What is ecology - meaning, definition and types. What is ecology - meaning, definition and types Clover smart ecology

Singling out from this, the highest priority for the long term and with the least degree of implementation and elaboration in the Russian Federation is now “smart management” of natural resources and ecology.

Almost every medium-sized city in the Russian Federation today manages its waste using processes and models dating back to the times of the USSR, which have already completely exhausted themselves and do not correspond to modern reality, neither from the point of view of technology, nor from the point of view of economics, nor from the point of view of spatial-territorial zoning.

Even large cities with a population of over a million, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, suffer from such problems, experiencing a very large environmental load and a catastrophic lack of modern waste processing plants and landfills. And for residents of cities and settlements, it is important to create a favorable living environment, which also includes:
– minimizing waste generation;
– processing of technogenic industrial and household waste;
– attracting investments and creating production facilities in the field of waste management.

The importance of this problem was emphasized by the President of the country in his 2018 Address to the Federal Assembly, and to solve it, a national project (hereinafter referred to as NP) “Ecology” has currently been prepared. NP "Ecology" contains three federal projects (hereinafter referred to as FP) dedicated to reforming the waste management system.

FP "Clean Country".
The key goal of the project is to reduce environmental damage associated with the disposal of solid household waste, reduce environmental risks associated with objects of accumulated environmental harm, and also create an interactive information system that will ensure the identification and elimination of unauthorized waste dumps based on reports from citizens and public organizations.

FP “Comprehensive system of municipal solid waste management”. The key goal of the project is to solve the problem of formation and disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW).
In January 2018, the Industry Development Strategy for the processing, recycling and disposal of production and consumption waste was approved. Thanks to it, a new industry is being created in the country, which will allow additional resources to be involved in secondary circulation, and of course should reduce the volume of disposal of such industrial and municipal waste, and naturally reduce the harmful environmental consequences.

FC "Infrastructure for waste management of hazard classes I and II." The goal of the project is to reduce the negative impact on the environment by creating a modern infrastructure for extremely hazardous and high-risk substances.

FP “Implementation of the best available technologies”. The main goal of the project is to apply an environmental regulation system based on the use of the best available technologies by all facilities that have a significant negative impact on the environment.

Most landfills for disposal and recycling of waste are approaching or have already exhausted their resource, and given the amount of waste produced - 5.4–5.6 billion tons of waste per year, simple waste disposal is not enough. In the current situation, it is time to move from the chain collection → transportation → disposal, to: collection → transportation → processing → disposal.

But the transition to such a model is due to the following main problems in the Russian Federation:

  • a waste management system based on widespread disposal;
  • very low share of recycling and waste disposal;
  • low efficiency and productivity of municipal waste collection and removal services;
  • lack of equipped sites and landfills for waste disposal and recycling;
  • low penetration of modern technologies and innovations into the market, collection, transportation and disposal of waste.
In this regard, a reasonable question arises: “How to increase the efficiency of waste management in a situation of limited economic and technological resources?”

One of the least resource-intensive and most effective ways is to begin to manage and control the main chains of urban waste management processes using intelligent management systems (Fig. 1).

Ecology is a science that studies the basic natural laws and interactions of living and nonliving organisms. People are increasingly forgetting that they need to take care of their home, and they are creating weapons that can destroy all life on earth. At the same time, solving environmental problems is important for the survival of not only animals, but also humans.

What is ecology and what does it study?

Ecological teaching is a separate science that studies the laws of nature. The doctrine originated in 1866 by Ernst Haeckel. Since ancient times, people have been interested in natural patterns, wanted to study them and deified them. The term ecology is translated from Greek as the study of home.

Ecology studies absolutely all human impacts on the living environment; it touches on many pressing issues of interest to humanity.

Technological progress is constantly developing, people paid little attention to the environment, and therefore the air is polluted, many species of animals and plants are dying out. Now millions of activists are trying to solve environmental problems, gradually improving the current state of affairs.

Types of ecology

Ecology, like other teachings, talks about many areas of life on the planet. It is impossible to fit all the main factors influencing the environment in one direction. You will either end up completely confused or completely lose your way to solving the problems that have arisen.

It is worth remembering that ecology originated no more than 200 years ago, but it received a high degree of significance along with physical, mathematical and chemical studies. Many scientific fields are not just affected by ecology - it takes them as its foundations.

Ecology of life. World: More than half of the world's population lives in cities, consuming 75% of the world's energy. Today they are becoming key drivers of the global transformation of the system of production and consumption of electricity and heat.

More than half the world's population lives in cities, consuming 75% of the world's energy. Today they are becoming key drivers of the global transformation of the system of production and consumption of electricity and heat. Low carbon and energy efficiency strategies at the city level are often more effective and ambitious than national ones, and serve as examples for the latter.

Responsible cities of all countries, unite

In the current century, a rethought concept of the urban environment as a model for the sustainable existence of humanity has come to the fore. Cities now have a significant role in shaping the environment not only for their residents, but for the entire country - and even globally - and in many cities this responsibility is well understood.

“Real action is possible at the city level,” said Gino Van Begin, secretary general of the international network Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), during a meeting in Bonn in June. UN climate change negotiations, which focused on clean energy in urban environments. ICLEI brings together more than a thousand cities and towns in 84 countries, helping members move towards a sustainable, low-carbon, eco-mobility, healthy, green and smart future.

Another association of municipalities to develop local sustainable energy and improve the quality of life is the European Union initiative “Covenant of Mayors” (CoM). Already, more than 6,000 European cities have joined, committing to improving their local energy efficiency by 20% (a total of 479 terawatt-hours) by 2020 and generating 18% of their local energy (a total of 133 terawatt-hours) from renewables. sources.

According to technical experts, the greatest potential for energy savings in cities lies in buildings, district heating, transport and lighting. The greater the city's efforts to harness this potential, the greater the reduction in damage to the environment and climate from urban habitats.

“Cities are key partners in making Sustainable Energy for All a reality. With their help, we can change the way we produce and consume energy while significantly reducing the impacts of climate change, accelerating economic development, and reducing environmental pollution,” said Kandeh Yumkella, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Executive Director of the initiative. Sustainable Energy for All.

A healthy home means a healthy resident

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) in 2013, the energy consumption of buildings - heating and cooling indoor air, water heating, lighting, cooking, etc. - accounts for about 40% of the total energy consumption in the world. Moreover, over the next 20 years, about 60% of all buildings in the world will be built or rebuilt in urban areas, mainly in developing countries.

The energy efficiency of buildings, according to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is directly linked to public health: in 2010, outdoor air pollution was responsible for 3.7 million deaths, and indoor air pollution was responsible for 4.3 million deaths. .

The movement towards “healthier” homes in which urban populations live, work and study is gaining momentum around the world, and this development is especially evident in the examples of many businesses and professional associations seeking to convey their views and their skills to politicians and authorities.

“We know that a healthy and comfortable indoor climate increases people’s productivity, improves health and reduces illness, and increases student achievement. Such values ​​must be taken into account when we talk about resource efficiency in the construction sector. We now have this opportunity, and this should be reflected […] in future versions of the EU Directive on the energy performance of buildings,” says Kurt Emil Eriksen, Secretary General of ActiveHouse, a non-profit union of companies and construction professionals. industries - manufacturers, architects, engineers), as well as senior policy advisor to VELUX.

Large Danish company VELUX specializes in window and glass roof technologies and, according to the company's website, aims to play an active role in shaping public policy on sustainability and energy efficiency in buildings.

Thanks to existing energy-efficient materials and technologies, new or retrofitted buildings can use 60-90% less energy than conventional buildings of the same type, and according to, for example, a 2009 study by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development ), these investments are economically justified in all countries and climate zones.

And the city hears industry representatives. For example, according to the Local Governments for Sustainability network, good insulation can reduce heating costs by 90% at a cost of $100 per square meter.

Barcelona authorities claim that even low-cost measures to improve the energy efficiency of school and municipal buildings can reduce energy consumption by 30%. The same result is expected by 14 municipalities in the Prešov region in Slovakia, which announced in June the launch of a program aimed at reducing energy consumption in public buildings (including insulation, heating, lighting, installation of solar panels and collectors), as well as reducing energy costs in street lighting . The program is financed by the European Investment Bank through the European Local ENergy Assistance (ELENA) mechanism.

Central heating is already a step forward

Switching to more modern district heating systems could halve the world's primary energy consumption for heating and cooling buildings by 2050, a recent report from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) shows.

For the joint production of heat and electricity in cities, geothermal sources, the sun, associated heat from industrial processes, wastewater, household waste, and biomass can be used. District heating systems that store the energy generated by wind turbines are widespread, for example in Danish cities.

Many cities provide a good example of how a district heating network can provide residents with affordable energy from local sources, saving the city money. At the same time, they are trying to obtain carbon-free or low-carbon energy, in other words, city authorities and entrepreneurs are looking for and finding ways in heating and air conditioning to completely or significantly reduce the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere. Thus, in the capital of Minnesota, St. Paul, the district heating system runs on municipal wood waste, annually saving the city 275 tons of coal and $12 million. Paris has Europe's first and largest district air conditioning system, using water from the Seine for cooling. And in Toronto, Canada, using lake water in a district cooling system reduces electricity consumption for air conditioning by 90%. Moreover, the city authorities privatized a 43% stake in the district heating system, which brought the municipality $89 million, which was used in other projects for the development of sustainable urban infrastructure.

Another approach is to increase the efficiency of using energy sources, including traditional ones, which also produces savings and reduces overall emissions. Heating plants in Helsinki operate with very high efficiency, converting up to 93% of primary energy into electricity and heat. Even in the UK, where until now houses were heated mainly by in-house gas boilers, the district heating system is experiencing a renaissance: currently providing 2% of the residential sector’s energy needs, by 2030 it should cover 20%, writes on the website of the International District Heating Association. Energy (International District Energy Association) representative of the engineering and consulting company Ramboll Crispin Matson. Supplying, effectively reducing heat loss, thermal energy from combined heat and power plants - plants where the heat generated along with electricity is used rather than wasted into the atmosphere or cooling ponds, Matson explains, provides the potential for reducing both financial costs and carbon dioxide emissions.

Such plants can be powered by gas, biomass or waste incineration, which is less optimal from an emissions perspective than using renewable energy sources, but still provides an opportunity to take a step towards the goal of a carbon-free energy supply.

And Amsterdam has almost achieved this goal: according to the plan adopted six years ago, the entire municipal economy of the Dutch capital should become completely carbon-free by 2015. At the same time, not only buildings and transport should become “green”, but also street lighting.

Education about lighting

According to UNEP data from 2012, 15% of all electricity in the world is spent on lighting; Moreover, this figure is from 2010, and back in 2005 it was 19%. The UNEP en.lighten initiative was created in 2009 to accelerate the global transition to green and energy-efficient lighting technologies and to phase out obsolete incandescent lamps.

The project aims at interregional cooperation in the field of efficient lighting, including the exchange of information and practices, harmonization of standards, regulations and administrative processes and incentives, as well as cost reduction, increased quality control and consumer confidence in energy efficient products.

Of all the measures that can be taken to decarbonize cities, the initiative’s website notes, few are as cheap and simple as eliminating inefficient street lighting. Switching to efficient lighting worldwide could save $140 billion annually and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 580 million tons.

At the same time, energy-efficient technologies in lighting also do not stand still. In addition to reducing costs and emissions from burning fossil fuels, the development of modern technologies makes it possible to gradually improve the environmental friendliness of the lamps themselves - for example, the world is gradually abandoning the increasingly popular mercury-containing energy-saving lamps, which, after expiration of their service life, require mandatory recycling to avoid the release of dangerous mercury compounds into the environment . Mercury lamps can be replaced with LED lamps.

The German city of Dormagen, in the administrative district of Düsseldorf, abandoned mercury and then sodium lamps on its streets. By switching to highly efficient city lighting bulbs in Dormagen, the amount of electricity consumed has been more than halved. The amount of electricity saved is 485.5 thousand kilowatt-hours, and the monthly savings in electricity costs is 7.4 thousand euros. By the end of the project, which began in 2006, in the spring of 2016 it is expected to reduce electricity consumption in lighting by 65%.

Night, street, ...LED lamp, pharmacy

“Such successful projects are not uncommon in the field of street lighting,” Andreas Kress, senior network expert on green public procurement, comments on the Dormagen project on the website of the Climate Alliance network, which unites 1,700 municipalities across Europe. “This example of switching to LED lighting proves that it is cost-effective, easily replicable and offers local authorities measurable energy savings.”

A similar project to replace street lighting in the mining town of Rovinari in Romania reduced energy consumption by 35%. Both the German and Romanian projects were implemented within the framework of the European Green ProcA program, aimed at developing green public procurement mainly by cities that are signatories of the Covenant of Mayors.

And in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku, 600 LED lights have been installed in the Old City of Icheri Sheher as part of a demonstration project. After replacing all 2,000 fluorescent, halogen and high-pressure sodium lamps with LED, the municipality's exterior lighting, operating 13 hours a day, will consume only 170 thousand kilowatt-hours of electricity instead of the current 474 thousand kilowatt-hours.

The project is part of the Action Plan for Sustainable Energy Development of the City developed by the Icheri Sheher Municipality and is coordinated by UNEP within the framework of the en.lighten initiative, as well as the European Commission’s Covenant of Mayors-East program, which Baku joined in 2012. The Ukrainian Vinnitsa and the Moldovan Balti also took part in the draft Covenant of Mayors “Sustainable energy planning for cities: Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus”. And in addition to the overall goal of reducing energy consumption by 20% by 2020, Icheri Sheher also plans to become a car-free city.

Cities: let's catch up and overtake the state

Measures to decarbonize the city also apply, of course, to urban transport - including increasing its energy efficiency, introducing mandatory fuel economy standards, switching to alternative energy sources, modernizing road transport infrastructure, and developing cycling.

When thinking about an environmentally and human-friendly urban transport system, Copenhagen comes to mind first. Just over half - 52% - of the Danish capital's residents call cycling their main means of transportation, and the ratio of bicycle to car ownership among city residents is five to one. The Copenhagen metro was recognized as the best in the world in 2008 - but if public transport is convenient, then more citizens use it than a personal car. But the city wants to make its transport system even smarter and greener, imitating Stockholm's congestion charge to improve traffic flow and air quality.

Here's what Copenhagen's sustainable mobility plan looks like by 2025: 75% of travel is done on foot, by bike or by public transport; 50% of residents commute to work and school by bicycle; the number of public transport passengers increases by 20% from the 2009 level; public transport is switching to carbon-free energy sources; 20-30% of cars and 30-40% of trucks use renewable sources.

In fact, Copenhagen, which won the title of "European Green Capital" last year, aims to become the world's first carbon-free capital by 2025, thus beating the national target by 25 years: Denmark as a whole aims to completely abandon fossil energy sources by 2050. Currently, the energy source for city thermal power plants, to which 98% of residents are connected, is household waste and biomass. But 4% of the city's electricity comes from a wind farm located in the port, owned by the municipality and 9,000 small private investors, and by 2020, Copenhagen authorities intend to provide half of the city's electricity needs from wind energy.

With the goal of “becoming a green, smart and carbon-free city by 2025,” Copenhagen wants to serve as a role model for European cities, according to the official brochure for the 2014 winner on the European Green Capital website. In ten years, the city aims to reduce heat consumption by 20%, commercial electricity consumption by 20% and residential electricity consumption by 10% compared to 2010, and produce 1% of electricity using solar panels.

In energy production, the Danish capital plans to achieve decarbonization of the district heating system, generating electricity from wind and biomass in excess of demand, introducing the production of biomethane - biogas obtained by decomposing organic material - from organic waste.

The city authorities have made separate commitments: administrative buildings must reduce energy consumption by 40% from 2010 levels, and new buildings must meet new energy efficiency standards. In addition, city-owned vehicles are switching to alternative fuels, electricity consumption for street lighting is being reduced by 50%, and 60 thousand square meters will be installed on municipal buildings. m of solar panels.

Megacities against global warming

Copenhagen's approach to urban wind is being closely studied by other major cities, according to Mark Watts, executive director of the Climate Leadership Cities Group (C40), a network of global cities committed to tackling climate change. “Copenhagen has been very smart in investing heavily in wind over the last decade,” Watts told the Guardian. “Like everywhere else in the world, there was an aesthetic objection, but they were able to overcome that by making local people within sight of the turbines shareholders in the company.”

Växjö, a small town in southern Sweden, was the first in the world to commit to urban decarbonization, setting a goal of becoming carbon-free by 2030 back in 1996. The district heat and power supply system, similar to that in Copenhagen, is supplied almost entirely by waste from the local wood processing industry. A quarter of the city's electricity comes from local renewable sources, and when including electricity from the Swedish grid, Växjö's share of clean energy is 65%.

A Scandinavian-style district heating system, owned by the municipality and powered by biomass, landfill waste and gas, has helped Bristol UK win this year's title of European Green Capital. In addition, in Bristol, 15% of the city's electricity comes from renewable sources: the city owns two wind turbines and installs photovoltaic panels on school buildings.

There's a reason cities are ahead of their countries in making climate commitments and achieving ambitious goals: clean energy technologies are often easier to implement at the local level than at the national level. According to Alix Bolle of the European association Energy Cities, cities “can make decisions at the right level and at the right speed and can take the next step towards energy transformation faster than national governments.”

Cities without fossils

In March, Oslo became the first capital city to join the Fossil Free movement, announcing it would withdraw $7 million of its pension fund from investments in the coal industry. The campaign, launched by international climate change civic action organization 350.org in 2011, has reached cities and organizations in the United States, Australia and New Zealand, and last year came to Europe and became, according to research conducted by the Smith School of Entrepreneurship and Environment at Oxford University, the fastest growing divestment movement in history. More than 40 cities, from the American Seattle to the Swedish Örebro, where last year they reduced investments in fossil energy sources from 2 million to 655 thousand euros, have already pledged to stop investing in “dirty” energy.

Shortly after, the Guardian published a statement by the mayors of 26 major European cities, in which they, citing the cities' combined investment capacity of €2 trillion, announced a decision to "join forces and tools that will lead us to an energy and environmental transformation."

However, Fossil Free campaigners see "a contradiction between these words and other actions" of cities - that is, continued investment in infrastructure projects that encourage the use of fossil energy sources. City officials have a hard time standing up to the oil and coal lobbies: In 2013, the hydrocarbon industry spent $213 million—more than half a million a day—lobbying US and EU politicians, according to Oxfam, an international coalition of anti-poverty groups. But resistance is still possible when environmental organizations and an active public get involved.

This recently happened in Portland, America, where Pembina Pipeline, a large Canadian hydrocarbon transporter, came last September with a project to build a butane transshipment terminal. However, less than a year had passed when, under pressure from mass protests from local residents, the city mayor was forced to abandon this proposal. “The winner in the battle for political influence was not a multibillion-dollar energy company armed with promises of new jobs and millions in tax revenue. And environmentalists,” wrote the Canadian The Globe and Mail about this.

“I think the driving force behind this was the community's values: We don't want to be part of this industry,” said Bob Sallinger of the Portland chapter of the National Audubon Society, a US conservation NGO.

Dark Side of the City

So, to a certain extent, coal in the USA is over: new coal stations that are not equipped with technology that allows capturing and storing CO2, preventing its emissions into the atmosphere, will no longer appear in American cities, outdated ones are closing, and by 2030 the share of coal in electricity production in the country will decrease from the current 40% to 13%. Meanwhile, in China, India, and Japan, opposite trends persist. Japan wants to build 43 coal plants to compensate for the loss of power generation capacity at the Fukushima plant, and invest in coal projects in India and Bangladesh. But they too are forced to submit to global transformation: at the June summit, the G7 countries promised to set a course for decarbonizing their economies by 2100, and China, where coal accounts for almost 70% of the energy balance, plans to reduce this figure to 50%.

Yet China now consumes half of the world's coal, and in the city of Heyuan people are demonstrating with slogans like "Bring back blue skies" and "Stop feeding people smog" and collecting signatures against the construction of a new coal plant that could begin this year. In June, Taiwanese activists went on a hunger strike to protest the construction of a coal plant in Krabi; The exhibition “The Dark Side of the City” opened there, dedicated to the victims of the coal plant in Lampang province.

Even the home of the Energiewende, or “energy turnaround,” a country that has pledged to shut down its last nuclear reactor by 2022, get 60% of its energy from renewable sources by 2050 and eliminate fossil fuels entirely by the end of the century, the energy transition is not easy. An example of Germany’s complex relationship with traditional energy is the long-term energy construction project near Hamburg, where since 2004 the Vattenfall company has been trying to build the Moorburg coal station.

In 2007, when the construction contract had already been signed, mass protests by residents began, as a result of which the main executive body of the city, the Hamburg Senate, abandoned the construction of the power plant. This, in turn, sparked protests by hundreds of company employees under the slogan “Moorburg creates jobs.”

After a series of legal battles, the plant was built and commissioned in 2014, and now Germany's second-largest coal plant adorns the banks of the Elbe as "a monument to the incompatibility of coal power and municipal climate strategies," writes energy consultant Jeffrey H. Michel ), noting: Hamburg has committed to reducing CO2 emissions to 4 million tons by 2050, but this will not happen with the existing plant, whose emissions could amount to up to 8.7 million tons annually.

Coal, however, is a two-way problem: while it harms cities that want to heat their homes and light their streets with coal-fired plants, coal may also cause even greater harm to the regions where it is mined, as evidenced by the depressing examples of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany, the Xinjiang region in China or Kuzbass in Russia - disfigured lands, polluted air and water, local residents suffering from pollution-related diseases.

However, according to a new study by the American environmental organization Sierra Club, for every one coal project under construction in the world, there are two rejected ones, and in Europe this ratio reaches seven failed projects per one being implemented. And this trend is encouraging. After all, if now cities, ahead of the rest of the planet and their national governments, are taking one step after another towards improving their environment and climate as a whole, then in the future there should be no place left for “dirty” energy. published

By 2030, modern technologies will make Moscow a smart city with a comfortable living environment - environmentally friendly and safe. To do this, the task of modernizing systems for monitoring the environmental situation, fire safety systems, law enforcement and ensuring the safety of citizens must be solved by using advanced digital technologies for monitoring, control, information and decision-making based on the analysis of Big City Data using AI.

The point of application of efforts will not be the elimination of consequences, but the prediction and prevention of adverse and emergency situations. Creating a unified platform for collecting, monitoring, controlling and processing data will reduce the time of informing and alerting the population, responding to emergency services, and eliminating consequences.

A high level of security for citizens in real and virtual life will be ensured by the formation of advanced video surveillance infrastructure, video analytics and facial recognition systems, warning and fire safety systems, remote monitoring systems, as well as modern cryptography and speech recognition systems.

A comfortable environmental situation in the city will be ensured by:

  • integrated environmental monitoring system - information from sensors will be transmitted in real time using new communication technologies;
  • use of elements of “green” architecture;
  • popularization of electric transport and digital services based on the principles of sharing.
Direction goals
"Safety and ecology"
Contribution of the direction to achieving the top-level goals of the concept

Increased quality of life

Transparent city management

Efficiency of government spending

Improving the environmental situation in the city of Moscow, increasing the quality and reliability of environmental assessments through the use of digital technologies
Increasing the efficiency of use of natural resources in the city of Moscow
Adaptation to climate change
Transition from traditional to intelligent security systems
Reducing the dynamics of the main types of crimes and reducing the response time to emergency situations through digital technologies
Increasing the effectiveness of countering cyber threats, increasing the level of information security of city and personal data

Indicators of the “Safety and Ecology” direction

  • The share of executive authorities of the city of Moscow and their subordinate organizations that use standards for secure information interaction;
  • The total volume of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air;
  • The area of ​​the coastal surface and water area of ​​rivers and reservoirs in Moscow, cleared of debris and maintained in this condition;
  • Area of ​​urban green areas.

5.1. Safety

Current status

  • There is a comprehensive information system for monitoring and managing the forces and means of operational services of the city of Moscow, which ensures response to 165 types of incidents;
  • In the Information and Analytical System for Monitoring the Crime Situation and Public Safety in the City of Moscow, more than 4.7 million records of criminal and administrative offenses, road accidents, economic crimes and others are available for analysis;
  • Over 152 thousand video surveillance cameras connected to the ECHD have been installed in the city of Moscow;
  • Access to images from city CCTV cameras in real time and to the archive of recordings is provided through the state information system “Unified Data Storage and Processing Center”;
  • A video analytics system has been introduced that allows face recognition in real time;
  • A comprehensive emergency warning system for the population of the city of Moscow is functioning;
  • A competence center for information security is being designed.
  • Qualitatively increasing the level of security and reducing the number of crimes through digital and other innovative technologies;
  • Use of new solutions and information technologies to alert the population and ensure fire safety;
  • Effective counteraction to cyber threats through the use of AI technologies, blockchain, quantum cryptography;
  • Creation of a city cybersecurity service;
  • Ensuring the security of city infrastructure - elevators, information and telecommunications equipment, including Internet of Things devices.

Strategic directions

  • Internet of things, video analytics and acoustic control systems:
    • Increasing the detection rate of crimes and their prevention through the use of integrated video surveillance and video analytics systems, acoustic monitoring and the use of Internet of Things devices;
    • Prevention of fires or floods in apartments thanks to sensors installed in residential premises;
    • Providing protection against illegal entry into a home: smart intercoms with facial, voice and behavior recognition functions will stop such actions and transmit a signal of an attempt to commit a crime and data of criminals to law enforcement agencies;
    • Predictive incident response policy;
  • Integrated public warning and fire safety systems:
    • Prevention of human and material losses through the use of integrated warning systems;
  • Police and fire drones:
    • Saving human resources by automating surveillance and patrol tasks;
    • Detection of wanted and unwanted persons by scanning a given area;
    • Search for ignition sources, determine the presence of explosive materials, organize air observation points;
  • Exoskeletons for emergency services personnel:
    • The ability to quickly and without unnecessary physical effort get to the scene of an emergency;
    • Ensuring work in difficult conditions, clearing debris, lifting heavy objects and solving other problems;
  • Wearable equipment with AR technology for police:
    • Widespread use of innovative equipment and equipment by the Moscow police;
    • Introduction of wearable devices with augmented reality technology and facial recognition function to catch criminals;
  • AI for security:
    • Integration of all cameras, sensors and sensors into a single network, allowing you to simultaneously receive, process, analyze and store data;
    • Search for persons and objects both in the entire array of stored data and track their movement around the city online;
  • Systems for predicting the occurrence of negative events based on Big Data analysis:
    • Development of a system for analyzing historical data on precedents and constructing risk profiles - the conditions under which a crime is committed;
    • Increasing the accuracy of forecasts and expanding the scope of their application by enriching camera images with data from sensors;
    • Prediction of both the behavior of individuals and the occurrence of specified events - queues, congestion, traffic jams, accidents, which will make it possible to take the necessary measures in advance and automatically to prevent them or minimize adverse consequences;
  • Promising technologies to combat cyber threats:
    • Application of AI to prevent cyber attacks;
    • Using machine learning technology to analyze the history of cyber attacks and find solutions to combat them;
    • The emergence of new solutions for protecting urban infrastructure and creating a digital trusted environment, in particular, based on quantum cryptography;
    • Creation of a city cybersecurity service to protect and ensure the continuous operation of the city’s critical life support facilities, as well as the protection of citizens’ personal data;
    • Creation of specialized tools to reduce the time of incident investigations, resolve incidents by transferring collected data to systems under AI control and correlation with other events obtained from Big Data analytics;
    • Using neural networks when processing accumulated information and making decisions using AI to restore systems after incidents without human intervention or control.
    • Ensuring continuous operation of systems even in the event of emergency technical work or failures;
  • Blockchain technologies:
    • Monitoring illegal actions and attempts to commit crimes in the field of information technology.

Strategic projects in the field of security

5.1.1. Using end-to-end digital technologies to ensure physical and cyber security;


The platform for security and surveillance of urban infrastructure will allow you to quickly respond to incidents and security threats using end-to-end digital technologies: video surveillance (recognition of static and dynamic images, faces and events), acoustic sensors (recognition of alarming sounds), radio air monitoring sensors and other space control systems . In order to protect the city's vital infrastructure, an infrastructure resistant to computer attacks will be created.

5.1.2. Development of a city video surveillance platform and other means of monitoring city life;


A digital platform for monitoring the life of the city, thanks to the use of a video surveillance system and Internet of Things sensors, will allow solving private security problems (searching and tracking of persons and objects), as well as citywide tasks in the areas of housing and communal services, landscaping, construction, transport and others (quality control of cleaning and waste removal , control of the maintenance of city facilities, monitoring of construction and repairs, control of compliance with traffic regulations). The city video surveillance and video analytics platform will become available to city residents and commercial organizations, and it will be possible to integrate private and commercial devices into the system. The system's smart settings functionality will allow you to take into account focus, camera viewing angle and other parameters.

5.1.3. Development of a digital ecosystem for monitoring, forecasting, analysis and response to emergency situations, crime and public order violations;


The creation of a city ecosystem of monitoring, forecasting and response using CCTV cameras and other data sources (microphones, sensors) will allow receiving, processing, analyzing and storing data from all devices that provide the ability to automatically respond to incidents and crimes and help solve them. It will be possible to predict the occurrence of emergency situations (fire/man-made disaster) in real time, predict, prevent and/or manage events (queues, congestion, traffic jams, breakdowns, accidents).

5.1.4. Creation of a citywide cybersecurity center.


A city competence center will be created that will implement a mechanism for interaction between government authorities and commercial structures in the field of combating cyber threats. The Computer Incident Response Center will ensure the protection and continuous operation of the city’s critical life support facilities - energy supply, transport, water treatment and other systems, as well as protect the personal data of citizens.

5.2. Ecology

Current status

  • The Moscow environmental monitoring system is the largest and most modern in the Russian Federation and includes:
    • 60 automatic air pollution monitoring stations (18 million measurements per year);
    • automatic systems for monitoring industrial emissions on chimneys (35 million measurements per year);
    • 5 automatic noise monitoring stations (276 thousand measurements per year);
    • 1,300 sites for continuous monitoring of soil conditions (7 thousand measurements per year);
    • 66 observation sites for the state of surface water bodies (32 thousand measurements per year);
    • 1 automatic water pollution monitoring station (259 thousand measurements per year);
    • observation system for hazardous geoecological processes (543 thousand measurements per year);
    • 130 sites for continuous monitoring of the condition of green spaces (200 thousand measurements per year);
  • An automated information system “Electronic model of the territorial waste management scheme” has been developed and is being prepared for commissioning, designed to automate, plan and control the processes of collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization and disposal of waste, as well as the implementation of the functions of public authorities in the field housing and communal services and waste management of the city of Moscow.
  • Improving the environmental situation in the city of Moscow, increasing the quality and reliability of assessments of the state of the environment, improving public awareness through the use of digital technologies;
  • Ensuring transparency in management, prevention and detection of environmental violations through digital technologies;
  • Popularization of electric transport, including through incentives using fiscal instruments (tax policy, direct subsidies), as well as active development of infrastructure for environmentally friendly (personal and public) transport;
  • Ensuring separate collection and effective disposal of industrial and solid municipal waste;
  • Increasing the efficiency of use of natural resources in the city of Moscow;
  • Adaptation to climate change.

Strategic directions

  • City platform for environmental monitoring of the city of Moscow:
    • Use of the Unified City Fund of Environmental Monitoring Data of Moscow, Big Data and AI technologies for control, analysis and forecasting;
    • Increasing the efficiency and quality of the environmental monitoring system through:
      • prompt identification of the development of negative processes with identification of sources of environmental pollution;
      • forecasts for the development of the environmental situation;
      • prompt detection of equipment malfunctions;
      • providing generalized measurement results to interested parties, including city residents;
      • analyzing data and taking timely measures in case of deviation of environmental indicators from the norm, thanks to the introduction of AI elements;
      • forecasting hydrometeorological and technogenic processes using information and communication technologies;
      • preventing negative consequences, informing Muscovites and taking measures to minimize the consequences;
  • Popularization of electric transport and sharing services:
    • Unloading roads and updating the vehicle fleet thanks to the development of Internet services for sharing capital transport (car sharing);
    • Reducing CO2 emissions through the creation of infrastructure and the promotion of environmentally friendly electric transport in the city;
  • The use of digital technologies and robotics in planning and building infrastructure for the separate collection and disposal of industrial and municipal solid waste (MSW):
    • The use of innovative technologies for automatic sorting and environmentally friendly methods of recycling MSW (for example, bins with a built-in waste pressing mechanism, pneumatic feeding of waste directly from the garbage chute to the MSW treatment system) in the design and construction of new apartment buildings;
    • Creation of multifunctional sorting complexes and eco-technoparks for processing, recycling and neutralization of consumer waste using digital technologies and robotics;
    • Popularization and measures to stimulate separate collection of MSW.

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Scientific achievements appear faster than they can take root in the minds of the masses, which is why any topic begins to become overgrown with myths and stories. The environment did not escape this fate either. With all the desire to make their lives more “clean,” people often miss details or completely misinterpret one or another popular belief. Today we have selected several well-known facts about the environment, the other side of which many probably did not know.

website believes that it is not at all necessary to lead the ranks of “greens” in order to respect the environment and be a supporter of sustainable development. It is enough to consciously approach the choice of the quality of your own life and the lives of your loved ones.

1. We Think: Giving Up Meat Reduces Carbon Emissions

There is no arguing that meat food production leaves a much larger carbon footprint in the atmosphere than plant food production. So it makes sense that vegetarianism has good environmental potential. However, some dairy products are even more carbon-intensive to produce than meat.

If you limit yourself to animal products, but at the same time lean on dairy, from an environmental point of view the difference is practically zero. The most effective way to take care of the planet through your diet is to go vegan. Or at least try honestly.

2. We think: you can’t boil water often

The carbon footprint of your cup of tea or coffee is determined not only by the amount of water you boil, but also by the type of kettle you use. Electric kettles heat water faster, but the electricity they require produces almost 3 times more greenhouse gas per unit of heat than burning gas at home. If you want to show concern for Mother Nature, use a kettle for a gas stove.

3. We Think It's Safe to Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Freight transportation is one of the factors that negatively affects the ecological state of the environment, and the greater the distance, the greater the distance. Therefore, buying local products and other goods similar to imported ones seems environmentally sound.

Alas, “local” does not always mean “best” in every sense. Not only the direct quality of the product, but also its environmental value depends on the region. A study has found that flowers grown in remote but sunny Kenya leave a smaller carbon footprint than those grown in heated Dutch greenhouses. The duration of transportation matters, but it is not the only factor that should be taken into account when choosing a product.

5. We think reusable diapers are good for the planet.

Disposable diapers clog already overcrowded landfills and require significant amounts of oil to produce. However, the Environmental Protection Agency believes that reusable diapers are more dangerous in the face of global warming. We think you have already guessed that we are again talking about a large amount of high-temperature washing, to which drying and then steaming with an iron are often also added. It is still worth giving preference to disposable diapers or refusing to machine dry and iron fabric ones.

6. We think: every used item is recycled into an identical one.

We use something, then throw it away, it is recycled and reborn again in the form of a new similar thing. Everything is simple and... completely unrealistic.

It seems that solar energy is the most environmentally friendly of all, because it is natural and easily renewable. This is true, but the fly in the ointment in this case is its detrimental effect on fauna and flora when it comes to large-scale placement fields. Birds are literally burned alive flying over the batteries, and the toxic solar cells contained in the panels poison the lives of other animals and plants.

In addition, their production can hardly be called clean: it is accompanied by such a powerful carbon emission that it practically depreciates the further “environmentally friendly” use of batteries.

8. We think: global warming is canceling winter

Some believe that if severe winters still occur, global warming is simply a myth or has been greatly exaggerated by the media. This misconception is caused, firstly, by a lack of understanding of natural processes, and secondly, by an unsuccessfully chosen term. More and more scientists are now trying to use the phrase “climate change” to avoid causing confusion.

An increase in temperature, even a slight one, does not mean that palm trees can soon be planted under your window. A much more realistic consequence is increased evaporation of the world's oceans, which will lead to more water in the atmosphere, which could fall on us in the form of the same snow, even more abundant than ever. And the melting of ice in the Arctic and changes in the formation of air flows are associated with harsher frosts.

9. We think: biofuels will solve air pollution problems