Lesson notes for preg gr ftskm. Summary of a lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the preparatory group on the topic: “In the garden or in the vegetable garden” using ICT. Getting into the blood they help

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Combined kindergarten No. 40 “Spikelet” Department of Education of the Executive Committee of Naberezhnye Chelny of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

Prepared by: teacher of the first quarter. categories Olga Vladimirovna Grumentsova, Naberezhnye Chelny 2013

Program content:

  1. To instill in children the need to take care of their health and proper nutrition, the knowledge that health depends on proper nutrition, food should not only be tasty, but also healthy.
  2. Continue to acquaint children with the fact that the body receives useful substances from food - vitamins necessary for human health.
  3. Clarify children's knowledge about vitamins of groups A, B, C, D.
  4. To develop attention, memory, coherent speech, to consolidate Tatar words denoting products in children’s speech.
  5. Cultivate goodwill, the need to be healthy, and follow nutritional rules.

Integration of educational areas: "Health" , "Music" , "Cognition" , "Physical Culture" , "Communication" , "Socialization" .

Individual work: Exercise Danil and Alyosha in the ability to answer in complete, detailed sentences; to form activity in the NOD - Angelika Ch., Sofya, Ilyas.

Vocabulary work: develop coherent speech, enrich vocabulary (microelements), strengthen the ability to form adjectives.

Methodical techniques: verbal: art. word, questions, conversation, explanation; gaming: d/game, surprise moment, riddles, creating a game situation; practical:

experimentation, visual display of illustrations, subject pictures.

Materials and equipment: easel, carpet, tables, chairs;

dummies of fruits, vegetables, food, plates, a table of vitamins, illustrations depicting fruits, vegetables, food, cereals; jars of cereals for each child, jam, teaspoons, glasses of water according to the number of children, audio recording for physical exercises,

Preliminary work: learning poems about vitamins, board and printed games: "Pyramid of Health" , "Valeology" , d/i "Journey to the Kitchen" , quiz "Journey to the Flower City" ; listening to audio recording: "What are the products made of" from the cycle "How Man Works" .

The course of direct educational activities.

Organizing time.

All the children gathered in a circle
I am your friend and you are my friend
Let's hold hands tightly
And let's smile at each other

Guys, I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other, so that we can be in a good mood all day. Today we have many guests in our kindergarten. Let's greet them and smile, give our guests a good mood.

I have a question. Help me solve it. If I want to build a house, then I need bricks. (Example with a pyramid). Now you are growing, but where does the material for growth come from?

Why do we eat? (man eats to live).

With food we get all the necessary substances for growth.

Food is a source of energy necessary for growth and development.

I invite you to a cafe "Fairy tale" . (children choose from the proposed products)

Which products did you choose and why? Name them in Tatar.

Katya, bu nәrsә? Nindy alma? Etc

There are products "delicious" , is there "useful" . What is the difference between them? (children's answers)

Today we will talk about healthy products. And we will ask Doctor Zdoroveikin to help us understand this issue. (Vosl dresses up as a doctor)

Hello children? What is your question? I'll try to help you. Let's hit the road!

Physical exercise. (Movements to music)

We're ready to go.
Raise your legs higher.
We are walking along the road.
We are not in a hurry, we are not lagging behind.

We put our hands behind our backs
And we walk along the log.
We climbed the mountain in a group
Where did we all end up?

And we ended up in the village of Vitaminkino.

Vitamins live here. What it is? Our products contain vitamins that are very important for health.

Who knows what they are needed for? (children's answers)

And here they are. Sketch in verse about vitamins: (prepared in advance by children)

Vitamin A (Kate)

Remember the simple truth -
Only he sees better.
Who chews raw carrots
Or drinks carrot juice.

Vitamin B (Margarita)

Early morning is very important
Eat oatmeal at breakfast.
Black bread is good for us -
And not just in the morning.

Vitamin C (Karina)

For colds and sore throats
Oranges help.
Well, it's better to eat lemon,
Although it is very sour.

Vitamin D (Artem A.)

Fish oil is the healthiest!
Even if it's disgusting, you have to drink it.
He saves from diseases.
Without diseases, life is better!

Child: (Misha)

I never lose heart
And a smile on your face
Because I accept
Vitamins: A B C

Each of these vitamins is very important for us. Let's remember once again which foods contain which vitamins. (Did/game "Collect your vitamins" , it is necessary to call food products in Tatar.)

To be healthy and strong you need to do gymnastics.

Exercise for the eyes

We will go on a visit to the village of Kashkino. And here they are already waiting for us. Come in, have a seat.

- I have riddles:

I prepared porridge for the mind.

Do you want to be smart? Yes! Yes! Yes!

Look at the plate and tell me what kind of cereal is in it, (millet). And what is the name of my porridge? (Millet). An illustration is exhibited.

Bu nәrsә? (boot) Nindy bot?

Porridge contains many different nutrients. And millet contains a useful substance - potassium. It helps the brain work, and we think better and solve problems, which is why it is called mental porridge.

There is porridge that gives strength.

Eat it more often and you will live for many years.

She will even help

So that your beauty is preserved.

What grain did I use to make porridge?" (Hercules) children look at the cereal.

Who guessed what kind of porridge we are talking about? (Hercules) illustration is exhibited.

I have white porridge.
It is useful for cleansing.
White grains float in it.
All our skin will become whiter."

What kind of porridge are we talking about? (Rice)

What grain is it made from? (rice)
- I offer black porridge.
Despite this, it is very tasty.
All the substances in it are very useful.

Getting into the blood they help:

Don’t get sick and grow up faster.”

Who guessed what kind of porridge this was? (Buckwheat)

What grain is it made from? (buckwheat)

Do you like porridge? (children's answers)

The recipe for delicious porridge is simple.

Take any cereal and cook it with milk.

Then add butter and sprinkle with sugar.

And if you add vitamins to the porridge,

Then we are not afraid of colds and sore throats."

How do you add vitamins to porridge? (Children's answers)

The main vitamins contained in porridges are B vitamins, as well as microelements - selenium and zinc, on which the condition of the skin, nails, and hair depends. Porridges are very rich in vitamin E, which is also called the vitamin of youth. Repeat micronutrients

Refusal to eat cereals leads to fatigue, overstrain, and sometimes nervous breakdowns.

  • In order for food to be digested well, you need to follow the nutritional rules. We will play a game with you: "Right wrong" , come out onto the mat.
  • You should always wash your hands with soap before eating.
  • You need to eat at any time, even at night.
  • You need to eat foods that are good for your health.
  • You need to eat quickly.
  • You need to eat slowly.
  • Food should be swallowed without chewing.
  • Food must be chewed thoroughly
  • Rinsing your mouth after eating is harmful.

(If the children agree, they raise a green circle, if not, they raise a red one)

Summer is coming, warm, hot. I'm always thirsty. What's the best thing to drink in hot weather to quench your thirst? Now I will teach you how to make a fruit drink that will quench your thirst, and a healthy drink containing vitamins. (children make fruit drinks). Amazing.

Our journey has come to an end. It's time to go back to kindergarten. We close our eyes and return from a fairy tale. (sounds "magical music" )

Oh, guys, here we are again in our cafe. Today you have learned a lot about healthy products. What will you choose now? Why? How are these products useful?

I want you to remember well: Health is one of the main values ​​of human life. Therefore, each of you should remember about your health from childhood. And to be healthy, you need to eat well.

Lesson notes for the preparatory group.

GCD: Cognition. FCCM.

Topic: “Animals are our helpers.”

Program goals: continue to introduce children to domestic animals, establish the relationship between animal life and human life; introduce livestock breeders to labor; instill a love for pets; develop a caring attitude towards animals.

Progress of the lesson:

Org moment.


Guys, let's look out the window. What kind of sun is there? What mood do you get when looking at the bright sun? (children's answers). Yes, I am also in a joyful, excellent mood, because you and I can learn many, many interesting things today. And what we will talk about, you can guess for yourself.

Making a riddle:

They can be wild, they live in dense forests,

They are at home and help people.

- What are they?

Children: Animals.

Educator: Well, of course you are right, we will talk about pets.

Conversation about pets.

Did you know that pets weren't always pets? (children's answers). Let's take you back in time and find out how it happened. In order to get to the past, we need to cross the bridge of time (children walk along the bench and sit freely on the carpet).

A long time ago, Man and many different animals lived on Earth, and these animals were wild. There were animals that were afraid of Man, and there were those that were afraid of Man (view presentation slides). What animal do you think Man domesticated first? That's right, the first pet was a dog. Why did Man need it? Yes, that’s right, it was useful during the hunt, it guarded the home, and when goats, sheep, and cows became domesticated, the dog helped Man herd and protect them. Over time, Man tamed other animals. What kind of pets do you know? All domestic animals have brothers and sisters left in the wild, let's tell you which ones you know?

(The teacher names a domestic animal, and the children name a wild ancestor. A dog is a wolf, a rabbit is a hare, a pig is a wild boar, a cow is a tour, a cat is a lynx, etc.)

where do pets live?

For some animals, the forest, steppe, desert - wild nature remained their home, and for others - housing near the human home. The home of any animal, both domestic and wild, has its own name.

Let's remember what the home of some animals is called?

(The teacher names the animal, the children name the name of its home: dog - kennel, cow - barn,)

Let's remember what animals can look like.

All animals have basic parts - what are they? (children's answers: head, torso, paws, tail). To protect themselves, their cubs, in order to get their own food, some of them have horns, hooves, sharp teeth, and claws. It is also very important for the animal what their body is covered with. Why? (children's answers). So as not to freeze when it’s cold, and not to overheat when it’s hot. what do animals eat in the cold and warm seasons

Finger gymnastics


The cow is happy with her


The sheep is happy with its


The cat is happy with hers


Who is the pig happy with?


The goat is happy with her


And I'm happy with my guys!

The fingers are shown alternately, first on one hand, then on the other, starting with the thumbs.

Physical education minute “Cow”

I am my little cow (they show the head of a cow with horns)

Early in the morning I’ll milk it. I’ll stroke her sides: Give the kids milk. (Movements are performed according to the text of the poem).

What can you make from milk? (Children's answers).

You can make many tasty and healthy products from milk. How can they be called, in one word? That's right, they are dairy products because they are made from milk. Where can I get them and buy them? Name them!

Telling the fairy tale “How animals sought happiness”:

The teacher offers the children the following game situation.

“One day the pets thought: “Why are we all with Man and with Man! Neither go for a walk when and as much as you want, nor eat what you want. We want to be free, wild and live in the winter forest!” “It’s so beautiful there!” the horse sighed. No sooner said than done. So a cow, a horse, a pig and a cat went into the forest.

And at the same time, wild animals met in the forest. They were very jealous of pets. “It’s good for them! There is no need to run around looking for food, the owner gives everything,” the wolves said. “Happy! There is no need to hide, be afraid of everything, or freeze,” sighed the little bunny. “Let's go to the man and tell him that we also want to be pets,” suggested the sly fox. The animals became so noisy that they did not notice how they woke the bear. “Why are you making noise? You don't let me sleep! Or has spring come?” the bear roared. A cautious squirrel answered the bear from a tall pine tree: “Well, we want to become pets, go to live with a person. Let him feed us, water us, look after us, keep us warm.” “You came up with a good idea! “I’ll go with you too, I won’t fall asleep soon anyway,” the bear answered. Wild animals went to the man's house. The animals changed places.

So a day passed, then another, and then they met. Where? On road. Both of them go home sad. The animals began to tell how they lived. Let's imagine what the animals told about their lives.

Guessing riddles about pets.

He arched his back and meowed. Who is he? He stretched sweetly - That's all the exercise. (Cat)

The living castle grumbled, lay down across the door. Two medals on the chest. Better not go into the house! /Dog/

The nose is a snout and the tail is a hook. (Pig) Who has a snout that is not squeezed into a fist? His feet have hooves. He eats and drinks from a trough. (Piglet)

This little child sleeps without sheets and diapers. They don’t put pillows under his brown ears. He has four legs, He walks without a coat. He won’t put on galoshes and boots for anything. He can’t say: “Mom, I want to eat!” And therefore, all day long he stubbornly moos: “Moo-oo!” This is not a child at all - It’s a little one... (Calf).

She walks slowly from the river, She is warm in her fur coat, like in a stove. She comes up to the hut and calls me: “Be-be”! (Sheep)

It wouldn't be my work If it weren’t for me to run, You would live poorly, Man. But in the age of the car and the motor, I’m afraid I’ll be retiring soon. (Horse)

A log floats down the river - Oh, how feisty it is! Quick jump, Warm fluff, Red eye. Guess whose fluff is on sweatshirts, on hats, gloves. Does it suit you guys? (Rabbit)

Introduction to animal labor.

Guys, not only people work, but also every animal does its own work.

What kind of work does a dog do? (guards the house)

What kind of work does a cow do? (feeds a person)

Which oneis the horse doing the work? (plows the garden)

What kind of work does a cat do?(catches mice)

What kind of work does a rabbit do? ….

What kind of work does a sheep do? ...

Game "name the cubs".

Look carefully at the pictures and name the cubs.”

Cow - ….

Cat - ….

Dog - ….

Rabbit - ...

Sheep –….

Summarizing. Reflection.

Guys, what did we do in class?

What pets do we remember?

Where do pets live?

What kind of work do they do?

Do you think it can be said that “animals are our helpers”? Why?

Did you like our lesson?

What new have you learned?

Who did the best job?

Topic: “Protected places of Kamchatka.”
Purpose of the lesson:
Creating conditions for enriching children's speech through their cognitive activity.
-Involve children in studying the life of the inhabitants of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve and the South Kamchatka Nature Reserve. -Introduce children to the concept of “reserve” and the role of humans in the lives of the inhabitants. -Introduce children to the geographical map of the Kamchatka Territory and the location of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. Objectives:
1. Educational:
-Enrich children’s knowledge about the characteristics of the animal and plant world, birds.
-To reinforce the concept of “The Red Book” in children.
-Develop the search activity of children.
-Develop interest in studying your native land and the ability to draw conclusions.
3. Educational: - To foster a caring attitude towards the living and inanimate nature of the reserve.
-Cultivate a good attitude towards nature, feel responsibility, pride
for protecting the riches of their native land.
Material and equipment:
Map of Kamchatka, illustrations of plants, animals, seabirds, volcanoes, waterfalls,
Rec; fish, inhabitants of the Kronotsky Reserve, slides of photographs of protected areas,
audio recording with bird calls, booklets with information about the Kronotsky Nature Reserve.
Vocabulary work:
-Activate children’s vocabulary on the topic “Kronotsky Reserve”.
-Enrich children’s vocabulary with words: reserve, glacier, volcano.
Preliminary work:
-Reading fiction on this topic.
-Conversation about the protected area, about the inhabitants of the reserve. -Examination of illustrations, paintings in the books: “Kronotsky Nature Reserve”, -Didactic games: “Whose children?”, “Who is hiding, how?”, “Who is screaming, how?” Domino”, “Loto”.
Progress of the lesson:
The group simulated the situation: “Kronotsky Nature Reserve”.
Organizing time:
-Guys, on what street is our kindergarten located? (Kronotskaya).
-What do you think our street was named after? (In honor of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve).
-Today I invite you on an excursion to the Kronotsky Nature Reserve.
-What is a reserve? (A reserve is a place where people protect animals, plants, birds).
-Well, let's hit the road.
-How do you think you can get there? (By helicopter).
-And we'll go in a hot air balloon.
-Come in, take your seats.
Educator: While we are flying, I will tell you about the origin of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve.
Far distant lands, behind high mountains, by the ocean, blue sea, from the south-eastern part
Kamchatka, is the largest nature reserve, Kronotsky. The Kronotsky Nature Reserve is one of the oldest nature reserves in Russia. It was founded in 1934. It owes its appearance to the Kamchatka sable.
So we arrived at the Kronotsky Nature Reserve.
An audio recording with the voices of seabirds sounds. - Guys, what do you hear? (The hubbub of birds).
-Let's come up and look at the birds.
-What are the names of the birds that live near the sea? (Marine).
-Where do seabirds live? (In the air, in the water, on the ground).
-How many species of birds live in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve? (69 species of birds).
-Tell me what birds you know? (Patchet, seagull, cormorant, guillemot, mottled moose, crow, bald eagle, great egret, whooper swan). -What is a bird colony? (This is a place where birds flock. There may be rocky shores
or on separate stones, families live there).
-What do seabirds eat? (Fish, crabs, mice, forest birds, hares).
-Which bird resembles a penguin? How? (Kaira, she waddles from one foot to the other, the upper side of the body is black, the chest is white).
-How does guillemot settle on rocks? (The tighter the better. So that there is nowhere for a pebble to fall.) -How does a guillemot lay eggs? (They don't build nests, they lay a single egg that looks like a pear).
-Which bird is similar to a parrot? Where she lives? (Hatchet, lives in holes).
-What does she use her beak for? (The beak is like a spatula, digs a hole in the ground, protects itself from enemies).
-Which bird is called the forest orderly and why? (A seagull, she cleans the beach of garbage).
-What kind of bird is called a fisherman? Show it. (Cormorant).
-Why do sea waterfowl get away with it? (Their feathers are covered with a thin layer of fat, so water rolls off easily).
-What is the biggest threat to birds? (People approach birds too close in helicopters, birds leave their nests in panic, leaving eggs and chicks unprotected from predators. The worst thing is the penetration of rats onto the island.) - Well done! Now we will turn into a gray-winged seagull and circle over the volcanoes.
Dynamic pause. An audio recording of bird voices sounds.
-Guys. what do you see? (Volcanoes).
-What do volcanoes look like? (On the mountain, stove, cone).
-What is a volcano? (This is a mountain covered with snow that periodically erupts and spits out magma, lava, volcanic gases, stones, bombs).
-What is lava? (This is magma that pours onto the earth’s surface and solidifies during an eruption).
-How many volcanoes are there in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve? Name them. (25,8-operating Bolshoy SeMyachik, Gamchen, Kizimen, Kikhpinych, Komarova, Kronotskaya Sopka, Uzon, Krasheninnikova).
-Which volcano is the highest? (Kronotskaya Sopka).
-Which volcano is a landmark of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve? (Uzon).
-What makes it interesting? (There are many cold and warm lakes, lush vegetation grows, many birds, animals, rich in berries, wildlife, a large number of hot springs, the youngest oil has been discovered).
-Which volcano slept for 80 years and woke up? (Kizimen).
-Which is the most active volcano? (Kikhpinych).
-Who was Krasheninnikov Volcano named after? (In honor of the outstanding Russian scientist, he was an explorer of Kamchatka).
-What else is the Kronotsky Nature Reserve famous for? (Valley of Geysers, Valley of Death).
-What is a geyser? (A source that periodically releases a stream of steam and hot water).
-Tell me what geysers you know? (Averey, Pearl, Gap, Gates of Hell).
-Which is the largest geyser? (Grotto, Giant).
-Which is the largest glacier? (Tyushevsky).
-Which lake is the largest? (Kronotskoe).
-What do you know about Death Valley? (Children's answers).
Well done boys! Now you and I will play a little.
Physical education lesson: “Volcano”.
The volcanoes began to "play"
Spew lava from the vent. Sit down, gradually rise on your tiptoes, raise your arms up, stretch, do a few shakes with relaxed hands, lower your arms down.
The volcano is thundering! The volcano is chugging!
How menacing he looks now! Hands on the belt, raise them up while simultaneously clenching and unclenching your fingers into a fist. - 2 times
But then he began to get tired,
The fire in him began to fade.
Slowly lowering your arms while squatting down
The last time I breathed fire -
Sitting in a squat, exhale long and strong. They breathe like dragons "breathing fire"
And he fell asleep for decades.
They put their hands under their cheeks “fall asleep, sleep.”
Well done! Our excursion continues.
Educator: Guys, the animal world of the reserve is diverse. Now our children
I’ll give you a mini tour and tell you about the animals that live in Kronotsky
reserve. (Anya is a bear, Lada is a fox, Egor the Wolverine, Milana is a mink, Katya is a squirrel,
Kirill the elk).
Well done! Thank you! -What else is the Kronotsky Nature Reserve famous for? (Plant world, fish).
-Tell me what plants of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve do you know? (many lichens, bryophytes, Kamchatka mountain ash, rose hips, shiksha, spruce-deciduous forest, white birch, poplar).
-What is the most amazing plant of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve? (Kamchatka fir, it is similar to spruce, fir seedlings are planted and distributed throughout the Kamchatka Territory).
-What medicinal plants do you know? (Felt-leaved waxweed has a resinous odor, flat-leaved nettle).
-Name the fish of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve: (char, whale, coho salmon, flounder, herring, cod, crabs, starfish).
-Name the marine mammals. (Blue whale, fur seal, gray whale, sea lion, Pacific walrus).
Well done!
And now I offer a crossword puzzle on the Kronotsky Nature Reserve to check what you remember:

2. A place where people protect animals, birds and fish. (Reserve)
5.Which bird is similar to a parrot? (Guillemot)
9.What is the name of the reserve located on the Kamchatka Peninsula? (Kronotsky)
11. An animal that did not exist in Kamchatka a hundred years ago. (Squirrel)
1.Which bird living in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve resembles a penguin? (Hatchet)
3.Volcano, which is a landmark of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. (Uzon)
4.The most amazing plant of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. (Fir)
6.A mountain covered with snow that periodically erupts. (Volcano)
7. One of the representatives of artiodactyl animals in Kamchatka, a distant relative of deer. (Elk)
8.The largest geyser in the valley of geysers in Kamchatka. (Giant)
10.What do seabirds eat? (Fish)
-Guys, look what I’m holding in my hands? (Red Book).
-What does the cover of the Red Book mean? (Red color is a signal of danger and alarm,
he calls on all people to help plants and animals in trouble).
-Why is the red book needed? (Plants and fauna that are almost gone on earth are included in the Red Book).
Educator: Well done, guys, the tour of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve is over, let's go back to kindergarten. Guys, you've learned a lot about the Kronotsky Nature Reserve - this is our wealth, our pride.
When you come home today, what will you tell your parents, where you have been, what you remember? (Children’s answers).
Educator: Our country has adopted a State Law on Nature Protection. This law obliges all people to protect the natural resources of our Motherland.
The excursion around the Kronotsky Nature Reserve has ended, and in memory of this trip, the staff of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve have prepared “Clever” and “Clever” medals for you.
Summary of a lesson on FCCM in the preparatory group on the topic:
“Reserved places of Kamchatka”.
Prepared and conducted by Averina M.M.

Summary of the lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world in
preparatory group
Topic: “The Earth is our common home”
Educational field: “Cognitive development”
Section: Introduction to the social world
Topic: “The Earth is our common home”
Goal: Formation of an idea of ​​the world around us, its diversity,
different countries and places in Russia. Introduce the globe model of the Earth and
Educational: Build a sense of pride in your country and your
involvement with the Russians.
Developmental: Develop the story of the small Motherland and Fatherland.
Educational: To cultivate respect for the Motherland.
Materials and equipment: globe, political map of the world, illustrations
climatic zones of Russia, cities. Globe templates, colored pencils.
Preliminary work:
examination of illustrations of paintings from the series “May Small Motherland”.
Predicted results:
Know: Climatic zones of Russia, cities
Be able to: Feel a sense of pride in your country.
Have experience: using a globe.
Progress of the lesson:
Motivating stage:
There is a globe covered with a cloth on the table. The teacher makes a wish for the children
riddles about the globe:
Reading and memorizing poems about the Motherland,

On the table in front of me
The globe spun:
Arctic, Equator, Pole, -
Contained all the earth...
Answer: Globe

The ball is not big
Doesn't tell you to be lazy
If you know the subject,
The whole world will show it.
Answer: Globe

Stands on one leg
He turns his head.
Shows us countries
Rivers, mountains, oceans.
Answer: Globe
Organizational search stage:
Educator: A globe is a three-dimensional model of the Earth, on which you can clearly see
continents and oceans are represented.
The teacher invites the children to carefully examine the globe and
reports that seas and oceans are indicated in blue, green
Land is depicted in yellow. The land forms 5 continents: Eurasia,
America, Africa, Australia, Antarctica. On all continents except
Antarctica, people live. People come to Antarctica for a while. IN
Basically, these are scientific researchers, scientists who conduct

The teacher shows a map of the world, explains what is on the globe
The image of the Earth is depicted as it really is. But to
you could see the whole earth at once, there are maps.
The teacher suggests comparing the globe and the physical map of the world,
explains that this globe depicts the surface of the Earth: Forests, seas,
deserts, and the map shows countries, states located on
surface of the Earth. They are marked with different colors. The teacher draws
pay attention to the number of countries shown on the map.
Educator: “Guys, we live in Russia - this is the biggest
country of the world. It is located in two parts of the world, Europe and Asia, washed by
three oceans: Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic. With one
It may be snowing on one side, and the sun may be shining on the other. Borders of Russia
pass both on water and on land. Russia has an unusually rich nature,
beautiful original cities, an amazing world of flora and fauna.
Reading a poem about the Motherland:
“Motherland” is a big, big word!
Let there be no miracles in the world,
If you say this word with your soul,
It is deeper than the seas, higher than the skies!
It fits exactly half the world:
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends,
Dear city, dear apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten... and me.
Sunny bunny in the palm of your hand
Lilac bush outside the window,
And on the cheek there is a mole -
This is also the Motherland.
(T. Bokova)
Our Motherland

And beautiful and rich
Our Motherland, guys.
It's a long drive from the capital
To any of its borders.
Everything around you is your own, dear:
Mountains, steppes and forests:
The rivers sparkle blue,
Blue skies.
Every city
Dear to the heart,
Every rural house is precious.
Everything was taken in battles
And strengthened by labor!
(G. Ladonshchikov)
Reflexive-correcting stage:
How do these poems make you feel?
How wide is our country?
What new have you learned about the Motherland?
At the end of the lesson, the teacher suggests going to the tables and drawing
globe (prepare tables in advance).


Familiarizing children with the properties of sea water - the absence of its own shape, transparency, density, expanding children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the sea, their characteristics, appearance.



· Continue to teach children to independently and creatively reflect their ideas about nature using the palm drawing technique.

· Learn to turn handprints into drawings of fish and octopuses.

· Introduce children to sea salt crystals, the method of obtaining sea water and its properties (density and ability to dissolve substances).


· Develop a cognitive interest in nature.

· Develop imagination, color perception, sense of composition, creative and cognitive abilities of children.

· Develop skills in conducting laboratory experiments, work skills with solutions.

· Improve the grammatical structure of speech, develop coherent speech.


· Foster independence and curiosity.

· Cultivate an interest in fine arts.

· Cultivate interest in experimental activities.



Abstract of OOD in the preparatory group for FCCM

on the theme “In the underwater kingdom”


Introducing children to the properties of sea water odes - lack of its own form, transparency, density, expanding children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the sea, their characteristics, appearance.



  • Continue to teach children to independently and creatively reflect their ideas about nature using the palm drawing technique.
  • Learn to turn handprints into drawings of fish and octopuses.
  • Introduce children to sea salt crystals, the method of obtaining sea water and its properties (density And ability to dissolve substances).


  • Develop a cognitive interest in nature.
  • Develop imagination, color perception, sense of composition, creative and cognitive abilities of children.
  • Develop skills in conducting laboratory experiments, work skills
  • solutions.
  • Improve the grammatical structure of speech, develop coherent speech.


  • Foster independence and curiosity.
  • Cultivate an interest in fine arts.
  • Cultivate interest in experimental activities.

Materials, equipment:

  • Disc with a recording of the sound of the sea,
  • cut-out picture - submarine;
  • pictures depicting the inhabitants of the underwater world,
  • imprint paper,
  • song of the waterman from the fairy tale “The Flying Ship”,
  • paper and cloth napkins,
  • water,
  • bowl of water,
  • image of Vodyanoy,
  • sea ​​salt crystals,
  • magnifying glasses,
  • spoons,
  • eggs,
  • fresh water in glasses.

Progress of OOD

1. Organizational moment (Children stand in a circle with the teacher.)

Psychological mood:

First, let's stand in a circle

So much joy around!

We will all join hands.

And let's smile at each other.

We're ready to play

The meeting can begin.

Educator: Guys, look, they brought a package to our group, let's see what's in it.

(Opens the package, takes out a shell)

Educator: Look, what is this? Where do you think this package came from? Did you know that a shell can talk? Listen.

And the shell asked me a riddle:

It contains salt water,

Ships sail along it.

In summer adults and children

They go there on vacation. What is this?

Children: Sea.

What is the water like in the sea? (salty)

Do you want to look into the unusual underwater world?(children's answers)

2. Motivational basis of activity.


Today we will go on a journey to the sea, and more specifically, to the bottom of the sea. I suggest you remember what the sea is?...
Children and their teacher stand in a circle. The teacher reads a poem and shows the movements.
What is the sea!
What is the sea? - to shrug
Seagulls in the open air. - wave your hands
Giant rocks, raise your hands up
Cold fogs. - rub your shoulders with your hands
Three-story waves - join your palms at chest level and
make a circle with your hands
The sailors are brave. - walk in place
Sharks are toothy, show with your fingers
The whales are big-headed. - show on the head
Lumps of underwater stones - wave with one hand
Outlandish fish. - wave with the other hand
Corals, octopuses, wave with one hand
Jellyfish and lampreys - wave with the other hand
And it’s dark at the bottom - close your eyes with your hands.
Like in the movies…


Guys, we need to decide where we will go. What water transport do you know?

Children: Boat, ship, ice drift, submarine, motor ship, cutter...

Educator: And to find out what we will use on our underwater sea voyage, we need to put together a picture. What kind of transport did you receive?

“D/game “Fold the picture”

Children: Submarine.
Educator: That's right, a submarine. I suggest taking seats in the submarine in front of the porthole.
(children sit on chairs in front of the screen)
Educator: Before descending to the bottom, the researchers do breathing exercises.
Close your eyes with your hands, take a deep breath through your nose, and exhale through your mouth.
(during breathing exercises, the teacher turns on the video fragment “Sea Life”)
Educator: Open your eyes. We sank to great depths. Look how beautiful it is in the underwater world.
(children watch a video clip)

  1. Joint cognitive, research and productive activities.

Educator : Let's get out of the submarine and get to know the underwater world better.

The children sit on the carpet.

Educator: In the sea kingdom, in an underwater state, Vodyanoy lived at the bottom of the sea (You get an image of Vodyanoy). And from idleness the poor fellow became completely bored. Listen to what he has to tell us.


I sit on the throne, I give you a speech,

experiments with water should amuse me


Guys, let's cheer up Vodyany and show him some experiments. Go to the laboratory.What can you tell us about sea water?

(Sea water is salty, so you can't drink it, but it has medicinal properties.)

Water: Well done, now let's carry out the experiment and get sea water.

Experience 1.

You have crystals of sea salt on your plates. Examine them with a magnifying glass (Children look at them)

What are they like? (Sea salt crystals look like sugar, like frost) -What color are they?

What shape do sea salt crystals have?

Do they have a smell?

You have ordinary fresh water in your glasses. Taste it (children taste the water with a spoon and say that it has no taste)

What do you think will happen to fresh water if you put sea salt crystals in it? (Children's guesses)

  • Now place the sea salt crystals in a glass of water and stir with a spoon.
  • What happened to the sea salt in the water? Where did the salt go? (She dissolved in water)

Do you want to taste the water now? (The water has become salty)

What conclusion can be drawn?


Water has an important property: it can dissolve many substances in itself. Sea salt dissolved in fresh water and we got sea water.

We ourselves prepared a solution of sea water, which is very beneficial for the skin, but then it must be washed off with fresh water.

Physical exercise “And above the sea - you and I!”

Seagulls circle above the waves,

Let's fly after them together.

Splashes of foam, sound of the surf,

And above the sea - you and I!

(Children wave their arms like wings.)

We are now sailing on the sea

And we frolic in the open space.

Have fun raking

And catch up with the dolphins.

(Children make swimming movements with their hands.)

Experience 2

Educator : Now let's carry out experience 2 . And we will find out what properties sea water has. Take a transparent container with fresh water and lower the egg. What happened to the egg?

It sinks because... the egg is heavy.

Educator: We take another container with sea water, the one in which we added salt, and lower the egg.

What happened to the egg?

It doesn't sink. The egg floats on the surface of the water.

Educator: What conclusion can be drawn?


Sea water has an important property: it seems to push objects out, helping objects to stay on the surface of the water surface.


Now imagine that the egg is a person, and the water in the cups is the sea! The "man" is swimming. It is much easier to learn to swim in sea water.

Let's go swimming together.

Dynamic pause

"The fish swam in the pond"

(development of speech, fine and gross motor skills, sense of rhythm, facial expression)

The fish swam in the pond

She wagged her tail.

She swallowed food on the go,

She opened her mouth.

The little frog swam by

Puffing out my cheeks.

I was shaking my leg


Tired of not knowing.

I was already rustling through the reeds,

The reeds rustled

And above everyone in the sky

The birds sang loudly.

Turn your palm towards you, fingers clenched, make smooth movements with your palm.

Press the fingers of both hands together, with the thumbs opposite the rest, and pretend to open and close your mouth.

Show rounded shapes with your fingers around the cheeks.

Tilt one leg to the side, then the other.

Gather your fingers into a pinch and make a wave-like movement with your hand.

Raise your hands up and shake them.

Point your index finger up.

Wave your arms, stretch your neck.


Oh, guys, Vodyanoy is telling us something! - Let's sit and listen. Vodyanoy: Well done, the guys conducted experiments for me and made me laugh. Now listen to my song. (The song “I am a Water Man” from the cartoon “The Flying Ship” sounds).


Guys, what kind of song did Vodyanoy sing? (Sad) What was he sad about?

Vodyanoy, we amuse you and conduct experiments! But it turns out you have no friends! And without friends, what kind of life is this! Not life - sheer boredom!

Guys, do you feel sorry for Vodyanoy? How can you help him?Let's draw him some friends! It's always fun with friends!

Productive activity


Guys, there are blank sheets of paper in front of you. We will draw the underwater world on them. First of all, I suggest that you paint fish and other underwater inhabitants with a brush, and paint water and sand in a different way.

Educator: Let's play with our fingers before work.

Finger gymnastics “Fish”


Finally, the moment has come when you can take your brushes and start painting fish and other underwater inhabitants. I hope that the fish will turn out different in shape, size, and color. Let's get to work.

I turn on the music, monitor the children’s posture, conduct individual work, advise, and guide.

Educator: We finish drawing the underwater inhabitants.

Guys, let's stand behind the chairs and relax a little. Repeat after me.

The fish swam and dived

(arms to the side, arms forward, tilt)

In clear, blue water.

(hands on belt)

They will close, they will open,

(arms are crossed in front of the chest, spread to the side)

They will bury themselves in the sand.

(squat down, stand up)

Educator: What do our inhabitants need to live?

(Children's answers.)

Right! Let's draw water and sand, but we will paint not with a brush, but with pieces of crumpled paper. See how it's done.

(Shows the reception of a crumpled paper print.)

(Independent work for children, I monitor the children’s posture, conduct individual work, advise, guide.)

The fourth part (final).

And all the sea inhabitants hurried to Vodyanoy. Octopuses, crabs and goldfish.

The depths of the sea are teeming with friends

And everyone says to friend Vodyanoy:

Don’t be sad, don’t be discouraged, run, jump and gallop.

Sing, dance and have fun, and frolic at the bottom of the sea.


The merman was very happy about his new friends. Did you guys like our underwater adventure?Now, it's time to go back! Let's say goodbye to sea creatures! (Waving) - Goodbye, see you again.

So, we say the magic words with me and return to kindergarten.

The sound of the sea sounds, the children say with me:

The sea is agitated once

The sea is worried two

The sea is worried three.

Sea figure freeze!



Guys, did you enjoy our trip? What do you remember? What new did you learn?