This means the letter g. The meaning of the letters in the name: influence on character and destiny. Choosing a name: features of different nations

A letter, like a rune, is fraught with a huge semantic and energetic repertoire of possibilities. It is, in essence, a code, a sacred sign of the presence of the unmanifested otherworldly in the manifested thisworldly, a kind of channel of interaction between them. Its influence is realized immediately on all semantic levels from micro to macro, including genetic and event-based, which allows for the most complete control of the semantic contours of our world, associated with the corresponding layers of reality.

The entire semantic series, as a single and multidimensional image, can only be mastered in the process of studying, and then - daily practice of working with letters. Experience shows that an illiterate and superficial approach to the Letter and the Word is fatal: at least, it is fraught with problems at the event level. Therefore, knowledge about the Letter and the Word (the keys to accessing the Force) must be treated with maximum responsibility and awareness. As Kozma Prutkov said: “It’s better not to joke with letters. You never know what kind of word they will come together.”

Letter Figurative name Meaning of the image
A Az God, who lives and creates on earth, is the creator. Initially, the beginning, to begin, the source, the one, the only form, that which was first of all, man, the human Self. Beyond the existing. One. The beginning of all beginnings, that is, the ABCs. Birth. Form of similarity.
B Gods(Beeches) A plurality, a superior form that prevails over something. Predominant, greater. Divine, one source. Strictly ordered expansion, growth, perfection. To be, will be, future, higher. Comprehensive, all-encompassing.
IN Lead I learned wisdom, knowledge inside and outside, on Earth and Heaven, a multitude gathered together, certainty, direction, direction, connecting links, interconnection, the fullness of everything with everything. Wisdom beyond understanding. Inward direction, line, connection. To know, to know and to own. Movement.
G Verbs Movement, actions, outflow, flow, direction, convey, tell, trinity of transmitted information: thought + image + sound = WORD. Perform actions, make speech. Element of fire, heat. Main.
D Good Symbol of purity, virtue. Spirit, the life-giving force in the Universe with which creation began. Growth, acquisition, accumulation, multitude, multiplication, abundance, beyond what is, creation, being above something, proclaiming, fullness and harmony of the created, upliftment, prosperity, integrity. The Primordial Divine Spirit, that is, that which emanates from the center of the Universe and signifies giving and descent. Doing is a given.
E Eat Wealth, presence, being, nature, nature. This is the Sign of the Trinity, the Form of existence of being, to be a connecting image, force, being in a given reality, being in a manifested state, something that has volume and perception, visible and sensual. Earthly life. five elements of life: Water. Metal, Fire, Earth, Wood. Energy.
Yo I am Multitude, variety, multifacetedness, reasoning, connection, connection.
AND Stomach Life, the existence of various forms of life, the interconnection of multitudes, transformation, creation, change, generation and growth, movement, reaching a certain limit, beyond which a new path to a new limit appears. Alive, living, having Life.
Z Earth Knowledge, that which is included in a certain system as an integral part, that with which life contacts, comes into contact, everything in itself is a generative, multidimensional, multifaceted form of the existence of life. Very, beyond. Spark, fuse, thin, fast, piercing, sharp. It conveys the moment of the beginning of the expansion of the Universe and the unfolding of creation, the beginning of time as a series of events of the emergence of life. Shrillness. The source is outside. Strong, strong. Localization, border, completion, separation.
AND Izhe The beginning of everything, the center of the Universe, upward striving, belonging, having. Connection, union, unity, harmony, balance, union form, balancing, harmonizing the life of being. State. If, if and when.
Y Init Small part, clearing, flash, awakening.
TO Kolo, Kako Volume, three-dimensional unification in a person. Like, resemblance, resemblance, resemblance, relatedness. How is he. Essence, Connection, unity, space.
L People Belonging, the sphere of man, which limits a part of space, the relationship between the heavenly and the earthly. Contact with a certain part of space, direction, aspiration, regularity.
M Think Birth , manifestation of the Whole, think, reflect, communicate, movement, a certain sequence of movement, information processing, transformation of any forms, transformation of one into another, change, improvement, generates another. Communication with God. Addressing someone, transmission, source of transformation.
N Our Our embodied image, ours, that is, what exists with us, with us, inside us, not outside the limits of our perception. Everything is known. What was known to our Ancestors. Kinship and intimacy in Spirit. Start off.
ABOUT He A person, a personality, a sphere, an association, someone, something, something, a shell, a foundation located in a special state, separated from the earthly, but already manifested for us. This sphere is created and manifested. Belongs, similarity, direction outward, outside. Appearance, manifestation, form, structure.
P Peace in which the Universe resides, the basis (of the universe), to rest - to be based on something, a suspended state, inaction, immobility, stable balance, support. The Universe itself. Security.
R Rci To speak, to utter speech, differentiation, dividing, clearly defining system, delimiting concepts by homogeneity, structure, form. Source of power, primordial energy, divine power. Repetition, cyclicality.
WITH Word Transmitting knowledge. The structure of the transmission of sound information, connection, vibration, penetrating into various spheres of world perception, materialized thought, that is, thought embodied by vibration for existence. The process of collecting, settling, aggregation and concentration. Get your name. Receiving the information. Material entity, existing.
T Firmly Creation, confident, convinced, true. A measure of approval, a certain order, the inviolability of a position, an indication, a definition. Support, foundation, affirmation, consistency.
U Uk After the letter message, call, foundations, connection; before the letter - interaction with someone or something, location next to something, form of approaching someone or something, feel. Basis of knowledge, doctrine, direction outward, outside. Something coming out from the source. Decree, fasten, indicate, fasten. Falling down.
F Fuck Significance, the very essence, pride, will, freedom, nobility. Glory, top, top.
X Hier Force. Universe. Intersection, a line of defining meanings, interconnecting heavenly and earthly structures for speech in temporal extension, the world balance of the path, connecting. Storage.
C Qi Purpose, determination, the highest ultimate,
H Chervl Frontier, a line known to creative people, the delineation of certain orders, the creation of a frontier, a border, a certain line, an obstacle, beauty, a boundary, a division.
Sh Sha Going beyond certain boundaries, beyond certain images of perception, Silence, peace, space, a certain latitude, breadth, structure, space.
SCH State Protection, fencing, space limited by some boundary, limit, density, diversity.
Kommersant Er Firmness in the concept of affirming some action, creation. The process of creation, creation, unfinished action.
Y eras Unity, connection, plurality, interaction.
b Er Created, created, existing, natural. God given life. Already created, completed action.
E Edo Touching the whole for the purpose of knowledge. But at the same time we get only some part. A form of cognition of a part of the whole. Fading, expiring movement.
YU Yun Light , Movement in a certain area without connection with the main flow, contact, tangential relationship, related to something whole, or located outside a certain circle of things, knowledge, traditions. Rotation, young, new.
I Yat To comprehend, to have. Image. Divine connection, interaction of heavenly and earthly structures.

Special meaning of letters.

Do you know that all letters in a word carry a special semantic and emotional meaning? Compare the exclamations “Ah! Oh! Wow! Eh! They differ only in the sound “x”, but they evoke completely different feelings. Likewise, the meaning of each letter in a person’s name gives it its own unique shade. Only the interpretation of the meaning of all the letters of a name gives a complete picture of its value. Knowing this, you can feel the depth of the name and imagine what impact it will have on your destiny.

Characteristics of the letters of the Russian alphabet.

A - symbolizes power, strength, the desire for mental and material comfort. Letter of leadership. In a negative manifestation - egocentrism.

B – characterized by consistency and aimed at financial well-being. He is not afraid to overcome difficulties and takes the initiative into his own hands.

B – gives courage in choosing new paths, is easy to communicate, has a close connection with nature.

G is a “lover” of thrills, strives to learn something mysterious. Boldly follows the unbeaten path.

D – loves beauty and tries to make a stunning impression. She is capricious, but without hesitation she comes to the rescue.

E – calls you to go on the road, loves traveling. Symbolizes simplicity and charm.

Yo - emotions often overflow. Beneath the surface gloss lies intolerance and violent passions.

F – gives passion and stability in various unpleasant situations. Requires increased attention.

Z – questions everything and prefers a secluded lifestyle. Brings notes of pessimism into life.

And - strives for harmony with the world around him, is distinguished by kindness and romance. Sometimes she is prone to loneliness and asceticism.

Y - indicates isolation and inability to find a common language with people. There is pettiness in the character.

K – a clear distinction between the concepts of “white” and “black”. Endurance and fortitude. Excessive specificity and lack of halftones.

L – a subtle understanding of beauty, loyalty in love and the ability to win people over. In the worst case scenario - narcissism, dissatisfaction with others.

M - kindness and compassion, the desire to help. Stubbornness under the guise of complacency and even inner rigidity.

N is a symbol of protest and denial of everything. Having a critical mind and a categorical rejection of routine work.

O – carries solar energy and cheerfulness. The pursuit of excellence. Variability of mood from delight to despondency.

P – passivity in actions. Ability to summarize details and see the big picture.

R – a tendency not to trust other people’s opinions, loyalty to one’s own judgments, which often leads to dogmatism. The ability to take risks for the sake of a goal.

S – desire for stability and material independence. Ability to adapt to circumstances.

T – creative inclinations. Demanding behavior towards others and yourself. The desire to search for truth. Reassessing your capabilities.

U - a tendency to see the mysterious and enigmatic in everything, which gives rise to unnecessary fears. Lack of sense of proportion.

F – the desire to always be the center of attention and delight others. Dissatisfaction, grumpiness and doubt.

X – lack of flexibility and lack of sensitivity. Dependence on human opinion.

C – a sober outlook on life and business acumen. The ability to adapt and lack of individuality.

H – “I” as part of the whole. The tendency to see “extraordinary circumstances” in everything and worry about it.

Ш – the ability to remain in the shadows and use authority. Good sense of humour.

Ш – bestows generosity and generosity. Sometimes it’s vindictiveness.

Kommersant – oddly enough, means softness and complaisance.

Y – earthiness and lack of striving for the sublime.

b – the desire to look at everything “under a microscope”, to detail it.

E – slyness and charm. Excessive desire for elitism.

Yu – has ingenuity and resourcefulness. An invaluable sense of humor.

I am mental ability. Leadership and activism.


Today history knows a fairly large number of alphabets that were created during the spread of Freemasonry in the 17th-18th centuries. They are the ones who hide the esoteric meaning to a greater extent. Interestingly, the researchers noticed a pattern: some letters of such alphabets resembled Cyrillic ones in their writing or sound.

Ancient magic says that each letter carries special information that affects a person’s life. By changing the original code, you can launch irreversible processes of change in a person’s life. Different nations use their own alphabets, but often the characteristic names for one nation “migrate” to another. Will their sacred meaning change?

What do the letters in the name mean?

Even during the time of Count Alessandro Cagliostro in the 18th century, the influence of letters on human life and their magical meaning was proven. The significance of letters in magic is extremely great; the first to study their influence on life were the pagans. Today their knowledge is closely related to the Greek writing system. The alphabet is still considered by esotericists today to be a special magical formula that has its own laws.

Interesting fact. In ancient times, information about the special power and meaning of each letter of the alphabet spread throughout Europe. At the same time, next to the Latin alphabet, which was used by Europeans, the Greek alphabet also existed. Having grasped the special relationship between these two alphabets, and believing that deciphering the name by letter has a special meaning, they combined two completely different letters and created an improved Latin alphabet, where some elements were borrowed specifically from Greek scripture.

Numerologists and magicians today have come to the general conclusion that the meaning of any letter of a name is extremely important and when characterizing a name, it is imperative to take into account the degree of their influence on each other. They highlight some features of decoding the meanings of letters in names:

  • In names, the first seven letters play the greatest role, the rest have a rather weak influence. The number of letters of a name matters only when its code is calculated, which will help characterize the person as a whole;
  • Letters can be interpreted both in full names and in their abbreviated versions, which are used by people every day. They can be compared and general characteristics made;
  • The first letter of the name is the most important, it determines the characteristics and energy of the person as a whole. The last letter of the name will always weaken the letter in the name that is repeated. For example, if we talk about the name Konstantin, then the last “n” weakens the third “n”, completely neutralizing its meaning. This does not apply to names that begin and end with the same letter.

Is the first letter of a name important?

Some people still underestimate the meaning of letters in a name, especially if it concerns the most important of them - the first. It is this that determines a person’s first aspirations in life, the first directions of activity, his inclinations and way of thinking.

Also, such a letter contains a hidden sacred meaning; it contains a person’s special first task in life, by solving which he will be able to continue his path. Magicians often say that what is important is not only the meaning of the letter that is embedded in it, but also the characteristic vibration that is generated when it is pronounced. By interpreting it, you can clarify whether it attracts positive energy to itself or, on the contrary, is of little significance for such purposes.

It is interesting that if the first and last letters of the name coincide, this also has its own meaning and must be taken into account. In most cases, the same vibrations at the beginning and end of a name indicate that everything in a person’s life will return to normal, no matter what situation he or she is in. Also, this feature of names may indicate that people bearing them will have to return to their old problems each time until they are completely resolved. People who fall under this characteristic usually have the following names:

  • Anna,
  • Vladislav,
  • Alice,
  • Allah,
  • Maksim.

In this case, other characteristics of the letters of the name are also taken into account, since some of them can neutralize the influence of each other and slightly weaken the force of influence.

Name and black magic

You can often hear that most witches, magicians and astrologers choose their own magical name. What is this – a tribute to fashion or a desire to change your destiny? In fact, both answers are correct. But if we talk about past times, then most people, one way or another connected with magic, tried to choose a special witchcraft name that would protect them from otherworldly influences.

Any damage, unkind word or influence of the magical world “rests” on the name of the sorcerer, leaving an imprint on his life path. The black magic of letters has been known to the world for a long time. Having special knowledge, you can change the code and energy of the letter, changing the fate of the person himself. Therefore, in most cases, such people try not to disclose their real names in order to protect themselves. Recently, there has been a trend of changing names among ordinary people. Even those who do not believe in the magic and power of letters, instinctively, realizing the doom of their fate, try to change it with the help of a new letter code. Research shows that such changes have a positive effect on people, but it is extremely important to choose the right name, taking into account the characteristics of your life, zodiac sign and time of birth.

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Choosing a name: features of different nations

It is known that the Latin alphabet has its own magical effect. It is the sacred meaning of the letters of such an alphabet that is associated with the peculiarities of the ancient Roman prophecy of the Sibyls. It was borrowed from the Egyptians and then actively used in the Roman Empire. It was believed that with the help of this method of fortune-telling one could predict a person’s fate or choose a name for him with which he would go further in life. The letters of the Latin alphabet were marked on special wooden cubes. All the dice were thrown into a special silver vessel, and then several dice were taken out at random and the interpretation began by letter. Adults could use the special meanings of letters to find out their destiny. But fortune telling was so popular among the population for another reason: with its help, young parents chose a name for their child.

The magic of the letters of the Sibyls' fortune telling was that several letters were obtained one by one. After this, the witches or prophets combined them so as to create a new name for a person, which will already carry a certain energy.

It is extremely important to correctly and skillfully read the characteristics of the letters of the name and its energy flow as a whole. Based on the proposed recommendations and interpretation features, you can easily trace the characteristic features of the letters and their influence, characterizing the personal portrait of a person.

G, g is the 4th letter in all Slavic alphabets and in many other Cyrillic ones (called: ge). In the Church Slavonic alphabet it is called “verb”, in the Old Church Slavonic alphabet it is called “verbs”, which means “speak”. In the Cyrillic alphabet it is written and corresponds in numerical value to three, in the Glagolitic alphabet it is written as and corresponds to the number 4.

The Cyrillic form is derived from gamma (Γ), the capital letter of the Greek alphabet, while the Glagolitic form originates either from the Greek cursive form of the lowercase gamma, or from a similar letter in the Semitic script.

Italic and handwritten lowercase G are very different from printed ones. They are also different in Russian writing (like a mirrored s) and in Serbian (like an underlined i without a dot).
Capital G, rotated 180º, is no different from Latin L.

Pronunciation and application in Russian

Like a voiced sound [g] (pronounced with a vocal tone that requires trembling in the vocal cords, transmitted by an air column enclosed in the supernatant and in the larynx); the sound is back-lingual, instantaneous (the so-called “guttural”), explosive (from the noise of instantly bursting air passing through the dense membrane created by the back of the tongue and the soft palate), as in the word forge, for example (similar to Lat. or German g).

As a soft, explosive sound [g`] before vowels i and e (it is extremely rarely combined with other softening vowels, as well as with ь and is found only in borrowed words: Alighieri, Gyulchatai, Gödel, Ganja).

As a voiced posterior lingual long spirant (created by the noise of air that rubs against the walls of a very narrow constriction in the form of a gap between the soft palate and the back of the tongue), for example: Lord, God, good, sometimes, then, where it corresponds to a voiced fricative [ɦ], similar to German or Latin [h]. The above words can also be pronounced as usual - [g].

The same sound in a soft alternative: about God, good (pronunciations [ɦ] and [g] are acceptable, as above).
The standard literary pronunciation is [g].

In endings such as -ego, -ogo in pronouns and adjectives, g is always pronounced as [v].
“G” before a voiceless consonant and at the end of a word means voiceless back-lingual sounds (pronounced without a vocal tone, that is, without the use of vocal cords):

. [k] explosive (Bug sounds absolutely identical to beech) and

. [x] spirant (God pronounces: [Boh]).
(In practice, the theoretically possible deafening soft pronunciation of the letter r obviously does not occur; for example, there are no words ending in -г.)

Because of such a diverse meaning, the sign g in the graphics of Russian natural words is used in the transcription of foreign words and to designate Latin-French-German g (gu), like Goethe = Göthe, and for Latin-German h, like Heine = Heine, and for thick aspiration in Greek (spiritus asper), like Helios (ήλιος), etc.

It must be said that when writing, g is almost not combined with s (except for a few borrowings, such as Kyrgyzstan, onomatopoeia, such as gykat, and a colloquial form, like Olegych), and also with e - also only in onomatopoeia (gekat), borrowings ( geg, Gaelic, Gandalf) and abbreviations (gekachepist, Dneproges). At the same time, the spelling and pronunciation often fluctuates: gebist / gebist, Geri / Gary.


The lowercase g is short for gram, a unit of mass.

When indicating dates: year - abbr. from "year".
In the Ukrainian alphabet it is the 4th letter and represents the guttural sound “G”.

The important role of a name in a person’s life has been known since ancient times. Many minds of humanity tried to draw attention to the fact that there is a relationship between a person’s name and the events of his life. Apparently, this influence is very complex and cannot be quickly and easily deciphered.

There are suggestions that the influence of a name is determined by an unconscious component (about which little is known) and the meaning of the name we recognize or information about the people who bore this name. There are many examples of the influence of a name on a person’s fate. One of them is the life story of the outstanding Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. He was born weak, barely alive: he did not breathe, did not move, did not scream, did not open his eyes. Only after an energetic slap did the boy come to life and shout in a deep voice: “Ah-ah!” This gave rise to giving the boy a name starting with the letter A.
In the calendar, among the saints with the letter “A” close to the birthday of the future commander were Anastasius (this name translated from Greek means “resurrected from the dead”) and three Alexanders: Rimsky, Svirsky and Nevsky. The mother leaned towards the first name, fearing that her son, who, in her opinion, was obliged to imitate his patron, would follow the same path. But the boy's father insisted on the name Alexander. The priest noticed that the boy, when he grew up, would choose his own patron among the three Alexanders. It is known that Alexander of Rome was a saint. Alexander Svirsky, according to legend, left his parents’ rich home for a monastery, lived on the island of Valaam for thirty years, where he constantly dug his grave in a granite rock, but never managed to finish it.
Alexander Nevsky is known for his exploits and military deeds. When Suvorov turned seven years old, he had to choose one of two Russian saints as his “angel”. In the presence of his parents and teacher-priest, he was given both lives to read. The future commander Alexander Suvorov chose Alexander Nevsky; he did not want to spend his whole life digging his own grave. In addition to Alexander Nevsky, Suvorov had another role model - Alexander the Great. Classical education of that time dwelt in some detail on ancient history. Alexander Suvorov was able, by studying the works of Plutarch, to get acquainted quite early with the life story of his famous namesake. Having two such outstanding examples before him, the weak boy, through persistent physical training and constant spiritual self-improvement, managed to make himself a great commander.
Throughout his entire military career, Suvorov did not lose a single battle; at the age of seventy, he was able to cross the Alps on foot with his soldiers. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov himself influenced the fate of his descendants. His grandson, also Alexander, following the example of his grandfather, also became a military man and reached the high rank of general - inspector of all Russian infantry.
Attempts to understand and explain the influence of a name on a person’s fate and character are still being made. All of them have a wide variety of approaches to solving this problem. Some works use astro-numerological research methods, in other cases it is proposed to use a symbolic approach. Works based on intuitive characteristics have become widely known. It should be noted that in all cases significantly different meanings of names are obtained. The reader is offered one of the modern approaches to deciphering a name and its influence on a person’s fate.
Researcher Felix Kazimirovich Velichko proposed a semantic-phonetic version of the analysis of the name. He draws attention to the fact that each letter in a word has its own semantic and emotional connotation. F. Velichko offers a simple and striking example. If we compare the short exclamations: “Ah! Oh! Wow! Eh! then you can immediately notice a significant difference in the emotions that these words carry. But these words differ in only one letter. F. Velichko concludes that “a word made up of letters combines their total semantic and emotional connotation.” Among all words, name is one of the most important.
From childhood, a person, getting used to his name, “as if adjusts the vibrations of his “I” to the vibrations of the name.” This leads to the conclusion that our name can influence our character. The energetic name Alexander can turn a weak boy into a hardy commander,” and the soft name Tatyana most closely corresponded to the name of the heroine of Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin.” The assumption is made that the meaning of the name can be obtained by combining the meaning of all the letters of the name. Merging is not always easy and requires a careful and thoughtful approach.
For example, consider the name Anna. This name is widespread among many peoples and sounds approximately the same in different languages. The name Anna is made up of two letters. The letter A is a symbol of beginning, the desire to start and accomplish something. The letter N is a symbol of inner strength, capable of not perceiving everything indiscriminately. It is interesting to note that the word for negation in German is "nein" and in English "now". Based on the meaning of all the letters that make up the name, one can give this meaning to the name Anna - a reasonable initiative. By the way, translated from Hebrew, the name Anna means “grace.” These concepts do not inherently contradict each other.
Let us pay attention to such an interesting detail as the abbreviated form of the name. The shortened form of the name Anna is Anya. Here the letter I gives self-esteem and the desire to achieve the respect of others. The manifestation of these qualities is especially important in a growing child. Now the name Anya can mean intelligent initiative, respecting itself and receiving respect from others. It can be assumed that the more possible forms a name allows, the richer the influence of this name on a person will be. Each letter that forms a person's name gives the name a certain meaning.

Based on the material presented below, you can try to feel the vibration of your name and understand your purpose in life:

A- a symbol of beginning, strength and desire to start and implement something, the desire for a spiritual and physical comfortable state.
B- romanticism, constancy and strength in relationships with people, initiative and the ability to overcome difficulties, the desire to ensure material well-being.
IN- ease of communication, ability to quickly establish contact, realistic perception of reality, unity with nature, creative personality.
G- thirst for knowledge, desire for hidden secrets, the ability to understand everything that happens in life in close connection, attention to even minor details, conscientiousness in all matters.
D- comprehension, reflection before starting a business, the main focus on the family, the desire to provide help, some capriciousness in relationships, a tendency towards extrasensory perception.
E- the desire for self-expression, the need for mutual exchange of ideas, a tendency to play the role of mediator in conflict situations, insight, intuitive understanding of the secret and incomprehensible world, sometimes talkativeness.
Yo- emotional nature, energetic self-expression, violent passions that are not always restrained, a rich inner world, some secrecy, desire as an impulse to action.
AND- a meaningful inner world that is not open to everyone, desire as an impulse to action.
3 - strong imagination and intuition, the desire to isolate yourself from external reality and live in your own closed world, in difficult situations, self-withdrawal from solving a problem.
AND- sophistication, sensitivity, kindness, striving for harmony with the world around us, a romantic soft nature, efficiency and practicality are most often a screen for hiding one’s true essence. TO- endurance, strength and fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, exceptional insight, the main life principle: “all or nothing.”
L- a refined understanding of beauty, extraordinary artistic and artistic abilities, a desire to share knowledge and feelings with a partner, a warning about the inadmissibility of wasting life in vain and the need to find your true purpose in life.
M- a caring nature, a desire to help, sometimes shyness, a warning about the inadmissibility of a predatory attitude towards nature, overcoming the temptation to become the center of everyone's attention.
N- a sign of protest, rejection of everything indiscriminately, inner strength, sharp critical mind, desire for spiritual and physical health, diligence and diligence in work, rejection of monotonous and uninteresting work.
ABOUT- strong and deep feelings, the ability to handle money, the need for self-knowledge, the desire to understand one’s purpose, rich intuition, the ability to highlight the most important and essential from all the vanity of life.
P- wealth of ideas, established strong opinions, concern for one’s appearance”, the ability of the mind to generalize, the desire to comprehend reality in its integrity.
R- the ability not to be deceived by external ideas, the ability to delve into the essence, self-confidence, the desire for active action, courage, passion, sometimes thoughtless risk and adventurism, a tendency to dogmatism in judgments.
WITH- the desire for a strong position and material security, common sense in judgment, irritability, a tendency to be domineering, sometimes capriciousness, the importance of realizing one’s true purpose in life.
T- a creative personality, a sensitive nature, a penchant for intuition, a desire for a constant search for the truth, desires are not always commensurate with possibilities, the symbol of the cross reminds of the transience of life, and therefore one should not put off until later things that can be done now.
U- a rich and active imagination, generosity, the ability to empathize, philanthropist" a constant desire to achieve empathy, philanthropist" a constant desire to achieve an ever higher spiritual level, a reminder that there is truth in life that should not always be announced at every crossroads.
F- the desire to always be in the center of attention, the need to amaze others with your brilliance, friendliness, originality of ideas that sometimes contain very valuable grains of truth, the desire to make people happy and enjoy it yourself, the ability to present supposedly necessary lies with the best intentions, a contradictory internal worldview , generated by a bizarre mixture of a variety of philosophical teachings.
X- a focus on succeeding in life on your own, the desire to gain authority, a tendency to take an independent position in life, increased sensitivity to the assessments given by others, this letter is a reminder of compliance with moral laws.
C- leader, tendency to arrogance and conceit, presence of pretensions, cohesion with the whole, adherence to traditions, lack of ability to exist alone.
H- part of the whole, the feeling of being an inextricable part of the one and the whole.
Sh- special attentiveness to life, the ability to evaluate what is happening based on the smallest hint, modesty, the ability to arrange one’s affairs without noise, a developed sense of humor.
SCH- generous and generous nature, ability to penetrate into the essence of things, striving forward, driving force.
Kommersant- gentleness, the ability to smooth out rough edges in a relationship, the danger of falling under the influence of a strong and strong-willed partner.
Y- involvement in empathy, attraction to material things, earthiness of the spiritual, practical savvy.
b- the ability to detail, dismember and arrange on shelves.
E- the ability to see the hidden essence of events, the ability to see the wrong side of people, good command of language in speech and writing, a tendency to excessive curiosity, the desire to show one’s involvement in a good society.
YU- a penchant for the ideals of universal equality and brotherhood, a desire for truth, the ability for self-sacrifice and, at the same time, for cruel acts,” the necessity of which is determined by higher considerations.
I- a developed sense of self-esteem, the desire to achieve love and respect from others, the ability to get what you want.
The merging of letters in a name is not equal in strength. This influence is due to many reasons. The letter with which the name begins has the most pronounced effect. Of the other letters forming the name, it changed and went out of resonance. The conclusion that can be drawn from this is interesting and may be useful. It lies in the fact that relationships that are established between people in familiar conditions, as a rule, are more stable and stronger than those that arise in some unusual situations.