Russian women are special. Russian women (6 photos) She has an inescapable Russian melancholy

“Natasha, goodbye!” - the blogger described post-Soviet women and how they look in the eyes of the world

Do you still think that a Russian wife is the ultimate dream of any foreigner? Alas, we have to disappoint you, writes Cosmopolitan magazine: Russian women seem to be going out of fashion. Now we'll tell you why...

Getting married is sacred for a Russian woman

Let's be honest: few people like to feel like an object rather than a subject. But a man for a Russian woman is precisely an object: her goal is to get married. Wear a white dress and get the coveted stamp in your passport. The man himself interests her little; she is only interested in her own situation: whether she is married or not. At the beginning of the 2000s, when a whole stream of “Russian brides” suddenly poured abroad, foreigners rejoiced: here they are, ideal women! Women who are still capable of loving sincerely and honestly! Women who will forgive their beloved almost any shortcomings: I love you - and that’s it! Will get married! Not like feminist Europeans and Americans: this is a test of feelings, a long-term partnership, and only then marriage. May be. If the man is perfect. A Russian woman is not like that. A Russian woman is an ideal wife!

But then it became clear that this wonderful fairy tale is really a fairy tale. A Russian woman does not need the man himself, she needs marriage. The sooner she becomes a “husband’s wife”, the better, and therefore she agrees to everything. And at that moment, when foreigners, not spoiled by female affection, realized what was really happening - Russian wives began to go out of fashion. Because few people want to connect their lives with a woman for whom you are not a person, but a status. Conditional husband. Free stamp and ring app.

Russian woman is not capable of partnerships

A man always owes her something, for the simple reason that he is a man. Most Russian women still prefer to endow men with certain qualities (“breadwinner”, “protector”, “stone wall”), without actually asking the men themselves. The way the average Russian woman understands the definition of “joint budget” is a clear illustration of this relationship: her money is her money, and his money is “ours.” A Russian woman is sure that she earns “her own money,” and her husband must bear all financial responsibility for the family. And, in addition to this, he is obliged to pay for all her major purchases (that very fur coat - of course!).

But, however, it's not just about money. The point is about equal partnership in general, which the Russian woman denies. “The husband is the head, the wife is the neck.” “A wise woman knows how to get her way,” and so on. Honest, open relationships on equal terms are not her story. She needs to create the appearance of a Parent-Child relationship, where the Parent is the husband responsible for everything, and she is the helpless Child. Allegedly. In fact, she wants to control her husband, but in such a way that he will never guess what is happening. This clumsy game, of course, is immediately visible, but Russian men are usually satisfied with it. There are absolutely no foreigners. They consider this behavior to be manipulation, and they are absolutely right, of course.

Russian woman is ruthless towards a man

Absolutely ruthless. Russian women themselves believe in the myth of their own sacrifice, of their own readiness to accept any man, only they do not leave worthless husbands: alcoholics, unemployed, domestic tyrants and even crazy people. Only they are ready to endure anything for the sake of preserving the marriage and in the name of the love with which the relationship once began. She used to love this man, but now she feels sorry for him. He will be lost without her! Is anyone else, besides Russian women, capable of this?

It's actually called codependency. A man must be bad so that a woman can be good. He must be unbearable so that everyone around her feels sorry for her, he must suffer so that she consoles her, but at the same time be a criminal so that she becomes a judge. In a white coat. The Russian woman has been reveling in these painful relationships for decades - instead of taking care of her own life. So, in fact, a Russian woman does not save an addicted man - she drowns him in addiction in order to be able to “carry her cross.” Otherwise, something else will fall off her shoulders - and what will she do then?

Russian woman gets married with her whole family

A foreigner who decides to connect his life with a Russian woman must understand that from now on he will be closely connected with her entire family. First of all, with her mother. Jokes about mother-in-law are a reality completely incomprehensible to a person living in a different paradigm. The average European or American “flies out of the nest” quite early and never returns there. He is friends with his parents, but lives his own life, while a Russian woman remains a “mother’s daughter” as long as she has a mother. And this means that her husband will also have a mother. Her mother. The mother must be supported, even if the mother has a husband who seems to owe her - after all, he is most likely the same “heavy cross” that the mother bears all her life. You need to take care of your mother, because she will raise her grandchildren. You can’t just hire a nanny, there must be a loved one with the child, even if this very dear person is raising your child completely wrong, don’t you dare object: it’s the mother!

And besides mom, there is dad, brothers and sisters, grandparents - a complete set, if you are very unlucky. The husband of a Russian woman will be unlucky, of course. Because the family is hers, and now he must take care of it. The Russian woman herself, having hung her relatives around her husband’s neck, does not want to help, but to receive help. First of all, of course, from the mother, whose personal life must finally and irrevocably end at the moment of the birth of her first grandchild.

Russian woman - mother-heroine

At the same time, a Russian woman perceives motherhood as a daily feat. She's a mother! She did a heroic deed! The very fact of giving birth to a child allegedly gives her the right to become slightly bronzed, but this is only the beginning: now she will put her life on the altar of motherhood and will demand honors. And at the same time, she will jealously protect the child from the father: the child needs a mother! She is horrified by the concept of “father on paternity leave.” This is impossible! Only she should be on this leave - and until the child finishes primary school. By this time, by the way, you can give birth to a second one, thus extending your vacation for another decade.

Modern fathers want to take part in raising their children. They are not afraid of sleepless nights, dirty diapers, childhood illnesses, or the first battles in the sandbox. “Dad can do it!” - the Russian woman diligently ignores this fact, but something else is worse: she refuses to understand that dad also wants. A modern dad, who grew up outside of Russia, really most often wants to be a full-fledged parent to his children and refuses to be content with the role of a sperm donor and provider of material wealth. But a Russian woman will not allow this: motherhood for her is the only opportunity to realize herself. She seriously calls it “the main purpose of a woman,” and the man does not seem to participate. There is motherhood in Russia, but there is no fatherhood. There is only fatherlessness (often “When the father is alive!” - and who, one wonders, is to blame for this, right?). A Russian woman does not allow her husband to be a parent, because power over a child is the only power available to her. She doesn’t know how to realize herself differently, because she doesn’t want to be able to. So a man who chooses a Russian wife must be prepared for the fact that the children will not be his. They are only my mother's. And it is quite natural that modern men are categorically not satisfied with this state of affairs - unless they are Russian, of course.

Russian woman does not know how to be happy

And this is the most important thing. Happiness for a Russian woman is not a state, but a goal. A goal that she never achieves, because happiness in principle cannot be a goal. It's a process, not a result. But for a Russian woman everything is different: “A camel has two humps, because life is a struggle.” She always needs to make some sacrifices. "Beauty requires sacrifice". “You need to work on relationships.” “Motherhood is hard but honorable work.” “A woman should...” A Russian woman wants to be like a cat, but in fact she is a porcupine: just a little and she bristles with quills, defending herself from this cruel, soulless world. And it cannot be said that she is to blame for this: being determines consciousness.

But we can say with confidence that a Russian woman does not want to change anything. She does not know how and, most importantly, does not want to work on herself, does not want to admit her problems and seriously deal with causes and consequences. She wants to read low-quality literature like “How to marry a foreigner and become happy,” where it is written in clear language: be cunning and manipulate, dominate and humiliate. That is, don’t change anything about yourself, keep doing what you already know how to do.

And do you know what is most amazing? At the same time, Russian women are sure that they are the very best: the most beautiful in the world, the best wives, and the borders of Russia have long been besieged by crowds of foreigners with wedding rings in their teeth. And they are very surprised when it turns out that “foreign sub-women” - ugly, unkempt, daring to demand an equal partnership - for some reason again turned out to be more desirable than they, the ideal Russian wives. How so?!

PS: After the publication of this publication, our ladies attacked the editors with such anger that they had to apologize and delete the material)

April 3rd, 2017 , 11:00 am

Russian women are not a format!

In Madrid, where ancient buildings are successfully combined with a warm climate and beauty, there are Russian women. Everyone knows how they got there - someone was illegally in a trailer with tangerines, and someone took them into their mouths or spread their legs.

Russian chickens, in general, like it in Madrid. No, so what? Wonderful weather, acceptable standard of living, good character of the natives.

Everything would be fine if the locals liked Russian women too. Much to the disappointment of the chickens, the Spaniards have no reciprocal feelings for them.

Photo: social networks

The women's club “Good morning, Madrid”, numbering 1,200 Russian women, was not allowed to drink in the restaurant.

Not the format - said the manager and canceled the reservation. The Russian women were taken aback.

How? We pay grandma! We have the right to eat and get drunk, dance on the table, grunt under it, lick the lips of some hidalgo with bright scarlet lipstick and curse his wife at the same time! Pull out all her hair, you bastard!

Photo: social networks

We have the right to smoke, swear, and fight with each other in the end! Russians are resting, not trembling creatures, but having the right to everything!

In short, tons of feces were poured on Facebook on the unfortunate Spaniards.

“For the first time in five years of living in Spain, I felt like a black hero of the apartheid era. Maybe we are “spoiled in our Europe” here and strange things shock us, but never in my life have I felt so humiliated. I wrote a statement to the police. The case has been opened,” the head of the Russian women’s club, Anastasia Samotorova, wrote on her account.

The deed followed the word - Nastya was painfully indignant. I went to the police and filed a report against the restaurant. It indicated that the Constitution had been violated.

In general, everything is as always with chickens. They didn’t let him drink - immediately “fundamental human rights were violated.”

But no, think about it - why did this happen? The answer lies on the surface.

For any establishment, reputation in civilized countries is everything. What will be the attitude towards a restaurant where Russian women are having a drinking session? That's right, no one will go there anymore, like in a leper colony.

Would a European with his family relax in a restaurant where there might be noisy scumbags and ladies? Will he risk being with his children where Russians are walking? Of course not, why does he need it?

And restaurant owners naturally understand this. Russian women are not the format of a decent establishment. Unfortunately, everyone in Europe already shares this opinion: more than two Russians mean a danger of brawling.

If you, dear former compatriots, behave indecently, then your right to relax in decent places should be limited. There is no one to blame if they didn’t make faces.

You are not welcome, but not because you are Russian, but because you behave like port whores.

What am I talking about? Oh, yes: do you like how Russian women drink in restaurants?

A Finnish husband is, first of all, not a husband, but a means of transportation. When they entered the Helsinki environment, sociocultural differences immediately became visible, and besides, drunken husbands began to remind the girls of their previous profession, so the first waves of Russian women moved on, divorcing Finnish husbands, marrying Swedes, and from there to America, into a shining future.

But times began to change, and this method of transportation became irrelevant. I would even like to believe that there was a time when Russian girls began to leave for Finland out of great and pure love. And then the need for Finnish husbands disappeared altogether, but the opportunity arose to live in the cleanest and safest country in Europe on our own (OK - the family’s money can also be considered our own) Russian money and feel great there.

Nevertheless, differences remain, and Russian women are a completely separate and, apparently, exciting topic for Finnish society.

Russian journalist, for many years - a columnist for the Kommersant publishing house, the first editor-in-chief of the Medved magazine, the Other magazine, and also the chief editor of the Kommersant - Autopilot magazine. His columns are familiar to readers of Izvestia, Snob and dozens of other domestic publications. By first education - a sailor. Loves to travel with a camera. Favorite destinations are Iceland, Germany, Scotland and South Africa.

Let's start with the fact that Russians are the largest foreign community in the country. And the most money. And therefore, the typical image of a Russian woman here is a long-legged beauty, in high heels in the rain and cold, with a Vuitton bag, with an order in the most expensive restaurant in the capital of Finland. Seems truthful and fair. But how true is this?

It seems that the television company LivTV decided to explore myths and legends and show everything as it really is. In March, filming began for a “live show” called Suomen täydelliset venäläisnaiset, which I would translate as “Immaculate Russian women of Finland.”

This documentary series, on the verge of a reality show, aims to break stereotypes and prejudices. It shows the daily life of strong, successful, beautiful Russian women in the city that has become their home. These are women from 20 to 40 years old who unashamedly show their free private lives, how they raise children in Finland, how they do business, how they spend their large earnings and are proud of their achievements.

All women have lived in Finland for a long time and speak Finnish.

“These women show Finns how they can enjoy life in Finland in their own special way that we don’t even think about,” says series producer Jenny Nummela.

In the trailer, which has already become available to viewers across the country, Russian girls, sitting in an expensive restaurant, say: “A Russian man treats a woman like a queen. A Finnish man is more like a partner in a corporation” (general infectious laughter), “If a man doesn’t immediately offer to pay for me in a restaurant, then this redneck (in the original - mähän - stomach) can stomp straight from the table alone” (group girls laugh loudly).

The series will air in the fall on LivTV, which has already made a lot of noise this year with the reality show “Temptation Island,” where young men and women spend time naked on an island, trying to create a mate and find love. More than half a million people watched it in the evenings in a country where only 5 million live.

But the main PR success of the series in the country was that one of the naked participants was identified as an active officer in the armed forces, and the military leadership began to make excuses about this.

Jenny Nummela believes that the series about Russian women in Finland Suomen täydelliset venäläisnaiset will “crash the servers” because this topic is so relevant and makes Finns not only look differently at Russians, but also at themselves.

Heroines of the series:

Elena Lukkarinen is a former model, speaks 4 languages, and lately she devotes herself entirely to her son, who is interested in football. He is involved in charity work. Her circle of friends is mainly Finnish celebrities.

Sofia Kazakova is a pediatrician who studied in the USSR and is now the owner of a clinic in Finland. Two daughters with whom she travels around the world.

Valeria Hirvonen is a businesswoman who inherited from her husband a company that deals with luxury products such as oysters and caviar. He has an adult son, whom he involves in the business.

Alisa Ranto-Aho is an aspiring singer and model. She is also a promoter, stylist and will release her first single in May.

Regina Slepak - came to Finland 10 years ago to study international trade. Today he owns a real estate company. Lives with a Finnish partner, loves hockey and shopping. She has her own idea of ​​style - so she has to buy a new convertible in continental Europe, since the right color was not available here.

Russia is the largest country in the world by territory, but why do so few people live in Russia? When compared with China, the population of Russia looks ridiculous. It is especially frustrating that there are many single and beautiful girls in Russia due to gender imbalance.

“However, this situation does not upset Russians much; they are happy to marry foreigners,” writes the Chinese publication Jinzhi Toutiao.

Russia is the largest country in the world by territory, its area is more than 17 million square kilometers, which is almost twice the size of the third largest country - China. The population living on such a vast territory is very small and amounts to only 140 million. This figure looks very tiny compared to the population of China.

Demographic problems have worried Russia for many years; attention was paid to this issue back in the days of the Soviet Union, but improvements have not yet been noticeable. The Russian government has allocated a large sum as material support and encouragement to increase the birth rate, but this has not yet brought visible results.

Why do so few people live in Russia? One of the main reasons was the Second World War, in which many Soviet soldiers took an active part. The losses that the country suffered were so enormous that more than a million young male Soviet soldiers died in the Battle of Stalingrad alone.

Due to such large losses among the male population, the country's birth rate has dropped significantly. There is still an imbalance in the ratio of men and women in Russia. If you walk down any street in Russia, you will see that most of the people you meet will be young girls dressed very nicely, hoping to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

But it cannot be said that this situation has greatly upset the Russians; it is generally difficult to upset them with anything; the abundance of unclaimed Russian brides makes foreigners very happy, who are happy to marry a Russian beauty.

The second reason for the small population is natural conditions. Russia is very cold, it feels close to the North Pole, and the highest temperature of the year is only 27 degrees. In such difficult weather conditions, a person becomes unable to care about the opposite sex, hence the low birth rate.

A note appeared on the website of the Chinese publication Toutiao in which the author Mu Muse shares his observations about Russian girls. They look great before marriage and age quickly after it. The husband becomes a child, and the wife turns into a mother caring for him. The author is looking for the reasons for such radical changes in family traditions, culture, etc.

Russia is deservedly considered one of the countries where a large number of beauties live. There are a lot of beautiful girls in Russia, but why does all their beauty disappear with age and they turn into aunts? Why do Russian girls look great when they are young, but after marriage they quickly lose their beauty? In Russia, the husband never knew how to do housework and therefore the wife devoted all her strength to household chores. This is one of those traditions that continues in the modern world.

There is one statement that in Russia, after a wedding, the husband becomes a child who needs care, and the wife turns into a mother caring for him. Excessive overwork, leading to the aging of the body, in addition to this, insufficient attention to one’s appearance leads to the fact that sometimes when you meet a girl, at first glance it may seem that she is far from young.

The Russian government is helping to increase the birth rate and also provides large families with various benefits. Therefore, Russian women usually give birth to several children after marriage. Frequent childbirth, several pregnancies and several periods of breastfeeding - all this leads to the fact that the body ages faster, and Russian women gain weight much more often than others.

This is also related to food traditions. Anyone who has visited Russia knows that both lunch and dinner here are always very filling, with a lot of flour made from wheat. They usually consist of three courses. Always soup for starters. The choice is usually borscht or cabbage soup. The second course must be served hot. It could be fish or meat. Fish is most often fried. Meat - beef or lamb - is prepared in the form of steak or cutlets. In most cases, these dishes are served with fried potatoes or mashed potatoes. All food is very salty, a lot of salted fish, cucumbers, pickles. Sometimes after vodka they drink salt water. Well, the last dish is dessert. For dessert they usually offer cakes, sweets, and drink tea with sugar or coffee. Russians eat very few vegetables.