Letter ь and ъ tasks for preschoolers. Summary of continuous educational activities for teaching literacy “Letters b, b. Assignment: printed letter Ъ for preschoolers

Anna Inozemtseva
Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Introduction to the letters “b” and “b” sign”

Target: introduce letters"b" And "Kommersant" sign. Explain the meaning letters in words. Practice differentiating vowels and consonants. Practice sound analysis of words.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, look at the board and tell me which ones letters we will meet you today?

Yes guys, today we are with you let's get acquainted with the letters, which do not indicate sounds, and practice finding these letters in words and text.

Now listen to me [a][t][t][l][l][s] what did I just say? (sounds)

Tell me please, can I see the sounds of speech? (no, we only hear and pronounce sounds).

What then can you see and write? (letters) .

Now I will show letters, and you must name the sounds that these letters stand for(demonstration letters) .

And now we will do an exercise « Letter - sound» . You will work in pairs, each pair goes to the board, one of the pair shows any letter, and the other must name the sound that the indicated one means letter, then we change.

Today we are with you let's get acquainted with the last two letters of our alphabet. This unusual letters. I'll tell you their secret. Let's remember what it is letter? (The letter is an icon, which replaces some sound and presents it to us). Letters with whom we are with you today let's get acquainted, also icons, but special ones. They do not represent sounds.

Fizminutka (stand in a circle)

Poor bear is sick

The bear ate a lot of honey (walk in a circle)

The bear cries and screams:

“My stomach hurts!” (turning the body left, right)

The bear is moaning and shedding tears

He has a stomach ache. (torso tilt to the right, left)

Naughty, greedy bear

I ate too many forest raspberries. (children wag their fingers)

(On board b) Children, look at the board, what is it like? letter? It's soft sign, he indicates that letter pronounced softly in front of him. Let's read the words that blackboard: ate, con, ban-ka. And if we add soft to these words sign, then we get a completely different word. Let's see what words will work out: spruce, horse, bathhouse.

If soft sign stands between a consonant and a vowel, then it will show that these sounds do not merge. Let's go back to the board and read words: seed - family, brothers - brothers, pour - pour, drink - drink.

The rain is pouring, the blizzard is blowing.

How do they do this?

This sign is trying,

It's called soft.

Pay attention to the board, there are words written here (day - shadow, away - night, sleep - again, ring - network). I will now read a poem, and you must finish it by choosing a word on the board.

Here he goes (day)

Coming (shadow)

The light is leaving... (away)

Coming... (night)

All the animals (sleep)

There will be a day (again)

Everything will be... (ring)

Golden… (net).

(On the board Kommersant) Children what is this? letter? This letter hard sign, stands only in the middle of a word and shows that the consonant sound does not merge with the vowel. Solid sign due to its nature, separates them.

Read the words: eat - ate - ate, exit - entry - entrance, sleep, sing, play, departure, detour, rise.

Soft sign and hard sign

We talked like this:

How many cakes did I eat?

Soft sign answered:

Well guys, we're done. get acquainted with the last letters of our alphabet. Now when you meet these letters in the text, you will know why they are there.

With which letters we met today?

What does soft indicate? sign?

What have we learned about solids? sign?

Summary of continuous educational activities for teaching literacy “Letters b, b” in a speech therapy group preparatory to school.

Educational field "Speech development".

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Physical development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Social and communicative development”.

Topic: Letters b, b

Software tasks:

“Speech development:

1. Introduce the letters “b” and “b” to the sign.
2. Explain the meaning of letters in words.
3. Practice differentiating vowels and consonants.
4. Practice sound analysis of words.

"Cognitive development":

1. Consolidate knowledge about consonants and vowels;
2. Strengthen words typing skills;
3.Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

“Social and communicative development”:

1. Develop the ability to interact in a team.

"Physical development":

1.Develop general and fine motor skills of the fingers.

“Artistic and aesthetic development”:

1. Cultivate accuracy when working in notebooks.

Equipment: copybooks, colored pencils, simple pencils, cut alphabet; folders for sound analysis.

GCD move

1. Open entry into activities.

Who wants to talk
He must speak out
Everything is correct and clear,
So that it is clear to everyone.

2. Introductory - organizational.

Listen to me [a][t][t][l][l][s] what did I just say? (sounds)

Tell me please, can I see the sounds of speech? (no, we only hear and pronounce sounds).

What then can you see and write? (letters)

3. Motivation for activity.

Speech therapist: - Now I will show the letters, and you must name the sounds that these letters represent (demonstration of letters).

4. Expansion of existing knowledge.

Didactic exercise “Letter - sound”.

You will work in pairs, each pair goes to the board, one of the pair shows any letter, and the other must name the sound that the indicated letter means, then we change.

Today we will get to know the last two letters of our alphabet. These are unusual letters. I'll tell you their secret. Let's remember what a letter is? (A letter is an icon that replaces some sound and represents it to us). The letters that we will introduce you to today are also icons, but special ones. They do not represent sounds.

5. Dynamic pause.

(stand in a circle)

Poor bear is sick
The bear ate a lot of honey (they walk in a circle)
The bear cries and shouts:
“My stomach hurts!” (turning the body left, right)
The bear is moaning and shedding tears
He has a stomach ache. (torso tilt to the right, left)
Naughty, greedy bear
I ate too many forest raspberries. (children shake their fingers)

6. Getting to know new material.

On the board b) Children look at the board, what letter is this? This is a soft sign, it indicates that the letter before it is pronounced softly. Let's read the words that are on the board: ate, con, bank. And if we add a soft sign to these words, we get a completely different word. Let's see what words we get: spruce, horse, bathhouse.

If a soft sign appears between a consonant and a vowel, it will show that these sounds do not merge. Let's turn to the board again and read the words: seed - family, brothers - brothers, fierce - pour, drink - drink.

The rain is pouring, the blizzard is blowing.
How do they do this?
This sign is trying,
It's called soft.

Pay attention to the board, the words are written here (day - shadow, away - night, sleep - again, ring - network). I will now read a poem, and you must finish it by choosing a word on the board.

Here goes (the day)
Coming (shadow)
The light goes away... (away)
The night is coming)
All the animals (sleep)
There will be a day (again)
Everything will be... (ringing)
Golden... (network).

(On the board Kommersant)

Children, what letter is this? This letter is a solid sign, it stands only in the middle of a word and shows that the consonant sound does not merge with the vowel. A solid sign, due to its nature, separates them.

Read the words: eat - ate - ate, exit - entry - entrance, departure, detour, rise.

Soft sign and hard sign
They talked like this:
- How many cakes did I eat?
The soft sign replied:
- Seven.

Well, guys, we have finished getting acquainted with the last letters of our alphabet. Now, when you see these letters in the text, you will know what they are there for.

7. Practical activities.

1. Sound-letter analysis of words:



2. Prescribing in the air.

3. Printing in notebooks.

8. Open withdrawal from activities

What letters did we meet today?

What does the soft sign indicate?

What have we learned about the hard sign?

Bikmaeva A.N.,
teacher speech therapist

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Opportunities for development in the use of online games for children

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Purpose of the lesson: we study the solid sign, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter Ъ and the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach how to write the printed letter Ъ in the cells;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Eat cake Crane Edible mushrooms Notice board

  • Look at the new letter. This is a solid letter.
  • All these words are written with a hard sign.

Read the words:
ate, drove in, drove around, drove up, ate

There are words in the Russian language in which sounds are pronounced separately. To make this visible when reading, a hard sign is written after the consonant.

  1. Consider the letter a solid sign again.
  2. What letter does it look like?
  3. What is the difference between hard and soft signs?

Assignment: printed letter Ъ for preschoolers

Consider the letter as a solid sign. We sewed the letter Ъ in the air and once in the notebook carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

A tale about the letter B

A tale about hard and soft signs

One day, a Solid Sign walked along the road with a firm gait.

-Won't you compose some fairy tale for me? - An exclamation mark stopped him.
- I'll give it to Exclamation Mark. Today is my birthday.
- Not! - Firm sign answered firmly.
- Won’t you make it up? — Question Mark was saddened.
- No and only no! - said the Firm Sign even more firmly.
- But why? — Question Mark was surprised.
- Don't want! I won't! I don't want to! — The Firm Sign stands on its ground very firmly.

Question Mark looked questioningly at the road. Soft Sign walked along the road in soft slippers.

-Won't you compose some fairy tale for me? - Question Mark addressed him.
“To be honest, I don’t want to,” said the Soft Sign softly.
“But I’ll try... so be it.”

And so in the evening Question Mark ran to Soft Sign for a fairy tale.

“It’s a pity... I’m very sorry,” mumbled the Soft Sign, “but, really, I don’t know how to write fairy tales.” And he began to cry.
- But why didn’t you tell me right away? - Question Mark got angry.
“You were so kind,” whispered the Soft Sign, “and I couldn’t refuse you right away.” I don't like to refuse. And he cried even more.

Question Mark got upset:

- Sorry, but I can’t console you. I am late. For my birthday.

He ran along the road and thought: “What will I say if the Exclamation Mark asks where the gift is???”
But Exclamation Mark didn't ask anything. He exclaimed:

- Hooray! Finally! My friend Question Mark has arrived! I'm so glad!

(E. Moshkovskaya)

Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter B

I want to eat fish, but I don’t want to get into the water.

Funny poems about the letter J for children

And early in the morning on an empty stomach
We went to the letter “solid sign”.
But they couldn't find it
Not a solid sign
Neither a soft sign.
We thought for a long time on the way,
Where can we find these signs?
And after reflection in print
We decided to send the following announcement:
“It’s not the dog that’s missing,
And two printed signs.
Finding them nearby is tricky.
But maybe, however,
One word will be found,
Where will both signs be?
In one of the morning newspapers
We read the answer a day later
From schoolboy Petrov
From the city of Tambov.
Ilya Petrov responded like this:
"Both a hard sign and a soft sign
You will find it in an instant.
You will find them
When you read it
Your own announcement!
We have read the advertisement
And they found both signs in him.
And we wrote to Tambov:
“Thank you, Ilya Petrov!”
(S. Marshak)

The wolf is terribly angry -
He can't eat the hedgehog.
The hedgehog, although it is edible,
Inconvenient to eat:
Shrinking, I put out the needles -
Burned the evil wolf.
(V. Lunin)

Soft sign and hard sign
They talked like this:
- How many cakes will I eat?
- The soft sign replied:
- Seven.
(A. Shibaev)

What happened to the soft sign?
There was a soft sign that was a little high...
The letters said strictly:
- Hey, bend over a little! -
And so he bent over, the eccentric,
What has turned into...
A solid sign.
(A. Shibaev)

The bird looks in surprise
For a forest ad.
She won't find it
There is a strong sign in this word.
(G. Satir)

Climbing is for those who are dexterous, brave,
He's just right for the restless.
Couldn't climb the hill -
Storm the big mountain.
(Ya. Akim)

Go around the whole planet,
There is no strong sign of the beast.
Maybe somewhere on Venus
Do animals prowl with a firm sign?
(E. Grigorieva. I. Gamazkova)

A banquet is announced!
Give all your leftovers to the buffet!
Let me explain: in the circus there are those
Who wants to eat them!
(V. Berestov)

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler’s vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Teachers use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain and your overall learning ability increases.

Summary of lesson No. 66 on “Bukvarenok” by G. Yudin.

Topic: “Introducing the letters b and b.”

Goals: Develop logical thinking, speech, memory; Using involuntary attention, repeat the learned sounds and letters. Introduce the letters b and b.

    Equipment: Each child has: an individual board, chalk, cloth; “Little alphabet book” by G. Yudin (p. 130-133, 194-195), notebook with letters and pictures, diary;

    for crews: wooden cubes with letters, letter board with pictures, “Aquarium” with letters.

Progress of the lesson:

    Game "Confusion".

We name letters and mergers according to the teacher’s instructions.

1 crew calls, 2 controls. Then vice versa.

    Introducing the b sign.

Today we received two letters that do not have a single sound. What are these letters?

Problematic situation.

(We discuss, listen to the children’s reasoning.)

"Letter R turned over -

Turned into a soft sign.” (V. Stepanov)

“A soft sign is a cunning sign.

Don't call him anything.

It's not pronounced

But the word is often asked.

Why at home corner

Immediately turned intocoal?

No fire, just like that?

This is a letter SOFT SIGN

Indeed, the letter “b” is a silent commander of consonant letters; as soon as it appears in a word after a consonant, it immediately becomes SOFT.

Want to check it out? Please!




MOL - MOL (We explain the meaning of each word.)

But, there were times when letters did not want to be friends with a soft sign...

Listen to the fairy tale: “ABOUT THE SOFT SIGN.”

(“Entertaining ABC studies” pp. 368-369)

We work with a cash register and a magnetic board.

“Once upon a time there were letters in the ABC, different - vowels, consonants. We went to visit each other.

One day S went to visit Ya.

Show, guys, on the syllabic lines what you got. (SY). The letter L went to visit E. Now, what happened? (LE).

The letter D went to I. They sang: DI. T to E. It became... THO.

What did the consonants become? SOFT.

The letters lived, did not grieve, because everyone was friends. And among them lived one letter, similar to half Y, with which no one was friends. The letters didn't like the fact that they didn't represent a sound.

What kind of letter is this? - they were indignant.

It does not indicate any sound, cannot speak, is constantly silent...

No one was friends with this letter, no one spoke. Life was bad for the soft sign, very lonely.

One day the letters began to form words. This was their favorite pastime. They encrypted their word in a riddle.

"Without a head, but in a hat,

One leg – and that one without a boot.” (The guys guess.)

“Nail,” the letters guessed. They began to compose this word.

Children also form the word “nail”.

And the letters turn out to be “NAILS”...

Something is not working out right for us! - the letters are indignant. Sound [d]

in this word it is soft, but in ours it is hard...

AND says: “I will stand up and indicate gentleness.” She quickly settled in at the end. What happened?

Children read : "NAILS".

"I'd better get up," said the letterI.

Happened… "NAILS." " Again, it’s not the same..., after all, you denote the sound [a],” said the letters.

What to do? Guys, tell me. (You need to substitute the b sign.)

Come to us SOFT SIGN! - the letters called.

He happily agreed to help the letters and quickly stood at the end.

What happened? "NAIL", - the guys read.

The letters were cheerful, everyone wanted to invite the b sign to visit. Let us solve the riddles and see what words the letters make...

Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest,

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide. (ELK)

Sleeping or bathing

Everything doesn't come off:

Day and night on legs

Red boots. (GOOSE)

Who is coming,

Who is leaving -

Everyone leads her by the hand. (DOOR)

    Game "Basketball". (Competition.)

Whose crew will come up with more words with a soft sign?

    Physical education lesson “The sea is agitated once,

The sea is worried two

The sea is worried three...

(options: swan fly, walrus swim, crustacean crawl...)

    Riddles of the b sign:

You worked so well that the soft sign decided to tell you its riddles. But the answers need to be printed on a magnetic board.

COMPETITION: whose crew will type the answer faster?

“He sleeps in a hole during the long winter,

But the sun will start to warm up a little,

... (BEAR) sets off on a journey for honey and raspberries.”

“They look very strange:

Dad has wavy curls,

And mom goes with her hair cut.

What is she offended by?

No wonder he often gets angry

Everyone's mother... (LIONESS)."

    Physical education lesson “captains”.

    Getting to know Kommersant sign.

But it turns out that the b sign has a brother. Also mute. This is Kommersant.

How are they similar and how are they different?

A) “The soft sign lives carelessly,

He goes around without a cap forever.” (Show b sign.)

“And the stubborn STRONG SIGN,

This is the only way he wears a cap!” (Showing the Kommersant sign.) (A Shibaev)

What else does the b sign look like? (Discussion.)

“Scoop up water with a ladle,

Let’s eat soup and drink tea!” (G. Vieru)

“Out of the bucket for a reason

Let's drink some water:

We need a ladle - a SOLID SIGN,

So as not to wet yourself." (V. Stepanov)

    How else do these signs differ?

If the SOFT sign makes the consonant SOFT.

Then the HARD sign makes it HARD, stands between the consonant and vowel and orders them to SOUND SEPARATELY!

For example:

SEVEN (The soft sign made the consonant sound SOFT.)

REMOVE (A hard sign stands between a consonant and a vowel and requires that they sound SEPARATE.)

    Game "Hockey".

Words with b and b signs are written on the board.

Crew representatives read these words in turn.

COMPETITION: whose crew will not make a mistake and read the word correctly, obeying the order of silent signs?


    Game "Intelligence".

A) Search for the b sign in the story “Bukvaryonka” “FATHER AND MOTHER”.

B) Search for the Kommersant sign in the story “Bukvarenka” “LIKE A MOUSE WENT FOR CHEESE.”

    Homework: Continue looking for these signs at home.

    Summary of the lesson.

    Summing up the results of the crew competition.

    Display of smiling suns.