Essay “The Theme of Love in I.S. Turgenev’s story Asya. Essay on the topic: Why did Turgenev’s story “Asya” end this way? What proverbs are suitable for Turgenev’s story “Asya”

In 1857, Turgenev’s touching, lyrical and beautiful work “Asya” saw the light. Public reviews of this story exceeded all expectations. “Asya” won the hearts of millions of readers around the world and was translated into many major European languages.

What is the secret of the attractiveness and popularity of this sad and simple love story? Let's find out.

This article will provide you with a laconic analysis of the work, a concise description of its characters and a brief retelling. “Asya” by Turgenev will certainly captivate you with its tender sentimental sensuality and ingenuous, simple chastity. It will encourage you to look at the world in a new way and teach you to value sincerity and purity.

So, meet “Asya” Turgenev, who conquered millions of hearts! Quotes and excerpts from the story mentioned in this article will give you the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful style and style of the writer, and the beautiful illustrations below will help to capture the images of the main characters and their characteristic features for a long time.

History of creation

Once, while traveling around Germany, Ivan Sergeevich became a casual observer of a fleeting picture: a decorous elderly woman was looking out from the window of the first floor of a small stone house. After a moment, the pretty face of a young girl appeared in the window on the floor above. What was the fate of these women? And what could bring them together in the same house? Turgenev’s lyrical “Asya” reflects the writer’s fantasies on this matter. Analysis of the narrative suggests that the author, with insightful, subtle psychologism, was able to convey the atmosphere of a German town and the friendship of two different, but very nice women.


They say that the prototype of the timid and sensual Asya was the writer’s own illegitimate daughter, Polina Brewer. The prototype of the main character could also be Turgenev’s half-sister, Varvara Zhitova. Both girls, deeply worried about their dubious position, could not find themselves in aristocratic society.

What did Turgenev want to convey to his reader? “Asya” (the analysis of the work is presented in the article) definitely answers this question. But before we begin a detailed study of the story, let's briefly recall the plot.

The beginning of a sad story

A brief retelling of Turgenev’s “Asia” should begin with a description of the main character on whose behalf the events are narrated.

The anonymous Mr. N.N. appears before the critical gaze of readers. He, remembering his youth, recalls the events of his tour of Europe and his acquaintance with unusual compatriots.

He meets the Gagins - a young man and a young girl, brother and sister, who are traveling together. Men quickly become close to each other, often spending time together talking and having fun.

The main characters of Turgenev’s “Asia” experience genuine feelings of friendship and sympathy for each other. Over time, Mr. N.N. begins to pay attention to his friend’s sister.

main character

Asya is a special and unusual girl. She is very well read and knows how to draw beautifully, has a keen sense of beauty and has a keen sense of justice.

Asya has a changeable character and extravagant nature; at times she can be desperate and reckless. On the other hand, the girl is vulnerable and impressionable, kind and affectionate, pure and natural.

Possessing such an amazing and unusual character, she attracts the attention of the main character and forces him to look for the reasons for her strange behavior. His feelings for her are truly contradictory: he simultaneously condemns the girl and admires her.

Watching his brother and sister, the main character begins to suspect that in reality they are not like that. What kind of relationship do they have? Are they really lovers, shamelessly playing with the feelings of their friend?

To answer these questions, you need to know the life story of the main character. This is the main theme of Turgenev’s “Asia”.

Asya's story

Asya is not a simple noblewoman. She is the daughter of a wealthy master, Gagin's father, and a poor serf. The ambiguous position, lack of upbringing and personal sorrows leave a certain imprint on the behavior and manners of the main character. She cannot skillfully and socially conduct a conversation, she cannot confidently control her feelings and emotions.

What is so attractive about Asya Turgeneva? The narrator's reviews of her indicate that the girl's main shortcomings are her main virtues. Asya is not like secular coquettes, hypocritical and thoughtless young ladies. She is endowed with imagination, passion, liveliness and spontaneity, which makes her charming and desirable in the eyes of the main character.

Brother and sister

There is a difficult and peculiar relationship between Asya and her brother. Gagin, realizing his duty regarding his younger sister, feels love and pity for her at the same time. He treats her condescendingly and at the same time sincerely, arrogantly and at the same time kindly. And she... She is attached to him genuinely and passionately, afraid of upsetting or sullying him.

“No, I don’t want to love anyone but you, no, no, I only love you
I want to love - and forever,” she passionately and emotionally reveals to her brother.

Unhappy love

Communication with Mr. N.N. awakens in the heart of a young and inexperienced girl a storm of new and incomprehensible feelings for her. She, who does not understand herself and is afraid of her feelings, behaves strangely and changeably, but these are not ordinary whims. Asya's behavior reflects her inner struggle and confusion, her desire to please and charm.

Unable to hide her feelings and not even realizing that this is necessary, the girl opens her soul to her brother and lover. In this childish, naive act, all of her is revealed - the innocent and impetuous Asya Turgeneva. The main characters cannot appreciate her frankness and temperament.

Gagin calls his sister crazy and laments that “she will certainly destroy herself.” However, he still notes Asya’s sublime and noble feelings, as well as her purity and sincerity.

The main character, on the contrary, cannot appreciate the rare and wonderful qualities of the girl who loves him and whom he himself loves. “To marry a seventeen-year-old girl with her temperament, how is that possible!” - thinks Mr. N.N. Yes, he cannot go against secular rules, cannot marry an illegitimate, cannot fight for his love. And even when Gagin straightforwardly and sadly asks his friend whether he is going to marry his sister, he avoids a direct answer and remains silent.

How does Turgenev end his story “Asya”? Reviews of the work indicate that the chosen epilogue is very realistic and successful.


The main character, realizing that she is not loved and understood, decides to leave her first love forever. She doesn’t impose herself, doesn’t make a scene. She simply leaves, taking with her a broken heart and unrelenting pain.

This shows the strong side of the girl’s character - she is determined and adamant in what she considers right, her pride and wisdom are worthy of emulation.

What did Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev want to show with his work? “Asya” (the content and plot of the story are briefly described above) teaches readers that it is important to fight for their happiness, value sincerity and innocence, and not follow the lead of the majority opinion.

Modern reviews

What impression does the pure and straightforward Asya Turgeneva make on modern readers? Reviews of this story continue to be enthusiastic and positive.

Despite the fact that much of the work is not completely clear to the hearts and minds of today’s readers, Asya’s story nevertheless encourages us to think about true feelings and relationships.

Many people like the depth of feelings and fullness of emotions conveyed by Turgenev in the book. The author wrote accurately and vividly, without unnecessary vague phrases and reasoning. It touches the heart not with pathos or eroticism, not with sarcasm or cruelty (as may be common in modern literature). No, Ivan Sergeevich describes on the pages of his story quiet and simple feelings, gentle and noble impulses that find kindness, dignity and generosity in the hidden corners of the human soul.

We really hope that this article will encourage you to take a volume of “Asi” from the library and plunge into the gentle and romantic world of Turgenev, a world where mutual understanding and morality, compassion and prudence reign. And, of course, love.

Reading I.S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” we see that when Asya fell in love with N.N., she was ready to forget about herself. The author writes that for her love “there is no tomorrow.” In addition, she “never has a half feeling.”
The author shows that Asya is faced with such a feeling for the first time in her life. She wants to make her life meaningful, strives to “go... to a difficult feat.” It seems to her that she seems to have grown wings and that, like a bird, she can fly upward. It seems to her that N.N. an extraordinary person, a true hero. Asya dreamed of such a person who “could” accomplish a feat for her. She asks N.N.: “How to live? Tell me what should I do? I will do whatever you tell me...”

Reading the story, we see that N.N. educated, knows literature well, loves and understands music. At the same time, he is busy only with himself. And although he also loved Asya, he could not make a quick decision. I.S. Turgenev shows the hero as weak-willed and indecisive. He cannot contain his happiness.
The heroine's first love turns out to be unhappy.

All her expectations were in vain. N.N. got scared and retreated.

I read with great pleasure the story by I.S. Turgenev “Asya”. I really liked this piece. I'm very sorry for Asya. But on the other hand, it seems to me that they are different people and Asya would still not be happy with him.

    The story “Asya” is about love and only about love, which, according to Turgenev, is “stronger than death and the fear of death” and with which “life holds and moves.” This story has extraordinary poetic charm, beauty and purity. The story is being told...

    N.N. is the hero-narrator of the story. He embodies the features of a new literary type for Turgenev, which replaced the “superfluous people.” First of all, in “Ace” there is no conflict with the outside world, which is usual for Turgenev’s “superfluous people”: the hero of the story is portrayed...

    In terms of genre, this work can be classified as a story. It is based on a beautiful love story, which unfortunately ended in separation. The beginning is an introduction to the Gagins. Development of action - relationships between young people. The climax is the explanation...

    Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev had the ability to clearly see and deeply analyze the contradictions of that psychology and that system of views that was close to him, namely the liberal one. These qualities of Turgenev - an artist and a psychologist - manifested themselves in...

    Why is it so painful and so difficult for me? Am I waiting for what? Do I regret anything? M. Yu. Lermontov The main theme of the story “Asya”. (Turgenev’s favorite theme of his work is the study of a love story outside the social and political background, the depiction of the life of Russians abroad.) ...

The story “Asya” is considered the pearl of the literary heritage of the great Russian classic I. S. Turgenev. It was written in 1857 and tells about the unhappy love of Mr. N.N. for a tender and trusting girl who was the sister of his friend. Despite the fact that the work is small in size, it is distinguished by its depth of content and encrypted meaning. At first it seems that the whole point is that the main characters broke up without finding common ground. In fact, the meaning of the story is much deeper, and it touches on the reasons for failed love.

The main character of the work, Mr. N.N., once at a “commercial” student party in the German city of Z. met two Russians whom he immediately liked. The young man introduces himself as Gagin, and the girl is his sister named Asya. From that day on, N.N. became a good friend of the family and often came to visit them. Somehow he learns from Gagin that Asya has incomplete noble origins. Her mother was a serf and was ashamed of her origin, and Asya sometimes behaved awkwardly in noble society. In general, she was a cheerful girl, she could joke, play mischief, behave like a capricious child, but at times she became a serious young lady.

This impulsiveness scared N.N. a little. Therefore, when Asya openly declared her feelings, he doubted the possibility of this union. Doubts, as you know, are the worst enemy in any matter, especially in matters of love. In my opinion, it was precisely because of prejudice, weak character and lack of self-confidence that N.N. missed out on a girl like Asya. And that is why the story ended sadly. Over time, the main character realized his loss. After all, he had never met a girl who even remotely reminded him of Asya. Until the end of his life, he kept the notes that she wrote to him.

There is a possibility that even then there were mutual feelings between Asya and N.N., but he hesitated. Gagin also believed that he would not dare to have a serious relationship. Only Asya fully believed in the possibility of their personal happiness. She was an exceptional person with a pure soul and an extraordinary destiny. During their date in Frau Louise’s house, she found herself in N.N.’s arms, but instead of opening up, he reproached her for being too frank. After that, he never saw Asya again. She fled in an unknown direction, and all searches for him were in vain.

Turgenev's story became another proof that one must give oneself to love completely, leaving behind all doubts and fears. Happiness cannot be delayed. In order for love to always remain in our hearts, it is enough to love. But in order for your loved ones to always be there, you need to carefully listen to your heart.

The story “Asya” makes the reader think about love again. No one argues that love is the most beautiful, sublime and noble feeling in the world, but, unfortunately, we are not always able to understand whether the feeling we experience is really love. After all, sometimes love turns out to be completely incomprehensible and strange, as happened in the story “Asya”. The main character meets a girl who is completely different from everyone he has ever met. Asya's life itself was contradictory in many ways. The girl's father was a noble and rich man, her mother was a simple servant. Of course, the difference in the position of her parents could not but affect the heroine’s worldview.

In Turgenev's story "Asya" the writer expresses his moral quest. The entire work is amazingly pure and bright, and the reader is inevitably imbued with its magnificence. The town itself 3. is shown to be surprisingly beautiful, a festive atmosphere reigns in it, the Rhine appears silver and gold. creates a surprisingly bright, rich color in his story. What a magnificent abundance of colors is presented in the story - “the air shining with purple”, “the girl Asya, doused with a sunbeam.”

The story inspires optimism and joyful hope. But the outcome turns out to be surprisingly harsh. Mr. N.N. and Asya, who are in love with each other, are young and free, but, as it turns out, fate cannot unite them. Asya's fate is very complex, and in many ways the reason for this is her origin. Also, the girl’s character cannot be called ordinary; she is certainly a very strong personality. And at the same time, Asya is a rather strange girl.

Love for a strange but very attractive girl frightens the young man a little. In addition, Asya’s “false” position in society, her upbringing and education also seem too unusual to him. The experiences of the characters in the story are shown very truthfully and vividly: “The inevitability of a quick, almost instantaneous decision tormented me... I had to... fulfill a difficult duty... the thought that I was an immoral deceiver... kept ringing in my head...” The young man strives to take his emotions under control , although he does it quite poorly. Something unimaginable is happening in Asya’s soul. Love turns out to be a real shock for her, overtakes her like...

The writer shows the feeling of love in all its beauty and strength, and his human feeling seems similar to a natural element. He says about love: “It does not develop gradually, it cannot be doubted.” Indeed, love changes your whole life. And a person does not find the strength to fight it.

As a result of all the doubts and mental anguish, Asya turns out to be lost forever to the main character. And only then did he realize how strong the feeling of love he felt for this strange girl was. But, alas, it’s too late, “happiness has no tomorrow...”