A small silver one flows. Yesenin Sergey - bird cherry. "Bird cherry" Sergei Yesenin

Fragrant bird cherry
Bloomed with spring
And golden branches
What curls, curled.
Honey dew all around
Slips down the bark
Spicy greens underneath
Shines in silver.
And next to the thawed patch,
In the grass, between the roots,
Runs, flows small
Silver stream.
Fragrant bird cherry
Hanging out, standing
And the green is golden
Burning in the sun.
Brook with a thundering wave
All branches are covered
And insinuatingly under the steep
She sings songs.

Analysis of the poem "Bird cherry" Yesenin

Most of the early work of S. Yesenin is devoted to landscape lyrics. The young peasant poet sought to reveal to his readers wonderful world Russian nature. Memories of his native village allowed Yesenin to create very pure soulful works that accurately conveyed his feelings. One of them is the poem "Bird cherry" (1915).

In the center of attention of an enthusiastic observer is "scented bird cherry". An ordinary tree is completely transformed with the onset of spring. Bird cherry appears in the guise of a beautiful young girl who curled her curls. She is aware of her dazzling beauty, which makes her even more charming.

Bird cherry blooms along with all the surrounding nature. Yesenin uses a rich color palette in the image of the landscape: “golden branches”, “greenery”, “in silver”. Dynamism big picture gives a flowing "silver stream", which sings "songs" to the bird cherry. Thus, the image seems to come to life, filled with a variety of sounds.

Bird cherry and a stream can symbolize two lovers, whose feelings awakened for the first time under the influence of spring. The "insinuating" singing of a brook resembles an ardent declaration of love young man. Endowment of plants and animals human features in general, it was Yesenin's favorite technique, which did not separate man from nature.

characteristic feature landscape lyrics Yesenin is the absence of a lyrical hero. The figure of the observer is only assumed. The poet allows readers to look at the magic picture with their own eyes.

The work is written in a very simple and understandable language. A variety of epithets give it special beauty and lyricism: “fragrant”, “honey”, “rattling”. A common technique for Yesenin's early lyrics is the use of personification: "dew ... creeps", "stream ... sings." The poet also uses original metaphors: “greenery ... burns in the sun”, “does all the branches with a rattling wave”. The only comparison (“like curls”) will become traditional for Yesenin and will subsequently be used very often by him.

The spring transformation of nature was chosen by Yesenin not by chance. It was very close to his own condition during this period. The young poet has recently moved to Moscow. He is full of hope and confidence own forces. Yesenin associated entry into the poetic world with the beginning of a new life. He was in a state of great spiritual uplift. This feeling became calling card"new Russian poet, with the help of which he managed to conquer the demanding Moscow public.

Fragrant bird cherry
Bloomed with spring
And golden branches
What curls, curled.
Honey dew all around
Slips down the bark
Spicy greens underneath
Shines in silver.
And next to the thawed patch,
In the grass, between the roots,
Runs, flows small
Silver stream.
Fragrant bird cherry,
Hanging out, standing
And the green is golden
Burning in the sun.
Brook with a thundering wave
All branches are covered
And insinuatingly under the steep
She sings songs.
Sergey Yesenin

Who has not seen white fragrant bird cherry flowers? One has only to enter the forest in May or June and look around, and you will definitely meet a bush covered with white-white flowers on thick drooping racemes.

It's a bird cherry!
In early spring, her buds look like sharp peaks. “This is to ensure,” said the writer Mikhail Prishvin, “that the bird cherry in the winter remembered how they broke it, and repeated to itself:“ Do not forget, do not forgive and do not allow peaks!
In the spring, even a bird, sitting on a bird cherry, reminds her: “Do not forget, do not forgive!” That is why, waking up from hibernation, bird cherry will raise millions of sharp peaks. After the first rain, the peaks turn green... "Pee-peak!" the bird warns people. But the white peaks, turning green, gradually become blunt. Then buds come out of them, and white fragrant flowers come out of buds.

A nightingale will fly in and sing so, as if it will roll golden hoops on the ground, that because of this young man, the bird cherry will forget its promise: “Do not forget, do not forgive and do not allow peaks!” - will become kind and soft, and therefore people will again begin to break its snow-white, surprisingly delicious-smelling five-petal flowers.

When bird cherry blossoms, waves of a strong, sweetish-tart aroma are carried through the forest, from which the head is spinning. The trees seem to flutter in the wind in white dresses, lifting their crowns high among the birch trunks. And according to folk signs, if the bird cherry has blossomed, it's time to plant potatoes.

But the flowering holiday is short-lived. Snowflakes are already flying, falling to the ground - the first petals. Soon a real bird-cherry blizzard will swirl in the forest, and then the trees will modestly hide among their friends in the same dark green dresses as they are.
Since ancient times, bird cherry has been a symbol of the Central Russian landscape, for which people sing in poems and songs.

The smell of its flowers is especially noticeable after a spring thunderstorm, it seems to unite then all the smells of meadows and forests.

Bird cherry has exceptional properties. The strong, intoxicating aroma of its flowers and leaves cleanses the air of microbes, highlighting the most powerful phytoncides containing hydrocyanic acid. A large bouquet of bird cherry in the house is deadly for flies and mosquitoes, and dangerous for humans.

But pies are baked from its berries, kissels are boiled, drinks are tinted with their juice. For medicinal purposes, bird cherry berries are used as an astringent.

white bird cherry

White bird cherry with a white veil
Blossomed under the windows, like your image.

White cherry is the first love.

The bird cherry has faded, the lilac has blossomed,
My soul sings - you have a migraine.
Bloomed in the spring and withered again.

Under your windows I wander like a shadow
The bird cherry is blooming again - the lilac has faded.
Everything would bloom at once and wither again.
White bird cherry - first love.

White bird cherry, white lilac,
Bloomed under the windows for one day only.
Bloomed in the spring and withered again.
White bird cherry - first love.
Vladimir Markin

Anna German "White bird cherry, fragrant"

Reading Sergei Yesenin's verse "Bird cherry" is easy and pleasant, it's real spring poem. It was also written in the spring, in 1915 it was published in the Mirok magazine. As the poet himself admitted, it was written in one breath under the impression of the bright colors of awakening nature.

The main theme of the poem is the theme of nature. Lyrical hero as such, there is not here, as in most of Yesenin's poems, but only his own feelings, perception and attitude to what is happening. The reader feels himself at the center of the story, and the poet's emotions become his own. The poem conveys the mood of something eternal, which is felt every time in spring. The hidden motive is the motive of the nascent love of "scented bird cherry" and "silver stream".

The text of the poem "Fragrant bird cherry" by Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin is literally permeated with epithets that convey the mood of spring and its smells (fragrant, honey, spicy), colors (golden, silver), sounds. The bird cherry and the stream “come to life” due to the personification (the bird cherry curled its curls, the stream runs, it sings songs). The use of a refrain (scented bird cherry) not only adds lyrical melodiousness to the poem, but also defines its main character.

Fragrant bird cherry
Bloomed with spring
And golden branches
What curls, curled.
Honey dew all around
Slips down the bark
Spicy greens underneath
Shines in silver.
And next to the thawed patch,
In the grass, between the roots,
Runs, flows small
Silver stream.
Fragrant bird cherry
Hanging out, standing
And the green is golden
Burning in the sun.
Brook with a thundering wave
All branches are covered
And insinuatingly under the steep
She sings songs.

with a yesenin verse fragrant bird cherry We offer you beautiful spring poems by Sergei Yesenin. Each of us from childhood knows well poems by Sergei Yesenin about spring while others read them to their children and grandchildren. These poems are included in school curriculum for different classes.

Short poems about Yesenin's spring help not only to develop speech and memory, but also to get acquainted with the beautiful season of spring.

Poems by Sergei Yesenin about spring

Poem by Chara S. Yesenin

In the colors of love, spring-princess

She unraveled her braids through the grove,

And with the choir of a bird prayer

The bells sing the hymn to her.

Drunk under the spell of fun

She, like smoke, glides through the woods,

And a golden necklace

Shines in shaggy hair.

And after her a drunken mermaid

Dew splashes on the moon.

And I, like a passionate violet,

I want to love, love spring.

Verse Spring Evening by Sergei Yesenin

Silently flowing silver river

In the kingdom of evening green spring.

The sun sets behind the wooded mountains.

The golden horn emerges from the moon.

The West turned into a pink ribbon,

The plowman returned to the hut from the fields,

And behind the road in the birch thicket

The nightingale sang the song of love.

Listens tenderly to deep songs

From the west, a pink ribbon of dawn.

With tenderness looks at the distant stars

And the earth smiles at the sky.

Poems The onset of spring Yesenin

The snow is melting fast

Poems Cheremukh S. Yesenin

Bloomed with spring

And golden branches

What curls, curled.

Honey dew all around

Slips down the bark

Spicy greens underneath

Shines in silver.

And next to the thawed patch,

In the grass, between the roots,

Runs, flows small

And the green is golden

Burning in the sun.

Brook with a thundering wave

All branches are covered

And insinuatingly under the steep

She sings songs.

Poems Spring Yesenin

I accept life as the first dream.

Yesterday I read in Capital,

At least damn howl

Knock naked drowned -

I'm with a sober head

Comrade cheerful and cheerful.

Rotten we have nothing to regret,

Yes, and I do not need to feel sorry,

Kohl could meekly die

I'm in this blizzard.

I won't touch you.

Sit down according to the bird's law.

There is a law of rotation in the world,

If you are with the people of a single bush, -

My poor maple!

I'm sorry I offended you.

Your clothes are torn

April without a warrant

Let go of the green hat

Into a gentle bundle

The attendant will hug you.

And a girl will come to you

Water will pour from the well,

To in harsh October

You could fight blizzards.

The dogs didn't eat it.

She was just invisible.

But the fight is over.

She with her lemon light

Trees dressed in greenery,

So drink, my breast,

Today I'm going to sleep

Doesn't bud.

Greenery in bloom and dew.

In the field, leaning towards shoots,

Rooks are walking in the band.

The silk grasses will vanish,

Smells like resinous pine.

Oh you, meadows and oak forests, -

I'm besotted with spring.

Rainbow secret news

Glow in my soul.

I think about the bride

I only sing about her.

Rash you, bird cherry, with snow,

Sing, you birds, in the forest.

Unsteady run across the field

I will spread the color with foam.

Well, how can I not love you,

How can I not love you, flowers?

I would drink with you on "you".

Shumi, levkoy and mignonette.

My soul is in trouble.

Trouble has befallen my soul.

Shumi, levkoy and mignonette.

Yellow face from the ardent sun.

High above the meadows

There is a glow in the east.

The dawn fogs up with foam,

Like the depths of the eyes of a bride.

Spring has come like a wanderer

With a staff in birch bark sandals.

On the birches in the shady grove

Hung ringing earrings

And with the dawn in the lilac garden

A moth fluttered merrily. Sergey Yesenin's poems about spring are perfect for schoolchildren of grades 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and for children 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 years old.

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