How to remember vocabulary word associations. Sound associations for memorizing vocabulary words. Requirements for an associative image

Hello, dear parents and teachers! Not long ago, I provided you with and promised to tell you how to organize your work with dictionary words so that memorizing dictionary words occurs easily and for a long time. Here, I am keeping my promise.

In short: we will consider a technique that has already been tested in practice at school and has shown good results. The following questions are covered: how to remember vocabulary words with the help of associations, depicting vocabulary words in pictures, as well as how to properly organize a dictation with vocabulary words, based on the methodology outlined below.

Having mastered this technique of working with vocabulary words and applying it in practice, you will also achieve good results from your children (students).

And the children themselves will stop wondering how to learn vocabulary words without cramming!

Methodology for working with dictionary words from A to Z (based on the association method)

1. Introduction of a new vocabulary word

We write a new word on the board. We ask a question:

— In what places can mistakes be made?

Based on the children's answers, problem areas in the word are highlighted.

We build an association associated with the word itself and the spelling in it.

Let's make a drawing of this association.

We derive the rule.

An example of a vocabulary word discussion:

—Where can a mistake be made?

— You can write KOSMA S.

We emphasize the second letter O.

— What is there in space that looks like the letter O?

— Planets, they are round.

- How many such letters do we have in a word?

- So let’s draw two planets!

Children draw this picture in their notebooks. The teacher (or the person on duty) makes a large picture, which will be useful during dictations with vocabulary words.

- Let's make a rule.

Rule: Space - two planets.

2. Dictation with vocabulary words

Vocabulary dictations are carried out in three stages:

Stage 1: Dictation with a rule spoken out loud

During dictation, a word is called, a picture of the association of the vocabulary word is shown, and the rule derived earlier is spoken aloud.

Stage 2: Silent vocabulary dictation

During dictation, a word is named and vocabulary words are silently shown in association pictures.

Stage 3: Regular vocabulary dictation

So, I hope that the method of working with dictionary words itself was more than clear to you. And as a bonus to this article, I will tell you about some associations that students built based on 3rd grade vocabulary words, and I will show you vocabulary words in pictures based on these associations. Use them or come up with other associations. The main thing is that as a result, memorizing vocabulary words should be easy!

Vocabulary words: associations and pictures


Association and picture: hidden in the word is a healthy (huge) letter combination ORO - draw it on the entire sheet.


Association and picture: the letter O looks like a cucumber. The cucumber is smooth and does not have such shoots as the letter A.


Association and picture: without frost there are no snowflakes, and snowflakes are similar in shape to the letter O. Two letters O - two snowflakes.


Association and picture: For breakfast, they eat a pretzel (which looks like the letter B) with tea (which in English starts with the letter T). And especially noble people in Rus' ate Crayfish for breakfast.


Association and picture: Chupa Chups looks like the letter O.


Association and picture: A holiday is a day on which gifts are given, so we draw a gift (gift). The combination DN sounds when we say: Happy Birthday!


Association and picture: this word, like all polite words, is magical. Therefore, you need to draw three magic letters I.


Association and picture: hidden in the word metro is the word METER.


Association and picture: Someone wears boots, and someone wears boots. Boot is another name for BOT.


Association and picture: it was difficult for the children to come up with this, so they left a big red letter A. (Tip: it is necessary to rarely associate associations of vocabulary words simply with individual letters, so that children do not get confused in such associations!)


Association and picture: Two letters E ring a bell.


Association and picture: There are 2 teams in hockey, so we draw 2 hockey players.


Association and picture: An alley is a row of trees. Since there are two letters L, we draw two trees, and in front of them is the beginning of the alley - the beginning of the alphabet - the letter A.


Association and picture: a) Find two words that are hidden in the word POOL: ba s, this; b) two letters C - two waves on the water.


Association and picture: Name a dish similar to O. (Plate)


Association: What female name is hidden in the word? (Zina). We were picking mushrooms and saw Zina. We didn't expect to see her, so we were very surprised: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo[dinging We were we expecting to see her, so we were very surprised: Oooooooooo, Zina!

Well, I tried to outline in as much detail as possible the entire methodology for working with dictionary words. I hope that the work done will be useful to you too. Let your students no longer be tormented by the question of how to remember vocabulary words. I wish you success in working with children!

I think that Elena will please you more than once with her developments. Do not miss!

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Sections: Primary School

In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts
about the fate of my homeland - you are the only one for me
support and support, O great, mighty one,
truthful and free Russian language!
Without you, how not to fall into despair
at the sight of everything that is happening at home?
But one cannot believe that such language
was not given to the great people!

I. S. Turgenev

The problem of competent writing is especially relevant these days, since recently literacy and, in general, knowledge of the native language have become the lot of a narrow circle of specialists. Not only has the literacy level of the population as a whole fallen sharply, but the quality of newspapers, magazines, and published books has also greatly decreased. Spelling and punctuation errors have become commonplace, although for any intelligent person at the beginning of the century the question of whether a doctor, artist, engineer, etc. should have seemed strange. be literate. After all, it has long been known that language is a mirror of both social and moral processes occurring in society.

Typically, the spelling of words follows certain rules. But there are words for which there are no rules, and you just need to remember them. These are so-called dictionary words.

In the primary gymnasium according to the RO program, we must memorize about 500 words. As you can see, there are a lot of words and there are many mistakes when writing them. The reason for the many difficulties in working with these words is probably that we do not use rational ways of memorizing them.

We started working on the problem of quickly memorizing vocabulary words in third grade. We found out that you can remember the spelling of dictionary words not only by memorizing and writing them down several times, but also in other ways: by etymology and association.

Etymological way of memorizing vocabulary words

...The sensitive reeds are dozing. Silence
- desolation around. Slightly noticeable
dewy path...

These charming lines bring back to life a beautiful Russian morning on the shore of a lake or river at any time of the year. The words just flow, stringing one on top of the other, and one becomes joyful from the imaginary silence, memories of a light meadow path among lush grass... And few people think that the words SENSITIVE and CHUT are relatives, that they “grew up” in one “family” with the words SENSITIVE, SYMPATHY, FEEL AWARE. All the more amazing

it will seem a fact that these words are related to the Latin verb caveo“look around, be on guard, be wary.” A very serious, very interesting and extremely complex science helps to prove the existence of connections between words in the past, to reveal their big and small secrets - etymology. It can help us not only the meaning of a word, but also its spelling; it can tell us not only about its birth, but also about wanderings in different languages ​​and about the ways in which each foreign language influences it.

CORRIDOR and DIRECTOR, ALBUM and PENCIL - where did they come from, why should they be written this way and not otherwise? Etymology will help us solve these questions. However, to find out the spelling, it is not always necessary to trace all the stages that a word has passed through. Sometimes it is enough to learn the form from the source language or the corresponding formations from closely related languages.

In this work, we tried to explain and justify the spelling of some dictionary words using etymology.

The textbook by V.V. helped us with this. Repkin “Russian language, grade 2” (developmental education program). In the text “Former Relatives” it is stated that the word capital is somehow similar to the word table? And this is no coincidence. These words were once close relatives.

In the old days, a table was called not only what we call it, but also the place on which the prince, the ruler of the country, sat. The city where he lived was called the capital city or simply the capital.

Now no one considers these words related. When they talk about the table, they don’t remember any rulers. A table is just furniture. And the capital is the main city of the country. Completely different words.

But it is still useful to remember their past relationship. It is immediately clear that words have their own long and interesting life. And you probably can’t write the letter A in the word capital. (Annex 1.)

An associative way of memorizing vocabulary words

We believe that this method is accessible to everyone, because the history of the origin of a word must be found out using etymological dictionaries.

The essence of the method is that a difficult spelling is associated with a vivid associative image, which is remembered when writing a word, helping to write the word correctly. If you want to use this method, do this:

1. Write down a vocabulary word (Word word) and put emphasis.

/ For example: Birch

2. Highlight (underline, circle) the syllable that evokes
difficulties (doubt) when writing.

For example: be.- re - for

3. Write out the doubtful syllable separately, highlighting it in size
questionable spelling.

For example: b_E., b_e..

4. Find an associative image (As. image) associated with a dictionary word,
write it down next to the vocabulary word.

Requirements for an associative image

The associative image must be connected with the vocabulary word by some common feature.

The associative connection can be by:

An associative image must have in its spelling a letter that is questionable in the dictionary word.

For example:

Word word As. image * birch

By color _white..

*birch - curly: needed _crest.- to comb

Shaped like the letter _E..

Result: b E.cut – b E.barking, - gr E. ben (_E.)

5. Depict a vocabulary word combined with an associative image
(drawing and/or intersection of words through questionable spelling).

For example:

6. Read the vocabulary word and clearly reproduce the word found out loud
associative image, representing their unification and connecting and
questionable spelling.

Here are some examples:

newspaper - paper

plant - pipe

ynEY - white, snow cabbage - hare

pencil - edge, paper

While working on the topic, we found rational ways to memorize vocabulary words. We hope the work will help you, you won’t have to spend a long time and tediously memorizing every word. Just use your imagination, and the word will remain in your memory forever. Make Russian language lessons interesting and enjoy the joy of discovery.



  1. Kanakina V.P. “Work on difficult words”, Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 1994.
  2. Olgovich SI. “Etymology and spelling”, Tomsk, “Peleng”, 1996
  3. Popova T. “A Word about a Dictionary Word.”
  4. Repkin V.V. “Russian language”, 2nd grade, Tomsk, “Peleng”, 1997
  5. Shansky N.M., Bobrova T.A. “Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language”, Moscow, “Proserpina”, 1994.

Associative technique for memorizing vocabulary words
The thinking of elementary school students is visual and figurative in nature, that is, it is based on specific ideas and images. In this regard, the majority of them have a correspondingly predominant figurative type of memory. This means you need to use every opportunity to “light a star” around the word: associate some bright images with the word, something unusual, surprising, find an unexpected twist in the interpretation of the word or some kind of association not related to linguistics.
In order to remember an untestable letter in an interesting way, taking into account the psychological peculiarities of the thinking of a primary school student, it is necessary to “revive” the letter, create its “image” in a specific word. A difficult spelling of a dictionary word is associated with a vivid associative image, which is remembered when writing this dictionary word, helping to write the spelling correctly.
In the article by M. Gafitulin and T. Popova, “A Word about a Dictionary Word,” it is proposed to teach children to use various types of associations to remember the spelling of words that are not verified in modern language. The authors put forward requirements for the associative image:
a) “An associative image must be associated with a dictionary word by some common feature. The associative connection can be by color, shape, action, material, quantity,” etc.
b) The associative image must have in its spelling a letter that is not in doubt, which is doubtful in the dictionary word."
For example: The vocabulary word is birch. The associative image is a white birch, or a curly birch (to comb a curly birch, you need a comb shaped like the letter E). Result: birch – white – comb (E)
Children may confuse clue words with test words, for example, thinking that white and birch are related words. In such cases, it is necessary to explain to children that this is simply a word-image suitable for a given word.
There is also another important rule that should be followed: You cannot impose your associations on the student. Everyone should have their own associations, this is the whole value of this technique. The teacher must first show the class a similar analysis of 3 to 5 vocabulary words. Then carry out a joint analysis of 3 – 5 new vocabulary words.
Here are some examples of vocabulary words and associative images:
newspaper - paper
DIRECTOR - scream, mouth
frost - white, snow
dog - tail
karman - hole
cabbage - hare
palm - paw
You can come up with a lot of associations, and the children really like it. There is also a big advantage of such a lesson - even if the children forget the associations - the lesson involves working with words, which already helps to remember spellings.
Children should be encouraged to use this technique not only in this lesson, but always when learning new vocabulary words at home. The method of associations can also help when learning foreign words.
This technique is also good because children remember the words during the game. Children play with words, which is important in primary school.
The associative technique also has other types:
Method of graphic associations (memorization based on bright pictures that are based on the meaning and spelling of the word).
Method of phonetic associations (Agafonaov method).
Graphic association method
Children simply cannot help but like this method. In order to remember a vocabulary word, the child makes drawings on letters that cause difficulties in writing, or he needs to make a drawing denoting the word itself and play with the memorized letter in it.
Drawings should be made only on those letters that cause difficulty in writing, otherwise a “pile up” of images occurs. The drawing must necessarily correspond to the meaning of the word.
This process is as exciting as it is useful. Children enjoy drawing, which not only allows them to remember vocabulary words, but also develops their imagination.
Let's look at the first technique, where we make drawings on letters.
For example:
The letter “o” is easy to draw a tomato, and the letter “i” is knives that can be used to cut a tomato
When a nettle stings, it’s hard to resist shouting “Ah-ah.”
It is very easy to make the letter "A" from bananas, but it is impossible to make the letter o, etc.
Second appointment. Dictionary words are memorized using mnemonic “connections”, which are as follows:
1. memorization occurs more easily if a person mentally imagines objects, phenomena or actions that words mean;
2. Words combined into groups should “come to life”, “move”.
For example:
Our class had Russian on Saturday.
We took the tram to the store and bought raspberries for breakfast.
Phonetic association method
This method is preferable in cases where a phrase from consonance and a dictionary word is especially successful. For example, the word breakfast. The word that is consonant with it is cancer. If you combine these two words in one phrase, you get crayfish for breakfast. The invented phrase sounds good and is presented well, and can also be accompanied by a drawing. Or, for example, an engineer - Zhenya is an engineer, a plate - a plate is a container.
Now let’s look at the entertaining techniques that V. Agafonov proposed in his book “Wrong Rules.”
He suggests taking advantage of children’s wonderful figurative memory and coming up with your own rules for vocabulary words - “wrong”. And he proposes to do this with the help of associations, so that emotional-figurative memory actively works.
The principle of operation is as follows: we associate the memorized word with another in which the “problematic” letter is beyond doubt. And so that the sound of this word is similar to the dictionary one. The associative connection is played out in a poem, fairy tale, riddle or charade, and the vocabulary word will have an “adopted relative” who will help to highlight and firmly remember the desired spelling. The more unexpected, funny and absurd the connection between words is, the higher the efficiency of memorization.
Take, for example, the word newspaper. How do you remember that it is written with an “a” and not an “o”? Let's choose an “adopted relative” for him - the word gas. In this word, the sound “a” is stressed and it is simply impossible to write “o” here. And the word itself coincides with the first part of the word newspaper. All that remains is to connect them together.
Agafonov does it like this:
"Soda newspaper"
What happened here?
Gas came out of the newspaper!
Like snow the newspaper melts
And it doesn’t fly in the wind!
This brand has become smaller
A very strange newspaper!
Let's solve all the problems at once:
We'll fill it with gas!
carbonated newspaper
Do you need gas more than anything else?
No, I have to tell her
The letter “A” is most needed!
Agafonov also suggests pumping up the desired letter in the text of the poem, “saturating” it with this letter. Let the sound corresponding to it gasp, groan, rumble, roll in verse - and again remind the child which letter should be written in the vocabulary word. For example, in the same “Soda newspaper” the letter “a” appears 27 times, which significantly exceeds the average number of letters “a” in twelve short lines.
As we see, there are significantly more game elements in non-traditional techniques than in traditional ones, which means that this method will be more interesting for students, and in terms of efficiency it is not inferior at all, and even, in our opinion, superior.
The associative technique is interesting and exciting, it develops children’s associative thinking, it is effective, but it does not involve working with words and does not explain the meaning of words.

I. Each of us accumulates our own theoretical and practical experience and comes up with our own original solutions. Today I present to you a master class on the topic “Techniques for working on spelling vocabulary words.”

– To write dictionary words correctly, what needs to be done?
- Learn, remember.
– Indeed, in traditional practice, vocabulary words are subject to rote memorization, which is ineffective, and children continue to make mistakes in these words. Why? The answer is simple.

When becoming acquainted with “dictionary” words, the child is usually assigned a passive role. But children are inquisitive, resourceful, inventive - this is what we need to use.

– Today, at the master class, we will master techniques for working with children on writing vocabulary words through various types of activities, i.e. through the use of an activity approach.

II. Game “Insert the missing letter”.

Words: vinaigrette, front garden, agronomist (an unstressed vowel is missing in each word).

I ask you to raise the desired letter on the card.

Number of mistakes in the room – 1.

III. Using eidetic techniques to develop spelling skills.

- That's your problem! To solve this problem, the methods of eidetics and mnemonics are used.

“Eidos” is an image in Greek. In order to remember an untestable letter, you need to “revive” the letter, create its “image” in a specific word. Images in a person are created when exposed to the senses - a trace of the impact remains in the figurative memory (these are the basics of psychology).

The essence of this method is to come up with an image for a dictionary word that will be imprinted in memory and will involuntarily emerge. Having the support they themselves invented, children do not make mistakes in such words. Over time, the skill decreases, and the memorized word is easily recalled without an invented image. This is why it is important to apply eidetics the first time you encounter a vocabulary word.

“Associative clues”, with the help of which we remember the spelling of “difficult” words.

The vinaigrette(Latin vinum – vinegar, vinegar-based salad dressing).

Front garden. Many students misinterpret the meaning of the word, correlating the front garden with gr. poly(“many, many”). Based on this interpretation, they mistakenly replace the vowel o with a in the first syllable. To eliminate this error, it is enough to explain the etymology of the word. At the core front garden lies latin word palus- “pointed stick”. Thus, the test word has been found.

Agronomist- Greek agros field and ómos law.

Technique No. 1. Explanation of the lexical meaning of the word, etymology of the word.
Technique No. 2. Method of sound associations.

a) Phonetic (sound) associations (by similarity of sound).
The point is the successful selection of consonant associations for the memorized word. May be accompanied by a bright pattern that reinforces the image.
Passenger - p ace fat takes a ticket to ass e.
Street - on persons I meet friends persons A.
West - for pad e sun pad aet.

b) Another word is hidden in the word.
Horizon – burn, umbrella! (Draw this fantastic story.)
Cloud - on about varnish e varnish
Swimmer – pilaf the baby is swimming in pilaf e.
Nightingale – solo Wei sings solo.

c) Children imagine some action, smell, and include tactile and taste sensations. For example, a mini-fairy tale: “Women cabbage soup on cooking cabbage soup She is a good housewife. The house smells delicious of cabbage soup. They're hot."

Children develop great attention to the word, its structure, composition, etymology. Children see the word from different sides. They learn to think, reason, discuss words.

Technique No. 3. Graphic associations - mnemonics (based on the similarity of the image).

“Mnemonics (Greek Mnemonika - the art of memorization). Mnemonics is a set of techniques and methods that facilitate memorization and increase memory capacity through the formation of artificial associations.”

The point is to see the similarity between the shape of the letter and the object. Children must make drawings themselves, either directly in their notebooks during class or in individual dictionaries.

The method of graphic associations or mnemonics includes such puzzles, poems, drawings, groupings of words that evoke certain associations, i.e., the essence is that the memorized letter is encrypted in the form of a graphic image - a picture. It is easy to remember and easy to remember when needed. The process of creating an image and memorizing a word will already be a game, and a useful, educational, creative game.

Technique No. 4. “Muscle memory.”

And now we turn around...... we write:“The first vowel in the word enthusiasm, the second vowel in the word training” (the letter is written on the back of the student sitting in front).

The letter on the back was recommended by Peter Young and Colin Tire in the book Teach Your Child to Read. Make sure your child feels what you wrote, explain to him what the letter is and ask him to write it on paper. This system works thanks to “muscle memory”: the ability to remember information through the actions of the body.

IV. So, let's name the missing letters: ...

Word (in chorus).

Vinaigrette, front garden, agronomist, horizon, cloud, apple, enthusiasm, training.

Technique No. 5. Highlighting an unstressed vowel in size and color and is hung throughout the classroom by the students themselves using tape.

Technique No. 6. Reverse dictations.

The teacher suggests the meaning of a given word, the children define the word. Further work can be structured in the following way: either the children themselves write down the word and identify dangerous places, or there is a collective analysis of the word, i.e. according to the principle of a commented letter.

For such dictations, the teacher needs to have several options for meanings, from simple to more complex, so that if they have difficulty answering, children have the opportunity to independently come to the given word. It is advisable, if possible, to have cards with a picture of a vocabulary word.

Agronomist –

1) specialist in improving agricultural culture;
2) a person who knows the laws of agriculture.

Director -

1) head of an enterprise, institution;
2) a person who knows how to manage a team.

1) not far from something;
2) approximately.

I chose the following types of exercises for work:

  • Sound association method;
  • Method of graphic associations (mnemonics);
  • Writing a word from different angles (in the sun);
  • Highlighting the unstressed vowel in size and color;
  • Use of language material;
  • Spelling five minutes;
  • Dictations are the opposite.

While externally entertaining, the exercises are based on modern scientific ideas about the structure of attention and memory.
The result of using this method is the qualitative changes that occur in schoolchildren in the process of learning the Russian language (reduction of errors in written work).

This method of learning to memorize words ensures children success in their studies and gives them the joy of communicating with letters and words. The letter becomes a friend to the child; there will be no disappointments, failures, or tears because of it.

Experience has shown that the systematic use of these techniques makes it possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary words compared to teaching using traditional techniques.

When using the described techniques for working with words with unverifiable spellings, students learn the spelling of not only the words provided by the program, but also many others. And every teacher knows: the more words a student learns, the richer his speech, the easier it is for him to learn, the deeper and stronger his knowledge in all subjects.

A godsend in this regard was for me the associative method of memorizing and assimilating information developed by Vasily Agafonov, the author of the original textbooks “Wrong Rules”, “Completely Wrong Rules”, “Count in Rhyme” and many others. His wonderful fairy tales and poems, in which an associative memorization algorithm is implemented, became the basis for vocabulary work in Russian language lessons.



Associative algorithm for memorizing dictionary words.

Today I would like to talk about working on vocabulary words.

I am not a supporter of rote memorization.

It is no secret that in large doses it can lead to dulling of abilities and a decrease in the creative potential of the child. In addition, such memorization does not at all contribute to increasing interest in the subject. Therefore, it becomes natural and necessary to turn to the child’s vivid emotional-figurative memory, to the enormous possibilities inherent in the associative way of thinking.

A godsend in this regard was for me the associative method of memorizing and assimilating information developed by Vasily Agafonov, the author of the original textbooks “Wrong Rules”, “Completely Wrong Rules”, “Count in Rhyme” and many others. His wonderful fairy tales and poems, in which an associative memorization algorithm is implemented, became the basis for vocabulary work in Russian language lessons.

From his first steps in educational activities, the child is offered three alternative paths, three ways of mastering literate writing: meaningful application of the rule, appeal to spelling intuition and memorization . Memorizing the spelling image of a word on a conscious level is one of the effective ways to master literacy. The author simultaneously solves two problems: to help the child remember how specific words are written, and much more important - to promote the intensive development of brain structures, and not just memory.

The memorization algorithm is extended primarily to words with unverifiable spellings, that is, to dictionary words. However, any word whose spelling follows a rule, of course, can also be remembered. Thus, in relation to any word, children can choose between the rule, spelling intuition and their own memory. Among other things, this works to develop the child’s alternative thinking and develops his ability for introspection: he learns to understand himself and listen to himself. It is very important.

The essence of the algorithm is to find a clue, an associative thread, a bridge between the word you want to remember and another word in which the “stubborn” letter is heard clearly and clearly.

At the first stage, the associative “hook” is included in the emotional and figurative context of the fairy tale or poem. In addition to the text, in which the image of the letter necessary for memorization is repeated in various ways, there are also drawings. In the drawings there are many additional threads, secondary “clues” that enhance the memorization effect. A visual metaphor excites the child’s emotional memory, activates his attention to the object of memorization, and ensures the selective focus of this attention. The organic combination of verbal and graphic images creates a solid foundation for non-violent, active and long-term memorization.

Here's how it could be:


Once upon a time there lived a baka. She knew how to bark, wag her tail, guard the house and loved to howl at the round moon, which looks a little like the letter " ABOUT ". And bite a bagel that looks like a letter " ABOUT ".

And she also loved to look at the round O cloud and round s O moon, similar to the letter " Oh, loved oh canopy that starts with the letter " ABOUT ". In general, of course, you guessed that she fell in love with the letter itself." ABOUT ". And when I fell in love, I wanted to be written with this letter.

“Okay,” they told her, “we’ll write you “sides.”

No, I don't want that! From what other side?! - Baka was offended. - I don’t want to be called that! I just want to pee with" ABOUT ".

And they began to write it with " O ". Like this: from the "O" tank . And then simply:


That's how they still write.

(V. Agafonov)

As you can see, there are many threads, and they permeate the entire text of the fairy tale: these are words where “O” is stressed, and words that begin with this letter, and playing with its shape - focusing on real objects that resemble this letter in shape: round moon, donut shaped like the letter "O", round cloud, round sun.

There is also a subtext working with which, according to neurophysiologists, activates thought processes and is a powerful factor in the development of a child’s brain structures.

And finally, there is a drawing. You will be able to see on it the written image of the letter “O”, and an abundance of round objects that the child eagerly and very quickly finds: a window in the house, a plate, etc. The color, the major energy of the drawing, its features, which take into account the holistic and at the same time discrete perception of the child, help to remember.

In each case, the magic strings, as we call them with children, are different. So that you remember how to spell birch , it turned out to be enough to read four lines just once with the children:

As soon as a child “enters” the picture, gets used to it (and this happens in a few seconds) and peers into the expression on the birch tree’s face and especially the letter itself, so reverently and tenderly clinging to the trunk, it is simply impossible to write birch with the letter "I". By the way, I asked the children what line the artist drew, and always heard the answer: the fourth, “and I didn’t want to leave.” After whatever time this word appears in the dictation, the image perceived from the drawing and text will instantly and involuntarily appear in the child’s mind - and there will be no mistake.

However, poems and fairy tales, a spacious context for an associative “hook”, are no longer necessary at the next stage of mastering the algorithm. A simple image is enough. For example, to remember the word cucumber , you can imagine a huge, huge cucumber and say to yourself: " Wow ! O-go-go-go-go, what a bastard! Ogre o many, choir o shy! And he himself looks like the letter "O". It starts with the letter "O"!" That's all!

It turned out that a child is much easier than an adult to invent his own strings and attach words to them, “like balloons.” I find that the very word “stubborn” helps my students. "They missed this word, just as they missed think up the verb instead of make it up . They want it that wayredirect “stubborn” words and write them correctly, without error." Perhaps, in fact, the semantics of the word stubborn causes certain emotional impulses, the motivation for memorization increases, the motivation for searching for specific techniques that can help “redirect” the word.

Later, the author only offers his own version of the associative “hook”, letting the child understand what it is option . You can do it, for example, like this. We place three vocabulary words in a scarlet frame:wheel, page and a scarf . A metaphor is introduced into the task:"Try to tie each stubborn word to another word...". And just below:

In fact, this is how you imagine a bicycle wheel, from which sharp spokes stick out and are prickly. They are O they fly, therefore to O forest!

And it is very important that a child already at the age of seven understands that everyone has their own associations, although they can sometimes coincide for different people. It is very important to teach the child to involuntarily find the image that suits him best and makes it easier for him to remember, and to trust himself in this regard.

The very image of magic strings (both verbal and in drawing) also works. Threads, knots, bindings, hooks, bridges - all these words, when a child hears or reads them, stimulate associative thinking and contribute to the involuntary emergence of images and associative chains.

The skill of associative work is formed in younger schoolchildren so quickly that by the end of the second grade they are far ahead of their parents, and often their teachers. And most importantly - they I like to remember it that way.


Once upon a time there lived a t. He didn’t like winter, but he loved summer!

I loved it so much that I started traveling around the world to catch up with summer. TO O t became famous, and they began to call him K oh t-summer.

C o t C o t-leta was an excellent cook. He invented various meat dishes. One day he took minced meat, added onions, eggs, salt, pepper, mixed and formed small round cakes. TO o t k o t-let fried them in a frying pan. Everyone liked the new dish. People went to o that K o y-fly for the recipe. He opened a restaurant where the specialty was minced meat cakes. Everyone loved this dish and named this flatbread in honor of Kot-leta’s cat - K ABOUT TLETA. Since then to Everyone knows about aphids!


Once upon a time there were two letters - “I” and “Y”. They were very similar to each other, although slightly different. "Y" had a bow, but "I" didn't. The first graders confused them all the time. Instead of "I" they wrote "Y" or vice versa.

One night the letters conferred and came up with a way to help the children. They asked the syllable "not" to fit between them. and the sentence “I – ​​not Y!” appeared on the board.

In the morning the children saw him and were happy. The letters helped them a lot. And the teacher said: “What a beautiful word is silver on our board!” And the children read the word “IN” in unison E Y." From that day on, they forever remembered how to spell this beautiful word.

And one girl drew a whole visual aid that helps you remember how to spell a word precipitation . She drew a huge cloud on a large piece of paper and wrote next to it - ABOUT BLACK. Then I drew rain and snow coming from this cloud and wrote: ABOUT BARNINGS. And she connected these two words with an arrow: O cages - because from clouds. Great!

But the point is not to remember thirty, or forty, or even two hundred specific words, and not even to learn to remember the spelling of any word in this way. The most important thing is that the guys extrapolate the associative memorization algorithm in general to any educational information - on mathematics, natural history, on any subjects. However, this is probably not even the most important thing, but the fact that this algorithm develops that it provides the necessary impetus to associative processes in brain activity and increases the creative potential of children. Well, it’s simple - it makes life in the classroom more interesting and emotional. The associative technique is not the only one with which the author helps children remember the image of a word. There are many other techniques: playing with type, saturating the text with a certain letter and sound, etymological discoveries that we make. However, the associative line remains the leading one. It even passes through etymological analysis. An active need for a metaphor that carries information is formed in the child; not only the skill of assimilating such a metaphor is developed, but also the skill of creating it. When working with a metaphor (both someone else’s and your own), emotional memory is activated, memorization and assimilation become fast and strong. It must be said that the associative technique, and in particular those of its techniques that work on memorization, help to coordinate different channels of perception: visual, auditory and kinesthetic, and this is one of its advantages. Let there be another poem in this article about the “stubborn” word. My children and I continue to learn to remember! So what if I'm tall? l?
But I painted the ball,
Because I m
and lyar! "

(V. Agafonov)

Children write vocabulary words almost without errors. And the algorithm for memorizing vocabulary words has become the children’s favorite “equipment” for training their imagination and memory. They often offer their associations, ideas, images, come up with fairy tales and even write poetry.