Pioneer Valentin is going very well. Ether radio chanson

"Chanson of the Year-2019": all the stars on the main stage of the country

The solemn ceremony of awarding the "Chanson of the Year" award took place on April 20 at the State Kremlin Palace! There was a full house in the main hall of the country that evening. Many fans of the genre specially came to the capital to get to the concert. After all, "Chanson of the Year" is a kaleidoscope of favorite artists, original authors, soulful songs!

Eduard Izmestiev is familiar to Radio Chanson listeners, first of all, by participating in the Andrey Bandera project. But not everyone knows that in the 90s, a young but talented composer worked as an arranger in a large recording company. Participated in the creation of the first albums of Dima Bilan, then collaborated with Vitas for many years and even helped to record one of the albums of Alexander Marshal!

Today is the day of memory of the astronomer and meteorologist Anders Celsius. He died 275 years ago in his native Sweden, giving the world a temperature scale that measures the heating of all working fluids in a car. Interestingly, at first Celsius took as zero the boiling point of water, and not melting. If his compatriot, the famous biologist Carl Linnaeus, had not turned the Celsius scale, motorists today changed tires from winter to summer at about 110 degrees.

April 25 is the birthday of the world hockey legend, the best goalkeeper of all time, three-time Olympic champion Vladislav Tretiak. No, the date is not round - 67 years - but I think that every birthday as president of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation for Tretiak is not a time of celebration, but a time of active work before the World Championship. So it is at the moment. We need to form a team. It is clear that it will include best players from the KHL, the season in which ended with the victory of Tretyak's native CS...

In this historic 1946 photograph from the Central state archive Film and photo documents of the USSR captured "Komsomolsky car" No. 10 in the city of Zhytomyr on Bolshaya Berdichevskaya Street in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe current Queen Square. There was no Korolev Square back in 1946. Yes, and the street was then no longer Bolshaya Berdichevskaya, but Karl Marx. So it was renamed by the Bolsheviks in 1920. The former name will be returned to her in seventy-one years. But the former name is not historical either. On the plan of Zhytomyr in 1810, it was called "The Great Postal Road to Berdichev". In the 1930s, since the road to Berdichev became a large street, it was renamed Bolshaya Berdichevskaya Street, and Berdichevskaya Street, which is smaller, was renamed Malaya Berdichevskaya (in Soviet time- Komsomolskaya).

It is now difficult to recognize this section of the street. Only one house survived. He is the first one on the right in the photo. This is a former guest house of the Bishops' Metochion with a gatekeeper - a monument of urban planning and architecture of the first half of XIX century. In October 1846, Taras Grigoryevich Shevchenko stayed here. On the facade of the building about this event memorial plaque. The photo shows that the entrance to the building used to be from the street. I remember that the porch at the entrance was cast iron. And on the porch is the stamp of the factory of the Durilin brothers in Denesh. In Soviet times, the headquarters of the 8th Tank Army of the Carpathian Military District was located in the former Bishop's Compound, and now it is the headquarters of the 8th Army Corps. In the photograph near the door of the gatekeeper we see a sentry. There was then a city military commandant's office with a garrison guardhouse. Behind this building is a one-story shop. It was demolished in 1971 during the construction of a five-story building on the site.

In the background on the right is a two-story house, the end facade of which is decorated with graffiti depicting happy Soviet people and a portrait of Stalin above them. This is the former tenement house merchant Alexei Efimovich Zhuravlev, built in 1891. And behind this house you can see the roof of the two-story building of the former Zhytomyr Mutual Credit Society, built in 1900. From 1905 to 1910 there were music classes, on the basis of which in 1911 a School of Music at the Zhytomyr branch of the Imperial Russian Musical Society on Mikhailovskaya Street. During the Second World War, both of these buildings were damaged by fire. They were reconstructed with the addition of one more floor according to the project of the chief architect of the city, Semyon Moiseevich Engelman. The reconstruction was completed on February 21, 1959. After reconstruction, they became one building in which the Zhytomyr City Council is located.

On the left in the photo is a three-story former apartment building. In Soviet times, on the first floor there was a pharmacy No. 1 and a public canteen, and on the upper floors - Regional agricultural machinery and the Zhytomyr department of integrated design of the Ukrselkhoztekhproekt institute. And on the left side of the building, a one-story store "Chemical reagents" was attached. On April 29, 1971, a monument to Sergei Pavlovich Korolyov will be unveiled on Soviet Square (now Korolev Square), and this house, blocking its view from the street, will be doomed to demolition. The house will be demolished in two years. The pharmacy will move to the first floor of a new five-story building on the opposite side of the street, and the Regional Agricultural Equipment and Design Organization will move to May 1 Street (now Svyatoslav Richter).

Let's pay attention to the pavement of the street. She is cobblestone. Such were then the pavements of all the streets of Zhytomyr, with the exception of Mikhailovskaya, which was asphalted in 1936. And until 1936, Mikhailovskaya was with the same coating. Asphalt on all streets will then be laid on top of the cobblestones. In the middle of the bridge there is a tram track. A tram ran here from 1899 to 1958. The tram line is single gauge narrow gauge. The width of the old streets did not allow for more. In order to let an oncoming tram pass, sidings were made on the streets. At each of them, the tram had to stop and wait a long time for the oncoming car. Hence the saying: "Fast as a Zhytomyr tram." The tram line turns to the left onto Komsomolskaya Street in the depot. This first depot in the city operated from 1899 to 1978.

And now let's pay attention to the tram car in the center of the picture with the number 10 and the name "Komsomolsky car". What is the name after? In the post-war 1940s, special Sundays were held in schools to collect scrap metal and waste paper. Pioneers of the junior classes collected waste paper, and Komsomol members of the senior classes - scrap metal. All this was brought to the schools. Those schools that collected more were awarded with certificates, wrote about them in newspapers. Even then, I had not grown up to the Komsomol age, and I collected waste paper. At school, they explained to us that new notebooks and textbooks would be made for us from waste paper, and new railway and tram cars from scrap metal. Moreover, if at the plant the cars are made from scrap metal collected by Komsomol members, then they will be called "Komsomol cars". Indeed, such cars soon appeared in cities where there were trams. In the summer of 1946, we saw a new Zhytomyr Komsomol wagon, all the details of which were smelted from our Zhytomyr Komsomol scrap metal. He is in the photo. See, envy!

Then I believed that everything was exactly like that. Now I do not believe. The fact is that during the war, not a single plant in the Soviet Union produced new tram cars. After all, only one year had passed since the end of the war. Could it really have been possible to restore the plants and set up the production of new cars this year? I start searching archival documents. For each tram car from the moment of its release from the manufacturer until its decommissioning, a technical passport is maintained, where its entire history is recorded. Here I was lucky. The Zhytomyr tram and trolleybus department has preserved the technical passport of the tram two-axle motor car No. 10. I found the main data of this passport on the Internet. It turned out that they made it at the Belgian plant "Nivelles" and sold it to Odessa. Does it mean that we were deceived? This is not a new Zhytomyr, but an old Odessa tram? Is it really the one about which the inhabitants of Odessa composed a song: “Tram number ten was on. Someone died on the site. Pull-pull the dead. Lamza-dritsa-tsa-tsa-tsa ... "? At Ilf and Petrov, in the eleventh chapter of The Golden Calf, these lines, unexpectedly for everyone, were sung by the head of the entire Hercules, Comrade Polykhaev himself. How did this famous Odessa tram number 10 end up in Zhytomyr?

Yes, this is a former Odessa tram car, but ... not the same one. The technical passport says that until 1946 this car had number 28. In Odessa, the first electric trams appeared in 1910. In the history of the Odessa tram there is a list of numbers of passenger cars by the years they were put into operation. According to this list, car No. 28 was put into operation in 1911. Then in Odessa there was also a narrow gauge, as in Zhytomyr. In 1934 - 1935, Odessa switched to a wide tram gauge, and some of the narrow gauge cars began to be sold to cities with a narrow gauge. This car was bought by Kirovograd (now the city of Kropivnitsky). In the autumn of 1943, the Germans transported him from Kirovograd to Zhytomyr. In Zhytomyr, the invaders used passenger trams to transport coal from the railway station to the power plant. In 1946, the tram was repainted into the "Komsomolsky car", replacing it with number 28 for number 10. And this is so that the old car would not be recognized. It was written off for scrap in January 1951. In this way, in 1946, naive collectors of scrap metal were deceived.

"Chanson of the Year-2019": all the stars on the main stage of the country

The solemn ceremony of awarding the "Chanson of the Year" award took place on April 20 at the State Kremlin Palace! There was a full house in the main hall of the country that evening. Many fans of the genre specially came to the capital to get to the concert. After all, "Chanson of the Year" is a kaleidoscope of favorite artists, original authors, soulful songs!

Eduard Izmestiev is familiar to Radio Chanson listeners, first of all, by participating in the Andrey Bandera project. But not everyone knows that in the 90s, a young but talented composer worked as an arranger in a large recording company. Participated in the creation of the first albums of Dima Bilan, then collaborated with Vitas for many years and even helped to record one of the albums of Alexander Marshal!

Today is the day of memory of the astronomer and meteorologist Anders Celsius. He died 275 years ago in his native Sweden, giving the world a temperature scale that measures the heating of all working fluids in a car. Interestingly, at first Celsius took as zero the boiling point of water, and not melting. If his compatriot, the famous biologist Carl Linnaeus, had not turned the Celsius scale, motorists today changed tires from winter to summer at about 110 degrees.

April 25 is the birthday of the world hockey legend, the best goalkeeper of all time, three-time Olympic champion Vladislav Tretiak. No, the date is not round - 67 years - but I think that every birthday as president of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation for Tretiak is not a time of celebration, but a time of active work before the World Championship. So it is at the moment. We need to form a team. It is clear that it will include the best players from the KHL, the season of which ended with the victory of Tretyak's native CS...