The most famous gladiators. Social and political development of the 3rd–1st centuries. BC

It would not be superfluous to recall the officially unrecognized evidence of the cosmic past of Humanity.

Such evidence is found en masse in the Indian Vedas, which at one time, according to the Hindus themselves, were transmitted to them by White Teachers from the North - representatives of the White Race.

Even the latest achievements of military science - stealth aircraft, vacuum bombs, geomagnetic and weather weapons - are still only vaguely reminiscent of the weapons that our distant ancestors had...

There are no predecessors who lived five, or maybe fifteen or twenty-five thousand years ago - when, according to all the canons of modern science, only a society of primitive hunters and gatherers using stone tools existed on Earth, and this time was called the late Paleolithic or early stone century...

Airplanes and nuclear bombs from primitive savages who did not know metal? Where did they get them from, and why? How could they use them? Against whom were weapons intended to destroy entire nations used? After all, at that time there were no states or cities on Earth yet!.. Against the same hunters and gatherers like them, who lived in the next cave? Hardly, it sounds somehow funny and absurd. Then against whom?..

It is much easier to imagine that at a time when flying machines were used and destructive weapons were used, there were simply no savages. Perhaps they lived somewhere - in forests, caves. But in the society of that time they were assigned a secondary and inconspicuous role. And the people who had achieved the highest scientific and technological progress ruled the roost, who built large cities and created powerful states. Being at a higher level of development than our society, they used aviation, waged brutal wars with each other and roamed the vastness of the Universe, sending spaceships to other planets and even to other galaxies.

In the time since writing the first article about aircraft, I have studied a large number of new publications and primary sources. In the process of studying them, extraordinary pictures appeared in my mind's eye. They represented the former inhabitants of our planet, who were sometimes similar, and sometimes not at all similar to people. I traveled through the mysterious Hyperborea and walked through the city of the gods - Amaravati, saw air flotillas of light aircraft controlled by Gandharvas and Apsaras, and Indra himself showed me the weapons of the gods to his son Arjuna.

Near distant Kailash in the city of Alaka, I visited the one-eyed giant, the three-legged god of wealth Kubera, and saw his formidable guard of giants Yakshas, ​​multi-armed Rakshasas and Nairrits, who guarded the approaches to treasures hidden in the dungeons.

I was on the battlefields where first the gods and demons fought, and then their human descendants - the Pandavas and Kauravas. I still imagine mountains of mangled corpses and scorched earth, scorched by the heat of the weapons of the gods, on which nothing grew for many centuries. Even now, before my eyes there are ominous visions of splits in the earth’s crust and gaping abysses filled with seething magma, the earth trembling under our feet and collapsing mountains, and then a huge wave that crushed and washed away everything around, leaving behind only a dead, lifeless desert.

After the devastation that took place on Earth, there was nothing left of the former powerful civilizations: earthquakes, lava flows, a giant wave that circled the globe several times, huge glaciers mercilessly destroyed everything called the cultural layer. All that remained were the earlier deposits, which preserved the remains of the pre-Advanced hunter-gatherers who had so confused our history and who re-emerged into the historical arena after the last great cataclysm, which most often occurs about 12 thousand years ago.

This short introduction to the article was not written by chance. My goal is to let you know that this time I will not express my surprise at where such unusual knowledge came from among ancient people. As a little three-year-old man would say about this, “from there.” Yes, it was from there - from the world in which they lived, which was destroyed and died during a global catastrophe; But the knowledge - echoes of that distant time - somehow miraculously survived. Perhaps ancient manuscripts were preserved in underground shelters, as Plato wrote about. Probably, some eyewitnesses of the events of that distant time were able to survive the disaster together with them. Ancient knowledge has come down to us in the form of numerous legends about flying machines, about weapons that destroy all living things, about the wanderings of demigods and mortals across star systems. So let's just see what the most ancient books on Earth tell us, many of which were written long before the time of Plato and Julius Caesar, and no one doubts their authenticity.

Conquest of the Earth by Aliens

Ancient Indian texts are replete with references to distant worlds, stars, planets, flying cities roaming the expanses of the Universe, celestial chariots and crews covering vast distances at the speed of thought. Half of the human race in them generally traces its ancestry to aliens from Space - the Adityas, who in Indian legends are called demigods, and the Daityas with the Danavas, who belong to the demons. Both of them were not much different in appearance from people, although, apparently, they were taller.

This is how the conquest of the Earth by the Adityas, Daityas and Danavas is described in the first book of the Mahabharata:

“The holy sages describe what happened this way. Once upon a time, the divine tribe of Adityas, who ruled the Universe, were at enmity with their demon cousins, the Daityas, and one day... the Adityas inflicted complete defeat on them...

Leaving their fighting positions on the higher planets,... the daityas... decided that they would first be born on the small planet Earth... and so effortlessly subjugate our tiny planet to their power. Having become the masters of the Earth, they intended to challenge the divine Adityas and thus enslave the Universe.

...Daityas... entered the wombs of earthly queens and... were born among members of royal families. With age, the daityas began to show themselves as powerful and proud monarchs...

...Their number in this world increased so much that... The Earth was unable to bear the burden of their presence. But despite this, they continued to flood the earth, and there were more and more of them.”

In order to save our planet from the invasion of daityas with danavas, “Lord Indra and other demigods decided to descend to earth... Celestials began to descend to earth in a continuous series..., the inhabitants of heaven were born in the families of benevolent sages and kings and began to kill the wicked danavas, cannibals rakshasas..., sorcerers in the form of a snake and various other creatures that devoured people alive.”

As you can guess from the passages of the Mahabharata quoted above, the daityas, danavas and adityas flew to Earth from some other inhabited planets, and possibly from other star systems. Most likely, they used spaceships for their movement in Space, which they delivered in large numbers to Earth. There were really a lot of such ships, and they performed different functions: from intergalactic flights to flights in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Flying cities of gods and demons

Indian legends have brought to us the names of two outstanding spaceship designers. They were the skilled artist and architect of the Danavas, Maya Danava, and the architect of the gods, Vishvakarman. Maya Danava was considered the teacher of all Mayavis who were capable of summoning witchcraft powers.

The main creation of Maya Danava was considered to be flying cities. According to the Mahabharata, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vishnu Parva and other ancient Indian texts, he built many beautifully decorated cities, which had everything for long-term habitation of people (or demons). The third book of the Mahabharata, for example, talks about the flying city of Hiranyapura. This city, soaring in the sky, was seen by the descendant of the Adityas, the son of the god Indra Arjuna, when he was traveling in an aerial chariot through the heavenly regions after a great victory over the inhabitants of the depths of the sea, the Nivatakavacs.

"Arjuna said:

“On the way back, I saw a huge and amazing city, capable of moving anywhere... Four entrances with watchtowers above the gates led to this marvelous, impregnable miracle [city]...".

On this journey, Arjuna was accompanied by a Gandharva pilot named Matali, whom he asked what this miracle was. Matali replied:

“In this marvelous [city] floating in the air... live the Danavas - the Paulomas and the Kalakeas. This great city is called Hiranyapura, and it is guarded by powerful demons - the sons of Puloma and Kalaki. And they live here... in eternal joy, without worries..., and the gods are not able to destroy them.”

The great city of Hiranyapura could move freely across the sky and in outer space, float on water, dive under water and even underground.

Another creation of Maya Danava was the “iron flying city” Saubha (Sanskrit Saubha - “prosperity”, “happiness”), presented to the Daitya king Shalva. According to the Bhagavata Purana, “this impregnable ship... could fly anywhere.” Neither devas-adityas, nor demons, nor people could destroy it. He could influence the weather and create tornadoes, lightning, become visible and invisible, move through the air and under water. Sometimes it seemed that many ships appeared in the sky, and sometimes not a single one was visible. Saubha was seen sometimes on the ground, sometimes in the sky, sometimes landing on a mountain top, sometimes floating on the water. This amazing ship flew across the sky like a fiery whirlwind, not remaining motionless for a moment.

A similar flying city-ship Vaihayasu (Sanskrit Vaihaуasa - “located under the open sky”), presented to the commander-in-chief Maharaja Bali, the son of the daitya king Virochana, is mentioned in the eighth canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam:

“This magnificently decorated ship was built by the demon Maya and equipped with weapons suitable for any battle. It was impossible to imagine and describe. For example, he was sometimes visible and sometimes invisible..., like the moon rising from the horizon, illuminating everything around.”

In the Shiva Purana, Maya Danava is credited with the creation of three “flying cities intended for the sons of the Daitya or Danava king Taraka:

“Then the extremely wise and skillful Maya... built cities: gold for Tarakashi, silver for Kamalaksha and steel for Vidyumali. These three excellent, fortress-like cities served regularly in heaven and on earth... So, entering the three cities, the sons of Taraka, powerful and valiant, enjoyed all the joys of life. There were many kalpa trees growing there. There were elephants and horses in abundance. There were many palaces there... Aerial chariots, shining like the disk of the sun... moving in all directions and like moons, illuminated the city.”

Another “great architect of the Universe” and builder of flying ships, architect and designer of gods (Adityas) Vishvakarman (Sanskrit Vicyakarman - “all-creating”) is credited with the construction of a flying ship, gifted by Indra to Arjuna:

“The chariot was equipped with all the necessary equipment. Neither gods nor demons could defeat her, she emitted light and made a low rumbling noise. Her beauty captivated the hearts of everyone who saw her. This chariot... was built by the divine architect Vishvakarman; and its outlines were as difficult to distinguish as the outlines of the sun. On this chariot, shining brightly with its splendor, Soma defeated the evil Danavas."(“Adiparva”).

Another creation of Vishvakarman is the huge flying chariot Pushpaka (Sanskrit Puspaka - “blooming”), which successively belonged to the serpentine god of wealth and treasures Kubera, the leader of the Rakshasas Havana and the earthly incarnation of the god Vishnu - Rama.

Vishwakarman also appears to have built large "flying public houses" from which the Adityas exercised their administration. From there they watched the progress of the battles. Here, for example, is an excerpt from the Mahabharata telling about the aerial palace for the meetings of Sakra (Indra):

“The majestic and luxurious palace of Sakra, which he conquered with his exploits, he built for himself... with the splendor and splendor of fire. It was one hundred yojanas wide and one hundred and fifty yojanas long, airy, freely moving, and towering five yojanas. Dispelling old age, sorrow and fatigue, free from disease, gracious, beautiful, with many rooms, bedrooms and places for rest, animated and decorated with magnificent trees that grew everywhere in this estate... where the lord of the Gods sat with Shachi (the wife of the god Indra )".

In addition to the large spaceships and interplanetary stations described and others similar to them (I am not afraid to call the flying cities of gods and demons with these words), there were celestial chariots and smaller air crews. Judging by numerous episodes from the Mahabharata, Bhagavata Purana, Shiva Purana and other ancient Indian texts, there were a lot of both of them in the old days.

To confirm this, I will cite two passages from the Mahabharata:

“...Matali pierced the firmament (and found himself) in the world of the wise.

He showed me... (other) aerial chariots...

On a chariot harnessed by dun, we rose higher and higher...

...Then the self-moving worlds, the worlds of divine rishis (we passed),

Gapdharvas, apsaras, gods are magnificent lands...”

"At this very time...

A mighty sound arose, from the celestials (it came), from the sky...

Raju of the gods, conqueror of enemies, on air chariots shining with the sun

Many Gandharvas and Apsaras accompanied from all sides.”

Approximately the same accumulation of aerial chariots is spoken of in the fragments mentioned in my first article from the 8th century Jain text Mahavira Bhavabhuti, collected from more ancient texts and traditions, and in the Bhagavata Purana:

“The aerial chariot, Pushpaka, carries many people to the capital of Ayodhya. The sky is full of huge flying machines, black as night, but dotted with lights of a yellowish glow...”

“...O unborn one, oh blue-necked one... Look at the sky, which has become so beautiful because strings of airships, white as swans, are sailing across it...”

To the stars. Space flights of gods and mortals

The Mahabharata, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vishnu Purana and other ancient Indian texts repeatedly describe space travel on airships performed by gods, demons, heroes (born of gods and mortal women) and various mythical creatures:

“I was a famous Vidyadhara named Sudarshana. I was very rich and handsome and flew everywhere in my airship...”

“Chitraketu, the lord of the Vidyadharas, set off on a journey through the vast expanses of the Universe... One day, wandering in the skies on his dazzlingly shining airship, he arrived at the abode of Shiva...”

“Sweeping through space, Maharaja Dhurva saw one after another all the planets of the solar system and saw demigods on their celestial chariots along the way.

Thus Maharaja Dhurva passed through the seven planetary systems of the great sages known as the Saptarishis - the seven stars of the constellation Ursa Major...”

A descendant of the Kuru dynasty, King Vasu could travel beyond the Earth in the upper regions of our Universe, and therefore in those distant times he became famous under the name Upari-chara, “Wanderer in the Higher Worlds.” Unlike the Vidyadharas, the Siddhas could travel in space without the help of flying machines. And this is how Vasu received his flying machine from Indra:

“I reward you with the rarest gift - to know about everything that happens within this Universe. I also grant you a crystal celestial ship - the delight of the gods. This amazing ship is already on its way to you, and soon you, alone among mortals, will step aboard it. Thus, like one of the gods, you will travel among the higher planets of this Universe.”

Another hero of the Mahabharata, Arjuna, also flew through space on an air chariot given to him by Indra:

“And on this sun-like, miracle-working divine chariot, the wise descendant of Kuru flew up. Having become invisible to mortals walking the earth, he saw thousands of wonderful air chariots. There was no light there, neither sun, nor moon, nor fire, but they shone with their own light, acquired thanks to their merits. Because of the distance, the light of the stars is seen as a tiny flame of a lamp, but in reality they are very large. Pandava saw them bright and beautiful, shining with the light of their own fire...”

Another traveler of the Universe was the sage Kardama Muni. Having married the daughter of King Svayambhuva Manu - Devahuti, and received a “wonderful flying palace”, he and his wife went on a journey to various planetary systems:

“So he traveled from one planet to another, like the wind that blows everywhere, without meeting any obstacles. Moving through the air in his magnificent, radiant castle of the air, which flew obedient to his will, he surpassed even the demigods...”

Principles of travel in the universe

In addition to flying cities and celestial chariots, which most likely were spaceships, interplanetary stations and aircraft, the special breed of horses “bred by the Gandharvas” deserve special mention. This is how they are described in the Mahabharata:

“The horses of the gods and Gandharvas exude a heavenly fragrance and can gallop with the speed of thought. Even when their strength is exhausted, they still do not slow down... The Gandharva horses can change their color at will and rush at any speed they want. It is enough just to mentally wish that they would immediately appear before you, ready to carry out your will. These horses are always ready to fulfill your wishes.”

Richard L. Thompson in his book Aliens. A look from time immemorial" showed that these are some kind of "mystical horses", the properties of which are based on the laws governing subtle material energies. These laws were well known to ancient scientists, but modern specialists know almost nothing about them. After analyzing ancient Indian sources, Thompson came to the conclusion that the Gandharva horses “galloped” along certain “roads” called "the roads of the siddhas","the roads of the stars" And "the ways of the gods". The fact that they could travel vast distances in a short time was due to the fact that the roads of the siddhas also obeyed the laws governing subtle energies, and not the laws governing ordinary, gross matter.

Along these same roads, according to R.L. Thompson, a crude human body, subordinate to mystical forces - siddhis, called prapti and mano-java, could (and now can!) be transported. According to the Mahabharata and other ancient Indian texts, these forces were perfectly mastered by the inhabitants of the Siddhaloka planetary systems - the siddhas. Therefore, they could move freely in Space without aircraft.

On the basis of what laws did the “flight” of “horses”, chariots and people along the roads of the Siddhas take place? Based on the laws governing subtle material energies. These laws could cause gross matter (such as the human body) to act in violation of the normal laws of physics.

In other words, there was a “dematerialization” of the gross human body, machines and mechanisms and their “reassembly” in other parts of the Universe. Such travel, apparently, could only take place in certain stellar corridors, tunnels, or, as we called them at the beginning, roads, within which space and time were, as it were, “collapsed.” But this is a topic for a separate serious conversation that goes far beyond the scope of this article.

Map of the Paths of the Gods

Based on an analysis of the text of the Vishnu Purana, R. L. Thompson established which road Arjuna was traveling on. I will give an excerpt from his book “Aliens. A look from the depths of centuries":

“The Bishnu Purana says that the Path of the Gods (devayana) lies north of the orbit of the Sun (ecliptic), north of Nagavitha (nakshatras of Ashvini, Bharani and Kritika) and south of the stars of the seven rishis. Ashwini and Bharani are constellations in Aries, which is north of the ecliptic, and Krittika is a constellation adjacent to the constellation Taurus, known as the Pleiades. Ashwini, Bharani and Krittika belong to a group of twenty-eight constellations called nakshatras in Sanskrit. The seven rishis are the stars of the Dipper in Ursa Major. From this information we can form a general idea of ​​the Path of the Gods as a road stretching through the stars in the northern celestial hemisphere.

Another important celestial road is the Path of the Pitas (or Pitra-yana). According to the Vishnu Purana, this road lies north of the star Agastya and south of Ajavitha (the three nakshatras Mula, Purvashadha and Uttarashadha), without intersecting with the path of Vaisvanara. The region of the pitas, or Pitraloka, in Vedic literature is called the abode of Yama, the deity who assigns punishments to sinful human beings... This region, as well as the hellish planets, are, as stated in the Bhagavata Purana, in the southern side of the Universe, south of Bhu- mandala, the planetary system that includes the Earth.

The nakshatras Mula, Purvashadha and Uttarashadha somewhat correspond to the constellations of Scorpio and Sagittarius, and Agastya is believed to be a star called Canopis. Thus, according to the descriptions in the Vishnu Purana, we can imagine where Pitraloka is and the road leading to it, using the celestial landmarks familiar to us.”

Well, unfortunately, the time has come to put an end to my short story about the amazing Indian legends about flying machines and weapons of gods and demons.

The origins of these legends are lost in times so distant from us that we... Humanity currently living on Earth is unable to name even the approximate date of their composition. It is only known that most of them were included in ancient Indian manuscripts written in 3-2 thousand BC. e. - X century n. e., and according to some data, even earlier - in the 4th or 6th millennium BC. e. There are even more fantastic versions that the authors of some books, such as the Vedas (Rigveda, Samaveda, Atharvaveda, Yajurveda), Nimalatpurana, were snake-people - nagas, and the time of the events described in the legends was many millions of years away from us.

Be that as it may, now I can say only one thing with confidence. In very ancient times (tens of thousands or perhaps millions of years ago), intelligent beings lived on Earth who were far superior in their knowledge to modern people. They ruled states, lived in cities and towns, flew to other planets, and the spaceships they created roamed the expanses of the Universe. Our planet was densely populated and different peoples, dissimilar to each other, lived on it and fought with each other. As a result of the wars between them, such severe destruction and devastation occurred on Earth that they “teared out” entire pages from the Book of its history.

In the words of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, only a “dead, lifeless desert” remained on Earth. After hundreds or thousands of years, life was revived on the planet again and primitive hunters and gatherers, whose remains are usually found by archaeologists and geologists, entered the historical arena. But ancient knowledge was preserved. Most likely, individual representatives of ancient highly developed races, who became kings and priests, also survived in underground shelters.

Having become acquainted with Indian legends (and not only Indian ones), it is impossible to reason differently. Therefore, it is not clear to me how it could happen that many modern researchers do not pay due attention to them. Either they simply remain ignorant of this most valuable layer of literature, or they prefer to consider everything written as nothing more than fiction and a fairy tale.

The main arguments of supporters of the traditional theory of human evolution that we still do not have the material remains of such ancient and powerful civilizations (unlike the finds of bones and household items of primitive hunters and gatherers) turn out to be not so unshakable at the first attempt to bring even the shortest list of these remains. The ruins of Tiwanaku and Saxauman in Bolivia and Peru are more than 12 thousand years old, Ica stones depicting animals that died out 150-200 thousand years ago, slabs, columns, figurines, vases, pipes, nails, coins and other objects in layers from 1 up to 600 million years old, numerous rock carvings and seals depicting horned people, traces of humanoid creatures in sediments 135-250 million years old in Texas, Kentucky, Nevada and Turkmenistan, an iron hammer from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Texas...

Perhaps scientists are simply avoiding answering the question of what all these finds actually are. After all, none of them fits into the framework of the theory of the origin of life, which is still taught in schools and universities.

But something else is possible. There are influential forces that are not interested in making such ancient knowledge public. Therefore, they rush to declare all the discoveries made as a trick of nature, skillfully made fakes and anything else - just not genuine discoveries. And the finds themselves disappear without a trace and... settle in top-secret laboratories, leaving most scientists, and ordinary people in ignorance and bewilderment.

Why and why? Let's think about the answer together.

An interesting selection of myths about the creation of “Homo sapiens” hundreds of thousands of years ago using genetic engineering technology

The term "ancient astronauts" generally refers to aliens who came to Earth and were in some way responsible for the selection of the human race.

As we seek to find the truth about those who created the human race, or the biogenetic experiment, we look to those who came from the stars, the ancient astronauts, the creational gods, for our answers. Everything is theory, virtual world, consciousness, and for the most part unprovable according to the interpretation of the researcher or experiencer.
Most of us would like to find evidence of ancient astronauts, to be visited by friendly foreigners who could enlighten us to our true creational project. Throughout the history of human drama we find all kinds of evidence that compels us to think, believe, and search for greater truth. They are all just myths, legends, and theories...

Theories about Atlantis often link sightings of ancient astronauts to mighty spacecraft. This goes to the ancient gods called Zep Tepi.

In China we find theories about a foreign race called Dropa, who left behind spectacular drives.

Popol Vuh, sacred to the Mayans, states unequivocally, "Men came from the stars, knowing everything, and they explored the four corners of the sky and the round surface of the Earth."

Brazilian UFO researcher Jean Alencar noted that the mythology of this country is replete with descriptions and figurines of creatures endowed with the power of flight. Legends about the Brazilian natives, like those from other countries, detail the experiences of gods or travelers from the sky who came down to earth when people were little more than animals to instruct them in the arts of agriculture, astronomy, medicine, and other disciplines. Alencar points to one figure in particular, CPU-Kororoti, a cosmic warrior worshiped by the tribes of the upper reaches of the Xing River. Not unlike the Mahabarata heroes of India, CPU-on-server Kororoti possessed a flying vehicle capable of destroying anything in its path. His aspect frightened the primitive natives until he stepped out of his "garb" and revealed himself to be fair-skinned, generous, and kind. He entertained the natives with his "magic" until he became restless for his land in the sky and returned there.

Chilam Balaam is even more explicit and states "To beings descended from the sky in flying ships...white in flight with rings who can touch the sky."

There are indications that something very strange took place in our very own reserved hundreds of thousands of years ago, before humans arrived on this continent (according to the canon of anthropology). Santa Maria Canyon holds evidence indicating the existence of a culture of intelligent beings who raised cattle, built weapons, and practiced funeral rites - one million years ago. If we decide to go by what the academy has to say, there is no way these creatures could have been human. Were they survivors of the Alien Race? Is this reminiscent of theories of marooned astronauts, or colonists trying to tame a new planet? During the Prehistory Conference held during 1962 in Rome, Dr. W. Matthes presented the oldest carvings known to exist, created by a forgotten artist two hundred thousand years ago, when people supposedly had just discovered the use of fire.

Discovered by 19th century French explorer Henri Lhote, these figures were so unusual he dubbed them The Martians, explaining that their outline is simple, unartistic, and with rounded heads; their only details are the double oval in the center of the figure, which evokes the image we currently have of the Martians.

Great God of the Martians-.6000 BC, Tassili mountains

Sahara Desert

North Africa

The round-headed inhabitants of Lhote's of the Red Planet were depicted by primitive cave artists as wearing suit clothing strongly reminiscent of those worn by our own astronauts on the Moon, down to the shoe details. Several hundred such drawings exist, scattered over many miles of desert: strange protected by a helmet and figures with antennas often floating in zero gravity, as if the artist were able to witness one of our modern spacewalks. Other images have a technological bent, showing what could be taken as solar panels, space stations, floating. spheres containing humanoid figures. Not inclined to be caught up in the ancient astronaut craze, anthropologists have suggested that Tassili "roundheads" are simply ceremonial dancers or priests carrying empty pumpkins over their heads. The problem with this rational approach is that agricultural know- The know-how and resources to grow pumpkins were non-existent in North Africa at the time the Tassili drawings were created, and probably will not be available for another thousand years.

Sego Canyon, Utah, c. 5500 BC

Val Comonica, Italy, c. 10,000 BC

More Images

Examples of rock art found in the Spanish caves of Ojo Guarea and Altamira, and the French at Lascaux and Font de Gaume, have proven that our distant ancestors were able to represent what they saw with a clarity and simplicity that is stunning to twentieth-century eyes. This skill extends to descriptions of things that anthropologists and archaeologists often find distasteful: equally devoted representations of domed objects, some in threes, others with legs or antennae.

Ancient astronauts were often described as bipedal entities with beaks or wings, or a reptilian look, gray aliens, ethereal, or humanoid arrival and entry into a spacecraft of some kind or approximation to and from our dimension. Various theories or creation stories are cited by these entities, not unlike the gods from the heavens who many believe selected a human experiment and will return one day. The feeling of god returning to the Earth, the savior if you, who restores balance, desire, is a metaphor in the journey of the human experiment into linear time and emotion. All real things are created by consciousness. Everything is theory.

The Ojo Guarea complex weaving its way for miles into the ground poses an indecipherable riddle. In his book En Busca de la Historia Perdida (In Search of a Forgotten History), Spanish author and filmmaker Juan G. Atienza states that some of the cave systems, many entrances, are considered "evil" and local farmers will only be in the soil near them, or even approach them. Contained exactly within one of these "evil" access points was an ancient petroglyph of what could only be, astonishing as it might seem, a representation of the helicoidal structure of DNA.

Erich von Däniken

One of the strongest proponents of the ancient astronaut theory is Erich von Däniken, author of several popular books on the subject. His best-selling "Chariots of the Gods", published in 1968, claimed that the spacecraft landed before modern humanity inhabited the Earth. The ancient visitors performed breeding experiments and produced a creature intelligent enough to have the rules of society handed down to it. These new creatures invented agriculture and became the first artists, then created their own warrior civilizations. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by an atomic bomb. The Ark of Covenant was supposedly an electrified transmitter that allowed Moses to communicate with the astronauts. Von Däniken claims that images of ancient astronauts wearing space helmets were carved on a stele in the Mayan city of Copan.

All creational myths talk about Gods and Goddesses who came to Earth in some sort of magical scenario, or riding in chariots of fire, and creating a race called People. Most of these myths name their primary God as the Sun God, meaning from the Light a man] and a moon Goddess a woman] as all things in or reality are bipolar in design, duality, Sacred Geometry. In Egypt this God was called Ra, Re, the Ray of Light. These gods flew in space ships and were therefore considered like ancient astronauts.

In India the chariots were called Vimanas.

Egyptian hieroglyphs: the same images carved in stone.

Creational Legends is a global phenomenon. Records of the belief systems of ancient astronauts coming to Earth can be found on Rock Art - Ancient Sumerian clay tablets and cylinder seals, and in the Bible.

The Bible speaks of the Hebrew word "Elohim" meaning "Gods" or "those who came from heaven."

Elohim or Eloah is a Hebrew word associated with deity, but whose exact meaning is often debated. It is the third word in the Hebrew text of Genesis and occurs frequently throughout the Hebrew Bible. In some cases (eg. Eg. 3:4... (Elohim, called to it from among the bush...) is generally understood to designate the God of Israel, but from a neutral point of view there is no evidence to prove that this was originally intended one and not several acts in concert. In other cases (eg. Eg. 20:3 (You shall have no other gods before me.) This refers to the polytheistic concept of multiple gods. In still other cases the meaning is not clear from the text , but can appeal to powerful beings (eg Gen 6:2 the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men that they were just; and they took them for wives..., eg 4:16 (and you Moses, will be like Elohim to him Aaron ), eg 22:28 (You shall not curse Elohim, or curse the ruler of your people, where the parallelism suggests that Elohim may refer to human rulers).

Chapter 1:26 Origins, States "And God said, let us make man in our own image, after our likeness. This quote still uses the plural "us" rather than the singular "I", suggesting that God was neither one entity, so many of us were raised and trained to believe.
The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh is filled with references to flaming chariots and people taken up to the garden of God. The epic also contains a whole host of parallels to our very own Old Testament. For example, it mentions a great flood, and ties the story very closely to that of Moses being thrown downstream as a child. The Sumerians also had a Paradise known as Dilmun, which is described in the Epic of Enki and Ninhursag, the creation stories of both texts have striking similarities.

Dilumn Alien

In 1989, the years just before I met Zecharia Sitchen, I didn't know about his theories about an alien race called Anunnaki, and an ancient civilization called Sumer As a psychic medium, I spoke with a Reptilian alien who called himself Dilmun. I also did not realize at the time that Dilmun is connected to ancient sites on the Bahrain Islands in the Persian Gulf. Reptiles, snakes, dragons, are all metaphors for human DNA as a biogenetic experiment.

Gods of Nibiru on Earth

Dilmun told me about a civilization that was destroyed, its inhabitants leaving on an asteroid called Nibiru and arriving on Earth. Stories about the destruction of an alien planet whose inhabitants have come to Earth and are taking away the race are common in the grid program of our reality. They are only myths and metaphors.] Dilmun said that he was six hundred years old as we measure time. 6=flower metaphors for life] His people were warriors, conquering planets for gold and wealth. gold, the alchemy of time and consciousness] He did say that he would return one day, as all myths speculate. It was several years later that I would discover that I was connecting to the grid system, the matrix, the akashic records, the hall of records through which we actually experience in linear time.

Zecharia Sitchin

The Sumerian cuneate deciphering skills of Zecharia Sitchin, a linguist on the team of many ancient languages, set the scientific world on his ear with his astounding interpretations of ancient writings. In 1976, Sitchin's first book, The Twelfth Planet - Planet X, began an odyssey that literally transformed the field of ancient history. Sitchin says: this is an asteroid called Nibiru. This planet, unlike other planets in our solar system, has a short orbit and moves clockwise rather than counterclockwise. Nibiru's orbit passes through our solar system only once every 3,600 years, which is equal to one year


Nibiru is called the 12th planet or Planet "X". (Metaphors: 12 is approximately 1 and "X" as from 10 to 1 = new beginnings. From 10 to 1010 binary codes, since our reality is a computer program.)<бр /><бр /><бр />Sitchen's controversial theory is based on his interpretation of ancient Sumerian texts, with its origins in the Bible, the Book of Origins. Sitchin spent decades as an archaeologist and historian in the Middle East, researching ancient letters from the Sumerian civilization into the 5-part paperback series, The Earth Chronicles, documenting Nibiruan interactions on Earth in ancient times. Nibiru is supposedly inhabited by the Anunnaki, the Nephilim, the Elohim, the Giants of the Bible, Those Who Came from Heaven to Earth. They are supposedly the Reptilian Race.<бр /><бр /><бр />The Dogon Tribe of Africa also has a fascinating creational myth that speaks of a race of reptoid aliens, Nommos, who came to Earth from Sirius, imbuing the Dogon with ancient wisdom that in the 20th century would be proven as fact. Dogons originated with ancient Egypt, (Middle East, Cradle of Civilization region) source of their knowledge possibly coming from ancient Egyptian priests. There are also similarities in the foreign description of Nommo and the Anunnaki.

Gods of the Dogon

According to Sitchin, the Nibiruans who landed on Earth colonized it, mining for gold and other minerals, establishing a spaceport in what is today the Iraq-Iran region, the Cradle of Civilization, and lived in a sort of idealistic society as a small colony. They genetically tampered with our indigenous DNA to create slaves to work in their mines, farms, and other businesses in Sumer. They created Humans, Homo sapiens, through genetic manipulation of themselves and ape humans Homo Erectus.

The Great Flood was supposedly an attempt to break the enslavement of humans by the Nibiruans. They rebelled against their Gods - the Nibiruans. Enlil and Enki had a heated debate about whether to abolish or maintain slavery.

Every 3,600 years, Nibiru will return to mine more gold. This myth is based on the same Sacred-Creational Grid Geometry that is found in all other myths. Samples 6, 12, 24, and 36 are here again. (From Sitchin's "Earth Chronicles").

Events Before the Flood

Years Ago:

450,000. On Nibiru, a distant member of our solar system, the face of life is slowly disappearing as the planet's atmosphere collapses. Claimed by Anu, the ruler of Aralu escapes in a spaceship and finds refuge on Earth. He discovers that Earth has gold that can be used to protect Nibiru's atmosphere.

445,000. Led by Enki, the son of Anu, the land of the Anunnaki on Earth, establishes Eridu - Earth Station I, in order to extract gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf.

430,000. The Earth's climate is maturing. More Anunnaki arrive on Earth, among them Enkys's half-sister Ninhursag, the chief sanitary inspector.

416,000 As gold production falters, Anu arrives in Earth with Enlil, the heir apparent. Decided to get vital gold by mining it in South Africa. Drawing lots, Enlil wins the Earth Mission team; Yenki is relegated to Africa. Upon leaving the Earth, Anu is challenged by his grandson Allahsup1.

400,000. Seven functional settlements in southern Mesopotamia include the Cosmodrome (Sippar), Mission Control Center (Nippur), metallurgical center (Shuruppak). The ores arrive by ship from Africa; the refined metal is sent upward into orbiters manned by Igigi, then transferred to spaceships arriving periodically from Nibiru.

380,000.. Having received the support of Igigi, the grandson of Alalus tries to seize power on Earth. The Enlilites win the war of the Former Gods.

300,000. The Anunnaki work in the gold mines. Enki and Ninhursag create "primitive workers" through genetic manipulation of a female monkey ; they hand over manual chores to the Anunnaki. Enlil raids the mines, brings "primitive workers" to Edin in Mesopotamia. Having the ability to give birth to children, Homo sapiens begins to multiply .

200,000. Life on Earth returns during a new ice age.

100,000. The climate is heating up again. The Anunnaki (biblical Nephilim), to the irritation of Enlil, marry the daughters of men.

75,000. "Blame the Earth" - a new ice age begins. Regressive types of Man roam the Earth. The Cro-Magnonic man survives.

49,000. Enki and Ninhursag raise people of Anunnaki descent to rule in Shuruppak. Enlil, angry. Decline of Humanity.

13,000 Realizing that Nibiru's passage near Earth would cause a huge tidal wave, Enlil causes the Anunnaki to vow to keep the impending disaster a secret from Humanity.

Events After the Flood.

Years BC

11,000. The Enki break their oath and instruct Ziusudr/Noah to build a submersible ship. A flood sweeps across the Earth; The Anunnaki witness complete destruction from their orbiting spacecraft.

Enlil agrees to provide Humanity with the remains of the tools and seeds; agriculture begins in the mountainous areas. Enki domesticates animals.

10,500. Three regions were allocated to Noah's descendants. Ninurta, the first son of Enlil, barriers mountains and drains rivers to make Mesopotamia habitable; Yenki corrects the Nile Valley. The Sinai Peninsula is preserved by the Anunnaki for the construction of the Diluvial spaceport; the control center is established on Mount Moriah (future Jerusalem).

9780. Ra/Marduk, the first born son of Enkys, divides the dominion of Egypt between Osiris and Set.

9330. Set captures and dismembers Osiris, seizing power in the Nile Valley.

8970: Horus is avenged for his father Osiris, starting the First Pyramid War. Seth escapes to Asia, captures the Sinai Peninsula and Canaan.

8670. Opposed to the resulting control of all space services by the descendants of the Enkys, the Enlilites begin the Second Pyramid War. Victory empty container Ninurta Great Pyramid of his equipment...

8500. The Anunnaki establish outposts at the gates to space services; Jericho is one of them.

7400 As the era of peace continues, the Anunnaki provide new advances to Humanity; The Neolithic period begins. Demigods rule Egypt.

3800. Urban civilizations begin in Sumer as the Anunnaki rebuild the Old Cities there, starting with Eridu and Nippur. Anu arrives in Earth to visit pageantful. A new city, Uruk (Uruk), was built in his honor; he makes his temple the residence of his beloved granddaughter Inanna/lshtar.

Royalty on Earth

3760. Mankind was granted kingship. Kish is the first capital under the auspices of Ninurta. The calendar came into use in Nippur. Civilization blossoms in Sumer (First Region).

3450. Primacy in Sumer passed to Nannar/Sin. Marduk declares Babylon the "Gateway of the Gods." "Tower of Pandemonium." (Tower of Babel Incident). The Anunnaki confuse the languages ​​of Humanity.

His coup was defeated, Marduk/Ra returns to Egypt, Thoth claims, and grabs his younger brother Dumuzi, who had a betrothed Inanna. Dumuzi is accidentally killed; Marduk imprisoned him alive in the Great Pyramid. Freed through the emergency shaft, he enters exile.

3100, 350 years of chaos end with the installation of the first Egyptian Pharaoh in Memphis. Civilization arrives in the Second Region.

2900. Royalty in Sumer moved to Uruk. Inanna, given dominion over the Third Region; The Indus Valley Civilization begins.

2371. Sargon establishes a new capital at Agade (Akkad). The Akkadian Empire began...


Recent evidence dates the site to 8000 BC, the stones are perfect built for predicting and detecting a wide variety of astronomical alignments including the pre-setting of the equinoxes. There are a total of 60 permanent stones and lintels, the classic Anunnaki sehagesimal number which is also included in our time standard (60 seconds X 60 minutes=3,600, the number of years in Nibiru's orbit. This massive three million square foot rock platform contains huge rocks, including the Trilithons, which each weigh 1200 tons, that's 2.4 million pounds. Much later, the Greeks and Romans built their temples on top of it. Legend has it that the Sun god Helios planted on a platform with his chariot of fire. The site is also described in ancient stories. floods Gilgamesh "Flood" in this case, a metaphor for creation from the sea, the collective subconscious, the grid programs of our reality, etc.]

Who built these structures at the main points of the “planetary grid”?

Great Pyramid, Giza Plateau. Who built the Great Pyramid?


Megaliths of Easter Island

Large carved stone heads, weighing an average of 13.78 tons, are located all over the island. There are no known written accounts to explain their purpose or origin. Some of the Moai carved from the quarry weigh as much as 165 tons. Some suggest that the workers who destroyed the Anunnaki Nazca lines fled to Easter Island and built Maoi with techniques they learned from the Anunnaki.

Nazca Lines Peru

Nazca lines are spread across the arid plain and stretch for many kilometers with almost no deviation in straight line sections. The lines can best be seen from the air, which suggests they may have been developed by an airborne civilization.

Pyramids of Mexico

For centuries, Teotihuacan was the cultural, religious, political, economic, and social center of the Mesoamerican region. Massive temples of the Sun, Moon, citadels, temples, palaces, plazas, and paved streets were said to have been built by the pre-Mayan civilization. Once again, another incredible site whose builders are unidentified before one views the Anunnaki paradigm.

In conclusion, as souls of light experiencing in many realms of reality, simultaneously, we are all ancient astronauts. Unidentified flying objects are being reported from all corners of our planet as they continue to intrigue with the possibilities of our origins. Again, anything is possible and anything can happen through the alchemy of time and consciousness.

Rome and China were two of the greatest military powers of the ancient world. The Romans touched the entire Mediterranean, and in the same way the Chinese during the Han Dynasty (200 BC - 200 AD) conquered all the best lands of the world around them. If the armies of these two powers had contact, it could only have happened in Central Asia, because the Romans withdrew a long distance east of the Mediterranean, and the Chinese rarely advanced west of the Pamirs. The possibility of such a meeting has not been established until now, because our only evidence lies in one strange phrase in a Chinese historical work of the 1st century.
This meeting took place due to the fact that in 36 BC. The governor of the western border regions (Chinese Turkestan) made, on his own responsibility, an expedition to Sogdiana against the Shanyu Shishi threshing floor. The Huns (Xiongnu in Chinese) occupied modern Mongolia at that time. The pretender to the Hunnic throne (the ruler of the Huns was called Shanyu) bore the family name Lyuandi, his own name Hutuuzi, and the imperial title Shishiguduhu, so he was usually called Shanyu Shishi. He killed the Chinese envoy and fled to the west, where he was invited by the king of Sogdiana to drive out the invading nomadic tribes. Inspired by his phenomenal successes, Shanyu Shishi dreamed of founding an empire in Central Asia and built his capital on the Talas River (about 71° east longitude and 43° north latitude) 2, exacting tribute from the surrounding tribes, including some of those under the patronage of China. The assistant to the Chinese governor, Chen Tang, saw in this new power a possible danger to Chinese interests. He formed an army from the Chinese army located in the western border regions and auxiliary troops from local states, convinced his commander to accompany the expedition and set out on a campaign.
The troops successfully made a long march of several thousand miles to the capital of Shishi, which they immediately took by storm. This brilliant feat has been reported many times; the latest work on the subject was written by Dr. Duyvendek. 3 He pointed out that the Chinese History of Early Han, our only source, relied heavily on some of the battle drawings sent by Chen Tang to the imperial court. 4 This report contains the extraordinary remark that at the beginning of the assault near the city of Shipga there were "more than a hundred infantry lined up on each side of the gate and formed in the form of fish scales." 5. The fact that this strange remark was made on the basis of a description of the drawing gives it exceptional persuasiveness.
“Fish scale formation” is a maneuver that is by no means easy to perform. These soldiers had to group together and cover themselves with their shields. This maneuver, requiring simultaneous action on the part of the entire group, especially if it was carried out just before the attack, required high discipline, which is possible only in a professional army. The only professional, organized soldiers of that time about whom there is data were the Greeks and Romans - nomadic and barbarian tribes rushed into battle in disorderly crowds.
The shields of the Macedonian phalanx were small and round (only 1 1/2 feet in diameter), 6 so that covering them with them could not produce significant results, while the Roman legionaries had large quadrangular shields that could easily be joined together and created in this way protection from projectiles. Therefore, to explain the "fish scale" formation of the advanced units in battle formation, we must assume here a similarity to Roman tactics and Roman legionaries in the depths of Central Asia.
In 54 BC. Crassus set out on a campaign into Parthian territory with an army of seven legions, four thousand cavalry and the same number of lightly armed men (Plut., Crass. 20). The Parthians met him at Carrhae. Their army consisted mainly of horsemen - archers who surrounded the Roman square and continuously fired streams of mortally wounding arrows throughout the whole day. The Roman legionaries were helpless because the Parthian horsemen evaded their attacks, so that the Romans could not engage their opponents. The attack undertaken by the auxiliary cavalry and some legionaries under the command of Crassus' son, Publius, only led to the separation of these troops from the main part of the army. In order to protect themselves from the arrows of the Parthians, the legionaries could only form a carre and close their shields around themselves 7. The most famous formation of the Romans, in which the shields are closed, is the testudo (turtle), when soldiers close their shields over their heads for protection when maneuvering under city walls. It seems that it was not noted that during this formation the Roman soldiers also closed their shields from the sides. In the image of the testudo on Trajan's Column 8, the Roman legionaries are shown with their shields closed not only above their heads, but also on the left side of them (only one side is shown). When moving, it was probably difficult to close the shields to the right and behind, but standing still, it was easy to close the shields around the entire carre. Thus, the closing of the shields of Crassus' legionaries was part of the testudo maneuver. We know that in this case they did not close their shields over their heads, since Plutarch's source testifies that when the soldiers of Publius Crassus were cut off from the main body of the troops, they retired to the sandy hills and closed their shields, but these warriors who climbed the hills , stood out above the level of the shields, and thus were killed by the Parthians 9. After 18 years, Anthony’s warriors improved their tactics: when they were also attacked by Parthian horsemen - archers, the first row of warriors knelt down, placing their shields on the ground, in order to to protect the legs of the soldiers behind; the next row held their shields at head level, and the rest, the warriors, held them above their heads, thus forming a testudo (Plut., Ant. 42, 2). Thanks to this, the entire army was protected from the arrows of the Parthians, and Anthony's soldiers emerged unharmed. And the warriors of Crassus formed only one line with closed shields, and the Parthians fired arrows along a high trajectory above the heads of the outer row of soldiers, pushing back the Roman troops with insignificant losses.
To protect against arrows, the closure of round or oval shields, which were used by the Greeks or other peoples, could not provide significant benefit; only the Roman scutum, which was rectangular and with a semi-cylindrical surface, could give an effective result. The line of Roman scuta, extending one after the other without gaps along the front line of the infantry, seemed to those who first saw such a formation to be truly “in the shape of fish scales,” especially due to their rounded surface. It would be difficult to describe them any other way.
The Battle of Carrhae was a great disaster for the Romans. Of the 42,000 warriors who marched with Crassus, less than one quarter survived. Twenty thousand were killed and ten thousand captured. The Parthians sent these Roman captives to Margiana (the region in Central Asia where modern Merv is located) to defend their eastern borders (Plin., NH VI, 47). We do not know how many of these 10 thousand people reached this place. The distance from Carræ to Antioch at Margiale is about 1,500 miles, and it is unlikely that the prisoners were well treated during this passage. There is no further indication of their fate in Roman and Greek accounts. According to Horace, these Romans married women from barbarian tribes and served in the Parthian army 10.
The Chinese saw warriors lined up in front of the city of Shishi "in the shape of fish scales", a distance of about 500 miles from the Parthian border of Margiana on the Oka River to the capital of Shishi on the Talas River and 18 years after the defeat of Crassus. These Roman legionnaires were accustomed to leading the life of professional soldiers and, perhaps, willingly took advantage of the opportunity to serve in mercenary troops. When Shishi arrived in Sogdiana at the call of the king, accompanied by the Sogdian nobility and several thousand pack animals, the caravan was caught in a severe frost, so that only three thousand people from the entire expedition were saved. Shishi subsequently, inspired by his military successes, broke with the king of Sogdiana, killed one of his wives, the king's daughter, and built his own capital. He could not expect support from the Huns - they went under the control of the legitimate Shanyu, his rival and half-brother, who was supported by the Chinese. Shishi also aroused many Sogdians against himself with his arrogant behavior. Therefore, naturally, he wanted to attract mercenary soldiers not from Sogdian and Hunnic territory. The Romans were the best hand-to-hand warriors in the whole world; they could be attracted to the side of the famous warrior, who promised to become a rival to the hated Parthians. The "Silk Road" from the Chinese border western territories led through the capital of Shishi to Antioch in Margiana (Merv), and news of Shishi's rise and recruitment of troops could quite naturally reach these Roman exiles.
The Huns in Mongolia were cavalry archers, like the Parthians, but the Chinese introduced improvements in bows and used crossbows. 11 Some ancient Chinese crossbows were so tight that in order to draw them, a strong man had to lie on his back and brace himself with your feet into the bow and pull the bowstring with your hands, thus using the muscles of the legs, back, and arms 12. To control these crossbows, the Chinese invented an extremely convenient trigger mechanism 13. These crossbows were accurate weapons and hit at a longer distance than various projectiles of all others troops. They could undoubtedly penetrate any shields and armor. When attacking the city of Shishi, the Chinese, naturally, began their attack with a hail of spears from crossbows, while they themselves kept at a distance where the arrows of the Huns could not reach. And thus the Chinese wounded even Shishi himself in the nose when he fired at the attackers from the city tower 14.
“More than a hundred infantrymen lined up in a fish-scale line were almost certainly some of Crassus’s legionnaires who also served as mercenary soldiers for Shanyu Shishi. When the Chinese aimed spears from crossbows at them, they, of course, repeated the maneuver performed in the army of Crassus at Carrhae - they raised their scuta, closing them in front of them. Of all the known soldiers and weapons, only the Roman ones, legionnaires with their scuta could have the appearance of a formation “in the form of fish scales” 15.
The presence of the Romans in this place is confirmed by the presence of a double wooden palisade that the Chinese discovered around the city walls. Dr. W. W. Tarn states: “I cannot remember that anywhere, in literature or archaeology, a Greek city with a palisade around the walls can be found. There seems to be, as an undoubted rule, one wall with a ditch around it (or, with significant fortifications, even three ditches).” 16. The Romans, however, constantly used palisades to strengthen the ditches, especially in front of the gates. If there was a bridge over the water, then palisades were built on both sides on the embankments above and below the bridges 17. The double palisade, which the Chinese burned during the assault on the city, perhaps protected the bridge over the moat around the walls of the city of Shishi. The palisade was a standard form of Roman fortification, and it is possible that Roman engineers helped him during the construction of the city of Shishi. The Huns were nomadic tribes who had no cities, except for a very few built by Chinese renegades in Northern Mongolia; in Sogdiana, Shishi, of course, tried to obtain the best technical assistance, and the Roman legionaries could provide exceptional assistance with fortification.
What happened to these Romans? Chinese sources claim that when the city was attacked, these foot soldiers withdrew beyond the city walls. Undoubtedly, the spears of Chinese crossbows were aimed at them with even greater devastating force than the Parthian arrows at Carrhae. There are no special instructions about them in Chinese sources.
The Chinese crossbows were effective enough to drive the defenders away from the walls, and as a result the Chinese were able to storm the city without difficulty. They burned Shishi's palace and captured his head, taking back the credentials of the dead Chinese ambassador. Chen Tang reports that he executed a total of 1,518 people. These were perhaps the Huns, because Chen Tang was concerned with maintaining good relations with the Sogdians and ensuring his safe return from the expedition. He states that, in addition, 145 of the enemy were captured alive and more than a thousand surrendered. 18 These warriors were divided (like slaves) among the fifteen governments of the states of the western border regions, who followed with the expedition as auxiliaries of the Chinese.
The strange number - 145 - of those captured alive corresponds to the number ("over a hundred") of the Romans lined up outside the city walls. Their identification with the Romans suggests itself. Mercenary soldiers have repeatedly proven that, if necessary, they can stand up for themselves. One can therefore conclude that the Roman legionnaires could have advanced even further east, to one of the states in East Turkestan. We have no further information about them. It would be interesting to know if any of them ever made it to China; this, however, seems unlikely.
Thus, in the capital of the Huns Shanyu Shishi on the Talas River in Central Asia, the Chinese may have met several Roman legionnaires from the army of Crassus. These legionnaires apparently fled from the Parthians and willingly went to serve under the command of a famous warrior who could challenge the Parthians. These Romans helped in the construction of the fortifications of his capital. Due to their small numbers and the superiority of Chinese weapons, the Romans, apparently, were unable to take an active part in the battle, and were captured and transported to Chinese Turkestan. The fact that in the 1st century. BC. a group of Romans could travel 3 thousand miles from the territory of Rome, allows us to conclude that at that time there were developed methods of movement across the Eurasian continent and that it is difficult to establish the limit of the influence of some peoples on others.

1. Number N. Dubs, An ancient military contact between Romans and Chinese, AJPh., v. LXII, 3, 1941.
2. This was established by Grot (de Groot, Die Huunen, p. 229). A. Herrmann, Die alten Seidenstrassen zwischen China and Syrian, p. 91, locates the capital of Shishi on the Chshu River.
3. See T "oung Pao, XXXIV, pp. 249-204. See also my comments there, XXXV, pp. 211-214. The report on this expedition can be found in the introduction to Chapter IX, Vol. II of my translation History of the former Han Dynasty.
4. At that time, Chinese generals usually made maps of the new areas they came to, and sent these maps to the imperial court for future references. In the margins of Chen Tang's silk scroll, which outlined a road a thousand miles long, there were apparently color drawings depicting the assault on the city of Shishi. Chen Tang, when forming his troops, forged the imperial edict (a serious crime), and it was important for him to arouse the attention of the emperor in his favor. These drawings aroused considerable interest at court and were exhibited at the imperial banquet even to members of the imperial harem (History of the former Han Dynasty, chapter IX, folio II c; translated in volume II). These drawings were preserved in the imperial archives and were used by a historian of the 1st century AD. Ban Gu in his description of this expedition.
5. Dr. Duyvendak introduced this correction to his original translation, see T"oung Pao, XXXV, page 214.
6. Kromauer-Veith, Heerwesen und Kriegsführung, p. 108.
7. РIut, Crass., 24, 3.
8. Can be found in S. Cichorius, Die Reliefs der Traianssaule, table. II, fig. LXXI, sec. 181. Worse testudo on the monument of M. Aurelius; there is no image of the shields closing from the sides. It is reproduced in Kromauer-Veith, Heenvesen, table. 51, fig. 144.
9. Plut., Crass., 25, 9. Data on Crassus’s campaign are summarized in N. S. Debevois, Political History of Parthia. pp. 78-92.
10. Odes. III, 5, 5. There is a story that in 36 BC. After his retreat, Anthony was served as a guide by a warrior who had survived from the army of Crassus, who served with the Parthians (VeIl. Рaterc. II, 82 and Flor. II, 20, 4). The story is fictitious, but the sources on the basis of which the warrior is called a Mardian are almost without a doubt correct (Plut., Anton. 41, 1; Tarn, SAN, X, p. 74 and note); but the fact that Velleius Paterculus and Florus consider the story reliable may be of significance.
11. It is possible that the Chinese invented the crossbow. See M. Wilbur, Smithsonian Instilut, Annual Reports, 1936, pp. 427-338.
12. E. Chavannes, Mission archeol. I, page 179, fig. 109, 1207; Mémories historiqes, II, p. 469, note. 4.
13. Copies of trigger mechanisms from the Han era can be found in our largest museums. This mechanism is a triple complex lever, durable, easily actuated; it could be easily disassembled, so that it could not hit the hands of enemies. The secret of its use was preserved in China until modern times. Some of these mechanisms had provisions for positioning the arrow at different angles to shoot at different distances.
14. See translation of Duyvendak, T "oung Pao, XXXIV, p. 260.
15. It is unlikely that these warriors were natives trained on the Roman model. There were cases when local residents were trained to fight according to foreign models, but not on their own initiative. Alexander taught Persian youths Macedonian fighting techniques; when he returned from India, his rulers brought to him 20,000 such soldiers (W. W. Tarn, SAN., VI, p. 418). Hellenistic kings also often armed their subjects according to the Macedonian model. A typical example of this is the battle of Raphia between Antiochus III and Ptolemy IV (Polyb. V, 63-65, 79-86), in which the main part of Ptolemy's phalanx was composed of 20,000 natives of Egypt, armed like phalanx warriors (V, 56 , 9). In addition, Antiochus had 10,000 selected troops from the entire kingdom, armed according to the Macedonian model, mainly as hypaspists (V, 79, 4), and Ptolemy had 3,000 Libyans, armed in the same way (V. 65, 8). Ptolemy's commanders armed their people as it was convenient for them, regardless of what weapons they previously had (V. 64. 1). I am indebted to Dr. Tarn for this information.
Both Alexander and these Hellenistic kings enjoyed a prestige that Crassus' legionaries did not have. The winner could, naturally, arm his subjects according to the standards adopted by him, but conquering peoples do not voluntarily use the weapons and tactics of defeated exiles. If the prestige of Rome was at all known in Sogdiana, then in any case it should have been largely questioned in an area so remote from the Roman Empire.
Dr. Tarn also drew my attention to the fact that Curtius, the late Roman historian of Alexander's campaigns, writing around the middle of the first century and. e., applied the word testudo to the Greeks. When Alexander crossed the Jaxartes (Cup-Daria), according to Curtius, armed warriors protected the rowers against missiles from the opposite bank scutorum testudine, holding their shields in front of the rowers (VII, IX, 3); troops defend Alexander testudine obiecta (text incomplete; V, III, 21); and the warriors protect themselves with testudo from stones thrown from above, and this is called in V. III. 23: scutis super capita consertis. The Macedonian small round shields could not be joined together to form a true testudo. Curtius apparently applies the word adopted in his time to concepts existing in the time of Alexander. And he does this repeatedly. The warriors, lined up with small round Macedonian shields, could hardly resemble fish scales.
The Greek word χελωνη (unambiguous with the Latin testudo) means only an artificial formation, a canopy or a large movable shield, similar to those used to shelter sappers, Lidell a. Scott does not give examples of the use of shields actually connected together, and Kromauer-Veith (Heerwesen, pp. 218 pp., p. 235) describes the χελωνη only as a mechanism. Thus, it is certain that the Greeks of the Hellenistic period did not connect shields during military formations. Indeed, this would be impossible due to the size and shape of their shields. Most of the above information was reported by Dr. Tarn.
16. Taken from a private letter. I must thank Dr. Tarn, who suggested to me that these warriors could be the legionnaires of Crassus.
17. Lieut.-Colon. L. S. Jackson under the word Fortification in Encycl. Brit. XI ed., v. X page 681; repeated in XIV ed., IX, p. 524, under the name Bt. Col. E. N. Kelley. I must thank Professor R. S. Rogers of the University of Dicke, who pointed out this information to me, as well as for other help.
18. Han-shu, 70, 10a; de Groot, Die Hunnen, p. 236.

Gladiators were the name given to fighters in Ancient Rome who fought among themselves for the amusement of the public. Arenas were even created especially for such spectacles. The reason for the appearance of such cruel entertainment was the territorial expansion of Ancient Rome. It turned out that there was simply nowhere to put the prisoners. It was simply pointless to kill them, so they forced the men to fight each other for the amusement of the public. Only the strongest survived. Gladiator games began to be considered a public spectacle from 106 BC.

In Rome itself and throughout the country, this becomes the most beloved spectacle. That is why gladiator schools appeared. And in 63, Nero allowed women to participate in such battles. Gladiator games were officially banned in 404, with the arrival of Christianity in Rome. These brave fighters became a symbol of courage and bravery, and the uprising of fighters led by Spartacus generally became an important part of ancient history. We still remember the names of the best gladiators.

Spartacus. Who is the most famous gladiator in history is not worth guessing for long. This is Spartak, whose name is given to children, ships and football teams. Although this person is very famous, it is still unclear who he really was in terms of his origin. The classic version is that Spartacus was a Thracian captured by the Romans. But there are suggestions that the famous gladiator was still a Roman who rebelled and fled from his legion. Just in those years, Rome was waging fierce wars with Thrace and Macedonia, so Spartacus could well have been captured. The attribution of Thracian origin to Spartacus is understandable, because in those days all gladiators were divided, taking into account the type of combat, into Gauls and Thracians, regardless of where the fighters were from. And judging by the grammar of the Latin language, the name Spartacus means that he was related to Sparta. Historians have discovered that the gladiator studied at the school of Lentulus Batiatus, where he studied the philosophy of Gaius Blossius. There are many interesting moments in it; one of the slogans generally says: “The last will be first and vice versa.” In 73 BC. A famous event happened in the history of Rome - the gladiator Spartacus rebelled along with his 70 comrades. At first it was just a group of runaway slaves with four strong leaders - in addition to Spartacus, these were also Crixus, Castus and Gaius Gannicus, the rebels simply robbed their own school and fled with arms in their hands to the outskirts of Naples. The rebels began to trade in robberies and murders, their army grew at the expense of other runaway slaves. After a couple of years, the company already consisted of more than 120 thousand people who easily moved around the country. There was a slave system in the country, and such an uprising threatened the existence of the state. That is why the best military forces were sent to pacify Spartak and his comrades. Gradually, the forces of the slaves were defeated, Spartak himself presumably died near the Silari River. The last remnants of the mighty rebel army tried to flee to the north, but were defeated by Pompey. It was he who received the laurels of the main pacifier of the riot.






Guy Ganik.


This gladiator was a Gaul and was enslaved for several years. Crixus fell into captivity while fighting the Romans on the side of the Alloborgs. Crixus, like Spartacus, was a gladiator in the school of Lentalus Batiatus, which was in Capua. In 73 BC. Crixus, along with other fugitives from this school, began to plunder the outskirts of Naples and collect other fugitive slaves. Crixus was one of Spartacus' most important assistants. But after the first military successes, Crixus separated from his leader, remaining in southern Italy. The main forces of slaves moved north. Plutarch said that the reason for this separation was the arrogance and arrogance of Crixus. The Gauls and Germans, fellow tribesmen of the leader, remained in his army. In the spring of 72 BC. The Roman consul Publicula began to actively fight the army of Crixus. A decisive battle took place near Mount Gargan in Apulia. In the course of it, Crixus was killed. He fought with great courage, killing at least ten legionnaires and centurions. But in the end Crixus was stabbed with a spear and beheaded. The 30,000-strong army of slaves was defeated. Spartak honored the memory of his comrades by organizing gladiator games, as was customary in Rome. Only this time, more than three hundred noble Roman prisoners of war were forced to take part in such events. Speaking about the greatest gladiators, it is worth mentioning the most famous woman who mastered this profession. Gerardesca Manutius is perhaps the greatest warrior in history. She killed more than two hundred opponents of different sexes in the arena, meeting her death in battle. She was a beauty, with jet black hair and a perfect body. The Roman fans adored her. And Manutius entered the arena just a year before her death. In such a short period, she managed to become a celebrity. The runaway slave was 28 years old when she fell into a group of those tens of thousands of slaves who united under the leadership of Spartacus. In the rebel army, a woman first played the unenviable role of a prostitute. She traveled all over Italy with Spartak; in her free time, the woman took sword lessons. This allowed her to become an excellent hand-to-hand fighter with experience in martial arts. At the Battle of Lucania in 71 BC, when Spartacus was killed, Gherardescu was captured by Marcus Lucinius Crassus. Without thinking twice, he ordered the woman to be crucified along with other six thousand runaway slaves. But already at the moment when the Amazon was chained to the cross, the Roman suddenly changed his mind. The beautiful Gerardesque liked her bronze skin and spent the night in Crassus's tent. The next day, the military leader sent the woman to Capua, to a school of gladiator skills. He hoped that this craft would help her one day become free. The basics of gladiatorial combat were given to Gherardesca without much difficulty. Within a few weeks, the Amazon's first fight took place. The excitement was explained by the fact that Crassus’s own protégé entered the arena. But it only took the female gladiator five minutes to finish off the muscular and tattooed Greek Thrasian. The audience watched with delight as two topless bodies, sweating from the sun, moved in an attempt to kill each other. As a result, the sword entered the Greek’s groin, and the thunder of applause shook the amphitheater. The winner used a trick. But the bloody career could not last long. For 11 whole months, Gherardesca destroyed all her rivals, including already famous fighters. And the gladiator died in a battle with two dwarfs. During the fight, one of them managed to sneak behind the woman’s back and plunge a trident right into her kidneys. The former favorite of the public suddenly lost all her sympathy, which went to the dwarfs. The entire Colosseum pointed its fingers down, passing judgment on Gherardesca. According to the rules, the wounded woman lies on her back, suffering from pain. She raised the finger of her left hand and at that moment the dwarfs drove their tridents into her stomach and chest, ending the fight. The gladiator's wounded body was taken from the arena and simply thrown onto a pile of other battle victims. So the idol of Rome, the famous female fighter, did not receive the last worthy honors.