Communication line. Download audiobook Lev Kassil. Line of Communication Lev Kassil war stories audiobook

Books enlighten the soul, elevate and strengthen a person, awaken in him the best aspirations, sharpen his mind and soften his heart.

William Thackeray, English satirist

A book is a huge force.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Soviet revolutionary

Without books, we can now neither live, nor fight, nor suffer, nor rejoice and win, nor confidently move towards that reasonable and beautiful future in which we unshakably believe.

Many thousands of years ago, the book, in the hands of the best representatives of humanity, became one of the main weapons in their struggle for truth and justice, and it was this weapon that gave these people terrible strength.

Nikolai Rubakin, Russian bibliologist, bibliographer.

A book is a working tool. But not only. It introduces people to the lives and struggles of other people, makes it possible to understand their experiences, their thoughts, their aspirations; it makes it possible to compare, understand the environment and transform it.

Stanislav Strumilin, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences

There is no better way to refresh the mind than to read the ancient classics; As soon as you take one of them in your hands, even for half an hour, you immediately feel refreshed, lightened and cleansed, lifted and strengthened, as if you had refreshed yourself by bathing in a clean spring.

Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher

Anyone who was not familiar with the creations of the ancients lived without knowing beauty.

Georg Hegel, German philosopher

No failures of history and blind spaces of time are able to destroy human thought, enshrined in hundreds, thousands and millions of manuscripts and books.

Konstantin Paustovsky, Russian Soviet writer

The book is a magician. The book transformed the world. It contains the memory of the human race, it is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of savages.

Nikolai Morozov, creator of modern scientific chronology

Books are a spiritual testament from one generation to another, advice from a dying old man to a young man beginning to live, an order passed on to a sentry going on vacation to a sentry taking his place.

Without books, human life is empty. The book is not only our friend, but also our constant, eternal companion.

Demyan Bedny, Russian Soviet writer, poet, publicist

A book is a powerful tool of communication, labor, and struggle. It equips a person with the experience of life and struggle of humanity, expands his horizon, gives him knowledge with the help of which he can force the forces of nature to serve him.

Nadezhda Krupskaya, Russian revolutionary, Soviet party, public and cultural figure.

Reading good books is a conversation with the best people of past times, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts.

René Descartes, French philosopher, mathematician, physicist and physiologist

Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky, an outstanding Soviet teacher-innovator.

Reading is for the mind what physical exercise is for the body.

Joseph Addison, English poet and satirist

A good book is like a conversation with an intelligent person. The reader receives from her knowledge and a generalization of reality, the ability to understand life.

Alexei Tolstoy, Russian Soviet writer and public figure

Do not forget that the most colossal weapon of multifaceted education is reading.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

Without reading there is no real education, there is no and there can be no taste, no words, no multifaceted breadth of understanding; Goethe and Shakespeare are equal to a whole university. By reading a person survives centuries.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

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Audiobook "War Stories" from the "School Library" series. Lev Kassil "The Story of the Absent". Summary and full audio text.
Red Army soldier Nikolai Zadokhtin was awarded the order. During the award ceremony in the large hall of the front headquarters, he addressed the audience with a request to tell about the absent hero, about a boy who was about thirteen years old.
The military unit in which Nikolai served covered the retreat and was surrounded by the Germans. The commander, Lieutenant Andrei Butorin, sent Zadokhtin to reconnoiter the situation. At the edge of the ravine, Zatorin met a barefoot boy with his little finger tied in a blue rag. The boy immediately began to lead the fighters out of the forest, surrounded by Germans. He had already scouted out where the Germans had 4 guns and where the mortars were. Then a German mine hit the ravine and exploded. Zadokhtin was wounded in the leg. A German patrol with an officer appeared on the road from above. The boy, in order to distract the Germans, jumped out to them. The Germans stopped him and began to question him. The boy ran. The Germans killed him with a burst of fire.
Zatorin crawled to his men and told them how to get out. The detachment was saved at the cost of the life of a thirteen-year-old hero with shaggy, faded hair and a freckled face.

Moscow, "Samovar", 2014

A wonderful audio book, published in the “School Library” series by the Samovar publishing house in 2014, “War Stories”, compiled by Marina Vladimirovna Yudaeva, artist Olga Vasilievna Podivilova. The book for children and, mainly, about children of the war years includes stories: Lev KASSIL "The Story of the Absent One", Radiy POGODIN "Post-War Soup" and "Horses", Anatoly MITYAEV "Four Hours' Vacation" and "Bag of Oatmeal", Valentina OSEEVA "Kocheryzhka", Konstantin SIMONOV "Baby" and "Candle", Alexey TOLSTOY "Russian Character", Mikhail SHOLOKHOV "The Fate of a Man" and the early (1957) story of Vladimir BOGOMOLOV "Ivan".
You can read a summary, listen online or download audio stories about the war by Soviet writers for free and without registration.

Audiobook "War Stories" from the "School Library" series. Lev Kassil "The Story of the Absent". Summary and full audio text. Red Army soldier Nikolai Zadokhtin was awarded the order. During the award ceremony in the large hall of the front headquarters, he addressed the audience with a request to tell about the absent hero, about a boy who was...

Audiobook for schoolchildren "Stories about War". Radiy Pogodin "Post-war soup" - about the hungry life of peasants in German-occupied territory. The young tankman fought for the first year. Everything non-military seemed insignificant to him. Suddenly, in a village liberated the day before, he met a boy named Senka, tending two hens and a rooster. "Boy...

Audiobook "Stories about War" for schoolchildren. Radiy Pogodin "Horses". Read the summary, listen online or download for free. Pogodin's story "Horses" about the difficult military life of the village immediately after the Germans left. The former collective of collective farmers, or rather collective farmers. There was only one man left in the village - grandfather Savelyev. "Grandfather Savelyev back in the first war...

Audiobook "War Stories". A story for children of primary school age by Anatoly Mityaev "Four hours' vacation." Read by Nadezhda Prokma. The soldier most often had to fight far from home. However, it happened that a soldier defended or liberated his native village or city from the enemy. Vasily Plotnikov also ended up in his native land. Fascists...

Audiobook "War Stories". Anatoly Mityaev “Bag of Oatmeal” - a story from the “School Library” series, Samovar Publishing House, 2014. A story about the work of paramedic dogs during the war. The wounded soldiers were bandaged by orderlies and placed on plywood sleds, which were called boats. Three dogs were tied to the sled with belts, which...

Audiobook "War Stories". Valentina Oseeva "Kocheryzhka". Read the summary and listen online or download for free. In 1941, beardless sergeant Vasya Voronov, in a Ukrainian village, between cabbage beds, saw a little boy, about two years old, wrapped in a blanket. His murdered mother was lying nearby, holding a bottle of milk in her hand....

Audiobook for schoolchildren “Stories about War”, Valentina Oseeva “Kocheryzhka”, part 2. Read the summary or listen online. Samokhin's neighbor lost them during the bombing of the train on which she, her daughter-in-law and granddaughter were traveling for evacuation. And the son died at the front. The woman could not recover from her grief. Kocheryzhka missed the dog...

Audiobook by Valentina Oseeva “The Stump”, part 3. Read a summary or listen online to a positive, warm, kind audio story about the Second World War. Once Marya Vlasyevna herself brought Kocheryzhka to her neighbors. Petrovna began to treat her to tea. Markevna also came in. The guest sat silently, clutching her mug with both hands, and the women exhausted all empty words...

Audiobook "Stories about War", Konstantin Simonov "Baby" about the heroic work of sisters of mercy and drivers in the war. It was rainy autumn days in Kuban. The army was retreating, there were battles, and German tank columns broke through to the rear every day. A flyer (a truck) with a leaky, covered top drove up to the barn where the wounded lay. Her owner...

Audiobook “War Stories”, Konstantin Simonov “Candle” - a story “... about a candle placed by a Yugoslav mother on the grave of a Russian son...” On October 19, 1941, Belgrade was captured, only the bridge over the Sava River remained in the hands of the Germans a small piece of land in front of him. At dawn, five Red Army soldiers tried to sneak to the bridge unnoticed. Their...

Audiobook "War Stories". “Russian character!” - the name is too meaningful for a short story... Russian character! Go ahead and describe it... So one of my friends helped me out with a little story from his personal life... In war, constantly hovering around death, people become better, all nonsense peels off from them, like unhealthy skin after...

Audiobook "Stories about War", the story of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man", part 1 - the story of the family of the main character Andrei Sokolov. The author’s meeting with Andrei Sokolov took place in the first post-war spring on the Upper Don, at the crossing of the Elanka River on the way to the village of Bukanovskaya. Many destinies were broken and distorted by the war. Difficult...

Audiobook "Stories about War", the story of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man", where Andrei Sokolov talks about the circumstances of shell shock and captivity. Overnight in the church. Andrei Sokolov fought as a driver in a ZIS-5, in a military unit formed near Bila Tserkva, in Ukraine. He rarely wrote home, did not complain and did not respect those “who snot about...

Audiobook "Stories about War", the story of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man" - Sokolov against Commandant Muller. The commandant of the camp was Müller, a short, stocky German, blond and all white himself: the hair on his head was white, his eyebrows, his eyelashes, even his eyes were whitish and bulging; knew Russian well, even spoke...

Audiobook "Stories about War", the story of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man" - the death of the Sokolov family. Meeting of the lonely Sokolov with the boy Vanya. In the hospital, Andrei Sokolov received news from a neighbor, carpenter Ivan Timofeevich, that in June 1942 the Germans bombed an aircraft factory and a heavy bomb destroyed the hut with a direct hit...

Audiobook for schoolchildren "Stories about War", the story "Ivan", chapter 1. Read the summary, listen online or download for free. At one o'clock in the morning, Corporal Vasiliev from the security platoon delivered the commander, senior lieutenant Galtsev, a thin boy of about eleven, blue and shivering from the cold, to the dugout. He was crawling in the water near...

Audiobook "War Stories" for schoolchildren and about schoolchildren, Vladimir Bogomolov's story "Ivan", chapter 1 about the military events of the 1st Belorussian Front in the winter of 1943/44. The chapter introduces the main character of the story, Ivan Buslov, and gives his characteristics and information about the boy’s family. The boy pulled out a dirty nosepiece from his pinned pocket...

Audiobook for schoolchildren "Stories about War", Vladimir Bogomolov's story "Ivan", chapter 2 - about Ivan Bondarev's crossing of the Dnieper. On a cold October night, Vanya Bondarev had to cross the Dnieper on a log. “The boats above are all guarded. And your little boat is in such darkness, do you think you can just find it?.. You know, (he told the newcomer...

Audiobook for schoolchildren "Stories about War", Vladimir Bogomolov's story "Ivan", chapter 3. Read the summary or listen online. Chapter 3 of Bogomolov’s story “Ivan” talks about the work of army intelligence, how operations are prepared, and the extraction of “language”. Patience, endurance, devotion to the Motherland - these qualities...

Audiobook for schoolchildren about children of war "Stories about War", Vladimir Bogomolov, story "Ivan", chapter 4. Read by Nadezhda Prokma. Kholin, Katasonov and Vanya arrived at the location of the Galtsev unit. They were preparing to throw Vanya behind German lines. The boat was checked and prepared. Kholin informed Vanya that Kotasonov had to urgently leave for headquarters. Vania...

Audiobook for schoolchildren "Stories about War", Vladimir Bogomolov, the story "Ivan" - about the young hero intelligence officer. Read by Nadezhda Prokma. About two hundred people are involved in the operation to drop a boy scout behind enemy lines. They are ready to cover us with a barrage of fire at any moment and have no idea about the essence of the operation. "The three of us are crossing to the other side...

Audiobook for schoolchildren "Stories about War", Vladimir Bogomolov's story "Ivan", chapter 6. On a 3-4-seater "tuzik" boat, in the rain, with a headwind, Kholin, Galtsev and Ivan Buslov, who was listed in our intelligence documents under the name " Bondarev", are being transported across the Dnieper. Quietly, they make their way along the shore to the ravine and say goodbye. Vanya goes to the rear...

Audiobook for schoolchildren "Stories about War", Vladimir Bogomolov's story "Ivan", chapter 9 - about the young intelligence hero Ivan Buslov. Berlin capitulated on May 2, at three o'clock in the afternoon. In a dilapidated building on Prinz Albrechtstrasse, in the building of the state secret police, an account card with a photograph of Ivan Buslov was found. It was pinned from below...