Presentation for the workshop "quest game - modern gaming technologies in the university." Presentation "basic approaches to quest technology" Quest technology in education presentation

Sections: General pedagogical technologies


The convergence of theory and practice provides the most beneficial
results, and not only practice wins,
science itself develops under its influence.
Chebyshev P.L.

The methodological development of the training session is practice-oriented, thanks to which the knowledge and skills on the topic necessary for students in their professional activities are consolidated and deepened.

The lesson is conducted in the form of a quest.

The project (quest) method promotes the development of general cultural competencies that are significant in solving professional problems:

  • the ability to independently acquire and use new knowledge and skills in practical activities, including in new areas of knowledge not directly related to the field of activity, including with the help of information technology;
  • readiness for independent, individual work (self-training and self-organization);
  • readiness to make decisions within the framework of their professional competence;
  • team work (planning, distribution of functions, mutual assistance, mutual control);
  • the ability to find several ways to solve a problem situation, determine the most rational option, and justify your choice;
  • public speaking skills (defense of projects with presentations by authors, questions, and discussions is required).

The quest method allows you to increase the level of professional competencies by increasing the proportion of study time allocated to independent work.

Theoretical part

Quests in education

Quest from the English “quest” - search.

Informatization of education is the process of providing the education sector with methodology, practice of development and optimal use of modern means of information and communication technologies (ICT), focused on the implementation of psychological and pedagogical goals.

The main goals of informatization of education:

  • increasing the efficiency of education;
  • increasing flexibility and accessibility of education;
  • development of information culture.

Advantages of using ICT in education over traditional learning:

  • Information technologies significantly expand the possibilities of presenting educational information. The use of color, graphics, sound, and all modern video equipment allows you to recreate the real situation of the activity;
  • ICTs involve students in the educational process, contributing to the widest development of their abilities and activation of mental activity;
  • the use of ICT in the educational process increases the possibilities of setting educational tasks and managing the process of solving them. Computers make it possible to build and analyze models of various objects, situations, and phenomena;
  • ICTs make it possible to control the activities of students, while providing flexibility in managing the educational process;
  • The computer contributes to the formation of reflection. The training program allows students to visually present the result of their actions, identify the stage in solving a problem at which an error was made, and correct it.

ICT has evolved from a holiday innovation to an everyday necessity. At the moment, a new form of education is actively developing - Media education.

Media education deals with all types of media (print, graphic, sound, screen and other forms) and various technologies.

Media education is precisely the form of education that most corresponds to the current situation in the world, when there is a multiplication of information and an accelerated change in more and more new technologies.

ICT can be used in teaching activities in several areas: software support for the course, control and correction of knowledge, presentations for lessons, project activities.

In my work I use ICT at different stages of the lesson: explanation of new material (electronic textbooks, videos, presentations for lectures, mental maps), consolidation of the topic being studied, when practicing skills (training testing), during practical tasks (interactive diagrams) , when testing knowledge (tests, crosswords).

The use of software in the classroom has a number of advantages: it is a significant amount of material covering various sections of the subject; and clarity of presentation of material; accelerating the pace of the lesson by enhancing the emotional component.

Human activity in the modern world is unthinkable without the ability to design. The project is based on a specific result in the form of a specific product. One of the design technology options is the method called “Quest”. An educational quest is a problem task with elements of a role-playing game, for which information resources can be used.

For the first time, this technique, based on the principle of a computer game, in which a specific goal is necessarily set, and players, using their knowledge resources, must achieve the highest possible result, was proposed and successfully tested in 1995 by Bernie Dodge, a professor of educational technology at the University of San Diego (USA). .

Relevance of the quest lesson methodology is associated with innovative areas of education in which information and communication technologies act as the research basis of the lesson.

The purpose of the project technology quest lesson consists in changing the usual stereotypes of organizing classes. Thanks to the use of project technology, students have the opportunity to independently select and structure material, analyze the information received, and learn to make independent decisions in choosing topics and presenting them for discussion in class. In the space of a quest lesson, students comprehend the elements of practical work.

Tasks of design technology are the development of creative thinking; unleashing creative potential; developing skills for rational use of study time; stimulation of cognitive motivation.

Quest technology allows you to fully realize visualization, multimedia and interactivity of learning.

  • Visualization includes various types of demonstrations, presentations, videos, and display of graphic material in any quantity.
  • Multimedia adds to traditional teaching methods the use of sound, video, and animation effects.
  • Interactivity combines all of the above and allows you to influence virtual objects of the information environment, helps to introduce elements of personally oriented learning, and provides an opportunity for students to more fully reveal their abilities.

So, the essence of the quest is that, as a rule, there is a certain goal, which can be reached by consistently completing tasks. Each task is the key to the next point and the next task. And tasks can be very different. The great thing is that quests can be held both in the classroom and on the training ground, that is, in almost any environment.

The quest is built on communication interaction between players. Without communicating with other players it is impossible to achieve individual goals, which stimulates communication and serves as a good way to unite the players. Quests help students cope well with team building, help them establish successful interaction in a team, experience and form mutual assistance, division of responsibilities and interchangeability, and, if necessary, learn to mobilize without panic and very quickly solve non-standard problems.

Quests have an element of competition and contribute to the development of analytical skills. The use of quests expands the scope of the educational space. This is the developmental role of quests.

Learning happens unnoticed, because when solving assigned tasks you can learn a lot of new things. A quest is a great opportunity to gain new knowledge and experience.

The changes taking place in modern society require the development of new methods of education, new pedagogical technologies that contribute to individual personal development, creative initiative, the development of students’ skills of independent navigation in information fields, and the formation of a universal ability to resolve problems that arise in professional activities.

Quests can be used in various subjects, at different levels of learning in the educational process. They can cover a separate problem, academic subject, topic, or they can be cross-disciplinary.

There are two types of quests:

  1. short-term (used to deepen knowledge, their integration, designed for one lesson).
  2. long-term (used to deepen and transform students’ knowledge, designed for several lessons).

The relevance of using quests today is clear. Education of the new generation requires the use of activity-type technologies in the educational process.

The advantage of quest lessons is the use of active learning methods. A quest lesson can be designed for both group and individual work.

In the process of working on such a quest project, students comprehend real processes and experience specific situations. From the point of view of information activities, when working on a quest project, its participant requires the skills of searching, analyzing information, the ability to store, transmit, compare and synthesize new information based on comparison.

By completing a quest project, the student learns to formulate a problem, plan his activities, think critically, solve complex problems, weigh alternative opinions, independently make thoughtful decisions, and take responsibility for their implementation.

Depending on the plot, quests can be:

  • linear, in which the game is built along a chain: after completing one task, the participants receive the next, and so on until they complete the entire route;
  • assault, where all players receive the main task and a list of points with tips, but at the same time independently choose ways to solve problems;
  • circular, they represent the same “linear” quest, but closed in a circle. Teams start from different points, which will be their finishing points.

The structure of an educational quest can be as follows: introduction (which describes the plot and roles); tasks (stages, questions, role-playing tasks); order of execution (bonuses, fines); assessment (results).

The Quest technology can not only broaden the horizons of students, but also allows them to actively apply their knowledge and skills in practice.

Practical part

Training program (in the form of a “quest”)

Event plan

Item no. Event elements Time Note
1. Introductory part

Organizing time

  • Introductory speech by the teacher.
  • Motivation.
  • Communicating the purpose and objectives of the quest.
2 Route sheets for teams.

Note sheets.

2. Main part of the event
  • General rules of the quest game.
  • Performing test tasks.
  • Filling out a mental map.
  • Crossword solution.
  • Finding errors in videos.
  • Working with an interactive diagram.
  • Oral presentation.
35 min Presentation.
3. The final part of the event
  • Scoring.
  • Final words from the teacher.
8 min Evaluation paper.



General rules of the quest game.

To complete the quest, the teachers are formed into three groups. Instructions are provided:

  • You are included in the analytical group of experts. Your task is to consistently complete the assigned tasks; while working, assemble a puzzle in which an illustration related to your future profession is hidden. The groups will receive puzzle pieces based on the results of the work completed. To be assessed: understanding of the task, analysis, logic, structure of information, approaches to problem solving, individuality, professionalism.
  • Each team will go on a “journey” today along an individual route. This route is indicated on the route sheet .
  • The results will be recorded on the score sheet.
  • At each stage, the results of diagnostics (monitoring) of knowledge, skills and abilities are summed up. Depending on the diagnostic results, the teacher makes corrections. Since the main task of training is to ensure students’ strong and conscious mastery of the system of knowledge and skills necessary in professional activities.

Performing test tasks.

Testing is carried out in the system developed by version 2. The system automatically selects questions.

Characteristics of this test:

  • controlling, designed to assess the level of knowledge acquisition;
  • closed type (each question is accompanied by ready-made answer options, from which you must choose one or more correct ones);
  • selective, consists of tasks that include both correct and incorrect answers, students must make a choice;
  • computer.

Working with a mental map

The use of mental maps in a training session expands the possibilities of organizing interactive learning and helps to update the professional and personal experience of students.

When working, the “Blank Spots” method is used: there are missing keywords in the mental map that need to be written down. Students work in the FreeMind program (Version 0.9.0 - 2011-02-19).

Completing the crossword

Interdisciplinary connections in vocational training play an important role in increasing the practical training of students. With the help of multilateral interdisciplinary connections, the foundation is laid for an integrated vision, approach and solution to complex problems of reality.

The application of knowledge from different subjects becomes more specific and becomes more vital.

Students filling out a crossword puzzle show knowledge on a related subject.


Method “Find errors!” The essence of the method is that students are presented with a video containing errors. Before the start of this stage of the quest, students are informed about the existence of inaccuracies and errors in the information material. The task is to identify these errors and analyze them. Search activates students’ activities, increases their attentiveness and interest in solving the problem.

The video with planned errors performs stimulating and controlling functions. The teacher assesses the level of preparation in the subject, checks the degree of orientation of students in the material .

Thus, using the “Find the errors!” method certain learning objectives are achieved:

  • students’ skills are formed to quickly navigate information, analyze and evaluate it;
  • the activities of students are intensified;
  • develops attentiveness when searching for errors;
  • interest in resolving the situation or problem increases;
  • motivation develops and cooperation develops.

Interactive diagram

What is visual learning? Yes, this is a teaching that is built not on abstract ideas and words, but on concrete images...
K.D. Ushinsky

Instructions: within 10 minutes, students must work with the interactive diagram and perform a number of necessary actions..

To prepare for this stage of the quest, this interactive scheme was studied in previous classes, and the multimedia visualization method was used.

In the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, “visual” is defined as “completely obvious from direct observation”, “based on display, serving for display”.

Visual methods - demonstration of various objects, illustrations, models, layouts, independent observations of students.

Oral presentation “Signals”

The result of the quest is collected, analyzed, systematized information (puzzles), which must be presented in a certain form - an oral presentation.


  1. assemble a picture using assembled puzzles;
  2. determine the meaning;
  3. provide an oral commentary on what is shown in the picture.

Before the oral presentation begins, each team receives 5 tokens. The number of tokens varies depending on the quality of the presentation and the completeness of the answer. The received tokens can be used for trading if all the puzzles were not completed during the quest. And also get additional tokens for answering questions.



Filling out the evaluation sheet. Scoring. Summarizing. Issuing and analyzing assessments.

It is impossible to organize educational and cognitive activity without assessment: it is one of the components of the activity, its regulator, and an indicator of performance.

In this lesson, a rating system was used. Rating is a number; it is obtained by collecting bonuses. Rating assessment of knowledge is one of the significant ways to influence students’ performance, generate interest in the learning process and its results.


Education is an industry
aimed at the future.
S.P. Kapitsa

The basis for enhancing the cognitive activity of students is:

  • problem principle. This principle involves presenting educational material in the form of problem situations and involving students in joint analysis and search for solutions.
  • principle of gaming activity. Gaming activities are used using gaming procedures: role-playing, brainstorming, blitz games, etc.
  • the principle of joint collective activity. Holding small discussions while analyzing and solving problem situations allows you to create an active, creative and emotionally positive atmosphere. At the same time, conditions are created for the emergence of self-organization of collective activity of students.

Advantages of the quest lesson:

  1. Students see the end result in front of them - a thing they made with their own hands.
  2. Conducting classes using this method allows you to teach how to solve new, atypical problems and identify business qualities.

All of the above does not mean that we should completely abandon traditional types of work - explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, frontal methods and the classroom-lesson system. We are talking about priorities, about shifting emphasis - and nothing more. Depending on the purpose of teaching and the content of the educational material, the teacher chooses those forms and methods that can give good results.

The great German teacher of the second half of the 19th century, A. Disterweg, wrote: “A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it.”

My dear colleagues and friends of my blog!

Let me congratulate you all on Knowledge Day!
I wish everyone steely patience and energy, wisdom and prudence, self-confidence and genuine interest in knowledge and life!
I wish everyone strong immunity to troubles and optimism! Your children always make you happy!

To know and remember everything in the world,

Think about everything and understand everything,
To be responsible for everything in the world -
We celebrate Knowledge Day again!
Since there is a holiday, it means it is needed,
If only there was a reason in September...
Here the yellow leaf will spin again
Autumn day on the calendar.
When both intelligence and knowledge are needed
...and that means we need a soul...
The world will be born, through trials
Hurrying persistently towards wisdom!

I wish you wisdom and patience,
A lot of persistence and luck.
Let the children always help in everything,
Let your talents grow under your wing!

It is customary to give gifts on holiday.

And I prepared a gift for you too! Click on the picture and get it.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness! We are teachers, an inquisitive people, and our whole life is learning! Today is the holiday of Knowledge and hope. that you will need new knowledge to work in the direction of education “Digital School”. Here's another gift from me.

Did you like the postcard?
Congratulate your family and friends, as well as your colleagues. Let them also receive moments of joy!
Here is the link.

“System approach” - Basic starting points. Some schoolchildren. Text. Achievements of Education for All. Systems approach. Achieving the goal of education. The impact of poor quality education on development. The main mission of education. Properties of the Concept. Goals of KDKOO. Initial conditions for KDKOO. Structure and application of the Concept.

“Person-centered learning” is the main task of a teacher in a person-centered educational space. Features of the person-centered approach. Assimilation of knowledge. Pedagogical technologies based on a student-oriented approach. Development of creative abilities. The task of the school. Personally centered education.

“Person-oriented technologies” - stage 3 – development design. Personal development. The goal of personality-oriented education: The system of “teacher-child” relations. Model of personality-centered education. Basic conceptual ideas of technology of personality-oriented education. Pedagogical position. Taking into account features.

“Independent work in class” - DVDs. Video media. Five groups. Independent work with a textbook in geography lessons. Strunina Lyudmila Aleksandrovna primary school teacher at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 in Michurinsk. Strunina Lyudmila Alexandrovna. Drawing by a primitive artist, Spain. Show me - I can remember. Techniques. The role and place of independent work in studying physics.

“Research Seminar” - Research Seminar. Informational resources. History of everyday life. Familiarity with accepted practices in the academic community. Bibliographic search. Learner competencies. Searches for information resources. Research project. Genres of historical writing. Mastering the primary skills of academic work.

“Modular training” - Flora and fauna M5 – Population M6 – Generalization. “The Far East is a unique region.” Distinctive features of MO. The assessment system is proposed by the teacher. General principles of MP. Theoretical foundations of MO. The content of the training is presented in complete independent complexes. Structure of the modular program and individual modules.

"Basic approaches to Quest - technology"

GOAL: to provide practical assistance to teachers in using Quest technology in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.


1. To form among the participants of the master class an idea about Quest technology in a preschool educational institution.

2. To promote the practical development of skills in designing educational activities using Quest technology.

Quest ( borrowing English . ) Quest - “search, subject of search, search for adventure, fulfillment of a knight’s vow”; initially - one of the ways to construct a plot is the characters’ journey to a specific goal through overcoming difficulties).

In light of recent trends, when the Federal State Educational Standard for Education came into force, which is based on the fundamental principles:

supporting childhood diversity;

preserving the uniqueness and intrinsic value of childhood as an important stage in the overall development of a person;

the implementation of preschool education programs takes place in a form specific to preschoolers - in play, cognitive and research activities, and creative activity. Educational activities in the quest format fit perfectly into the concept set by the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. And it becomes an excellent opportunity for the teacher and children to organize life in kindergarten in an exciting and original way.

A quest is a form of interaction between a teacher and children, which promotes the formation of skills to solve certain problems based on a competent choice of alternative options through the implementation of a specific plot. Quest is a game-based pedagogical technology. A game that is relaxed in nature is based on a person’s inner motivation and allows him to develop independent actions.

Tasks can be very different in content and content: creative, active, intellectual, etc. It is especially significant that quests can take place both in an enclosed space (group, kindergarten) and outdoors, in nature, covering the entire surrounding space.






During QUEST, children develop in all educational areas and implement different types of activities:




CLASSIFICATION OF QUEST TECHNOLOGIES Today, according to various estimates, it is customary to distinguish several types. When planning and preparing a quest, the plot itself and the educational space where the game will take place play an important role. Will it be a closed space or a wider field of activity, how many participants and organizers will there be, where will the participants start, will they move in a certain sequence or choose their own route. Depending on this, quests can be divided into three groups.


  • Grade. Prize. Reflection (summarizing and evaluating the event)
  • The teacher focuses on 4 types of reflection to evaluate the event:

I would like to especially pay attention to the last stage. The teacher focuses on 4 types of reflection to evaluate the event:

Communication - exchange of opinions and new information between children and teachers;

Informational - children’s acquisition of new knowledge;

Motivational - encouraging children and parents to further expand the information field;

Evaluative - correlating new information with children’s existing knowledge, expressing one’s own attitude, evaluating the process.

A mechanism for stimulating reflection can be conversation questions: “What new did you learn?”, “What was interesting?”, “What surprised you?”, “What was difficult?”, “Did everything work out the way you wanted?”).

Stages of the game

Requirements for tasks:




1. Availability


Adequacy of the situation

1. Game safety.

2. Systematicity – logical connection of tasks with each other

2. Games correspond to the age, zones of current and immediate development of children.

3. Emotional content of tasks

3. A peaceful way to resolve disputes and conflicts.

4. Timing.

5. A variety of children's activities during the quest.

6. Availability of a visible final result and feedback.

Passing each stage allows a team of players move to the next stage . The team receives the missing information, hint, equipment, etc. But the highlight of this organization of play activity is that, having completed one task, children receive a hint to complete the next one, which is an effective means of increasing motor activity and motivational readiness for cognition and exploration. Also, while completing tasks, children receive bonuses (chips) and fines.


Game creation algorithm

Determine what target audience the game will be intended for

Formulate the purpose of the game - why you plan to play it and what to achieve as a result

Think over the instructions for the game, first approximately, in general terms, answering the question: “What do the participants need to do in order for the goal of the game to be achieved?”, and then write down the instructions verbatim.

Think about what the action suggested by the instructions looks like, what images arise in your mind, also take into account the age and other characteristics of the target audience and the main idea of ​​the program. Having summarized these data, come up with a game metaphor, the intrigue of the game.

Based on the resulting metaphor, come up with a beautiful name for your game.

Mentally play out the entire game and write down the methodological features of its implementation (duration, features of the organization of the playing space, time and place, necessary materials).

Understanding the capabilities of the game, its potential, think over questions for discussion and meaningful analysis after the game.

Consider options for modifying the game.

The quest technology is used both in educational activities and in extracurricular activities. It helps develop the creative abilities of students. Flash mob is a “child” of the new century, used by young people to quickly solve a certain problem. Dynamism and mobility are very attractive to students, especially high school students. The technological map is a methodological novelty in the work of a teacher. Therefore, this material will be of interest to teachers. A master class is a teaching method both with the help of a teacher and with the help of students. This technology is also significant in extracurricular activities with children of different ages.



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Quest technology in the work of a history teacher

Quest (from the English “search”, the term comes from the world of computer games) – in our understanding, it is a game on the ground, the purpose of which is to search for some objects.

Algorithm for preparing and conducting a quest Intelligence Study of a selected object Distribution of instructions Development of a game program Preparation of material Notification about the game Conducting a quest Analysis of the case Finding a route Determining the timing of the game Analysis of the material Selecting the theme of the game

2011 – 2012 regional project “Game - quest “Our Old Polytechnic Institute” Goal: To intensify students’ cognitive interest in the history and culture of the Vyborg region. Objectives: 1- expand the cultural level of students 2- introduce the sights of the park of the Polytechnic Institute 3- encourage independent local history research

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes


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