A story on the topic I am a snowflake in geography. What are the snowflakes whispering about? IV. Discussion of essay structure

How nice it is to leisurely stroll down the street and feel fragile snowflakes falling on your face! They slowly fall to the ground, turning into real snow. You step on it and hear a pleasant crunch. And you immediately understand - winter has come.

Intricate patterns appear on the windows of houses. You look at them and marvel at the artist’s skill.

Winter is the coldest time of the year. You walk along the path and feel how your face is gently stung by the frost. A healthy and beautiful blush appears on the cheeks.

The white blanket of snow pleasantly blinds the eyes. The snow caps of trees surprise with their variety and whimsicality of shapes. And the sparkling icicles on the roofs look fantastic. It is not surprising that contemplation of a snowy winter creates an uplifting mood. Your soul becomes warm and you want to have fun. There is a desire to make a snow woman or a snowman that will delight all passersby.

Falling snowflakes are so beautiful that even your heart skips a beat. A fascinating sight! You feel like you are in a fairy tale. It seems that miracles are about to begin to happen.

The indescribable beauty around is amazing. Well, it’s not for nothing that winter is called an amazing time of year!

Why are snowflakes hexagonal and snow white? And other interesting facts about snowflakes that you didn't even know about. Bonus: template for double snowflakes.

It's winter again - snowfall, cold and snowdrifts.

But don’t rush to despair, everything is much more interesting!

Take a closer look at the snow, because it is not just an atmospheric phenomenon, but an amazing masterpiece of natural art.

1. They are formed in the sky from microscopic drops of water and dust particles.

2. They are a bizarrely assembled structure of ice crystals, mainly in the form of hexagonal stars or plates.

Although there are exceptions.

3. As they approach the ground, as a result of condensation of water from the air, they grow and acquire their unique shape.

4. They only live in flight!

Having descended from the sky, the snowflake crystals stop growing and almost immediately begin to lose the clarity of their edges.

5. Snowflakes have a hexagonal shape due to the corresponding structure of the water crystal.

6. New crystals are sequentially attached to the vertices of the base crystal, thereby creating a symmetrical hexagonal structure.

7. When falling from a height, the crystals repeatedly melt and harden again, as a result of which the ideal geometric structure is disrupted. But since the crystallization of all six rays takes place under the same conditions, all rays of one snowflake are almost identical.

8. Nature has limitless imagination and inexhaustible imagination, so you will never see two identical snowflakes.

9. Depending on the environmental conditions, elongated snowflakes are formed (snowflakes-columns and snowflakes-needles) or our favorite openwork hexagons.

10. At extremely low temperatures (below minus thirty degrees Celsius), snow falls in the form of so-called “diamond dust” - snow needles that, settling on the ground, create the fluffiest snowdrifts.

11. Snowflakes are 95 percent air.

12. It is thanks to the presence of air, which scatters light waves, that snow is white.

13. The falling speed of a snowflake is 0.9 kilometers per hour.

14. The average size of snowflakes is 5 millimeters, and their weight is only 4 thousandths of a gram.

15. Cases of giant snowflakes with a diameter of more than 30 cm falling have been recorded.

16. A cubic meter of snow contains about 350,000,000 unique snowflakes.

17. Snow creaks at temperatures below minus 5 degrees. Mainly due to crystal breakage. At a higher temperature, snow does not break when squeezed, but melts - and therefore does not creak.

18. There are . You can always find them in the cozy store of exquisite accessories DREAMSHOP.

19. On the Japanese island of Hokkaido there is the world's only snowflake museum.

20. More than half of the inhabitants of our planet have never seen snow in real life. But I really want to see a real miracle of nature...

Beautiful paper snowflakes can come to the rescue.

Tamara Mikhailova
Tales about Snowflakes.

"Magical winter miracle".

Snowflakes are dancing:

They fly and spin,

In the sun on a frosty day they turn silver.

Openwork dresses, carved scarves.

Magical winter miracle - snowflakes.

One early winter morning, Santa Claus walked through the forest. He was very boring: no one to talk to, no one tell tales. All forest dwellers were preparing for the New Year. Grandfather Frost waved his staff and the girls sparkled with silver - snowflakes. The forest wizard gasped at such amazing beauty.

But there was one tiny and indecisive snowflake. She was afraid of the wind, the sun; I was afraid that the forest inhabitants would not like it. Our timid princess hid in a far corner. But Santa Claus saw her, came up and said: - Look what you are like beautiful: fluffy dress with needles, the finest lace! Don't you want to become part of a real miracle?

A little one came out here snowflake from her hiding place and began to slowly spin in the air with her sisters. All the forest inhabitants came out of their houses and rejoiced at such beauty. And the little rabbit shouted: - Look, what a miracle! This is a real miracle! Our little timid heroine smiled and shone even more, sparkling in the sun.

"New friends Snowflakes

One day friends: a calf, a foal and a turtle went outside and began to play tag. And lay on the side snowflake and sad: “I wish I had such cheerful friends!” Luckily for her, the turtle noticed snowflake and told my friends: - Look how sad she is snowflake...Let's play with her! Snowflake, will you run with us?

Sure, with pleasure!

So the friends played until the evening.

I must go home! - said the calf.

And it's time for us! - they said foal and turtle. Feeling sad again snowflake: - And I have nowhere to go. I don't have a house. And she cried.

Let's come to me! - said the turtle.

I can not. I'm afraid of the heat. I'll die from the heat.

I figured it out! Let's build a house for snowflakes! – said the calf.

Let's! - friends supported. And the work began to boil. The house turned out to be bright and spacious. Snowflake really liked him. She thanked her friends. And the next morning everyone was frolicking and having fun again.

“How the Bear and the Hedgehog were looking for snow.”

Winter has come. The Bear and the Hedgehog got ready to sleep. But there is still no snow. And there is nothing to hide with. So the friends decided to go and find a cloud with snow.

They walked for a long time. They met an asterisk on the way. They asked her:

Star, you don’t know where the cloud lives snowflakes?

Why do you need it?

We need to sleep, but we have nothing to make houses out of, there is no snow. Apparently the cloud fell asleep and forgot about us.

Yes, it’s the right thing. After all, not only you, but also the bunny needs snow. squirrel: It is easier for them to hide from enemies. Grass, bushes and trees - shelter from the cold and cold. Let's go quickly. I'll show you the way.

They came to a cloud. And that’s right – the cloud is sleeping soundly. Everyone screamed in unison:

Wake up, Cloud!

The cloud doesn't hear. But one little one woke up snowflake and started waking up her friends. Girlfriends - snowflakes their rays rang and woke up the cloud. The cloud woke up from sleep, shook itself and flew away snowflakes on the ground: one, two, hundreds and thousands.

The friends hurried home. They did a good deed.

« Snowflake - star» .

Lived - was alone snowflake. She was born into a large and friendly family. Her mother - Tuchka had a lot of such daughters - snowflakes. Probably a whole thousand, maybe two. That’s how they lived – they lived, they didn’t grieve. Snowflakes As mom grew up, it became difficult for Tuchka to carry her beauties. She sighed, sneezed and flew away snowflakes down, to the ground. Our little one snowflake danced across the winter sky with her sisters. She had never been so free and happy. She was all sparkling and shimmering from the feelings that overwhelmed her. And suddenly snowflake understood, which looks like a star in the sky. “I am a shooting star and that means you can make a wish.”- I thought snowflake.

Publications on the topic:

The New Year holiday is the most favorite holiday for children, and many adults. Children are excited to prepare for the meeting of Santa Claus. Learn.

Snowflakes dance: they fly and spin, in the sun on a frosty day they turn silver. Openwork dresses, carved scarves. A magical winter miracle - snowflakes.

I got such a wonderful, bright and easy-to-make snowflake. It consists of several snowflakes of different sizes.

Scenario for the New Year's holiday with a theatrical production of the fairy tale "New Year's Adventures of Snowflake" Goal: socialization, rehabilitation and inclusion of children through cultural means. Objectives: - educational: developing a desire to be in demand.

The long-awaited winter has arrived. The charm of the first snow. New Year and Christmas are coming soon. White snowflakes swirled in the air. I wanted to.

Hello colleagues. New Year is coming, the most magical, most wonderful holiday of the year. Everyone is looking forward to it with great impatience, because...

For children 6 years old and older, fairy tales about travel are preferred. There is no need to travel to distant countries, cities, or dense forests. After all, you can open a book and instantly move into a new environment. The fairy tale about the snowflake is just like that. You can read it at any time, even at night. The snowflake's wanderings are not too long, so children and parents will not have time to get tired while reading. The fairy tale about a snowflake tells how she went on a journey with her friend the wind. On the way they will meet many new and interesting things. Fairy tales for children 6 years old introduce them to the world around them and customs. From them, the child will learn what winter fun there are, how people celebrate the New Year, what gifts they give.

Tale about a snowflake

It happened late at night. High in the sky, where the stars live, snowflakes are born. The dark sky was illuminated by yellow lanterns and light from the windows. To the ground smoothly and slowly. The smallest snowflake quietly fell to the ground, slowly and smoothly. She became closer and closer to the ground, flickering in the lights of the streets. And suddenly she shrank all over and said:

“I don’t want to go to bed and be snow.” I want to take another walk and tell the world! How can I hold myself in the air? - she groaned.

You were probably surprised that a snowflake can talk? But it turns out that snowflakes are all magical and they can talk. You also heard their conversation. When you walk in the snow, you hear a creaking sound. But if you listen, a lot of snowflakes are indignant.

“You’re so small, but can you already speak?” - said a voice out of nowhere.

- Yes, they can also sing. Who's talking?

- I am the wind woven from the air. I fly wherever I want. Sometimes I really speed up so much that I get tired. Then I fly slowly or just sleep in the sky.

- Wind, let’s fly together, take me with you, show me where you’ve been. What's interesting down here?

The wind picked up a snowflake and hit the road. The snowflake looks at everything and can’t get enough of it. Somewhere families are already sleeping, covered with warm blankets and snoring. The peaceful night lights are burning in the windows. In another city they are not even going to sleep yet, it turns out their time is different. They are decorating a Christmas tree.

- Wait for the wind, sit me on the window. I want to take a closer look at what toys are hung on the Christmas tree and whether its needles are pricked.

- Don’t prick yourself - the tree is happy to welcome you. Many people put it in pots and then plant it outside. Some people have magical trees, not from the forest. They are bought in stores so as not to cut down the forest. She is taken out of the box every year and dressed up again.

A snowflake stuck to the window. He looks at how the family has gathered near the tree. Everyone is spinning, making noise, singing New Year's songs. The candies in the vase are shining, the children are eating tangerines. The little girl hangs gold and red balls below, but cannot reach even higher. But an older boy can, and decorates the middle of the tree. He hangs figurines of deer, bears, and hares. And mom and dad decorate the top of the head.

- Look at the wind, they’re hanging toys just like me! - the snowflake screamed with joy.

— Yes, people love snowflakes. And on top they always put a star where you came from.

- Where are the gifts under the tree?

— Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka have not come yet. Still on the way, I can see from above. Sleigh rides through snowy forests.

They flew on. We froze over the playground. The kids were making a snowman. Others fired snowballs. The boys built barricades and labyrinths out of snow. The girls drew on the snowy canvas. Kids in bright hats were sledding.

- How they are having fun! — the snowflake said, smiling, “they are so glad to see us, my brothers and sisters.” This is cool! We have fun with them too. Otherwise they would lie on the ground and get bored. In the forest, animals and trees play with us. You are the wind that carries us to different places, showing us this world. Thank you!

The wind laughed and sang the song of the blizzard. I decided to show the snowflake the skating rink. Adults and children rode on the white icy surface. Even the little dog jumped out onto the ice and ran after the girl in a red scarf. Everyone is laughing and having fun. Some people are great at skating, graceful. Others just learn and fall down laughing. Boys play hockey. But then the snowflake noticed that one girl was upset.

“Let’s fly closer to her and see why she’s so sad,” suggested the wind.

The girl was sitting on the skating rink. Tears froze on my cheeks, ice flecks froze on my eyelashes. She rubbed her knees with her hand.

- Why can’t I do it?! “she said sadly, “I’m trying so hard!”

“I can help her,” the snowflake whispered so that the girl would not hear her, “we are magic.” Wind, I will tell you a secret. Each snowflake can only grant one wish. There are many of us, so we can make everyone happy. I want the girl to learn to ride!

The snowflake lit up, sparkled, and at that moment a miracle happened. The little girl stood up on her skates and easily pushed off with her foot. It was as if the skating rink had become a dance floor for her. She began to dance.

The wind looked at the snowflake in surprise:

- How did you do that?

- The girl actually did this herself. Snowflakes just give you strength and self-confidence,” she laughed.

This is the journey of snowflakes and wind. There is a lot of magic in the world that sometimes we don’t notice. You need to be very careful and believe that everything you wish will come true. And what doesn’t work out will definitely work out! You just need to try and smile more.

Listen to the tale of a snowflake

After reading, you need to give your eyes and mom or dad a rest. Who read the book? Now turn on the recording and start listening to the fairy tale about the snowflake. Then ask your child to draw as many different snowflakes as possible. He can come up with names for them and sign them.

A fairy tale about a snowflake: listen and imagine.

Listening time: 3:34

Cartoon about a snowflake

This snowflake cartoon shows where they come from. After all, every child is interested in how snowflakes appear. Why does it snow in winter? Sometimes even parents are at a loss and don’t know how to clearly explain everything to the baby. We can talk for a long time about the physical processes in the sky, but it’s much more interesting to watch this cartoon. Such a funny fiction will awaken the imagination.

Cartoon about a snowflake: where did it come from.

Watching time: 3:17

Let's make a plan for an essay on this topic:

  1. Winter has come.
  2. Meeting with a snowflake.
  3. I believe in miracles.

Essay on the topic "Snowflake"

Today I woke up very early and just couldn’t believe my eyes. After all, yesterday, when I went to bed, outside the window there were still leaves on some tree branches, the ground was covered with a carpet of multi-colored foliage, and now I see that everything around is white. I hurried to get dressed and go outside. It was clear that the beautiful winter had arrived and the first snow had fallen. What a joy it was!

I ran out into the street and saw that all the children were already playing in the snow, they were all very cheerful. The snow continued to fall from the sky. I put out my palm and a gentle snowflake immediately fell on it. She was very beautiful and fragile. I looked at her and immediately various assumptions and guesses arose in my head. I thought why the snowflake was like that, where it came from. I even imagined for a minute that she came to life and spoke to me. She greeted me and even knew my name. Snowflake thanked me for catching her and told me her story that when winter comes, they are sent to earth to give people happiness. I also learned from her that there are different types of snowflakes. There are adult snowflakes, they are big and fluffy. And there are also small snowflakes, they are very fragile. Snowflake said that it was her first time flying to earth, so she was very scared. She was afraid that when she fell, the children would run and step on her. She said that her snowflake friends said that when they were stepped on, they broke and crunched. And she was also worried that if the sun came out and warmed the earth a little with its warmth, it would immediately melt and turn into water. All these experiences tormented her greatly. I tried to support and calm her down.

But when I held it in my palm, I saw that it was gradually melting. But he continued to support her and did not want to scare her. And then in an instant she melted. There was only a small drop of water left on my palm. And I believed and continued to wait that on another winter day I would meet this snowflake.