Why is English considered an international language? Why English has become a world language English is the language of international communication

Around the world, the growing interest in the English language highlights the need for a new approach to learning and, as a result, to teaching. The reason for this is the improvement of communication technology in terms of human relations and the need to introduce an international language in the world. Among those proposed, the most likely is English as an international or world language. As a result, English as an international language with a relative conceptual basis is being established as a viable global means of communication, which is offered, for example, for study with an individual education program like Mytishchi English.

English is an international language

This article is an attempt to evaluate the international language adoption model and its underlying assumptions in order to explore the possible effects and changes it brings about.

1. What is English as an international language? In the new millennium, English is one of the most important means for gaining access to intellectual and technical resources in the world. Although it must be admitted that this is a relic of British colonization or a sign of American cultural imperialism. However, English is now seen less as a symbol of imperialism and more as a more viable candidate for the world's most important international language. At the moment in world history, English is the main language of wide communication. It is used as a language library, as a medium for science, technology, international trade, and as a contact language between peoples and countries.

2. The use of English by people of different nations to communicate with each other.
The function is associated with the use of English by people of different nations and different cultures. It is conceptually different from Basic English and Language for Specific Purposes, in the sense that it is not limited to any specific area. The language is not artificial like Esperanto, which is spoken by only 2 million people, while About 377 million speak English as a native language, as a second language by about 375 million. About 750 million people speak English as a foreign language. The language has official status in 75 countries with a population of over 2 billion. Thus, English differs from Esperanto in the sense that the language is exclusively natural and is able to receive international recognition.

3. Language is cross-cultural, which is characterized by changes in linguistic and cultural behavior. The use of English and any other language is always associated with culture, but the language itself is not associated with any particular culture or political system.

4. It is universally used in international trade, diplomacy and tourism and is studied by more people than any other language.
As a typical example, the German Chancellor and the French Prime Minister speak English during negotiations. This example should in no way be interpreted as a sign of a decline in the native language or culture. Rather, it is portrayed as an available resource for creating mutual intelligibility. English in all its linguistic and sociolinguistic aspects is used as a means of communication between non-native speakers as well as between any combination.

Thus, it seems topical issue of language, as people in all parts of the world are adequately equipped with this effective tool.

The fact that English in the modern world is the main international language is beyond doubt. However, not everyone knows why this is so. After all, the emergence of English as an international language goes back to the distant past.

Historical background

The rise of the English language began in the 17th century, when Britain emerged as a conquering country and the largest colonizer in the world. Since the British flotilla was one of the strongest in the world, the sea routes completely submitted to the British. The lands of North America, Asia, India and Africa were under the control of England. It was at that moment that the language of Great Britain began to turn into an international one.

The imperialism of the British crown lasted for more than three centuries, during which England became a developed state in scientific, cultural and technological terms. In addition, England sought to develop economically. The creation of strong trade ties led to the fact that the language of the more successful country pushed local dialects into the background. Even when the former colonies became independent, many of them made English their official language. There were reasons for this. First of all, the languages ​​of the colonies did not always have the necessary words for successful trade. In addition, during its existence under the control of the British crown, local residents became accustomed to the new language, knew it well and willingly used it in speech. One can quite reasonably argue that English should become the second official language in Asia and Africa as well. The fact is that the British moved to these countries less often and did not bring with them their traditions, lifestyle and, of course, language. It was used in these regions to promote economic ties with Britain, but did not become a common language among the locals.

Rise of a superpower

It was at this time that America picked up the baton and began its transformation into a superpower with English as its official language. But the British were not the only ones who decided to conquer the New World, and many languages ​​and dialects were spoken in the United States of America. Therefore, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the problem of unity of all citizens of the country arose. America needed a symbol to unite the people living in it. It's funny, but German almost became the state language of the states. French and Hebrew were also offered. But during the final vote, English won by one vote!

From that moment on, the United States began to implement a not very delicate policy of ousting other languages. Legal documents and instruction in schools were conducted exclusively in English. This practice has brought the desired results. Otherwise, French or German could well become an official language of the United States, as well as an international language of the world.

After the war, many countries were concerned about the revival of the economy, culture, social and other spheres of life. The States, although they suffered in World War II, were not as bad as other countries. They continued their development diplomatically, militarily and economically. America chose the well-trodden path and followed the English path. Businessmen began to supply goods to other countries, and to carry out transactions they needed a common language, which again turned out to be English. Why English again? America was a stronger and more influential country, so it could impose its choice.

Modern tendencies

It is important that today America continues to maintain a leading position. The country has made a lot of efforts to popularize its native language, and an important role was played by the fact that the Internet and computer were invented in the states. Today, most of the media publish notes in English. On it you can find more than 60% of materials on the network: films, TV series, news, books, and so on.

The popularity of English is also due to the fact that it is the language of business. Today, England and the USA are the largest financial centers where the business life of many organizations is concentrated. For example, the London Stock Exchange accounts for about half of all share trading, in which firms from sixty countries participate. Due to the fact that English is used for work and communication, the multiculturalism of the exchange is considered an essential element in its popularization.

Thus, we can safely say that English has become an international language for historical and economic reasons. It is unclear whether this language will be as popular in the future, but the fact that today it has official status in almost 60 countries of the world, and is used in more than 100 countries, clearly indicates its leading position.

Why is English considered an international language?

Manager of the foreign language school IQ Consultancy

Undoubtedly, English today is the language of international communication, the main means of communication in the world.

A language acquires the status of “international” due to such factors as:

  • widespread in a significant number of countries on different continents and in different cultural environments,
  • political and economic influence (use at international diplomatic and business meetings).

For many centuries, English has been one of the most common languages ​​on Earth. Having replaced Spanish, French and German, the English language finally acquired global significance at the end of the 20th century.

Why did English become an international language? Like most of his predecessors, he owes this primarily to colonial policy.

The colonization of North America, Australia, some countries in Africa and Asia and others by Great Britain marked a confident beginning for the spread of the English language, and the English language itself has developed significantly thanks to borrowings from many languages ​​of the world. Currently, the United States of America has a huge influence on the spheres of world business and communication, thereby strengthening the position of English as an international language. English is one of the six official and working languages ​​of the UN.

According to the statistics of Internet requests, most often people need translation from and into English. English-language media, fiction and technical literature are unique in volume and content.

Nowadays in Russia it is the main foreign language studied in school, which has almost completely replaced other languages. Other important languages ​​studied are Spanish, Chinese, French and German.

When choosing a foreign language to study, it is necessary to take into account the geographical proximity of neighboring countries, for example, in Vladivostok it is most advisable to learn Chinese, in addition to English, and Finnish in St. Petersburg.

Real Europeans believe that the issue of globalizing the English language and securing its international status is very important and not empty. A whole lot of questions still remain open. Is English a universal language? Is it suitable for communication between people from different countries? Maybe English is a threat to other countries, since it can erase all the diversity of national cultures and languages? Are there other, equally universal ways of communication around the world today?

This topic is relevant for many countries and Russia is no exception. It is also part of the world community, which means it must have a common language with it.

Different English

Interesting fact: the term “global”, when applied to the English language, is used exclusively within the English language. This once again proves that English is a unique language. However, this does not mean that it should have the status of an international language and be studied in many countries of the world.

It is also worth noting the fact that international English is significantly different from British. That is, it turns out that it is not the official language of any European country. But this is why the British consider themselves special throughout Europe or even the world. They already speak an international language, which means they have no need to learn other languages, but it is the diverse culture and multilingualism that are the quintessence of Russia and Europe.

The very idea of ​​​​creating a universal language appeared many, many centuries ago. It is enough to recall at least the Tower of Babel or the attempts to create a unique language, Esperanto. But, as history shows, such attempts ended in complete failure.

There is no point in discussing the very concept of “global English”. The phrase “English” itself carries diversity, because today there are three types of English:

1. Native English. This language, first of all, reflects the culture of a particular people and their thinking. This applies to any language, and English is no exception. Canadians, British, Australians, Americans - they all speak different dialects of English. It turns out that the language itself unites them, but the dialect shows their differences from each other. It turns out that English, like Portuguese, Spanish and French, is not homogeneous. All these 4 languages ​​were exported from Europe to various corners of the earth many years or even centuries ago. All this happened during the colonial conquests. Therefore, all 4 languages ​​were doomed to change, because their geography, history and culture had changed. For example, the official language of Jamaica is English, and in many African countries local residents speak French, which is also the second official language in Canada. Well, there’s no need to talk about the popularity of Spanish and Portuguese in the countries of South America. From all this we can conclude that a common language unites people from different countries and continents, but dialects create a certain barrier between them. If you speak cultured English in Jamaica, for example, they will understand you, but you will hardly be able to understand their speech.

2. Non-native English. This category includes various variations of the English language in those countries where it is native only to diasporas, a second state language, or is needed to communicate with foreigners. It is worth noting that all these variations are used by non-European countries: Malaysia, Pakistan, South Korea, India, Nigeria, etc.

3. Global English. If we talk about international English, then one can only guess and be surprised. Why did this language, despite the modern political, economic and historical context in Europe, become universal? It became so widespread that it was recognized even in France, although the inhabitants of the country resisted it for a long time. However, the French were forced to accept that English could no longer be considered a foreign language.

A little history

If you want to know how English became an international language, the answer is in history. The English language was taken by emigrants to various parts of the world, including North America. Moreover, England spread its language in those countries that it conquered, in the former colonies of the British Empire. Figuratively speaking, England, with the help of its language, stretched a “bridge” across the ocean, thus connecting the continents.

If we talk about the USA, this country was created by emigrants not only from Britain. People from all over Europe and the world came here. The new nation had to have something unifying, and this very link was the English language.

Immigrants in America were able to change the English language, making it more flexible and open to further transformations. In fact, they created a new language called “American English.” He crossed the Atlantic Ocean once and then returned to Europe again. This “final leap” occurred after the Second World War.

International English was formed over a century and a half of constant emigration to the United States. American English is now considered the language of a political, military and economic superpower.

In addition, do not forget about “Americanization”. The USA has become an incredibly popular country. They established the economy and trade. The American way of life began to spread throughout the world, and this, in turn, only made the English language more in demand. Words taken from American English began to appear in many languages. For example, the same word “business”, which comes from the word “employment”.

There is a statement that English is the most flexible language. He is able to quickly respond to an ever-changing reality; he is the first to reflect new realities. Perhaps we should agree with this statement. All modern electronics are adapted specifically to the English language. E-mail, the Internet, and various programs are built on the basis of this universal language. People from all over the world are forced to adapt to and learn English. Thus, modern society simply has no other choice; it has to learn English.

The article was prepared by the website of the company I-Polyglot -

Humanity has always needed an international language. And once upon a time this was connected, first of all, with the need to conduct disputes on scientific and religious topics. But along with technical progress and technology development, an international language has become necessary, first of all, for the exchange of information.


More and more people are wondering why English is an international language? This is due, first of all, to its widespread distribution. For many, this causes open dissatisfaction, because this is seen as an immediate threat to the cultures of different countries. Many of their residents feel that English is unceremoniously invading their lives.

Typically, a language becomes widespread due to a technological breakthrough in the country for which it is native. For example, during the era of the development of shipbuilding, many specific terms from this area entered many languages, including Russian - “shipyard”, “barge”, “harbour”. Emperor Peter I himself was extremely dissatisfied with the use of foreign terms and demanded that new words be introduced only in cases of extreme need.

Continuing the search for an answer to the question of why English is an international language, it is also worth turning to the history of political contacts with France, which at one time led to the widespread spread of French. Political and cultural connections that took place in the 18th-19th centuries led to the appearance of a large number of new words in the Russian language, such as “boot”, “poster”, “garrison” and others. At that time, France was one of the military leaders, as well as a trendsetter - this explains the rapid spread of the French language and the massive introduction of foreign vocabulary in other countries.

Colonization of other countries by Great Britain

Another reason why English has become an international language is the authority of Great Britain as a state. The power had a large number of colonies around the world. This contributed to the widespread spread of English in Asian and African countries. Willy-nilly, those peoples who were under her rule had to learn new words and read literature in English. Over time, Great Britain further strengthened its dominance. This gradually led to the widespread spread of the language.

Influence of other languages

Those who are interested in why English is an international language will probably be interested in M. Lomonosov’s position on the excessive use of foreign terms in the Russian language. To counter the dissolution of the native language in foreign lexical units, Mikhail Vasilyevich wrote a special work - “Preface on the benefits of church books.” It is worth noting that during this era, the Russian language was influenced not only by French, but also by other languages ​​- for example, Italian. From it words such as “opera”, “aria”, “tenor” migrated into our speech.

There are many objective reasons why English is an international language. One of the main ones is the invention of the computer in the United States and the further development of software. Considering the enormous significance of these inventions for the entire modern world, it becomes obvious that the spread of English in other countries is inevitable.

What is the basis for widespread interest in language?

On the one hand, Russia has always been an opponent of the United States, but on the other, starting in the 40s of the last century, youth groups began to emerge on the territory of the then Soviet Union, which were branded by the state as “fans of the West.”

But what is characteristic of these subcultures (and what causes the greatest sadness) is that they had very little interest in the culture of England or the United States. It was not the works of Shakespeare or Dreiser that caused their delight. And not at all the scientific research of Western researchers. These young people were more attracted not by the culture of the Western world, but by the mass market, limitless consumption. These sentiments have existed to this day, and not only in the post-Soviet space. The spread of pop culture also explains why English is an international language.

Where are the most English speakers?

English speech can be heard in many different countries of the world. It is worth noting that this language is not the most widespread and is second to Chinese. In total, there are more than 80 English-speaking countries in the world - those in which English is recognized as the state language. Where are these states located?

  • In Asia - for example, India, Pakistan, the Philippines;
  • In Africa - Tanzania, Sudan, Kenya;
  • In America - Jamaica, Grenada, Barbados;
  • In Oceania - Samoa, Solomon Islands.

Most of these states are former British colonies. And Britain's influence was not only economic, but also cultural and scientific. In addition to these states, it is also worth highlighting the main ones besides the UK: Australia, Ireland, Canada, USA, New Zealand.

Number of Anglophones on the planet

Of course, the English language is most associated with countries such as America and Great Britain. In many countries it is also a popular second language. The total English-speaking population is 380 million people. There are about a million language learners on the planet. English is a foreign language for 750 million people. But how many people speak English in total? The answer can be given as follows: every fifth person can speak this language to one degree or another.

It is also worth adding that about 80% of all sites on the Internet are also written in the language of the inhabitants of Foggy Albion. For comparison, the next line in the ranking is occupied by the German language, and then by Japanese.

The need to learn English in the modern world

English was able to achieve international status thanks to its application in the business world. All industrial products must indicate the country of origin in English, for example: “Made in France”. This is the language that transnational corporations have chosen for themselves.

English is also replacing European languages ​​in the political sphere. It is the official language of organizations such as UNESCO or the UN. In addition, English can be found everywhere in the cultural sphere. Young people all over the planet love the songs of Madonna, Michael Jackson, and the Beatles.

Why is language needed?

English is needed by both businessmen and those who love to travel. When on vacation, knowledge of a foreign language is useful to everyone - for example, to place an order in a restaurant, to understand what the guide is talking about. Also, knowledge of the language of Foggy Albion will be useful for those who wanted to expand their professional knowledge by reading specialized literature in English. Those who would simply like to get acquainted with the culture of the country will also enjoy reading fiction books. For example:

  • Virginia Woolf's "The Canterville Ghost";
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button;
  • J. London "Steppenwolf";
  • W. Shakespeare "King Lear".

Another undeniable advantage is the opportunity to expand your social circle. After all, now, using the Internet, you can talk with a person from anywhere in the world - just know the language. English helps you find new friends and make life more interesting and varied.

Also, those who own a foreign language have more earning opportunities. Such a specialist can help with translation and earn money at the same time.

US politics at the beginning of the 20th century.

Another reason for the spread of English was the conquest of the New World. Initially, in addition to this language, Spanish, French, and Dutch were also common in America. But at the beginning of the last century, the country was faced with the question of state unity. Something had to serve as a unifying factor, and the language of Foggy Albion served as this link connecting different territories.

Now America is known as one of the main English-speaking countries. It acquired this status because at first the States had a fairly strict policy towards other languages ​​- they were simply forced out. All official documentation was compiled only in English. And over time, this policy yielded results. Many states prohibited instruction in languages ​​other than English. If the then American government had not supplanted other languages, then Spanish, Dutch, or any other could well have become the official language of the United States. And now it’s unlikely that anyone would argue about the prevalence of English.