From wide trousers Mayakovsky. Vladimir Mayakovsky - I would devour bureaucracy like a wolf (Poems about the Soviet passport). Other titles for this text

There is no respect for mandates.

4 any piece of paper, but this...
Along the long front of the compartments and cabins
the polite official moves.
Passports are handed over, and I hand over
8 my purple book.
Some passports bring a smile to your mouth.
To others - a careless attitude.
For example, they take passports with respect
12 with a double English left.
Looking out through the eyes of a kind uncle,
without ceasing to bow,
they take it as if they were taking a tip,
16 American passport.
In Polish they look like a goat on a poster.
In Polish - they stick out their eyes
in tight police elephantiasis -
20 where is it supposed to come from and what is it
geographic news?
And without turning your head the head of cabbage
and having not experienced any feelings,
24 They take Danish passports without blinking
and various other Swedes,
And suddenly, as if by a burn, my mouth
grimaced at the gentleman.
28 This is Mr. Official taking
my red-skinned passport.
He takes it like a bomb, he takes it like a hedgehog,
like a double-edged razor,
32 takes you like a rattlesnake with twenty stings
a two-meter-tall snake.
The porter's eye blinked meaningfully,
at least he'll take your things away for nothing.
36 The gendarme looks questioningly at the detective,
detective for the gendarme.
With what pleasure does the gendarmerie caste
I would be whipped and crucified
40 because I have a hammer in my hands,
sickle Soviet passport.
I would eat bureaucracy like a wolf.
There is no respect for mandates.
44 Go to hell with your mothers
any piece of paper. But this...
I take it out of my wide trousers
a duplicate of the priceless cargo.
48 Read, envy, I am a citizen
Soviet Union.

K mandatam pochtenia netu.

lyubaya bumazhka, No etu...
Po dlinnomu frontu kupe i kayut
chinovnik uchtivy dvizhetsya.
Sdayut passport, i ya sdayu
moyu purpurnuyu knizhitsu.
K odnim passport - ulybka u rta.
K drugim - otnosheniye plevoye.
S pochtenyem berut, naprimer, passport
s dvukhspalnym anglyskim levoyu.
Glazami dobrogo dyadyu vyev,
ne ceasevaya klanyatsya,
berut, how budto berut chayevye,
passport amerikantsa.
Na polsky - glyadyat, kak v afishu koza.
Na polsky - vypyalivayut glaza
v tugoy politseyskoy slonovosti -
otkuda, mol, i chto eto za
geograficheskiye news?
I ne povernuv golovy kochan
i chuvstv nikakikh ne izvedav,
berut, ne morgnuv, passport Danish
i raznykh prochikh shvedov,
I vdrug, like budto ozhogom, rot
skrivilo gospodinu.
This is gospodin chinovnik beret
moyu krasnokozhuyu pasportinu.
Beret - kak bombu, beret - kak yezha,
kak britvu oboyudoostruyu,
beret, kak gremuchuyu v dvadtsat zhal
zmeyu dvukhmetrovorostuyu.
Morgnul mnogoznachashche glaz nosilshchika,
khot veshchi sneset zadarom vam.
Zhandarm voprositelno smotrit na syshchika,
Syshchik na zhandarma.
S kakim naslazhdenyem zhandarmskoy kastoy
ya byl by iskhlestan i raspyat
za to, what v rukakh u menya molotkasty,
Serpasty Soviet passport.
Ya volkom by vygryz byurokratizm.
K mandatam pochtenia netu.
K lyubym chertyam s materyami katis
lyubaya bumazhka. No etu...
Ya dostayu iz shirokikh shtanin
dublikatom bestsennogo gruza.
Chitayte, zaviduyte, ya - grazhdanin
Sovetskogo Soyuza.

Stikhi o sovetskom passport

R vfylfnfv gjxntybz ytne/

k/,fz ,evf;rf, Yj "ne///
Gj lkbyyjve ahjyne regt b rf/n
xbyjdybr exnbdsq ldb;tncz/
Clf/n gfcgjhnf, b z clf/
vj/ gehgehye/ ryb;bwe/
R jlybv gfcgjhnfv - eks,rf e hnf/
R lheubv - jnyjitybt gktdjt/
C gjxntymtv ,then, yfghbvth, gfcgjhnf
c lde)