Learn French from scratch! Reader Tip: Five Proven Ways to Learn French How to Speak French

Do you want to know how easy it is to learn to speak a foreign language? They won't teach you this at school. As a rule, a school or college foreign language course turns off most students with its tediousness and irresistibility. Especially when students make the discovery that the teacher himself does not really speak foreign languages, they lose all desire to study. Today we have many opportunities in how... The Internet offers us a great many different ways to learn French, but what to choose? The large number of sentences makes your eyes wide open, you start to learn a little here, then a little here, and in the end nothing works out. I suggest you get acquainted with my methods on how to learn French correctly and easily for those who don’t know where to start.
The meaning of this method is very simple - you need to start translating not from French into Russian, but from Russian into French, because translating from a foreign language into your native language is much easier, but to translate into a foreign language - you need to have the ability to think in your native language, but like a foreigner . I have tried this method on my students for several years, and believe me, the results are excellent. From the moment you learn to think in Russian, but in the French manner, i.e. like a Frenchman - consider what you've already said. Your success is guaranteed!

How to easily learn to think in a foreign language

How to start learning correctly, you ask. To begin with, of course, you need to master the minimum basics of the French language, for example, verbs such as be (être), have (avoir), understand the feminine and masculine gender, since the feminine and masculine gender in French are very different from Russian and do not coincide about 75-80%, and, moreover, there is no neuter at all. For example, the words: table, chair, house, bank, sea - these are all feminine. Also, it is necessary to understand the difference between definite and indefinite articles.
It is very important to gain a certain vocabulary. Without this minimum, further learning the French language will be pointless; you will find yourself in a vicious circle when you learn words and grammar, but cannot apply them. You begin again to study words and understand grammar, but again all efforts come to zero and so on constantly in a circle. I, in turn, offer you a personal, open method of how you can build sentences using simple constructions and knowing a small number of words, and then you can start working on grammar again.

What you need to start speaking French

In order to master the necessary part of the information, it will be enough for you to take several French language lessons with a professional teacher who speaks French as a second native language.
Let's all get back to how easy it is to learn to express your thoughts in French. You already know some words and have a minimum of grammar, and begin to apply them in the simplest phrases in practice.
Examples of constructing phrases in French:
1. I am a student. Je suis étudiant. I am a student.
2. I am a teacher. Je suis professeur. I am a teacher.
3. I have a car. J'ai une voiture. I have a car.
4. I have an apartment. J'ai un appartment. I have an apartment.
5. I have a headache. J'ai mal à la tête. I have a headache.
6. My stomach hurts. J'ai mal au ventre. I have stomach pain.
7. I'm hot. J'ai chaud. I have a fever.
8. I'm cold. J'ai froid. I have a cold.
9. I'm hungry. J'ai faim. I have hunger.
10. I want coffee. J'ai envie d'un café. I have a desire for coffee.
11. I want to take a bath. J'ai envie d'un bain. I have a desire for a bath.
12. I am 25 years old. J'ai 25 ans. I am 25 years old.
13. I am 35 years old. J'ai 35 ans. I am 35 years old.
14. I can read. Je sais lire. I know how to read.
15. I can write. Je sais écrire. I know how to write.
16. I go in for skiing. Je fais du ski. I make skis.
17. I am studying piano. Je fais du piano. I'm making a piano.
18. This is me eating cake. C'est moi qui mange le gâteau. This is me eating cake.
19. This is me playing football. C'est moi qui joue au football. This is me playing football.
20. She is the one listening to music. C'est elle qui écoute la musique. It is she who listens to music.

Currently, many people study foreign languages ​​on their own, as it saves time, money, and also allows you to study when and where it is most convenient for you. French is one of the popular European languages, which is useful not only for reading French classics and understanding famous songs, but can also be useful when traveling, working in international companies, and communicating with people from French-speaking countries.

Among the wide variety of educational literature, it is difficult to immediately choose what is right for you. When choosing textbooks, you should pay attention to the publisher, the presentation of the material, and the availability of the information provided.

We will look at a list of textbooks that are most popular among self-learners of French. For better language acquisition, it is better to use not just one manual, but to combine several.

Before choosing a tutorial, you need to pay attention to the following points:

— The book should be suitable for independent work. All material should be arranged from simple to complex, the wording of the tasks should be clear.
— Your goal should coincide with the orientation of the textbook. So, if you are interested in learning how to write letters, you should not choose a textbook that is geared toward teaching spoken language.
— When starting to learn a language, buy textbooks for beginners, not more advanced levels, even if they seem accessible to you.
— The tutorial should contain methodological recommendations for learning the language.
— It is necessary to have answers to the exercises. May be contained in a textbook or published as a separate book.
— Audio cassettes or disks are required.

Independent students should better use both manuals by Russian authors, where the material is presented clearly in our native language, taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian language, and manuals by French authors, which introduce students to modern French, popular speech patterns, reading dialogues contain information about life and traditions France.

The textbooks are presented in order, not by popularity. The popularity of some manuals can be disputed, since for different students one or the other is more suitable, taking into account personal characteristics, goals and preferences. All of the mentioned manuals are widely used among French learners. First, manuals by Russian authors are given, then French ones.

1. Textbook of Russian authors I.N. Popova, Zh.N. Kazakova and G.M. Kovalchuk "". This classic publication is very popular, has been reprinted 20 times and is recommended for use in universities. The textbook has many advantages:

— the first lessons in phonetics include detailed explanations in Russian,
— audio recordings are included with the first lessons,
— subsequent lessons consistently include new vocabulary and grammar,
— self-test tasks with answers,
— basic grammatical rules and grammatical and lexical explanations are given in Russian.

Each lesson in the textbook is based on a text, using an example of which new grammatical and lexical constructions are discussed. With regular study from the textbook, you can quickly master the basics of the French language.

2. Potushanskaya L.L., Kolesnikova N.I., Kotova G.M.” Beginner French course". This famous textbook by Russian authors is aimed at teaching oral speech. In it, as in the previous manual, each lesson is based on the text. A special feature of the book is that the grammatical structures, vocabulary, and speech patterns presented in it are an integral part of spoken French.

When studying with the help of the manual, students quickly learn to maintain a conversation on common, relevant topics. The textbook is compiled concisely, the texts are interesting to a wide range of people, they are easy and pleasant to retell. All audio recordings of the textbook are voiced by a native speaker. One of the disadvantages is the insufficient number of exercises for independent written speech. Excellent as a basic book for independent work.

3. Ivanchenko A.I. "". This manual is a good source of French vocabulary and speech structures. The textbook cannot be used as a stand-alone tutorial, but it is a good addition to the main textbook you have chosen, as it expands your vocabulary by presenting a large selection of vocabulary on popular topics.

Each lesson consists of a list of new words and constructions with translation, exercises aimed at improving communication. There are keys for self-testing in the textbook. While the exercises in your main textbook can be quite complex and at times academic in nature, in the workshop they are presented in a relaxed and humorous manner, which helps to better assimilate the new material.

4. “” (L. Leblanc, V. Panin) is also popular among beginners learning French. The information is presented briefly and concisely, many exercises are voiced.

All material is presented step by step, assignments are in Russian, and the textbook also has good self-control.
The manual is good for expanding your vocabulary, because the introductory section contains many exercises on new vocabulary.
It is better not to use the manual as a separate textbook, but it is well suited as an additional source.

5. “” (E.V. Musnitskaya, M.V. Ozerova) - another popular self-instruction book. The goal set by the authors of the textbook is to teach students to communicate in typical situations. In each lesson, new words and rules are practiced. The information provided is interesting and not overly complicated. The textbook combines a minimum of theory and a maximum of practice. It is well suited for those who do not want to study grammar in detail, but are determined to learn to speak faster.

It is also interesting that the book contains fascinating regional information. Difficulty in use may be caused by the fact that the exercises are not translated into Russian. The audio materials are voiced by a native speaker, which on the one hand is good, but the speech is too fast for beginning students.

6. Textbook by the French author Gaston Mauger “ French course» is also suitable for independent language learners. This is a self-instruction manual; users of the book do not experience any inconvenience in the absence of a teacher. The publication is classic, well made, and the material is well structured. The textbook is easy to use and trains all aspects of the language.

The disadvantages include outdated vocabulary, since the first edition was published back in the 50s.

7. There are also more modern French editions. Thus, “” is a textbook by the famous French publishing house Cle International. In an interesting and accessible form, the manual introduces modern French. The textbook is rightfully considered one of the best language learning tools. From the name of the manual it follows that it is aimed largely at developing communication skills.

Each lesson of the textbook contains one or more dialogues, as well as the rules of the French language, and after them - exercises for processing the learned information and control tasks. This structure is convenient for learning a foreign language. While learning to communicate in a foreign language, users of the manual simultaneously become acquainted with the basics of grammar, vocabulary, and phonetics. This approach is typical for various European publications on the study of foreign languages ​​- learn grammar and other aspects not from the rules, but from the stories and dialogues provided.

7. The above-mentioned publishing house Cle International produces a large number of textbooks for a wide range of users. The most successful textbooks are "" and "Le nouveau sans frontiers". The advantage of these courses is that the textbooks are bright, colorful, and rich in interesting tasks. It is valuable to have simple dialogues and texts with modern vocabulary and phrases, which helps you quickly learn to communicate in French. The accompanying audio materials are practically not adapted; students hear live speech.

The disadvantages of such textbooks are that all tasks and explanations are in French. This makes learning difficult for beginners; you need to constantly use a dictionary or seek help from those who know French. There are other similar courses, such as “Taxi”, “Alter ego”. They all look alike. So, planning to use such a textbook in your classes, it is better to choose one of those listed, while others will largely repeat it.

8.”” - numerous audio courses, which are essentially phrase books, offer dialogues on everyday topics. Good preparation for traveling to French-speaking countries. Can be used as another source of language learning in addition to basic textbooks. The courses can be used in a relaxed atmosphere, practicing conversational phrases and taking a break from serious classes.

To learn French on your own, you cannot do without just one manual. But you should also not purchase all possible materials. It is best to take one textbook as a basis; when learning a language from scratch, it is best to use tasks in Russian. In addition to this textbook, you can also include 2-3 manuals in your bibliography in order to further practice vocabulary, grammar or conversation.

As a second textbook, it is good to use one of the proposed authentic courses; you can do it a little later, having already studied the basics of the language using a Russian-language manual. It is important to pay attention to the use of audio materials for several textbooks in order to listen to the speech of different speakers without getting used to one voice. When studying a language, you need to pay attention to all types of activities - reading, writing, speaking, listening. It is worth considering that the last two are the most difficult; oral speech requires intensive practice. With regular practice, you will feel more confident in the language and achieve your goals.

If you are going to visit a French-speaking country or just want to communicate with someone who speaks French, then you don’t need to memorize countless words and grammar rules to communicate comfortably. You can confidently carry on a conversation even with a small vocabulary. It's better to focus on pronunciation and colloquial phrases. Practice often and don't be afraid to make mistakes to improve your language skills.


How to improve your pronunciation

    Control your tongue movements when pronouncing French words. Due to the small number of diphthongs in French, speakers have to make significantly fewer tongue movements than in other foreign languages ​​like English. If your tongue moves too much, your speech will have a strong accent.

    • When speaking, try to place the tip of your tongue near the back of your lower front teeth. Open your mouth less and use your lips and jaw to form words.
    • Try speaking in front of a mirror to make sure you use your mouth and tongue correctly. You can also watch the conversations of native French speakers and try to imitate their facial expressions and mouth movements.
  1. Practice pronouncing sounds that are not in the Russian language. Letters eu, u And r sound differently than in other languages ​​with the Latin alphabet. If you do not learn to pronounce such letters correctly, you can ruin your pronunciation.

    • To pronounce correctly u, pronounce the Russian sound yu, and then try to round your lips as if to make a sound o and leave only the second part of the sound so that you get something between yu and softened sound at.
    • French r- This is a guttural sound, which is accompanied by a characteristic rattling of the voice.


    Lorenzo Garriga is a native speaker and connoisseur of French. Has many years of experience as a translator, author and editor. Composer, pianist and traveler, who has been traveling the world for more than 30 years on a limited budget and a backpack on his back.

    French translator and native speaker

    If you are familiar with Latin or English pronunciation, you will find it difficult to pronounce 'R' and 'eu' correctly. These sounds do not exist in these languages. In English, ‘R’ sounds soft, while the French version corresponds to the Russian ‘R’ for a speech defect such as burr or rhoticism.

    Watch French TV shows and imitate conversations. You can find many French shows on the Internet completely free of charge. Also check out the foreign sections of your favorite video streaming service. Thanks to the TV show, you will begin to better understand the special sound and articulation of the French language.

    • News programs, game shows, and reality shows allow you to listen to people who are not actors or announcers. This will help you better understand everyday spoken French.

    Advice: Avoid simplistic pronunciation explanations found in textbooks and language learning sites that explain sounds based on the sounds in your native language. This pronunciation can make it difficult to communicate effectively in French, as French people will have difficulty understanding you.

    Use connectives to create smooth transitions between words. Connections partly explain the smooth and melodic sound of the French language. They allow you to connect different words with each other so that the endings of each word do not sound rude and abrupt. This means that some letters do not remain silent, but are pronounced to communicate.

    • For example, consider the sentence vous etes dans un grand avion. If you pronounce each word separately, you will get something like “vou et dan un gran avion.” Every word is said correctly, but the French language sounds different. If you use connectives, the phrase will sound like “vu zet dan zun gran avyon.”
    • The rules for using connectives are not always intuitive. It will take a lot of practice. Strive for the language to sound smooth and flowing without abrupt transitions between words.
  2. Challenge yourself with tongue twisters. They help improve pronunciation and correct movements of the tongue or mouth. Start slowly and gradually increase the speed of pronouncing words. Examples of tongue twisters:

    • Dans ta tente ta tante t"attend(“Your aunt is waiting for you in the tent”).
    • Pauvre petit pêcheur, prend patience pour pouvoir prendre plusieurs petits poissons(“Poor little fisherman, be patient to catch a few fish”).
    • Ces cerises sont si sûres qu"on ne sait pas si"cen sont(“These cherries are so sour you’d think they weren’t cherries at all.”)

    How to keep conversations going

    1. Talk to native speakers. Conversations with native speakers are the best way to correct your accent and learn to speak naturally and confidently. If there are no native French speakers among your friends, you can always find someone to talk to online. If such a person is interested in practicing Russian or another language that you speak, such communication will be beneficial to both of you.

      • Watch the facial expressions and mouth movements of native speakers when they talk to you. Repeat after them to improve your pronunciation.
      • Ask your interlocutor to stop you and correct mistakes in pronunciation and word choice. This will help you improve.

      Advice: Also pay attention to the body language of French speakers. Even if you think it has nothing to do with speech, you can get into the right mindset and improve your pronunciation.

    2. Use common phrases to start conversations. When meeting, you can always tell the person bonjour or salut, but this is not the most appropriate way to start a conversation. Think about how a conversation would go if a stranger walked up to you and simply said, “Hello.” Practice making small talk in French and using other simple ways to start a lively conversation. Examples:

      • C"est joli ici. C"est la première fois que je viens ici, et vous?(“It’s very nice here. This is my first time here, what about you?”).
      • Ahhh, comme il fait beau. Enfin du soleil! C"est bien agréable, vous ne trouvez pas?(“It’s so nice outside. Finally the sun! Very comfortable, don’t you agree?”).
      • "Bonjour, on se connaît de vue je crois. Je viens souvent ici, il me semble que je t"ai déjà aperçu.(“Hi, it seems like we’ve already met. I come here often and I’m sure this isn’t the first time I’ve seen you.”)
    3. Ask simple questions. You may already know that the phrases ce que or ce qu"il should be used in questions. Native speakers often combine such words, resulting in ce not pronounced separately. Combine phrases like these to make your French sound more natural.

      • For example, the phrase qu"est-ce que c"est should be pronounced as qu"est "sko" c"est.
      • In pronouns il or elle you can turn down the sound l. For example, the phrase qu"est-ce q"il fait can be pronounced as qu"est "ski" fait.
    4. Say phrases that will move the conversation forward. When speaking in Russian, people say common phrases like “really” or “can’t be”. They show your attention and motivate the other person to continue. Remember a few similar phrases in French:

      • Ça va de soi(“It goes without saying”);
      • Ç"est ça? ("Really?");
      • Ah bon? (“Really?”);
      • Mais oui(“Undoubtedly”) or ben oui("Well, yes");
      • Mais non(“Definitely not”) or ben non("Oh no").
    5. Repeat the words of your interlocutor. If you repeat the words just spoken by a native speaker, he will understand that you listened carefully and understood everything. You'll also get the opportunity to get some practice without having to construct your own phrase, while still remembering the grammar and correct word choice.

      • For example, your interlocutor said “Je viens de Paris, et toi?” (“I’m from Paris, and you?”). You have several answer options. So, you can simply say “Je viens de Russie” if you are from Russia. But if you want to use the repetition method, then say “Oh! Tu viens de Paris? C "est bon. Je viens de Russie" (“Oh! Are you from Paris? How cool. And I’m from Russia”).

    How to express yourself confidently

    1. Read aloud French books and texts on websites. Reading aloud helps you practice speaking French without worrying about word choice or grammar rules. Books and articles on the Internet also help to better understand the everyday conversations of living native speakers.

      • French e-books can be found on the Internet for free. It is better not to use classical works, as they will not help you feel the modern language. Start with websites and blogs with news and features about popular culture.

We decided to learn French? French is spoken in more than 43 countries around the world. Many people consider this language to be the most beautiful. Lingust will give you the opportunity to check if this is true.

For the beginner level it is placed in the form online lessons popular tutorial by V. Panin and L. Leblanc. The first 12 lessons are devoted to the rules of reading and pronunciation. It is important to learn these lessons well, otherwise you will not be able to read normally, and it will be even more difficult to perceive the text by ear, given the speed of voicing. Having mastered these lessons, there will be one less problem, because... for example, in English, it is very difficult to read the text correctly without looking at the dictionary. Here you can learn this, although it will be more difficult than, for example, in German, where you don’t have to look at the dictionary for pronunciation at all, and in Chinese you need to carry a dictionary with you every now and then... We digress a little... :)

Next there will be 20 lessons on grammar and vocabulary, accompanied by tests to consolidate the material. Data lessons Suitable for both children and adults. Having mastered them, you will be able to communicate in French on everyday topics, read intermediate-level French texts, and get rid of the awkward feeling of a stranger by going on vacation to Paris or any French-speaking country without knowing the norms of language behavior.

The exercises are accompanied by forms for entering text; the answers to the exercises are located below them on the right in the form of a key. To see the answer, you need to move your mouse over the key. Audio, if available, is usually located immediately after the description of the exercise.

Go to → list of lessons ← (Click)

What other reasons to learn French?

  • For fans of good literature, France has the largest number of Nobel Prize winners in this field.
  • More than 60 million tourists visit France every year - you won't be bored.
  • France is famous for the quality of its high technology, and French is an important technology and business language in the world. (Second language on the Internet.)
  • More than 50 thousand English words are of French origin. There are a large number of them in the Russian language.
  • France offers a huge number of generous scholarships for our graduates.
  • French is the second most popular language for learning after English.
  • French is one of the two official languages ​​of the Olympic Games.
  • French-speaking Africa is a larger area than the United States.
  • Montréal is the second largest French-speaking city in the world.
  • Don't forget about the masterpieces of music and cinema!
  • many other reasons.

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Learning French

I am happy to state the fact that we live in fantastic times! Time for communication without borders! Globalization, which is sweeping across the planet, and modern technologies, especially the Internet, not only allow us to communicate with anyone and at any distance, but also give each of us a powerful “kick” in realizing the need to learn new languages. Of course, in the modern world it is possible to live with knowledge of only one language, but every year it becomes more and more difficult to do this, and it is no longer reliable...

And now you have come to the conclusion that you need to start learning French (by your own free will or under the pressure of circumstances (fell in love with a French girl)). I assure you - in any case you will not be disappointed! After all, in addition to the fact that it is one of the most beautiful languages ​​in the world, it is also one of the 5 most widespread. Along with English, French is spoken by everyone five continents peace.

Where to start learning French.

Where to start studying? As strange as it may seem, start with your own THINKING. Most people who want to master a new language are faced with the fear of failure in learning; many believe that languages ​​are not given to everyone, and that only a select few can be polyglots. So, I declare with all responsibility that these are groundless fears (if not to say complete nonsense)! Language is a skill! None of us are born speaking one language or another. We learn this in the process of life. And depending on the environment in which we were born, we master one language or another. Accordingly, if we succeeded in this once and we speak, read, write, think perfectly, for example, in Russian, then we will definitely be able to repeat our path and speak another language, for example, French. You must be internally confident that you CAN SPEAK OTHER LANGUAGES!!! This belief will determine your success. Of course, it won’t be easy, because learning a new language is work, and it’s not small work. But you should know that you can achieve your goals if you simply study constantly and do not shirk on completing tasks. The main thing in this matter is to remember why you started all this, and then everything will work out.

Now let's move on to 10 useful tips that will be useful to you in learning French.

Advice1. Determine who you are by type of perception.

Who are you: an auditory learner (you remember better by hearing), a visual learner (you trust your vision), a kinesthetic learner (sensitive experience and sensations are important to you) or a discrete learner (you perceive the world around you using logic). During the first lesson, I always find out from my students which method of memorization is closer to them. The entire subsequent methodology for presenting the material and the learning process will depend on this.

If you've studied languages ​​before, think about what worked for you and what didn't. If you find it difficult to classify yourself as one or another type of perception, you can take a test on the vast expanses of the Internet. Or perhaps you, like me, are of the mixed type and for you, like me, it is important to hear, see, and feel the material, and think logically.

Advice2. Start with phonics and reading rules.

The phonetics of the French language is quite complex. Despite the fact that the pronunciation of most letters of the French alphabet is similar to the pronunciation of letters from the Russian alphabet, our languages ​​are historically related, and in our speech we use many borrowed words from the French language (yes, don’t be surprised! you already know something) However, pronouncing words and entire sentences may be difficult. French speech flows, there are many connections and connections between words. Listen to French speech and repeat (the method is especially good for auditory learners). Listen to native speakers (audio and video can be found online) to get an idea of ​​speaking speed and intonation.

Work on your articulation, do exercises in front of the mirror. This is important for correct pronunciation, your rate of speech will depend on it, and this is so that the interlocutor, hearing your speech, understands what exactly you mean. Francophones themselves actively use facial expressions and articulation during conversations.

Learn the rules of reading. I warn you right away - it is not easy and will take some time. The peculiarity of the French language is that words are written with a large number of letters, but are pronounced with only a few sounds. For example: beaucoup (many) is written in as many as eight letters, and is pronounced “boku”.

Therefore, knowing the rules of reading will help you read words correctly, pronounce them correctly, and, as a result, enrich your vocabulary with the help of books. AND read, read, read and read everything in French again! (This is especially good for visual learners, and auditory learners can listen to audiobooks) Fiction, scientific literature, magazines, newspapers, brochures, even advertising... This will make your speech richer, more intense.

Advice3. Practice grammar!

“Grammar” may sound boring, but it is incredibly important. Agree, we ourselves are pleased to communicate with a foreigner when he speaks Russian correctly. Likewise for the French, grammatically correct speech is pleasant and important. And in order to speak correctly, you must understand the structure of sentences, how to use verbs in the present, past and future tenses, know the gender of nouns and the use of adjectives. If you're a discrete person, you'll love grammar. This is pure logic!

If you are a beginner “Francophone”, then here is my practical advice. Remember, in a French sentence the subject always comes first, the predicate comes second, and then the object. For example: Je vais à l'école (I am going to school). And this is very cool, because having a small vocabulary (at first), you can clearly express your thoughts in short sentences. For example, introduce yourself: Bonjour! Je suis Tatiana Voronkova. Je suis russe. Je suis professeur. J'aime le français. (Hello! I'm Tatyana Voronkova. I'm Russian. I'm a teacher. I love French.)

Advice4. 15 minutes, but every day!

I think a systematic approach to learning French is very important. Let it be 15 minutes a day (it’s not that much), but devote your entire day to the language. Learn new words and phrases, grammar rules, practice pronunciation, or just read something every day. Plus, at least twice a week, set aside a full hour of French class! This will definitely bear fruit. And within a month you will be able to speak in simple sentences, and after 5-6 months you will notice significant progress.

Advice5. The Internet can help you!

Do you keep your phone or tablet in your hands because you're just stuck on social networks? Or are you a fan of video hosting? Or do you like to read e-books, magazines, newspapers? Great! This will all help you in learning French!

Urgently set up the main language on social networks "Français". You already know what is located where, and you can practice the language in practice. For example: Quoi de neuf? (What's new?) in the news section, or En ligne (online). On social networks you can also find French-speaking friends and communicate with them both verbally and in writing.

On Youtube you will find a lot of useful videos in French.

Well, we’ve already talked about books: look for your favorite reading material in French (it’s easier to do this in electronic form these days). Or find French children's books on the Internet. As a rule, they have bright illustrations and simple texts - just what a new francophone needs.

You will also find a lot of French-speaking news channels and applications on the Internet. I especially recommend the channel TV5Monde. Here you will learn world news, and watch interesting programs on various topics, but what is especially important is that this channel will help you learn French in the Apprendre le Français section (for all levels of language proficiency).

You can also find wonderful electronic dictionaries on the Internet. For example: Multitran, Academician, Yandex dictionary, etc.

And these are all free resources!

Plus, of course, you can find various online foreign language schools where people learn via Skype. For example, Learning French at this school via Skype is practical and effective because you can learn French with a personal teacher anytime, anywhere. Isn’t studying your favorite language at home on the couch with a cup of tea a pleasant experience?

Advice6. Watch movies with subtitles in French.

French cinema is rich in masterpieces! Do not deny yourself the pleasure and watch French films in the original. This advice will especially appeal to kinesthetic and visual learners, but I’m sure people with other types of perception will also be happy to enjoy the movie. I recommend that you start with famous animated films. Be sure to watch films with subtitles. But with subtitles in French! It is important. Let go of the fear that you won't understand anything. You'll understand! Based on the context of the picture, the plot, knowledge of a certain number of words and expressions. It is not necessary to translate every word to understand the main meaning. But you will be immersed for some time in a French-speaking environment. And reading subtitles and matching them with what you heard will help you understand how the words you read are pronounced.

For beginners, it will also be fun and useful to watch the educational series Extra Francais - about three friends in Paris who help the fourth speak French. The quality of this video is not very good, but it is the only one with subtitles. Try downloading the entire series (or watch VK).

Advice7. Learn phrases, not words.

Try to memorize not just single words, but phrases, phrases and sentences. Learn a few phrases to correctly say hello and goodbye, ask for help, ask something, give information about yourself, etc.

For example:

Say hello: Bonjour (Hello), Bonsoir (Good evening), Salut (Hello), Comment Why?(How are you?).

Introduce yourself: Je suis .. . (I am...) or Je m'appelle.... (My name is…).

Say goodbye: Au revoir(Goodbye), a bientôt (see you later), Permettez moi de faire mes adieux! (Let me say goodbye!)

Forms of appeal:

Excusezmoi! Pardon! (Sorry!),

Excusezmoi de vous dranger (Sorry to bother you),

Pouvez vous me dire (Can you tell me...)

Puis je vous demander? (Can I ask you?)

Pardon, pourriezvous me dire oAnd se trouve... (Sorry, could you tell me where to be...).

Parlez lentement, sil vous plait (Please speak slowly).

Je necomprends pAs (I don't understand)

Rourriezvous maider? (Can you help me?).

Such memorized phrases will serve you well, for example, when traveling in a French-speaking country, if you need to know something or ask for help.

Advice8. Speak up!

The best way to learn a language is to speak it! All the knowledge you have acquired - words, grammar, verb conjugation, hundreds of exercises completed - is nothing without conversational practice. If you don't use them and speak French, you will, unfortunately, quickly forget everything. Language is integrated into us when we interact with other people during a conversation.

And despite the fact that speaking is simple and pleasant, most people are afraid of this step. This is the fear of making mistakes, speaking incorrectly, not understanding the interlocutor, hearing criticism of pronunciation...

But you need to overcome these fears and just start talking. You must understand that it’s not a problem to make a mistake, the problem is not even trying... And as the heroine of one famous film said: “And you blurt out, but blurt out confidently!” Believe me, if you make a mistake, your interlocutor will help you correct it, and the correct pronunciation will be even better imprinted in your head. Accept any criticism of pronunciation with gratitude and find out how to speak correctly, construct a sentence, and which word is more appropriate here. This will help you improve your speech.

Speak French, even if you feel awkward because you don't know much. Everyone starts out this way, but over time you will improve. If you don’t understand what your interlocutor is saying, ask him to repeat it and speak more slowly. If you don't understand the meaning of a word, ask what it means. For example: Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire? (What does it mean?). This way, by the way, you will better learn and remember the meaning of new words.

You may ask, where can you find someone who is willing to communicate with you in French? On the Internet... On various forums and websites. And of course, teachers are happy to communicate with you!

Think in French. Speak French out loud when you are alone. Comment on everything you do. If you wash dishes or drive a car, talk about it. Pay attention to your intonation and pronunciation. Listen to yourself.

Chip №9. Praise yourself for every success!

Be sure to praise yourself for every success and progress in learning French. Most people in the world recognize how difficult it is to start learning a foreign language. Some never take this step... But you are great! You need it, and you do it. Even if you learn a language purely for your own pleasure (as I did), you do it for yourself, you develop, and that is worthy of praise.

The French love their language, their culture, and are very proud of their history. They are very sensitive to you trying to learn their language. They are usually patient and friendly. And most likely, they will also praise you for your zeal.

And positive emotions will fuel you for the next round of language acquisition and give you strength.

Chip10. Don't give up!

When you start learning French from scratch, you will, of course, make constant progress at first. Enjoy these moments. Then, after a certain period of time, you may feel like there is no progress and you are at the same level for several months! Be patient. Keep working. You will definitely reach a new level of knowledge. The main thing is not to retreat and move forward!

LF School warns: learning languages ​​is addictive!


about the author


Teaching languages ​​is my life, I can’t do anything else, and I don’t want to do anything else. in 2016, I decided to create the LF School to gather a wonderful team of professional teachers and share with each other their experience and effective secrets in teaching, so that classes at our school become necessary for you and bring the desired result. I will be very glad to see you among the students of our school, or among my personal students!