Presentation: Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy based on Gogol’s story Taras Bulba. "Compilation of characteristics of Ostap and Andriy. N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba""

The sons of Taras Bulba, Ostap and Andriy, are the main characters in N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”. Taras Bulba Ostap AndriyN. V. Gogol Two brothers Ostap and Andriy, who grew up and were brought up in the same conditions, are completely opposite personalities.

Ostap Andriy Years of study Ostap. Artist E. Kibrik Andriy..Artist E. Kibrik. 1945

Ostap The Younger Son He studied willingly and had an inventive mind, which allowed him to avoid punishment for participating in the pranks of the students. He is distinguished by his ardent imagination, secrecy, love of solitude, impressionability, and love of female beauty. Andriy Eldest son Brave, stern and did not tolerate insults directed at himself. He is silent, calm, reasonable. Ostap was considered the best comrade, never betrayed, loved war and wild parties.

Both brothers died a terrible death. Andriy was killed by his father for treason and betrayal. Ostap was executed. He died like a hero who endured all the torments and trials. He endured all the hardships of execution. He was helped by his love for his comrades and his homeland. During Ostap’s execution, Taras looked with downcast eyes, but when his son needed support, he shouted: “I hear you!” This is "I hear you!" - boundless love and tenderness for his son, pride, hatred of enemies, threat of revenge. Taras Bulba accepted the death of his dear, beloved sons. The death of a true Cossack and traitor - his son.

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Ostap and Andriy Portrait. Portrait characteristics. Literary images of the heroes of the work.

Gerasim is the main character of the story “Mumu.” What does an author need to create the image of a literary hero? What does it create? How to do it? To create an image, the author needs to know:

Means of creating the image of a literary hero hero name portrait appearance clothes Occupation behavior interior Actions We answered the question “What does the author create?”

An artist paints with paints, and a writer draws using means of artistic representation: metaphors, comparisons, personifications, hyperboles, etc. We answered the question: How does the author create an image?

Let’s answer one more question: What is the difference between the terms “portrait” and “portrait characteristic?” We found out that the term “portrait characterization” is a broader concept, which also includes the author’s assessment of the character and behavior of the hero.

Now let's talk about our heroes. Ostap Andriy At the beginning, the author gives a general portrait of the brothers. Why? But here the difference between the brothers is emphasized. How? Are the brothers the same or different? Let's fill out the table

Ostap Andriy Where did you study? How did you study? How did you study? Pranks and pranks? Pranks and pranks? Responsibility for an offense Responsibility for an offense Attitude towards their poor mother Did they make good warriors? Is he capable of betraying his comrades? Is he capable of betraying his comrades?

Why do you think Andriy becomes a traitor? Give arguments in writing: How could we justify it? Can he be justified?

At the beginning of the story there is an indication that Andriy may betray his homeland. Find the Motherland in the text, Mother - know how to defend! Mother What three central words - symbols are present in the story “Taras Bulba”, around which the entire story is built? Motherland LOVE

What character traits of Andria led to betrayal? Do you agree with the statement: “Andriy could only think about himself, and therefore was not able to stand up for the common cause?” Give a complete written answer to this question and receive a grade.

In the next lesson we will talk to you about Taras Bulba, about comradeship, about the modernity of the story.

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Literature lesson in 7th grade. Teacher Fateeva O.V. GBOU Secondary School No. 104 named after M.S. Kharchenko

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Two lives, two destinies. Images of Ostap and Andriy - heroes of the story “Taras Bulba” Comparative characteristics

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The purpose of the lesson is to find out what problems, in addition to the problem of national identity, are revealed by N.V. Gogol, comparing, contrasting the images of the heroes of the story “Taras Bulba” - Ostap and Andria -, identifying their similarities and differences

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Stages of comparative characterization of Ostap and Andriy Impression from the first acquaintance with the sons of Taras Bulba Ostap and Andriy Brothers while studying at the bursa The behavior of young Cossacks in the Zaporozhye Sich, in battle The sons of Taras in the last minutes of life and at the time of death

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“They were two stalwart young men... Their strong, healthy faces were covered with the first fluff of hair, which had not yet been touched by a razor. They were very embarrassed by their father’s reception and stood motionless, with their eyes cast down to the ground.” First meeting with the heroes of the story

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Ostap and Andriy. First impression of meeting the brothers. Outwardly, the brothers are similar. Both look comical in ridiculous attire, both are embarrassed by their father’s reception. Ostap, defending his dignity, is characterized by Taras as a “good Cossack”, “he pushed me nicely.” Andriy is a refined nature: unlike Ostap, he did not hit his father in response to barbs and jokes , for which Taras called him “mazunchik.”

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Ostap and Andriy in the bursa Ostap’s character trait of stubbornness can be judged by his actions (he ran away from the bursa four times) He was able to overcome himself (despite his dislike for learning, he became one of the best students in the bursa) “He (Ostap) was flogged inhumanely” , which hardened his character and instilled in him firmness of will. Ostap was considered the best comrade, he never betrayed, he loved war and wild parties. “Andriy had feelings that were somewhat more lively and somehow more developed.” He studied willingly and had an inventive mind, which allowed him to avoid punishment for participating in the pranks of the students. He is distinguished by his ardent imagination, secrecy, love of solitude, impressionability, and love of female beauty.

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Ostap and Andriy in the Sich Both are in good standing with the Cossacks, both are noticeable by their direct prowess and luck in everything (they shoot accurately, swim across the Dnieper) BUT Andriy was most impressed by the terrible execution for murder “... for a long time he imagined a terrible rite”

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Ostap and Andriy in battle Both are brave, worthy of the title of warrior Ostap reveals “the inclinations of a future leader,” composure, and ingenuity in battle. “In time there will be a good colonel,” Taras says about him. “Andriy was completely immersed in the charming music of bullets and swords.” He sees “mad bliss and rapture” in battle; in battles he is passionate and uncontrollably brave. It is the audacity of his actions, the power of passion, the uncontrollability of his nature that unites Andriy with the Sich. Taras, who knows a lot about military affairs, praises Andriy's prowess, but puts Ostap higher.

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Andriy during the siege of Dubno “... he could not sleep and looked at the sky for a long time. It was all open to him; the air was clean and transparent. The density of stars that made up the Milky Way, moving like a belt across the sky, was all flooded with light. At times Andriy seemed to forget, and some light fog of drowsiness obscured the sky in front of him for a moment, and then it cleared again and became visible again.” Andriy did not stay deaf to the beauty of nature

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Andriy's path to the besieged city “He looked with curiosity at these earthen walls, which reminded him of the Kyiv caves.” “The entire altar... suddenly appeared in a radiance... Andriy looked, not without amazement... at the miracle produced by the light.” “...and Andriy marveled with his mouth half open at the majestic music” of the organ. “Moved by compassion, he threw one piece of bread to him.” “Andriy had already seen from afar a house, unlike the others... built by some Italian architect. “She (the Pole) was twice as beautiful and wonderful now... it was a work to which the artist gave the last stroke of the brush. ...this was a beautiful woman in all her developed beauty.” “And Andriy felt reverent fear in his soul and became motionless in front of her.” “Mental movements and feelings, which until then seemed to be held by someone with a heavy bridle, now felt liberated, free...”

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Andriy at the lady’s “Who said that my homeland is Ukraine? Who gave it to me as my homeland?” The Fatherland is what our soul seeks, what is dearer to it than anything else... I have no one! No one, no one!.. My fatherland is you... And everything I have, I will sell, give away, destroy for such a fatherland!”

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Why does Andriy renounce his Fatherland, father, and comrades? What makes him do this? How can you call Andriy’s action? Is it possible to say unequivocally that Andriy is a traitor? Andriy is a traitor?!

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The last meeting of Andriy with his father Andriy did not run at the sight of his father, did not ask for mercy, but only turned pale and “obediently, like a child, dismounted from his horse and stopped neither alive nor dead in front of Taras” “Andriy was pale as a sheet...his lips moved quietly ...and he pronounced someone’s name; but it was not the name of the fatherland or mother or brothers - it was the name of a beautiful Pole..."

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Does Andriy realize his guilt? Does he repent of what he did? Andriy recognizes his guilt, tacitly acknowledges his father’s right to punish him, but does not speak to him. He is afraid of death. But he doesn't ask for mercy. The consciousness of his guilt does not move him to repentance. Andriy dies with the name of a Polish woman, not having come to terms with it. He had already made his choice and did not change it even in the face of death. Andriy in the face of death

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Andriy's death is like the death of a traitor?! “Like an ear of grain cut with a sickle, like a young lamb sensing a deadly iron under his heart, he hung his head and fell on the grass without saying a word.” “He disappeared, disappeared ingloriously, like a vile dog!” “... such a shameful thing for his own son to sell his faith and soul”

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Andriy is a traitor?! Andriy is characterized by such character qualities as a subtle mental organization, a thirst for achievement, insane courage, the ability to experience beauty (the beauty of a woman, nature), the fact that he is not like everyone else. For Andriy, beauty is above all, the impressions it makes in his finely organized soul. Beauty for him is a value in itself, and in the case of the Polish woman, in order to have beauty, he is forced to betray his homeland, faith, father, brother and comrades. For Andriy, above all, that beauty, those impressions that resonate in his soul. Beauty for him is a value in itself, and in the case of the Polish woman, in order to have beauty, he is forced to betray his homeland, faith, father, brother and comrades.

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The “Cossack” died. This is not about the death of a specific person. Andriy, having renounced all the ideals of the Sich (love of the motherland, loyalty to his word, comradeship), ceased to be a Cossack. Having given in to his passion, he ceased to be the Son of His Fatherland. Andriy perceived life more fully, and not just as the fulfillment of duty. He was attracted by beauty, “his feelings were more developed.” And these are the values ​​of peaceful, not military life. He does not fully fit into his Cossack environment.

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Ostap in the last battle “But they are already defeating Ostap; Already one has thrown a lasso around his neck, they are already tying him up, they are already taking Ostap... “Eh, Ostap, Ostap!”

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Ostap during the execution “They walked not fearfully, not gloomily, but with a kind of quiet pride... Ostap walked ahead of everyone... He would not want to hear the sobs and contrition of a weak mother or the insane cries of his wife..., he would like to see a firm husband who I would have refreshed him with a reasonable word and consoled him at his death.”

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Literature lesson in 7th grade. Teacher Fateeva O.V. GBOU Secondary School No. 104 named after M.S. Kharchenko

Two lives, two destinies. Images of Ostap and Andriy - heroes of the story “Taras Bulba” Comparative characteristics

The purpose of the lesson is to find out what problems, in addition to the problem of national identity, are revealed by N.V. Gogol, comparing, contrasting the images of the heroes of the story “Taras Bulba” - Ostap and Andria -, identifying their similarities and differences

Stages of comparative characterization of Ostap and Andriy Impression from the first acquaintance with the sons of Taras Bulba Ostap and Andriy Brothers while studying at the bursa The behavior of young Cossacks in the Zaporozhye Sich, in battle The sons of Taras in the last minutes of life and at the time of death

“They were two stalwart young men... Their strong, healthy faces were covered with the first fluff of hair, which had not yet been touched by a razor. They were very embarrassed by their father’s reception and stood motionless, with their eyes cast down to the ground.” First meeting with the heroes of the story

Ostap and Andriy. First impression of meeting the brothers. Outwardly, the brothers are similar. Both look comical in ridiculous attire, both are embarrassed by their father’s reception. Ostap, defending his dignity, is characterized by Taras as a “good Cossack”, “he pushed me nicely.” Andriy is a refined nature: unlike Ostap, he did not hit his father in response to barbs and jokes , for which Taras called him “mazunchik.”

Ostap and Andriy in the bursa Ostap’s character trait of stubbornness can be judged by his actions (he ran away from the bursa four times) He was able to overcome himself (despite his dislike for learning, he became one of the best students in the bursa) “He (Ostap) was flogged inhumanely” , which hardened his character and instilled in him firmness of will. Ostap was considered the best comrade, he never betrayed, he loved war and wild parties. “Andriy had feelings that were somewhat more lively and somehow more developed.” He studied willingly and had an inventive mind, which allowed him to avoid punishment for participating in the pranks of the students. He is distinguished by his ardent imagination, secrecy, love of solitude, impressionability, and love of female beauty.

Ostap and Andriy in the Sich Both are in good standing with the Cossacks, both are noticeable by their direct prowess and luck in everything (they shoot accurately, swim across the Dnieper) BUT Andriy was most impressed by the terrible execution for murder “... for a long time he imagined a terrible rite”

Ostap and Andriy in battle Both are brave, worthy of the title of warrior Ostap reveals “the inclinations of a future leader,” composure, and ingenuity in battle. “In time there will be a good colonel,” Taras says about him. “Andriy was completely immersed in the charming music of bullets and swords.” He sees “mad bliss and rapture” in battle; in battles he is passionate and uncontrollably brave. It is the audacity of his actions, the power of passion, the uncontrollability of his nature that unites Andriy with the Sich. Taras, who knows a lot about military affairs, praises Andriy's prowess, but puts Ostap higher.

Andriy during the siege of Dubno “... he could not sleep and looked at the sky for a long time. It was all open in front of him, clean and transparent in the air. The density of stars that made up the Milky Way, moving like a belt across the sky, was all flooded with light. At times Andriy seemed to forget, and some light fog of drowsiness obscured the sky in front of him for a moment, and then it cleared again and became visible again.” Andriy did not stay deaf to the beauty of nature

Andriy's path to the besieged city “He looked with curiosity at these earthen walls, which reminded him of the Kyiv caves.” “The entire altar... suddenly appeared in a radiance... Andriy looked, not without amazement... at the miracle produced by the light.” “...and Andriy marveled with his mouth half open at the majestic music” of the organ. “Moved by compassion, he threw one piece of bread to him.” “Andriy had already seen from afar a house, unlike the others... built by some Italian architect. “She (the Pole) was twice as beautiful and wonderful now... it was a work to which the artist gave the last stroke of the brush. ...this was a beautiful woman in all her developed beauty.” “And Andriy felt reverent fear in his soul and became motionless in front of her.” “Mental movements and feelings, which until then seemed to be held by someone with a heavy bridle, now felt liberated, free...”

Andriy at the lady’s “Who said that my homeland is Ukraine? Who gave it to me as my homeland?” The Fatherland is what our soul seeks, what is dearer to it than anything else... I have no one! No one, no one!.. My fatherland is you... And everything I have, I will sell, give away, destroy for such a fatherland!”

Why does Andriy renounce his Fatherland, father, and comrades? What makes him do this? How can you call Andriy’s action? Is it possible to say unequivocally that Andriy is a traitor? Andriy is a traitor?!

The last meeting of Andriy with his father Andriy did not run at the sight of his father, did not ask for mercy, but only turned pale and “obediently, like a child, dismounted from his horse and stopped neither alive nor dead in front of Taras” “Andriy was pale as a sheet...his lips moved quietly ... and he pronounced someone’s name, but it was not the name of his homeland, or his mother, or his brothers - it was the name of a beautiful Polish woman...”

Does Andriy realize his guilt? Does he repent of what he did? Andriy recognizes his guilt, tacitly acknowledges his father’s right to punish him, but does not speak to him. He is afraid of death. But he doesn't ask for mercy. The consciousness of his guilt does not move him to repentance. Andriy dies with the name of a Polish woman, not having come to terms with it. He had already made his choice and did not change it even in the face of death. Andriy in the face of death

Andriy's death is like the death of a traitor?! “Like an ear of grain cut with a sickle, like a young lamb sensing a deadly iron under his heart, he hung his head and fell on the grass without saying a word.” “He disappeared, disappeared ingloriously, like a vile dog!” “... such a shameful thing for his own son to sell his faith and soul”

Andriy is a traitor?! Andriy is characterized by such character qualities as a subtle mental organization, a thirst for achievement, insane courage, the ability to experience beauty (the beauty of a woman, nature), the fact that he is not like everyone else. For Andriy, beauty is above all, the impressions it makes in his finely organized soul. Beauty for him is a value in itself, and in the case of the Polish woman, in order to have beauty, he is forced to betray his homeland, faith, father, brother and comrades. For Andriy, above all, that beauty, those impressions that resonate in his soul. Beauty for him is a value in itself, and in the case of the Polish woman, in order to have beauty, he is forced to betray his homeland, faith, father, brother and comrades.

The “Cossack” died. This is not about the death of a specific person. Andriy, having renounced all the ideals of the Sich (love of the motherland, loyalty to his word, comradeship), ceased to be a Cossack. Having given in to his passion, he ceased to be the Son of His Fatherland. Andriy perceived life more fully, and not just as the fulfillment of duty. He was attracted by beauty, “his feelings were more developed.” And these are the values ​​of peaceful, not military life. He does not fully fit into his Cossack environment.

Ostap in the last battle “But they are already overpowering Ostap, one has already thrown a lasso around his neck, they are already tying him up, they are already taking Ostap... “Eh, Ostap, Ostap!”

Ostap during the execution “They walked not fearfully, not gloomily, but with a kind of quiet pride... Ostap walked ahead of everyone... He would not want to hear the sobs and contrition of a weak mother or the insane cries of his wife..., he would like to see a firm husband who I would have refreshed him with a reasonable word and consoled him at his death.”

Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andria based on Gogol's story Taras Bulba

The theme of N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba” is not just a depiction of the life of the Ukrainian Cossacks in ancient times, not just an excursion into the history of the struggle of the best sons of the Fatherland for its independence - the writer showed us the soul of the people, the formation of their national identity. That’s why the author takes us to the Zaporozhye Sich - the heart of the Ukrainian Cossacks. That’s why she admires, together with us, the readers, her free, brave knights, and admires the unshakable and fair, albeit harsh, laws of the Sich. “This is the nest from which all those proud and strong, like lions, fly out. This is where the will and Cossacks spread throughout Ukraine,” writes N.V. Gogol with pride. The author shows us precisely the young Cossacks, the sons of the glorious Colonel Taras Bulba, so that in their faces we can see young Ukraine, its strength and aspirations.

The Zaporozhye Sich was a guiding star for them. Even Ostap, who was languishing with boredom in the school and buried his primer in the ground four times, began to study well as soon as his father threatened to send an ignorant student to a monastery and said that he would never see Zaporozhye like his own ears. Ostap became one of the best students. Andriy lived not so much in dreams of the future, but in the present, walked, fell in love. Today he was a student, but tomorrow has not yet come.

The characters of the brothers emerge even during their studies at the bursa. Open and straightforward, Ostap endures punishment for Bursak pranks, but does not betray his comrades. Andriy knows how to get away with it, never exposing his back to the rod, although he often leads some of the students’ raids on the market. He seems more developed, more sensitive, more romantic than his older brother, not noticing either beautiful girls, or flowering gardens - nothing in the world, all of whose thoughts are about friendly parties and the military prowess of the Cossacks. Andriy seems at first better than Ostap, more soulful and humane, capable of more subtle, tender feelings and experiences.

When the brothers arrive home from Bursa, we see that the eldest will not allow anyone to laugh at him and is even ready to fight with his fists with his own father, and the younger one does not seem to hear the ridicule. The harsh and even rude Ostap, leaving for the Sich, feels sorry for his own mother, thinks about his quickly flashed childhood, and the “romantic” Andriy seemed to cut himself off from everything, forgot about everything. He seems to be a man without a “root”, without a core. The brothers' behavior in the Sich, military exercises, horse riding and shooting are assessed by the most demanding judge - their father Taras. He is proud of his sons, their courage, dexterity, leadership among young people, but he also notices the difference in their behavior. Andriy “was completely immersed in the charming music of bullets and swords.” He does not know what it means to think about, or calculate, or measure in advance his own and others’ strengths; that is, he loves battle for the sake of battle itself, sees only himself on the battlefield, wants to entertain himself, to show himself.

Ostap, first of all, “in an instant could measure out the entire danger and the entire state of affairs, and could immediately find a way to evade it in order to then more accurately overcome it.” Taras understands that the eldest son will make a “good colonel.” It is precisely then, in order to test his sons in battle, in order to raise them in the best traditions of the Cossacks, that he demands to go on a campaign. The campaign and siege of Dubno will truly become an important milestone in the life and military path of the brothers. When Ataman Bearded dies, the Uman people will unanimously elect Ostap as Ataman Ataman, even though he is the youngest among them. The Cossack will not make excuses, because he will understand: his time has come. He will immediately prove himself to be a good organizer and a reasonable commander. Many episodes of the last battle are connected specifically with Ostap. Almost “eight people at once” can even defeat him.

Andriy, as soon as he sees his beloved beautiful Pole, not only commits a humane act - he gives bread for the girl’s mother, who is dying of hunger, he betrays those closest to him, his dearest: “What is my father, comrades, and homeland to me! My homeland is you! I will sell, give away, and destroy everything I have for such a fatherland!” A person without a sense of homeland, without loyalty to friendship is lonely before death. No one will give him the strength to withstand punishment, no one will stand next to him to share his final torment and support him. We see the frightened, pale Andriy, standing in front of his father for the last time - and we do not see father and son. Taras kills his son with his own hand, because this is the only thing, in his opinion, that he can do to avoid shame. He will even deny his dead son the last honors - burial at the hands of his comrades. Bulba will tear the traitor out of her heart. Having abandoned the dead man at the edge of the forest, Taras will gallop to his comrades, who call him - the chieftain - father, because they are his children “by heart, not by blood.”

But Taras will make his way to Ostap, surrounded by enemies, to the last, until he himself falls unconscious. In spite of everything, he will go to the very thick of it - to the enemy’s capital Warsaw, offering any money for the release of his son, and when he cannot do anything, he will not abandon him at the last minute, he will come to the square where the Cossacks will be executed. Even in terrible grief, Taras has something to be proud of for his son. In the enemy camp, Ostap feels like a part of the Ukrainian Cossacks, a commander, who should be an example for his comrades. Taras understands that he has raised a wonderful son, a true comrade, dear not only by blood, but also by soul. They deserve each other. Ostap's last words on the square do not show the hero's weakness at all, but a strong man who, for a moment, before his death, asked for friendly support. Father's "I hear you!" will sound like that greeting from the Sich, from Ukraine, the word of the highest friendship and love.

The author fully shares this respect and love for the hero, even the “wake for Ostap” therefore does not look too cruel, because we understand the father and share his grief. And the author, like Taras, no longer remembers Andria, because he is not worth it. I, the reader, like Ostap not only as a warrior, ataman of the Umanians, but also simply as a man of strong character who knows how to love his mother, father, comrades, native land - everything that makes up the Motherland. What a person protects not only out of a sense of duty, but also at the behest of his heart.