What does "AD" and "BC" mean? - Boris Alexandrovich, Prince of Tver, died

20.03 - Zakhary Kostrominich, the Pskov mayor, who did a lot to strengthen Pskov, died. In 1395 he built a church in the name of St. Nicholas on Valka (in Pskov on Zavelichye) and with it a monastery, assigned in 1651 to the Savvin Storozhevsky Monastery. In 1397, with Prince Ivan Andreevich and Grigory Ostafyevich, he built three towers (“bonfires”) on the Pskov approach wall: one from the side of the Velikaya River, the other on Luzhishche and the third “from Pskova on the corner.”

“...placing his relics in the church of St. Christmas."

Roman Mikhailovich, Prince of Bryansk, died.

Simeon Dmitrievich, Prince of Suzdal, died

Born Dmitry Yurievich Shemyaka, Grand Duke of Moscow, Prince of Uglitsky, Galitsky; son of the Grand Duke of Moscow Yuri Dmitrievich and Princess Anastasia Yuryevna, daughter of the last Grand Duke of Smolensk Yuri Svyatoslavich, one of the main participants in the Civil War of the second quarter of the 15th century. Dmitry Yuryevich has been mentioned in chronicles since 1433. The exact date of birth is unknown; different years are indicated in the literature.

Vitovt's governors were expelled from Smolensk.

Alexander Patrikeyevich, Prince of Starodubsky, died

Ivan Vsevolodovich, Prince of Kholmsky, died.

Oleg Ivanovich, Grand Duke of Ryazan, died

Vasily Dmitrievich Kirdyapa, Prince of Suzdal and Gorodets, the founder of the senior branch of the Shuisky princes, died.

Vyazma was captured by Vitovt. Drought. Opochka is blocked.

1.04 - Euthymius of Suzdal, founder and archimandrite of the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery, died

19.06 – Alexander Konstantinovich Rostovsky died.

There is a clock in the Kremlin, behind the Church of the Annunciation.

Vitovt, Prince of Lithuania, took Smolensk and annexed the Smolensk and Vyazma principalities to his possessions.

Andrei Rublev and Feofan the Greek paint the Annunciation Cathedral in Moscow

16.09 – Cyprian, Metropolitan of Kiev, died.

Vitovt's campaigns against the Moscow Principality.

In summer there is a lunar eclipse.

16.01 – wedding of Prince Peter Dmitrievich

25.03 – Euphrosynus, Archbishop of Suzdal, died

7.07 – Grand Duchess Evdokia Dmitrievna, widow of Dmitry Donskoy, died

14.09 – Yuri Svyatoslavich, Grand Duke of Smolensk, died (1386-1392, 1401-1404), second son and successor of the great prince Smolensky Svyatoslav Ivanovich.

“In the same autumn of the month of September, on the 4th day, Grand Duke Yuri Svyatoslavovich Smolensky, grandson Ivanov, great-grandson Alexandrov, great-great-grandson Glebov, great-great-grandson of Rostislav, ancestor of Mstislav, ancestor of David, ancestor of Rostislav, Mstislav, Vladimir Monomakh, reposed on the Exaltation of the Honest Cross.”

The chronicle contains the first mention of Siberia.

Peace be with Vytautas. Temnik of the Golden Horde, Edigei, invaded the Grand Duchy of Moscow, devastated Serpukhov, Vereya, Dmitrov, Klin, Nizhny Novgorod and Kolomna,

20.12 - Edigei departs from Moscow, due to new unrest in the Horde, returned back, ruining Ryazan on the way.

Andrei Rublev and Daniil Cherny paint icons and frescoes in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir. Rublev writes “The Zvenigorod Chin”

Andrei Fedorovich, Prince of Rostov, died.

Joseph Zakharyevich, Novgorod mayor, died.

2.03 – Arseny, Bishop of Tver, died.

12.08 – Vladimir Andreevich Brave, appanage prince of Serpukhov, Dmitrov, Galitsky, Borovsky and Uglitsky, died. Commander, youngest son of Prince Andrei Ivanovich Serpukhovsky. Grandson of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan I Kalita. Cousin of the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Donskoy. Uglich is ruled by Andrei and Vasily Vladimirovich.

September 20 - Ephraim of Perekomsky, founder of the Perekomsky monastery near Novgorod, was born.

Prince Vasily Mikhailovich flees to Moscow, unsuccessfully besieges Kashin with the Tatars, flees to Moscow. Prince Daniil Borisovich sent his ally - the Tatar prince Talych and his boyar Semyon Karamyshev to Vladimir, who destroyed it.

Prince Daniil Vasilyevich Gorodetsky died.

14.10 - The Pskovites “set up a city” on Opochka above the Great River. The first chronicle mention of Sebezh.

“...Great Prince Vasily Dmitrievich will give his daughter Anna to Tsar-grad for Tserevich Ivan Manuilovich.”

10.03 – Vasily II the Dark was born, Grand Duke of Moscow since 1425, the fifth (youngest) son of the Grand Duke of Vladimir and Moscow Vasily I Dmitrievich and Sofia Vitovtovna.

7.06 - total solar eclipse in Eastern Europe. The Slutsk Chronicle says about this: “In the summer of 6923, the month of June 7, in St. Theodotus, the sun bent and hid its ray from the earth at 4 o’clock on the days of the year, holy masses, and the stars appeared as if in the night. Then the Annunciation took place on Mondays during Holy Week.”

22.03 – Isaac, Bishop of Perm, died.

22.08 - marriage of the princess Anastasia Vasilievn s and Kyiv

In Constantinople, Princess Anna Vasilievna of Moscow, the eldest daughter of the Grand Duke, died of the plague. Moscow Vasily I Dmitrievich, first wife of Emperor John VIII Palaiologos. Since 1416 she bore the title of “junior empress”

John III, Archbishop of Novgorod, died.

The Church of the Holy Trinity was erected in Novgorod

Church of the Holy Great Martyrs Mina and Victor,Church of Mary Magdalene.

Plague epidemic.

Grand Duke Vasily I Dmitrievich draws up the Second Spiritual Charter

The chronicle collection “Vladimir polychron” is being compiled

Born Vasily Yuryevich Kosoy, Prince of Zvenigorod (1421-1448), Grand Duke of Moscow (1434), the eldest of the four sons of Grand Duke Yuri Dmitrievich.

Famine "across the entire Russian land."

Trade agreement between Novgorod and the Livonian Order

11.07 – Anastasia Yuryevna, Princess of Zvenigorod, wife of Yuri Dmitrievich, died.

18.08 – fire in Moscow.

Sergius Cathedral is being built in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Konstantin Dmitrievich sits in Uglich.

Ivan Vladimirovich, Prince of Serpukhov, died.

29.02 – trade agreement between Novgorod and the Hansa

27.02 – Grand Duke Vasily I Dmitrievich died. His son Vasily II the Dark ascended the throne.

22.05 – Ivan Mikhailovich, Prince of Tver, died

16.08 – Yaroslav Vladimirovich, Prince of Maloyaroslavsky, died.

25.10 – Yuri Alexandrovich sat down in Tver.

26.10 – Prince Alexander Ivanovich Tverskoy died.

26.11 – Yuri Alexandrovich Tverskoy died, probably from the plague; war of Vasily the Dark against Yuri Dmitrievich.

One of the possible dates for writing “Trinity” by Andrei Rublev.

Nizhny Novgorod finally joins the Moscow state

The capital of Rus' was moved from Vladimir to Moscow

9.06 - Kirill Belozersky, founder of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, venerable of the Russian Church, died.

Vasily Vladimirovich, Prince of Uglitsky, died.

Icon painter Daniil Cherny has died.

Pyotr Dmitrievich, Prince Dmitrovsky of Uglitsky, died.

The Lithuanian prince Vitovt besieges Vyshegorod, opposing Novgorod. Porkhov was again besieged by the Lithuanians.

Merger of the Moscow and Vladimir principalities. Dmitrov was given to Vasily II in his will.

Vodka was brought to Rus' for the first time.

Kazan became the capital of the Kazan Khanate.

1.11 - Euthymius I, Archbishop of Novgorod, died.

29.01 – Andrei Rublev may have died on this day.

The beginning of salt production on the banks of the Usolka River by the Kalinnikov merchants. The city of Solikamsk was founded on the Usolka River.

2.07 – Photius, Metropolitan of Kiev, died.

28.08 - Prince Vasily Vasilyevich II goes to the Horde to receive a label for the Great Reign.

09.27 – Yuri Shemyaka goes to the Horde with gifts to receive a label from the Horde khan.

10.10 – Solovetsky Monastery was founded on the Solovetsky Islands in the White Sea. Rebuilt in stone by the labors of St. Philip, in pre-Petrine times it was numbered among the largest landowners of the state. The Greek Isidore was installed as Metropolitan.

8.07 – Andrei Dmitrievich, the third son of the great, died in Mozhaisk prince Moscow and Vladimir Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy and Suzdal princess Evdokia Dmitrievna, appanage princeMozhaisky since 1389

12.07 - Prince Vasily II returns from the Horde to Moscow.

The Novgorod chronicle code “Sofia Temporary” is being compiled. The struggle of the Galician princes for the Moscow table.

“In the summer of 6941 (1433), his boyar Ivan Dmitrievich ran from the Grand Duke to Prince Kostyantin to Uglech and then to Tver”

8.02 - marriage of Vasily II and Maria Yaroslavna, daughter of Prince Serpukhov.

Karl Goon. “Grand Duchess Sofia Vitovtovna at the wedding of Grand Duke Vasily the Dark tears off the belt from Vasily Kosoy”

04/25 - Yuri Dmitrievich defeated the army of Vasily II on Klyazma.

8.05 – Yuri Dmitrievich took the grand-ducal table in Moscow.

28.09 — Yuri Dmitrievich leaves Moscow.

Saint Nil of Sorsky was born in Moscow, in the world Nikolai Maikov; founder of monastery residence in Rus', author of “Tradition”, “Charter of monastery life”, a number of messages, known for his non-covetous views.

20.03 - at Nikolsky, Yuri Dmitrovich defeated the army of Vasily Vasilyevich II.

5.06 - Vasily Yuryevich Kosoy became the Grand Duke of Moscow. Dmitry Yurievich Shemyaka was exiled to Kolomna.

19.06 - Yuri Dmitrievich, Zvenigorod and Galician prince, died.

11.11 - Maxim of Moscow, saint of the Russian Church, holy fool, died. Pskov and Novgorod residents make peace.

Macarius of Zheltovodsk founded a convent on the shores of the Yellow Lake, now on the left bank of the Volga

Gavrilov Posad was founded as the village of Gavrilovskoye , on the Irmes River (tributary of the Nerl).

The first mention of the city of Kalyazin.

July 26 – Gerasim, Metropolitan of Kiev, died.

Yaroslav Alexandrovich, Prince of Gorodets, died.

Vasily Kosoy's campaign against Moscow. At Scarlatina, Scythe was captured

3.06 – Vasily Kosoy is blinded

1.06 - icon painter Dionysius was born. He is considered a successor to the traditions of Andrei Rublev.

8.09 - Metropolitan Isidore goes to Florence, to the Council to approve the union of the Western (Catholic) and Eastern churches.

14.09 - Metropolitan Isidore arrived in Tver.

7.10 - Metropolitan Isidore arrived in Novgorod.

6.12 - Metropolitan Isidore arrived in Pskov.

4.02 — Metropolitan Isidore arrived in Riga.

7.05 - Metropolitan Isidore sailed by ship to Lubeck together with Bishop Abraham of Suzdal, Tver Ambassador Foma Matveyevich, Archimandrite Vassian and the unknown author of “The Walk to the Council of Florence.” The metropolitan horse train traveled from Riga to Lubeck through the Curonian, Zhemoytsky, Prussian, Pomeranian, Stralsund and Wismar lands.

6.06 Metropolitan Isidore left Lubeck.

18.08 Metropolitan Isidore arrived in Ferrara.

The Holy Trinity Makariyevo-Unzhensky Convent was built. Metropolitan of All Rus' Alexy canonized

19.05 – Metropolitan Isidore arrived in Florence.

5.07 - Metropolitan Isidore put his signature as the Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus' and the locum tenens of the Apostolic See, the Most Holy Patriarch of Antioch, under the Council determination after the autocrat of the Romans, John Palaiologos, and two representatives of the Patriarch of Alexandria.

6.09 - Metropolitan Isidore at the head of the Russian delegation left Florence.

15.09 - Metropolitan Isidore arrived in Venice.

16.09 - Metropolitan Isidore is appointed legate of Eugene IV for Poland, Lithuania and Livonia.

01/23 - Grand Duke Ivan III, son of Grand Duke Vasily II the Dark, was born.

March - Smolensk uprising against the Lithuanians. The Lithuanians were expelled. A Russian prince was appointed governor of Smolensk.

November - an unsuccessful attempt by the Lithuanians to take Smolensk.

14.11 - Joseph Volotsky was born in the village of Yazvische-Pokrovskoye, in the world - Ivan Sanin, founder of the Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery.

19.03 – Isidore arrived in Moscow and conveyed to Vasily II a message from Eugene IV, containing a request to help the Metropolitan in the reunification of the Catholic and Russian Churches.

22.03 – Isidore is deposed and imprisoned in the Chudov Monastery.

In September, apparently with the knowledge of Vasily II, Isidore fled to Tver.

22.11 – Yuri Vasilyevich, Prince of Dmitrov, appanage, was born princeDmitrovsky(1462-1472), third son of the great prince Moscow Vasily II Vasilievich Dark and Maria Yaroslavna.

Lithuanian power was restored in Smolensk.

Conflict between Pskov and Novgorod.

Maria Borisovna was born, the daughter of Prince Boris Alexandrovich Tverskoy, the first wife of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III.

German merchants leave Novgorod.

Pachomius Logofet composes the first Russian chronograph.

The Moscow army defeated the Tatars near Ryazan; Ulug-Muhammad's son Mustafa was killed.

8.04 – Ulu-Mehmed took Nizhny Novgorod

7.07 - near Suzdal, the Tatar princes Mahmud and Yakub, sons of the Kazan khan Ulu-Muhammad, completely defeated the army of Vasily II, he was captured, the great reign, in accordance with the ancient order of inheritance, passed to Dmitry Shemyaka.

27.07 – a big fire in the Kremlin. Earthquake in Moscow.

26.08 – the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was brought to Moscow.

1.10 — Vasily II was released from captivity.

4.10 - Vasily II returned to Moscow from Kazan captivity,He took the Moscow Grand Duke's throne for the 4th time.

12.02 - the troops of Dmitry Yuryevich Shemyaka and Ivan Andreevich Mozhaisky occupied Moscow without a fight. Dmitry Shemyaka ascended the Moscow throne for the 2nd time.

10.03 – Vasily II was blinded

13.08 – Prince Andrei Vasilyevich Bolshoi was born.

28.08 — Vasily II signs the “damned letters”

V. Muizhel. Dmitry Shemyaka's meeting with Prince Vasily II the Dark

25.12 - a cavalry detachment (“exiled army”) of supporters of Vasily II M. Pleshcheev and L. Izmailov, taking advantage of the absence of Dmitry Shemyaka, large armed forces in Moscow and the city gates open on Christmas Day, occupied Moscow.

Famine in Novgorod. Siege of the city by the Livonian Order.

24.01 – Gerasim, Bishop of Perm, died.

2.02 – Dmitry Shemyaka flees Moscow.

17.02 - Vasily II entered Moscow, occupying the grand-ducal throne for the 5th time.

20.07 - Vasily II signs a peace treaty with Shemyaka and Ivan Ryazansky.

28.12 – Jonah was installed as Metropolitan. The Russian Church gains independence. Vasily Yuryevich Kosoy, Prince of Zvenigorod (1421-1448), Grand Duke of Moscow (1434), the eldest of the four sons of Grand Duke Yuri Dmitrievich, died.

26.07 – Boris Vasilyevich Volotsky, appanage prince, was born Volotsky from 1462 to 1494, sixth son of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily II Vasilievich Dark and Maria Yaroslavna.

31.08 - eternal peace with Lithuania.

01/27—battle of Galich.

9.02 – the last battle with Shemyaka near Uglich. Ivan III Vasilyevich becomes his father's co-ruler. The warriors of Vasily II pursued the Tatars to Bityug, where they defeated and put them to flight.

Pochaev and Komarich were founded; Teresva and Gorokhov were mentioned for the first time. Martha Posadnitsa donates Kem to the Solovetsky Monastery.

An eclipse visible in Moscow. A hurricane swept over Moscow.

Suzdal is part of the Moscow Principality.

Anna Vasilievna, the great, was born princess Ryazan, wife of the Grand Duke Ryazan Vasily Ivanovich, the only daughter of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily the Dark.

Siege of Moscow by Mazovsha's horde.

23.06 — Mazovsha departs from Moscow

Sofya Vitovtovna writes a spiritual letter in which she bequeaths her villages, including the existing village of Bunkovo, Stupinsky district, Moscow region, the village of Malino, Stupinsky district, to her daughter-in-law, Grand Duchess Maria.

4.06 - marriage of Prince Ivan III of Moscow and Maria Borisovna, daughter of Tver Prince Boris Alexandrovich.

8.08 - Andrei Vasilyevich Menshoy was born, the seventh son of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily II, appanage prince of Vologda.

17.07 - Dmitry Yuryevich Shemyaka died in Novgorod,

27.10 – Sofya Vitovtovna, Moscow Grand Duchess, died.

29.03 – Ephraim, Archbishop of Rostov, died.

Mozhaisk annexed to Moscow

Pitirim, Bishop of Perm, died.

January-February - Vasily II's campaign against Novgorod.

10.02 – Maria Dmitrievna, daughter of Shemyaka, died.

3.03 - destruction of Staraya Russa. Yazhelbitsky world.

Cancellation of veche letters.

Ivan Fedorovich, Prince of Ryazan, died.

The Serpukhov Principality loses its independence

02.15 – Ivan Ivanovich Young was born, appanage prince of Tver, son and heir of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III Vasilyevich and his first wife Maria Borisovna, daughter of the Grand Duke of Tver Boris Alexandrovich and sister of the ruler of Tver, Mikhail Borisovich. As the nephew of Mikhail Borisovich, who had no sons, he claimed to inherit the Grand Duchy of Tver.

11.03 - Euthymius II, Archbishop of Novgorod, died

The Astrakhan Khanate was formed on the lower Volga. Khadzhitarkhan (Astrakhan) became its capital.

Division of the Russian Church into Kyiv and Moscow Metropolises.

On the map of 1459, compiled by Fra Mauro for the Portuguese king Alfonso V on the basis of earlier maps, the city of Veta Suar (Chuv. Vata Savar, that is, “Middle Suvar”) is placed on the site of Cheboksary.”

The city of Orlov is mentioned for the first time.

10.02 – Boris Alexandrovich, Prince of Tverskoy, died.

31.03 - Jonah of Moscow, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Rus', died.

9.05 – Theodosius is installed as Metropolitan of Moscow.

27.03 – Grand Duke Vasily II the Dark died.

28.03 - Ivan III became the ruler of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

27.07 – the Church of St. is consecrated in the Kremlin. Afanasia

27.04 – Isidore, Metropolitan of Kiev, died.

Annexation of Yaroslavl to the Principality of Moscow, conquest of the Perm region and Rostov.

Mahmud, Khan of Kazan, died.

The beginning of the “walk across three seas” of Afanasy Nikitin, a Tver merchant. Pestilence epidemic in Novgorod.

14.04 – Ivan Vasilyevich Ryazansky was born

04/22 – Maria Borisovna, daughter of Prince Boris Alexandrovich Tverskoy, first wife of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III, died, presumably from poisoning.

12/30 – Trifon, Archbishop of Rostov, died

11.02 - an ambassador arrived from Rome with an offer of the hand of the Greek princess.

June - Afanasy Nikitin arrived in Rhea.

Basil the Blessed, the holy fool of the Russian Church, was born.

The first mention of the city of Cheboksary as a settlement on the Volga route, in connection with the campaign of governor Ivan Dmitrievich Run to Kazan in May 1469: “...we spent the night in Cheboksary, and from Cheboksary we walked all day, and walked all night, and arrived near Kazan at early dawn...”.

June 6 - Jonah, Bishop of Perm, died.

5.11 - Jonah, Archbishop of Novgorod, died. Novgorodians elect a bishop without the will of Moscow.

Prince Glinsky Mikhail Lvovich, military leader and statesman of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Russian state, was born. Lithuanian court marshal since 1500, head of the Vilna Mint since 1501.

Maxim Greek was born in the Greek village of Arta, Mikhail Trivolis, religious publicist, writer and translator.

Anastasia Vasilievna, Princess of Kiev, daughter of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily I Dmitrievich, died. From August 22, 1417 - wife Kyiv Prince Alexander (Olelk) Vladimirovich.

30.04 — The Assumption Cathedral was founded in the Kremlin

07/14 - on the Sheloni River, the Novgorodians are defeated by Ivan III.

11.08 - Korostyn peace with the Novgorod Republic.

Kyiv was taken by the Lithuanian Catholic lord Martin Gashtolt. Liquidation of the Kyiv Principality.

Vyatka Ushkuiniki capture and plunder New Saray.

16.01 – Ivan Fryazin was sent to the pope with letters. Battle on the river Kolve of Moscow troops with the army of the Great Perm Principality.

11.11 – ambassadors with the Greek princess arrived in Pskov

2.12 - marriage of Ivan III and Sophia Paleologus.

Unsuccessful campaign of the Khan of the Golden Horde Akhmed to Rus'.

The Serpukhov Principality was finally annexed to the Moscow Principality

5.04 – Philip I, Metropolitan of Moscow, died

12.09 – Yuri Vasilyevich, appanage prince, died Dmitrovsky(1462-1472), third son of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily II Vasilievich Dark

The Pskov-Pechersky Monastery was founded

23.03 – the embassy was sent to Crimea.

Spring-summer - Afanasy Nikitin arrived in Iran.

20.05 - “there was a coward in the city of Moscow and the Church of St. The Mother of God, it was already done to the upper chambers, falling at 1 o’clock in the morning, and the temples all shook, just as the earth shook.”

The unfinished Assumption Cathedral collapsed in the Kremlin

24.07 – embassy sent to Venice.

Autumn - Afanasy Nikitin arrived in Kafa.

26.03 - Aristotle Fioravanti was invited by Ivan III to Moscow.

15.10 – Theodosius, Metropolitan of Moscow, died.

The payment of tribute to the Horde has been stopped. Ivan III arrived in Novgorod for trial.

The first brick factory was built in Moscow.

19.05 – Elena Ivanovna, daughter of Ivan III Vasilyevich, wife of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Alexander Jagiellonchik, was born,

Capitulation of Novgorod

17.04 – Zosima Solovetsky, one of the founders of the Solovetsky Monastery, died; Holy Russian Church.

Ivan III subjugated the Novgorod land to the Moscow principality.

March 25 – Vasily III, Grand Duke of Vladimir and Moscow in 1505-1533, Sovereign of All Rus', was born. Son of Ivan III the Great and Sophia Paleologus, father of Ivan IV the Terrible. In the agreement of 1514 with the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I, for the first time in the history of Rus', he was named Emperor of the Rus.

12.08 - Assumption Cathedral was consecrated.

The Moscow Chronicle is being compiled.

Joseph-Volotsky Monastery was founded.

Herman Solovetsky, the venerable of the Russian Church, the founder of the Solovetsky Monastery, died, along with the monks Zosima and Savvaty.

Unsuccessful campaign of the Livonians under the command of Master Bernhard von der Borch to Pskov.

Ibrahim, Khan of Kazan, died.

19.01 - the last Novgorod Archbishop Theophilos was imprisoned in the Chudov Monastery.

11.02 – peace between Pskov and the Livonians.

23.03 – Yuri Ivanovich, appanage prince, was born Dmitrovsky(1505-1534), second son of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III Vasilyevich and Sophia Fominichna Paleolog.

“That same summer, the ill-named Tsar Akhmat... went against Orthodox Christianity, against Rus', against the holy churches and against the Grand Duke, boasting of destroying the holy churches and captivating all Orthodoxy and the Grand Duke himself, as under Batu Beshe.”

23.06 - the Grand Duke arrived at Kolomna,

30.09 Ivan III returned from Kolomna to Moscow " to council and thought"with the metropolitan and boyars.

3.10 Ivan III left Moscow and headed to the city of Kremenets (the village of Kremenskoye, Medynsky district, Kaluga region), where he remained with a small detachment, and sent the rest of the troops to the bank of the Ugra.

On 8.10 Khan Akhmat tried to cross the Ugra, but his attack was repulsed by the forces of Ivan the Young.

“And the Tatars came and the Muscovites began to shoot, and the Muscovites began to shoot at them and squeaked away and beat many of the Tatars with arrows and saws and drove them away from the shore...”.

On 10/28, the Grand Duke withdraws his troops to Kremenets and concentrates them at Borovsk in order to fight there in a favorable environment.

11.11 - Khan Akhmat goes back to the Horde; The Great Stand on the Ugra is completed. Ivan III tears up the Khan's letters.

6.01 Khan Akhmat was killed as a result of a surprise attack by the Tyumen Khan Ibak on the steppe headquarters, to which Akhmat withdrew from Sarai, probably fearing assassination attempts. Civil strife began in the Great Horde.

10.07 – Andrei Vasilyevich Menshoy, appanage prince of Vologda (1462-1481), the seventh son of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily II Vasilyevich the Dark, died.

Sending Russian troops to Livonia. The Livonian knights are forced to conclude a truce.

The first mention of “enslaved people” - the younger brother of Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich, Andrei Vasilyevich Menshoi, released this year “his ordered people, full of slaves and enslaved people”

14.03 – Akakiy, Bishop of Tver, was born.

March - the embassy of the Moscow Principality, headed by Yuri Shestak, arrived in Crimea. Agreement on the actions of the Crimean troops against the Lithuanian prince and the Polish king Casimir.

1.09 - the destruction of Kyiv by the Crimean Tatar army of Khan Mengli-Girey.

Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow, was born.

7.01 – Vasily Ivanovich, Prince of Ryazan, died.

10.10 – Dmitry Ivanovich Grandson was born, the only son of Ivan Ivanovich the Young and Elena Voloshanka, the eldest grandson of Ivan III, from 1498 to 1502 the formal co-ruler of his grandfather.

Uprising of the Smerds in Pskov.

Hiking to the Irtysh, Ural, Ob.

Vasily Yaroslavich, Prince of Serpukhov-Borovsk, died.

Euthymy, Bishop of Suzdal, died.

19.05 – the Church of the Annunciation was founded in the Kremlin

26.10 – Theophilus, Archbishop of Novgorod, died.

9.12 – Bishop Nifont was installed in Suzdal.

Maria Yaroslavna, the great, died princess Moscow, widow of Vasily II, mother of Ivan III.

Pachomius Logothetes, Serbian, hieromonk, hagiographer, hymnographer, compiler and editor of a number of lives of saints, laudable “Words”, services and canons, translator, died.

The Holy Trinity Alexander Svirsky Monastery was founded in the Olonetsky region on the shore of Lake Roshchinskoye.

A circle of heretics under Fyodor Kuritsyn was created in Moscow.

19.07 – laid down Taynitskaya the Kremlin tower, the first in terms of construction, was where the construction of modern walls and towers.

1.08 – a new Kremlin is being built.

The Kremlin under Ivan III. A. Vasnetsov.

11.09 – siege of Tver. Prince Mikhail Borisovich of Tver fled to Lithuania. Annexation of the Tver Principality to Moscow. Andrei Borisovich sat in Dmitrov. Zubtsovsky and Telyatevsky appanages went to Moscow

1.06 – the Church of the Annunciation in the Kremlin was consecrated


Aristotle Fioravanti died

9.07 – Voivode Danila Kholmsky takes Kazan. Khan Ali overthrown; Khan Mohammed-Emin recognizes vassal dependence on Russia.

Russian-Lithuanian war. Transition to Russia of the Vorotynsky, Belevsky and Vyazemsky princes with their possessions.

Italian architects are building the Moscow Kremlin. The Chamber of Facets is under construction.

Born in Novgorod, Anikei Fedorovich Stroganov, creator of the salt industry in Solvychegodsk and Perm the Great, colonizer of the Kama lands, major entrepreneur, statesman.

Simeon, Metropolitan of Kiev, died.

22.03 – the embassy was sent to Germany.

28.05 – Gerontius, Metropolitan of Moscow, died.

1.09 - Vyatka is taken by the troops of Ivan III. Vyatka land was annexed to the Russian state.

12.10 – the embassy arrived in Lubeck.

For the first time in sources the word “Cossack” is mentioned. According to S. M. Solovyov, the first mention of the Cossacks is found in the chronicle “The Tale of Mustafa Tsarevich” - the Ryazan Cossacks “came to the aid of the Ryazan and Muscovites against the Tatar Tsarevich Mustafa” at the end of 1444.

7.03 – Ivan Ivanovich Young, appanage prince of Tver, son and heir of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III Vasilyevich and his first wife Maria Borisovna, daughter of the Grand Duke of Tver Boris Alexandrovich and sister of the ruler of Tver, Mikhail Borisovich, died. As the nephew of Mikhail Borisovich, who had no sons, he claimed to inherit the Grand Duchy of Tver. I got sick with “ache in my legs.” The doctor Lebi Zhidovin was called from Venice, but he was unable to determine the cause of the illness from which Ivan the Young died.

5.08 - Andrei Ivanovich Staritsky, appanage prince Staritsky (1519 - 1537), was born, the sixth and youngest son of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III Vasilyevich and Sofia Fominichna Paleolog.

19.08 – a new embassy was sent to Germany.

26.09 – Zosima, Metropolitan of Moscow, died.

Saburova Solomonia Yuryevna, the first wife of Vasily III, Grand Duke of Moscow, was born. He was sent to a monastery for childlessness.

The Council condemns the heresy of the “Judaizers” - they denied monasticism and the spiritual hierarchy, rejected the worship of icons and cursed at them, did not believe in the sacrament of communion, denied the trinity of the Divinity and the divinity of Christ; some refusing to acknowledge the immortality of the human soul.

22.03 – the embassy arrived in Nuremberg

23.06 - the embassy departs back

30.08 – the embassy returned to Moscow. The embassy of King Alexander I of Kakheti arrived in Russia.

6.05 – a new embassy was sent to Germany.

25.05 – Daniel was installed as Metropolitan.

August 31 – peace treaty with the Ottoman Empire.

19.09 - arrested Andrey Vasilievich Bolshoy, appanage prince of Uglitsky, brother of the Great Moscow Prince Ivan III.

The Byzantine calendar was introduced: the beginning of the year was moved from 1.03 to 1.09.

Ivangorod laid down

“By order of Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich, he laid down a city on the German border, opposite the German city of Rugodiv. On Narova, on the Maiden Mountain on Slud, there is a quadrangular square and its name will be called Ivangrad.”

The campaign of the Cossacks of Bogdan Glinsky to Tyagyn, the capture of a military galley, and the liberation of slaves, the first known battle of the Ukrainian Cossacks.

Ozyu-Kale (Ochakov) was founded on the Black Sea coast.

7.11 - Andrei Vasilyevich Bolshoi, appanage prince of Uglitsky (1462-1492), fourth son of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily II Vasilyevich the Dark, died.

Dionysius, abbot of the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, died.

Kholmsky Daniil Dmitrievich, boyar and governor, one of the most outstanding military leaders of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III Vasilyevich, died. Treaty with Denmark, which assisted King John in the fight against the Swedish ruler Sven Sture.

Capture and ruin of Ochakov by the Cossacks of Bogdan Glinsky.

4.01 - a set of Orthodox chants “Osmoglasnik”, printed in Cyrillic, was published.

5.02 - “Eternal Peace” of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Alexander and the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III ended the border war of 1487-1494. Lithuania officially recognizes the transfer of the Vorotynsky, Belevsky and Vyazemsky princes and their possessions to Russia.

The Hanseatic court in Novgorod is closed.

22.09 – Simon is installed as Metropolitan of Moscow.

30.10 - the Russian army besieged Vyborg.

The construction of the existing walls and towers of the Kremlin has been completed.

26.08 – the Swedes took Ivan-Gorod. The Moscow army attacked Sweden through Karelia, but was stopped near Vyborg.

Ivan Ivanovich, Prince of Ryazan, was born.

Zosima, Metropolitan of Moscow, has died.

3.03 – armistice with Sweden for 6 years

1.05 – Macarius I, Metropolitan of Kiev, was born.

4.12 – the transfer of peasants to a new owner is allowed. The Code of Law of Ivan III was compiled and adopted. The official coat of arms of Russia was approved - a double-headed eagle, as a legacy of the Byzantine Empire.

17.02 – wedding of Dmitry the grandson for the Great Reign.

Magdeburg law introduced in Polotsk

The beginning of the year is the transition to the Russian state from Lithuania of the princes Semyon Belsky, Semyon Ivanovich Starodubsky and Vasily Ivanovich Novgorod-Seversky. War with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

27.07 - on the Vedroshi River near Dorogobuzh, the Lithuanians were defeated, the governor, Prince Konstantin Ostrozhsky, was captured. Russian troops occupied Seversk land.

BC or AD - what does it mean? In countries that adopted Christianity in ancient times, it was customary to divide eras into two parts - before the birth (Christmas) of Jesus Christ and after. If the event occurred before the birth of Jesus, then they say “before our era,” if after His birth, then they say “ad.” You can imagine this in the form of the following timeline:

Timeline "BC" and "AD" (click to enlarge)

Over time, this calculation of dates became universal not only for Christian countries, but also for many others. However, this was not always the case.

How and when did the designation “AD” and “BC” appear?

The designation “AD” and “BC” did not appear immediately. He didn’t exist immediately after Jesus, nor did he exist for more than 500 years after. At the time when the designation “before the Nativity of Christ” and “after the Nativity of Christ” arose, the Roman Empire existed with its own chronology. This happened in 241 from the beginning of the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian (who reigned in 284 AD) - the monk Dionysius the Small, while establishing the dates of Easter, calculated, as it seemed to him, the date of birth of Jesus Christ and took it as the starting point of the new era.

Dionysius established, according to the text of the New Testament, that Christ was born 525 years before he began his calculations. For Dionysius the Less, Emperor Diocletian was a pagan and a persecutor of Christians, therefore, as it seemed to him, it would not be very worthy to calculate these sacred dates from the time of a pagan emperor.

His system of reference was made popular in 731 (already AD) by another monk, the chronicler of Anglo-Saxon history Bede the Venerable in his work “On the Six Ages of the World.”

It was Bede who introduced the countdown in the opposite direction - “BC.” After this, the new frame of reference began to spread throughout all the then European countries. The last country in Western Europe to switch to the new chronology was Portugal - in 1422. In Russia, the “new era” was introduced by Peter I in 1699 - before that in Russia it was considered “from the creation of the world.”

In view of the event from which the countdown is made, they also say: “after the Nativity of Christ”, “before the Nativity of Christ”. Modern researchers of the New Testament say that Dionysius the Small made a slight mistake in his calculations - by about four years. Despite this, the designation “AD” and “BC” in the modern world has become detached from its religious roots and no longer exists regardless of the fact that, in fact, there is inaccuracy in the calculations. Briefly denoted "AD", "BC".

How to count the centuries of our era and BC? How are the years of our era and BC counted?

There is an easy way to determine the century AD or BC by knowing the date. For example, if it is 1961, then we remove the last two digits - 19 remains - and add one. It turns out 20, i.e. 1961 is the 20th century (or XX in Roman notation). If this is the year 525, then again remove the last two digits and add one. This means it is the 6th (VI) century - and it doesn’t matter in which direction - BC or AD.

What if this is 70 AD/BC? After all, if you remove two numbers, then there is nothing left! Everything is the same - since there is nothing left, we consider that we have zero - and add one to it. Thus, it turns out that all years before 99 AD or BC are the 1st (I) century AD or BC (or from/to the Nativity of Christ). The year 100 is already the 2nd century - or the 2nd century in Roman numerals.

How are the years of our era and BC counted? For example, if it is now 2017, and the ancient Roman Republic was founded in 509 BC, then 2526 years have passed from this event to the present day (2017 + 509 = 2526).

Counting within the framework of our era is carried out on the contrary, i.e. dates are subtracted - for example, if an event, well, say, the Battle of Borodino, happened in 1812, and now it’s 2018 - then 2018-1812 = 206. That is. 2018 marks the 206th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino.

2.75 Rating 2.75 (8 votes)

For events that occurred in the time period of our era (that is, everything that happened from our days to a period just over two thousand years ago), the century is calculated as follows: the last two digits of the year value are discarded, and one is added to the result. Let's say we need to find out in what century the Great Patriotic War began. This happened in 1941. We discard the last two digits (41) and add one to the remaining digits (19). The result is the number 20. That is The Great Patriotic War began in the twentieth century. Another example is that Oleg the Prophet died in 912. What century was it? We discard the numbers 12, add one to nine and understand that the Kiev prince died in the tenth century.

One clarification needs to be made here. A century is a period of one hundred years. If the last two digits of the year are 01, then this is the first year of the beginning of the century. If 00 is the last year of the century. So there is an exception to our rule. If the last two digits of the year are zeros, then we do not add one. How to determine such a century by year? For example, Pius VII became Pope in 1800. In what century did this happen? We discard the last two digits of the date, but keep in mind that these are zeros and do not add anything. We get 18.

How to determine a century by year or a millennium by year?

Pius VII became Pope in the 18th century. And the very next year the 19th century arrived. We figured out the definition of which century includes which year, relative to our era. What if we are talking about events that happened before?



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Roman numerals! Eh, let's count!

Leonid Maslov

Once there was a TV show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, where the host asked one of the players: “What number in the Roman account is denoted by the Latin letter D?” And the numbers 50, 100, 500 and 1000 were given for identification.

It would seem that anyone who studied diligently at school should know Roman arithmetic. But it was not there. The role of the player was then played by some famous singer or actor, and he could not answer this simple question.

Recently, on the website stikhi.ru, I read the works of a poet. And this is what I noticed - under almost every verse he wrote the year it was written in Roman numerals. Without knowing the rules for writing such numbers and their letter denomination, it is quite difficult to read the date. And some authors use Roman numerals to denote chapters of novels.

How to determine what century by year

So these figures are directly related to literature.

It's quite simple. The Roman calculus uses only seven signs: I, V, X, L, C, D, M.

These make up 14 basic numbers, of which 9 are ordinal: I - 1, II - 2, III - 3, IV - 4, V - 5, VI - 6, VII - 7, VIII - 8, IX - 9;

and 5 “round”: X - 10, L - 50, C - 100, D - 500, M - 1000.

This is the basis. Easy to remember. Now about how to count.

The numbers 1, 2 and 3 are indicated by the corresponding number of single digits - I, II, III.

Number IV (four) is a “five” with a “one” in front of it. It's like 5 minus 1.

The numbers VI (six), VII (seven) and VIII (eight) are “fives” with the corresponding number of single characters standing AFTER it. It's like 5+1, 5+2 and 5+3.

The numbers XI (eleven), XII (twelve) and XIII (thirteen) are a “ten” with the corresponding number of single characters appearing AFTER it. It's like 10+1, 10+2 and 10+3.

Then comes XIV (fourteen), i.e. 10+4. Well, and so on!

Let's move on to examples. What year is it now? 2010 It is written like this: MMX (1000+1000+10).

MDCCC - 1800. Example: years of life of L. Tolstoy - 1828-1910 (MDCCCXXVIII-MCMX). In his works, all chapters are numbered with Roman numerals.

MCM - 1900. Example: years of life of M. Sholokhov - 1905-1984 (MCMV-MCMLXXXIV). And in his novels all the numerals on the chapters are Roman.

The Roman numeral system is currently not widely used, with the exception, in some cases, of designating centuries (XV century, etc.), AD. e. (MCMLXXVII, etc.), months when indicating dates (for example, 1. V. 1975), and the numbering of watch dials and chapters of works of literature.

The largest number of Roman signs (15) is used when writing the number 3888 - MMMDCCCLXXXVIII.

The maximum possible number in Roman calculus is 3999, i.e. MMMCMXCIX.

So it is best to receive your salary in modern numbers - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, which were transferred to Europe by the Arabs in the 13th century. (possibly from India) and became widespread on earth from the second half of the 15th century.

Unlike Roman numbers, you can count absolutely everything in this world with Arabic numbers. Even molecules throughout the Universe along with the Earth. Just have time to add zeros...

Copyright: Leonid Maslov, 2010
Certificate of publication No. 210012801195

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Thank you!.. I didn’t know all the round ones, only X - 10
Here, somewhere there is such an angel with Roman numerals... -

I don't know if the link will appear...

Lyubushka 2 09/30/2016 19:25 Report violation

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I'll try again...

Lyubushka 2 10/01/2016 07:32 Report violation

Roman numerals on the plate from I to X.
Sincerely -

Leonid Maslov 10/01/2016 08:37 Report violation

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Many people find it difficult to answer the question: “How to determine the century by the year in which this or that event occurred?” In general, there is nothing complicated here. Now you will see it for yourself.

our era

For events that occurred in the time period of our era (that is, everything that happened from our days to a period just over two thousand years ago), the century is calculated as follows: the last two digits of the year value are discarded, and one is added to the result. Let's say we need to find out in what century the Great Patriotic War began.

How to determine which century by year?

This happened in 1941. We discard the last two digits (41) and add one to the remaining digits (19). The result is the number 20. That is The Great Patriotic War began in the twentieth century. Another example is that Oleg the Prophet died in 912. What century was it? We discard the numbers 12, add one to nine and understand that the Kiev prince died in the tenth century.

One clarification needs to be made here. A century is a period of one hundred years. If the last two digits of the year are 01, then this is the first year of the beginning of the century. If 00 is the last year of the century. So there is an exception to our rule. If the last two digits of the year are zeros, then we do not add one. How to determine such a century by year? For example, Pius VII became Pope in 1800. In what century did this happen? We discard the last two digits of the date, but keep in mind that these are zeros and do not add anything. We get 18. Pius VII became Pope in the 18th century. And the very next year the 19th century arrived. We figured out the definition of which century includes which year, relative to our era. What if we are talking about events that happened before?


Everything is a little more complicated here. From 1 year to 100 BC - this is the first century BC. From 101 to 200 - the second, and so on. Thus, to determine the century by the year before the birth of Christ, you need to discard the last two digits of the year and add one. And in the same way, if the last digits are two zeros, we do not add anything. Example: Carthage was destroyed in 146 BC. e. How to determine the century by year in this case? We discard the last two digits (46) and add one. We get the second century BC. And let's not forget about our exception: catapults were invented in 400 BC. We discard the last two digits, keep in mind that these are zeros, and do not add anything. It turns out that catapults were invented in the 4th century BC. It's simple!


Since we have figured out how to determine a century by year, let's try to learn how to determine a millennium at the same time. There is nothing complicated here either. Only you will have to discard not two, but the last three digits of the date, and still add 1.

Example: Alexander II abolished serfdom in 1861. In what millennium did he do this? We discard the last three digits (861) and add one more to the remaining one. Answer: second millennium. There are exceptions here too. If the last three digits are zeros, then one is not added.

The national currency “somoni” was introduced in Tajikistan in 2000. That is, this happened in the second millennium.

That is why those who celebrated the advent of the third millennium and the 21st century in 2000 were mistaken - these events only happened the following year.

If you understand all this simple arithmetic, then now you know exactly how to determine the century by year or even find out the number of the millennium.

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What is the 19th century in numbers?

Historically, in Russia centuries are written in Roman numerals, although recently one can increasingly see the use of Arabic numerals to indicate centuries. This happens due to banal illiteracy and ignorance of how to correctly write a particular century in Roman numerals, and people are also increasingly asking questions, What century is this, the 19th century in numbers?

XIX what century is this

In order not to simply answer the question posed XIX is what century? and to get rid of such questions in the future, you need to understand how Roman numerals are read. In fact, there is nothing complicated here.
So, Roman numerals are designated as follows:
I – 1
II – 2
III – 3
IV – 4
V – 5
VI – 6
VII – 7
VIII – 8
IX – 9
X – 10
It turns out that only 5 Roman numerals have an individual style, the rest are obtained by substituting I. If I is in front of the main digit, this means minus 1, if after, then plus 1.
With this knowledge, you can easily answer the question: What century is this?

XIX what century is this

And yet, what century is this? Reading these simple numbers, many break them down into 3 values ​​- X, I, X and get some very strange century - 10 - 1 - 10, i.e. 10 thousand 110 century. Of course this is not the correct layout. The number XIX consists of 2 components - X and IX and is deciphered very simply - 1 and 9, i.e. it turns out 19.

Thus, the answer to the question, which century is the 19th century, will be the 19th century.

What will the remaining centuries look like written in Roman numerals?

XI – 11
XII – 12
XIII- 13
XIV – 14
XV – 15
XVI – 16
XVII – 17
XVIII – 18
XIX – 19
XX – 20

The century we live in now is referred to as XXI.

What century is this?

Many people wonder why in Russia centuries began to be denoted by Roman numerals, because everyone knows that in the same English language centuries are denoted by familiar Arabic numerals, which are known and understood by everyone, so why complicate your life?

In fact, everything is quite simple, the fact is that Roman numerals are not used exclusively in Russia and not only to indicate the century.

How to determine the century by year

It is believed that Roman numerals are more solemn and significant than the banal Arabic ones, known to everyone. Thus, Roman numerals have been used for centuries to indicate particularly significant events or to give some solemnity and highlight.

You will be convinced that not only the century is indicated by Roman numerals quite simply, just look at the book edition of the works in several volumes, where the volumes are probably numbered with Roman numerals. In all countries, royalty was numbered with Roman numerals: Peter I, Elizabeth II, Louis XIV, etc.

In some countries, Roman numerals even indicate years, which is much more difficult than learning what century it is in the 19th century, because when hundreds and thousands are added, Roman numerals also increase by several digits - L, C, V and M. Years marked with Roman numerals, unlike centuries, look really scary, so 1984 is written as MCMLXXXIV.

All Olympic Games are also designated by Roman numerals. Thus, in 2014 of the 21st century, the XXII Winter Olympic Games were held in Sochi.
Thus, we can say that without knowing what century the 19th century is, a person deprives himself of the opportunity to freely read about various events taking place in the world.

Most likely, in the near future centuries in Russia will still be designated by traditional Arabic numerals and questions like which century is the 19th century will disappear by themselves, because the nineteenth century will be written in a way that is understandable to everyone - the 19th century.

And yet, knowing at least the first hundred Roman numerals is simply necessary for a literate person, because not only centuries are designated by them.

How to accurately convert dates according to the old style and new style

old New Year Many people habitually note. Where did such a strange holiday come from? How to accurately convert dates “old style” and new?

In 45 BC it was introduced Julian calendar, which spread throughout Europe. It included the duration of the Earth's revolution around the Sun as 365 days + 6 hours. These 6 hours were summed up, and an additional day appeared every four years - February 29. It seems logical.

But! Gradually with calculating Christian holidays it became obvious that this calendar was not very accurate.

How to determine the age?

And then October 5, 1592 Pope Gregory XIII issued a bull that this day should be considered October 15. Difference between the dates of the Julian calendar and the new (Gregorian) calendar was 10 days.

In the Russian Empire, the Julian calendar continued to be used to January 31, 1918, When after January 31, February 14 came immediately. At this time, the difference between the two calendars was already 13 days.

To compare dates, remember, that in the 16th and 17th centuries the difference was 10 days, in the 18th century - 11 days, in the 19th century - 12 days, in the 20th and 21st centuries - 13 days, in the 22nd century it will be 14 days, in the 23rd century - 15 days.

I will only add that in the Gregorian calendar, as in the Julian calendar, every fourth year is a leap year. Accordingly, years divisible by 400 are also leap years. But multiples of 100 and not multiples of 400 are not leap years (for example, 1900, 2100).

Interesting things.

From 1929 to 1931, the so-called revolutionary calendar. There were 12 months of 30 days in a year. “extra days” had their own names: Lenin Day(followed after January 30), two Industrial day(followed after November 7), two Labor Day(after April 30). In a leap year, one more day was added - after February 30.
The week consisted of five days, designated by different colors for different groups of workers.

In subsequent years, the Gregorian calendar was used in chronology.

However, in tear-off calendars, the year was often indicated on the date page, counting from the completion of the October Revolution

Historical chronology, as is known, is divided into two periods. In the beginning there was a time that contemporaries call the stage BC. It ends with the beginning of the first year. At this time our era began, which continues to this day. And although today people do not say “AD” when naming the year, it is nevertheless implied.

The first calendars

The process of human evolution created the need to organize dates and times. The ancient farmer needed to know as accurately as possible what time it was best for him to sow seeds, and the nomadic livestock breeder needed to know when to move to other territories in order to have time to provide his livestock with food.

This is how the very first calendars began to appear. And they were based on observations of celestial bodies and nature. Different peoples had different time calendars. For example, the Romans counted their chronology from the founding of Rome - from 753 BC, while the Egyptians - from the first moment of the reign of each of the pharaonic dynasties. Many religions also created their own calendars. For example, in Islam, a new era begins with the year in which the prophet Muhammad was born.

Julian and Gregorian calendars

In 45 BC, Gaius Julius Caesar founded his calendar. In it, the year began on the first of January and lasted twelve months. This calendar was called the Julian calendar.

The one we use today was introduced in 1582 by Pope Gregory the Twelfth. He managed to eliminate some significant inaccuracies that had accumulated since the first. At that time, they amounted to as much as ten days. The difference between Julian and increases by about a day every century, and today it is already thirteen days.

In history, chronology always plays a big role. After all, it is important to imagine in what period of time a significant event in the life of mankind took place, be it the creation of the first tools or the beginning. They say that history without dates is like mathematics without numbers.

Religious form of chronology

Since the beginning of our era is calculated from the year considered the date of the birth of Jesus, in the religious version the corresponding entry is often used: from the Nativity of Christ and before it. There is still no completely accurate historical data about when life appeared on our planet. And only based on religious and historical artifacts can scientists make conclusions about when approximately this or that event occurred. In this case, the years BC are indicated in chronological reverse order.

Zero year

The mention of the division between the time before and after the birth of Christ is associated with a calculation in astronomical notation made according to the integer numbers on the coordinate axis. Year zero is not commonly used in either religious or secular notations. But it is very common in astronomical notation and in ISO 8601, an international standard issued by an organization such as the International Organization for Standardization. It describes the format of dates and times and provides guidelines for their use in an international context.


The concept of “BC” became widespread in chronology after its use by the Venerable Bede, a Benedictine monk. He wrote about it in one of his treatises. And starting from 731, the calculation of time was divided into two periods: before our era and after it. Gradually, almost all countries in Western Europe began to switch to this calendar. The most recent of them was Portugal. This happened on August 22, 1422. Until January 1, 1700, Russia used the chronological calculation of the Constantinople era. The Christian era “from the creation of the world” was taken as the starting point. By and large, many eras were based on the relationship between the “days of the creation of the world” and the entire duration of its existence. And Constantinople was created under Constantius, and its chronology was carried out from the first of September 5509 BC. However, since this emperor was not a “consistent Christian,” his name, and at the same time the countdown he compiled, are reluctantly mentioned.

Prehistoric and historical eras

History is prehistoric and historical eras. The first of them begins with the appearance of the first person, and ends when writing appeared. The prehistoric era is divided into several time periods. The basis for their classification is archaeological finds. These materials, from which people before our era made tools, the period when they used them, formed the basis for recreating not only the time frame, but also the names of the stages of the prehistoric era.

The historical era consists of the periods of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, as well as New and Modern times. In different countries they occurred at different times, so scientists are not able to determine their exact time frame.

It is well known that the new era at the very beginning was not calculated by a continuous count of years, for example, from the first year to, say, the current one. Its chronology began much later, with the date of the Nativity of Christ. It is believed that it was first calculated by a Roman monk named Dionysius the Lesser in the sixth century, that is, more than five hundred years after the dated event. To get the result, Dionysius first counted the date of the Resurrection of Christ, based on church tradition that the Son of God was crucified in the thirty-first year of his life.

The date of his Resurrection, according to the Roman monk, is the twenty-fifth of March 5539 according to the chronology “from Adam”, and the year of the Nativity of Christ, therefore, became 5508 according to the Byzantine era. It must be said that Dionysius’ calculations raised doubts in the West until the fifteenth century. In Byzantium itself they were never recognized as canonical.

From the seventh to the third millennium BC, the planet experienced the Neolithic era - the period of transition from the appropriating form of economy, namely hunting and gathering, to the producing one - agriculture and cattle breeding. Weaving, grinding of stone tools and pottery appeared at this time.

The end of the fourth - the beginning of the first millennium BC: the Bronze Age reigns on the planet. Metal and bronze weapons became widespread, and nomadic cattle breeders appeared. replaced by Iron. At this time, the first and second dynasties ruled in Egypt, uniting the country into a single

In 2850-2450 BC. e. The economic rise of the Sumerian civilization began. From 2800 to 1100, the Aegean, or culture of Ancient Greece, rises. Almost at the same time, the Indus civilization arose in the Indus Valley, and the kingdom of Troy reached its peak.

Around 1190 BC e. The powerful Hittite state collapsed. Almost four decades later, the Elamite king captured Babylonia, and the height of his power began.

In 1126-1105 BC. e. The reign of the Babylonian ruler Nebuchadnezzar began. In 331, the first state was formed in the Caucasus. In 327 BC. e. The Indian company of Alexander the Great took place. During this period, many events took place, including the slave uprising in Sicily, the Allied War, the Mithridatic Wars, the campaign against the Parthians, and the reign of Emperor Augustus.

And finally, between the eighth and fourth years BC, Christ was born.

New chronology

Different peoples have always had different concepts of chronology. Each state solved this problem independently, guided by both religious and political motives. It was only by the nineteenth century that all Christian states established a single point of reference, which is still used today under the name “our era.” The ancient Mayan calendar, the Byzantine era, the Hebrew chronology, the Chinese - they all had their own date for the creation of the world.

For example, the Japanese calendar began in 660 BC and was updated after each death of the emperor. The Buddhist era will soon enter the year 2484 and the Hindi calendar will enter the year 2080. The Aztecs updated their calendar once every 1454 years, after the death and rebirth of the Sun. Therefore, if their civilization had not perished, today would only be 546 AD for them...

Ancient world map

Before our era, travelers were also interested in the world and drew up drawings of their routes. They transferred them to tree bark, sand or papyrus. The first map of the world appeared many millennia before the new era. It was rock paintings that became one of the first images. While people were exploring the Earth, they became especially interested in ancient maps of bygone eras. Some of them represent our planet as a huge island washed by the ocean, while on others you can already see the outlines of the continents.

Babylonian map

The very first map created before our era was a small clay tablet found in Mesopotamia. It dates from the end of the eighth - beginning of the seventh centuries before our chronology and is the only one that has come down to us from the Babylonians. The land there is surrounded by seas called “salt water.” Behind the water are triangles, obviously indicating mountains of distant lands.

This map shows the state of Urartu (modern Armenia), Assyria (Iraq), Elam (Iran) and Babylon itself, in the middle of which the Euphrates flows.

Eratosthenes Map

Even the ancient Greeks imagined the Earth as a sphere and argued this very elegantly. Pythagoras, for example, said that everything is harmonious in nature, and the most perfect form in it is the ball, in the form of which our planet exists. The first map compiled taking into account this image of the Earth belongs to Eratosthenes. He lived in the third century BC in Cyrene. It is believed that this scientist who led and coined the term “geography”. It was he who for the first time, even before our era, drew the world into parallels and meridians and called them “running side by side” or “midday” lines. The world of Eratosthenes was one island, which was washed by the North Ocean from above and the Atlantic Ocean from below. It was divided into Europe, Ariana and Arabia, India and Scythia. In the south was Taprobane - present-day Ceylon.

At the same time, it seemed to Eratosthenes that there were “antipodes” living on the other hemisphere, which were impossible to reach. After all, people then, including the ancient Greeks, thought that it was so hot near the equator that the sea boiled there and all living things burned. And, on the contrary, it is very cold at the poles, and not a single person survives there.

Ptolemy's Map

For several centuries, another map of the world was considered the main one. It was compiled by the ancient Greek scientist Claudius Ptolemy. Created around one hundred and fifty BC, it was part of the eight-volume Manual of Geography.

For Ptolemy, Asia occupied the space from the North Pole to the equator itself, displacing the Pacific Ocean, while Africa smoothly flowed into terra incognita, occupying the entire South Pole. To the north of Scythia there was the mythical Hyperborea, but nothing was said about America or Australia. It was thanks to this map that Columbus began to reach India, while sailing to the west. And even after the discovery of America, they continued to use the map from Ptolemy for some time.