Adding and subtracting round hundreds - lesson. Methodological development of a lesson in mathematics on the topic: “adding and subtracting round hundreds and tens” I. Organizational point

Lesson objectives:

1) consolidate, generalize and systematize mathematical skills of adding and subtracting round hundreds and tens;

2) develop attention, memory, thinking, auditory perception, correction of analytical and synthetic activity of students based on exercises;

3) cultivate motivation for learning.

Lesson type: generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills, abilities;

Lesson format: fairy tale lesson;

Equipment: - computer;

Cards for independent work ( );

Slides ( );

Multimedia projector, screen.

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time: (Psychological attitude)

Teacher: - The bell rang and stopped. Let's start our lesson. You can sit quietly at your desk, or you can hit the road - see miracles.

Today we have an unusual lesson, we will make an exciting journey, but it will not be simple, but fabulously mathematical. Tell me, what fairy tales do you know? - We will take a fascinating journey into the fairy tale “Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water”, we will help the main character Ivan Tsarevich, for this we must show how well we count and decide. Guys, in order to enter a fairy tale, we must show the fairy-tale heroes how well we count and decide.

They give you a thinking exercise.

a) Task: draw the missing figure. b) Exercise to develop attention and memory.

Assignment: - Who can tell me how many single-digit numbers are in the table; two-digit numbers; three-digit numbers; four-digit numbers?

So, well done! The fairy tale begins. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king, and he had three sons. The king grew old and his eyes became poor, but he heard that far away, in the thirtieth kingdom, there was a garden with rejuvenating apples and a well with living water. If you eat an apple to an old man, he will become younger, and if you wash the eyes of a blind man with water, he will see. So Ivan Tsarevich set off on the road - the road for rejuvenating apples and living water, but he did not know that a difficult path awaited him. For a long time he could not choose a horse for himself, but suddenly his grandmother appeared.

Hello Ivan Tsarevich! Why are you walking around sad?

I can’t choose a horse for myself.

I will help you, you must complete my task. If you do it, you will have a horse.

Guys, let's help Ivan Tsarevich complete the task.

(The class performs a task - an exercise to develop memory, auditory perception, and thinking.)

II. Grandmother's Test (Oral calculation.)

1. Solve the examples.

200 +100= 1000 – 500 = 130 + 10 =

300 + 300= 300 – 100 = 430 + 30 =

400 + 100 = 500 – 300 = 930 + 30 =

500 + 200 = 700 – 200 = 310 – 10 =

700 + 300 = 900 – 500 =

2des + 3des =5des=50 5hundreds + 3hundreds = 8hundreds =800

3des + 6des =9des=90 9hundreds – 6hundreds = 3hundreds =300

- Arrange the numbers in ascending order:

(83, 338, 383, 388, 833, 838, 883)

Teacher: - Well done guys, you helped Ivan Tsarevich. He received a horse and set off on his journey. He rode long, short, low, high, through earthly meadows, over mountains, rode day until evening, and came upon a hut. He went into the hut, and Baba Yaga was sitting there. Ivan Tsarevich told her everything.

Well, my dear child, he says, complete my task, I will give you a fast horse, he will take you to my sister, she will help you. Baba Yaga gave him a task, and he began to think about how to fulfill it.

Guys, let's help Ivan the Tsarevich complete his task.

III. The test of Baba-Yaga.

Open your notebooks. Write down the number, great job. Solve examples.

(Solving examples, two students solve at the board, and the whole class in notebooks.)

100 + 200 + 400 = 800 – (400 + 100) =

300 + 400 + 300 = 700 – 200 – 200 =

(100 + 500) – 200 = 200 + (400 – 100) =

Teacher: Guys, you completed the task. Well done! Baba Yaga gave Ivan Tsarevich a horse. I thanked Baba Yaga for the overnight stay and hit the road again. Ivan Tsarevich is traveling, whether close or far. The day and night are shortening. And he saw ahead a hut on a chicken leg, with one window.

Baba Yaga, even older than her, came out onto the porch. Tsarevich Ivan told about his troubles, Baba Yaga told him:

Well, my child, I don’t know if you’ll get the go-ahead. I will help you if you complete my task. He began to think about how to complete the task.

Guys, let's help Ivan Tsarevich complete Baba Yaga's task.

IV. The Trial of Baba Yaga

112 page 54

Read the problem. - What is the problem about? - How many books did the store sell on the first day? (100) - How many books did the store sell on the second day? (200 books more) - What is the main question of the task? - Let’s write down a brief statement of the problem and solve it.

Well done, you completed the task.

Many young people passed by, but not many completed the task. Take my horse, child, and go to my elder sister.

Ivan Tsarevich went further. It doesn't take long for the deed to be done, it doesn't take long for the fairy tale to tell. Ivan Tsarevich travels from day to evening - the sun is red until sunset. Runs into a hut, Baba Yaga of old comes out, even older than those. Tsarevich Ivan told her about his troubles, Baba Yaga listened to him and said:

So be it, I’ll help you, Ivan the Tsarevich, just complete my task with the guys.

V. The Trial of Baba Yaga.

Exercise. Compare:

600 kg * 1 t Let's remember the measures of mass?

700 g * 910 g Name from< к >(g, kg, c, t)

200 kg * 2 ct

1 t * 80 c

8 ct * 6 kg

Well done, we completed the task, but we need to gain strength before the long journey.

VI.Physical minute.

Ivan Tsarevich moved on. How long, short, low, or high does it take Ivan Tsarevich to reach the high wall in the middle of the night? The guards are sleeping at the gate - thirty mighty heroes. The horse jumped over the high wall. He gets off his horse, enters the garden and sees - there is an apple tree with silver leaves, golden apples, and under the apple tree is Well done.

Ivan Tsarevich told me why he came to a distant country, agreed to help him, well done, he just set a problem to solve. Guys, we need to help Tsarevich Ivan solve the problem.

VII. Test of the first Well done.

118 (1, 2) p. 55. - Make up a problem using a short note and solve it.

    We need to travel 500 km. Traveled - x km. There are 100 km left to go.

    We need to drive x km.

Traveled - 200 km.

There are 400 km left to travel.

Well done guys, you coped with the test. Ivan Tsarevich picked three apples, but did not take any more. He went to look for a well of living water. I found a well, and there was a second fellow sitting there. Ivan Tsarevich told him about everything and decided to help. Well done. He gave Ivan Tsarevich a task, guys, let's help him cope.

VIII. Test of the second Well done. (Independent work with subsequent verification)


700 m – 500 m – 100 m 800 kg – 200 kg – 100 kg

400 cm – 300 cm + 200 cm 400 kg – 300 kg + 700 kg

900 mm – 500 mm + 400 mm 900 g – 800 g – 100 g

Well done! We decided, we did it. While Ivan the Tsarevich is collecting water, you and I will complete the tasks.

IX. Logical pause.

    Continue the series

2, 4, 6, 8, …

7, 14, 21….

8, 16, 24,…

    A task of ingenuity

Find the sum of such a pair of numbers so that you can make the calculation in a simple way:


Solve in a convenient way

36+18+12 =



Ivan, the prince, collected living water and was about to mount his horse, when the beautiful maiden Sineglazka, the mistress of this kingdom, appeared. She began to ask Ivan the Tsarevich what brought him to her kingdom, Ivan the Tsarevich told her everything.

So be it, I will let you go home, but on one condition, if you solve the problem that I ask you. Let the guys help you solve the problem.

X. Sineglazka's test.

(Solving the problem on the board by the student with commentary and in notebooks).

Task. To prepare the pie you need 1 kg of flour; 700 grams less sugar than flour; and there is 50 grams more butter than sugar. How much oil is needed to make a pie?

What does the problem say? - What is known in the problem? - What is unknown in the problem? - What do we need to find? - How will we solve the problem? - What will we find first? - What action? - What will we find with the second action? - What action will we use to find it? - What is the question of the task? - Were we able to answer the problem question? - How many steps does it take to solve the problem? - How do we write a brief statement of the conditions of the problem?

Well done guys, you completed Sineglazka’s task.

She sent Ivan Tsarevich home. He reached his kingdom, gave his father rejuvenating apples and living water. The king became healthy, gave a feast for the whole world, and they began to live in joy for a long time and merrily.

XI. Lesson summary.

This is the end of the fairy tale, and therefore the end of our journey. Well, the guys, they coped with the tests, helped Ivan Tsarevich, showed their knowledge and ability to complete tasks.(Lesson grades are announced)

XII. Homework.

117, page 55


M.N Perova, Moscow 1999; “Methods of teaching mathematics in a correctional school”;

F.R. Zalyaletdinova, Moscow 2007; “Non-standard mathematics lessons in a correctional school”;

Book for children “Russian folk tales”;

M.I.Moro, M.A.Bantova, G.V. Beltyukova, Volgograd 2004; “Mathematics 3rd grade, lesson plans”;

M.V. Soloveichik, M.A. Kozlova, Moscow 2000; “I’m going to class at elementary school”;

Moscow 2008; “Education and training of children with developmental disorders” No. 1; https :// infourok. ru/ ;

physical minute - .

Actions are carried out on the basis of knowledge of numbering and are essentially reduced to actions within 10. Reasoning is carried out as follows: 200 is 2 hundreds, 100 is 1 hundred.

2 hundred + l cell = 3 cells 3 hundreds is 300. 200+100=300 500-200=?

5 hundred -2 ​​hundred. = 3 cells = 300 500-200 = 300

Individual students who still need to use visual aids can be offered bundles of sticks (1000 sticks tied into bundles of hundreds), plates of arithmetic

some boxes, strips 1 m long, each divided by 100 cm, abacus, abacus.

It is useful to solve and compose triples of examples of the form

400+200= 700-500=

followed by comparison of components and results of action

2. Addition and subtraction of round hundreds and units, round
hundreds and tens (actions are based on knowledge of numbering):

a) 300+ 5 305- 5 b) 300+ 40 340- 40

5+300 305-300 40+300 340-300

c) 300+ 45 345- 45

3. Addition and subtraction of round tens, as well as round
hundreds and tens:

a) 430+ 20 450- 20 b) 430+200
c) 430+120 550-120 630-200

When solving cases a), b) the reasoning is carried out as follows: “430 is 4 hundred. and 3 des., 20 is 2 des. Add the tens: 3 dec. + 2 dec. = 5 dec. 4 hundred + 5 tens = 450.”

It is recommended to underline digits that are added or subtracted:

4 30+2 00=630 6 30-2 00=430

7 Perova M. N.

When solving examples of type c) the reasoning is carried out as follows

“120=100+20, 430+100=530, 530+20=550”, i.e. this case

addition (subtraction) is reduced to cases of addition (subtraction) already known to students: a), b).

4. Addition of three-digit numbers with single-digit, two-digit and
three-digit without passing through the digit and the corresponding cases
subtraction teas:

a) 540+5 545-5 b) 545+40 c) 350+23 373-23

543+2 545-2 585-40 356+23 379-23

d) 350+123 673-123 356+123 679-123

Actions are performed orally. When performing actions, students use the same techniques that they used when studying the operations of addition and subtraction within 100, i.e., they decompose the second component of the action (the second addend or subtrahend) into digit units and sequentially add them or subtracted from the first component.

For example:

350+123 ______ 673-123 _______

123=100+20+3 123=100+20+3

350+100=450 673-100=573

450+ 20=470 573- 20=553

470+ 3=473 553- 3=550

5. Special cases of addition and subtraction. These include
cases that cause the greatest difficulties and in which
most often mistakes are made. Students have the most difficulty
operations with zero (zero is in the middle of a number or in
end). The case of numbers containing zero does not require special
techniques. But more such examples need to be solved and repeated
before solving such examples, solving addition examples
and subtraction when the action component is zero: 0+3,
5+0, 5-5:

A) 308+121 b) 402-201 V) 736-504

308+100=408 402-200=202 736-500=236

408+ 20=428 202- 1=201 236- 4=232 428+ 1=429

d) 0+436 700-0 725-725

Oral calculation techniques require students to constantly analyze numbers according to their decimal composition, understand the place

numbers in numbers, understanding that actions can be performed

only over digits of the same name. Not all students in the auxiliary school understand this at the same time.

Before taking action, it is necessary to obtain from the participants

of preliminary analysis of the decimal composition of numbers. The teacher should more often ask questions: “Where should we start?

nie? What digits are we adding?”

Otherwise, students make mistakes when calculating

niyah. They add tens and hundreds and write down the result.

either in the hundreds place or in the tens place, for example: 400+10=500, 30+400=70, 30+400=4 7 0, 30+400=34 0,

670+2=69 0, 670-3=64 0.

These errors indicate a lack of understanding of the positional meaning of numbers in a number and an inability to independently control the results of actions. The teacher needs to ensure that students check the execution of actions, and do this not formally, but in essence. It is often possible to observe that a student supposedly did a test, but performed it formally. He only wrote down the reverse action, and did not solve it, so he did not notice the mistake he made, for example: 490-280=110.

Examination. 110+280=490.

You can often encounter a lack of understanding by mentally retarded schoolchildren (even in high school) of the essence of testing. Testing is often done by students only because it is either required by the teacher or because such an assignment is contained in the textbook. Often, when performing a test, a student receives a discrepancy between the result obtained and the given example, but this does not serve as a reason for him to correct the incorrect answer, for example: 570-150=320. Examination. 320+150=470.

In this case, the check acts as an independent action, in no way related to the one that the student is checking.

The teacher must constantly remember these mistakes of students with intellectual disabilities and demand answers to the questions: “What did the test show? Is the example solved correctly? How to prove that the action was performed correctly?

The conscious performance of mental calculations and the development of generalized methods of performing actions are served by constant attention.

attention to questions of comparison and comparison of addition and subtraction cases of different difficulty. It is important to teach students to see the general and special in the examples they solve.

For example, compare examples and explain their solution:

30+5, 300+40, 300+45, 300+140, 300+145, 300+105.

305-5, 340-40, 345-45, 340-300, 345-300, 345-200.

It is also useful for students to compile examples that are similar (similar) to the data, or examples of a certain type: “Create an example in which you need to add round hundreds with units”; “Create an example of subtraction in which the minuend is a three-digit number, and the subtrahend is round tens,” etc. 1

To consolidate the operations of addition and subtraction within 1000 using mental calculation techniques, it is useful to solve examples with unknown components.

II. Addition and subtraction with jumping through digits.

Addition and subtraction with jumping through digits is the most difficult material. Therefore, students perform actions in a column. Addition and subtraction in a column are performed on each digit separately and are reduced to addition and subtraction within 20. But in this case, mentally retarded schoolchildren have difficulties in writing numbers, that is, in the ability to correctly sign the digit under the corresponding digit.

Often, due to the inability to organize attention, due to an insufficiently clear understanding of the positional meaning of digits in a number, or even due to negligence when writing numbers, students shift the number that needs to be added or subtracted to the left or right and therefore make mistakes in calculations. Students make especially many mistakes when writing numbers in a column if the action is performed on a three-digit and two-digit or single-digit number. In this case, tens are signed under hundreds, units under hundreds or tens. This leads to errors in calculations.

For example:

+ 6 + 3818

The greatest difficulty is caused by the action of subtraction. Errors in calculations are of various types. The reason for some of

Low-performing students are allowed to complete all cases in a column.

One of them is poor mastery of table addition and subtraction in cases 20.

Many mistakes are made as a result of students forgetting to add the resulting ten or hundred in their minds, and also forgetting that they “borrowed” a hundred or ten. For example:

In this case, the reasoning is carried out as follows: it is impossible to subtract, subtract 5 from 8 units, take it away, the difference is 373.”

MKOU "Secondary school No. 2 s. Elm"

Prokhladnensky district

(Open lesson as part of a seminar for primary school teachers in the Prokhladnensky district)

Prepared and carried out

primary school teacher

Lyueva M.M.

February 2015


This development of a mathematics lesson is intended for 2nd grade students on the topic “Adding, subtracting and comparing round hundreds.” Purpose of the lesson: Improve addition and subtraction skills, comparing “round” hundreds within 1000. Lesson type: consolidation of learned knowledge. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, during the lesson, students work collectively, in pairs, individually, under the guidance of a teacher and independently forming a UUD. The development includes a lesson summary and presentation. The tasks are tied to a specific textbook by A. Chekin, mathematics, grade 2, so the presented lesson can be used by teachers working under the “Prospective Primary School” program.

Mathematics, 2nd grade, III quarter.

Educational and educational complex "Prospective Primary School"

Lesson topic. Let's practice some calculations. Adding, subtracting and comparing round hundreds.(Slide 1)

Lesson objectives. Improve addition and subtraction skills, comparing “round” hundreds within 1000.

Lesson objectives.

Educational: Improve computational skills when adding, subtracting, comparing “round” hundreds within 1000. Strengthen knowledge of oral and written numbering, and the ability to solve problems.

Developmental: Develop logical thinking and constructive skills; conscious perception of educational material, visual memory and competent mathematical speech.

Educational: create conditions for the development of communication skills and personal reflection.

To foster responsibility, collectivism, mutual assistance, accuracy, independence, discipline, observation

Form of conduct. Travel through a fairyland.

Lesson type: consolidation of learned knowledge.

Material and technical support of the lesson: computer, multimedia projector, textbook “Mathematics” 2nd grade, ed. A.L. Chekina.

Planned results:

Regulatory UUD:

Exercise self-control;

Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson;

Under the guidance of the teacher, plan your activities in the lesson;

Determine the sequence of actions in the lesson;

Work according to plan;

Distinguish correctly completed tasks from incorrect ones;

Find your bearings in the textbook;

Master the ability to search and highlight the necessary information;

Be able to compare, explaining the choice of criterion for comparison.

Communication UUD:

- listen and understand the speech of others;

- express your thoughts accurately and completely;

- convey your position to others: formulate your thoughts in oral speech, taking into account your educational and life speech situations;

Develop skills to correctly formulate and justify your point of view;

Master the dialogical form of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the Russian language.

Cognitive UUD:

- navigate the textbook;

Obtain new knowledge: extract information presented in different forms (text, table, diagram, illustration, etc.);

Process the information received: draw conclusions based on generalization of knowledge.

Personal UUD:

Formation of a conscious positive attitude towards the process of learning mathematics in one’s own life;

Formation of the ability for self-assessment and understanding of teacher assessments based on specified criteria for the success of educational activities;

Independently determine and express the simplest rules of conduct in communication and cooperation common to all people (ethical standards of communication and cooperation);

Developing independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions, understanding the importance of making one’s own choices.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

The bell has rung for us
Everyone calmly entered the classroom.
Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,
We greeted each other politely.
They sat down quietly, with their backs straight.
Let's all sigh with a smile,
Let's start our lesson together.

What's your mood?

Turn to each other and give each other smiles.

How do you want our math lesson to turn out? (Interesting, exciting, educational).

What should you be like? (obedient, hardworking, active)

Today in mathematics lesson we will meet many fairy-tale characters. You all probably recognize the main character of the cartoon “Cars” McQueen. (Slide 2)

Do you remember what his girlfriend's name was? (Sally Carrera)

Sally went on a journey through fairy tales and never returned. McQueen missed her very much and decided to go after her. To go on a long journey, you need to warm up. Let's help McQueen with his warm-ups. (Slide 3)

II.Updating previously learned knowledge and consolidating it.

    Fill in the blanks, naming the numbers first in ascending order, then in descending order.

100, 200, …, …,…....1000.

1000, 900, ………100.

Write down the smallest round three-digit number on the first line, and the largest round three-digit number on the second line.

What numbers did you write down? (100 and 900)

What can we do with these numbers?

(Make examples of addition, subtraction and comparison)

Make up such examples.

What were you doing now?

(Created examples on addition, subtraction and comparison)

Can you now name the topic of our lesson?

-Addition, subtraction and comparison of round hundreds.

Did we perform such actions in previous lessons?

What goal will you set for yourself?

(Consolidate knowledge in addition, subtraction and comparison of round hundreds)

And so off we go. McQueen heads towards the fairytale city. Whether it was a long ride or a short one, he entered some terrible kingdom. This is the kingdom of Koshchei the Immortal. (Slide 4)

    Solve the problem orally.

In order for Koschey to let him into the Land of Fairy Tales, where they love mathematics, he must solve the problem.

Let's help McQueen.

Tsar Koschey in his palace

Hides a hundred keys in a casket.

Those keys to the chests

You can't open locks without them.

Stores goods in chests:

Gold and silver.

thirty small keys,

How many big ones, answer quickly? (100-30= 70)

Well done! We helped our hero. Now his path is clear.

And so our hero begins his journey through the fairy-tale city in search of Sally. Whether the journey is long or short, McQueen meets Dunno on his way. Znayka, the main scientist of this fairy tale, suggested that he solve the puzzles, but he cannot. But he really wants to surprise Znayka! McQueen wanted to help Dunno. Let's help him too.

    Puzzles. (Slide 5)

Q O 100 CH A (bone)
S V I 100 K (whistle)

100faces (capital)

Well done! We were able to help Dunno, and our hero can continue his journey. McQueen says goodbye to Dunno and continues on his way, thinking about meeting his friend. How long has he been traveling, or how short is it on his way that he meets Pinocchio? He is in Malvina's lesson. She wants Pinocchio to write a mathematical dictation, but he is stubborn. He doesn’t want to, and he doesn’t know how to do much, because he recently entered school. McQueen felt sorry for Malvina and decided to help Pinocchio. Let us help and write a mathematical dictation.

    Mathematical dictation. (write down only answers) (Slide 6)

Increase given numbers by 200: 100, 400, 300, 500, 200

Decrease these numbers by 300: 600, 800, 700, 400, 500

Let's check the completed task. Did you write the answers correctly? If it is correct, put a + sign in the margin, and if you made mistakes -

Pinocchio also wrote the answers correctly. Malvina was very happy that Pinocchio wrote the answers correctly and thanked McQueen. He, too, was glad that he had been useful, and after saying goodbye to his new friends, he continued on his way.

What action do we take when we say increase? (Addition)

What action do we take when we say reduce? (Subtraction)

How long did it take to travel, how long does it take for our hero to meet Little Red Riding Hood on his way? She cannot determine the length of the road from her house to her grandmother, so as not to get caught by the wolf. McQueen happily decides to help this sweet girl.

Come on, guys, we will also help Little Red Riding Hood and find out the length of the road.

III. Work on the topic.

1.Working with geometric material. Independent work (Slide 7)

- The road to grandma has the shape of a broken line. Find the length of the entire road if you know:


How long is the road? (1000m) If you decided correctly, put a + sign in the margin, and if not -

Well done children! We helped Little Red Riding Hood and she will reach her grandmother safely. McQueen continued on his way, saying goodbye to Little Red Riding Hood.

How long did it take, or how long does it take to meet Chipolino along the way? He is in second grade and can't cope with task number 6 on page 24, and asks McQueen to help him.

2.Work with examples on the order of actions. Page – 24, No. 6. (Slide 8)

Let's guys open our textbooks and look at this task. Here are examples of finding the meanings of expressions.

Name the order of actions in which you will solve the examples.

(First we do what is in parentheses)

To complete the task faster, negotiate with your neighbor and decide: the top line is 1 student, the bottom line is another.

(200 + 600) – 100 =700 (500 + 400) – 700=200

200+ (500 – 400) =300 700 + (800 – 600)=900

800 – (300 + 200) =300 900 – (100 + 700)=100

Exchange notebooks and do a mutual check. If it is correct, put a + sign in the margin, and if not -

Let's check the answers again (on the screen). Did you decide everything correctly?

Well done! We helped our hero and Chipolino. McQueen said goodbye to him and moved on. I drove for a long time, then I got a little tired and decided to rest. Come on, guys, we too will take a rest and have some physical exercise.

IV. Physical exercise “We counted.”(Slide 9).

We counted and were tired.

Everyone stood up in unison and quietly.

They clapped their hands, one-two-three.

They stomped their feet, one, two, three.

And they stomped and clapped even more.

They sat down, stood up, and didn’t hurt each other,

Let's do some eye exercises. (Slide 10) - black square

1.Horizontal eye movements: right - left -6 times

2. Circular eye movements clockwise and in the opposite direction - 6 times

3. Squeeze and unclench your eyes at a fast pace - 6 times

V. Continuation of work on the topic.

3. Solving problems of studied types. (Slide 11)

Having rested a little, our hero continued on his way. As soon as I turned around the intersection, I met the small and kind Serpent Gorynych. He sat on problems. Three problems had to be solved. But the heads argue among themselves and cannot agree. McQueen felt sorry for Gorynych and decided to help. Let's join in too. We know how to negotiate and work as a team. Let's divide into three groups: Row I - first group, Row II - second group, Row III - third. Each group receives one task. You need to make a short note and solve it.

1 group

2nd group

3 group

At the races in Japan the team car "Ferrari" was driving at speed 300 kilometers per hour, A Mercedes at 100 kilometers per hour slower. How fast was the Mercedes team car moving?

Team "Mercedes" prepared for racing 500 liters gasoline, and Ferrari - 400 liters. How long liters of gasoline less prepared by the Ferrari team?

For the year the team "Mercedes" used up 400 tires, team Ferrari has 200 more tires. How many tires did the Ferrari team use?

300 – 100 = 200km/h

500 – 400 = 100 l

400 + 200 = 600 (sh.)

Ferrari -300 km/h

"Mercedes" -? at 100 km/h slower.

"Ferrari" -400 l

"Mercedes" -500 l

On the? less

"Mercedes" - 400 sh.

"Ferrari"? for 200 sh. more

The first group names the answer: the Mercedes team car was moving at a speed of 200 km/h, the second group: the Ferrari team prepared 100 liters less, the third group: the Ferrari team used 600 tires.

Well done! Gorynych liked our work. Now the heads decided to think and make decisions together.

McQueen says goodbye to Gorynych and continues on his way, rejoicing at the upcoming meeting with Sally. How long did it take, how long did it take me to meet Mashenka near the road? She was given homework examples No. 7 on page 24 and No. 8 on page 25. Mashenka complained that she could not quickly cope with two tasks, because she had to meet with Misha. Our hero volunteers to help Mashenka. Let us help too.

4.Work according to the textbook. (Page 24, No. 7, Page 25 No. 8) (Slide 12)

Consider the tasks and choose to solve examples that you can handle in order to help Mashenka faster.

Let's check the answers.

Stand up, those who chose examples No. 7.

Stand up, those who chose examples No. 8

Do everyone have the same answers? Sit down. If they match, put a + sign in the margin, and if not -

p. 24, no. 7 Page 25, No. 8

800 + 26 = 826 900 + 3*5 =915

500 + 40 = 540 300 + 6*7 =342

300 + 4 = 304 400 + 5*8 = 440

85 + 200 = 285 800 + 3*3 = 809

Mashenka thanked her for the ambulance, said goodbye to McQueen and ran to Misha.

Our hero, thinking about a quick meeting with his friend, continued on his way. Whether the journey was long or short, here comes Sally. They finally meet, but Sally cannot leave with McQueen for her country unless she compares the following numbers.

5. Comparing numbers. Working on an interactive whiteboard. (Slide 13)

McQueen learned a lot during the trip and began to help Sally alone and make comparisons. Let us help our heroes unite and go home to their homeland together and never be separated again. After all, there is no more valuable Motherland in the world.

Well done! We overcame all obstacles together. McQueen and Sally thank you for your help and give you their pictures as a souvenir for coloring. They say goodbye to us and leave for their homeland together, never to be separated again. Let us also wish them a happy journey! (Slide 14)

IV Reflection. (Slide 15)

Self-assessment of work in the lesson.

Who thinks that the lesson was interesting,

worked well, understood everything, pick it up


And who thinks that he wasinteresting, it worked well, it was difficult to lift


Well done! You worked well in class today.

Evaluation of student work, grading

How many pluses did you get?

What rating would you give yourself?

Who do you think did the best job in the class?

Who can I give a “5” today?

V. Lesson summary.

- What did we reinforce in the lesson?

( Addition, subtraction and comparison of round hundreds).

How do they add and subtract? (Hundreds add up the same way as units).

That's the end of the lesson,
He went, I hope, for future use.

VI. Homework. (Slide 16)

Page 25 No. 9 - all students;

12,13- Tanova D., Tanova S., Ryskal L., Itova R., Lyuev A., Tanov V..


Quiz from McQueen.

    On which highway is Wheelbarrow Town located? (Highway 66)

    What is the name of Wheelbarrow Town? (Radiator Springs)

    Who is the main character? (McQueen)

    Who is his girlfriend? (Sally Carrera)

    How many cars are there in the famous gang? (4)

Lesson 77
adding round hundreds

Goals: learn how to add round hundreds; improve computing skills; develop skills in solving word problems; consolidate the ability to create a numerical expression for a drawing; develop logical thinking and attention.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Verbal counting.

1. Guess what rule the diagrams are based on, insert the numbers into the “boxes”.

2. Place “+” or “–” signs.

69 … 40 … 8 = 21 17 … 70 … 2 = 89

75 … 5 … 30 + 40 31 … 60 … 7 = 98

20 … 6 … 2 = 24 61 … 8 … 9 = 60

8 … 2 … 47 = 57 34 … 4 … 6 = 36

3. Task.

In three days, workers repaired 24 trolleybuses: on the first day, 8 trolleybuses, on the second – 10. How many trolleybuses did they repair on the third day?

III. Lesson topic message.

– Read numerical expressions.

400 + 500

200 + 400

– Find the “extra” expression in each column.

– Today in class we will learn how to add “round” hundreds.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Task 1.

- Read the problem.

– What is known?

– What do you need to know?

- Solve the problem.

Reds - 3 hundred. onion.

Yellow - 2 hundred. onion.

Total - ?

3 hundred. + 2 cells = 5 hundred. (bulbs) - total.

Answer: 5 hundred. bulbs

– How to add hundreds?

2. Task 2.

Students do hundreds addition.

5 hundred. + 4 cells = 9 cells 4 hundred. + 3 cells = 7 cells

7 hundred. + 1 cell. = 8 cells 5 hundred. + 5 hundred. = 10 hundred.

3. Task 3.

– Write each given hundreds number as round hundreds.

1 cell = 100 8 hundred. = 800

2 hundred = 200 7 hundred. = 700

5 hundred. = 500 3 cells. = 300

4 hundred. = 400 6 hundred. = 600

4. Task 4.

- Read the problem.

– Compare it with task 1. How are they similar? What is the difference?

- Solve the problem.

Red – 300 onions.

Yellow - 200 onions.

Total - ? onion.

300 + 200 = 500 (bulbs) – total.

Answer: 500 bulbs.

Physical education minute

5. Task 5.

– Perform round hundreds addition.

– Why does adding “round” hundreds produce a number that is a “round” hundred?

6. Task 7.

– How many big red squares? (3.)

– How many big blue squares? (1.)

– How many cells is each large square divided into? (At 100.)

– How many red cells are there in total? (3 cells = 300.)

– How many blue cells are there in total? (1 cell = 100.)

– How many cells are there in total?

– Make up a numerical equation based on this picture.

V. Lesson summary.

– What new did you learn in the lesson?

– How to perform addition of “round” hundreds?

Homework: textbook, p. 12, no. 6.

Lesson 78
subtracting round hundreds

Lesson Objectives: learn to subtract “round” hundreds; improve computing skills; develop skills in solving word problems; consolidate the ability to compare the values ​​of numerical expressions; develop logical thinking.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Verbal counting.

1. Guess what numbers need to be inserted into the “windows”.

2. Solve the rules and continue the series of numbers:

a) 13, 15, 19, 25, 33, … , … , … ;

b) 81, 84, 80, 83, 79, … , … , … ;

c) 9, 12, 16, 21, 27, 34, … , … , … .

3. Task.

Vasya drew a three-story house. On the first floor he painted doors and 6 windows, and on the two upper floors there were 8 windows each. How many windows did Vasya draw in this house?

4. In each line, instead of dots, insert the missing figures, maintaining the order of their alternation.

III. Lesson topic message.

– Consider numerical expressions.

8 dec. – 2 dec.

9 hundred. – 3 hundred.

7 dec. – 5 dec.

800 – 600

– Find the “extra” numerical expression in each column.

– Today in class we will learn how to subtract “round” hundreds.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Task 1.

- Read the problem.

- Solve the problem.

3 hundred. – 1 hundred. = 2 cells (feast) - baked by the 2nd bakery.

Answer: 2 hundred. pies.

2. Task 2.

– Perform hundreds subtraction.

7 hundred. – 2 hundred. = 5 hundred. 9 hundred. – 3 hundred. = 6 cells

5 hundred. – 4 hundred. = 1 cell 6 hundred. – 1 hundred. = 5 hundred.

3. Task 3.

- Read the problem.

– What is known? What do you need to know?

– Compare tasks 1 and 3. How are they similar?

– Solve this problem.

300 – 100 = 200 (pir.) – baked by the 2nd bakery.

Answer: 200 pies.

Physical education minute

4. Task 5.

– Make a diagram of the expression.

( + ) – 

– Solve the given numerical expressions.

(300 + 200) – 200 = 500 – 200 = 300

(500 + 300) – 100 = 800 – 100 = 700

(400 + 500) – 300 = 900 – 300 = 600

(600 + 300) – 500 = 900 – 500 = 400

(200 + 400) – 400 = 600 – 400 = 200

(300 + 400) – 600 = 700 – 600 = 100

5. Task 6.

– How are these numerical expressions similar?

– What action should be performed first?

– Make a diagram of the expression.

 – ( + )

– Follow the steps indicated.

500 – (200 + 200) = 500 – 400 = 100

700 – (400 + 300) = 700 – 700 = 0

800 – (200 + 400) = 800 – 600 = 200

900 – (500 + 300) = 900 – 800 = 100

6. Task 7.

– Compare the meanings of numerical expressions. Write the comparison results in the form of true equalities or inequalities.

600 – 200 600 – 300

700 – 200 = 700 – 100 – 100

(500 + 400) – 100 = 900 – 100

800 – (100 + 600)

– What knowledge helped you complete this task?

V. Lesson summary.

– What new did you learn in the lesson?

– How to subtract “round” hundreds?

Homework: textbook, p. 14, no. 4.