between people;

Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue.

Meta-subject results :

Development of the ability to interact with others when performing different roles within the limits of the speech needs and capabilities of a primary school student;

Development of communication abilities, the ability to choose adequate language and speech means to solve a basic communication problem;

Expanding your linguistic horizons;

Development of cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres;

Formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;

Possession of the ability to work with various teaching aids.

Subject results:

Mastery of basic understanding of the norms of the English language (phonetic, lexical, grammatical), the ability to compare linguistic units (sound, word).

A. In the communication sphere:

Speech competence:

In speaking:

Conduct a basic etiquette dialogue, a questioning dialogue, a dialogue encouraging action;

Be able to talk about yourself, family, friend.

The ability to compose a short monologue about oneself based on meaningful support.

In listening:

The ability to understand the content of short statements based on the studied language material.

Understand by ear the speech of the teacher and classmates, the main content of small accessible texts in audio recordings, built on the studied material.

Language competence:

Adequate pronunciation and distinction by ear of all sounds of the English language, maintaining the correct stress in words and phrases;

Compliance with the intonation features of the main types of sentences;

Recognition and use of studied lexical units and grammatical structures in speech.

Sociocultural awareness:

Knowledge of the names of the countries of the language being studied, some literary characters, plots of some popular fairy tales written in English, small works of children's folklore (poems and songs), knowledge of elementary norms of speech and non-verbal behavior accepted in English-speaking countries.

B. In the cognitive sphere:

The ability to compare linguistic phenomena of the native and English languages ​​at the level of individual sounds, letters, phrases, simple sentences;

The ability to recognize grammatical phenomena that are absent in the native language;

Ability to act according to a model;

Ability to use transcription;

Ability to carry out self-observation and self-assessment.

B. In the value-orientation sphere :

The idea of ​​English as a means of expressing thoughts, feelings, emotions;

Introducing to the cultural values ​​of another people.

G. In the aesthetic sphere:

- mastery of basic means of expressing feelings and emotions;

Developing a sense of beauty in the process of getting acquainted with examples of accessible children's literature.

Communication skills by type of speech activity.


1.Dialogue form

The ability to conduct etiquette dialogues in typical situations of everyday, educational and cross-cultural communication, including those obtained through means of communication;

The ability to conduct dialogue-questioning, dialogue incitement to action.

2. Monologue form

Ability to use communicative types of speech: description, story, characterization.


The ability to listen and understand the speech of the teacher and classmates during communication in the classroom

Ability to respond verbally and non-verbally;

The ability to perceive by ear small accessible texts in audio recordings based on the studied material.

Forms for recording knowledge and skills

At the initial stage of learning, interest in a foreign language is established; students’ achievements are very flexible and individual.

The use of this manual is associated with the need to continue the systematic and consistent preparation for new forms of assessment of educational achievements that are part of school reality, which began in 1st grade. The methods for determining the effectiveness of the program are: diagnostics carried out at the end of each section in the form of test tasks to monitor learning outcomes, the achievement of which is the most important requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES).

Ispomaterials used:


Textbook title

Publishing house,

the year of publishing


hours in


1-2 grade

3-4 grade

1.English for younger students. Part 1



4.Audio application

1.English for younger students." Part 2



4.Audio application

Verbovskaya M.E., Shishkova I.A.

Verbovskaya M.E., Shishkova I.A.

Verbovskaya M.E., Shishkova I.A.

Verbovskaya M.E., Shishkova I.A.

Verbovskaya M.E., Shishkova I.A.

Verbovskaya M.E., Shishkova I.A.

Verbovskaya M.E., Shishkova I

CJSC "Rosmen-Press",

2013.- 207 p.

CJSC "Rosmen-Press",

2013.- 128 p.

CJSC "Rosmen-Press",

2013.- 63 p.

CJSC "Rosmen-Press",

2013.- 207 p.

CJSC "Rosmen-Press",

2013.- 128 p.

CJSC "Rosmen-Press",

2013.- 63 p.

72 hours

72 hours

Educational and thematic plan

1-2 grade


Name of lesson topics

Number of hours

Acquaintance. Introductory lesson








Vegetables and fruits




Movements and Actions









Educational and thematic plan

3-4 grade


Name of lesson topics

Number of hours

Acquaintance. Introductory lesson








Vegetables and fruits




Movements and Actions









Logistics of the program

Printed products (library collection):

Textbooks “English for junior schoolchildren”

Federal state educational standard of basic general education.

Approximate secondary education program in a foreign language.

Printed products (for personal use of students) “English for junior schoolchildren”


Technical training aids and classroom equipment


A chalkboard with a set of devices for attaching tables, posters and pictures.

Visual aids: cards, toys, diagrams, symbolic images of sounds (transcription) and letters, paintings, illustrations, drawings, postcards.

Teacher's desk

Student tables 2-seater with a set of chairs.

Multimedia learning tools

CD for classroom use


Multimedia projector and other technical means.


Federal state educational standard of basic general education.

Sample programs of basic general education. Foreign language. - M.: Education, 2009. - (Series “Second Generation Standards”).

Federal component of State educational standards for primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) education (Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089).

Sample programs of primary basic and secondary (complete) general education. English language.

Sample programs of basic general education. Foreign language. - M.: Education, 2009. - (Series “Second Generation Standards”)

Approximate state program for the English language for secondary schools of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Publishing House Bustard 2008 Compiled by: Dneprov E.D., Arkadyev A.G.

List of literature for teachers

Shishkova I.A., Verbovskaya M.E. English for kids. Games, skits, songs. Ed. ON THE. Bonk - M.: Publishing house "Rosmen-Press", 2005

Shishkova I.A., Verbovskaya M.E. English for kids. Guide for teachers and parents. Ed. ON THE. Bonk - M.: JSC "Rosmen-Press", 2006

Shishkova I.A., Verbovskaya M.E. English for the little ones. Guide for teachers and parents. - M.: ZAO "Rosmen-Press", 2010

ABC School. A team of authors from the non-profit educational institution Interlingua. Scientific Hand. E.I. Kikteva. - Voronezh. NOU "Interlingua", 2009

Astafieva M.D. Games for children learning English. M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2006.

English language. Games, events, linguistic and cultural material. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

Verbovskaya M. E., Shishkova I. A. English for junior schoolchildren. Part I. /edited by Bonk N.A. M.: ZAO “Rosmen-Press”, 2011. - 207 p.

Verbovskaya M. E., Shishkova I. A. English for kids. Handouts. /edited by Bonk N.A. M.: ZAO “Rosmen-Press”, 2007. - 63 p.

Verbovskaya M. E., Shishkova I. A. English for junior schoolchildren. Workbook. Part I. /edited by Bonk N.A. M.: ZAO “Rosmen-Press”, 2010. - 128 p.

Dzyuina E.V. Game lessons and extracurricular activities in English: grades 2-4. - M.: VAKO, 2007.

Dzyuina E.V. Theatrical lessons and extracurricular activities in English. 1-4 grades, M.: VAKO, 2006.

Ezhakova L.S. Travel with rhyme. English for kids. M.: Iris, 1996.

Kolodyazhnaya L.N. Meet: Great Britain. - M.: Rolf, 2000.

Kurbatova M. Yu. Game techniques for teaching English grammar at the initial stage // Foreign languages ​​at school. No. 3, 2006.

Lebedeva G.N. Extracurricular activities in English in primary school. - M.: “Globe”, 2008.

Popova E.N. English in grades 2-4.I start to love English.Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. School of Russia. Concept and programs for primary classes. 2h. M., Education, 2003.

Literature for students and parents.

English children's poems, songs and fairy tales. A book for extracurricular reading for students in grades 1-4. - Publisher: Lyceum, 2003.

Bryusova N.G. We study and play in English lessons, grades 2-4. M: Bustard, 2003. Gudkova L.M.. Poems and fairy tales in English lessons in elementary school. AST "Astrel" M.2005.

Ilyushkina A.V. Let's learn English easily and fun. St. Petersburg: Litera, 2009. Ilyushkina A.V. We speak English. St. Petersburg: Litera, 2010.

Longuet I. A book for reading in English with exercises. M.: Glossa-Press, 2010.

Electronic resources: