Summary of the story of Kataev's son of the regiment. The story of V. Kataev “Son of the Regiment”: a brief description. “Son of the Regiment”: real events of an unreal story

The main characters in Kataev's story are the following characters.

Vanya Solntsev is a twelve-year-old teenager, an orphan, who was encountered by a detachment of Soviet intelligence officers. He became the “son of the regiment”, to whom the soldiers gave the nickname “shepherd”. After the war, he was enrolled in the Suvorov Military School.

Captain Enakiev is a thirty-two-year-old battery commander. He decided to adopt Vanya, but died during one of the battles.

Corporal Bidenko is an intelligence officer who worked as a miner in the Donbass before the war. He was called the "bony giant." It was he, along with Gorbunov and Egorov, who picked up Vanya in the forest.

Sergeant Egorov is a twenty-two-year-old intelligence officer.

Corporal Gorbunov is a scout and friend of Bidenko. Before the war he worked as a lumberjack in Transbaikalia. The fighters called him “Siberian” and “hero.”

Chapters 1-7

Autumn, damp and cold forest at night. Three scouts return from a mission. Suddenly they discover a boy raving in his sleep in an abandoned and dilapidated trench. Waking up, the teenager jumped up sharply and grabbed a “large sharpened nail” to protect himself from an enemy attack. Sergeant Egorov reassured him, saying that they were “one of our own.”

There is an acquaintance with the commander of the artillery battery, Captain Enakiev, whom all the soldiers respected. He was a brave soldier, but at the same time he was distinguished by special restraint, cold and calculating reason.

The found twelve-year-old teenager Vanya Solntsev turned out to be an orphan. All his relatives died in the war (his father fought at the front, his mother was killed by the Nazis in occupied territory, and his sister and grandmother died of starvation). When the boy was “picking up the pieces,” the gendarmes grabbed him and put him in a children’s isolation ward, where he managed to get sick with typhus and scabies before escaping from the Nazis, almost dying. In his traveling bag, with which he tried to cross the front line, they found a tattered primer and a sharpened nail, which served him as a bladed weapon for protection. Vanya reminded Enakiev of his mother, wife and seven-year-old son who died back in 1941.

The fighters fed the hungry teenager plenty of “extraordinarily tasty little baby.” “For the first time in these three years, Vanya was among people who did not need to be feared.” They promised to train him in military affairs and provide him with “all types of allowance.” However, Enakiev gives orders to send the boy to an orphanage, which is located in the rear. Vanya gets very upset and gives his word that he will run away there by road.

The next day, late in the evening, Corporal Bidenko returns to his military unit. He is silent and gloomy. At this time, the front line moved very far to the west. After questioning his fellow soldiers, he finally admits that while escorting Vanya to the rear, he ran away from him twice. The first time Bidenko found him was after the teenager, at a turn, managed to jump straight out of the truck and hide in the forest, falling asleep on the top of a tree. Only the primer that fell from the bag onto the corporal's head gave away his location.

And the second escape was already “successful”. Moreover, the boy escaped in the morning, tying a rope from his hand to the boot of a female doctor who was traveling with them. The sergeant periodically pulled the rope in his sleep, wound with the other end around his fist, to confirm that the “escorted” was present in his place. However, the teenager was savvy and easily realized his plan.

Chapters 8-14

Solntsev wandered along different roads for a long time until he found the headquarters of some military unit. During this trip, he met a “luxurious boy” who was dressed in a guards uniform and served as a messenger for a certain Major Voznesensky. This meeting turned out to be fateful, because from that moment Vanya began to be delirious with the idea of ​​​​returning to the scouts, which he decided to ask the “chief commander” about after he found him.

Since Vanya did not see Yenakiev in person, mistaking him for an “important commander,” he began to complain about the strict captain, who did not want to make him “the son of the regiment.” Enakiev decides to take the boy to the scouts, who were very happy about his return. “So Vanya’s fate turned out magically three times in such a short time.”

Scouts Gorbunov and Bidenko take Solntsev with them on a mission without reporting this to the battery commander. The boy knew the area very well and could serve as an excellent guide for them. Moreover, he was not yet equipped with uniforms and in his shabby clothes he looked very much like a “real village shepherd.”

During the mission, Vanya went ahead to find out the way. However, while he was sketching in the margins of a primer on a site plan, he was captured by the Germans, who arrested him and placed him in a dark dugout. After a few hours later only one horse returned to the meeting place, Bidenko went to the unit to report the incident.

Vanya’s interrogation was carried out by a German woman who had obvious evidence in the form of a compass and drawings in a primer. However, the boy showed firmness and perseverance without telling the enemy anything.

Chapters 15-21

The little hero hears the deafening sound of an artillery attack by our troops in the dugout. Suddenly the dungeon doors are shattered by a direct hit from a shell. The Germans retreat, and soon Soviet soldiers appear.

After Vanya returned to the scouts again, they took him to the bathhouse, cut his hair and provided him with a full uniform, putting him on full allowance.

Captain Enakiev, having learned about the dangerous mission in which the “son of the regiment” participated, gave a beating to his soldiers, who, in his opinion, loved the young hero “too cheerfully.” After that, he called Vanya to his place and officially appointed him as his contact.

After his appointment, Solntsev began to live with the captain in his dugout. Enakiev decided to personally take care of the boy’s upbringing and “assigned him to the first gun of the first platoon as a reserve number.” At first, the “son of the regiment” began to miss his scout friends, but soon got used to the new conditions and realized that this “family” was no worse than the old one.

It so happened that, while talking with the gunner Kovalev, the captain shared with him his plans to adopt Vanya after the war. Suddenly, German troops began to advance and surrounded the Soviet infantry units.

Chapters 23-27

“Captain Enakiev ordered by telephone the first platoon of his battery to immediately remove itself from its position and, without wasting a second, move forward. And he ordered the second platoon to shoot all the time, covering the open flanks of Captain Akhunbaev’s strike company.”

Since Vanya was assigned to the first platoon, he was in the thick of things and actively helped his comrades in arms. During the battle, the captain, noticing Vanya, orders him to return to the battery. The boy refuses. Then Enakiev orders him to urgently deliver the service package to the headquarters commander.

After returning to his platoon's position, Vanya learns that the battle is over with heavy losses on his part. The soldiers, having fired all the cartridges, entered into hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, during which the captain was also killed. The boy found his body on the gun carriage. Bidenko approached the “son of the regiment,” whom he hugged and cried.

After examining the personal belongings of the deceased captain Enakiev, a note was found in which he said goodbye to the battery and expressed the wish to be buried in his “native land.” In addition, the battery commander asked to take care of the fate of Vanya Solntsev. And after some time, Bidenko, on the orders of the regiment commander, took the boy to the Suvorov Military School. Along with soap and food, the soldiers gave him the shoulder straps of Captain Enakiev, which they carefully wrapped in a newspaper sheet from “Suvorov’s Onslaught.”

Vanya’s first night at the Suvorov School was accompanied by a dream about him running up a marble staircase, “surrounded by cannons, drums and pipes.” And a gray-haired old man, who had a diamond star attached to his chest, helped him climb up. He told him: “Go, little shepherd... Walk boldly!”


In his famous book “Son of the Regiment” V.P. Kataev tells the true and interesting story of a peasant boy, Vanya Solntsev, who became a folk hero and became famous throughout the world. The war took away his family and home. However, the teenager did not lose heart. And the difficult trials that befell him only strengthened his spirit. Among the soldiers, the “son of the regiment” found a second family, with whom he was able to show his character, endurance and courage. This work was filmed twice and was also staged on the theater stage of the Youth Theater in Leningrad. The story was written in the literary genre of socialist realism and was awarded the Stalin Prize, II degree. It is still included in the 4th grade literature curriculum today.

Through the autumn forest in the middle of the night, three scouts were returning from a mission, having spent more than a day behind German lines. Hearing a suspicious rustling, Sergeant Yegorov crawled toward the sound and soon, together with his assistants, discovered a completely feral boy sleeping heavily in a wet trench.

talks about how the fate of Vanya Solntsev, found by our soldiers, was decided. The regiment in which they served had to, guided by intelligence data, urgently advance. And no one could figure out what to do with the boy at such a moment.

The fact that Captain Enakiev, the platoon commander, had his wife and son killed during a bombing at the beginning of the war, did not give him the opportunity for a long time to allow Vanya to stay with the platoon. He could not allow a little twelve-year-old boy to participate in terrible military operations and ordered him to be sent to an orphanage.

Sitting in the tent of the “giants” who fed him, scouts Bidenko and Gorbunov, Vanya did not even believe that just yesterday (as they say in the work “Son of the Regiment,” a summary of which you are reading) he, sick and hunted like a wolf cub, was making his way all alone through cold forest. After all, in the three years that he wandered, these were the first people who did not need to be feared.

Therefore, when he heard that he was being sent to the rear, he was amazed and upset. “I’ll still run away!” - Vanya promised. “Nothing, you can’t run away from me,” answered Bidenko, who was assigned to accompany the foundling. Although he didn't really want that either. The corporal really liked the smart “shepherd boy,” as the scouts called him.

And, to the amazement of Corporal Bidenko, Vanya jumped out of the truck while moving and got lost in the forest, and the soldier had to return to his unit with an unfulfilled mission. He, an experienced scout, could not find the boy and was very confused.

As the story “Son of the Regiment”, a summary of which you are reading, goes on to tell, Vanya, at any cost, decided to return to his beloved Bidenko and Gorbunov. During his search, he met an “amazing, beautiful boy” - a son who suggested that the fighters simply did not like the shepherd. But Vanya did not believe it and firmly decided to become a “son” too.

He finally found Captain Enakiev and convinced him that he could become an excellent assistant to the scouts. The captain, struck by the boy’s resourcefulness and perseverance, brought him into the unit.

And soon Vanya was already on a combat mission. Under the guise of a village shepherd, he
He led scouts with him to the rear of the Germans, but, wanting to distinguish himself and help our people, he made a mistake, taking a compass and a chemical pencil with him in his shepherd’s bag. The Germans caught him writing signs in an old primer. Vanya was saved by Corporal Gorbunov. You can read in detail about how this happened in the story “Son of the Regiment,” a summary of which we offer in the article.

Having become interested in the fate of the boy, Captain Enakiev took him to his dugout,

deciding to adopt him and make him a real artilleryman. A brief summary cannot convey all the stages of Vanya’s martial art training in detail. “Son of the Regiment” describes in detail how the boy became a disciplined fighter and an intelligent assistant commander.

But in one of the battles during the attack on Germany, Enakiev was killed, and the newly orphaned Vanya was sent to the Suvorov School.

Expanding the concept of "son of the regiment"

A child who lived with a military unit was called the son of a regiment; he could be placed on allowance, but could also be supported at the expense of the main army personnel. This tradition has lived in the Russian army since ancient times. Back in the eighteenth century, a drummer boy was assigned to each unit of the army, and on a warship there was an institute of cabin boys, dating back to the times of midshipmen. Below is a brief summary of “Son of the Regiment,” a story by V. Kataev, dedicated to the life of children during the Great Patriotic War.

“Son of the Regiment” (summary of chapters 1-4)

Three artillery soldiers were returning from reconnaissance of enemy rear lines. The eldest, twenty-two-year-old Sergeant Egorov, having heard strange sounds, decided to find out who was making them. It turned out that in a shallow trench, in a green, stinking puddle, a dirty, ragged, ten-year-old boy, who had not been washed or cut for a long time, was raving in his sleep. Because of the light of the flashlight, under the gaze of the scouts, the boy woke up, but, recognizing the Soviet uniform and Russian faces, he lost consciousness. Captain Enakiev, the commander of the artillery battery, although he was preparing for battle, found time to ask Sergeant Egorov about the found boy, who was temporarily housed with the scouts. The boy told about his father who died at the front, his mother who was killed by the Germans, and did not want to give them their wet-nurse-cows. Without milk, my sister and grandmother died of hunger. The boy was fed for some time by the villagers, but then he was caught by field gendarmes and was placed in a terrible detention center for children, where he was almost killed by typhus and scabies. Having gotten a little stronger, he ran away and wandered through the forests for more than two years, dreaming of crossing the front and getting to his own people. In his canvas bag, the scouts found a huge sharpened nail, the main means of defense, and a tattered old primer. Listening to the sergeant’s story, Enakiev recalled his seven-year-old son, wife and mother, who died in 1941 from a German bombing. The foundling called himself Vanya Solntsev and asked to be left in the battery and taught reconnaissance. But Captain Enakiev had his own point of view on this matter, and he ordered Vanya to be sent to the rear. And at this very time, the bony giant Corporal Bidenko and the ruddy, round-faced hero Corporal Gorbunov were feeding their hungry, thin and weak shepherd, as they called Vanya. For the first course he had crumbled potatoes and onions, generously seasoned with spicy pork stew, and served with long slices of rye bread. Then they poured hot tea into a tin mug from a copper teapot with three cups of sugar! The boy was happy! And it seemed to him that he had been living in this tent for a long time with two fairy-tale heroes, and that it was not at all him just yesterday who was wandering in the terribly cold forest alone at night, sick, hunted and hungry, like a little animal. Sergeant Egorov came and reported the captain’s decision to send Vanya to the rear. Bidenko, despite his resistance, stubbornly led the boy, following the order.

“Son of the Regiment” (summary chapter 5-6)

The corporal was gone for a whole day. Gloomy and upset, the scout went to bed, reporting that Vanya had escaped. First, the shepherd boy ran away from Bidenko, jumping over the side of the truck into the soft moss. The scout found him late in the evening thanks to the fact that an ABC book fell from the bag of a boy sitting high on a tree onto the scout's head. Having caught another ride, Bidenko tied Vanya by the hand, tightly wrapping the other end of the rope around his hand. But by morning it turned out that at the other end it was not a boy, but an elderly fellow traveler.

“Son of the Regiment” (summary of chapters 7-15)

Vanya tried for two days to find the scouts’ tent, where he was received so well. He was already thinking of surrendering to some rear orphanage if he had not met an amazing boy dressed in the full field uniform of a guards cavalryman. The gorgeous boy told Vanya that he was an orphan, and Major Voznesensky enrolled him under his name in the cavalry regiment, as the son of the regiment. He was given a full uniform, a saber and was given all types of allowance, and now, as Corporal Voznesensky, he serves under the major. Vanya felt that he could have had a similar fate if not for the harmful captain Enakiev, against whom he needed to complain. And the Boy met what he thought was the most important commander and complained. It turned out that it was Enakiev himself, and he brought the shepherdess back to the scouts. One day Gorbunov and Bidenko took the boy with them on reconnaissance. Vanya took a risky initiative and was caught by the Germans while drawing a map. Only the offensive of our troops saved the boy.

“Son of the Regiment” (summary of chapters 16-27)

After returning to his family, Vanya was washed, cut his hair, put on allowance and given full uniform. He officially became the son of the regiment. Captain Enakiev did not treat Vanya as frivolously as the young intelligence officers; he appoints him as his contact to raise him according to the plan, intending to adopt the boy. One of the elements of the education plan was to assign Vanya to the first platoon to the first gun as a reserve number. During the battle, the first platoon found itself in the center of the fighting. To save the boy's life, Captain Enakiev sent him to headquarters with a package. Upon returning, Vanya learned that the entire crew and captain Enakiev had died. They found a letter from the captain in which he said goodbye to everyone and asked to raise Vanya to be a good soldier and an excellent officer. Accompanied by Corporal Bidenko, Vanya Solntsev went to study at the Suvorov Military School.


Kataev wrote his work “Son of the Regiment”, a brief summary of which is presented above, for young readers in 1944, during a terrible and difficult war. It is probably especially interesting to boys, who may think that fighting is an exciting adventure. But war is danger and death. Children, according to the convention signed in 1949 in Geneva, are prohibited from staying there. They must study and live under a peaceful sky. I would like to hope that adults can provide this for them.

V. Kataev - story “Son of the Regiment”. V.P. Kataev wrote his story “Son of the Regiment” in 1944. About 70 years have passed since then, but we proudly recall our great victory. The Great Patriotic War brought many troubles and misfortunes to our country. It devastated many cities and villages, destroyed millions of people, made thousands of children orphans, deprived them of childhood, sun, joy and love. But the Russian people won this war because they showed a lot of endurance, courage, and bravery. He won because he could not help but win: it was a just war for happiness and peace on earth. And it was also a war for childhood, for women, for family. And in this war, the Russian people showed their warmth, responsiveness, and love.

At the center of the story is the image of a boy, Vanya Solntsev, who was left an orphan during the harsh war years. He was found in the forest by Soviet intelligence officers, soldiers of Captain Enakiev’s artillery battery. For some time the boy lived on the battery, in the tent of scouts Vasily Bidenko and Kuzma Gorbunov. And then it was decided to send the child to the rear, to a children's reception center. Corporal Bidenko should have done this. However, Vanya did not want to go to the rear; he ran away from Bidenko twice. Then he wandered through the forests and came across Captain Enakiev himself. He brought the boy back to the scouts. And Vanya began to live with them again.

The book reveals the character of the young hero, who has suffered so much grief. We see how much he needs love and care, how he becomes attached to the fighters. Vanya is a smart, brave, but at the same time wayward boy. One day the scouts were given the task of finding out the location of German reserves before the battle and finding good positions for firing platoons. And they decided to take Vanya with them. Having shown the initiative, the boy was captured by the Germans; only the offensive of our units saved him. He again ended up with his old acquaintances. And Vanya was given full allowance, he became the son of the regiment. The boy was very proud of his new position. Captain Enakiev became very attached to him because he reminded him of his dead son. He was going to officially adopt Vanya and made him his contact. But in one of the heavy battles, the entire crew of the first gun was killed, including captain Enakiev. He managed to save the boy, sending him to headquarters. At the end of the story, Corporal Bidenko took Vanya to the Suvorov Military School.

Thus, we see the process of formation of the boy’s personality, his acquisition of masculinity, love and trust in people.

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Title of the work: Son of the regiment

Year of writing: 1945

Genre: story

Main characters: Vanya Solntsev, captain Enakiev, corporal Bidenko


A village boy was left an orphan during the war; he managed to cross the front line to find “our people” and fight in the Red Army. The scouts found him in the forest. Captain Enakiev, who lost his family, sees his son in the child, but demands that the boy be taken to the rear and sent to an orphanage. The smart teenager ran away from experienced scouts several times and returned to the unit again.

In the end, he was given a military uniform, boots, attached to an artillery piece, and Vanya became the “son of the regiment.”

During the offensive, the captain, wanting to save the boy, gave him the order to go with a note to headquarters. There the child learned that his entire unit had died, and in the note the military man asked to take care of Van. At his request, the boy was sent to the Suvorov Military School.

Conclusion (my opinion)

When difficult times come, we test our strength. What are we ready to do for our Motherland, our loved ones, our family? And during the Second World War, thousands of boys and girls stood next to adults to defend the country. They didn't think that they might die. They dreamed only of liberating their country. And today we have no right to forget about their high feat.