Prophecies of the strongest psychics for the year. The beginning of a new era

The famous psychic Alexander Sheps, who is the winner of the “Battle of Psychics,” made his statement regarding the coming 2017. According to the promising forecaster, Russia's influence in the geopolitical arena will begin to rapidly increase, and powerful countries will begin to seek support from Russia.

According to Sheps, next summer the European Union and the United States will completely lift sanctions from our country and will stop returning to the issue of Ukraine and Crimea. These positive changes will have a beneficial effect on the country's economy. The Russian ruble will gradually strengthen against the dollar, although it will never reach its previous positions.

Speaking about Ukraine, Alexander Sheps predicts another coup for this country, although this time without street clashes and bloodshed. The country's parliament will announce its dissolution, and after this the head of state will also resign. The new political force that will lead Ukraine will begin to establish relationships with both Russia and the European Union.

Charles Johnson's Prediction for 2017

A world-famous amateur astronaut from distant Australia became famous for disproving NASA data regarding the Natalie meteorite, which was recorded in space back in 2011. According to the astronauts, although the asteroid is approaching the Earth, it will not touch its orbit and will not be attracted by the gravitational forces of the Earth.

However, according to Charles Johnson, scientists are simply hiding from us the inevitable collision of the Natalie meteorite with the Earth.

According to Johnson's calculations, a cosmic body 10 times larger than the famous Tunguska meteorite will collide with the Earth on October 25, 2017. The impact will be so powerful that the Pacific Ocean wave will cover a third of all available land, and the columns of dust that rise into the air as a result of the impact will hide the Sun from people for many decades.

The insignificant number of people who survived such a catastrophe will have to go underground, because a new ice age will begin on the planet.

James Hansen's Predictions for 2017

The world-famous climatologist is known not as a predictor or soothsayer, but as a scientist who gives accurate forecasts for the future of the Earth based on the current climate situation. So, speaking about 2017, Hansen said that with the advent of this period, rapid melting of glaciers will begin.

The first alarm bells will sound in the summer, when the southern coast of Australia, as well as the coasts of Italy and Denmark, begin to go under water. Information will also appear that the depths of the sea have swallowed up some of the islands in Oceania marked on the map.

Powerful tornadoes will sweep across the northeastern United States, destroying dozens of fairly large cities. Abnormal heat will be recorded in Australia and Siberia, which will bring with it devastating fires. But Europeans, especially Italians, Czechs and Hungarians, should prepare for rivers to overflow their banks and seriously flood populated areas.

In addition to this, according to Hansen, in 2017 the energy balance of the Earth will be disrupted, which will be the starting point for the disappearance of many species of plants and animals from the face of our planet. And if state leaders don’t get together and decide how to protect nature, in the next 100 years we will lose more than half the population of all animals on the planet.

Prophecies of Nostradamus for 2017

The most famous of all the predictors who lived on Earth, Nostradamus left a lot puzzles for their descendants, which not everyone can solve. His quatrains or centuries contain information that also applies to 2017.

The first prediction speaks of the inevitability of the Third World War, which will affect all major states, including Russia. The confrontation between the countries should end in 2017.

During the war, new chemical weapons will be tested, the consequences of which will result in severe skin diseases.

Europe will suffer the most from the war. The population here will decrease significantly and the European continent will become empty. And then Russia will come out on top, where the remaining European population will begin to gather and settle in Siberia.

Russia will accept everyone and become the new “cradle of civilization.” Later it will be joined by China, which in 2018 will become a completely independent power claiming global leadership.

Nostradamus’ second prediction for 2017 confirms a serious confrontation between Islam and Christianity, but China will intervene in time and be able to resolve the current conflict.

In addition, in his forecasts he associates 2017 with the rise of the global economy. The energy revolution associated with the improvement of solar energy storage methods will provide people with cheap electricity, the transportation of which will not require anything. The energy will spread through the air.

The planet's population will begin to actively explore the depths of the sea. The active development of cities will continue, and scientists will transplant cloned human organs to prolong life.

Another prophecy of Nostradamus was the prediction that in 2017 America will begin to rapidly lose its influence in the world. Some countries will rebel against US aggression, and at the same time a powerful coalition will emerge on the planet led by Russia and the countries that have joined it, possibly India and China. This union will become the main military and political force on Earth for the next 50 years.

Prophecies of Pavel Globa for 2017

For Russia, 2017 will be a very difficult year, but not hopeless. In this difficult year, all countries of the world A serious crisis awaits: unemployment and currency devaluation. The Russian economy will be based on the sale of energy resources, this will allow it to “stay afloat” and strengthen its influence in the world. As for the United States, the country faces ruin and loss of authority.

The astrologer also talks about the reunification of the Russian Federation; the republics of Belarus and Kazakhstan will want to join it. They will likely be followed by the annexation of Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well as part of Ukraine. The unfolding global collapse, the beginning of which we are already seeing today, will cause irreparable damage to Europe and the United States.

The European Union will be on the verge of collapse, and economic instability in Europe will significantly reduce its authority in the world political arena.

Also, this large-scale crisis will not bypass the world currency - the American dollar. A sharp depreciation awaits him. As for China, its influence, together with Russia, will increase. The Chinese currency, the yuan, will also gain stability in the economic market.

Regarding the internal political situation in our country, the astrologer predicts an alarming situation. The revolutionary rebellion and mass protests will grow more and more, the goal of which will be to overthrow the current government.

All these riots will lead to civilian casualties. The risk of terrorist attacks will also increase.

Next year, the whole world will face natural disasters: tsunamis, earthquakes, floods. A large number of disasters, both transport and plane crashes, are also predicted. In Siberia, an astrologer predicts fires.

Despite all these negative forecasts, the astrologer also predicts good news. Scientists will develop new drugs for serious diseases. Russia will be able to overcome the crisis and over time will become the most influential state in the whole world.

Starting from the beginning of 2017, Russia will be maximally focused on the development of its economy and politics. A new, literate elite will come to power, which will be educated and will be able to raise Russia to a high level of civilization.

According to Pavel Globa, it is Russia that will become the driving force that can lead the whole world out of the process of stagnation and push for change.

It will become a country that will unite many states around itself. Without interfering in world politics, and adhering to its own views on current events, Russia will be able to become an independent arbiter in solving many global problems.

Vanga's prophecies for 2017

It is necessary to clarify that Vanga never spoke about exact dates, only approximately about a specific period of time. Many years ago, she foresaw that the world would be on the verge of the outbreak of the Third World War.

In her visions of the economic situation, she saw the beginning of a severe economic crisis that gripped almost all countries of the world and brought hunger and devastation to a huge number of people.

In her predictions, she outlined the possible unfolding of a large-scale military campaign, in which the use of chemical weapons of mass destruction is possible, which in turn will lead to the devastation of Europe.

These events will provoke a protracted demographic crisis that could last a century. Against the backdrop of what is happening, the Middle and Near East will increase its power, and Islam will become the main religion of the world, sending Christianity into oblivion.

Such powers as China and Russia did not bypass Wang in his visions. China will increase its status on the world political stage, and Russia will continue to grow in strength and move toward the superpower status it began in 2016.

Regarding the environmental situation in the world, everything is quite deplorable. The elements will play out in earnest, and terrible cataclysms will come.

An increase in seismic activity in the Indonesian region will lead to the formation of powerful tsunamis and tornadoes, which, in turn, will cause enormous loss of life. The centuries-old glaciers of Antarctica and the Arctic will continue to melt, this contributes to an increase in the water level of the World Ocean and entire states will go under water.

The number of dangerous solar flares will increase, which will lead to an increase in harmful ultraviolet radiation. These outbreaks will contribute to an increase in the incidence of skin cancer. Vanga also foresaw that by 2017, a dangerous viral disease that originated in the West of the African continent would spread.

If in 2015 it occurred in a small number of cases, then in 2017 it will cover entire states and lead to a massive epidemic. The victims of this terrible disease will number in the hundreds of thousands.

The blind fortuneteller believed that a threat should be expected from one of the Arab countries, perhaps it would be Iran, Turkey or Afghanistan. The conflict will break out between two Middle Eastern countries, one of which will decide to use nuclear weapons.

The situation will be reversed at the last minute, while the integrity and, possibly, the existence of the world will be preserved by Russia and China.

The fortuneteller Vanga says a lot of flattering and pleasant things about Russia as a whole in this time period. The main thing that the soothsayer said was the emergence of a leader among the Russian people, to whom in 2017 a powerful coalition will be born, capable of resisting global, American and Western threats in the future.

The ruler of our country will be called the Great in the future. The Russian economic system, according to prophecy, will develop incredibly quickly, this will enable Russia to become a superpower by the turn of 2017-2018.

In addition, Vanga believed that a new faith would arise in our country, which in the future would become nationwide and unite people of different faiths and confessions.

Regarding the Ukrainian situation, the seer saw a deep crisis and a third revolution, the probability of which is close to 100%. The civil strife in this country will be stopped by pressure from Russia, and the new authorities of Ukraine, who will come at that time, will attempt to unite with the Russian Federation.

The rest of the world will live during this period as follows. In 2017, the European Union will be in decline, and many of its constituent countries will deliberately lose contact with each other. Perhaps this forecast indicates the destruction of the European Community as a single conglomerate.

2017-2018 will bring a final weakening of the role of the United States of America. The political crisis in the country will give rise to mass demonstrations and protests among citizens.

“New Year's rituals and ceremonies” You will find out the most effective ones


Gift No. 1. Recommendations for summing up ending year + workbook “Summing up 2016″, which will help you properly analyze the past year.

Over the past few years, attitudes towards money have changed all over the world. This was influenced by the fall in oil prices, the unstable situation in the Middle East, the financial crisis experienced and much more. We can talk about the reasons for a long time, but the fact remains that people have become more attentive to spending.

Financial forecast for 2017

From a financial point of view, 2017 will not bring us big shocks or any drastic changes. Still, despite the horror happening in the world, the leaders of leading countries are trying to keep everything under control. In particular, the dollar. I don’t predict wild jumps in both the American and European currencies. The dollar and euro will fluctuate, but the average Russian will not notice this.

Learn to count money

In such difficult times, I advise everyone to stop, look around and listen to themselves. The era of “consumption”, which marked the beginning of the 21st century, has taught us to spend without looking back, to buy everything around us, without thinking about whether we need it or not. High oil prices and apparent stability encouraged us to buy, buy and buy! And more often than not, our money was spent, simply put, on garbage - televisions, computers and other household appliances, thoughtless beach holidays, junk food and much more. Today, when the financial situation has changed, even people with fairly stable incomes are beginning to cut back on spending. Spend 10 monotonous days at an average resort or, say, go to some big European city for 5 days? I, of course, recommend the second one. The so-called “intellectual” rest has a number of advantages. You get distracted, immerse yourself in a different environment, switch. In addition, all this provides food for the brain.

In the new year, I would advise saving more and investing the accumulated funds in something reliable. This could be the purchase of real estate or precious metals. Of course, you shouldn’t be like “Koshchei, wasting away over gold.” You should always remember that money is paper! But you need to treat this paper with respect. If you feel that after the crisis you have become unclaimed in the labor market, spend your savings on professional reorientation. Change your profession to one that is currently in demand.

  1. Money needs to be counted.
    It turns out that few people really know how to do this. Keep a notebook in which you will enter income and expenses for a certain period (for example, a month). You will be surprised how your expenses will be reduced.
  2. Get a wallet.
    And yes, it turned out that many do not have a wallet, and the money is lying around haphazardly and anywhere. You can spend a little money on this purchase. Let the wallet be expensive and beautiful.
  3. Handle money carefully.
    This point follows from the previous one. Banknotes must be in your wallet. And even in a wallet they should be “packaged”: large ones with large ones, small ones with small ones. Keep change in your pocket. Try not to accumulate a lot of change. Let it constantly go to waste.
  4. Don't underestimate the value of money.
    Wealthy people never speak disdainfully of money. Those who don't have it don't respect money.
  5. Save at least 10% of your income.
    And I’m not talking about the amount to repay the loan or for anything else. This part should go to the so-called your personal stabilization fund.
  6. Calculate how much you spend on alcohol and cigarettes.
    This advice is not for everyone. But many of us have bad habits. Write down all expenses on alcohol and tobacco in your notebook. It happens that people are very surprised by the results. And if these expenses are reduced by at least 30 percent, then this is the amount for the stabilization fund.
  7. Stop complaining about lack of money.
    Even if you really have a crisis and want to steal money from a friend or colleague, do not complain under any circumstances. Just borrow it. And always repay your debts on time. Don't make excuses.
  8. When you go shopping, be clear about what you need..
    If you go buy boots, then buy boots. The time has come when you need to hold on to your money.
  9. Get a savings book.
    Perhaps many will smile condescendingly now, but a savings book is best suited for savings. Money flows out of the card at the speed of light. And to withdraw funds from your Sberbank account, you need to go to the nearest branch and, as a rule, stand in a decent line. Therefore, you won’t want to withdraw again, and the money will remain in your account. And don’t link the card to the book, it doesn’t work. In this sense, the old fashioned way is better!
  10. Enjoy life.
    Approach everything wisely. Don't worry about money. Money is a means, not an end.

Financial forecast for 2017 from the winner of “Battle of Psychics” Mehdi Ebragimi Vafa. Dollar and euro rates. Tips for money management

From a financial point of view the year of 2017 will not bring us any great turmoil or cardinal changes. In spite of the horrific things going on in the world, the leaders of the top countries are trying to keep everything under control. The US dollar, for instance. I do not predict any dramatic changes concerning US or European currencies rates. The dollar and the euro rates will fluctuate, but common Russian people would not notice that.

In these difficult times I advise everyone to stop, look around and listen to yourself. The era of “consuming”, which marked the beginning of the 21st century, has learned us to spend money, without looking back, buying everything without thinking whether we need it or not. High oil prices and the apparent stability have spurred us to buy, buy and buy! And most of our money were spent, to put it simply, on the trash - televisions, computers and other home appliances, thoughtless beach holiday, junk food and so on. Today, when the financial situation has changed, even people with relatively stable income are beginning to cut spending. To spend 10 monotonous days at some average quality resort or, say, 5 days off in some big European city? Of course, I recommend the latter. The so-called “smart” holidays have several advantages. You get immersed in a different environment, switch to it. Moreover, all this provides food for thought.
In the upcoming year I would advise you to save more and to invest saved funds in some safe business. This may be a purchase of real estate or precious metals. Of course, you would better not be like the well-known character of Russian tales “Koshchey, who pines away to his gold.” You should always remember that money is just paper! But this paper should be treated with due respect. If you feel that after the crisis you have become in little demand as a specialist, spend your savings on professional reorientation. Change your job to the one which is now in high demand. Below I will share 10 recommendations with you concerning your attitude to money.

1. Money must be counted. It turns out that few people really know how to do it. Get a notebook in which you will keep track of your income and expenses for a certain period (e.g., a month). You will be surprised how much your spending will reduce.

2 Get a wallet. And yes, it turned out that many people do not have a wallet, and money is kept somewhere. You can spend a little sum on this purchase. Let your wallet be expensive and beautiful.

3. This tip is derived from the previous one. Handle money carefully. Banknotes should be in your wallet. And even in your wallet they should be “sorted out”: high denominator notes with the same ones and vice versa. Small change keep in the pocket. Try not to accumulate too much small change. Let it be spent constantly.

4 Do not underestimate the value of money. People with money will never speak about money with disdain. The one who does not respect money does not have any.

5. Save at least 10% of your income. I’m not talking here about the amount you have to pay off for the loan or anything else. This part should go into your own so-called stabilization fund.

6. Try to estimate how much money you spend on alcohol and cigarettes. This advice is not for everyone. But many of us have bad habits. In your notebook write all spendings on alcohol and tobacco. Sometimes people get very surprised by the result. These costs must be reduced for at least 30% and this savings must go to the stabilization fund.

7. Stop complaining about the lack of money. Even if you are in a real crisis and want to borrow some money from a friend or colleague, do not complain in any case. Just borrow and always pay your debts on time. Do not look for excuses.

8. When you go shopping, have a clear image of what you need. If you go buy shoes, then buy shoes. The time has come when it is necessary to save some money.

9. Get a savings account. Perhaps many of you would smile indulgently, but a savings account is the best for saving. Money on your credit card is usually spent at the speed of light. To withdraw funds from your account in Sberbank, you need to get to the nearest office and as a rule, wait in a long queue. So you would not want to withdraw this money for small cases and this money will remain in the account. Do not attach the card to your account, it does not work. In this sense, the old fashioned way is better!

10. Enjoy life. Approach to all wisely. Don't worry about the money too much. Money is just a tool and not the goal.

The future always attracts humanity with its secrets and the unknown, but people are constantly looking for new methods of solving the mysteries of the future, turning to fortune tellers and psychics for help. Today, many are interested in the prediction for 2017 from Alexander Sheps, who became popular after the release of the “Battle of Psychics” program on TV screens, and became famous for his real predictions about the future.

Alexander Sheps was born in 86 in Samara and the very fact of his birth was accompanied by unusual events, because the baby was born completely white, although usually the skin of newborns has a reddish tint. The child's mother is known in her city as a strong clairvoyant and tarot reader, so it is relatively easy to explain the presence of superpowers in her child.

As a child, Alexander communicated with someone invisible, but did not understand where he got such abilities from and whether this was happening in reality, and only in his youth did he finally realize that he had the gift of foresight and abilities that allow him to see things inaccessible to others things. The clairvoyant communicates with the world of the dead and, frankly speaking, this can explain his abilities, but this fact does not bother his parents, and it must be said that Sheps’ 2017 prediction for Russia was made not without the help of otherworldly forces.

It is necessary to separately discuss the fact that at one time the clairvoyant entered the theater institute to become an actor, but he did not finish his studies, although for some time in his life he tried to work as an actor, and also periodically worked as a model. Frankly speaking, it is precisely this fact that confuses many, because they believe that he is actually making up his own predictions and attracting attention to himself, hoping that in the end he will be able to become an actor, but participation in the “Battle of Psychics” proved that that all this information is untrue. During the program, he was able to prove to everyone that his abilities were real, although during tests he often used additional attributes that allowed him to hear the “language of the dead.” It must be said that Alexander Sheps speaks only personally about what awaits us in 2017, that is, his “official” pages, which can be found on the Internet, are considered illegally created and the information posted on them should not be trusted.

What does the whole world expect?

Through communication with otherworldly forces and receiving information from the world of the dead, he received information that the world was awaiting the development of a large-scale crisis, which would end differently for each country (for some, problems would only become an incentive for development, while for others they will create additional difficulties). The foreign exchange market will continue to experience difficulties, and certain communication problems will arise between countries that were previously considered partners, and authorities are advised to remain aware of information on this issue.

The psychic is confident that Western countries will face a number of specific difficulties that will greatly damage their economy and change their financial situation, but they will be able to cope with it all. Moreover, Sheps' forecast for 2017 assumes the development of all kinds of natural disasters throughout the world, due to which many people could die. It is assumed that Europe will suffer the most from natural disasters, so most of its inhabitants will move to live in Russia, and according to the most daring forecasts, today inaccessible and harsh Siberia will be settled.

Forecasts for the future for Russians

Russians face a relatively difficult future ahead, because Sheps’s predictions about what awaits Russia in 2017 can only be called negative. The clairvoyant says that the crisis, which many expect to end in 2017, will continue for several long years, so it will simply not be possible to do without difficulties during this period. Citizens of the Russian Federation are already going through a difficult time, because the cost of food is constantly rising, taxes are increasing, but wages of the population, on the contrary, are decreasing. Even without the abilities of a clairvoyant, one can understand that all such developments of events can cause social rallies, and the psychic only confirms this, recommending that the authorities take care of creating a calm environment among their citizens.

In addition, the psychic warns that paramilitary conflicts may arise in some Russian regions of the country, which must be treated very carefully, because lack of attention to such a problem could cause a large-scale war to break out in the state (it is possible that it will will become a prerequisite for the development of the Third World War). Also, Alexander Sheps’ forecast for 2017 contains information that the Russian currency market will be relatively stable, but Russians will not have confidence in national money, so everyone will give preference to the euro.

Speaking of good news, it is worth mentioning that it will stop constantly growing, and in some regions people are generally expecting its decline, and production specialists will become more in demand than before. Today, the Russian authorities have begun a program for the development of their own in order to replace products previously obtained only through imports, so many new vacancies will appear, and such work will most likely be paid quite well.

What predictions does the psychic make for Ukraine?

The topic of the future of Ukrainians worries not only the residents of Ukraine, but also the whole world, because recently this small country has suffered a huge amount of troubles, and everyone wants to know if something good awaits it. It must be said that Sheps’ 2017 prediction for Ukraine contains information that serious changes will occur in the government apparatus (other participants in the “Battle of Psychics” program previously provided similar information), but they will finally bring benefits to citizens. Power will be wielded by people who will prioritize concerns about their own people rather than their own material gain, and perhaps this will lead the country to a new, bright future. The new government will improve relations with the Russian Federation and will bring exceptional benefits to the country, but it will not rule for long and will leave on its own, having finished all its affairs.

Psychics advise all people to tune in to positive emotions, because anxieties and fears about doing something will most likely be realized, because the more you think about troubles, the more often they happen. The best cure for anxiety is a clearly defined action plan that must be strictly followed. Humanity needs to very clearly imagine the goal and constantly move towards it, and the bar for achieving the goal should be very high and it is recommended to think of it as a fait accompli. If possible, it is recommended to remove fear and anxiety from your “diet”, because only positive thinking brings benefits. Consequently, psychics’ forecasts (even negative ones) should be passed through the prism of positive emotions, because then they will be neutralized and you won’t have to worry about any difficulties. Nobody knows whether Alexander Sheps’s predictions will come true or not, but if you believe in a bright future and go towards it, then it will come very quickly.

Most people want to know what the future holds for them. This desire especially appears with the onset of the new year. Let's consider the most interesting and popular predictions for 2017 for Russia from famous psychics and clairvoyants.

Prophecies of Nostradamus for 2017

The first prediction speaks of the inevitability of the Third World War, which will affect all major states, including Russia. The confrontation between the countries should end in 2017. During the war, new chemical weapons will be tested, the consequences of which will result in severe skin diseases.

Europe will suffer the most from the war. The population here will decrease significantly and the European continent will become empty. And then Russia will come out on top, where the remaining European population will begin to gather and settle in Siberia. Russia will accept everyone and become the new “cradle of civilization.” Later it will be joined by China, which in 2018 will become a completely independent power claiming global leadership.

In addition, in his forecasts he associates 2017 with the rise of the global economy. The energy revolution associated with the improvement of solar energy storage methods will provide people with cheap electricity, the transportation of which will not require anything. The energy will spread through the air.

Vanga's predictions

It is necessary to clarify that Vanga never spoke about exact dates, only approximately about a specific period of time. However, some analysts are trying to structure the seer’s predictions by year.

The famous fortuneteller Vanga prophesies Russia in the 21st century with extraordinary spiritual strength and great economic power, which will give hope to our entire world and bring spiritual revival throughout the planet.

Vangelia always emphasized in her predictions that Russia would seem to awaken from sleep, reject everything that was discreditable and negative, and would become famous as a superpower. Russia will subjugate the whole world, but not by force and blood, but by authority.

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia... She will sweep away everything from her path and will not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world.”

Predictions of psychic Alexander Sheps for 2017

Psychic Alexander Sheps, who is the winner of the “Battle of Psychics,” made his statement regarding the coming 2017. According to the promising forecaster, Russia's influence in the geopolitical arena will begin to rapidly increase, and powerful countries will begin to seek support from Russia.

According to Sheps, next summer the European Union and the United States will completely lift sanctions from our country and will stop returning to the issue of Ukraine and Crimea. These positive changes will have a beneficial effect on the country's economy. The Russian ruble will gradually strengthen against the dollar, although it will never reach its previous positions.

Speaking about Ukraine, Alexander Sheps predicts another coup for this country, although this time without street clashes and bloodshed. The country's parliament will announce its dissolution, and after this the head of state will also resign. The new political force that will lead Ukraine will begin to establish relationships with both Russia and the European Union.

Prophecies of Pavel Globa for 2017

For Russia, 2017 will be a very difficult year, but not hopeless. In this difficult year, all countries of the world are facing a serious crisis: unemployment and currency devaluation. The Russian economy will be based on the sale of energy resources, this will allow it to “stay afloat” and strengthen its influence in the world. As for the United States, the country faces ruin and loss of authority.

The astrologer also talks about the reunification of the Russian Federation; the republics of Belarus and Kazakhstan will want to join it. Following them, the annexation of Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well as part of Ukraine, is likely. The unfolding global collapse, the beginning of which we are already seeing today, will cause irreparable damage to Europe and the United States. The European Union will be on the verge of collapse, and economic instability in Europe will significantly reduce its authority in the world political arena.

Also, this large-scale crisis will not bypass the world currency - the American dollar. A sharp depreciation awaits him.

Regarding the internal political situation in our country, the astrologer predicts an alarming situation. The revolutionary rebellion and mass protests will grow more and more, the goal of which will be to overthrow the current government. All these riots will lead to civilian casualties. The risk of terrorist attacks will also increase, reports the portal

Next year, the whole world will face natural disasters: tsunamis, earthquakes, floods. A large number of accidents, both transport and plane crashes, are also predicted. In Siberia, an astrologer predicts fires.

According to Pavel Globa, it is Russia that will become the driving force that can lead the whole world out of the process of stagnation and push for change.

Since ancient times, we have listened to those with supernatural powers. Although the words of seers are often vague, they arouse great interest and bring fame to many psychics. Unfortunately, clairvoyant forecasts for 2017 are contradictory. Some promise the beginning, while others promise the end of the crisis and the long-awaited peace... Who to believe, and how to interpret certain predictions?

The forecasts of famous clairvoyants for 2017 are very contradictory

Beware: fakes!

Many predictions on the World Wide Web are ordinary “horror stories” that raise the publication’s rating at the expense of the gullible reader. How to distinguish truth from lies? The older the date of the prophecy, the higher the likelihood of deception. , Wolf Messing, Grigory Rasputin, Edgar Cayce and most clairvoyants of the 19th and 20th centuries did not make predictions for 2017.

They predicted the distant future, but these forecasts were not tied to clear dates. There is information on the Internet that the words “without war you will all die, there will be many victims, you will all lie dead on the ground” refer to 2017, but this figure is not indicated in the books about the saint. However, the prophecy worries the followers of the clairvoyant, since the reason for the death of people is unclear.

The prediction of Juna Davitashvili, made for the NTV channel shortly before the death of the clairvoyant, dates back to 2017. She predicts a bright future for Russia, although not without difficulties. In a prediction commissioned by the TV channel, Juna assured that the war in eastern Ukraine will end in 2015 or escalate into a global conflict. The first prediction did not come true, and fans of the clairvoyant are waiting for the beginning of the Third World War.

Predictions of modern clairvoyants

Vera Lyon predicts peace and prosperity for Russia in 2017

Predictions of Vera Lyon

This clairvoyant and healer is called the Kazakh Vanga. In her homeland, Karaganda, she is extremely popular. According to Lyon, in 2017, the melting of Arctic ice will cause natural disasters and a rampant viral disease. Coastal areas of the United States, Europe and Southeast Asia will disappear under water. Japan and part of the British Isles will disappear from the world map. European countries will experience earthquakes. Due to a split in the earth's crust, the Vatican Cathedrals and the Colosseum will fall, and many people will die.

NATO will lose influence, the States will compete with Germany. The migration crisis will subside, although many refugees will remain in Europe. War will break out in Greece. But for Russia 2017 will be a successful year! GDP will increase and relations with Israel will improve. A major earthquake and a series of mysterious deaths will occur in Altai. The fighting in the East of Ukraine will continue, but the advantage will be on the side of the DPR.

Some regions will go to another country, and the bloody conflict between Poles and Ukrainians will repeat. Igor Dodon will become the President of Moldova, but power will bring him difficulties and illnesses. His opponent will be a woman who has chosen the European course. The war in Syria will end, but the Islamic State will continue to wreak havoc in the Middle East. The president of one of the Central Asian states will become seriously ill or fall into a coma.

Predictions of Alexey Pokhabov

Pokhabov prophesies overcoming the crisis for oil-owning countries

The winner of the seventh “Battle of Psychics” believes that in 2016 the conflict in the East of Ukraine will end, but neither side will become the winner. The economic situation in the world will change. Natural resources, the supply of which is rapidly decreasing, will increase in price. Only states that own oil and gas fields will benefit. Russia will strengthen its position on the world stage, and NATO and the EU will lose influence.

Predictions of Alexander Sheps

The winner of the 14th “Battle of Psychics” is the leading medium and tarot reader in Russia. Despite economic difficulties, he predicts changes for the better for the country: improved relations with the West, as well as a slow but sure strengthening. But for the Russian Federation, 2017 will not be a cloudless year. Citizens' dissatisfaction could result in thousands of protests and lead to military action.

Predictions of Malakhat Nazarova

The seer from Azerbaijan is sure that in every century the world goes through ten years of devastation. In the fall of 2017, this period will end, and it will become clear whether a world war will begin. Its onset depends on how international conflicts are resolved, including in the Middle East. The seer believes that natural disasters will distract the attention of politicians, and war will be avoided.

Until 2017, crises and coups will break out in the countries of the former USSR. But Russia will remain undivided, and the Soviet states will form a new union that will bring them wealth. China will come into conflict with Japan. In 2013-2017 there will be a meeting with aliens, but people will not take root in their homeland. The first to see the aliens will be the Russians or the Chinese.

Malakhat Nazarova predicts that humanity will meet with aliens!

Predictions of Bakhyt Zhumatova

The Kazakh seer and participant in the “Battle of Psychics” promises an optimistic future for her native country. The exhibition will be held at the highest level and will help overcome the crisis. Kazakhstan’s reputation will improve, it will become a platform for major events and attract foreign investors. Foreign enterprises will open in the country and bring significant profits.

Zhumatova predicts the flooding of large areas, including Afghanistan, Japan and Israel. Refugees from these countries will move to Kazakhstan, which the clairvoyant considers a good prospect. The Islamic State will collapse in the coming years. The seer compares it with Nazi Germany and other superpowers who wanted to conquer the entire planet, but turned out to be weaker than their opponents.

Kaede's Predictions Uber

The French teenage girl is known to NTV viewers as the heiress of Vanga, to whom the blind seer bequeathed her gift. Although the relatives of the Bulgarian seer deny the connection between her and Kaede, thousands of Russians listen to the child’s words. According to the girl, Russia's financial difficulties will continue, and Vladimir Putin will leave his post. In January, America will be rocked by a major Islamist terrorist attack. An epidemic of an unknown disease will begin in Hong Kong.

Arthur Belyaev predicts that 2017 will be the last year for the planet

Other forecasts for 2017

  • Russian philosopher Helena Blavatsky predicted that the epochal changes that started in 2012 will end in 2017. It will be a turning point for humanity.
  • The astrologer is confident that in 2017 Putin will lose power and peace will reign in Eastern Europe. Donetsk and Lugansk regions will return to Ukraine, Crimea will gain independence.
  • If you believe the theory of hierarchical catastrophes, 2017 will be the last year in the history of the world. This idea was voiced by Arthur Belyaev in his work “Restoration of Kingdoms,” based on the laws of human development.

Whether you should trust psychics is a controversial issue. If you track the history of their predictions, then behind every successful prophecy there are two or three erroneous ones. It is important to understand that sensational statements attract the attention of wealthy clients and the media to psychics. Clairvoyants are interested in making money from gloomy prophecies, so you shouldn’t believe them 100%.