Who is Andrey Fefelov biography son of Prokhanov. Alexander Prokhanov: “Every day I dream of meeting my wife. About the symbols of the USSR

Alexander Prokhanov, whose biography is given in this article, is a well-known domestic writer, public and political figure. He is the chief editor and publisher of the newspaper "Tomorrow".

Biography of a politician

Alexander Prokhanov, whose biography you can read in this article, was born in Tbilisi in 1938. His ancestors were Molokans. These are representatives of a separate branch of Christianity who do not recognize the cross and icons, do not make the sign of the cross and consider it sinful to eat pork and drink alcohol. They were originally from the Saratov and Tambov provinces. From there they moved to the Transcaucasus.

Grandfather Prokhanov was a Molokan theologian, he was the brother of Ivan Prokhanov, the founder of the All-Russian Union of Evangelical Christians. Uncle Prokhanov, who was a well-known botanist in the USSR, was also well known, was repressed in the 30s, but later rehabilitated.

Alexander Prokhanov, whose biography is in this article, graduated in 1960. After that, he went to work at the research institute as an engineer. While still a senior student, he took up writing poetry and prose.

In 1962-1964 he worked as a forester in Karelia, worked as a guide, took tourists to the Khibiny, even took part in a geological expedition in Tuva. It was in those years that Alexander Andreevich Prokhanov, whose biography can be found in this article, discovered such writers as Vladimir Naborov and Andrei Platonov.

Literary career

In the late 60s, the hero of our article decided for himself that he would connect his future fate with literature. In 1968 he joined the Literaturnaya Gazeta. Two years later, as a special correspondent, he went to make reports in Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Angola and Cambodia.

One of the main journalistic successes of Prokhanov is reporting on the events that took place at that time on the Soviet-Chinese border. He was the first to openly write and talk about it.

In 1972, journalist Alexander Prokhanov, whose biography you are now reading, was accepted into the Writers' Union of the USSR. In 1986, he began to publish in the thick literary magazines "Our Contemporary", "Young Guard", continued to cooperate with the "Literaturnaya Gazeta".

In 1989, Prokhanov became the editor-in-chief of the Soviet Literature magazine, and was a member of the editorial board of the Soviet Warrior magazine.

Newspaper "The Day"

During perestroika, he took an active civic stand. At the very end of 1990, Prokhanov created the newspaper Den. He himself becomes its editor-in-chief. In 1991, he published the famous anti-perestroika appeal, which he entitled "Word to the people." In those days, the newspaper became one of the most radical and oppositional mass media, published until the October events of 1993. After that, the authorities closed the publication.

In 1991, Alexander Prokhanov, whose biography is contained in this article, was a confidant of the general during the presidential elections in the RSFSR. Makashov ran for the Communist Party of the RSFSR. As a result, he took only fifth place, gaining less than 4% of the vote. Then Boris Yeltsin won, having enlisted the support of more than 57 percent of the votes of Russians. During the August putsch, our hero openly took the side of the State Emergency Committee.

In 1993, Prokhanov, in his newspaper The Day, called Yeltsin's actions a coup d'état, calling for support for members of the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet. When the tanks shot down the Soviet parliament, the newspaper Den was banned by the decision of the Ministry of Justice. The room in which the editorial office was located was destroyed by riot police. Employees were beaten, and property was destroyed, as well as archives. By that time, the banned newspaper was being printed in Minsk.

The appearance of the newspaper "Tomorrow"

In 1993, the son-in-law of the writer Prokhanov, named Khudorozhkov, registered a new newspaper, Zavtra. Prokhanov became its chief editor. The publication is still published, many accuse him of publishing anti-Semitic materials.

The newspaper in the 90s was famous for its harsh criticism of the post-Soviet system, it often publishes materials and articles by popular opposition figures - Dmitry Rogozin, Vladimir Kvachkov, Sergei Kara-Murza, Maxim Kalashnikov.

The newspaper features in many contemporary artistic works of art. For example, in the novel "Monoclon" by Vladimir Sorokin or in "Akiko" by Viktor Pelevin. Gleb Samoilov dedicated even his song of the same name to this newspaper.

In recent years, the publication has changed its concept. Publications of state-patriotic content appeared in it. Prokhanov proclaimed the "Fifth Empire" project, while he became more loyal to the government, although he still often criticized the current situation in the country.

In 1996, Prokhanov again took an active part in the presidential campaign. This time he supported the candidacy. It was not possible to decide the fate of the winner in the first round. Yeltsin won 35%, and Zyuganov - 32. In the second round, Yeltsin won with a score of 53-odd percent of the vote.

Prokhanov's political activity did not suit many. In 1997 and 1999 he was attacked by unknown persons.

"Mr Hexogen"

As a writer, Prokhanov became known in 2002, when he published the novel "Mr. Hexogen". He won the National Bestseller Award for it.

Events are developing in Russia in 1999. A series of explosions in residential buildings that took place at that time is presented as a secret plot of the authorities. In the center of the story is an ex-KGB general named Beloseltsev. He is involved in the operation, the ultimate goal of which is the coming to power of a certain Chosen One.

Prokhanov himself admitted that at that time he considered Putin as a man of the Yeltsin team. But over time, he changed his point of view. Prokhanov began to assert that it was Putin who firmly stopped the disintegration of the country, removed the oligarchs from direct control of it, and organized Russian statehood in its modern form.

In 2012, he became a member of the Public Television Council, which was formed by decree of President Vladimir Putin. He currently holds the post of Deputy Chairman of the Council at the Federal Ministry of Defense.

Icon with Stalin

Many people know Prokhanov thanks to his outrageous actions. For example, in 2015, he came to a meeting of the plenum of the Union of Writers of Russia, which was held in Belgorod, with the icon of the Sovereign Mother of God. It depicted Joseph Stalin surrounded by Soviet military leaders.

After that, the icon was brought to the Prokhorovka field during the celebrations of the famous tank battle, which largely decided the outcome of the Great Patriotic War.

At the same time, the Belgorod Metropolis officially announced that the service was attended not by an icon with the Generalissimo, but by a picture that was painted in an icon-painting style, since none of the characters depicted on it was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. And some even were persecutors of the church.

It is also widely known that Prokhanov is fond of primitivism and collects butterflies. There are already about three thousand copies in his collection.

Personal life

Of course, when telling the biography of Alexander Prokhanov, one cannot fail to mention the family. She is big and strong. His wife's name was Lyudmila Konstantinovna. After the wedding, she took her husband's surname.

In the biography of Alexander Prokhanov, family and children have always been among the top priorities. He was married to his wife until 2011. She died suddenly. They left a daughter and two sons. Children in the personal life of Alexander Prokhanov (his biography is full of interesting events) play an important role.

Sons of Prokhanov

His sons earned some fame in society. Andrey Fefelov became a publicist and is the editor-in-chief of the Den Internet channel. He received his higher education at MISI, graduated from the Faculty of Engineering.

After high school, he immediately went to the army, served in the border troops. During perestroika, he took the path of his father, became a publicist and writer, began to publish in political journals. In 2007, he received the post of editor-in-chief at the Zavtra newspaper, where his father worked. He has a family.

The second son's name is Vasily Prokhanov, he is a singer-songwriter. In the biography of Alexander Andreevich Prokhanov, the family is important. He always paid a lot of attention to her. All fans of his work are interested in the biography, personal life of Alexander Prokhanov.


Repeatedly Prokhanov became a participant in litigation. In 2014, he wrote an article for Izvestia entitled "Singers and scoundrels." It told about Andriy Makarevich's speech to the Ukrainian servicemen. Prokhanov claimed that immediately after the concert, the soldiers went to positions to fire on civilians in Donetsk.

The court ordered to refute these facts, as well as to pay Makarevich 500 thousand rubles for non-pecuniary damage. The city court then overturned the lower court's decision and ordered only a retraction to be posted.

Creativity Prokhanov

Russian by nationality Alexander Prokhanov. In his biography, it is necessary to mention this. His style is distinguished by original and colorful language. It has a lot of metaphors, unusual epithets, and each character is individualized.

In Prokhanov, real events almost always coexist with absolutely fantastic things. For example, in the novel "Mr. Hexogen" already mentioned in this article, the oligarch, similar in descriptions to Berezovsky, once in the hospital, simply melts in the air. And the Chosen One, in which many guessed Putin, sitting at the helm of the plane, turns into a rainbow.

Also in his work one can notice sympathy for Christianity, everything Russian. He himself still considers himself a Soviet man.

Early works

The first works of Prokhanov were stories that he published in newspapers and magazines. Many people remember his story "Wedding" in 1967.

His first collection entitled "I'm on my way" was published in 1971. The preface to it was written by Yury Trifonov, who was popular at the time. In it, Prokhanov describes the Russian village with its classical rituals, original characters and established ethics. A year later, he publishes another book about the problems of the Soviet village - "The Burning Color".

His first novel was published in 1975. It was called "Wandering Rose". It has a semi-essay character and is dedicated to the author's impressions from trips to the Far East and Siberia.

In it, as well as in several subsequent works, Prokhanov addresses the problems of Soviet society. These are the novels "Location", "Time noon" and "The Eternal City".

Alexander Andreevich Prokhanov(b. 1938) - Soviet and Russian politician, writer, publicist. Member of the secretariat of the Union of Writers of Russia, editor-in-chief of the newspaper Zavtra.

A. A. Prokhanov was born on February 26, 1938 in Tbilisi. Prokhanov's ancestors, the Molokans, were exiled to Transcaucasia during the time of Catherine II. In 1960, Prokhanov graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, worked as an engineer at a scientific research institute. In the last year of high school he began to write poetry and prose. In 1962-1964 worked as a forester in Karelia, took tourists to the Khibiny, took part in a geological party in Tuva. During these years, Prokhanov discovered A.P. Platonov, was carried away by V.V. Nabokov. Since 1970, he worked as a correspondent for Literaturnaya Gazeta in Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Cambodia, Angola and other places. Prokhanov was the first in 1969 to describe in his reportage the events on Damansky Island during the Soviet-Chinese border conflict. In 1972, Prokhanov became a member of the SP of the USSR. Since 1986, he has been actively publishing in the magazines Molodaya Gvardiya, Our Contemporary, as well as in the Literaturnaya Gazeta. From 1989 to 1991 Prokhanov works as the editor-in-chief of the journal "Soviet Literature". In December 1990, he created his own newspaper, Den, where he also became editor-in-chief. In 1991, during the presidential elections in the RSFSR, Prokhanov was a confidant of candidate General Albert Makashov.

During the August Putsch Prokhanov supports the GKChP. In September 1993, he spoke in his newspaper against Yeltsin's anti-constitutional actions, calling them a coup d'état, and supported the RF Armed Forces. After the tank shooting of the Parliament, the newspaper Den was banned by the Ministry of Justice. The editorial office of the newspaper was destroyed by riot police, its employees were beaten, property and archives were destroyed. Two issues of the newspaper, already banned by that time, were clandestinely printed in Minsk as special editions of the communist newspaper We and Time. In November 1993, Prokhanov registered a new newspaper, Zavtra, and became its chief editor. In the 1996 presidential election, Prokhanov supported the candidacy of the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov, in 1997 he became a co-founder of the Patriotic Information Agency. Twice - in 1997 and 1999 he was attacked by unknown persons.

He is fond of drawing in the style of primitivism. Collects butterflies (more than 3 thousand copies in the collection). Married, has two sons and a daughter. Awarded with state awards of the USSR.

Since the late 1960s Prokhanov as a special correspondent for Literaturnaya Gazeta, he visited various "hot" spots in Latin America, Angola, Mozambique, Kampuchea, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, etc. In his numerous essays and reports, Prokhanov described the events he witnessed.

In December 1990, Prokhanov founded and became editor-in-chief of the weekly newspaper The Day, which had the subtitle The Newspaper of the Spiritual Opposition. On July 15, 1991, the newspaper published an "anti-perestroika" appeal, "Word to the People." The newspaper became one of the most radical opposition publications in Russia in the early 1990s and was published regularly until the October events of 1993, after which it was closed by the authorities. However, on November 5, 1993, the writer's son-in-law A. A. Khudorozhkov established and registered the newspaper Zavtra, of which Prokhanov became the editor-in-chief. A number of organizations accuse the newspaper of publishing anti-Semitic materials.

The first stories and essays were published in Literary Russia, Krugozor, Deer, Family and School, Rural Youth. Particularly successful was the story "The Wedding" (1967). In the second half of the 1960s, Prokhanov's essays and reports attracted the attention of readers in the USSR.

Prokhanov's first book, "I'm Going My Way" (1971), was published with a foreword by Yuri Trifonov: "The theme of Russia, the Russian people for Prokhanov is not a tribute to fashion and not a profitable enterprise, but part of the soul. The prose of the young writer has a great sincerity. The collection "I'm going on my way" depicts the Russian village with its rituals, old-fashioned ethics, original characters and landscapes. In 1972, Prokhanov published an essay book, Burning Color, about the problems of the Soviet countryside. In the same year, with the assistance of Yu. V. Trifonov, Prokhanov was accepted into the Writers' Union of the USSR. Since 1985 Prokhanov - Secretary of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR.

Early 1970s Prokhanov published a number of stories: "Tin Bird", "Red Juice in the Snow", "Two", "Milk 1220", "Trans-Siberian Machinist" (all - 1974), "Fiery Font" (1975), etc. In 1974, the second collection was published stories and short stories "The Grass Turns Yellow".

The basis of the first novel "The Wandering Rose" (1975), which has a semi-essay character, was the writer's impressions from trips to Siberia, the Far East and Central Asia. In this and in three subsequent novels - "The time is noon" (1977), "The scene" (1979) and "The Eternal City" (1981), Prokhanov addresses the pressing problems of Soviet society.
"Burning Gardens"

From the beginning of the 1980s, the writer began to work in the genre of a military-political novel; his numerous business trips serve as material for new works. The travel novels “A Tree in the Center of Kabul”, “A Hunter in the Islands…”, “Africanist”, “And Here Comes the Wind” form the “Burning Gardens” tetralogy, created in the wake of events and characterized by intense plot development.

Later, Prokhanov again turns to the Afghan theme. The main character of the novel “Drawings of a Battle Painter” (1986) is the artist Veretenov, who, on the instructions of the editors, goes to Afghanistan in order to make a series of drawings of Soviet soldiers, and who wants to see his son, a soldier. The novel Six Hundred Years After the Battle (1988) is about demobilized soldiers serving in Afghanistan.

In the 1970s and 90s, he created several notable stories and short stories: Polina (1976), Invisible Wheat, By the Moonbeam, Snow and Coal (all 1977), Gray Soldier (1985) , "The Gunsmith" (1986), "Caravan", "Darling", "Muslim Wedding", "Kandahar Outpost" (all - 1989) and the stories: "Admiral" (1983), "Light Blue" (1986), "Sign Virgin” (1990), etc. For the story “Muslim wedding” (as the best story of the year), Prokhanov received the Prize. A.P. Chekhov. In 1989-1990, Prokhanov was the editor-in-chief of the Soviet Literature magazine, published in 9 languages ​​and distributed in more than 100 countries of the world.

In 2002 a novel Prokhanov"", where he artistically displays the version about the fault of the Russian special services in the explosions of residential buildings in Russia in 1999, receives the National Bestseller Award. "Mr. Hexogen" attracted the attention of critics and the public. The novel tells about a conspiracy of special services, oligarchs and politicians of different directions. The purpose of the conspiracy is to change the power in the country by transferring it from the decrepit Idol to the young Chosen One. The conspirators use assassinations, Kremlin intrigues, house bombings, provocations, etc.

Prokhanov's style is often considered original, colorful, emphatically individual. Prokhanov's language, as many critics believe, is replete with vivid metaphors, original, flowery epithets, the characters are written out convexly, clearly, with an abundance of details, the description itself has a pronounced emotional and even passionate coloring, the author's attitude to this or that character is clearly traced. However, according to the German Slavist Wolfgang Kazak, Prokhanov's works are characterized by "a banal, sugary manner of writing, based on shameless lies and oversaturated with cheap embellishing epithets." Definitely realistic actions and events coexist with things of a completely fantastic nature (in the novel "Mr. Hexogen" one of the oligarchs (possibly similar to Berezovsky), having fallen under a dropper in the hospital, melts and disappears in the air; The Chosen One (possibly similar to Putin), asked to fly the plane alone in the cockpit, disappears, turning into a rainbow).
Sympathy for Christianity, Russia and everything Russian, disapproval of capitalism is clearly traced.

11/14/2005, Something about Prokhanov. Agent of God

Dmitry Galkovsky

[...] By origin, Prokhanov is a typical member of the sixties, moreover, a stale man of the sixties, of the second or even third sort. He graduated from the Aviation Institute, played the fool in forestry. He began his career in the 60s as a journalist, tried to squeeze in here and there - nothing worked. The horizon was blocked by the backs of talented competitors.

I had to climb on the backs - Prokhanov began his career with patriotic roulades about provocations on the Soviet-Chinese border. The journalist's roulades were loud, but clumsy. However, for a start it went down. The impudent writer crawled into the Writers' Union and got hooked on the bread theme - the chanting of the Soviet army. Differences from other party agitators, who oh how did not want to break down in production, Prokhanov had.

Firstly, he sang not just the Soviet army, but the modern Soviet army. It was difficult. The heroes of Afghanistan did not have much success, and censorship completely cut off the wings of the dubious colonels. Wings, let's say, were fly, the colonels could not fly. But they buzzed. In order not to buzz, the wings were amputated with tweezers: “In your submarine, midshipman Zhovtoblochenko dies from radiation from radiation. The feat of a Komsomol member must be changed - not from radiation, but from a fire, and does not die, but receives moderate burns.

Secondly, Prokhanov went to the library and learned a few foreign words. The words were beautiful, but incomprehensible. For example "cybertronics". Such terminology was not used by other Soviet agitators; literary critics started talking about a special Prokhanov style. It was necessary to straighten the paper “where necessary” for the style, it was not allowed to get out just like that. "Not by statute." It looks like Prokhanov straightened out the paper. According to Voice of America, Sovietologists began to talk about the "nightingale of the General Staff", the Soviet militarist writer. Apart from the Sovietologists, of course, no one knew Prokhanov - he was completely uninteresting to the reading public.

After perestroika, Prokhanov, for obvious reasons, was very offended and fell into criticism. The transition from the "nightingale of the General Staff", writing graphomaniac agitation in Brezhnev's birdless, to the oppositionist of the era of the "execution of the White House" is quite logical. Both the general message and the specific execution are clear. The performance went on at the level corresponding to Prokhanov's talent: police whistles, hoarse barking, bazaar shrieks, cock panegyrics. Nevertheless, it was at this time that a reader came to our hero. In the era of Chumak and Kashpirovsky, the people were at the stage of unafraid idiots. Everything worked, and everything worked. As you know, Chumak was just silent for five minutes on the air. They believed. Prokhanov was yelling in The Day. They also believed. Masonic covens were used, taking place in a dungeon under the Ostankino pond, CIA agents, the world behind the scenes, octopus-like oligarchs with a certain nationality and an indeterminate gender.

All this disgrace was opposed by the minor sixties, gradually covered with age spots. As an ampil-like squealer, Prokhanov bit off a cozy mink in the state cheese, and, it seemed, would have sat in it as a household mouse until the second coming. Warm, damp, delicious. Eat cheese, get pigmented at least in three layers, and from time to time squeak "from the depths" about the horrors of the Yeltsin regime and the world Jewish Masonic conspiracy.

And then there was an inexplicable somersault. A mouse made of cheese made a jet jump on the chest of an octopus-like London oligarch. Right off the bat, a true Russian patriot turned into a true friend of Boris Abramovich Berezovsky, communication reached the level of an intimate whisper and early morning cooing. FRIENDS. In general, Admiral Kolchak is sitting, talking with Georgy Valentinovich Plekhanov, how best to equip Russia (also a fact).

I must say that Prokhanov, as any journalist should, writes graphomaniac poetry. Let me give you an example for laughs. From the "pre-Berezovsky period":

Berezovsky plays in the casino,
Dancing with castanets Gusinsky,
Khodorkovsky is sweating in the Finnish bath,
All Russian goods have been brought to Manhattan.
Russia stands in a torn shirt,
And keeps the Russian head on the chopping block.
The Chechen ax shines in the air,
The diamond of a Jewish banker glitters.
Since I have ice in my heart
One grenade launcher became my friend.
Fly, fly sad grenade
Beyond the Terek, across the Danube - to NATO headquarters.

Bless me, Vladyka John,
To cover me with a saving fog
And I got to Basayev's base,
What is right next to the LogoVAZ house.
And let the enemies hear with a sensitive ear,
How do I release a devoted "fly".
Buzz, buzz, merry minx,
May the enemy not live to see the new moon.
Let it shatter like a rotten vase
The Stucco Palace of LogoVAZ Receptions.
And I will disappear, terrible anonymous.
So we will save Moscow from explosions.
Let Berezovsky be touched by a “fly”,
And immediately he will have jaundice.

All this is wonderful. We can say that Prokhanov is a corrupt bastard, a graphomaniac and a scoundrel, capable of doing anything and in any sequence for a certain amount. But there are some objections to this assumption. After all, Alexander Andreevich is a representative of the Soviet establishment, is engaged in political activities, and is a member of high offices. In the media, he is presented as a "complex controversial figure." Gelman is right, Prokhanov's somersaults do not distinguish him from the environment of the capital's political and cultural beau monde. And the age of a 65-year-old person, as they say, is “solid”. Obviously, we are talking not only about salivation reflexes, but also about a certain system of views, one might even say, a worldview. That is, Prokhanov can kiss Brezhnev's hands, yell into a megaphone at a Black Hundreds rally, play cricket on the estate of an Anglo-Russian oligarch and still remain himself. All these are just different manifestations of the same personality (and the personality, in my opinion, is not just simple, but downright single-celled).

Let's put Prokhanov on the microscope slide and turn the eyepiece.

Prokhanov's grandfather was one of the most active members of the English residency in the Russian Empire, Ivan Stepanovich Prokhanov. Mr. Prokhanov was also a publisher of newspapers and magazines, for systematic anti-state and anti-church activities he was exiled by the tsar to his native England. There he graduated from the theological college in Bristol. In 1898, Prokhanov returned to Russia, right off the bat he launched a large-scale subversive work. Through Bonch-Bruevich, Prokhanov maintained contacts with the Bolsheviks, and soon became the head of the Russian Baptists and one of the six vice-chairmen of their World Union.

In 1914, as direct accomplices of Germany, members of socialist subversive organizations and German spies, Prokhanov and his comrades were pressed a little. With the consent, approval and direct advice of England. The fact is that before the war, the British in every possible way provoked the Germans to go to war with Russia, a large number of pro-British organizations worked with Germany in the closest cooperation. But as soon as the German Empire bought into the purchase, she immediately had to deal with a single Anglo-French-Russian front, and numerous accomplices of the Germans in the rear of Russia and France were blocked by England in one week. The powerful pro-German (and in fact pro-British) International did not even utter a word.

“The VI All-Russian Congress of Christian Youth with the participation of Ivan Prokhanov gathered in 1921 in Tver. As soon as the participants started the planned program, on May 5, on the denunciation of the priest of the local Orthodox parish Vinogradov, who made his way to Tverskaya Gubchek as an investigator, 42 participants of the congress were arrested. 30 people were soon released, and 12 (including Prokhanov) were transferred to a forced labor camp for a period of one to three years. But three months later, the central authorities released them too.”

In the 1920s, the OGPU agent Prokhanov actively corrupted the Russian church, collaborating with the “living churchmen”. Quietly traveled around Europe and the Americas. In 1928, while in Canada, Prokhanov decided not to return to the USSR, while CONTINUED to be one of the most active and influential Soviet Protestants.

In his FOREIGN memoirs, Prokhanov, the first president of the All-Russian Council of Evangelical Christian Baptists, wrote:

“At the heart of the Bolshevik policy towards religious organizations was freedom for all, with the exception of those groups and the priesthood who participated in the political opposition to the new regime. One of the first steps of the Soviet government was a decree on the separation of church and state. In accordance with the proclaimed decree, the Orthodox Church was losing the financial support of the state ... Millions of rubles were withdrawn from church funds, and this undermined the livelihood of the Holy Synod, the Theological Academy and other church institutions. Most of the priests were removed from their ministry... Thus, the overthrow of the Orthodox Church was a significant achievement, the main basis of religious freedom...”

As for Prokhanov's grandson, his parents were fanatical Molokans, he himself also belongs to this denomination, although he speaks vaguely on religious topics. Vague but eloquent:

“Only rare people, returning to the Lord, open their weary, cut palms before Him, and there, among clay, dust, abomination, gore, a small particle of a truly precious experience pleasing to the Lord will sparkle. Then the Lord God will take this particle, say to his agent: “Thank you, God's servant Alexander. Rest now."

Prokhanov is not a provincial clicker at all. This is an "agent of God", a hereditary member of the Soviet elite. You just need to understand who these Lenins, Stalins, Alliluyevs, Litvinovs, Alexei Tolstoy, Chukovskys, Zamyatins, Kapitsa and Tutti Quanti are. These are English-oriented COLLABORATIONISTS who seized power as a result of the terrible catastrophe of 1917. Russia's new elite is a completely democratic elite. You can become a servant of London on your own initiative. Nimble Boris Abramovich has grown to such a level of betrayal himself. But Prokhanov… Prokhanov is a national-traitor HEREDITARY. He does not work for money. He loves money, he needs money, he has money. But not by bread alone. Prokhanov is a religious sectarian. At first glance, the sect to which he belongs is quite cosmopolitan. But this is only at first glance. In fact, it is paid for and directed by London, and this direction is completely anti-Russian.

Baptism itself is not a crime. But, being a member of the Protestant religious community, Prokhanov hides his faith and at the same time spreads chauvinistic slander, exposing Russians as xenophobes and Asian fanatics who bruise their foreheads in a special “Byzantine church”. In his newspaper, Prokhanov went so far as to publish an icon depicting Stalin. Baptists deny icons, they laugh at icons, they consider them idolatry. But damned Russians point blank do not see the Light of Truth. Instead of spiritual zeal in the cultural European church, they worship painted boards. So here you are, Asian Vanka, Stalin. Pray. There is also Eurasianism, Zoroastrianism, the Book of Veles, extrasensory perception and bioenergetics. All this in the Molokan shop of Prokhanov stirs and crawls. Fly in and buy Zavtra, the newspaper of Russian nationalists.

Prokhanov, it seems, is older and more impressive than the precocious Berezovsky. Conservative British do not like early maturing. But Judas HEREDITARY in business can be taken strongly, entrusted with a lot. So, in the Berezovsky-Prokhanov tandem, which appeared before the eyes of a stunned public, it is still unknown who is the eldest.

By the way, what are the religious views of Prokhanov's accomplice? At one time, neat Boris Abramovich decided to give himself a Christian upgrade. Like, Lawrence of Arabia converted to Islam, and I will convert to Orthodoxy. For a serious person (by the way, not serious). Accepted. What kind of "Orthodoxy" it was, who read about Savva Morozov and Dugin in VZGLYAD is easy to guess.

In conclusion, I will allow myself - on the rights of personally knowing Prokhanov - to give Alexander Andreevich a little advice. Since Profanov, sorry, Prokhanov, like all Baptists, loves slogans, I will formulate my advice briefly: “Suitcase! Railway station! England!" Everything was calculated well, you acted correctly. There is only one error. Russia is not Romania. Our country is stupid, but in 20 years of intellectual freedom, Russians have grown a lot. So far, I repeat, they are still much more stupid than the civilized peoples of Europe. But Russians are growing fast, they are learning. They have a great past. Much is not enough to learn, but only to remember. So pack a suitcase, Judas English, collect ... Slowly, quietly. There is still time. But it may come out very soon. Russians harness for a long time, but they drive fast. They can also roll. With the wind.

From the cycle: conversations with famous people.

Soviet and Russian writer, screenwriter, publicist, public figure.

Member of the secretariat of the Writers' Union of Russia. Chief editor of the newspaper "Tomorrow". Winner of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1982). Cavalier of the Orders of the Red Banner, the Red Banner of Labor (1984), the Badge of Honor and the Red Star.

Born on February 26, 1938, in Tbilisi. Ancestors, Molokans, who came from the Tambov region to Transcaucasia.

His grandfather was the brother of Ivan Stepanovich Prokhanov, the leader of the Russian Baptist movement, the founder and head of the All-Russian Union of Evangelical Christians (1908-1928) and vice-president of the World Baptist Alliance (1911), who emigrated from Russia in 1928.

His son, Yaroslav Ivanovich, a well-known botanist, was arrested in 1938 under articles 58-10 and 58-11 (counter-revolutionary activities), but managed to negotiate the transfer of a very large inheritance that Ivan Stepanovich, who died in 1935, left him abroad.

* And then it was possible to agree. What is there. It would be for what.

And thus, in 1939, he was released, all charges were dropped from him, although the persecution continued in the future due to the fact that he, being a student of N. I. Vavilov, continued to promote classical genetics.

Alexander Andreevich graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute in 1960, but already in the last year of the institute he began to write poetry and prose. After working as an engineer at a scientific research institute for two years after graduation, he became a forest ranger in Karelia, took tourists to the Khibiny, and participated in a geological expedition in Tuva.

*So to speak, I was gaining worldly and writing experience. Everywhere a little.

In 1968, he began working at Literaturnaya Gazeta and was the first to describe in his report the events on Damansky Island during the Soviet-Chinese conflict in 1969. Since 1970, he has been broadcasting reports, being a correspondent in Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Cambodia, Angola. In 1972 he became a member of the USSR Writers' Union (he was 34 years old) and continued to publish in the Literaturnaya Gazeta, in the magazines Young Guard and Our Contemporary. In addition, for two years he worked as the editor-in-chief of the journal "Soviet Literature" (1989-1991).

He did not join the CPSU.

In December 1990, he created his own newspaper, The Day, where he became editor-in-chief. On July 15, 1991, the newspaper published an "anti-perestroika" appeal, "Word to the People." The newspaper became one of the most radical opposition publications in Russia in the early 1990s and was published regularly until the October events of 1993, after which it was closed by the authorities.

In 1991, during the presidential elections in the RSFSR, Prokhanov was a confidant of candidate General Albert Makashov. During the August putsch, Prokhanov supported the State Emergency Committee.

In September 1993, he spoke in his newspaper against Yeltsin's anti-constitutional actions, calling them a coup d'état, and supported the RF Armed Forces. After the tank shooting of the Parliament, the newspaper Den was banned by the Ministry of Justice. The editorial office of the newspaper was destroyed by riot police, its employees were beaten, property and archives were destroyed. Two issues of the newspaper, already banned by that time, were clandestinely printed in Minsk as special editions of the communist newspaper We and Time.

*As you can see, Prokhanov's experience of political struggle was already great.

On November 5, 1993, the son-in-law of the writer A. A. Khudorozhkov established and registered the newspaper Zavtra, of which Prokhanov became the editor-in-chief. A number of organizations accuse the newspaper of publishing anti-Semitic materials.

In the 1996 presidential election, Prokhanov supported the candidacy of the Communist Party candidate Gennady Zyuganov. In 1997, he became a co-founder of the Patriotic Information Agency. Twice - in 1997 and 1999 he was attacked by unknown persons.

In 2002, Prokhanov's novel "Mr. Hexogen", where he artistically depicted the version of the organization of explosions of residential buildings in Russia in 1999 by the Russian special services, received the National Bestseller award.

He is fond of drawing in the style of primitivism. Collects butterflies (there are more than 3 thousand copies in the collection).

Married, has two sons and a daughter. One of the sons is a publicist Andrey Fefelov.

* So briefly about the biography of A. A. Prokhanov, in which the genes of relatives, the character of the journalist himself and his life are traced in all three periods of time that took place before our eyes.

And now, in fact, the interview itself with Alexander Andreevich. My notes are in italics.

“The USSR was a unique project. The Soviet can be copied, but it is still better to build something of your own.”

A. A. Prokhanov

Reflections of A. Prokhanov on the pages of "AiF" No. 15 2014. Recorded by Vitaly Tseplyaev.

About Russian power.

If Russian statehood continues to grow, then our geopolitical space will expand. And we don't have to include some new lands, like Crimea. The unification of the Russian world can be done without tank columns and without special forces units.

For example, the Union State of Russia and Belarus.

Kudrin (former finance minister) talks about $150-160 billion that could leak out of the country in 2014. This is due to the annexation of the Crimea.

But the price we paid for the presence of "curly" in our politics is estimated in trillions of dollars.

* It will not be possible to create some kind of separate "Slavic world" Alexander Andreevich. If the "Slavic Bazaar" I would agree. And with the title too. Well, look how many nationalities and confessions exist side by side on the territory of the Russian Federation. And how many non-Slavs entering the Russian Federation for a while, for permanent residence, unofficially

For example, Armenians in their state are Christians, but they are 99.9% Armenians. Azerbaijan, having separated and become a Muslim country, seems to be tolerant of the Russian-speaking population. But let an Armenian, at least in the singular, or someone else, of a different nationality and in droves, try to come there to work ...

And now, after the examples, estimate how many subjects of these nations live on the territory of the Russian Federation. Officially, unofficially, temporarily, permanently…

As for types like “curly”, I agree. There were so many of them that one salary that they were given would be worth many millions.

About "Serdyukovism".

"Serdyukovism" has become a household term, like Dostoevsky's "Smerdyakovism".

* Everyone is outraged, everyone understands the destructiveness of the "Serdyukovism" existing in Russia, but they cannot do anything on the basis of the law. This means that there are forces in the state that are above the law. And these are only those who invent them and those who approve them.

About points of development.

“The first thing to do is defense…

The modernization of the defense industry (defence-industrial complex) will entail the modernization of entire spheres of life, the entire environment.

“The second super project is connected with the land. Perhaps now we will stop buying modified Western products, we will plow our Russian arable land and start our own cattle.

And Russia will become a flourishing ultra-modern agrarian power.

* With these two most important directions, I agree entirely. I will only add that all borders: land, sea and air must again be locked up. At least temporarily, but for unwanted individuals and companies, perhaps forever.

Otherwise, our constant laxity, friendliness, laziness and "short memory" inherent in the genes can lead to the constant penetration of alien elements, pests into the country's territory, and not only illegally.

And as for plowing, one should not forget the experience of the virgin lands of the 50s of the last century. In order not to get, after the grandiose successes of the first years of virgin lands, a drop in crops and the restoration of land to an arable state within a decade and a half.

On the symbols of the USSR.

The return of the TRP, SSO, the title of Heroes of Labor, VDNH is cosmetics, copying samples. The Soviet style is unique, it is impossible to reproduce it!

We are going through a period of powerful historical creativity, when the state of Russia is being re-created. Since 1991, it has essentially not been.

“Instead of the state, there was a sticky, vile, disgusting puddle in which a drunken monster sat. In the place of this puddle, nothing should ever have grown.”

And we are growing again!

And each facet of the newly growing crystal must have a new name. History cannot move backward.

*History does not move backwards. She repeats herself. Well, when several generations have passed, or even in the memory of one generation.

About our mission.

Everyone got the golden calf with its hegemony of money, with the primacy of vile banking mathematics. People want to take off, they want a miracle ...

And Russia, albeit sometimes in harsh forms, brings people's hopes closer.

Putin reproached the West that it is becoming more and more like Sodom, trampling on Christian values.

At the same time, despite the fact that in Russia there is a wild stratification, there is a forgiven Serdyukov, there is a robbery of the country by bribe-taking officials, there are so many bitches, the place for which is on bitches, Putin took on the mission of preserving Christian values.

And this huge ideological movement inspires hope that everything will be all right with Russia.

* The revival of values, this is what many Russians, Alexander Andreevich, welcome. Only that's why some Christian. And it would not have happened that under the guise of Christianity would begin to occupy an increasingly important place in the politics of the Russian state. At the same time getting rich, impudent, using their influence on the minds. And this is also dangerous. Not everything is so good with Orthodoxy, as one would like to see those who are more and more inclined towards faith.

And, the last.

“My books are a laboratory where I formed my ideas about Russian history and Russian messianism. All these novels are about the Russian state. I traveled to construction sites and factories, oil fields, wrote about the campaigns of nuclear boats. I was delighted with the victories of my state and felt anguish when it suddenly fell and broke.

But today I see that my state is being revived, and I am writing about it again.

The novel that I am completing describes everything that preceded the Crimean events. Such a "pre-Crimea" ...

*Does it feel like nostalgia? This is not a breakdown, and not a disappointment at the end of the road. This is a truthful presentation of their thoughts without a hint of "PR". Why does he, a well-known writer for a long time, need "PR"?


In addition to the above, I want to show you a little information about how a lawsuit was filed against Prokhanov for the article “Singers and scoundrels” in the Izvestia newspaper dated August 17, 2014 and against the newspaper itself.

MOSCOW, October 28 - RIA Novosti. The leader of the rock group "Time Machine" Andrei Makarevich (b. 1953), if he wins the trial against Izvestia and the writer Alexander Prokhanov, plans to spend the money on charity.

“... Andrey Vadimovich filed a lawsuit for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. The defendants are the Izvestia newspaper and the writer Alexander Prokhanov, whose comments were especially outrageous,” said Chernin (Makarevich's secretary). According to him, the lawsuit was preceded by correspondence with the editor-in-chief. “We demanded a retraction, the newspaper refused to publish it, and then we had to file a lawsuit,” the spokesman added.

“The publication claims that Makarevich gave a concert in Slavyansk in the Ukrainian military unit, but in fact he performed in a refugee camp in the city of Svyatogorsk,” Chernin specified.

According to Chernin, if the musician wins the case, he will transfer all the money to refugee children who suffered from military operations in Ukraine.

* By the way, Makarevich demanded money for his honor, dignity and business reputation in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles.

He won back 500,000 rubles in court, but the writer filed an appeal with the Moscow City Court against the decision of the Savelovsky Court of Moscow.

So I have a question for readers who have read this issue of Conversations with Famous People to the end:

Don't you think that such a "bazaar" among the creative intelligentsia absolutely does not lead to the "Slavic World" and the world in general?

But they act negatively on the “brains” of the masses, showing who is who ?!

My conclusions.

I tend to think that genes, a person's knowledge of his relatives from childhood, reflections, eventually give the development of a personality in which there are features of his great-great-grandparents. But here's how the person uses all this in the future, it's up to each individual. For the benefit of others or only for ourselves, what do we, those around us, get from such personalities in the end - is this a question?

In this case, I cannot say that the personality of Prokhanov, his biography and work can negatively affect the minds of the environment. And he still occupies a worthy place among part of the creative intelligentsia, whose words can be heeded ...

Or at least take it to mind.


With. Altai


Prokhanov's ancestors, the Molokans, were exiled to Transcaucasia during the time of Catherine II. His grandfather, brother of Ivan Stepanovich Prokhanov, leader of the Russian Baptist movement, founder and leader of the All-Russian Union of Evangelical Christians (1908-1928) and vice-president of the World Baptist Alliance (1911). Uncle A. A. Prokhanov, a botanist, remained in the USSR after the emigration of I. S. Prokhanov, was repressed, but then released due to the refusal of a significant fortune inherited after the death of I. S. Prokhanov in Berlin in favor of the state.

Married, has two sons and a daughter. One of the sons is a publicist Andrey Fefelov.


Alexander Prokhanov was born on February 26, 1938 in Tbilisi. In 1960 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, worked as an engineer at a scientific research institute. In the last year of high school he began to write poetry and prose.

In 1962-1964 he worked as a forester in Karelia, took tourists to the Khibiny, took part in a geological party in Tuva. During these years, Prokhanov discovered A.P. Platonov, was carried away by V.V. Nabokov.

In 1968 he began working for "Literary newspaper".

Since 1970, he worked as a correspondent for Literaturnaya Gazeta in Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Cambodia, Angola and other places. One of the first in 1969, he described in his reportage the events on Damansky Island during the Soviet-Chinese border conflict.

In 1972, Alexander Prokhanov became a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.

Since 1986, he has been actively published in the magazines Molodaya Gvardiya, Our Contemporary, and Literaturnaya Gazeta.

From 1989 to 1991, Prokhanov worked as the editor-in-chief of the Soviet Literature magazine.

He was never a member of the CPSU.

In 1990, he signed the Letter of the 74's.

In December 1990 he creates his own newspaper "Day", where he also becomes editor-in-chief.

On July 15, 1991, the newspaper published an "anti-perestroika" appeal, Word to the People. The newspaper became one of the most radical opposition publications in Russia in the early 1990s and was published regularly until the October events of 1993, after which it was closed by the authorities.

In 1991, during the presidential elections in the RSFSR, Prokhanov was a confidant of the candidate General Alberta Makashova. Supports during the August putsch GKChP.

In September 1993, he spoke in his newspaper against what he considered to be unconstitutional actions Yeltsin, calling them a coup d'état and supported the RF Armed Forces. After the shooting of the parliament, the newspaper Den was banned by the Ministry of Justice. The editorial office of the newspaper was destroyed by riot police, its employees were beaten, property and archives were destroyed. Two issues of the newspaper, already banned by that time, were clandestinely printed in Minsk as special editions of the communist newspaper We and Time.

On November 5, 1993, the son-in-law of the writer A. A. Khudorozhkov established and registered the newspaper "Tomorrow", whose editor-in-chief was Prokhanov. Some organizations accuse the newspaper of publishing anti-Semitic material.

During the presidential elections in 1996, Alexander Prokhanov does not hide his preferences - he strongly supports the candidacy, the leader. Subsequently, he was attacked several times, and the identity of the attackers was never established, as well as the reason for the attacks themselves.

In 1997 he became a co-founder Agencies of patriotic information.

In 1999, after a series of explosions in residential buildings, Prokhanov describes his version of what happened in an artistic style, blaming the Russian special services for what happened. His thoughts are set forth in a literary work. "Mr Hexogen", for which Prokhanov received the National Bestseller award in 2002.

From 2007 to January 2014 - a regular guest of the radio program "Special Opinion" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow". He explained his termination of cooperation with the radio station as follows: " I work here as a journalist... I am not a journalist. I want to talk with the world, with my friends as an artist, as a writer, as a philosopher, as a preacher and confessor, because I have lived a gigantic life and I would like to tell my listeners about this life".

Since September 2009 - on the radio station "Russian News Service" on Mondays at 21:05 he takes part in the program "Soldier of the Empire", and from January 2014 on Mondays at 20:05 he participates in the program "No Questions".

2003-2009 - one of the regular participants in Vladimir Solovyov's television talk show "To the Barrier!".

Since 2010 - one of the regular participants in Vladimir Solovyov's TV talk show "Duel".

2013-2014 - one of the leading headings "Replica" on the TV channel "Russia 24".

November 2014 - The court ordered Prokhanov to pay 500 thousand rubles for lying in an article in the Izvestia newspaper, which claimed that Makarevich gave a concert in Slavyansk, " and this music was heard by captive militias languishing in the basements, whose hands were crushed with bats and their eyes gouged out with knives". Makarevich assured (and was able to prove in court) that the case was not in Slavyansk, but in Svyatogorsk, and he sang not in front of the "punishers", but in front of refugees. Prokhanov claims that representing the musician in the process put pressure on the court.

Prokhanov is an extremely prolific writer: his novel is published almost every year. Prokhanov's style is considered by many critics to be original, colorful, emphatically individual. " Prokhanov's language is replete with vivid metaphors, original, flowery epithets, the characters are written convexly, visually, with an abundance of details, the description itself has a pronounced emotional and even passionate coloring, the author's attitude to this or that character is clearly traced". At the same time, there is another point of view among literary critics who find his style "banal", " style of writing - sugary, based on shameless lies and oversaturated with cheap embellishing epithets".

Prokhanov is fond of drawing in the style of primitivism. Collects butterflies (there are more than 3 thousand copies in the collection).

Scandals, rumors

Prokhanov is credited with very close contacts with Berezovsky during his London exile. In particular, BAB's interview with the editor-in-chief of the Zavtra newspaper was the reason for the exclusion of Boris Abramovich from the party. "Liberal Russia".

During the tragedy in Nord-Ost, Boris Berezovsky, State Duma deputy Victor Alksnis and the editor-in-chief of the Zavtra newspaper, Alexander Prokhanov, criticized the actions of the Russian authorities to free the hostages.

They set out their position on this issue in a joint statement adopted following the meetings held in London on 25 and 26 October 2002. In their opinion " the terrorist attack would have been impossible without the blatant connivance and, possibly, complicity of certain representatives of the authorities". "The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, from the very first hours of the tragedy, abstained from participating in the settlement of the crisis. Neither he nor his representatives offered a single solution to the problem and did not take any part in the fate of the hostages", - note Berezovsky, Prokhanov and Alksnis. " The most dramatic episode in V. Putin's less than three years in power showed that today there is no leader in the Kremlin capable of protecting the citizens of Russia"- emphasized in the statement of Berezovsky, Prokhanov and Alksnis.

Alexander Prokhanov is said to have received $300,000 from Berezovsky in 2002 "for the development of his publication," luring the exile with vague promises of becoming an opposition presidential candidate. No "development of the publication" happened: to "develop" A.A. Prokhanov decided his own dacha.

In 2003, the Lenta.Ru editors received a statement from businessman Boris Berezovsky and Alexander Prokhanov about the murder of a State Duma deputy Sergei Yushenkov. The authors of the letter claim that the responsibility for the murder of Yushenkov lies with the Russian authorities, and also promise that the opposition will win the elections and "prevent the death of the country coming from the Kremlin."