Literary competitions and festivals. Literary competitions. Comment contest - for active blog readers

Useful materials in this section tell you how to fight intellectual battles in a fun and exciting way without serious consequences. Russia was and remains the most reading country in the world. And, if adults in our era do not always have the opportunity to find time to read, then the absolute majority of our children have been accustomed to good books since childhood. It’s fortunate that there are a great many wonderful domestic children’s writers and poets.

Are you planning to hold a quiz based on Pushkin's fairy tales? Or the game "What? Where? When?" - based on the works of grandfather Korney? You are welcome to the pages of this thematic section on MAAM. There are also literary competitions organized in the KVN format; musical games; fantasy journeys through the pages of your favorite fairy tales. You will certainly find many of these common sense ideas useful in your work.

Let's test the children's literary knowledge in a way that is fun for them!

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All sections | Literary quizzes and competitions

Quiz based on fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin Whose words are these? From what fairy tale? “You fool, you simpleton! You didn’t know how to take ransom from a fish! ....” (Old woman)* “You, elder, let me go to sea, I’ll give you my dear farming out: I’ll pay you back with whatever you want.” (Gold fish)* “Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope, Damn you...

Summary of the travel quiz “In the world of fairy tales” Journey- quiz"In the world of fairy tales." Goals: - develop students’ ability to work in a team; - promote the formation of a positive attitude towards reading. Tasks: Expand and deepen children’s knowledge in the world of fairy tales. Develop intelligence and logical thinking; contribute...

Literary quizzes and competitions - Cognitive and intellectual game based on the works of S. Ya. Marshak “What? Where? When?"

Publication “Cognitive and intellectual game based on the works of S. Ya. Marshak...” Svetlana Vladimirovna Marisova, senior teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 201” Samara Scenario of an educational and intellectual game based on the works of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak “What? Where? When?" Objectives of educational areas The priority educational area is...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Quiz based on the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin “The Wonderful World of Fairy Tales” Direct educational activities for children 6-7 years old in the artistic and aesthetic direction. Quiz based on fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin Theme: “The wonderful world of fairy tales.” Goal: To develop interest in fiction. Objectives: 1. Educational: To consolidate knowledge with children...

Scenario for a quiz on fairy tales for the older group of kindergarten Guessing fairy tales using riddles about fairy-tale heroes, clippings from fairy tales - Guys, last time we guessed fairy tales using objects from a chest, and today the heroes from fairy tales have prepared for you complex riddles about the fairy tales in which they live, but I’m sure that we we can handle it for you! 1....

One of the effective forms of working with parents is open classes. The goal of open classes is to maximize the inclusion of parents in the educational process. Every adult is interested in what his child is doing in class. Therefore, on November 29 in the middle group there was...

Literary quizzes and competitions - Photo report “Quiz “On the roads of winter fairy tales” in the preparatory group

In preparatory group No. 5 there is a quiz “On the roads of winter fairy tales”. There are 16 questions that need to be answered in the form of a drawing or picture. 1Grandfather and woman lived together and made a daughter out of a snowball. The boys, together with mom and dad, fantasized, drew, glued pictures...

Let's try to roughly divide the competitions into three groups:
- prestigious literary awards: “Big Book”, “Booker”, “National Bestseller”, genre awards such as “Wanderer”, etc.
- competitions held by publishing houses, such as “Manuscript of the Year”;
- network competitions.

Prestigious literary awards

Prestigious literary awards are for published authors, have substantial prize pools, nice prizes to put on the shelf, and attract widespread media attention. Even being included in the longlist is already happiness and a reason to proudly announce it on the cover of the book. However, no award guarantees success with the reader.

It is very difficult to nominate yourself for such a competition, even if you published a book at your own expense - publishers, thick magazines or a panel of judges most often have the right to nominate.

Therefore, you can forget about these bonuses and calm down. It’s one of two things: either it will happen or it won’t, nothing depends on our efforts.

The exception is "Debut". But it has drawbacks - this is a prize for authors under 25-35 years of age.

Competitions held by publishing houses

These competitions are mainly intended for aspiring authors and give them a great chance to start a writing career and get some initial impetus.

There are no prizes in them or they are purely symbolic, but they have one big, simply huge plus.

These are, by definition, fair competitions. The organizer, who is also the publisher, is vitally interested in finding new talented authors, so attention is paid to each text. As far as I understand, such awards have two main tasks. Firstly, promotion of the author - attracting the attention of the media and attracting the attention of readers with the inscription on the cover “Award winner so-and-so.” Therefore, only the text determines everything. There is no point in giving a push to a mediocre text - it will be a waste of time and money. No matter how much you kick a hedgehog, it will not fly like a bird. Secondly, the fee of a beginning author in our time cannot serve as any significant incentive to write new works. But this recognition and moral support - they play their role.

Finally, this is one of the few chances to publish a non-format work.

My personal experience is very positive. Winning the Blogbuster competition allowed me to meet some amazing editors. Thanks to these acquaintances, my story was published, and the novel did not lie idle for months, but was read immediately, out of sequence. But you must understand that the victory of one text in the competition does not guarantee the publication of another; the only thing you can count on is attention to your application.

Then the novel became the winner of another publishing competition - “Manuscript of the Year”, thanks to which I already have something to fill the “Media about the novel” page on the book’s website.

Network competitions

Online competitions are exactly the case when participation is more important than victory. This will allow the novice author to save some time, since it will not allow him to step on the well-known rake.

Of course, not a single editor will take seriously your comment that the text took first place in the “Afftor, write escho” competition held by the “Young Star of Literature” portal.

The prize most often becomes a beautiful picture on which is written “Winner of such and such a competition.” You can hang it on your blog or website.

The main thing a novice author needs from an online competition is reviews, feedback and reviews. The chance of getting a review or at least a detailed review from the editor of the publishing house who rejected you is close to zero. The majority of blog readers will either write “Thank you,” or “Drink yada,” or remain silent.

If you're lucky enough to make it to the finals of an online competition, you can sometimes get a review from a pro. If not, you will get feedback from people who are interested in literary theory, read a lot, and share their impressions at length. This can be very useful to pay attention to your mistakes, shortcomings and advantages. At a minimum, someone will read your worst story to the end and rub your nose into at least one of the reasons for your failure. It's a kind of school.

You need to understand that online competitions are often won by strong “middle-of-the-road” stories—stories that are understandable and interesting to most judges, and that equally satisfy male and female tastes. In addition, long-standing competitions have their own established concepts of a good story. Those. You need to understand that the judges of any competition are a certain target audience, a cross-section.

There is some risk of running into a not entirely friendly public and getting bogged down in an angry skirmish or some other holivar. But it is only your choice whether to react to such things or not.

Finally, it is very interesting to be a judge of the competition. Therefore, do not be afraid of lynching competitions. Of course, it takes time, but what practice it gives! Firstly, you will partly feel in the shoes of an editor reviewing gravity and understand how to interest him. Secondly, you will easily notice a dozen logs that you could not see in your own eye. Thirdly, you will become familiar with a huge number of cliches, and you will know how to avoid them.

Where to find out about competitions

There is room for everyone to step forward. Now there are many writers, screenwriters and copywriters who have not yet established their positions in the creative environment. What to do if you have no special education and promising acquaintances, but you have already written one or two stories or scripts? Modern technologies help young and adult talents express themselves. You don't have to write on your desk and wait for a belated assessment of your creativity. You can already understand how in demand texts are.

Urban Legend competition for science fiction lovers

Participation and victory in the “Urban Legend” competition will ensure the publication of the story in the collection of the “Contact” club, which was created by fantasy lovers. Club publications are sent to large libraries - this way you can get, firstly, official publication, and secondly, fame in the circles of literature lovers. Each winner will receive a copy of the collection by mail. There will be three prizes in the competition. Deadline March 15, prizes: publications and gift publishing.

Literary Award "Electronic Letter"

Receiving a prestigious literary award is important, especially for an aspiring writer. “Electronic Letter” is an award given to contestants who upload their books (printed in a standard Word file) to the portal. The works will be evaluated by an authoritative jury, consisting of Denis Dragunsky, Dmitry Bykov, Andrey Vasilevsky, Natalya Kochetkova, Sergey Chonishvili, Natalya Lomykina.

The Liters: Samizdat platform will help those who have already written a book earn money. Outside of the competition, you can upload your works to the site and track sales. The publisher will pay you a percentage, which can reach impressive amounts. Deadline March 15, prizes: literary prize, publication, percentage of book sales.

Grand for participation in the project “Cross-border journalism”

If you have an exciting research project in mind, you have the opportunity to fully recoup the costs and make a great statement. Bloggers, journalists and freelancers who are good with words can participate in the grand competition. While working on the project, participants will unite in a group and begin to create materials about pressing and interesting topics relating to many countries (Russia, the Baltic countries and Asia), their inhabitants and current events. Thus, participants, with the help of mentors, will be able to create interesting materials and decide on further publication. Deadline March 4, prizes: payment of expenses, free mentoring, publications.

Studying at a summer media school in Prague

Thanks to the Boris Nemtsov Foundation, you can win free training with travel, accommodation and meals in Prague for 3 summer weeks. It is enough to go through two stages of selection: initial and interview via Skype. All those who are interested in correct and interesting coverage of current events are invited to cooperate: bloggers, copywriters, journalists.

To participate, you just need to plan a project, which experienced mentors will help you implement in Prague. Deadline April 1, prizes: free training, transfer, accommodation, meals and assistance in implementing the project.

“Russian Reporter” magazine and the “I am a Creator” competition

To participate in the “I am a Creator” competition, it is necessary to prepare material about the heroes of our time who take an active social position, are volunteers, or simply enter into an argument with injustice. There will be 6 winners. Deadline is March 15. Each winner will receive a cash reward and popularity.

Publishing house "Fiction" is looking for authors

For those writers who have finished working on a manuscript and don’t know where to go with it, applications to the publishing house “Chchivo” are open. Just make sure your manuscript meets the requirements and send it to the address provided on the site. Deadline: within a year. If successful, you will receive an official publication and earnings.

Literary competition "Red Nose"

All those who appreciate humor and are ready to submit their works in prose or poetry to the jury - act right now. There is still time to select works or write them from scratch. Deadline March 25, 2018, prizes: diplomas, bonus and cash reward.

Literary competition “Stories of the Hidden People”

Previously unpublished works about migrants with a volume of 50 thousand characters or more in Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages ​​are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

Literary competition “Love and Magic”

Previously unpublished works in the fantasy genre with a mandatory love story in a volume of 50 thousand zn in Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

Literary award "Bella 2017"

Poems and essays in Russian and Italian are accepted.


– Russian poem (for Russian-speaking authors 18-35 years old)

– Literary critical or biographical essay about modern poetry (volume up to 60 thousand characters without age limit)

– Optimism is the scent of life (nominated by Tonino Guerra)

Prizes: There is!

Creative competition "New Year's non-stop"

Photos and notes on the preparation and celebration of the New Year in various cultures, countries and localities are accepted.


– Best photo report

– Best note

- People's Choice Award

Prizes: There is!

Competition of fantastic stories on the website ""

Stories with a volume of 5-15 thousand characters in the genre of fiction (in all their diversity) on the theme “Don’t regret anything” are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

International essay competition “Letter to the hero of Aurora”

Essays are accepted in the form of a letter to one of the four finalists for the 2016 Aurora Prize: Marguerite Barankits, Seda Ghulam Fatima, Tom Catena or Bernard Kinvey. The stories of each of the four finalists are presented on the competition website. Volume up to 600 words in Armenian, English and Russian. There are strict requirements for completing the application.

Prizes: There is!

Bodley Head/Financial Times Essay Competition

Anyone 18-35 years old can take part. Dynamic, authoritative and compelling essays of no more than 3,500 words in English are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

Competition in memory of A.T. Aksakov “The Scarlet Flower”

The competition is dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov. Works for children are accepted in 2 categories. Registration on the site is required.


– prose (volume up to 8 thousand characters)

– poetry (volume up to 48 lines)

Prizes: There is!

Romantic story competition “Demon Love”

Romantic stories of up to 80 thousand characters on the theme “Demon Love” are accepted. The competition is anonymous.

Prizes: There is!

Short story competition "High Heels-8"


– Revelations

– Romantic comedy

Science Fiction and Fantasy Competition

Works in the genre of science fiction or fantasy with a volume of at least 200 thousand characters are accepted. No more than 3 works from each participant.

Acceptance of work: [email protected] In the title, be sure to indicate: “Competition - full name of the participant”; in the letter, provide all the information for the participant’s application form.

Prizes: There is!

Russian-Japanese tanka poetry competition

Citizens of Russia and Japan can take part. Poems in the tanka genre in Russian or Japanese that have not been published anywhere before are accepted. Topic: Mountains and waters.

Prizes: There is!

Essay competition "Leader of Tomorrow"

Students enrolled in a master's program or a postgraduate program at any university who were born in 1987 or younger can participate. Essays of up to 2100 words in English are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

Literary competition for children and youth “For the benefit of the Motherland 2016-2017”

Children, boys and girls aged 7-25 years can participate.

– Stories are the connecting thread

– The fate of the native language

– Free theme


– prose (story, sketch, essay, biography)

– poetry (poem)

– journalism (report, interview, article, chronicle)

Prizes: There is!

Pioneer song creation competition

Organizer: Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization. Texts of pioneer songs are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

XII International Literary Prize named after. P.P. Ershova

The prize is awarded for works of prose, poetry, drama, and work in the field of journalism that continue the best traditions of Russian culture and are aimed at readers of children and youth, regardless of publication and volume.


– From the descendants of P.P. Ershov - for the preservation and development of the best traditions of Russian children's literature

– Connection of times - nomination named after V.G. Utkov, for the preservation and development of the best traditions of children's educational (popular science) literature

– The choice of the patron of the arts is for a work for children and youth that continues the traditions of the fairy tale genre.

Prizes: There is!

Short story competition “Life can be cruel!”

Stories about an event that severely affected your life or the lives of loved ones and people you know are accepted. Registration on the site is required.

Poetry competition “Mine is someone else’s”

Poems about missed opportunities in love, uncertainty in relationships, regret about what was done or, on the contrary, not done to preserve love are accepted. Registration on the site is required.

Competition for film scripts about the heroism of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

At the first stage, detailed synopses of full-length feature film scripts in Russian with a volume of at least 20 pages are accepted. The script must preserve the historical truth and memory of the heroic past of our Fatherland, continue and develop the best traditions of Russian and Soviet drama, formulate spiritual and moral values, responsible citizenship and patriotism.

Prizes: There is!

7 Youth poetry competition "KaeRomania"

The competition is dedicated to the poet K.R. (To Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov). Young poets aged 14-27 can take part. Authors aged 18-35 years old participate in a special category of the competition for young journalists. No more than 5 poems with a total volume of no more than 300 lines are accepted. Nominations:

– Mirror (remakes of the famous poem by Nikolai Zabolotsky “Love painting, poets!” are accepted)

– The whole world is a theater... (philosophical reflections on the world and relationships between people or specific personal experiences are accepted)

– Optimistic (poems with march meter are accepted)

– Offering to Pavlovsk (poems dedicated to Pavlovsk, inspired by its history, architecture, nature are accepted)

– Amazing meeting (nomination for journalists, texts about an event, place, phenomenon, person in the field of culture and art that amazed them are accepted)

Prizes: There is!

Literary competition "The Little Prince"

The competition is dedicated to Exupery’s work “The Little Prince”. Anyone under 25 years old can participate. It is necessary to come up with a continuation of the story about the little prince, in which the hero Exupery flies to the 8th planet and meets its inhabitant. The language of the competition is French. The volume of the competition work is up to 2500 characters.

Prizes: There is!

Short story competition “Word Algebra”

Stories up to 20 thousand characters are accepted. There are no genre or topic restrictions.

Short story competition "Dialective"

Stories for children aged 8-14 years in the dialectical genre with a volume of up to 60 thousand characters are accepted. The story should reveal the dialectical process and show its charm. For details about the dialectical genre, see the link.

Prizes: There is!

Short story competition “Russia. It's time for change. Alternatives"

The competition is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution. Stories in the genre of alternative history from the times of 1917-18 with a volume of 2-20 thousand characters are accepted. The competition is anonymous.

International screenwriting competition “Potential 2017”

Screenwriters and directors aged 18-35 can take part. Scripts for short films in Russian with a duration of 7-15 minutes are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

Translation competition “Sensum de Sensu 2017”

Anyone under 30 years old can take part. Translations from foreign languages ​​into Russian of specially prepared tasks from the competition website are accepted.


– translation of special text from English

– literary translation of prose from English

– translation of a special text from German

– literary translation of prose from German

– literary translation of poetry from German

– literary translation of poetry from Polish

– literary translation of poetry from Czech

– translation of special text from Spanish

– literary translation of prose from Spanish

– literary translation of poetry from Spanish

– translation of text from French

International literary competition of popular science works “Wives of Polar Explorers”

Essays dedicated to the wives, girlfriends, brides, and muses of famous polar explorers are accepted. The work must be based on real historical facts and contain links to archives, documents, chronicles, and diaries. Attention: there are strict requirements for completing the application!

Suggested list of heroines: Eva Nansen, Jane Franklin, Kathleen Scott, Josephine Dibich Pirie, Juliette Jean, Galina Kirillovna Papanina, Vera Fedorovna Schmidt, Vera Valerianovna Sedova, Sofia Fedorovna Kolchak. Participants can also choose heroines themselves.

Prizes: There is!

All-Russian competition of theater reviews “Writing about the theater”

Pupils of 9-11 grades of schools and students of professional educational organizations (colleges, technical schools, etc.) living in Russia can participate. Theater reviews of any repertoire performance from any theater in Russia with a volume of at least 5 thousand characters are accepted.

Acceptance of work: [email protected]

7th International Grushin Internet Competition

Literary nominations:

– poetry (a selection of 3 works up to 120 lines)

– short prose (essays, articles, stories up to 15,000 characters)

For information about other nominations, see the link provided.

Novel competition “Witchcraft Secrets”

Novels based on a detective mystery are accepted. Volume of at least 420 thousand characters. Registration on the site is required.

Prizes: There is!

Essay competition “Likhachev’s Ideas and Modernity”

Young people aged 15-18 years can participate. The competition accepts essays that develop a specific point from the scientific and socio-political heritage of Academician D.S. Likhachev, formulated in one of the proposed quotes.

Prizes: There is!

Citizens of the Russian Federation aged 14-30 years can participate.


– Screenwriting skills

– Artistic skill

Prizes: There is!

Competition for students “Encyclopedia of Tourism”

Students from Russia can participate without any age limit. Acceptance of work at the address [email protected] with clear filling of the application (see website)


– Design “Postcard from Little Motherland”

– Essay “I was born in...”

– Photo project “My View”

– Research “My Small Motherland in Russian Cinema”

– Encyclopedia of tourist sites

– Encyclopedia of tourist routes

– School Museum

Prizes: There is!

All-Russian creative competition “Thank you for the Victory!”

Students from Russia can participate without any age limit. Acceptance of work with clear completion of the application (see website)


– Social poster (for participants aged 13 years and older)

– Drawing’ (for participants aged up to 12 years inclusive)

– Essay “Why I Say Thank You!”

– Faces of Victory (photos of Great Patriotic War veterans)

– Conversations with veterans (film-interview with veterans of the Great Patriotic War - participants in the Battle of Moscow)

– Excursion “Victory Route” (to places of military and labor glory in the Great Patriotic War)

Prizes: There is!

Topic: “Imagine that you are an adviser to the new UN Secretary General. What global problem would you help him solve first? What advice would you give him to help him cope with her decision?” Volume up to 20 thousand characters.

Prizes: There is!

Literary competition “Hacked Future”

Stories are accepted that are dedicated to the difficult life of a person in the rapidly approaching world of global communications and digital surrogates, total surveillance and invisible cyber warfare, artificial intelligence and unusual social structures. The genre and theme of the stories can be broader than classic cyberpunk, but information technology should be a key element in the plot. Volume up to 30 thousand characters.

Prizes: There is!

VIII International Competition "New Children's Book"

Works in Russian and previously unpublished in commercial editions (over 1000 copies) are accepted.


– Poems and fairy tales for the little ones (works for children under 5 years old, up to 20 thousand characters)

– Fantasy world (works for children 10-16 years old with a volume of 320-600 thousand characters.

Prizes: There is!

Novel Contest “Universe S-T-I-K-S”

Novels with a volume of 420 thousand characters are accepted. based on the series “S-T-I-K-S” by Artyom Kamenisty. Registration on the site is required.

Prizes: There is!

Novel competition “Extraterrestrial Love”

Novels with a volume of 420 thousand characters are accepted. in the genre of romantic fantasy, both serious and humorous. The main condition is that one of the heroes should NOT be human. Registration on the site is required.

Prizes: There is!

8 Literary competition “North - a country without borders 2017”

Stories in Russian with a volume of up to 20 thousand characters without spaces, where the main character is North, are accepted

Prizes: There is!

All-Russian competition of journalists “Entrepreneurship in Russia: history, problems, successes”

Journalistic materials in Russian are accepted (publications, news reports, radio, television stories, illustrations and photographs) informing about the activities of entrepreneurs and the investment climate in Russia in order to create a positive image of an entrepreneur and professional in Russian society.


– Material about entrepreneurship on TV

– Material about entrepreneurship on the radio

– Material about entrepreneurship or the investment climate in Russia in a printed publication, online media, on the website of a news agency or in the blogosphere

– Illustration for the theme of entrepreneurship or investment climate

– Material on the topic of staffing investment projects in the regions

Prizes: There is!

III All-Russian Literary Competition “Heroes of the Great Victory-2017”

Anyone can participate. Stories, essays, poems, songs that highlight a feat, the fate of a real hero, a military-historical and heroic event are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

International literary competition “Warm words 2017”

Literary texts dedicated to the original Russian traditions of stove making are accepted.


– Song of the stove maker (poems dedicated to the stove business, the work of stove makers, up to 2 thousand zn)

– A fairy tale by the fireplace (fairy tales, stories with a fantastic plot, using images of a stove or fireplace, up to 10 thousand characters)

– Warm works of the master (realistic stories, essays, essays about the stove business, the fate of stove makers in the volume of up to 20 thousand zn)

– The stove is the head of everything (poetry and prose based on the work of the winners of the All-Russian drawing competition “The stove is the head of everything”, held in 2016, volume up to 10 thousand)

Acceptance of work: [email protected]

Prizes: There is!

Creative competition "World Pushkin"

Anyone under the age of 35 can participate.


– literary criticism and journalism on the works of A.S. Pushkin (article, review, review of up to 40 thousand characters)

– literary translation of A.S. Pushkin’s poem into a foreign language

Prizes: There is!

Literary Prize named after. S. Yesenin “My Rus'”

Anyone over the age of 16 can participate. The competition accepts works both dedicated to Sergei Yesenin and inspired by his work, stylistically or in spirit consonant with his poetry. There are no obvious restrictions on volume. Registration on the site is required. Attention: participation is paid!


– poetry

Prizes: There is!

XV All-Russian competition “Best writing lesson 2017”

Students of schools, universities, colleges, cadet corps, art studios, etc., as well as school directors, teachers of schools and universities, leaders of children's clubs, etc. can take part. Children's letters and drawings are accepted.


– I glorify the Fatherland, which is, but three times - which will be (together with the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University)

– There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland... (with the support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation)

– Dedicated to the Year of Ecology: What am I doing to preserve the nature of Russia (together with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation)

– Recipes for a happy family (with the support of the Foundation for Socio-Cultural Initiatives)

– Generation of caring: warm heart (with the support of the Foundation for Socio-Cultural Initiatives)

- From time immemorial. Stories and legends of my family (with the support of the Union of Writers of Russia)

– I have an Amur tiger at home, the nomination is aimed at middle and junior high school students. Conducted with the support of the Center for the Study and Conservation of the Amur Tiger Population

– Let’s imagine that ten years later you become the president of the bank. Your first steps... (together with Pochta Bank)

- Cool story. Stories happen to those who know how to tell them... (together with the weekly children's publication 'Cool Magazine')

– The best methodological development for conducting a writing lesson (together with the editors of Uchitelskaya Gazeta CJSC)

Prizes: There is!

Literary competition "St. George's Ribbon"

Anyone over the age of 16 can participate. Works of a historical and patriotic nature are accepted, glorifying the civil and military valor of Russian soldiers and home front workers, as well as the importance of preserving and strengthening peace on earth. Attention: participation is paid!


– poetry (a selection of 10 poems with a total volume of up to 250 lines)

– prose (story, sketch, essay up to 40 thousand characters)

Literary competition "Writer of the Year"

Anyone over the age of 16 can participate. Works in one of the prose categories are accepted. Registration on the site is required. Attention: participation is paid!


– Writer of the Year

- Fantastic

– Memoirs

- Children's literature

In contact with

1. Independent literary award “Debut”

The most famous literary prize in Russia for beginning authors. Established by the International Generation Foundation. Awarded on the basis of an open competition to authors of literary works in Russian who have not reached 35 years of age at the time of the award. Publishing houses, media, public organizations, participants in the literary process, as well as the authors of works themselves have the right to nominate. The total prize fund is 6 million rubles.

2. Literary Prize named after V. P. Astafiev

Established by the V. P. Astafiev Charitable Foundation (Krasnoyarsk). The prize is awarded regularly at the end of the year on the basis of a competition, the task of which is to identify and support the most talented young writers.

Any writer from 18 to 40 years old can take part in the competition for the prize; The competition covers the territory of the Russian Federation. Candidates are nominated in the following categories: prose, poetry, other genre (essays, critical, literary, cultural works that have independent artistic value), “Early Debut” (a special nomination for authors from 9 to 18 years old who have exceptional abilities in the field of artistic literature and who created original works worthy of the attention of readers while still at school).

The V.P. Astafiev Prize has a monetary value and is awarded together with the Diploma of the Prize laureate. V. P. Astafieva.

3. Russian National Literary Award “National Bestseller”

Established by a fund of the same name, which was formed by individuals, with the global support of Eurofinance Bank and the support of the United Financial Group.

Prose works that were first published in Russian during the past calendar year, or manuscripts, regardless of the year of creation, with a volume of at least 3–4 author's sheets(1 author's page is equal to 40 thousand characters or 700 poetic lines).

The motto of the award is: “Wake up famous.”

4. Annual All-Russian Literary Prize "Yasnaya Polyana"

The award was established in 2003 by the museum-reserve of the same name and the Samsung Electronics company.

The Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize is awarded for the best work of art in a traditional form in three categories:

  • "Modern classic".
  • "XXI Century".
  • "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" (works for children are considered).

Texts submitted for consideration should not have previously been awarded major literary prizes. Only published works can be nominated for the prize.

To date, the prize fund of the award is 2,100,000 rubles.

5. Literary Prize named after Ivan Petrovich Belkin

The prize is awarded annually for the best story in Russian. The story must be published for the first time in a magazine (newspaper) or as a book (for the first time) within a calendar year. The author's country of residence does not matter.

Publishing houses, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, creative organizations, and literary critics have the right to nominate. Online publications and manuscripts cannot be nominated for the prize.

6. Annual literary award "NOS"

The award was founded in 2009 by the Mikhail Prokhorov Charitable Foundation “to identify and support new trends in modern literary literature in Russian.”

The Prize accepts prose texts of various artistic genres ranging from traditional novels to radical experimental prose, written and published in Russian in book and/or magazine/newspaper formats, as well as in electronic media.

Book publishing houses, mass media, creative unions and associations, and literary agencies have the right to nominate for the Prize.

The winner of the Prize receives an award in the amount of 700 thousand rubles and a figurine symbol of the Prize; Each finalist included in the short list receives 40 thousand rubles, and the reader's choice prize, which is awarded to the author of the work based on the results of voting on the Internet or a television show, is 200 thousand rubles.

As part of the award, there is a special project dedicated to children's literature: « Baby-NOSE". A work written for children from 5 to 12 years old can be nominated for the “Baby-NOS” award. Prose works published since January 1, 2000 in book and/or magazine/newspaper formats, as well as in electronic media, are accepted for consideration.

7. International short prose competition “White Tablet”

Founder: Zolotaya Strofa LLC. The annual international short prose competition has been held since 2010. The purpose of the award: “to identify and support talented authors writing stories, essays, miniatures in Russian; promoting their creativity within the target audience, providing them with the opportunity to publish their works; introducing publishers to new names in modern prose; financial support for the best authors in the field of short prose.” Awarded twice a year in four categories. The laureates are awarded a diploma of the award and a monetary reward.